Guest August 27, 2017 Share August 27, 2017 POV Link to comment
Kip Hackman August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Why in the world should Alex care about Jason throwing away jury votes? Especially considering the fact that she could be in the F2 against him? 14 Link to comment
dizzyd August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Did someone finally break Paul's wheel? And I rodeo clown, at that? Is it a little too late and just a tease? 5 Link to comment
Cherry Cola August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 (edited) Hahahahaha...I am so glad Jason didn't listen to Alex. Why should he? I am glad he did what he wanted. Kevin's faces in the mirror..too funny. But combing hair with his toothbrush, that is weird. Edited August 31, 2017 by Cherry Cola 6 Link to comment
rockibirdi August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Awesome- at least something interesting has happened in the house. Loved the expressions on everyone's faces before, during, and after the veto meeting. I never thought I would say this, but, "Good job, Jason!!!!" Alex was being so illogical in her argument on why Jason should take down Raven. I hope Jason sees this. Does Alex still have a secret pact with just Paul? 7 Link to comment
threebluestars August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I abhor Alex. She is an absolute hosebeast. 23 Link to comment
PaperTree August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Good for Jason. He is now the one I despise the least. Alex is just a mean, nasty, stupid, obnoxious bitch. I would love to see Jason punch her back. Matt. Uggh. Raven. Double uggh. Jason was stupid telling her he would take her off, but hey, it's Big Brother. Things change all the time. He should have put up Josh or Xmas. Just a pawn, right? He shows glimmers of getting a clue sometimes, but it doesn't last. Wtf with Kevin and the toothbrush comb? That was creepy and weird. I never liked this veto. Making that mess a bigger mess is stupid. 2 Link to comment
North of Eden August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I have no love for Kevin but I was so happy to FINALLY see Paul not get his way and MOB RULE fail to work for once! If Jason were smart he would ditch Alex and team up with Kevin. I hope Josh gets a clue form the final seconds of the episode where Alex was apparently ordering him out of the storage room so she and Jason could confer with Paul. Maybe that will make Josh further suspicous of Paul and maybe we can get some momentum to get the bearded blowhard out of the house. Kevin in the mirror was just the worst kind of filler. Jason has no one to blame but himself if he got a "dirty shirt" out of this week. Alex was begging him to let her have the HOH. Maybe he should have dropped out of that hot dog bun. Cowboys don't lie? Huh? I heard that about Vulcans but never about cowboys. 6 Link to comment
mojoween August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Good for you Jason. Loved his DR about the mob rule. Alex can take several seats because while Jason could have given her the HOH, she could have just kept her ass up there if she wanted to make the decision. Jason would have been smartest NOT keeping the power to make the decision and throwing the veto, in hindsight. 7 Link to comment
babs1226 August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I think this broke the trust between Jason and Alex/Paul. He realized they had a different agenda, and he was loyal to his friend. I like that. 11 Link to comment
jumper sage August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 1 hour ago, rockibirdi said: Does Alex still have a secret pact with just Paul? I believe so. 3 Link to comment
Mnemosyne August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Alex is vile. 9 Link to comment
mojoween August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 One of the guys after finding the condom stash noticed there was something on his hand and if it is what I think it is these people are heinous. You gotta clean that shit up. 6 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 In the opening, did they have to make it look like Kevin was masturbating in the kitchen? 1 Link to comment
Irritable August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 My favorite part of the episode was when Kevin was using the time he should have been looking for the VETO cards to put his suits back in the closet and his socks back in the drawer. Why was Josh so scandalized and horrified to find condoms in a drawer? It's not like they had been used. 3 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 2 hours ago, PaperTree said: Alex is just a mean, nasty, stupid, obnoxious bitch. I would love to see Jason punch her back. After the 2nd/3rd time she would have gotten a "And that right there is the last time you're allowed to hit me without my returning fire." Or the like. She really is super obnoxious with him. She also treats him like a dog: come here, stay, do this, do that, you're stupid and worthless. I think it finally all got to him and he decided to give her an F-U. It will most likely cost him his game having "gone against the house" but good for him for doing what he wanted to do with HIS HoH. I would love for him and Kevin to become a pair now and leave Alex only with her supposed 'secret alliance' with Paul. She could then join the jury house. I've never seen someone brush their hair with a toothbrush, let alone then putting it BACK in his mouth without so much as running a little water on it first?? And he didn't rinse it first either so he was spreading toothpaste spit through his hair as well. So nasty. 6 Link to comment
Nashville August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 32 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said: In the opening, did they have to make it look like Kevin was masturbating in the kitchen? Well... that is where all the hand towels are, so.... :> 2 hours ago, rockibirdi said: Does Alex still have a secret pact with just Paul? Alex thinks so. Paul, on the other hand, may have different ideas on the subject. 5 Link to comment
MarysWetBar August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Boy were they ever spinning that whole episode! Kinda sad that the most exciting part of this show right now is laughing at the obviously difficult editing going on. What a shitshow all around. 2 Link to comment
