NewOrleansLady April 1, 2014 Share April 1, 2014 Absolutely! I love this show! Lots to talk about now that Amy and Matt have split up. 1 Link to comment
all4mom April 2, 2014 Share April 2, 2014 And now that they're empty-nesters. Oh, wait; I forgot about Jacob! 1 Link to comment
AmyFarrahFowler April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 That's okay because Matt and Amy forgot him too. 1 8 Link to comment
Absolom April 6, 2014 Share April 6, 2014 Any word on when the separation special will air again or finding it online? Link to comment
all4mom April 7, 2014 Share April 7, 2014 This whole family is really very unlikable. Wonder if we can find anything to say, LOL? 3 Link to comment
Mary April 7, 2014 Share April 7, 2014 I think we'll manage. I'll be sure and post after the next special airs. And you know there'll be one. Jeremy got engaged recently. I'm sure the wedding will be held at the farm. Link to comment
Absolom April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 Oh for sure they'll have to have a special for super speshul Jeremy's wedding. :) 1 Link to comment
FinePoint April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 Did they have Mueller's wedding on yet and I missed it? Did the guests toss cats instead of rice? Link to comment
LGGirl April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 I know this is mute point but Jeremy even has a job to support a wife?? 1 Link to comment
Absolom April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 Did Jeremy finally finish photography school? Link to comment
ZoloftBlob April 8, 2014 Share April 8, 2014 Jeremy does not have a job. He is still in school. For photography. It sounds like they are timing the wedding to coincide with his graduation (his school is on an odd schedule, I think he graduates in August as well.) It's kind of fun, the things that aren't being said - his employment status for example. He and the new school buddy Tye are apparently running some sort of destination wedding photography business but weddings are a fairly seasonal business. Audrey the pending wife has no job to speak of - I think she is in school or went to school to become a teacher but I might be mistaking her for Tory, the other Roloff whore. Where are these two marrieds gonna live? How are they going to support themselves? I know the Roloffs like to cry "privacy" but big boy Jer can no longer be a child once he gets married. As it is, his childhood has extended all the way to 24. When will the Golden Boy actually be an adult without Mom and Dad supporting him? Who wants to bet Jeremy "starts helping Matt on the farm" and never leaves? Link to comment
FinePoint April 9, 2014 Share April 9, 2014 When Matt and Amy play out the big reconciliation, Jeremy and Audrey (and oh man, I really don't like her; gives off a mean-girl vibe to me) can move into the manufactured home right on the place. Problem solved! ha. Then Mueller can still come over and play. Speaking of played, they really played us with that whole line last season about how Zach the boomerang kid is moving out of his apartment and needs to move home. Looking back, I should have questioned "Now why would Zach say he would like to move home for 'two months or so' ? Just two months? Duh, now I see he was just waiting for the closing on his house. 1 Link to comment
Greeneyedlady April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 I watched this show for this first time during a marathon on TV a few weeks ago. Why is Matt so disliked by the public in general? He seemed ok to me, just a driven guy with his own ideas. It looks like he works hard and follows through on his work. Didn't find their kids too likable, although I can't really put my finger on why just yet. Amy seems ok, just a little defiant and maybe a little bitter. 1 Link to comment
mojito April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 Greeneyedlady, what you'll see time and time again is Matt pushing projects despite Amy's protests and making decisions behind her back, many of them expensive. He frequently doesn't show respect for Amy as the other decision-maker in their marriage. 5 Link to comment
Greeneyedlady April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 I can see him doing that, Mojito, example being Matt buying the acreage next to them even though Amy protested. But-and this is just an observation-on smaller decisions, didn't it seem as though Amy sometimes protested just because she knew Matt wanted it? This is what I meant when I said earlier that Amy seems a bit defiant. Then again, being married to such a controlling person for so long would likely result in a little defiance just for the sake of survival! Link to comment
