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S08.E06: Unfinished Sentences

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49 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I have not seen anything about Chelsea that gives me any indication she is a mean girl. Nothing whatsoever. She has the same friends since the beginning of the show. Those friends come off pretty friendly and decent. Chelsea has had to put up with Adumb's behavior which is mentally and verbally abusive and still, she was pretty damn decent to him when he was not deserving of it. I would have gone off on him a long time ago and would have cut his visits long ago, if a court permitted me to do so.

I don't get "mean girl" vibe from Chelsea either. Perhaps we have different ideas of what that term means, but I think someone who goes out of their way to bully/belittle others to hide their insecurities, is rude to customer service etc. I don't get that from Chelsea at all, yes she loves her family (they love her back), I don't see her being rude to a fan or anything. (Occasionally she gets exasperated with her Mom, that seems a point of stress for her- but she's not mean.)


I think sometimes when women have extroverted personalities people assume they should be warm and welcoming to EVERYONE, it's a gender thing, women are supposed to care about the feelings of others (outside of basic human respect). 

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On 15/08/2017 at 4:41 PM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

So Kail basically had to bribe her college to let her graduate? And that presentation. For a mass comm person. Yikes. 


Her intro/outline slide had just three sections regarding her "make your brand" presentation. If I squint my eyes I think the sections were titled: "Get knocked up twice" , "Pizza with Ranch Dressing"  , and "Tell him you can't get pregnant and he can pull out"

That and the video biography... good god, how did the people in the room keep a straight face? An embarassment for DSU and that department.

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4 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I agree with you a thousand percent!!!! I share the unpopular opinion that Chelsea isn't very nice. She treats people decently, and I will say she's a decent person, but saying she's nice...nah, she reminds me too much of this charming mean girl I went to high school with, whom I believe if she had been on TM, she would have been seen in the exact same light as Chelsea.

Pardon me, no snark intended, but that is kind of a stretch IMO.

When and how exactly has Chelsea shown a mean side? Perhaps my definition of mean girl is not the same as yours, but generally speaking, mean girls are pretty damn obvious with their behavior. To me, mean girls can exhibit any of the following: bully-type behavior, they are aggressive, they say nasty comments, they can be deceitful, exclude people based on their looks, weight, and education. They tend to judge others or form conclusions about people on the basis of incomplete information, spread lies and rumors, etc. There is more, but that is the gist of it.


I don't get "mean girl" vibe from Chelsea either. Perhaps we have different ideas of what that term means, but I think someone who goes out of their way to bully/belittle others to hide their insecurities, is rude to customer service etc. I don't get that from Chelsea at all, yes she loves her family (they love her back), I don't see her being rude to a fan or anything. (Occasionally she gets exasperated with her Mom, that seems a point of stress for her- but she's not mean.)

Agree. I know I don't always remember certain things from this show, and I have to be reminded now and then about certain scenes or topics that have been presented to us, but I would clearly remember Chelsea being an ass to anyone. I don't even look at some of her scenes with her mom where she seems annoyed with her as anything but that, being annoyed. No one has ever been annoyed with a parent? I remember having a couple of moments with my adult children when I could tell they were annoyed with me. I am sure I will annoy one of them this weekend.

Edited by SPLAIN
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9 hours ago, Housewives Addict said:

Sorry this is off the subject, but how come some of the posts I see have a pink background and border?  I've been searching through this site for answers but can't find anything!!  

A post becomes pink when it gets a high number of LIKES---25, I think. 

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Haha we all said our opinion of Chelsea was unpopular! Almost all first hand accounts of fans running into her and people in the area who have known her say she's snobby, stuck up, exclusionary, and rude to people. She's been shown to be a bad friend, like to megan, and isn't exactly nice to her mom. she's made snotty remarks about Taylor (not like we haven't all talked smack about the girl our ex is with), and slept with him while she was pregnant. She seems to only befriend people who are willing to look/talk/act just like her, which may have been a coincidence at first (megan), but seems to attract fan girls. 

There are a lot of covert mean girls out there. That girl I mentioned who made my high school life miserable would translate great on tv, because she's charming when she wants to be. Have we ever seen Chelsea interact with peers she considers beneath her? Not really, but we've seen how she treats people she considers less cool and intelligent (her mother) and resents (early Taylor). If she was flat out bullying someone, do you think she would be stupid enough to put it on tv? We can't even see aubree's birthday! I guarantee if my high school "friend" had a show, I would not be on it, nor would any other girl she didn't like. Who would be? Her family, whom she respects, and her fiancé and best girlfriends (who all copy her hair and style, like Chelsea's). She had also lost friends through selfish actions, like Megan.

It's mainly a vibe she gives, though. Several of us have seen it, though many have not. I still think it's a large enough number that I am not alone. Some of you will never see it or agree, and that's not a big deal, and maybe she just reminds a lot of us of girls we grew up with. Sure, she's not an overt Regina George, but possibly a Karen. 

