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Season 4 Discussion

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I don't remember "country mouse" and "city mouse" having a conversation that they would not take their relationship to a "more than friends level" in past episodes. Did I just accidentally doze off and miss that? And didn't he have that girlfriend show up in like the last episode of last season? I still think they'll end up together though.

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1 hour ago, llewis823 said:

I don't remember "country mouse" and "city mouse" having a conversation that they would not take their relationship to a "more than friends level" in past episodes. Did I just accidentally doze off and miss that? And didn't he have that girlfriend show up in like the last episode of last season? I still think they'll end up together though.

I don't remember a conversation either, just that country and city mouse pet names stopped being used by the two on air. And now that it is being used again they are going the Deeks & Kensi path if NOLA last five or so more seasons to take two steps forward and one step back.

2 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I don't remember "country mouse" and "city mouse" having a conversation that they would not take their relationship to a "more than friends level" in past episodes. Did I just accidentally doze off and miss that? And didn't he have that girlfriend show up in like the last episode of last season? I still think they'll end up together though.

Me either.  I seem to recall an almost kiss maybe last season and a similar conversation as this episode: we are only going to be coworkers, but not a full-on convo regarding their relationship/feelings.  She was super pissed/jealous when the baby momma showed up, but no actual meaningful conversations.

This wasn't a bad episode (although my standards are low), but I was surprised at Percy's reaction on the roof.  I thought she was near-tears when the dude was holding a gun at her and I couldn't figure out why she was acting so upset.  I mean, she was undercover in a drug ring.  But, perhaps it was the lighting....

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2 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I don't remember "country mouse" and "city mouse" having a conversation that they would not take their relationship to a "more than friends level" in past episodes. Did I just accidentally doze off and miss that?

I remember the dismissal of a possible relationship done at the very end of an episode in two sentences.  Easy to have missed as it didn't have any real lead in and wasn't especially well written.  Felt like filler.  So much for built up chemistry between the two. 

3 minutes ago, TheGreenWave said:

This wasn't a bad episode (although my standards are low),

I lived in New Orleans for a decade, and I hated this ep.  There were no falling down puking drunks, which is always a part of the celibration.  Tossing a body off a building in the French Quarter....and having it land out past the sidewalk....couldn't physically happen'   And I really dislike having one of the  main characters take on Abby levels of occult attention. And the hidden box in the sidewalk....now they're going to have tourists  digging up the crumbling sidewalks as well as stealing the manhole covers. A reverential treatment of Day of the Dead aka All Saints Day would have been too big a challenge for their writers.

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20 minutes ago, enoughcats said:

And the hidden box in the sidewalk....now they're going to have tourists  digging up the crumbling sidewalks as well as stealing the manhole covers.

This also made me cringe.  I was thinking: he's destroying a 150+ year sidewalk in the middle of the Quarter with a hammer!  Bad idea to advertise.  Also, I don't ever remember vendors inside the cemeteries - but perhaps I've been out of New Orleans for too long...

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, TheGreenWave said:


This wasn't a bad episode (although my standards are low), but I was surprised at Percy's reaction on the roof.  I thought she was near-tears when the dude was holding a gun at her and I couldn't figure out why she was acting so upset.  I mean, she was undercover in a drug ring.  But, perhaps it was the lighting....

I noticed that, too, and she definitely was close to tears. It completely baffled me because it seemed to be out of place and out of character and didn't do her character any favors, in my opinion. She seemed to forget how to be an agent, she just stood there and almost cried instead of trying to talk down the guy and move away from from the ledge while she talked so that she could then maybe get the upper hand. Now, if there had been event that would explain why she might have reason to freeze up in a situation like that, then I could understand, but I don't recall such an event. Her reaction/lack of action didn't make sense and I really hope that they didn't do that just so that LaSalle could save her life at the end and they could have this conversation. That would be absolutely ridiculous.

Something else that baffled me is that they aired the Halloween episode two weeks before Halloween. Why? From the looks of it, there are new episodes scheduled for the next two weeks, too, so that doesn't make sense either.