mojito April 16, 2014 Share April 16, 2014 Yes, I think who Amy is is a result of Matt's actions. Also, like many (most?) women, I'm sure she's become more outspoken with age (and fewer child-care responsibilities) so she's becoming more feisty. 3 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob April 17, 2014 Share April 17, 2014 I think part of the problem is that Matt likes to brag about how much he does and how he is always working and he needs his projects to keep himself alive and no one else in his family does anything that he doesn't dismiss in comparison to his wants and needs. If Matt doesn't like it or want to do it, he whines and moans like a little bitch until he gets his way. When he gets called on his televised shit, he snots off about how the audience is too stupid to understand the magic of editing and are wrong. If I listened to Matt, the marital collapse that we all now know for certain actually happened appeared out of the blue because we silly people were blinded by the editing and he and Amy were happily married up until the very moment he walked out on the wife. Because Matt can't be wrong. Matt also likes to paint himself as the selfless family martyr, too in love with Amy to dare cross her so he spends his marriage "never comfortable in my own house" because he's too cowed by the bitch harridan to dare pick up on his own. But when she does insist on cleaning, he's bitching to the skies how her work is completely irrelevant and pointless and a waste of everyone's time, and when Matt wants to do what Matt wants, he's proud to grin and tell the cameras how he has no intention of listening to Amy, he's the man and he's gonna do what he wants. He's a narcissist. It is always about him and what he wants. If he wants to head to Maui for one of his bi-monthly trips to Hawaii, he will and fuck what the family is doing, he wants fun in the sun and justifies it to the cameras as needing to get away. He openly stated in the Ireland episodes that spending time with his family wasn't a good use of his time. He misses the beginning of his sons graduation because he didn't feel like showing up early and having to wait,and proudly notes he has no regrets about it. But when Amy misses his birthday due to work, he's just about running to the camera to tell us all how its a tough nut to swallow, and any time Amy isn't at his beck and call due to a speaking engagement, he's very quick to note how Amy is just neglecting the precious family. When the kids are sick, Matt's right there to let them know how completely miserable his own childhood was and how they will never bear the pain and torture he went thru. If Matt can't be the center of attention, he's pissed off. While on his facebook, he brags incessantly about how super duper the kids are, on the show, all he does is complain about them and run them down. Frankly, to listen to Matt, no one in his family is competent at anything. I have never heard him be complimentary of Amy except in a passive aggressive way - "I never thought she could do it!" for example. He and Amy both used their recent episodes to imply to the world that Zach was a loser moving back home when they damn well knew he was closing on a house. Molly and Jeremy are the only ones he says nice things about. Sure he's a dreamer and a hard worker, but he is also a demanding asshole who pouts and plays the pity me card when he doesn't get his way, and knows that he won't be called out on being a nasty piece of work because he's a little person. 9 Link to comment
Guest May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 A place to discuss particular episodes, arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk. Link to comment
Xerographic August 13, 2014 Share August 13, 2014 They're back for a...5-episode season. The new season of Little People Big World, returning to TLC on Tuesday September 2 at 10/9c, follows as everyone learns to adapt to these new dynamics and move forward with each of their lives. Despite the marital struggles of his parents, the premiere episode features Jeremy planning his proposal to his long-time girlfriend Audrey – kicking off a season-long celebration as they prepare to get married. Even with their challenges, Matt and Amy remain focused on raising their children and managing the farm, but also start to live their lives apart. Amy fires up her passion for cooking with a pop-up restaurant, while Matt’s imagination is sparked when Jeremy announces that he’d like to get married at home. But, in each of their own ways, Matt and Amy work to maintain a positive connection, sharing time together and planning a family getaway to have all of the Roloffs reconnect in the face of so many changes. The focus returns to the farm as the annual pumpkin season is on the horizon, as well as the family getting swept up in all of Jeremy’s wedding preparations. But theirs won’t be the only nuptials in the works when Zach also announces his intention to get engaged to his girlfriend, Tori. As the next generation prepares to start their new lives, Matt and Amy must reflect on the history of their marriage and the future of their relationship. The season culminates as Audrey walks down the aisle and into the Roloff family. TLC's 'Little People Big World' Returns September 2 Link to comment
Taylorh2 August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 I really really hope that Jeremy and his new wife have genetic testing done before deciding on her conceiving. Link to comment
JerseyGirl August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 (edited) I believe Jeremy is getting married the 3rd weekend of September, I believe the 19th, so they are still filming? Edited August 26, 2014 by JerseyGirl Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 JerseyGirl, they can slam out episodes pretty quickly. I very much doubt the wedding won't be filmed. I mean do you really think these six episodes aren't going to be Precious Jer's Journey to Manhood? I just wonder if the big boy will actually speak. I'm fairly convinced he and the new wife are Matt's new puppets. Link to comment