Michichick August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 51 minutes ago, Irritable said: My favorite part of the episode was when Kevin was using the time he should have been looking for the VETO cards to put his suits back in the closet and his socks back in the drawer. Why was Josh so scandalized and horrified to find condoms in a drawer? It's not like they had been used. Spoiler Well, he did find Matt and Raven's drawer full of used (yes, used) condoms last week, so I think Josh was thinking about that. Matt and Raven are gross. 5 Link to comment
HurricaneVal August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Quote Making that mess a bigger mess is stupid. PaperTree, I actually think this comp is production's way of forcing the hamsters to clean up the pig sty. And mojoween? I know we're not supposed to talk about the feeds in the episode threads, but at the risk of a penalty vote... Those, uh, weren't, um, unused condoms in the bedside table drawer. Yup. Matt and Raven really are that disgusting. 4 Link to comment
Callaphera August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Ugh, the used condom collection made the show. Of all things... 1 Link to comment
Rosebud1970 August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I've said this about a gazillion times before (as has just about everyone else here), but why oh why do certain people expect others to play their game for them? Jason has finally woken up and realized that throwing his real friend in the game, Kevin, under the bus in favor of Matt--who has said maybe 2 words to him in over 68 days--just because that's what Alex wants him to do, or Paul wants him to do, or Christmas wants him to do... I can't even. If Alex wants to backdoor Kevin, then let Alex win HOH and POV and let her backdoor Kevin. Until, girl, shut yer yap and play the game. Jason knows he's not making it to jury (at least, I think that light has finally dawned) so what does he care if he makes an enemy or two or three on the Jury? I mean, what earthly difference does it make. 6 Link to comment
BattleBabe August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Go Jason! I loathe Alex. I've always liked Kevin & his weirdness and I hope he wins. HAHA PAUL Josh you're gay, just admit it. 2 Link to comment
North of Eden August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 7 hours ago, MarysWetBar said: Boy were they ever spinning that whole episode! Kinda sad that the most exciting part of this show right now is laughing at the obviously difficult editing going on. What a shitshow all around. PLease elaborate onthe spinning. 1 Link to comment
laurakaye August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 (edited) So now, does Paul declare gang warfare on Jason? Pots and pans, circus music, yells, threats and lies? If Jason and Josh put their brain cells together and realize that Paul is playing everyone? It would be nice, but not nearly enough to salvage this hideous and disgusting season. Alex's stupid, nonsensical staccato chatter in the DR makes me stabby. Edited August 31, 2017 by laurakaye 7 Link to comment
ghoulina August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Thank you, Jason. Thank you for - A. Having a mind of your own and B. Giving us some entertainment. It's most likely way too late in the game for him to start thinking for himself; I doubt this move will do him much good, and it may even cause him harm. But I don't give a fuck. After an entire season of everyone marching lock-step behind Master Paul, I was tickled to see someone NOT do what he wants. And now we KNOW some shit is going to go down. Thanks, again, Jason. Oh, and Raven's tears made it all worth it. She's really going to lose it when the chronic cereal eating lump is out of here. He'll probably campaign extra hard to make sure HE goes home over her. I find his "chivalry" where she's concerned so ridiculous. I have to say, I HATE this comp. I think I may hate it more than the slip-n-slide. I get such anxiety seeing how messy the house gets. I'd be like Kevin, too concerned with what all is on the floor to even bother trying to find the damn Veto. It IS always interesting to see who hides it where, and which ones get found. I thought Paul's idea was actually genius, and was surprised that it wasn't the last one standing. And I think Jason's being the sole non-found Veto was pure luck. That was NOT a great spot. I was also surprised that Raven found two of them - maybe she is in Mensa after all. ;) Kevin,'s all semantics at this point with you, huh? Also, quit with the duckface!!!! Josh needed Paul's permission to nap. Enough said. 11 Link to comment
ghoulina August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 11 hours ago, Kip Hackman said: Why in the world should Alex care about Jason throwing away jury votes? Especially considering the fact that she could be in the F2 against him? Because she's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is. 11 hours ago, PaperTree said: I never liked this veto. Making that mess a bigger mess is stupid. Plus, I tend to think that trashing it to the degree they do is counter-intuitive and is why it takes so damn long to find these Vetos. If I were playing, I'd be all methodical in each room and open everything, look under everything, then put it right back. I know it would take longer during your actual turns, but in the long run I'd think it would be easier to find what you're looking for. Then again, as a hider, the more mess in the house, the least likely yours is to be found. Yea, I hate this game. 9 hours ago, mojoween said: One of the guys after finding the condom stash noticed there was something on his hand and if it is what I think it is these people are heinous. You gotta clean that shit up. Ewww, that's gross. I didn't catch that. I will say, though, I thought Josh acting all shocked about the condoms was stupid. There were 3 couples in the house, two who were definitely doing it. Why WOULDN'T there be condoms. You should be GLAD there were condoms. 4 Link to comment
