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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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If I were Amy I would be very afraid that Jeremy and Fauxdry will throw her ass in a nursing home when she's elderly.  No way those 2 selfish morons will ever go out of their way to care for her, when she becomes unable to care for herself.

I wish Amy would find a man with a son who is very successful, maybe a doctor with a wife who's a lawyer or something.  Someone Amy can brag about, in front of Jeremy and what'sherface.  That would just totally make my day.

  • Love 8

The adult kids are either reading scripted material OR they are delusional.  Wanting Matt and Amy to reconcile???? WHAT?  That's bizarre.  They are both happier than I have ever seen them.  The war is over. Happy times are here and they want them to reunite?  Insane.  I hope and pray that doesn't happen.  

I would have been suspicious of what Jer and Auj were saying about Amy, but then Tori and Zach kind of confirm that she's been "out there" for quite a while.  So, what's she doing?  She never seems to be doing much except sipping wine and chatting with friends when she parties.  Is there a secret life?  lol Regardless, it's her home and her life.  The boys have short memories.  To be frustrated with mom is pretty funny.  I've never been an Amy fan, but, she sure stuck up for them, even when she shouldn't have.  

I can't figure out what the kids want. Do they just want Matt and Amy to vacate the property and hand them the deed on a silver platter? lol

  • Love 6

Point - I think both twins and their partners are a wee bit disdainful of Amy having her midlife crisis but I think that's due in part to how she was the stable parent. It's clearly no shock to the kids when *Matt* goes on a tear or demands an emergency trip to Hawaii or wants to redo some aspect of the local landscape because he's bored and needs attention... It's just surprising to them that Amy is now being flighty at well. Sunnybebe - Zach and Tory have always been clear that they don't want the farm. It's Jeremy and Audrey who have been saying they intend to "return" to the farm and be farmers and raise their children on the farm. That said, there's never been any talk of paying Matt and Amy for the property, they genuinely expect to be gifted from the look of it. And I seriously question whether Jeremy has the mental chops to actually run the farm... It's telling that Matt does not include him in any serious aspect. Jeremy's job on the farm is basically to look pretty.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

But - Amy seems quite healthy. And she really doesn't seem dumb enough to sign over ownership. I mean, it's most likely going to be a good fifteen years at a minimum before Amy has physical concerns.

If anyone needs to be worried about Jer and Auj's willingness to care for them... it's Matt

I didn't include Matt in that because I don't see him living to old age.



Absolom knows peoples, Sunny ;)

The numbers are crummy and getting crummier but.... TLC is a cable network and they haven't any real hit shows  in ages - The Little Couple  was the last big hit they've had. They  brought back Toddlers and Tiaras and its ratings are even worse. Until TLC gets some new hits, they'll keep dusting the Roloffs off.

  • Love 2

Also didn't the scandal or whatever it was with the production company that produced (or whatever it did, sorry do not know the terms or the details of the "scandal") The Little Couple help the Roloffs to stay on? Since because of the doings at this production company cause The Little Couple and a few other shows not to be aired? I'm sorry to be so vague but Little People is the only TLC show I watch so I'm not familiar with their lineup.

  • Love 1

So in this last episode, Matt is making plans (literally!) to build a few new houses to make a "compound" for the family.  And I keep hearing Jer&Auj saying that they'll be living/getting "the big house"??  Have they been told that this will happen?  Are they just assuming?  I heard Auj say that if they're going to move back to the farm, they need privacy, their own space, etc.  Geez.  It's as if they're saying to Matt & Amy "Hey if you want us living on the farm, it'll be on *our* terms".

And seeing Matt with the architect and him saying (for the billionth time on this show) "Amy will never let me do this!" makes me think that perhaps ALL of this house/compound/big house/double wide, etc has ALREADY been ironed out in the divorce papers.  Maybe it was brought up by some of the kids that due to their part in the success of the show for all those years, that they should have a stake in the farm.  I'm just not buying that all of this is new.  And the way that they ALL refer to Matt's house/home as the double-wide or the WD, makes me think that they all know that that is not Matt's final destination on the farm, so to speak!

They'll make a huge deal out of Matt wanting to build a couple of new houses on the farm and in the end, it will happen.  Amy and Matt will each get a brand new house, custom built for them, nothing huge, but nice and built to their specs.  Jer&Auj will get the "big house" and potentially fill it with little Jers and little Aujs.....     As for the other kids, I feel that they have their cut already and it doesn't include living on the farm, like it does for J&A. (Remember when Jacob was bashing his parents on social media about selling out his childhood for money but that he never got any of it?  Shortly after, all was well with Jacob and the family, which I am sincerely so happy about.  I truly think that at that point financially things got ironed with ALL of the kids.