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1 hour ago, CheshireCat said:

I noticed that, too, and she definitely was close to tears. It completely baffled me because it seemed to be out of place and out of character and didn't do her character any favors, in my opinion. She seemed to forget how to be an agent, she just stood there and almost cried instead of trying to talk down the guy and move away from from the ledge while she talked so that she could then maybe get the upper hand. Now, if there had been event that would explain why she might have reason to freeze up in a situation like that, then I could understand, but I don't recall such an event. Her reaction/lack of action didn't make sense and I really hope that they didn't do that just so that LaSalle could save her life at the end and they could have this conversation. That would be absolutely ridiculous.

Something else that baffled me is that they aired the Halloween episode two weeks before Halloween. Why? From the looks of it, there are new episodes scheduled for the next two weeks, too, so that doesn't make sense either.

Game 1 and possibly game 6 of the World Series are scheduled for Tuesday nights 

8 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I don't remember "country mouse" and "city mouse" having a conversation that they would not take their relationship to a "more than friends level" in past episodes.

They had the exact same conversation several times now. The previous one was around the middle of the last season, the one before that had happened in the season 2 finale. They maybe gonna kiss (possibly it's going to be a cheek kiss) in three or four years, then bail on each other, so this romance is going swimmingly.

3 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I noticed that, too, and she definitely was close to tears. It completely baffled me because it seemed to be out of place and out of character and didn't do her character any favors, in my opinion. She seemed to forget how to be an agent, she just stood there and almost cried instead of trying to talk down the guy and move away from from the ledge while she talked so that she could then maybe get the upper hand. Now, if there had been event that would explain why she might have reason to freeze up in a situation like that, then I could understand, but I don't recall such an event. Her reaction/lack of action didn't make sense and I really hope that they didn't do that just so that LaSalle could save her life at the end and they could have this conversation. That would be absolutely ridiculous.

Exactly.  I had initially hoped it was a set up, since it appeared that the killer was following the team, and LaSalle was going to jump out once he confessed to Percy.  But I guess that would have been more logical then them not realizing the killer was following them along the same trail Anderson took.  Yeesh.  Instead, I was honestly surprised LaSalle was on the street instead and it was her "true" reaction.  And, agreed, the "city mouse" mention to flag that she was in danger was way too contrived in order have the weird conversation again. 

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3 hours ago, Raja said:

Game 1 and possibly game 6 of the World Series are scheduled for Tuesday nights 

Since they did spontaneously cancel their Tuesday line up last year, if memory serves, I can see why they would not schedule the Halloween episode for Halloween under those circumstances, but why not schedule it for next week then? I don't really see a difference between a Halloween episode going up against baseball or a regular episode. (If anything, wouldn't a Halloween episode maybe draw more viewers because it is the Halloween episode?)

ICE BULLETS!!!  Ok, some points for originality, but I almost fell asleep here this episode was SO BORING (I'm usually awake throughout because I am so annoyed at the show and try to mentally rank those annoyances).  What the heck with former Deputy Director now Special Agent?  Oh my God how stupid.  Dude would be riding a desk IRL.  Also, who does Loretta think she is acting like that toward the temp-Mayor?  Wow, I would never have apologized after Loretta stormed up and tried to tell me how to do my job as the mayor about to go on TV.  Although perhaps New Orleans is the only place in which the mayor would have ample time at night to go down to the local watering hole in the Quarter and have a beer.  Oookkkaaayyyy. 

On a shallow note, I really liked Sebastian's apartment.  Props to the props department.

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2 hours ago, NYGirl said:

On another point what's with Sonia's hairline?  It looks colored in.

It's a wig, and it desperately needs to be replaced. 

I've given up on this show, but I was visiting a friend last night and ended up catching the first  15-20 minutes with him before we turned the channel. From what we saw, not  a good episode at all, very boring. 

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Only 4 comments?  Man, interest in this once good show is really tanking on this forum!

So my comments are: Yeah, what the hell is with Sonia's hair (it always looks as if the wardrobe/makeup/hair budget on this show is like 25 bucks an episode)?   And why is it that everybody on this show seems to live in really cool digs?   Either rent is incredibly cheap down there and/or NCIS agents make really big salaries.  

I'm still missing Merri (and is it just me, or does it seem that the entire tone of this show has changed since she left?) but I'm getting used to Gregorio.  I also like the FBI guy but I'm finding Pride to be annoying (and he's the star of the show!).   Oh well, brain-dead entertainment on a Tuesday night..