Edited by Christina87
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Not really, but we've seen how she treats people she considers less cool and intelligent (her mother) and resents (early Taylor)

I watch the show. I can't be included in "we". I don't see her interactions with her mother as being due to her viewing her mother as being "less cool and intelligent." That is a description that has been attributed to Chelsea's mom by some viewers. That doesn't mean that is how Chelsea views her. I see a normal relationship between those two although I do think her mother has fucked up on occasion when she has spoken about Adumb in Aubree's presence or mentioned his name when it wasn't warranted. As for Chelsea's interactions with Taylor, it appears they both have moved forward from that drama and have learned they are not enemies. Taylor doesn't seem to take issue with what happened between Adumb and Chelsea in the past. No doubt Chelsea regrets hooking up with Adumb. The way I see Chelsea and Taylor now, it shows growth and maturity. That is something I am not seeing with the rest of the cast, and it is something we mention from time to time that we wish the cast would do - grow up and start making better choices. If only Jenelle, Kail, and Leah would grow up. Instead, they continue on the same path creating more drama and bringing in more children into their clusterfuck lives.  

As for the supposed comments from people who claim to have had interactions with Chelsea, I wonder how they were towards her? People can be assholes to people they see on television. 

I dealt with some girls who were major assholes and snobs. Typical bullies in junior high and high school. I don't get that sense with Chelsea.  People who do have that in them, can't hide it.  It is like Kail's racist views and abusive behavior. It rears its ugly head now and then no matter how much she tries to show otherwise. 


3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Jenelle's 'Gym' is to Catelynn and April's 'Boogietown.'

Like @ghoulina, it didn't even dawn on me it could be a code. 

David, Jenelle and Nathan are going at it again. David allegedly uses homophobic slurs against Nathan. Nathan accuses Jenelle of being in contempt of their court order: http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/08/15/nathan-griffith-david-eason-twitter-feud-jenelle-ex-fights-fiance/

I am so disgusted with that pig and his constant use of homophobic slurs. I believe Nathan regarding that claim.  

Edited by GreatKazu
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6 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Haha we all said our opinion of Chelsea was unpopular! Almost all first hand accounts of fans running into her and people in the area who have known her say she's snobby, stuck up, exclusionary, and rude to people. She's been shown to be a bad friend, like to megan, and isn't exactly nice to her mom. she's made snotty remarks about Taylor (not like we haven't all talked smack about the girl our ex is with), and slept with him while she was pregnant. She seems to only befriend people who are willing to look/talk/act just like her, which may have been a coincidence at first (megan), but seems to attract fan girls. 

There are a lot of covert mean girls out there. That girl I mentioned who made my high school life miserable would translate great on tv, because she's charming when she wants to be. Have we ever seen Chelsea interact with peers she considers beneath her? Not really, but we've seen how she treats people she considers less cool and intelligent (her mother) and resents (early Taylor). If she was flat out bullying someone, do you think she would be stupid enough to put it on tv? We can't even see aubree's birthday! I guarantee if my high school "friend" had a show, I would not be on it, nor would any other girl she didn't like. Who would be? Her family, whom she respects, and her fiancé and best girlfriends (who all copy her hair and style, like Chelsea's). She had also lost friends through selfish actions, like Megan.

It's mainly a vibe she gives, though. Several of us have seen it, though many have not. I still think it's a large enough number that I am not alone. Some of you will never see it or agree, and that's not a big deal, and maybe she just reminds a lot of us of girls we grew up with. Sure, she's not an overt Regina George, but possibly a Karen. 

I kinda see where you are coming from. I like Chelsea a lot and think she's adorable and a fun person to be around. However, I do sortove get that slight mean girlish vibe from her, too. Like, she's fun with her cool rich friends but I can see her talking badly behind a girls back that wasn't a part of her Rich posse. I say this because there have been scenes where I caught her and her friends throwing shade at someone for their appearance.

There was this one scene where Adam was pulling up to Chelsea's to pick up Aubree and he had his new girl with him and Chelsea and her friends looked to see what the girl looked like and they eyerolled the girl and was like "O-M-G she is wearing a headband ...like seriously? who does that?" In their valley girl voices. I gave her a pass because it was obvious jealousy over an ex having a new girlfriend.

Otherthan a couple scenes, Chelsea has shown to be a sweet girl. I know she holds back some snottiness when the cameras are rolling but I can't picture her being mean like that especially now that she's older. That older scene was when she was like 19 and still immature. She's grown into a wonderful lady. To me, I don't feel that a mean person would have such a strong family and friend support and Chelsea does have all of that. 

So I see your side but I also see a girl that had everything handed to her from daddy and was kinda snobbish but grew out of it as she matured. All girls can be somewhat mean girlish in high school lol.