Oh, and regarding Jer&Auj praying for Matt & Amy to get back together; they HAVE to say that!  It's in keeping with what they espouse on their marriage web site.  No divorce, no sex before marriage. They think that especially Amy with her wild partying and dating is making them look bad, to the public that follows them!  They think they'd sound hypocritical if they just happily accepted the divorce and subsequent dating of his parents.

Sometimes I think that Jeremy appears to be genuinely pained when talking about his parents divorce and Amy's dating.  He seems to be having a very time computing all of it.  Think about it, they were raised with fairly strict morals expected from them, the religious schools they attended, etc.  Maybe Jeremy is thinking "You taught us certain things, and now that you're divorced, all of that goes out the window??".

  • Love 1

I may have missed something, but I didn't hear that J&A were "praying" for Matt and Amy to get together, I just heard Audrey in a TH saying "I'm still team Matt and Amy," which I take to mean that Jeremy isn't ready to give up the whole Roloff as a Whole Empire and all the (potential, in his mind) millions it could generate. 

If I hear the whole "DW" lamentation again I'll mute the TV.  In real life, they'd be saying "Matt's house." But nooo, we have to hear about how he "gave up the big house in the divorce," and how lousy and miserable the DW wide is so Matt just needs to trot out an architect the same way Joe Public orders  up a burger through a drive-through window.  And his constant hiding purchases and plotting to spend large sums of money while rubbing his hands together at how he's either pulling one over on Amy or how he's going to piss her off is really a good window into his character.

As for Amy's "midlife crisis," it's hardly as if she's dragging herself home drunk every night at 3am or parading various bedmates into the house.  The shock and outrage expressed by the twins is nothing more than a fake storyline to try and make this show interesting. As is the building of the "fallout shelter" (whatever they called the Blue Box)- (as an aside- how poorly planned out was that? Obviously just a way to squeeze out an episode. I'm with Amy on this one. If end times arrive, just shoot me dead. I'd prefer that to stacking myself up with a pile of Roloffs in a sealed metal box with no bathroom and having to eat canned beef with my hands.)

  • Love 7

Do Jer and Auj even remotely think about the fact that the "big house" is customized for Matt & Amy? If I were buying it, the first thing I'd have to do (after disinfecting the heck out of it) would be to pull out the kitchen. While it's workable for someone Amy's height, having to bend over to perform the simplest kitchen tasks. But perhaps Jer and Auj don't cook so it wouldn't matter. Or they'll be hiring Amy as their live in cook.

Silly question, but why doesn't Matt have several of his little people stepstools all over the DW? Here he's spent years marketing the things as "necessities" for hotels but there's not a one to be seen.

Is it just me or is Matt's neckbrace driving anyone else a little nuts. He seems to wear it when he wants pity at this point. He'll be out in the mule bouncing all over the place as he tears from area to area of the farm without it but then it's back in the TH or if he wants someone to do for him. It just rubs me the wrong way and reminds me of a former client of mine (I was doing worker's comp plaintiff's work at the time). He gave us the song and dance about how injured he was and then in the trial out come all of these photos and videos of him doing all kinds of things he said he couldn't do, for hours at a time. I wanted to crawl under the table and die.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, MegD said:

I.s it just me or is Matt's neckbrace driving anyone else a little nuts. He seems to wear it when he wants pity at this point. He'll be out in the mule bouncing all over the place as he tears from area to area of the farm without it but then it's back in the TH or if he wants someone to do for him. It just rubs me the wrong way and reminds me of a former client of mine (I was doing worker's comp plaintiff's work at the time). He gave us the song and dance about how injured he was and then in the trial out come all of these photos and videos of him doing all kinds of things he said he couldn't do, for hours at a time. I wanted to crawl under the table and die.

HAH!  As a purely personal aside, I started my brief foray into the Private Investigations field way back in the 1970s capturing those Kodak moments  Surveillance sucked balls, but it was still an unseemingly satisfying experience.  :-D

  • Love 4

And I keep hearing Jer&Auj saying that they'll be living/getting "the big house"??  Have they been told that this will happen?  Are they just assuming?  I heard Auj say that if they're going to move back to the farm, they need privacy, their own space, etc.  Geez.  It's as if they're saying to Matt & Amy "Hey if you want us living on the farm, it'll be on *our* terms".

