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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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So when Amy does one donut in the field, Matt flips.  But when the mood strikes him, he is free to bulldoze an entire racetrack in the same field.   And that's all fine and dandy.  Okay.  Just checking.

Why did I have to sit through some complete unknown stranger trying on wedding gowns?  I don't care to watch that.  There are plenty of wedding shows all over the dial if I want to watch that. I don't tune into this show to watch that. 

  • Love 20

Things I could do without ever seeing:

  • Oddj's wedding planning
  • Matt whining about how no one knows how much he suffers (here's a tip moron, don't do dangerous things if your neck is so fragile)
  • Oddj's lack of a hairbrush
  • The manbun
  • The word "babe"
  • Jer and Oddj's sage wisdom (including marriage and cat care tips)
  • Matt's new toys and his manipulation to get them
  • The Men's Crisis Center

Meanwhile, I kind of like sassy Amy. Was I the only one to notice Amy's subtle slam of Matt's driving? Because I snorted.

  • Love 8

I shall present the award now for the weekly Roloff grammar blunder for the cringe-worthy "The track needs some analyzation" to.... Jeremy.

I think TLC is scrambling at this point to come up with endless "fun family activities" (such as the ATV race) to try not to let the show die a natural death. Obviously no one in the family needs to have a real means of employment- all they do to fill their days (with the exception of Tori) consists of home projects, farm projects, remodeling, setting up games and fun, and take trips.  Ah, what a life.

My ears are bleeding from the serious vocal fry that all the girls use when talking.  What is that?!

I noticed that when Audj's friend was modeling the wedding gowns, Audj looked totally bored and at one point almost missed her opportunity to go, "oooh". She looked like she wasn't even paying attention.  I sure am glad that she feels honored to impart all of her marital wisdom to her buddy.  I know she has experienced the trials and tribulations of a strong union over the past two years, while not working, living in a cool town with her traveling cat and bun-sporting (non-working) husband, driving around in a vintage BMW and Subaru (I just can't).

The previews for next week show Matt agonizing over a steroid injection that "could paralyze me!"  I am a medical provider and we did a lot of those injections.  Believe me, the drama factor is nowhere near what he makes it out to be.  Big yawn.

  • Love 8

In addition to her egregious grammar errors & possessing a limited vocabulary, Oddj can't even use the words she does know appropriately.  It's like a bizarre salad when she speaks- random things tossed together in a haphazard manner that makes sense in her mind but not to anyone else.  When she was shopping with her friend at the wedding supply place, the owner had laid out several place settings and some had flowers on the plates.  Oddj, thanks to her deep and vast wedding planning experience, sets up a setting with one sad sprig of lavender and then pronounces it "functional". Ummm...no. Maybe a tiny bunch of lavender tied together could be "functional" as a decoration in a mini vase, or as a sachet, but I'm scratching my head over what function a single stem will provide. 

More proof of scripted drama with the Roloff Race. ZZZzzzz.  Notice how Jer(k) had to let us all know he only lost to Zach b/c of his traumatic flip the day before.  Will this GoKart track be yet another venture for the farm? They probably could generate income from that. But maybe that's something Zach should run instead of Rollover Roloff.

I liked the darker hair color for Amy, but not the style so much.  The bangs are too heavy IMO.  But it was nice to see Amy feel so good about herself and let loose with her friends.

  • Love 4

Watching to see how many alcoholic beverages Oddj consumes could be a drinking game itself.  I think I counted 3 different scenes last night.

By the way, Oddj posted on Instagram that they've already flown the winners of the "Beating 50 Giveaway Trip to Bend" in for their super special hipster weekend. They "flew them in" from Maui, and they are "the raddest couple."

  • Love 2

The cat in the car irked because its so pretentious and dangerous for everyone involved.

