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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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I missed my Mo tonight. Sigh. I agree wholeheartedly with the poster above who says Mo is working VERY hard for his green card. Really, I couldn't do it. I'm pretty sure I've never been that dedicated to a cause in my whole life.

I'm glad they made the longer segment about Amy. I love her. I'm going to come unglued if the segment with Danny's father goes as badly as they tease it to be. Because... If I understand this correctly: if Amy were from So'Africa but had pale skin or was blond, there wouldn't be an issue. What????? But. That's an issue for another post after they air that segment.

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Oh my goodness y'all, I'm watching this show called Blue Bloods, and season 4, episode 22 features this couple (the girl is the one in the bottom picture in the purple dress)


He is a "Syrian National" in the US on a student visa that is going to expire in 48 hours, so he needs to marry his girlfriend who is the "love of his life." Her father thinks its a scam because he is mr. tall, dark and slick, and she is a "little pork dumpling"

I'm not sure if TLC found Dani and Mo first, or if this episode of BlueBloods inspired something, or maybe its just a total coincidence. Its just funny that its not just a middle eastern man and a white woman, but even the coloring on the female characters is the same. Very pale, very white, with reddish hair.

See?! I'm telling you, it might be some fetish of some sort.

Thank you very much for that image. Here I thought sleep would happen tonight, guess not.

Sweet dreams :)

I just keep thinking about that cheeseball song about not giving up -- what are the chances that a Tunisian man would come across it, commit it to memory, serenade his MeetMe friend with it over Skype (and there are a lot of lyrics) and arrange to dance to it on the visit?   That has to come out of the bezness playbook, no?   I mean really what are the chances????  That Jason Mraz looks like a bodice-ripper romance novel cover guy -- not someone a tough young Tunisian guy would come across.


BTW FB really blew up last night -- lots of drama and accusations.  So much more civilized over here.   The FBers are way behind, proclaiming Mo is in Qatar based on his FB profile.  Anyway one lady chimed in who says she lives around the corner from Dani and Mo who are still together (she did not mention the pending eviction action ...)

  • Love 1

No, I think Danny is just immature. Period. If he is gay, it's not for me to speculate or judge, and frankly I think he may just be one of those young men who's clueless as to what is going on around him most of the time. My brother went through that phase.

Chelsea is enjoying living at home for free. And eating for free. And having no bills. And being selfish.

  • Love 1

I can't look away from this hot mess.

Chelsea is despicable to me. With her hippy dippy vocal fry way of speaking and complete aimlessness. And her stupid hats. You are not Edie Brickell nor the New Bohemians. She is despicable and selfish for moving Yamir from his spot as a huge star in his native country to move to the USA and be average. Unbelievable. Then she has the nerve to refuse to move "so far" to Chicago! WHAT? He left central America for you and you can't move three hours away? She is worse than Danielle and aggravating. She's the worst. Selfish spoiled, Clueless.

Danimo. Wow. It's sad. Girl is not stable. Blood On your hands TLC! The crooked glasses. Oye.

The FL couple are kind of amusing. He is funny. She is rough for 23! Even looking at them together is kind of amusing. I dunno. Be funny if they're the ones that make it.

Daya. Meh. The couple with the mean sister in law? Meh.

I like Amy and her Mom. When she says Danny she sounds like Sandy in Grease. I feel badly though on how marrying into the Duggars is going to work out for her and what will happen she she finds out Danny is really gay. Um. Did I say that out loud? What? No one else's gaydar is pinging except mine?

Now I'm picturing Chelsea singing that freaking Edie Brickell song in her stupid hat...thanks for that.

  • Love 1

Oh dear "Dani" posted on FB that Mo sang her that song on Skype and they danced to it in Doha. Sigh.

I need the footage of this in my life.


I hate to reward those two but damn would I watch the hell out of a show featuring their 1st year of marriage. Shameful I know. 


Getting back to Jason's ebay - I agree with the other posters, it's pretty much junk. Unsure how he is making this in a full time job but then he lives rent free, eats for free, and drives a crappy car. So his expenses are really low. Selling bras on ebay. Ummmm ew.


This reminds me of the line that made me fall in love with the show 30 Rock and Liz Lemon as played by Tina Fey: "This better be important, Jack. I was in the middle of bidding on a bag of bras on eBay."

  • Love 2

I was also thinking Maneater!  I think she would literally eat him.  You know, she'd want to feel him inside her; morbid as that may seem, that may be the only time he's inside her...