Amy and Matt have not ever formally agreed to this plan so right now, this is all assumption on their part (as presented on the show - its possible there's some different divorce arrangement on the down low but honestly Matt's issues with the DW feel very much like Matt playing for sympathy and not much else) On screen, Matt and Amy have NOT agreed to the "Jeremy and Auj will simply decide, on their terms and their schedule, that they will be given the big house to live in and to raise their family in" plan. In fact, there's been a number of episodes where it's pretty clear that Matt and Amy are not ok with it - the Hawaiian vacation episode in particular where Jeremy was absolutely desperate to nail it down on camera that Matt and Amy wanted him to have the farm and he was oh so willing to sign a paper with Zach that he'd always let Zach visit blah blah blah. As it stands right now, the property of the farm is split between Amy and Matt per the divorce,  and if Matt is to be believed, Amy controls the big house and it's disposal.

To a certain extent, I do think something has been hashed out off camera, if only because of the show - at some point, if the show continues, Jeremy and Auj will need to live closer because the storyline of "We want the farm, oh Dear Jesus we are FARMERS!" becomes increasingly ridiculous if they refuse to live and work on the farm. But I don't think Amy is signing over ownership of the property at all, and neither is Matt... and I think that's pretty clear to everyone including the viewing audience, except Jer.

I accept that some of the marriage issue is because Jer and Auj are basically branding themselves as marital counselors and pastoral counselors but frankly since its so obvious and has been for years and years that divorce was the end game, it just makes Jeremy look like an obtuse idiot as he tells his mom (and never his dad) to fix it. And it IS VERY noticeable that Jeremy doesn't stage scenes with his dad where he shares his wisdom with Matt and tells Matt how wrong Matt is and that Matt needs to man up and start fixing his marriage, starting with maybe Matt not openly lying about his purchases and hiding the finances (if you read the jer and auj marital site, there's at least one article about how very important it is to be open and honest about finances and to share accounts etc) and to me that says a great deal about how Jeremy really views marriage. Audrey also seems to take the tone that Amy needs to mind her man and considering how the marriage played out... no, this divorce didn't happen entirely because Amy is a hateful bitch who needs to shut her bitch mouth and tend her man better.

The DW lamentation is snobbery on all their parts. Its a nice home. There's plenty in this world who would be grateful to have such a nice home to raise a family in. I notice how it's NEVER on the table for Matt to build his special house that's not a DW and for Jer and Auj to take the perfectly nice DW.

And I *really* notice how NO ONE ever says "Hey Jeremy, why don't you man up and buy your own home with your own money". I mean he's not handicapped, he's close to 27 years old, why exactly is he expecting his parents to provide him a job and a place to live? Jeremy? Time to stop being a child and be a man - if you're man enough to smugly post how you fuck your wife, then I think you're man enough to actually pay for your own place to live and to support your own family without your hand out to mom and dad.

  • Love 7
38 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

If I were Matt and Amy, I would offer the leeches J&A the very nice doublewide for a modest rent and farm chores would be expected.  

"Farm chores." I'd been wondering what Jeremy was making me think of, and it clicked just now.

He reminds of of Marie Antoinette playing milkmaid.

(But he really believes it.) 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

HAH!  As a purely personal aside, I started my brief foray into the Private Investigations field way back in the 1970s capturing those Kodak moments  Surveillance sucked balls, but it was still an unseemingly satisfying experience.  :-D

My client looked at me and said "What? I knew they were filming!" I just didn't know what to say to him. The opposing counsel told my boss that he knew I wasn't in on it because I looked like I wanted to throw up.

I think Jer and Auj have decided they are the "stars" of this fiasco. They are trying to swing their own show like the Kardashians spun off all those other shows. Guess what. No one wants to watch a series about how to manscape and make your hair look like you just rolled out of bed. No one also wants to hear about your yoga or your latest "OMG we're married, we have lots of sex!!!!eleventyone" verbal diarrhea either. Go away!

  • Love 4

I'm probably a bad person for wishing a fight in a family, but I kinda wish Zach would put up a fight. I totally understand why he isn't, but it makes me so mad to see how smug Jeremy is when he has 3 other siblings who could stand to benefit from the farm.

My family actually has a good chunk of land in Texas (near Brenham if anyone is familiar) there are a couple of different pieces, but to keep things fair when my mom died instead of giving each of us one of the pieces (I have 2 siblings) each piece of land was separated between the 3 of us... it seems complicated but it was the only way to keep things fair between us... one piece of land has minerals/oil mined from it, so we get a check each month (not a lot), one piece is leased so has an income from the rent, and the other is shared with my aunt (moms sister) that has a house and more mineral rights (she currently lives there, but doesn't have kids, so that will most likely be distributed to us too).  My point is, to keep it fair we each got a piece of each property because even though there are 3 of us and 3 properties which seems like it would be an easy distribution, it always would have seemed someone got the short end of the stick, what if the minerals dried up, but the other one of us was still getting income from the lease for another 20 years, not really fair. 