Edited by Calm81
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Just my 2 cents, so please take or leave. The teen moms have chosen to be on camera. Therefore, some viewers feel like they know them personally when they approach them or interact with them. I would think that it's human nature for Chelsea to be protective of herself during these interactions.  It must be jarring when someone 'knows' you and you have no idea who they are and if they are safe. I don't think she is being a mean girl.  I think she needs to draw that self protective line.  She has matured incredibly since being a teen, when maybe her insecurities dictated her behavior more.  I do think her relationship with Taylor really exemplifies her maturity. 

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I don't feel bad for Nathan given his own history of homophobia and white supremacy, but I really wish Kaiser didn't have to be in the middle of these two warring douchebag domestic abusers. Talk about immature and scary. 

Edited by Lm2162
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Haha I've said how I feel about her, and I don't really want to go back and forth about it, but I will say that the girl I know (who I obviously know isn't the only mean girl in the world, just my experience) has a lot of people snowed. She has an incredibly supportive family, just like Chelsea's, and she deeply, truly cares for them. She is a mean person, but she treats her family with respect and love; I think those aren't mutually exclusive. It was a little hard to hide her mean girl tendencies when her little sister got married first though, hahaha. She goes to church with a lot of middle aged people, who absolutely adore her. Every time she posts a selfie on fb, like 10 adults from her church GUSH on and on about how beautiful she is, she should be a model (she is overweight but not obese and not model material), how lucky her fiancé is to have found her...barf. Her victims absolutely can't understand why some people think the world of her. She provokes a strong reaction in people, good or bad, the way Chelsea does a lot of us. If she was on tv and someone insinuated she was a mean girl, I'm sure people would rush to write ten-paragraph essays about how sweet she is. Yet I hear from a friend who still lives there that she's still the same. His mom offered to throw her an engagement party, he told her, and she snottily told him that she had "better things to do, but would think about it if she didn't get the stuff she wanted at her other parties and showers." 

I've said how I feel about Chelsea, so I feel this should suffice. Yes, I know she is not the girl I went to high school with, even if she does give me a similar vibe (sometimes it's hard to put a vibe into words), but she is proof that you can genuinely love and respect your family, treat them like gold, appear genuinely sweet to a myriad of people (including me when I first met her! She talked about her love for her grandmothers and I thought she was adorable.). She appears so sweet that she evokes a very strong reaction, like the instinct to defend her honor. Yet she is very mean to people she considers beneath her, or doesn't like for some other reason (she didn't like me because I dated a guy she liked), and has the ability to make people miserable. However, I don't know how much I believe Chelsea consistently made people miserable though. I hope not. I could see her looking down on your if your hair / clothes aren't cool, being subtly exclusionary, etc. I tend to see her as more of the girl who will cry to you on the phone about Adam for two hours because her "cool" friends are busy, and you get off the phone excited, feeling like she is your friend, and she's sort of popular. Then she won't let you sit with her group in the cafeteria the next day.

Leah, on the other hand, gives me a very sweet vibe, though she has made some bad decisions and treated people terribly when she was younger and more immature! Chelsea seems like an at least semi-mean girl who has made good decisions, and Leah seems like a sweet girl who has made bad decisions. 

Edited by Christina87
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@Christina87 now that you've explained your perceptions in more detail (thank you), I think people have different definitions of what it means to be a "mean girl". Which is totally okay- we all bring our own life experiences into how we view the show and the TM2 girls. 

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@Scarlett45 and our different perceptions are what make things interesting! I like hearing from different people, especially people who have insight into drugs/addiction/mental issues since I don't! Yeah, I definitely don't see Chelsea as the queen bee who constantly tells a victim she's ugly. I see her more as the semi-popular girl who talks to you about Adam for two hours on the phone and then won't let you sit at her lunch table the next day. 

ETA: @Scarlett45 across several boards you have constantly proven yourself to be very open minded and willing to listen to other sides. ?

Edited by Christina87
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6 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

@Scarlett45 and our different perceptions are what make things interesting! I like hearing from different people, especially people who have insight into drugs/addiction/mental issues since I don't! Yeah, I definitely don't see Chelsea as the queen bee who constantly tells a victim she's ugly. I see her more as the semi-popular girl who talks to you about Adam for two hours on the phone and then won't let you sit at her lunch table the next day. 

ETA: @Scarlett45 across several boards you have constantly proven yourself to be very open minded and willing to listen to other sides. ?

Aww you're so sweet to me thank you. 

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I felt bad for kaiser. Poor kid needs a hug and some cuddle time. I Dote on my son who is a year or so older than kaiser and it kills me that kaiser is so neglected. I hate Brianna but her baby daddy should have no say in the adoption unless he wants to raise Stella alone. I hate how men can just dump all the responsibilities on the mother and walk away or just take the kid when it's fun or convenient for them. Hate how Briana acts like she raises nova alone. Girl doesn't have a job isn't in  school and yet her mom and sister basically raise nova for her. 

