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S08.R04: Surprise

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16 minutes ago, mrsh said:

Did Javi really send her all those texts though? And did he really show up at her door? Where is the proof that any of this happened besides Kailyn saying that it did? She is a known liar and I can believe maybe Javi texted her once or twice asking to talk to her about her pregnancy, since it does impact Lincoln. Karl, as usual doesn't care about anyone except herself and felt attacked, so she made up this story to claim that she felt afraid and get the PDA. Just like she did to Jo, when she was mad at him for upgrading to Vee.


She would've had to have shown the texts in order to get the protection order.  If she showed the texts and he made a threat to show up at that point it doesn't matter if he did or didn't.   The threat was there.  She told him not to.  He said he was coming anyway.  Protection order granted.  Watch what you say in a text message.

C'mon now.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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30 minutes ago, mrsh said:

Did Javi really send her all those texts though? And did he really show up at her door? Where is the proof that any of this happened besides Kailyn saying that it did? She is a known liar and I can believe maybe Javi texted her once or twice asking to talk to her about her pregnancy, since it does impact Lincoln.

See, this is what I wonder as well. Kail is a liar and she similarly exaggerated and outright lied to take Jo to court, so it is hard to take her accusations at face value without seeing them. I mean, I would guess that she showed the court something as far as texts, but then again as I said she accused Jo of abuse when it was her who put her hands on him. So it's not like courts can't be manipulated. I'm not saying Javi didn't say stupid shit but I wonder if it was exactly as bad as she made it out to be.

1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I'm not defending Kail.  She's rude and mean for small reasons, but she's not the only one at fault in this relationship hitting the toilet.  I really don't see Javi as being the poor, put upon ex-husband who just doesn't understand why she's always so pissed off.  He knows what sets her off, he tweaks her nose constantly in an effort to get her to react.  They both do it.

If you go by both the filmed evidence and what Kail admitted to, Javi is her abused ex-husband. So while I'm not saying he isn't petty and passive-aggressive, I still believe Kail's abuse and manipulation have very negatively effected Javi and may have had contributed to some of his irrational behavior. Interestingly enough, I think Jo reacted in  the same emotional, irrational way to her at one point but with distance and maturity (and maybe some therapy, which Javi needs imo) got better. He just seems to me like the formerly abused ex who keeps his head down and covered so he doesn't get Kail's wrath. To me Kail is just the same as Nathan, Adumb or Dave, a nasty, cold, selfish abuser. I think she gets more of a pass because she is a female who is perceived to be less of a physical threat.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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7 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Javi gets no pass from me for his behavior.  He is not justified to demand answers and then show up at her house in order to have a screaming fight because she wouldn't answer.  In that respect, I agree with Kail's order of protection.  In so much as Javi has reacted like that in the past.  He gets pissed off and decides he's due answers and he comes over and bangs on the door in order to have it out with her with no thought for the fact that HIS CHILDREN are upstairs.  She's no paragon of virtue when it comes to parenting, but he's not much better.  Isaac is obviously understanding now that sometimes when Javi comes over it means an argument and it's scary for him.  For all Javi's "care" for "his boys" you would think he would recognize that and take it down to a 1 when his kids are around.

I also frequently get the impression he is deliberately coming around when the cameras are there, and trying to bait her so that she comes off as the guilty party - and not just when he comes by the house.  He often has a little smirk on his face while he's doing it.  It would piss me off, too, to either have to play that stupid game or look like an asshole.  Sure, she's got her own issues, but I have little patience for him, either.  

Edited by akr
Javi, not avi.
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On ‎8‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 11:46 PM, SheTalksShit said:

Sometimes, I think ALL of the ppl on this show use the "it's concern for my child" or "it's what's best for my child" as an excuse for simply doing what they want to do and this episode, I think Javi did it. I can tell he truly loves his son and is genuinely a good dad - both on and off-camera, he's no Adam or Devon, he's no fake-family-man BUT he didn't send Kail 10 angry texts in a row and then angrily show up at her door, uninvited and unwelcome, bc he's concerned about his son. He did that because he was hurt and FURIOUS with Kail and felt insulted and betrayed that, after divorcing him AND telling him she didn't want anymore kids, she's now pregnant by this new dude. This was not about Lincoln, this was about Javi. I'm not even saying I blame him, Kail's selfish and fucked-up behavior is infuriating even to those of us who don't know her, so I can only imagine what it's like to be on the receiving end of it. But it's such an eye-roll to me when people use their kid or any other bullshit as an explanation that's so obviously not the real reason. Just own it, Javi, you were hurt, angry and felt betrayed, you're human...we understand. 

I do think there's a side of Javi that the cameras haven't fully seen yet, though. Not a violent side, but definitely a side of him that doesn't respect Kail's boundaries. I see it in little ways, like how he just comes in the house and goes through her fridge and laughs it off when she very clearly tells him to not to and continues to go through it and pour himself a drink, then proceeds to make himself at home, plops down on her couch, even though it's clear Kail wants him to leave. 

Another time I can think of, off the top of my head, is when they had a day trip planned and Kail got pissed at him and said, "Take me home," several times. Despite this, he did not turn around and continued to drive and said, "no, i'm not taking you home," and she said, "i really don't wanna do this today," and he said, "I don't care," and continued to drive on. It wasn't until she said, "I was never excited," and the tire blew out (so they were forced to go home) that he respected her wishes. 