Rather than just bag on poor Auj for her performance, I will point out the problem in hopes that production does something to change the situation. The problem is that while Zach and Tory have a storyline that is nominally about them, and we've known Tory for a bit, Audrey's little storylines are consistently ALL ABOUT AUJ with Jeremy shunted off to participate in Matt's "Matt and Jer do dumb stuff" storyline. Did Auj even show for the oh so important time trials with the new toy atv? I get that she probably wants to actually be a wedding planner so I will give her credit for at least wanting to have a job but it makes for dull viewing when a significant part of the show is about the wife of one of the kids planning a wedding for one of her friends that we've never seen on the show and will likely never see again. As a viewer, I have no reason to give a damn about Auj by herself, and I find it increasingly odd that she and Jeremy are rarely together except when they are in cars together. Really, are they even staying at Amy's place on these trips?

  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:


I liked the darker hair color for Amy, but not the style so much.  The bangs are too heavy IMO.  But it was nice to see Amy feel so good about herself and let loose with her friends.

I liked the color too but hate the bangs cut straight across style or lack there of style. That always makes me think of a lazy person that doesn't wanna fix her hair, and it is not flattering on her at all. JMO ;) 

  • Love 1

She looks much softer and prettier with her hair lighter.  The dark hair looks too severe.  Someone once told me that older people should wear lighter hair.  I will say though that Amy's hair is really shiny and looks healthy.  When she was crossing the street to meet her friend at the bar I noticed how shiny it is.

The difference between Fraudry and Tori is incredible.  When Tori was sitting on the porch talking to Molly, she looked like she didn't have any makeup on, or maybe just a little, but she was beautiful.  She also seems like a genuinely caring person.  Fraudry looks really rough without makeup and she seems completely fake.  I swear in the some of the talking heads she looks at Jeremy like she can't stand even sitting next to him.

Also, I hated the wedding dress that her friend chose.

  • Love 6

I shall present the award now for the weekly Roloff grammar blunder for the cringe-worthy "The track needs some analyzation" to.... Jeremy.

I know I cringed when I heard that, and thought to myself "the word is analysis, moron", but apparently it is actually a word in the dictionary.  Granted, it's probably one of the newer words that have entered the dictionary because they become common parlance, so in my mind it's still the mark of a moron when it's used.


The cat in the car irked because its so pretentious and dangerous for everyone involved.

Everyone knows the only cat that should be allowed in the car is Toonces the Driving Cat.  

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

I liked Amy's new hair, but it looks like she didn't keep it?  Her hair was pretty blonde in the talking head.

I swear, for the past couple of episodes, before the new 'do, Amy had a blonde wig on in some of the talking heads. I thought it must be my imagination, that maybe she got more blonde added to her hair, but it really looked like a wig to me. Now I am convinced she was wearing a wig to cover her new color/style for continuity.

It does look like she added more blonde to the new color, though.

Edited by shoovenbooty
  • Love 1

7- Day Marriage Challenge Day 6 - Keep Dating

Laziest challenge ever! There's no video, no poll, no question, no points, nothing except a paragraph telling me to either go on a date with my spouse tonight or use today to plan a date with my spouse followed by a link to a blog post about date ideas! They're very bad at pretending this is their job.

Most Recent Episode

  • Matt reminds me of my father-in-law who uses the 'family fun!' excuse to buy himself expensive new toys.
  • Who takes a cat on a road trip?
  • Whoever Ellen and Nolan are, I bet they don't read Jer & Auj's blog.
  • I think Amy has always been one of the most real people on this show and even more so now.
  • Love 4

It does appear as if TLC is testing the waters to see if JerrOdd could carry their own series, or at least a greater share of the current series.  Otherwise why on earth would they subject us not only to Odd segments minus the family, but as others have said with complete strangers who we have never seen, and at least in my case hope never to see again? And like others I FF'd past the Odd segments as I have zero interest in her or her friends. Or for that matter Jer with the fiance of her friend. Just no.

I wonder if Molly will move back once she graduates to work, and be in the series a bit more. She and Zack and my favourites and I love her relationship with Tory.

It was nice to see Amy out and enjoying herself, though I don't buy that all of those guys came over to the table to meet Amy and her gf on their own. I am sure being on camera had something to do with it. But in any case, good on her. I think her hair colour while pretty was too dark for her, and was not surprised to see a lighter colour again in the THs.

