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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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My only gets today were Hong Kong and chipotles. FJ was an instaget. 

The contestants seemed okay today, but I was multi-tasking and not paying much attention to the screen. I did hear someone mention a Jeopardy drinking game and was totally hoping he'd turn out to be a boardie and mention ours. If I ever make the show, I'm definitely going to mention our drinking game. 

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28 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I did a LOL at Trebek talking about this. Turns out we were all wrong

 I laughed too. And we thought Jeopardy was prerecorded way in advance. Nope, Alex read here last night, and then bought it up today. :)

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Congrats to Ian.  All three contestants were okay with me.  I wish Alex would just come out and say, "You only need to say the full name of the category the first time it's chosen."  Way too much "full freaking name of the category for xxx dollars, please, Alex".  One guy even said "let's finish off the category" and then said the full name.  Sheesh!

A picture of Steve McQueen.  *facepalm*

 I only got Clara Bow and chipotle.

For FJ, I said Nixon but didn't think it was correct because I thought he keeled over in California.

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I knew Canada Day (July 1st), probably from desk calendars.  I also knew Nixon was born in CA and figured that was probably the furthest west in the continental U.S., so I guessed him for FJ even though I didn't know where he had died.  I still have a very insightful book he wrote - 1999: Victory Without War - that he signed for me shortly before his death.

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I got October for Houdini. Don’t know how I came up with that but it entered my mind so I went with it. I did get the FJ of Nixon but I thought that he died in NJ but close enough to NY so I was correct. 

Edited to add: I did get Steve McQueen. Probably another one or two as well. I can’t think straight as I am sick. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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8 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

Michael McKean! Best In Show, Waiting For Godot, Spinal Tap, For Your Consideration:

And his very best thing: Better Call Saul. He was amazing. 


Why is no one mentioning his stellar work with Lenny and the Squigtones?

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36 minutes ago, SHD said:

Why is no one mentioning his stellar work with Lenny and the Squigtones?


24 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Because you beat me to it.  LOL

Thanks for my Friday-night laugh guys. I needed that. Squigtones. Priceless.

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10 hours ago, teebax said:

I root extra hard if a contestant is from where I live, or even a place I used to live. I assume most of us do the same, although I wonder if boardies from large cities well-represented on Jeopardy feel the same.

Yep I typically root for the Brooklynites.

Sorry to see Jeffrey go but I think Ian played well and deserved the win. 

For TS I got Hong Kong and chipotle, and the missed Remains of the Day DD. FJ was an instaget.

2 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

A picture of Steve McQueen.  *facepalm*

It makes me sad to think a contestant wouldn't know him.

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Today's my birthday, so I was out eating Mexican food and getting drunk with friends while J! was on.  (So it's ironic that I couldn't pull "chipotle" out of my brain.)  Then I came home to find we'd had a power outage at the beginning of the show.  The DVR recording started just as Jeffrey was explaining how he looks like Brad Pitt.  I figured I must still be drunk.  But I see from above that that really happened. 

My husband's b'day is a week from today, and he asked for one of those 8645 T-shirts.  I hadn't seen the logo till just now.  Thanks, Tunia!

I got Nixon, but I couldn't remember whether he died in NY or NJ.  It turns out that he was living in NJ but was taken to the hospital in NYC.

Forgot about the Steve McQueen pic.  Every time I happen so see that The Great Escape is on TV, I tune in just to watch him go airborne on that old motorcycle.  I'll never get tired of that.

Edited by Mondrianyone
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I got October for Houdini. Don’t know how I came up with that but it entered my mind so I went with it.

Tony Curtis...I mean Harry Houdini died on Halloween.

I didn't know there was an 8645 tee. I'll have to get one of those immediately if not sooner!

I shed a tear for the 3 Jeptestants who did not know Steve McQueen -- from a photo for cripes sake.

My mom was supposed to be the next Clara Bow (the next IT GIRL) but she married my dad instead, for which I'm infinitely grateful.

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I think I missed the party. HBD!

I think I fell in love with McQueen during "Love with the Proper Stranger."  He died of mesothelioma. When Warren Zevon was diagnosed with it, he said, "All I wanted was Steve McQueen's HAIRCUT."

Whoever told Jeffrey he looks like Brad Pitt needs new glasses. I don't see Will Ferrell, either. I'm still thinking there's some character actor we haven't touched on yet, like Lionel Stander or somebody.


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1 minute ago, Prevailing Wind said:

'm still thinking there's some character actor we haven't touched on yet, like Lionel Stander or somebody.

I was thinking James Caan.

For FJ I knew it was either Reagan or Nixon who was born in California. I picked the wrong one.