Karl's presentation was horrible and I'd never attend that shitty College after seeing those dumb professors praise her thrown together narcissistic presentation. 

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I will say that even though I hate David and he doesn't say things in an appropriate way, I agreed with him this episode (though again, it wasn't said in an appropriate manner at all, especially in front of children). I would get Jenelle's incredulity at how hard it is to get a moment to herself and to schedule things if it was her first child-- I'm going through a tad of that myself, and postpartum can be rough-- but she's been pregnant like 86 times and has had 3 children and a "stepchild" (omg Jenelle is a stepmom). But Jenelle seems the type to just freak out randomly, never do anything to be proactive or help the situation, and want the guys in her life to sit around wondering why she's ragingly mad and reading her mind. I get David's frustration even if he is a piece of crap who can't keep it together emotionally. 

Edited by Lm2162
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23 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I will say that even though I hate David and he doesn't say things in an appropriate way, I agreed with him this episode (though again, it wasn't said in an appropriate manner at all, especially in front of children). I would get Jenelle's incredulity at how hard it is to get a moment to herself and to schedule things if it was her first child-- I'm going through a tad of that myself, and postpartum can be rough-- but she's been pregnant like 86 times and has had 3 children and a "stepchild" (omg Jenelle is a stepmom). But Jenelle seems the type to just freak out randomly, never do anything to be proactive or help the situation, and want the guys in her life to sit around wondering why she's ragingly mad. 

I agreed with David myself. He was on point with his comments to Jenelle. How he said it was so not right, but he was also frustrated with her. Hell, I am frustrated with her when she gets to that level where she is halting while talking. She does this: "I. Don't. Care. I. Need. To. Get. To. The. Gym!."  I hate when she speaks that way.  He reaches a certain point where he just blows up. See, that can be construed as a "mean guy" (opposite of mean girl), but I view the context of what was happening. Yes, David is an abusive jerk. That doesn't mean he doesn't have moments of clarity. He is still a homophobic asshole. I don't feel bad for Nathan, however, I don't appreciate anyone throwing around any slurs. David and Nathan are two peas in a pod. 


6 hours ago, bounnatalie said:

Just my 2 cents, so please take or leave. The teen moms have chosen to be on camera. Therefore, some viewers feel like they know them personally when they approach them or interact with them. I would think that it's human nature for Chelsea to be protective of herself during these interactions.  It must be jarring when someone 'knows' you and you have no idea who they are and if they are safe. I don't think she is being a mean girl.  I think she needs to draw that self protective line.  She has matured incredibly since being a teen, when maybe her insecurities dictated her behavior more.  I do think her relationship with Taylor really exemplifies her maturity. 

Right. I have seen how people approach celebs (A-list and Z-list). Living here in Southern California, I have seen many people who think those people owe them an autograph, they should pose and take a photo, those people interrupt a private dinner or moment, they just don't respect people's private time. I once watched a guy berate some D-list personality who was with his family in a grocery store. I didn't even know who the D-list personality was until after the fact. The behavior of some people comes off very entitled. I have passed on going up to a celeb or personality because I respect their private time. Other people will shout things to them, call them names, it can be downright mean. As much as I detest Kail, Maci, and Jenelle, I would never approach them or feel I am entitled to go right up to them and verbally harass them. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, kira28 said:

I felt bad for kaiser. Poor kid needs a hug and some cuddle time. I Dote on my son who is a year or so older than kaiser and it kills me that kaiser is so neglected. I hate Brianna but her baby daddy should have no say in the adoption unless he wants to raise Stella alone. I hate how men can just dump all the responsibilities on the mother and walk away or just take the kid when it's fun or convenient for them. Hate how Briana acts like she raises nova alone. Girl doesn't have a job isn't in  school and yet her mom and sister basically raise nova for her. 

Karl's presentation was horrible and I'd never attend that shitty College after seeing those dumb professors praise her thrown together narcissistic presentation. 

I wonder how much Devoid has been around since filming stopped?

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I had to watch that presentation again by Kail. It's like watching a B-movie - it's so bad it's good.  :D

I didn't catch it the first time - but she actually put her face on the donation check!! damn what a narcissist.

One professor: "I like the analogy to Oprah Winfrey". Really?  At this point I'm ready to interject here Bill Burr's skit on Motherhood (no offense to real mothers! but you have to laugh sometimes how much these girls milk the mom thing - this skit was written for these teen moms):

Edited by BabyDaddy
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4 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Yeah, I definitely don't see Chelsea as the queen bee who constantly tells a victim she's ugly. I see her more as the semi-popular girl who talks to you about Adam for two hours on the phone and then won't let you sit at her lunch table the next day. 