JerseyGirl August 26, 2014 Share August 26, 2014 I found a clip from the upcoming season. In the video, Jeremy and Zach have a conversation via Skype for the cameras, Jeremy informs Zach about his plans to ask Audrey to marry him. Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 28, 2014 Share August 28, 2014 In theory, Jeremy is a wedding photographer, running a business called Like A Letter with a friend from the for profit art school he attended. Whether that's happening in any real sense or whether he can support himself....we'll never know because the party line about Jeremy has always been "He's setting the world on fire and anyone who says different or questions us is a jealous hater who is poor, unlike Jeremy". For what it's worth, he finally graduated at 24 with a fine arts degree from a school that is known for shafting it's students. Since then, he's said nothing publicly about any career moves, and the only thing we've heard from the parents is that he's done a few weddings, and is preparing for his wedding. Because Jeremy is the precious prince, he's never been sat down in front of the cameras and asked by Matt how he intends to live beyond being a reality whore. And of course they're still separated. Matt wants an employee that he can fuck, not a wife. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 I'd probably have more of a soft spot for the kids if there was any indication they didn't have Daddy Matt's attitude that the audience is a bunch of suckers who give them free stuff and who are appeased with a rare "god bless you" while they all merrily screw off. Seriously, I adore the fact that they're whoring out Jeremy's wedding simply because it is sooooo Roloff of them. You know, bitching that every reality show but theirs is a bunch of greedy whores willing to sell their private moments for pennies.... Amy bitched to the world how wrong it was for a Kardashian to whore out their wedding. I personally doubt Jeremy even had the option of not selling his wedding out and I am quite certain Matt and Amy were happy to accept the checks... And will be quite incensed and indignant that we're not calling it "educational and inspiring" to see them pimp Jeremy out. 3 Link to comment
Taylorh2 August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 WTH! I would have totally sold the right to have my wedding televised if I could have. Nothing wrong with help in paying for a wedding. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 Taylor's- and if you had previously called out other reality whores for selling their weddings for profit, the way Amy Roloff actually did, then you would be as hypocritical. The only real objection I raise to reality whores selling their private moments is when they laud themselves, as the Roloffs do, for somehow being above the Kardashians ( the wedding Amy called) because when they get paid to pimp out the golden boy's wedding, they're "educating" us, and we are very very wrong to call them money grubbing whores. 1 3 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 29, 2014 Share August 29, 2014 If Jeremy is an adult owning his own decions ( and I doubt he had a real choice and that is me being nice because I do think when it comes to show decisions, the family gets bulldozed by Matt but I also think Jeremy, like Matt, loves free shit) then Jeremy is as much of a reality whore as the various Kardashian whores and I don't ever want to hear him, his family, or his friends prat about how he's a precious Christian who wants privacy. He's and adult selling his private moments. If he wants privacy, he needs to stop accepting money to display his life. He could be doing what many young people who don't have parents with reality shows due to their physical disabilities- getting a job before age 24, and not having a gigantic wedding. Jeremy also is not poor. I have seen Matt Roloff brag far too much how he's a rich millionaire with a million dollar property.... Usually after episodes where he's whining how he could "lose the farm!" for the nth time. If they want to whore Jeremy out, that's fine, but I really hope they understand he's not a little boy and is agreeing with them to be their whore on display for his wedding. 2 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 In fairness, as you said, Jeremy is an adult now and has been for the last *six years*. He's actually gone to college. If this is all the poor man can think to do, because he is that sheltered and spoiled... He's still the one choosing, as an adult and not as "a Roloff child" to sell himself on tv. I do agree that he is under some social pressure because Matt is a demanding piece of shit.... But Jeremy is old enough to sign the contract with TLC all on his own... And his dad technically can't force him. 2 Link to comment