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14 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Brad Pitt?  I don't see that, or Will Ferrell, either.

My husband thought that, and I see it - but it's when he holds his head in certain ways and has a particular expression on his face.

14 hours ago, Tunia said:

For some reason, Nixon popped into my head instantly for FJ, and I was sure it was wrong.  Darn near fell over when it turned out to be the answer.

Was debating between Nixon and Reagan, I thought both were born in CA and died in CA - so I came up blank. Sigh...

13 hours ago, teebax said:

The contestants seemed okay today, but I was multi-tasking and not paying much attention to the screen. I did hear someone mention a Jeopardy drinking game and was totally hoping he'd turn out to be a boardie and mention ours. If I ever make the show, I'm definitely going to mention our drinking game. 

I was hoping that as well, as I was explaining to my husband why I seemed so eager to hear his story.

12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

A picture of Steve McQueen.  *facepalm*

I had the biggest crush on Steve McQueen. I might have cried just a little when he died - even though I was no longer a kid.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes, everybody!  I wish you'd been there so we could've hashed out (guacamoled out?) once and for all, live and in person, who Jeffrey really looks like.  He had one more chance last night to squirt Alex with his boutonniere, but alas . . .

6 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I had the biggest crush on Steve McQueen.

Get in line, hon.  ;o)

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Fun fact: for years, the now-gone Houdini museum in Niagara Falls held a seance every Halloween and a local radio station broadcast it.

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55 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:
2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I just wanted to climb into one of those fast sports cars with Steve Mcqueen and go for a really thrilling ride. 

I agree with parts of that sentiment. ;)

It depends on one's definition of "ride." Count me in for a Steve McQueen "thrilling ride." (Such a dream boat.)

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I would have been ok with any of Friday's contestants winning, but Ian's buzzer smashing was a little annoying. The look on his face when he won was really nice, and I laughed when Alex wished Ian & the screamer from the audience a nice weekend together, then hurriedly added, "if that is your wife" Oh, Alex! 

I too was hoping that Dan's J! drinking game would be as snarky as ours is. We need to add "contestant talks about a J! drinking game" to our drinking game. 

TS I got were Hong Kong, July, The Remains of the Day, Steve McQueen, Clara Bow, chipotles. I correctly pre-guessed FJ only because I was born during the Nixon administration, and I had no idea what they were going for, so why not? Once the clue was revealed, I had no idea as I did not realize he died on the East coast.  

Today in Toddler Jeopardy: <picture of Steve McQueen> Who's this? South African city that begins with a P?, which I think was a DD. Also, Sam Shepard acted in an astronaut movie, Ian, but wasn't an astronaut IRL. He didn't even play on in the movie as I recall. 

Belated Happy Birthday @Mondrianyone


My favorite turtles. I also like turtle soup 


Edited by Toothbrush
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I just watched the Friday show.  Jeffrey answered correctly for Steve McQueen and Dan was trying to get in, so they weren't totally oblivious.  Maybe we were just too fixed on that picture of Steve..-)   I happen to have season one of Wanted Dead or Alive on DVD.

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On 6/1/2018 at 7:19 PM, saber5055 said:

Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois, a very small town about 40 minutes from where I live. He died in California. The CEO where I worked at the time took off to attend. Sometimes one can't help but know some things.

I thought he was born in Dixon, but he just grew up there. I’ve been to Dixon (Grandma and I had lunch there once—she lived in Mt. Morris), but never to Tampico. Even when we were there in 1990 or so, Reagan was allll over Dixon.

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4 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Today in Toddler Jeopardy: <picture of Steve McQueen> Who's this? South African city that begins with a P?, which I think was a DD. Also, Sam Shepard acted in an astronaut movie, Ian, but wasn't an astronaut IRL. He didn't even play on in the movie as I recall.

Called my dad afterwards in case he hadn't caught the show, as Gus Grissom was his favourite astronaut as a kid (and still is, for that matter). He had seen it, and said he couldn't stop laughing at the Sam Shepard answer, conflating the actor in The Right Stuff with Al Shepard.

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I'll take Happy Places for $2000, Alex. 

What is an endless fountain of birthday wishes?

This board!

Thank you again for all the happy birthdays!  And for that completely adorable card, @saber5055!  You people really are the opposite of trivial. 

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11 hours ago, secnarf said:

Called my dad afterwards in case he hadn't caught the show, as Gus Grissom was his favourite astronaut as a kid (and still is, for that matter). He had seen it, and said he couldn't stop laughing at the Sam Shepard answer, conflating the actor in The Right Stuff with Al Shepard.