I'll see myself out now.  Off to listen to more Hall and Oates.  

she has that vague vacant smile.  It would not be a surprise to see her on an episode of Snapped and they find some Mo chili, Mo and beans, Mo patties

  • Love 6

All right someone has to get the scoop on that damn gray T shirt with the unfortunate yellow star. Watching the reruns I saw one of the daughters was rocking it in the episode in which the family was introduced. Maybe it's for the local high school? It went all the way to Qatar.

Update!!! There is a brand new Tumblr entry on Dani and Mo. However I must say I think this group is way ahead -- tumblr is just breaking the OK Cupid profile. Christi and Essexjan may soon see a surge of competition. They don't have the municipal court records which were a genius find.

Oh! Oh!!! Crazy by Gnarls Barkley!!! That's their song!

Here's the CRAZY thing (get it... Crazy...).  I was in the process of using "Please Don't Leave Me"  for a video of an employee pulling in a big fish last summer during a company trip.  Just this morning I found that song popped into my head whenever I thought of Dani.

  • Love 1

Here's the CRAZY thing (get it... Crazy...).  I was in the process of using "Please Don't Leave Me"  for a video of an employee pulling in a big fish last summer during a company trip.  Just this morning I found that song popped into my head whenever I thought of Dani.

That could be her personal anthem and warcry

Oh! Oh!!! Crazy by Gnarls Barkley!!! That's their song!

And when he dumps her for another dumpy woman, this time one with a little money, she can sing Cee Lo's "Fuck You".  I can already imagine her Borderline Personality Disorder tears flowing when she gets to the line "If I was richer, I'd still be with ya - Ha, now ain't that some shit?"


I can't look away from this hot mess.

Chelsea is despicable to me. With her hippy dippy vocal fry way of speaking and complete aimlessness. And her stupid hats. You are not Edie Brickell nor the New Bohemians. She is despicable and selfish for moving Yamir from his spot as a huge star in his native country to move to the USA and be average. Unbelievable. Then she has the nerve to refuse to move "so far" to Chicago! WHAT? He left central America for you and you can't move three hours away? She is worse than Danielle and aggravating. She's the worst. Selfish spoiled, Clueless.

Danimo. Wow. It's sad. Girl is not stable. Blood On your hands TLC! The crooked glasses. Oye.

The FL couple are kind of amusing. He is funny. She is rough for 23! Even looking at them together is kind of amusing. I dunno. Be funny if they're the ones that make it.

Daya. Meh. The couple with the mean sister in law? Meh.

I like Amy and her Mom. When she says Danny she sounds like Sandy in Grease. I feel badly though on how marrying into the Duggars is going to work out for her and what will happen she she finds out Danny is really gay. Um. Did I say that out loud? What? No one else's gaydar is pinging except mine?

Chelsea's (aka Yoko Ono) dry voice irritates me to no end! 

  • Love 3

This just in: Danielle is even dumber than I thought. I was looking over the green card process on the Dept. of Homeland Security site and came across the information on the Affidavit of Support. When you marry your K-1 beloved, they file for an Adjustment of Status to permanent residency. That's the $1000 Danielle was talking about last week. You have to have a sponsor to apply for permanent residency. That sponsor has to sign an Affidavit of Support where s/he assumes responsibility for the immigrant's financial support for TEN YEARS, or until the immigrant becomes a citizen, whichever comes first. That commitment is legally binding, even if the couple divorces.


If Mohammed wanted to, he could marry Danielle, get his permanent residency, then leave her and sue her for financial support. Yep, he could sit on his ass all day, and chase girls all night, and Danielle would still have to write him a check each month. And if he manages to get any government assistance, she's the one on the hook to pay Uncle Sam back. So even though she doesn't have two thin nickels to rub together, he can sue for what little she does have. Yet another instance of Danielle ignoring the possible consequences of her little Tunisian love affair.  She has no problem playing fast and loose with her kids' financial security.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 5

This just in: Danielle is even dumber than I thought. I was looking over the green card process on the Dept. of Homeland Security site and came across the information on the Affidavit of Support. When you marry your K-1 beloved, they file for an Adjustment of Status to permanent residency. That's the $1000 Danielle was talking about last week. You have to have a sponsor to apply for permanent residency. That sponsor has to sign an Affidavit of Support where s/he assumes responsibility for the immigrant's financial support for TEN YEARS, or until the immigrant becomes a citizen, whichever comes first. That commitment is legally binding, even if the couple divorces.