  • Love 5

I love that Amy is exploring her new life, even the missteps are  positive moves. And Matt hasn't changed one bit. If i were Amy all the farm accounts would have to have counter signatures and no ATM or any other cards associated with them.

Dear God PLEASE no Jer and Oddj spinoff. I have a feeling they are trying to invent Oddj speak, like Buffy speak, to make themselves more important and attractive to TLC.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

 I get that she probably wants to actually be a wedding planner so I will give her credit for at least wanting to have a job but it makes for dull viewing when a significant part of the show is about the wife of one of the kids planning a wedding for one of her friends that we've never seen on the show and will likely never see again.

She wants to incorporate this service on the farm when she and Jeremy get the farm.  She said that!

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

She wants to incorporate this service on the farm when she and Jeremy get the farm.  She said that!


I about fell out of my chair when she said that. 

Their blog has 8,352 signed up. Is that a lot??? Also, no paid ads that I saw. 

The cat's name is Pine. Ain't that just too precious?

  • Love 2
On 7/9/2016 at 9:02 AM, sucker4reality said:

7-Day Marriage Challenge Day 2. Theme: The 5 Love Languages!

(Seriously Jer & Auj, the world doesn't need you to introduce them to a book someone else wrote.)

Anywho, in the welcome video today, Jer tells us that he and Auj discovered The Five Love Languages "early on" in their marriage (Early on? Like yesterday?). He gives an example by telling us that he always tells Audrey how pretty she is, but because her love languages are gifts and words of affirmation, it speaks to her so much more when he writes it in a note and leaves it on her steering wheel. That's because leaving a note on her steering wheel counts as both a gift and a word of affirmation.

Well,  today they want you and your spouse to go to the 5 Love Languages site and take the quiz to determine your love languages. They include a screen shot of the site with a big arrow and the words "Click here" in case you can't figure out where to click to find the quiz. Hint: It's the link that says "Discover Your Love Language." 

(Bonus for the grammar police: "Find out what your love language is and what your spouses is. If you already know them, do this anyways.")

Once you do that (I didn't; my hubby and I have the actual book and took the quiz years ago, just after our honeymoon), they want you to write your answer in a submission box they provide. You get 10 points for doing that!  I didn't notice I was earning points yesterday!

Then you get the CHALLENGE (capslock theirs,all errors theirs, italics mine):

Now that you know your spouses love languages, have a conversation with them exploring some ways you would like to be loved. Be vulnerable, this conversation should be a safe space for expressing how and where you need to be loved. For example, "I feel loved when you text me 'I'm proud of you' randomly throughout the day, could you do that for me this week?" Or, "I feel loved when you surprise me with flowers, or a gift." Discover ways to love your spouse this week, and actually do them! The little things often reap big rewards. Have fun!

Spouses love languages? Are they on LPBW or Sister Wives?

These two are saving marriages everywhere!  Pretty soon she is going to discover she would rather have her husband vacuum or take the trash out than text her throughout the day.  Flowers and gifts cost $.  When the gravy train stops will the bloom be off the rose??  Wonder what kind of divorce challenges they will come up with when that happens?  

You get POINTS???  Is this for the fabulous double date?  

19 hours ago, IndianPaintbrush said:

Auj should maybe stick to wedding planning instead of marriage counseling.  Is it safe for Jer and Auj's cat to be climbing around the car?  I could never do that.  My cat hates the car and would probably cause a horrible accident.

I liked Amy's new hair, but it looks like she didn't keep it?  Her hair was pretty blonde in the talking head.

Did a cross country trip with 2 cats in a Ford Festiva in 1992.  Thought drugging them would be a good idea.  Nope.  Just made them slower and more chatty.  They would not be crated (they screamed until we gave in).  Day 2 we didn't drug them and they were great.  Didn't roam and just slept or watched the trucks.  One of them loved the sights.  Would not do it again though.  Nervous wreck getting them from the car to the motel and back again.  


She wants to incorporate this service on the farm when she and Jeremy get the farm.  She said that!

