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LSSC: Season Three Episode Talk

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12 hours ago, lexytheblasian said:

Meghan McCain’s body language screams “I’M NERVOUS!” yet she seems... nervous. I know, completely contradictory but that’s the only way I can think to describe it. She’s much more likable. 

MM was beyond nervous - she was insufferable.  Besides being stuffed into that very ill-fitting red outfit, she was speaking in her most elitist voice.  GAHHHH.  When she first bounced out, she reminded me of that purposely annoying character in Frasier named Poppy, the daughter of the station owner, who co-incidentally was blond and wearing red.

Still talking out of both sides of her mouth:  On The View, she defends trump, here she says she wants to see her father go up against him.  Then, in talking about her wedding she says "Nobody drank a lot during the reception, which I was happy about." and then went on to say "I wanted my wedding to be like a drunk party."  A woman of contradiction, to be sure...

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8 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I will never ever find that vile, uninformed, willfully ignorant creature likeable. Because she's not. She puts on different faces depending on who the crowd is. Lemme guess, she didn't give any stank eye to the audience?

It definitely came off as very fake and trying to be likable. It was cute for the moment but I’m not easily deceived; it was an obvious act. This has to be some sort of damage control. Stephen Colbert is the anti-Trump, late night Liberal she claims to despise on The View.

And yup, she was all smiles during this interview.

9 hours ago, Tunia said:

MM was beyond nervous - she was insufferable.  Besides being stuffed into that very ill-fitting red outfit, she was speaking in her most elitist voice.  GAHHHH.  When she first bounced out, she reminded me of that purposely annoying character in Frasier named Poppy, the daughter of the station owner, who co-incidentally was blond and wearing red.

Still talking out of both sides of her mouth:  On The View, she defends trump, here she says she wants to see her father go up against him.  Then, in talking about her wedding she says "Nobody drank a lot during the reception, which I was happy about." and then went on to say "I wanted my wedding to be like a drunk party."  A woman of contradiction, to be sure...

LMAO! Even her entrance screamed, “a nervous hot mess.” The crowd barely clapped. Did you catch how far she was sitting on the edge of her seat?

OMG, that comment about wanting her dad to get better just to stand up to Trump really pissed me off. She rarely brings up her dad standing up to Trump on The View. A woman of contradiction is an understatement. Yeah, laugh and kiss up to Colbert and his audience all you want, Meghan. And then she tried to blame her going off on Joy during political discussions because she hasn’t had her latte yet. She’s fake, plain and simple.

Edited by lexytheblasian
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17 hours ago, ari333 said:

Stephen cracks me up. I am late to the party , but I'm catching up. He is hilarious

That's me too. I never watched The Colbert Report, and the launch of this show was just kinda....there. But ever since the election, it's become must see. Especially the monologue. (Guest interviews, to me, depends on the viewers personal interest in the guest).

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I don't have a clever title for this thread, but I was just enjoying a Real News Tonight segment from last week's repeats and wanted to comment that it's consistently one of my favourites. Jim Anchorton and Jill Newslady are so soothing and determined to please. 

First Drafts doesn't always work for me but I loved the most recent Valentine's cards. The Amor/Amour/Amore card especially tickled my sense of humour.

What else is there? Covetton House, Big Furry Hat, Midnight Confessions . . .

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
GOOP is the real one.
8 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I miss the show when it's not on, like last week, and then it wasn't on again tonight. I feel like my night is missing something.

Me, too. He's part of my daily coping mechanism! I went to YouTube to rewatch his interview with Nathan Lane. I love that it was the first time they'd met, and within five minutes they were doing perfectly timed sips of water together. Comedy geniuses.

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okay, so this is going to be shallow -- very shallow. and before i start, let me say that i fully understand how unfair it is that women are judged on how we look and what we wear. however...

last night, as i was watching kirsten gillibrand on colbert last night, i was so distracted by her appearence i could hardly concentrate on what she was saying. she looked as though she had dressed for a funeral -- and she just doesn't have the stuff to pull off all black with panache -- but her jacket was so ill-fitting that was all i could see. for fuck sake: look in the mirror before buying an outfit; if it doesn't fit properly, get it tailored -- or keep looking. 