Absolom August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 Jeremy could have contractually obligated himself to air the wedding several years ago when as an adult he signed on with TLC. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob August 30, 2014 Share August 30, 2014 And he still would have been an adult when he contractually obligated himself. He's an adult. If all he knows how to do t age twenty four is stage events for TLC, if that's it, if that's all he knows how to do to earn a living.... Since he's not mentally incompetent, I can't entirely blame TLC for the poor lost little boy that just signs things his little child brain can't understand. Really, I allow how damaging reality tv is... But Jeremy continues to suck on TLCs teats. He *could* say no. 1 1 Link to comment
parisprincess August 31, 2014 Share August 31, 2014 The only real objection I raise to reality whores selling their private moments is when they laud themselves, as the Roloffs do, for somehow being above the Kardashians ( the wedding Amy called) because when they get paid to pimp out the golden boy's wedding, they're "educating" us, and we are very very wrong to call them money grubbing whores. And what is it exactly that we're supposed to be learning by watching another reality family pimping out their kid's wedding, other than the fact that they're classless, money grubbing fame whores? Sorry Amy and Matt, but we already knew that. 3 Link to comment
MarysWetBar September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 The episode tonight was a snoozefest. I wont be watching anymore of this mess. Hopefully... Link to comment
Maharincess September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 Am I the only one who thinks Zack always looks dirty? Even when he's supposedly dressed up nice, he just looks dirty to me. After seeing how nasty the,Roloff house has been, I wouldn't eat anything Amy cooks. She doesn't even chop an onion properly. 5 Link to comment
Joan van Snark September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I think Zach looks 'dirty' to me because of that big grey front tooth and his the rest of his teeth are always dirty looking and crooked. I have no idea why Amy didn't get that fixed years ago. Leave it to Amy to show up late to the opening of her own restaurant. Not impressed at all with how the food looked. A couple of plain sautéed scallops, white rice and brussel sprouts--not very impressive. 1 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I found it dull. Matt and Amy putting on a "we're happy" show - ironically this was filmed right when they finally announced that they had been separated for months. Its also amusing to see them bold face lie about the circumstances.... Per their facebooks, Amy was away on a trip when Jeremy popped the question, not excitedly waiting with Matt. I also liked seeing Jeremy score his own comps. I mean, did he pay for Audrey's engagement ring or was it a comp to the show? And the whole letter writing thing in the proposal was essentially a lengthy commercial for his wedding photography.... Jeremy has learned how to shill. 3 Link to comment
joanofarch4 September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 (edited) I'm not getting the "Matt hate" either, frankly; would we rather he laze around on the couch all day? I'd say he's made them a pretty cushy life with all of his crazy schemes and, since he's the sole breadwinner, it's really his bread to decide what to do with, ultimately. All of the complaints against Matt (selfish, thoughtless, pigheaded), I could make against Amy. At least Matt tries to be amiable, it seems, whereas Amy always looks like she's sucking on a lemon when Matt's in the room. She "settled"? I'd like to see her try to do better. Perhaps that could be a spinoff show. TLC destroys another family! The kids, with the possible exception of the daughter, all seem very spoiled, entitled, and clueless, and the eldest son has managed to find an equally vapid and annoying wife to bring into the family fold. She could barely look up from her electronic device long enough to be proposed to. Jer "built" the ring? Edited September 3, 2014 by joanofarch4 3 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I'd say he's made them a pretty cushy life with all of his crazy schemes and, since he's the sole breadwinner, it's really his bread to decide what to do with, ultimately. I'm gonna beg to differ with you on a few points here.Matt, in his own first book, nearly bankrupted the family. In season one, before the money started rolling in, these people were living on a piece of property that is yes, beautiful, but the home was a small, old home with a tiny kitchen, and they were openly borrowing money from family to handle the kids medical expenses. Yes, Matt got them the tv show but they are all working on the tv show, and I notice Matt isn't filmed in his bedroom half dressed the way his kids were required. Matt and Amy are the ones who get the checks for Zach being filmed zonked out of his skull on drugs after surgery. None of Matt's other crazy schemes have paid off like selling his children's privacy to TLC. I also don't think Matt allows the kids all that much control over the money. At least Matt tries to be amiable, it seems, whereas Amy always looks like she's sucking on a lemon when Matt's in the room. Matt is amiable when Matt is getting his way. When Matt isn't the center of attention, he puts on the sourest little puss face - we typically see this whenever they're doing something Amy likes, and its usually coupled with Matt declaring how miserable he is and how his time is being wasted. I also think Amy might be happier to be around Matt