Yes she did. What makes it all the more hilarious is that there is no actual "wedding venue" business at Roloff Farms. The people who got married on the wedding episodes were either Roloff children or people who were *offered* the wedding venue in exchange for being filmed. Matt and Amy get away with the cut rate amusement park because they are technically selling farm produce so they can avoid dealing with the zoning issues. If they are running a commercial business and not a farming business, the laws change. As it is, they're lucky they have been able to skirt around the law with the pumpkin patch attractions. That Audrey doesn't know this makes me think Jeremy must not know this because if they're really planning to run that farm as a wedding venue, there would need to be a LOT of changes. Because there's a lot of shit that isn't up to code that doesn't need to be up to code when it's a farm, but when it's a commercial business, you can't just eyeball it and run the track hoe over it.

What I'd actually suggest for Jer and Auj, although I doubt the farm is "woodsy" enough to make this work, is setting up a hipster marriage retreat center. Get a bunch of tiny houses in a circle with maybe a large yurt in the center as "the meeting hall" and have couples book a week to live in a tiny house and attend marriage lectures from these two.

Personally, it's not something I'd do, or attend, but it could run year round, the guests aren't in the big house, and Matt and Jer could "do projects". The biggest problem such an idea has is getting the land to begin with....

  • Love 4

To make up for the lazy challenge this morning, I got a text tonight asking me to post a picture of our hot date night #Beating50Percent

Y'all, I'm at home with a teething baby and my husband's working a 12-hour night shift. Oh and tomorrow's our anniversary. How fitting. #realworld

Edited by sucker4reality
  • Love 11

Day 7 - Navigator's Council

They stepped it up again for the last day. In the video, they tell us they have a series of questions they ask each other weekly in their marriage. They call this "Navigator's Council." They want us to adopt it and let them know how it goes. Audrey finishes up by telling us, yet again, that she's "so stoked" that we completed the challenge and gives us "major [double] high fives," and the video cuts off with her grabbing her crazy hair and pulling it around to the front of her face.

The intro paragraph is so long today I had to scroll five times on my phone to find the bottom. True to their style, it starts off with the sentence, "We have prioritized an imperative rhythm in our marriage, that has led to tremendous pay off so far."  What is this payoff? Lest we think these two came up with this on their own, they explain the Navigator's Council is partly inspired by their favorite book, A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken (they put the book title in quotation marks; the italics are my correction) and partly by their premarital counseling. They've talked about this on the show. I don't know why these questions are a "rhythm" but they started asking each other the questions on their honeymoon.

Scrolling through the rest of this paragraph, I can see it's so long because it's so flippin' repetitive. 'Navigator's Council' is vital, important, necessary, important, big word, helpful, important, big word, crucial, blah, blah, blah. It's written like my tenth graders' in-class essays. Oh, and there's a link to their blog again.

Ok, there's a checklist of the questions:

  • What brought you joy this week? Baaabe, I was so stoked  you procured that  wine last night and yesterday at lunch, and the day before. It was adorbs.
  • What was something that was hard this week? Driving to get my nails done with Pine asleep under the brake pedal was totes impossible.
  • How can I pray for you? Pray the real estate market explodes, in a negativinal way, so your parents can't sell the farm. That'd be so awk.
  • What is one specific thing I can I do for you this week? Prioritize the obtainage of some new Victoria's Secret merchandise, and a retro-vintage hairbrush, and leave them wrapped ornately on my pillow, with a new iPhone.
  • Is there anything that’s gone unsaid, convictions, confessions, unresolved hurt?  Oh did you have to dredge that out? You didn't leave a note on my steering wheel complimenting my new thrift-store dress. I'm sorry, Babe, I can't even right now.
  • What’s a dream, desire or thought that’s been on the forefront of your mind this week? Wine? Beer? Not liquor, we don't do liquor.
  • Thank them for something they did this week. I just want to show my appreciation, gratefulness, gratitude and indeptfulness to you for finishing that amaaaazing blogpost and helping to provide an awesome temporary home for Pine and me until your dad kicks the bucket and we get the farm.

I got 40 points! The follow-up question asks how it went.