I don't know that I'd qualify Chelsea as a mean girl, but because she is a human being she has her imperfections like the rest of us. I think it is easy to put her on a pedestal because she is the best of the TM2 bunch and she almost always presents her best face to the camera. Going by some glimpses we've got of her less stellar behavior over the years, I can believe she can be passive-aggressive, catty,  and lazy. She has grown and matured over the years, but that doesn't mean all of her flaws disappeared either. So is life. I don't hold anything against her, she seems sweet and harmless enough and she has her shit together for the most part. But I think it is okay that some of us don't see her as anything special outside of that.


Leah, on the other hand, gives me a very sweet vibe, though she has made some bad decisions and treated people terribly when she was younger and more immature! Chelsea seems like an at least semi-mean girl who has made good decisions, and Leah seems like a sweet girl who has made bad decisions. 

This is were I have to disagree with you lol. She may be calmer and more humble this season, but Leah has been a nasty little heinous bitch many times over the years. She treated Corey and Miranda like dogshit, smearing them on social media, in the press and on tv, is a cheater, liar, bragged about her income while putting people on welfare down, and generally acted like an uppity, selfish, stuck-up mean girl of the Holler. I don't think she is evil but she has more then made bad decisions, she purposely hurt many people over the years. I think a lot of this humble attitude now comes down to her being knocked off her high horse.

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I hate Brianna but her baby daddy should have no say in the adoption unless he wants to raise Stella alone @kira28

As much as a douche Luis is, he does have a right and a say-so in his bio child's future just as Briana does. No adoption can occur unless he gives up his rights just as Briana has to give up her rights. 

Does anyone know in real time what their situation is? Are they together as a couple? 


I had to watch that presentation again by Kail. It's like watching a B-movie - it's so bad it's good.  :D

I didn't catch it the first time - but she actually put her face on the donation check!! damn what a narcissist.

I am shocked she hasn't had her own face tattooed on her hideous body. 


This is were I have to disagree with you lol. She may be calmer and more humble this season, but Leah has been a nasty little heinous bitch many times over the years. She treated Corey and Miranda like dogshit, smearing them on social media, in the press and on tv, is a cheater, liar, bragged about her income while putting people on welfare down, and generally acted like an uppity, selfish, stuck-up mean girl of the Holler. I don't think she is evil but she has more then made bad decisions, she purposely hurt many people over the years. I think a lot of this humble attitude now comes down to her being knocked off her high horse.

@HeySandyStrange I love your avatar. I have always wanted to mention that to you. 

Agree with your post. Leah is just trashy to me. Pillses or not, she has that bitch mentality and is ready to pounce on others for their behavior, real or imagined. She thinks her shit don't stink. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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37 minutes ago, BabyDaddy said:

I had to watch that presentation again by Kail. It's like watching a B-movie - it's so bad it's good.  :D

I didn't catch it the first time - but she actually put her face on the donation check!! damn what a narcissist.

One professor: "I like the analogy to Oprah Winfrey". Really?  At this point I'm ready to interject here Bill Burr's skit on Motherhood (no offense to real mothers! but you have to laugh sometimes how much these girls milk the mom thing - this skit was written for these teen moms):

Ha ha, that skit is awesome. Yes, being a mother is hard but life in general is hard. Running a business is hard. Working for someone else is hard. Being single is hard. Being married is hard. I hate that it has all turned into a damn competition. I blame Pinterest.

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31 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

@HeySandyStrange I love your avatar. I have always wanted to mention that to you. 

Agree with your post. Leah is just trashy to me. Pillses or not, she has that bitch mentality and is ready to pounce on others for their behavior, real or imagined. She thinks her shit don't stink. 

Aww thanks! Honestly I feel like the cat in my avatar when I'm done watching these momses and run to PTV to snark my ass off about them lol.

Yeah, I can't forget some of the nasty crap Leah has pulled over the years, particularly how she's treated Corey and later Miranda, how she sicced her whole family on them when they dared to express concern for the twins. Sorry, pillses or not, mental illness or not, immaturity or not, that was some fucked up behavior. I don't think she is a terrible person but I don't think she is all that nice and sweet underneath either.

Speaking of Leah, reading through some of the very thoughtful posts about her education attempts brought up a few opinions I have on it as well. I agree with those who think she needs some sound advice from someone with someone with some kind of education or college/tech school experience. Someone needs to sit her down and have an honest conversation about her capabilities. She really needs to focus on something that will give her a decent career path and not your typical liberal arts degree. I also think she should start out slow. Instead of taking a full semester of classes, how about start with one or two? Try an one online course and see if it works. Had she picked a 2 year degree years ago and took a class a semester, she could've been close to done by now. I could see her as a medical assistant, a medical coder, or maybe even a ultrasound tech. She may not have incentive to get career training because of TM2, but she is going to be shit out of luck when it ends. Probably no significant savings, no education, no relevant job experience-it isn't looking pretty for her if she doesn't do something soon.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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5 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Aww thanks! Honestly I feel like the cat in my avatar when I'm done watching these momses and run to PTV to snark my ass off about them lol.