I laughed at that one too. Gus Grissom may not be my favorite Mercury astronaut (gotta go with Glen - for real, then cemented in by the movie), but I do have a soft spot for him. I'm old enough to remember when he died in the Apollo 1 fire. It was very shocking and sad for us.

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On 6/2/2018 at 9:32 PM, Sharpie66 said:

I thought he was born in Dixon, but he just grew up there. I’ve been to Dixon (Grandma and I had lunch there once—she lived in Mt. Morris), but never to Tampico. Even when we were there in 1990 or so, Reagan was allll over Dixon.

Ha, I just got back from Dixon a little bit ago, stopped there for groceries on my way home from Woodstock, where the movie Groundhog Day was filmed. Yes, Reagan lived in Dixon, then moved to the Quad Cities where he did sports radio broadcasts for WOC in Davenport, Iowa. The picture of him at the WOC mic was all over the papers when he got elected, like he was a home boy even though he worked in Davenport radio for just a fraction of time before he left for California. His boyhood home in Dixon was added to the historic register in 1982. I've seen the signs, never seen the house. His birthplace was an apartment above a tavern in "downtown" Tampico. It's on the national historic register too. Tampico: Population 790.

And now you know, if Reagan is ever a J category.

ETA: I like turd-duls too.

Edited by saber5055
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I thought FJ belonged in (as an earlier poster put it) "Toddler Jeopardy". Doesn't everyone (except the 3 contestants) know that "nothing is certain except death and taxes"?!!! I couldn't believe how badly they guessed!!!

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Alex beat me to it!  I was looking for an appropriate picture of Fagin from Oliver Twist to append here, and then Alex made the reference in the interview.  Just not quick enough.  :-(

Oh, and Buzzy too?  Yikes.

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Nice to see Buzzy is still a douche.

I didn't like the old champ, and I don't like the new champ.  Or her outfit (this from the person with no fashion sense, at all).

Tonight I got Austin and Waltzing Matilda.

FJ was an instaget.  Once the answer was revealed.  lol  I couldn't access the section of my brain that contains that piece of info.  

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i was hoping the lady would win.  i want to see if she wears a scarf tomorrow.  i loved the one she was wearing tonight.  i knitted several just like it. the pattern is called the 'hitchhiker'.  

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I have to admit that I did laugh at Buzzy wearing the giant "Championship Belt" like a WWE guy :)  And shouldnt' the answer have been "Salem, Massachusetts" for the trial(there are other towns of Salem in other states) and yea, hasn't everyone heard of "Waltzing Matilda"?!

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Ugh.  Shut up, Buzzy.  And go away.  And take your idiotic belt with you.

FJ was by no means an instaget for me, though in the end, I blurted out "death and taxes", after a rock and a hard place had entered my head.  I had a hard time thinking of anything relevant that Ben Franklin might have said, and really didn't think "death and taxes" was correct.  It still doesn't seem to fit the clue.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I got outwit, particularly since I've never seen a single episode of Survivor.  No idea how that wormed its way into my brain.  I also got Austin, Remington, and Waltzing Matilda.  Hey, Jeptestants, if it's a male artist of the American West, it's likely to be Remington!

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3 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

And shouldnt' the answer have been "Salem, Massachusetts" for the trial(there are other towns of Salem in other states)

I really thought they should have bms'd this too. Even though I couldn't remember which state it was in:)


1 hour ago, illdoc said:

I thought FJ belonged in (as an earlier poster put it) "Toddler Jeopardy". Doesn't everyone (except the 3 contestants) know that "nothing is certain except death and taxes"?!!! I couldn't believe how badly they guessed!!!

Exactly! Got it before Alex was halfway done reading the clue.

Ben Franklin + quote + two words + durability - how could they have missed it?

I got Austin and Remington which I think were both DD's, also got Waltzing Matilda.

It was a pretty good, even game, right up until FJ.

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Ha! True.  I was afraid that the game was going to be won with a $1 total.

I thought Buzzy's belt was very funny.  Since Alex had just called him self-effacing - which, of course, he never was:)

Edited by Trey
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In the first round I thought that nobody was going to get Pasty Cline because they were all waiting for the music to stop before they hit their buzzers. I got Outwit, the DD Remington, and Wonderstruck. I didn’t get FJ...hanging my head in shame. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
I didn’t proofread. Shame on me.
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I got Remington and Waltzing Matilda, but the answer for FJ didn’t pop onto my brain until it would have been too late to write it down. I didn’t know that was a Franklin quote—I thought it was from much earlier. 

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I just looked up the quote -- I've never heard the first bit, only the part about "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."  I had no idea the quote referred to the Constitution.

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