if he hadn't made it crystal clear in interviews that she's beneath him, and does nothing right, and nothing she does is important to him and that he finds her quite useless and everything she likes is stupid and meaningless to him. I am not btw saying Amy has been a saint, far from it, but Matt is a little passive aggressive bitch who whines like a child when he's not getting his way and demands a parade every time he does anything we expect of adults. I've never seen Matt compliment a member of his family without praising himself for whatever they did or taking a passive aggressive swipe at them for accomplishing something he never ever thought they'd manage. Jer "built" the ring? In that he told them he wanted something engraved on it. Remember, Jeremy "built" the hovercraft and "restored" his bmw. 2 Link to comment
joanofarch4 September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 (edited) All of the boys seem to be as dumb as a sack of rocks, I must say. In Matt's defense, I too would be disgruntled if my mate constantly insisted on showing me up and leaving me eating her dust by planning activities she knew full well I couldn't participate in just to demonstrate what a tough little broad she is. Not exactly considerate? It seems to me Matt is truly much worse off physically than Amy is, yet he keeps on running that apparently very lucrative farm. Confused as to why Amy handled the food with her bare hands all through dinner preparation and then was shown with plastic gloves on when it was all over. Maybe to wash the dishes, or was that not part of the "Supermom Amy Does Everything All On Her Own Once Again" meal? Edited September 3, 2014 by joanofarch4 6 Link to comment
camom September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 I really didn't get the pop-up restaurant. Did she make money from that? She couldn't be bothered to show up on time and the food didn't look that great. Was I the only one who thought that if the cameras hadn't been rolling, Zach and Jacob would have put that dropped salad back in the container and served it? And why wasn't Amy's hair contained in some way; plenty of people probably found hair in their food. I know Amy wants us all to see that she can do ANYTHING she puts her mind to, but this wasn't well thought out. And for her to try to work in a kitchen not designed for a little person just makes no sense. 4 Link to comment
SuzWhat September 3, 2014 Share September 3, 2014 (edited) 100% with you, Maharincess. Also whoever coached Amy to read her voice-overs in the last few show. Homegirl, no. Edited September 3, 2014 by SuzWhat Link to comment
peaceknit September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Jer "built" the ring? I did a double take when he said that too, gah! They all seem to mangle the English language, sort of like Khate Gosselin. BTW, where was Molly? She was only mentioned in passing to say that she wasn't there. Link to comment
Absolom September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 (edited) I liked Matt's father's advice in the separation announcement episode. He cautioned against the unreasonable outbursts of anger. I think he's been watching the show. Sept 2 episode had a surprising 2.075 M viewers and a .8 rating. Edited September 4, 2014 by Absolom Link to comment
peaceknit September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 I thought that Amy said Molly was overseas in an exchange program. Ahhh, I must have missed that. Link to comment
maxmama September 5, 2014 Share September 5, 2014 I get that Amy is not a gourmet cook, but it was kind of nice to see her do something she enjoyed. She was friendly with customers and asked Matt to be there too. He looked a little uninterested, but that's Matt, but he showed up anyway so I gotta give him props for that. I also thought the Jeremy marriage proposal was sweet, he put a lot of thought into it and it seemed to mean a lot to him to do it that way. I wouldn't have minded that proposal! I wish them well. 1 Link to comment
camom September 5, 2014 Share September 5, 2014 He looked a little uninterested, but that's Matt, but he showed up anyway so I gotta give him props for that. I've got to wonder, though, if Matt would have shown up if the cameras hadn't been rolling. 2 Link to comment
ZoloftBlob September 5, 2014 Share September 5, 2014 I really have to think,no, Matt would not have shown up to it. I mean, everything Amy does is a waste of his time and they're seperated now with utterly no inclination to get back together. Link to comment
ginger90 September 6, 2014 Share September 6, 2014 I thought the proposal was very nice. Other than that, I've got nothing! Link to comment
realityfan26 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 I saw a Zach & Tori engagement pic and it said 7/25/15. I of course can't find it now. 1 Link to comment
ginger90 September 7, 2014 Share September 7, 2014 (edited) I saw a Zach & Tori engagement pic and it said 7/25/15. I of course can't find it now. Here you go, you have to scroll down a bit: What's interesting to me is, it notes; "Zach and Tori already marked their engagement with some fun pictures from Julia Green Photography". I'm sure this is not his brother. Edited September 7, 2014 by ginger90 1 Link to comment
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