Yeah, I can't forget some of the nasty crap Leah has pulled over the years, particularly how she's treated Corey and later Miranda, how she sicced her whole family on them when they dared to express concern for the twins. Sorry, pillses or not, mental illness or not, immaturity or not, that was some fucked up behavior. I don't think she is a terrible person but I don't think she is all that nice and sweet underneath either.

Speaking of Leah, reading through some of the very thoughtful posts about her education attempts brought up a few opinions I have on it as well. I agree with those who think she needs some sound advice from someone with someone with some kind of education or college/tech school experience. Someone needs to sit her down and have an honest conversation about her capabilities. She really needs to focus on something that will give her a decent career path and not your typical liberal arts degree. I also think she should start out slow. Instead of taking a full semester of classes, how about start with one or two? Try an one online course and see if it works. Had she picked a 2 year degree years ago and took a class a semester, she could've been close to done by now. I could see her as a medical assistant, a medical coder, or maybe even a ultrasound tech. She may not have incentive to get career training because of TM2, but she is going to be shit out of luck when it ends. Probably no significant savings, no education, no relevant job experience-it isn't looking pretty for her if she doesn't do something soon.

I agree.

It might help as well if someone, preferably a therapist, sat with Leah and asked her point blank what does she want to do with her life. Does she really want an education? Is she interested in holding a job? What are her plans for the future? Someone needs to get to the core and point out to her that she doesn't need a guy, but she does need to prepare for the future, as you pointed out, because MTV won't be around forever. One of the things we don't seem to have a clear picture on is, where is Leah at financially? We know she doesn't have a clear concept of budget and finances. Although we don't see her at the nail salon like before, and the tanning and hair expenses don't seem to be like they used to, but that could just be editing or Leah is just hiding things from the camera. 

For someone who has so much time on her hands, and so much money at her disposal (I think), her life is so mundane. 

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Regarding Chelsea, I think there's a big part of her that's still pretty lazy and spoiled. I don't think she's flat out evil like Jenelle or Kail, but I don't think she's as perfect as she tries to portray herself on camera. At the end of the day, all these girls are cut from the same cloth, otherwise they wouldn't be on a show called Teen Mom. 

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1 hour ago, BabyDaddy said:

I had to watch that presentation again by Kail. It's like watching a B-movie - it's so bad it's good.  :D

I didn't catch it the first time - but she actually put her face on the donation check!! damn what a narcissist.

One professor: "I like the analogy to Oprah Winfrey". Really?  At this point I'm ready to interject here Bill Burr's skit on Motherhood (no offense to real mothers! but you have to laugh sometimes how much these girls milk the mom thing - this skit was written for these teen moms):


Kail said on twitter is was 15 mins long and she wished Trey would have aired the entire project. ? People were suggesting she post it so they could see. I'll take a hard pass. No thank you. 

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Kail said on twitter is was 15 mins long and she wished Trey would have aired the entire project. ? People were suggesting she post it so they could see. I'll take a hard pass. No thank you. 

Kail always has an excuse. A good or great presentation would have been noted in those few moments we saw on the air. She chose to make a presentation on herself, as if what she has done is so remarkable. Plenty of people have accomplished a lot more with a lot less money in their pocket in a shorter amount of time. 

What exactly was the assignment? Make a Power Point about your life and achievements? 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

I wonder how much Devoid has been around since filming stopped?

Exactly. Brianna's all marveling at how, "Devoin has really been stepping up lately". Ummmmmm....right when MTV came around? Coincidence much? 

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I agreed with David myself. He was on point with his comments to Jenelle. How he said it was so not right, but he was also frustrated with her. Hell, I am frustrated with her when she gets to that level where she is halting while talking. She does this: "I. Don't. Care. I. Need. To. Get. To. The. Gym!."  I hate when she speaks that way.  He reaches a certain point where he just blows up. See, that can be construed as a "mean guy" (opposite of mean girl), but I view the context of what was happening. Yes, David is an abusive jerk. That doesn't mean he doesn't have moments of clarity. He is still a homophobic asshole. I don't feel bad for Nathan, however, I don't appreciate anyone throwing around any slurs. David and Nathan are two peas in a pod. 


Right. I have seen how people approach celebs (A-list and Z-list). Living here in Southern California, I have seen many people who think those people owe them an autograph, they should pose and take a photo, those people interrupt a private dinner or moment, they just don't respect people's private time. I once watched a guy berate some D-list personality who was with his family in a grocery store. I didn't even know who the D-list personality was until after the fact. The behavior of some people comes off very entitled. I have passed on going up to a celeb or personality because I respect their private time. Other people will shout things to them, call them names, it can be downright mean. As much as I detest Kail, Maci, and Jenelle, I would never approach them or feel I am entitled to go right up to them and verbally harass them. 