The other thing that annoys me about Jeremy calling dibs on the land, there is more income from that land than just the house, meaning would they likely benefit from the income of the farm (assuming they continue pumpkin season etc.) who knows what the agreement would be, but all of the children worked hard growing up and deserve to benefit from the success, and I would hate to see him monopolize that for his own family since he physically lives in the land... and if he treats his siblings like employees if they were to come back I will go there myself to chunk a pumpkin fat his head.

  • Love 4

I think Zach has done a great deal of work on the farm that has never been acknowledged.  No, he wasn't the one driving the backhoes and graders, but he did a LOT of the tractor tours.   I think he probably did a lot more also, but it didn't make for as great filming as the Matt and Jeremy mutual adoration scenes did.  Matt and Amy both seemed to see Zach as  the dwarf with the medical issues, and learning issues, while Jeremy and Molly were the angels that could do no wrong.  Jacob erson that, and his absence is the result.  Zach has quietly matured, bought his own place, has a job, a spouse, and seems content.  Jeremy is the lost poet who doesn't know what to do without adoration.

As for Matt and Amy: If their children did not realize a divorce would be occurring years ago, then they went thru life with their eyes closed.  Yes, they went to a private Christion school - but their parents were never that religious.  They were Baptist, yet Matt has multiple DUIs for example. Jeremy doesn't care about their marriage really, he cares about it in two ways: the divorce makes Jeremy's and Audrey's website look stupid, and they are both afraid they will be taking care of Matt as he ages. Matt spends money as fast as he gets it (he's almost manic about it), and he won't be able to move himself about on crutches forever.   Living on that farm in a wheelchair will be difficult.  Jeremy's religious rantings are solely his, he didn't have them when he lived at home.

  • Love 8

I haven't watched the show in years but a friend shared Matt's FB post that Zach & his wife are having a boy. Now I am curious and have 2 questions: Do they know, or have they mentioned, if the baby will be a little person? Seems if they've had a sonogram to find out the sex they would know if there are any medical issues. And, what is Zach's job?

I seem to remember that Jeremy is/was a photographer? I also saw that Molly is a CPA and is getting married.

  • Love 1

It's too early to kniw about little personhood. The photo of Tori at 4 months could be twins.

Jer failed as a photographer. He and Oddj now run a marriage advice website and spend their time plotting to take the farm without actually working there.

Jacob has retired from public life.

Edited by Willowsmom
  • Love 4

I didn't include Matt in that because I don't see him living to old age.

I don't see him living to 90, but I also don't see him keeling over at 60, in two years time. I actually wonder how the family would really handle Matt lingering over the next ten to fifteen years. For all Matt moans about how he'll be dead in months and has been whining for years how he never expected to live long enough to be old... He doesn't appear to have anything so wrong with him that he'll be dropping dead in his tracks.  And as much as he's not wearing the neckbrace and merrily chuckling how he just HAS TO ignore medical advice, truth be told, Matt has seemed to slow down quite a bit. No projects, no being lifted into the track hoe....

But he's not likely to simply die abruptly. He's looking at a slow decline and I don't think Jeremy in particular understand that ten years from now, when Jeremy is 36, that his father and his mother will both likely still be alive. It's entire possible that Amy will live well into her 70s. I genuinely wonder, when Jer and Auj sit around endlessly planning their take over, if they've ever considered how Jeremy's parents may not drop dead on their schedule.

  • Love 7

I don't think it's occurred to either Jer and Auj to wonder what if Matt/Amy don't die on J & A's timetable. They seem to assume that they will both be out of the picture by the time J & A are ready to take over. Not sure it matters to them if M/A go live somewhere or else or just die. Neither of them seem to think of any plan b cause plan a seems to be their only plan.

  • Love 4

Amy has a picture with Chris and others from around Christmas, so he's definitely still in the picture. I just hope that if he sticks around, we don't have to see Amy acting all awkward. I get it, she's only been with Matt and here she is courting some guy on TV, but my goodness I get so embarrassed for her with all of that giggling. Anyway, I just hope that Chris is a good, genuine guy and that he's really interested in her for herself.