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agreed that we don't discuss what men wear. believe i mentioned that in my initial post.

but most men appearing on television wear suits that have been tailored to fit them properly. her jacket fit her so badly that it actually distracted me from paying attention what she was saying. which was the point of my comment. 

Edited by wonderwoman

Okay, the little girl with the Girl Scout cookies was adorable :D. Loved Glover being all, "I'll take all 113 orders!", too. Also, during the opening monologue, something about Stephen's impression of somebody from a candle place or whatever it was (blanking on the name at the moment) using a flamethrower really cracked me up .

Interesting interview with Omarosa. I liked Stephen's comment about how if his best friend (his wife) were president tomorrow, he'd feel better :).

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10 hours ago, Tosia said:

He was great with Omarosa who tried way too hard to be funny. He didn't laugh.  She's obnoxious.

She's appalling and a raging narcissist. Her saying that her being in the position she was in at the White House got her on LSSC made me so angry. She talked out of both sides of her mouth. "Trump has been my friend for 15 years," but "We should be worried about what he tweets, and "Leaving the White House was like leaving a plantation." She's a disgrace.

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Stephen absolutely excels at interviewing away from the desk. I wish he did more of it. (One of my favorites was his interview with Maurice Sendak (of "Where the Wild Things Are" fame) from the Colbert Report. I recommend looking it up if you've never seen it). But the ones he has done on this show have been good as well. I nearly always laugh. Out loud. I loved the carpet bit and "I mean this as a compliment--you look dead inside." Please do more of these types of interview, Stephen!

Edited by BookThief
Subject verb disagreements. Or something.
  • Love 9
31 minutes ago, BookThief said:

Stephen absolutely excels at interviewing away from the desk. I wish he did more of it. (One of my favorites was his interview with Maurice Sendak (of "Where the Wild Things Are" fame) from the Colbert Report. I recommend looking it up if you've never seen it). But the ones he has done on this show have been good as well. I nearly always laugh. Out loud. I loved the carpet bit and "I mean this as a compliment--you look dead inside." Please do more of these types of interview, Stephen!

Yes, but the desk interviews I've seen have been mostly duds. I wonder if it has more to do with the unrehearsed nature of the desk interviews, or if the format is deadening as well.

On 3/2/2018 at 5:34 PM, bilgistic said:

She's appalling and a raging narcissist. Her saying that her being in the position she was in at the White House got her on LSSC made me so angry. She talked out of both sides of her mouth. "Trump has been my friend for 15 years," but "We should be worried about what he tweets, and "Leaving the White House was like leaving a plantation." She's a disgrace.

Omarosa: thinks she’s clever, charming, smart & relevant. Is not.

Colbert: is all of these things.

omarosa & Mango Mussolini just live for the fact they can now say ‘when I was in the White House...’. Damn it all.

Edited by DrSparkles
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Thank you all for reminding me why I do not want to watch this Omarosa interview. I watched the first season (only!) of The Apprentice—and now recall vowing not just to never watch the show again, but also never to watch Omarosa again. I would feel sorry for SC for having to have her on his show except that he could not only afford to quit anytime, but he would also easily get another satisfying gig. For that matter, I'm sure he could have had a guest host for the week she was on. Heh, maybe he's now wishing he did. Or at least vowing to never interview her again.

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7 hours ago, wonderwoman said:

found the interview with chelsea clinton so cringeworthy i thought the new book she was plugging must have been published by simon & schuster, a subsidiary of cbs. surprised to find out that penguin is the publisher. 

I don't know if this means there is or was any link between CBS and Penguin, but according to this Wikipedia entry (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_%26_Schuster#1990s) on the history of Simon & Schuster:


In 1994, Paramount was sold to the original Viacom, allowing [Simon & Schuster] to launch several new imprints in conjunction with channels owned by Viacom's MTV Networks. Simon & Schuster's first move under Viacom was the acquisition of Macmillan USA.…

In 1998, Viacom sold Simon & Schuster's educational operations, including Prentice Hall and Macmillan, to Pearson PLC, the global publisher and then owner of Penguin and the Financial Times…

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