I feel really sorry for people who are on scripted shows and play the villain! I've heard so many times that soap actors, who tend to play the same type of parts their whole career, are stopped on the street and constantly harassed by people who are mad at their character. Sheeeesh! I would never sign up for that life! 

I was thinking about the scene you referenced with the gym...at the end of it, David stormed off and Jenelle said, "well that was fun." Why does she CONSTANTLY need to be entertained? Why does everything have to be fun? Was it fun for Maryssa, who is a child and arguably should have her fun supplied if anyone does, to listen to them shout at each other in the car? Reminds me of when she yelled, "yeah, that will be fun!" at the thought of taking Kaiser to a hotel. Well, is it fun for David to move Jenelle's crap? Is it fun to have to drive her everywhere? Is it fun to discipline her kids because she can't listen to a toddler cry for two minutes before flipping the f*** out on him, dude? I just can't with her. 

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2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. Brianna's all marveling at how, "Devoin has really been stepping up lately". Ummmmmm....right when MTV came around? Coincidence much? 

Lol, right? Especially when they said in the previous episode that he'll go six months without seeing Nova. I just feel so bad for the little girl because she's going to get used to having her dad around only for him to bail again once the MTV checks stop.

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40 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I feel really sorry for people who are on scripted shows and play the villain! I've heard so many times that soap actors, who tend to play the same type of parts their whole career, are stopped on the street and constantly harassed by people who are mad at their character. Sheeeesh! I would never sign up for that life! 

I was thinking about the scene you referenced with the gym...at the end of it, David stormed off and Jenelle said, "well that was fun." Why does she CONSTANTLY need to be entertained? Why does everything have to be fun? Was it fun for Maryssa, who is a child and arguably should have her fun supplied if anyone does, to listen to them shout at each other in the car? Reminds me of when she yelled, "yeah, that will be fun!" at the thought of taking Kaiser to a hotel. Well, is it fun for David to move Jenelle's crap? Is it fun to have to drive her everywhere? Is it fun to discipline her kids because she can't listen to a toddler cry for two minutes before flipping the f*** out on him, dude? I just can't with her. 

Totally with you! Jenelle does seem to need to be constantly entertained - The Roll probably could if she paid enough attention to him to get him to stop screaming.

But unlike "scripted" shows - these Ho's signed on for reality TV and continue to do so for the $ and D-List fame.

Edited to add - if I had ever seen James Gandolfini on the street I would have yelled out "Hey Tony"! Well - more likely my husband. But no - I wouldn't go harass him about the things he did on TV. People are idiots. 

Edited by Jennifersdc
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22 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I was thinking about the scene you referenced with the gym...at the end of it, David stormed off and Jenelle said, "well that was fun." Why does she CONSTANTLY need to be entertained? Why does everything have to be fun?

If your like some of us who believe Jenelle is psychopathic or at least has psychopathic traits, it makes sense that she that she is like this. Psychopaths need constant stimulation and because of their lack of empathy and impulse control, seek it in toxic and destructive ways, usually towards others.

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28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I wonder how much Devoid has been around since filming stopped?

According to The Ashley - not a whole lot.    I am shocked and dismayed because no one saw that coming.   Except everyone.  Everyone saw that.   My cats saw that coming and they don't even watch TM2 with me anymore.   


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According to The Ashley - not a whole lot.    I am shocked and dismayed because no one saw that coming.   Except everyone.  Everyone saw that.   My cats saw that coming and they don't even watch TM2 with me anymore.   

I had to put my precious feline down in April, and she too, saw that coming. 

*Shallow* One thing I can say though is that at least I can stand to look at Devoid...Luis is seriously one UGLY ass mofo!! *Shallow*

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Regarding Chelsea, I think there's a big part of her that's still pretty lazy and spoiled. I don't think she's flat out evil like Jenelle or Kail, but I don't think she's as perfect as she tries to portray herself on camera. At the end of the day, all these girls are cut from the same cloth, otherwise they wouldn't be on a show called Teen Mom. 

I agree completely. 

And YES to the Jenelle needing to be entertained thing. I noticed that too. Always "oh, SO much fun" like every moment should be a joyride. When she does get Jace, she often hauls him off to vacations and theme parks. I used to think she was trying to buy his love but now I think that's just what she thinks life should be...nonstop entertainment.

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12 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

I had to put my precious feline down in April, and she too, saw that coming. 

*Shallow* One thing I can say though is that at least I can stand to look at Devoid...Luis is seriously one UGLY ass mofo!! *Shallow*

Devoid is actually kind of cute, and Nova is a really pretty blend of both Mom and Dad. Hopefully Stella takes after Briana. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Devoid is actually kind of cute, and Nova is a really pretty blend of both Mom and Dad. Hopefully Stella takes after Briana.