If Mohammed wanted to, he could marry Danielle, get his permanent residency, then leave her and sue her for financial support. Yep, he could sit on his ass all day, and chase girls all night, and Danielle would still have to write him a check each month. And if he manages to get any government assistance, she's the one on the hook to pay Uncle Sam back. So even though she doesn't have two thin nickels to rub together, he can sue for what little she does have. Yet another instance of Danielle ignoring the possible consequences of her little Tunisian love affair.  She has no problem playing fast and loose with her kids' financial security.


Yup. They even ask the sponsor (your spouse or whoever) at the interview for adjustment if they understand that they are willing to take on. 


I'm pretty sure as well, that he ACTUALLY wouldn't need her to remove conditions on his card (because they're married under 2 years, his card is only granted for 2 years, after that he can remove conditions and apply for the 10 year card). If he can prove he put effort in, and it still didn't work, I believe he can apply for the 10 year card without her help.


That being said, she can have as many co-sponsors as she wants, so she could try and gather up all her friends/family to do it. 

  • Love 2

Can you imagine how poor Mo clings to the very edge of the bed, wearing 3 or 4 layers of PJs or underwear, while she tries desperately to spoon with him?

He needs to get a chastity belt.  Or maybe some sort of wearable spike strip to ward her off.  Although she seems very committed to molesting any body part of his she gets access to.

  • Love 3

That was painful. As much as I would like to dislike Danielle for her desparation I feel really sorry for her.

And the other link was just as pitiful. The poster who wrote it is local and that is what made it interesting for me. Other than that Dannielle just has too much to improve upon before she goes looking for love. Geez, her kids maybe? 

  • Love 2

I hope that Evelin treads very lightly with Justin on the whole inviting his mother thing..  I'm glad that she is inviting the mother to help pick out wedding dresses, but as others have pointed out there may be reasons that Justin really doesn't want her there and they may have to do with the 30+ year relationship, or lack of relationship they have.  As someone said, pushing your level of familial closeness on someone else is a little condescending and may not be the best ides.

  • Love 6

Interesting. It looks as if they have applied for his Adjustment of Status according to Visa Journey. 

When I did it, it was 45 days from when I applied until my work visa got approved, and just under 90 days before I had my interview. I got approved on the spot at it. 


It can take up to a year for it to be approved sometimes, depending how busy they are, or if they have to request more evidence.  If she didn't send enough in to "prove" the relationship, then she has 30 day to send more in, or automatic denial. 




Also interesting is that this shows him asking him the Affidavit of support as of August 24th, which means it could not have been sent until sometime shortly after that? 



Edited by JennyO
  • Love 1

Mohamed shouldn't agree to do the show if he wasn't going to at least pretend to love Danielle. I read somewhere that he was offered or wanting to model for Hugo boss. He is good looking enough. I don't think he will stay with her for the length of time he needs to for a green card.


Danielle will have to pay for some liposuction if Mo hopes for a modeling career. Alas, she can't afford him as it is. 

  • Love 4

Not sure if this would help but here it goes

Adjustment of status in this case happens as soon as the couple marries, he or she comes with a Special K-1 visa but his status is listed as non immigrant so the k-1 holder can't legally work at all, but once the couple legally marries he can request a change in his status from non immigrant to temporary immigrant ( this gives him a temporary green card for two years) this change is status can take some time, like jennyO mentioned sometimes more than a year, in the meantime and parallel to this process , there is the process to request a SSN which will clearly state that the person can only work with INS authorization, you can get a driver license with such SScard upon passing the driver tests, the third process is the actual work authorization in itself, once you get that one (could last few months but usually is not that long) you are good to go and could actually get a job , for all this processes it is mandatory to submit the copy of the marriage certificate which is basically what has happened here, Mo seems to have married in July and by August he is requesting his change of status.

He needs to be careful though because when the interview to grant him his first temporary green card comes along few months down the road he and she will be grilled with questions to verify that their marriage is a real one, if any INS officer asks Danielle a questions about intimacy and she declares that they haven't consumated their marriage yet a huge red flag would be raised and their whole marriage would be subject to a very close scrutiny. They will also have to resubmit copies of tax incomes and letters of affidavit from either family members, friends, community , etc to attest to the good faith of their marriage. Danielle burning bridges with her family doesn't seem like a great idea to me.

Also very heavy consideration is given to their financial situation as the INS heavily emphasizes that the new spouse will not be a burden for the government , I am not sure that Danielle even realizes that by her putting on display her financial hardships she is shooting herself in the mouth.

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