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, NYGirl said:

Ok now there's some other official after the team and Pride?  I'm this close to giving up this show once and for all.  Now we're going to have another storyline similar to the Mayor.  Ugh...

I assumed it was connected to the mayor story. I don't know why, I just did. Probably because it always seemed like it was much bigger than just he mayor? And haven't they mentioned that someone in DC was watching for a while now? (Beginning of S3?) I seem to recall that.


7 hours ago, NYGirl said:

On another point what's with Sonia's hairline?  It looks colored in.

Whatever it is, it's been going on for three episodes now and it is distracting!


2 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

I got the impression that Loretta and Ms. Acting Mayor have known each other since forever, maybe since high school or even earlier.  Friends of such long standing can "tell it like it is".

That's what I assumed, too. There was a scene between Loretta and the mayor in another episode, wasn't there, and they appeared to be very friendly in that one. (Or am I imagining things?)

The story of this episode was rather unoriginal if you've watched NCIS. When can we expect the episode in which they find body parts and LaSalle gets framed for murder and when is Gregorio escorting a suspect somewhere and he turns up dead when they get there and she's suspected of using too much force?

Other than that, I do like that Eisler (that's the FBI guys name, right?) is recurring and I like the relationship he has with Pride.

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18 hours ago, UncleChuck said:

I got the impression that Loretta and Ms. Acting Mayor have known each other since forever, maybe since high school or even earlier.  Friends of such long standing can "tell it like it is".

I can totally see this - but I'm not sure I like the Acting Mayor as "unofficial" member of the NCIS team (although her asking Loretta to be on her election campaign now makes more sense).

I also like Eisler (or however you spell it).  Agreed that if he were demoted, he would most likely be doing desk duty in some dusty office somewhere.  But I like him and it was good to find a way to get him back on the show.

Although I am also going, 'UGH!" at yet *another* person having it in for Pride and his team.

Still would rather have Meri than Gregorio.  But admittedly, the actress is annoying me less the past couple of episodes or so.

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12 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Who hides tracking device in a hat?

LOL!  This was so dumb!  Other things I found dumb:

1. Of course La Salle follows the murderess alone into a trap despite protestations from his commanding officer.  Of course.

2. Of course the lingering shot after murderess is naked getting out of shower is of Gregorio. 

3. Three super agents DIE because they cannot give up classified information, because, you know, they take an oath to protect the secrets of the USG and all and 100s of others in Operation Chaos may die (Acceptable Loss), but somehow Pride is able to convince Duncan to do so because a moron of an NCIS agent's life is in danger because said moron decided to follow murderess into a trap (see one, above)

4. La Salle not being required to go to the hospital after dying.  Look, I'm all for dedication to your job, but I'm pretty sure you would want to be checked out and let back on duty.

5. Random LaSalle family angst: super businessman dad wants oldest son to take over the company but oldest son chooses the life of law enforcement because IT MATTERS!  Never seen that plotline before...

Only thing I did like: Percy's reaction when finding La Salle with the drug overdose.  Now that was good.

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there was so much wrong and stupid with this episode.  Said hat with the tracker, LaSalle being stupid in so, so many ways.  Is it my imagination or has the quality of this show gone down drastically since Gary died or was it getting this bad before that?  thinking about it, ever since the show runners went with the idiocy of the Merri's subplot traitor boyfriend, its been sliding lower and lower.

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I was only half paying attention, but I was very confused during the drug overdose scene. I thought they had mentioned succinylcholine, not an opioid? And opioids don't stop your heart unless you have died from respiratory depression (anoxia/hypercapneia)...Narcan is not going to restart your heart, nor will it do anything to reverse succinylcholine. Also there is usually more vomiting. And if you give Narcan into the muscle (which is what Pride did), you have to wait several minutes for it to take effect (hence that *not* being the ideal way to administer it).

I gather the case itself made no sense either?

Sigh.  Another 45 minutes of my life wasted watching this now awful show.   A really enjoyable and well-done show like Major Crimes is being yanked off the air but stupidity like this stays on (yeah, ok, different network, but still).  

Ditto, ditto, ditto, to what everybody above has posted.  It's one thing to watch escapist crap but when they insult my intelligence, that's a different story altogether...