Yeah, I hate calling him cute when he's such a deadbeat, but I can at least see how he got a girl to sleep with him. Luis obviously has to go to da club because...beer goggles (works both ways!)l. Nova is adorable. *fingers crossed as well for Stella*

You know, I wonder if part of Jenelle's strange co dependence not only has to do with her lack of trust in any partner, but also a lack of trust in herself...homegirl falls in love with ANY man that makes eye contact with her for more than 2.2 seconds. If she was at the gym alone, she could very well wind up pregnant & married within the hour, and she's worked too dang hard to build her dream swamp life to throw it all away now!

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

I feel really sorry for people who are on scripted shows and play the villain! I've heard so many times that soap actors, who tend to play the same type of parts their whole career, are stopped on the street and constantly harassed by people who are mad at their character. Sheeeesh! I would never sign up for that life! 

I was thinking about the scene you referenced with the gym...at the end of it, David stormed off and Jenelle said, "well that was fun." Why does she CONSTANTLY need to be entertained? Why does everything have to be fun? Was it fun for Maryssa, who is a child and arguably should have her fun supplied if anyone does, to listen to them shout at each other in the car? Reminds me of when she yelled, "yeah, that will be fun!" at the thought of taking Kaiser to a hotel. Well, is it fun for David to move Jenelle's crap? Is it fun to have to drive her everywhere? Is it fun to discipline her kids because she can't listen to a toddler cry for two minutes before flipping the f*** out on him, dude? I just can't with her. 

OMG yes to all of this. Jenelle thinks everyone should be fucking Bozo the Clown (showing my age) or David Copperfield and entertain her stupid ass. Great point about how the poor kids are not being entertained. They are stuck in the middle of abuse. They are exposed to abuse and are being abused. No one is thinking of how they are not having any fun whatsoever.  

1 hour ago, LBS said:

According to The Ashley - not a whole lot.    I am shocked and dismayed because no one saw that coming.   Except everyone.  Everyone saw that.   My cats saw that coming and they don't even watch TM2 with me anymore.   


Thanks for finding that information. Typical bull-shitter and asshole. 


Briana - "A damn shame I got more balls than both my baby daddies,” she wrote.

Um, a labia and vagina take a helluva lot more beating than balls. Balls are too damn sensitive and can't take much. Being a man has nothing to do with having balls. Briana irks the hell outta me. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 hour ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Yeah, I hate calling him cute when he's such a deadbeat, but I can at least see how he got a girl to sleep with him. Luis obviously has to go to da club because...beer goggles (works both ways!)l. Nova is adorable. *fingers crossed as well for Stella*

You know, I wonder if part of Jenelle's strange co dependence not only has to do with her lack of trust in any partner, but also a lack of trust in herself...homegirl falls in love with ANY man that makes eye contact with her for more than 2.2 seconds. If she was at the gym alone, she could very well wind up pregnant & married within the hour, and she's worked too dang hard to build her dream swamp life to throw it all away now!

Yes I totally understand how Devon got girls to have sex with him (especially when they were both teens and it wasn't obvious he was a deadbeat). He has nice features- Nova is very cute, a nice blend of them. Briana is a naturally pretty woman as well. 

I don't think Luis is ugly per se, I think he is styled horribly. If he wore better clothes, didn't mumble, stood up straight he would be an average guy. When I think "ugly" I think poorly arranged features that you need drag makeup or plastic surgery to fix. 

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@Christina87 now that I have more time to devote to responding to TM2, in my experience the behavior/vibe/attitude you described Chelsea as having would be considered "catty" to me rather than a "mean girl". Ive said this before I am not someone who knows jack shit about vibes, "woman's intuition" isn't something I've got, but I'm pretty good at patterns and social rules.

It might be symantics to some but I think I was spot on that we were thinking of the term differently. Someone who is "catty" or has "catty" tendencies might be passive aggressive, or petty about things they don't go their way and towards people they don't like but are not morally corrupt individuals. "Mean Girls" have no empathy towards peers (although they may love their parents/kids) and take pleasure in the emotional pain and distress of others to make themselves feel emotionally and intellectually superior. Cattiness is a character flaw but a catty person can still have good character if that makes any sense. To me Chelsea could be catty while Kailyn can be a mean girl. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Lol, right? Especially when they said in the previous episode that he'll go six months without seeing Nova. I just feel so bad for the little girl because she's going to get used to having her dad around only for him to bail again once the MTV checks stop.

I think because Devon was never a true caregiver to Nova she might be distressed when his visits become irregular again. At least I hope not. Isn't Devon getting paid per season like everyone else?

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7 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think because Devon was never a true caregiver to Nova she might be distressed when his visits become irregular again. At least I hope not. Isn't Devon getting paid per season like everyone else?

He is better off just staying away for good. He is of no use and doesn't offer his child anything such as a hug. Briana had to make her give him a hug. 

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