On another note, Amy, Matt isn't trying to spy on you. Hell, I barely think he even cares one bit what or who you're doing. He couldn't wait to get divorced. Why would you even wonder or suspect that he's trying to watch you and see what you're doing? I think you know this and it bothers you a little. You try to act all tough and cold to Matt and when he gives it back you get all offended. I don't understand it.

And you also need to put Jeremy and his wife in their place. Who cares if they want to move into the big house? Are they going to be able to handle the bills?  Pay the taxes? Pay for the renovations? Do they expect to just move in and let you and Matt continue to pay for everything? Are they expecting a TLC spinoff show (I won't be watching)? Do they expect to keep things going by selling pumpkins?

Zach needs to get that gray, front tooth looked at.

  • Love 3

Tori and Zach made me smile.  They are such a sweet couple.  God bless them and their new little one!

Amy made me cheer.  Her "I'm not stupid" remark put Matt on notice that she is on to his game.  The house is hers.  Back off!!!!!!!!!!

I hope she finds a lovely man, moves him into the big house with her, and lives there until she's at least 105.

  • Love 8
18 minutes ago, MitaJo said:


On another note, Amy, Matt isn't trying to spy on you. Hell, I barely think he even cares one bit what or who you're doing. He couldn't wait to get divorced. Why would you even wonder or suspect that he's trying to watch you and see what you're doing? I think you know this and it bothers you a little. You try to act all tough and cold to Matt and when he gives it back you get all offended. I don't understand it.


It bugs the snot out of Matt that Amy didn't just crawl in a corner and stay there.  I think he wants to know who she has ON HIS FARM.

  • Love 3

It's so difficult watching Amy with Chris. Her flirty, giggly self is not endearing. I'm so used to the snippy, bossy Amy lol. I've said it before, I like Chris. But I strongly suspect he is after something more. Fame (on a TLC level), money, or maybe the big house. Seems like everyone else wants the big house so, why not join in ?. 

I thought it was sweet how Matt and Amy took a moment to talk about the new baby. I want to say I'm team Matt and Amy but I might get flamed ?

Tori and Zach...there isn't a more perfect couple out there. I think they are going to make great parents! Zach was always kind of a lump before, but he has grown so much in the last couple years. 

  • Love 4

Amy's giggling and making any situation in Volvo go dating awkward was really offputting to me, ok I get it it's not the most comfortable situation, but YOU'RE the one making things awkward. I binge watched to and if I heard about that damn motorcycle ride one more time I was going to throw something. I am happy for her getting back out there, but not the teenager act... you've been married to one person ok, but you've also now raised 4 children who all dated at some point, so you weren't completely removed.

Amy did redeem herself to me when she put Matt back in his place with the "I'm not stupid"... he thought he was so sly when she asked if he was suggesting she move into the DW, whether that had occured to him or not, it sounded like he all but already gave Jeremy and Auj the big house, without a ton of thought about Amy would go. I don't understand why Jer and Auj just breiefly mentioning coming back entitled them to the house, if anything they can move into the DW, and pay to have a house put on the property should they so desire.

  • Love 4

I couldn't believe my ears!  Did Jeremy actually say "we aren't ready to move back to the farm because we still have work to do in Bend"! Those two asshats don't work...They play and then plan their next play session!  They live off Jeremy's trust his parents set up for him from the shows previous earnings and their appearance fees from the current season!  I feel Zach and Tori have the better marriage!

  • Love 8

I couldn't believe my ears!  Did Jeremy actually say "we aren't ready to move back to the farm because we still have work to do in Bend"! Those two asshats don't work...They play and then plan their next play session!  They live off Jeremy's trust his parents set up for him from the shows previous earnings and their appearance fees from the current season!  I feel Zach and Tori have the better marriage!

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I couldn't believe my ears!  Did Jeremy actually say "we aren't ready to move back to the farm because we still have work to do in Bend"! Those two asshats don't work...They play and then plan their next play session!  They live off Jeremy's trust his parents set up for him from the shows previous earnings and their appearance fees from the current season!  I feel Zach and Tori have the better marriage!

"We aren't ready to move back to the farm..." actually means "hey, dad, you told me I could have the big house.  Mom ain't leaving anytime soon.  Deuces!"

  • Love 4

I don't blame Amy for not liking the cameras.  They were not there until the divorce, so why is there a need NOW?  

Love that Amy is dating.  Nice to see her happy.  Don't mind her giggling.  It won't last.

Zach and Tori are wonderful.  They are going to make wonderful parents.

Jeremy and Audrey only add an annoyance factor to the show.

  • Love 12

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