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Inaccuracies don't bother me as much. It's just a TV show, so, fine. Granted, I was doing some Halloween crafts while watching the episode but I don't remember much of it other than bits and pieces: LaSalle's dad ('cause he plays the Sec of Defense on Madam Secretary), LaSalle getting kidnapped which was very predictable even when you weren't paying close attention, the classified intel thing and that the girl was out for revenge. I remembered more from the previous episode that I watched under the same circumstances, so this one can't have been that good ;-)

Who, exactly, at the NCIS: NO writers' round table said, "OK, so when murderess leaves the bar, LaSalle follows her, and she kisses him with her Drugged Lipstick of Plot Convenience (tm), we need the rest of the team to not know where she's taking him, so we have to get rid of his tracking device.... I got it, let's have it be in his hat, that he's holding and then drops"

(Junior Writer: "The hell? The guy is a super military guy, he would never not put his cover back on when outside"

Junior Writer #2: "A tracking device in a hat? Are you high?"

Senior Writer: "You know, I could fire you all."

JW: "Hat tracking device, sounds good."

JW#2: "Standard issue, I'm sure.")

Percy's reaction to LaSalle's Drugged Death of Plot Convenience (tm), is about the only good part of this.

I also thought they kind of missed the mark on the characterization of Chloe.... she was written to be a crazy psychotic murderer and then it turned out she had a noble (ish) reason for what she was doing. Then Pride is all, "just put the gun down and we'll make sure everyone knows that your dad didn't die in a bar fight!" instead of wasting this lady that maliciously and intentionally committed premeditated murder, like a good TV NCIS agent would. If they were trying to get me to be sympathetic to her cause, they did not succeed.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, JessDVD said:

I also thought they kind of missed the mark on the characterization of Chloe.... she was written to be a crazy psychotic murderer and then it turned out she had a noble (ish) reason for what she was doing. Then Pride is all, "just put the gun down and we'll make sure everyone knows that your dad didn't die in a bar fight!" instead of wasting this lady that maliciously and intentionally committed premeditated murder, like a good TV NCIS agent would. If they were trying to get me to be sympathetic to her cause, they did not succeed

This. At the end when Pride was talking her down, I kept thinking if they wanted me to be sympathetic to Chloe they failed miserably. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, JessDVD said:

Who, exactly, at the NCIS: NO writers' round table said, "OK, so when murderess leaves the bar, LaSalle follows her, and she kisses him with her Drugged Lipstick of Plot Convenience (tm),

Well she was very very attractive going in only reading the episode description I was amazed how any sailor could hire a hooker like her on their salary. So of course big brother would be compelled to kiss her at the wake.

15 hours ago, JessDVD said:

I also thought they kind of missed the mark on the characterization of Chloe.... she was written to be a crazy psychotic murderer and then it turned out she had a noble (ish) reason for what she was doing. Then Pride is all, "just put the gun down and we'll make sure everyone knows that your dad didn't die in a bar fight!" instead of wasting this lady that maliciously and intentionally committed premeditated murder, like a good TV NCIS agent would. If they were trying to get me to be sympathetic to her cause, they did not succeed.

I agree.  She managed to pull off some pretty incredible things: hunting down clandestine agents, scrubbing digital footprints, luring men to their deaths, etc., but in the end she was willing to throw it all away on the word of some random NCIS agent who assured her that he would...what? Go to the press and let them know how her Awesome Dad (as opposed to La Salle's Sucky Dad) really died?  WHAT?  If she's so dang smart, what a dumb thing to fall for.

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Yeah. Angry, like I was THIS CLOSE and now you guys caught me, I could have bought that. Or defeated, kind of the same thing. It takes a certain level of sadistic to do all the things she did, and she's just weepy and breathy, that is more "crime of passion" than "crime of planning for years and years" to me.

By the way, I am aware that this is one random one-shot of this show that I'll have forgotten about in 2 weeks. It was just slightly memorable for the giant plotholes.

Edited by JessDVD
forgot to finish thought

Firefly did the Drugged Lipstick of Plot Contrivance (tm) better.  The only thing that would have improved the plot contrivance would be if Percy suddenly went over all woozy and faint because she snuck a frantic grieving kiss on LaSalle's Drugged Lipstick of Plot Contrivance (tm) contaminated lips.  Then it would have just been straight up homage.

Edited by HurricaneVal
to make words more betterish.
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