MarysWetBar August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 40 minutes ago, North of Eden said: PLease elaborate onthe spinning. Sorry, I just realized I'm in the tv thread, so I can't really elaborate orher than to say that I really sensed that Jason looked real good on the broadcast, as well as the attempt at softening up Alex to make her "chipper" rather than hideous. Also, sensed they were trying to justify the reasons the house is now gangpiling on Keven, by showing his strange quirky ways ( toothbrush incident, anxiety over the mess). On another note, as wack as he has been, Josh really seems to be enjoying the game sometimes. I have to admit his DRs crack me up occaisionally. Xmas is a nothing burger and shouldn't even be there. She adds nothing. 4 Link to comment
Pondlass1 August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I cannot think of anyone that can win against Paul in the final two? So long as they keep him in the running, none of them stand a chance. Thank goodness I didn't bother watching the veto game - that house is disgusting. I'd WANT to be voted out before I caught something nasty. Ugh! 2 Link to comment
ghoulina August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 5 minutes ago, MarysWetBar said: Sorry, I just realized I'm in the tv thread, so I can't really elaborate orher than to say that I really sensed that Jason looked real good on the broadcast, as well as the attempt at softening up Alex to make her "chipper" rather than hideous. Also, sensed they were trying to justify the reasons the house is now gangpiling on Keven, by showing his strange quirky ways ( toothbrush incident, anxiety over the mess). You could take it to the "discussion for feed watchers" thread. I enjoy being filled in on the ways episodes are edited or what was left out, but some of us just don't have the time to wade through the actual feed thread. 1 Link to comment
GeorgiaRai August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 I'm probably among the most casual of casuals, and even I have begun to see why people dislike Alex. She's been one of the few I've wanted to root for, but between the (IMO) inappropriate convo with Jason wearing just a towel & her acting like him playing his game is personally offensive, I'm abandoning ship. I still have NO regrets about Jodica's evictions - I found the show barely watchable when they were on - but after losing Mark, I'm ... rootless. Glad Jason used his POV his way, and hope he, Josh & Kevin (and eventually Christmas) wise up soon and go after Paul. I know it's a fantasy, but I will hold onto my dreams until Sunday when I'm sure they'll all come crashing down. 3 Link to comment
jumper sage August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 11 hours ago, Nashville said: 13 hours ago, rockibirdi said: Does Alex still have a secret pact with just Paul? Alex thinks so. Paul, on the other hand, may have different ideas on the subject. I stand corrected. @Nashville - He wants a final two with Josh since he feels no one will vote for josh since he gone bonkers on everyone, under Paul's instructions. 10 hours ago, HurricaneVal said: PaperTree, I actually think this comp is production's way of forcing the hamsters to clean up the pig sty. Me too. 1 Link to comment
ghoulina August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 The only person I could may see beating Paul would be Christmas, as a sympathy thing. But I still don't think that would happen unless Paul was really disliked by most of the people on the jury. 2 Link to comment
jumper sage August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 32 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Paul is the only strong player in the game. It doesn't matter what players are booted from this point forward or who does the booting. As long as Paul is in the game, he does win. Argh! I concede to this opinion. If things keep going as they are, anyone who sits next to Paul will lose because Paul can say, and rightly so, that he has run the entire house the whole season. 1 minute ago, ghoulina said: The only person I could may see beating Paul would be Christmas, as a sympathy thing. But I still don't think that would happen unless Paul was really disliked by most of the people on the jury. Christmas is not going to be in the final 2. Who would take her? 2 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 (edited) 5 hours ago, ghoulina said: Josh needed Paul's permission to nap. Enough said. Yeah that was particularly pathetic. I agree that this season is dwindling down to the inevitable 'coronation' of Paul as King of the House. I don't like it but it's happening and I think everyone has their 'game' so tied up in his bringing them to final that they don't dare make waves lest they get passed over. We'll see what is in store for Jason but my guess will be it won't be pretty. Paul and The House will make him an example of him. 'Going against the House' is punishable via banishment. ETA: Re: Christmas, I think she could get taken as she's an 'easy out' if you draw a comp vs her in final three that she doesn't get cleared to play in. Possibility of her sitting out I think is a factor. Edited August 31, 2017 by Wandering Snark 5 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 31, 2017 Share August 31, 2017 Josh doesn't need Paul's permission to nap, he was asking his opinion. And I'm pretty sure Paul said no because they're not allowed to nap during the day. And Alex doesn't care about whether or not Jason gets jury votes, she was simply telling him that in order to convince him to put up Kevin. 2 Link to comment
candall September 1, 2017 Share September 1, 2017 21 hours ago, Wandering Snark said: After the 2nd/3rd time she would have gotten a "And that right there is the last time you're allowed to hit me without my returning fire." Or the like. Okay, yes, very good, you're right, give her fair warning. Then punch her back. I just keep watching her and being amazed that anyone thinks it's okay to haul off and slug someone, repeatedly, with all your strength. Because she's not a big brute of a man? Step off, sister. 12 hours ago, MarysWetBar said: Xmas is a nothing burger and shouldn't even be there. She adds nothing. During the veto comp, I was wondering if I'd FF'd a segment and they'd brought in a "celebrity former player" to moderate. I truly did not know who that woman was. ************** I thoroughly enjoyed this competition, because no one was flinging food around and dumping entire boxes of cereal on the floor, just to be an asshole, James. Kevin tut-tutting about finding his suits in disarray cracked me up. 1 Link to comment
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