It's like they don't even see each other or talk at all. 

Edited by sucker4reality
  • Love 11

Here are two versions of how I would think Jerk would answer that blog quiz of theirs:



What brought you joy this week?

Attention.  No the show.   Wait, attention...or are those the same thing.  I'm confused.

What was something that was hard this week?

Multi-silliable...words with more than one sys-able...Big words.

How can I pray for you?

However you want but only if you do it in a way that shows how much you love me and how important I am in your life.  you know.  Make it about Me.

What is one specific thing I can I do for you this week?

Make everything about me... and tell me how hot in my man bun I am

Is there anything that’s gone unsaid, convictions, confessions, unresolved hurt? 

You didn't tell me how great I was and how great and perfect and bestest ever I was as a husband at 3:46 pm on Tuesday. 

What’s a dream, desire or thought that’s been on the forefront of your mind this week?

Doing nothing and getting paid for it.  Paid lots.  Really lots.

Thank them for something they did this week.

(since this is Oddj) Oh Jerk thank you so much for realizing how perfect I am and how that makes me the perfect wife not just for you but in entirity.

And what he would actually love to be able to say I suspect:


What brought you joy this week?

when you gave me head on our special day

What was something that was hard this week?

Errr.  you know.  that special day? 

How can I pray for you?

err. again special day?  Do I need to spell it out?  On your knees

What is one specific thing I can I do for you this week?

Again.  Special day.  How many times do I need to repeat myself?

Is there anything that’s gone unsaid, convictions, confessions, unresolved hurt? 

Well it would be nice if special day stuff happened more than just once a week...

What’s a dream, desire or thought that’s been on the forefront of your mind this week?

Dammit woman!  SPECIAL DAY!

Thank them for something they did this week.


  • Love 6
On 7/13/2016 at 7:32 PM, ZoloftBlob said:

What I'd actually suggest for Jer and Auj, although I doubt the farm is "woodsy" enough to make this work, is setting up a hipster marriage retreat center. Get a bunch of tiny houses in a circle with maybe a large yurt in the center as "the meeting hall" and have couples book a week to live in a tiny house and attend marriage lectures from these two.

I don't know.  That sounds like a lot of work.  Just doing a gate out of wood was really hard.

23 hours ago, sucker4reality said:

To make up for the lazy challenge this morning, I got a text tonight asking me to post a picture of our hot date night #Beating50Percent

Y'all, I'm at home with a teething baby and my husband's working a 12-hour night shift. Oh and tomorrow's our anniversary. How fitting. #realworld

Do they know how stupid they sound?  Reminds me of the episode on Everyone Loves Raymond where Robert and Amy were giving out marriage advice books in the first few months of their marriage.  Marie was hysterically correct in her response.

  • Love 2

I call BS on Amy's night out. Now, all of us age 50 and single gals know how difficult it is to be out in a bar or restaurant or where ever she was and have one man interested in you, much less all of the decent looking, age appropriate, seemingly very nice men that kept coming up to her table to talk to her. It that's for real, then I'm moving to Oregon! 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I call BS on Amy's night out. Now, all of us age 50 and single gals know how difficult it is to be out in a bar or restaurant or where ever she was and have one man interested in you, much less all of the decent looking, age appropriate, seemingly very nice men that kept coming up to her table to talk to her. It that's for real, then I'm moving to Oregon! 

If you drag a TV crew with you, I'd say your chances are greatly improved.

  • Love 8

Surprise Post-Challenge Thank You!

They sent another text that included a video of the hipster twins thanking me yet again for completing the challenge and telling me I'll have access to the videos and challenges "indefinitely" (FYI, all of Youtube has access to the videos). If I answer the poll question with whether I a wife or a husband I can keep getting texts from either Auk or Jer respectively or I can text them with questions! Then there's a paragraph saying the same thing except it starts out with this: "Congratulations!!! You made it thought the 7-Day Marriage Challenge!" Emphasis mine. :)

Edited because I shouldn't snark on people's grammar while typing on my stupid phone.

Edited by sucker4reality
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