And now, we hear that he shows up at Kail's door, despite being specifically told he's not welcome, to do or say god-knows-what, argue and yell at her?? 

He gets so caught up in his own feelings and is completely dismissive to what she wants or feels and just continues to try to force things to be how he wants and I think this drives Kail NUTS and that's why she's so harsh and blunt with him, sometimes, bc she feels like if she has to be in order for him to get through to him. 

I didn't get it before but after watching this episode, something clicked for me...I get it. 

He's not a bad guy, to be clear, but I can see why he and Kail weren't compatible at all. 

I LOATHE Kail but I totally agree with you here.  Him texting 10 times and showing up at her house had NOTHING to do with Lincoln.   Considering his total lack of boundaries, a reasonable person can conclude that a restraining order might be prudent under the circumstances.  He obviously doesn't respect her boundaries so maybe he'll respect a court order.  I'm curious to see if she lied on the declaration, however.  Wouldn't put it past her.  We all know how she's able and willing to abuse the system to get what she wants.

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I'm of the mind set that what Javi did (texting 10 times and showing up to her house) was NOT appropriate or level headed but I don't think his behavior was criminal (one night of 10 text and 1 time showing up unannounced)- if he continued the behavior yes I would say he was criminally harassing her and a PFA would be appropriate. I don't think Kailyn ever feared for her safety regarding Javi but that doesn't make his behavior ok. 

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3 hours ago, mrsh said:

Did Javi really send her all those texts though? And did he really show up at her door? Where is the proof that any of this happened besides Kailyn saying that it did? She is a known liar and I can believe maybe Javi texted her once or twice asking to talk to her about her pregnancy, since it does impact Lincoln. Karl, as usual doesn't care about anyone except herself and felt attacked, so she made up this story to claim that she felt afraid and get the PDA. Just like she did to Jo, when she was mad at him for upgrading to Vee.



And I guess I'll need him to explain to me what his altruistic end game is for texting her to demand answers about who she's dating and then showing up at her house

Who is to say he was doing that? The world according to Kail? I need something else besides her words. As @mrsh noted above, where is the proof? Kail is a known liar. And we know for a fact it is Kail who has the pattern of trying to control situations and relationships by using Isaac as her pawn. Allow me to give one example. Kail demanded Jo not have Vee around Isaac. She also requested, and received in their child visitation agreement that Jo is not to have his girlfriend around Isaac for drop-offs, she can't move in without prior notice, and other similar demands. How do we know this? Per Kail's tweet when Jo and Vee moved in together. Kail posted Jo was violating their agreement. Mind you, this was while she herself had moved Javi into her home. She was also violating the order, but she didn't see it that way. She wanted no one around Isaac other than Jo. She emphatically stated she has a right to know who is around HER child. There is no way in hell that suddenly Kail has changed her tune on that matter and has never requested the same of Javi. 

Do I believe Javi texted Kail or demanded to talk to her? I have no doubt he did. Does it constitute harassment? I can't say because the court didn't order the PFA. Javi just decided to not fight it and let it be as a safety measure to protect himself. The court may have decided the behavior didn't warrant the PFA. I prepared many TROs (temporary restraining orders) for situations where there was a lot more happening, but a judge didn't always give a permanent restraining order. 

Javi can be an asshole. He can be demanding. Kail is in no danger and fears nothing. She uses PFAs as a payback and to control situations that she has created. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Devoin was a disinterested loser from the start. As awful as the Coven can be, they did give him the opportunity to be part of Nova's life and only went gangbusters on him when he refused to step up. IIRC, Roxanne was just asking him to help out with basic stuff, like baby supplies, and he couldn't even do that. They could've rolled out the red carpet for him and he still would've found an excuse to bail.

100%. They could have absolutely worshipped him and my opinion is the outcome would have been the same. 

I didn't see any terrible treatment of Devoin at this visit. They all ignored him and allowed him into their home because HE doesn't have a car or license. He chose to use that visit to arrive stoned 6 hours late. I know they treated him badly at first but it's been years, at this point it's irrelevant. He was and is a deadbeat. 

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1 minute ago, Lm2162 said:

100%. They could have absolutely worshipped him and my opinion is the outcome would have been the same. 

I didn't see any terrible treatment of Devoin at this visit. They all ignored him and allowed him into their home because HE doesn't have a car or license. He chose to use that visit to arrive stoned 6 hours late. I know they treated him badly at first but it's been years, at this point it's irrelevant. He was and is a deadbeat. 

The man is 22 and doesn't have a driver's license or a car. There are many places where driving isn't a big deal, but unless he was living and working somewhere like NYC that tells me he is a lazy unmotivated human being (no driver's license because he lost it? DUIs??). He isn't employed either. He absolutely was and is a deadbeat as a father and as a person.

Yes Roxanne only wanted him to step up and give her something for diapers and wipes. I know a young man, 22 next month with a one year old (he grew up similarly to Jace), he's in college full time, and works a part time job. He gives the mother of his child half of his take home pay each pay period to support his child, which he should be doing because that's his responsiblity. My point is being young isn't an excuse for not contributing at all. 

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On 8/3/2017 at 3:49 PM, akr said:

I also frequently get the impression he is deliberately coming around when the cameras are there, and trying to bait her so that she comes off as the guilty party - and not just when he comes by the house.  He often has a little smirk on his face while he's doing it.  It would piss me off, too, to either have to play that stupid game or look like an asshole.  Sure, she's got her own issues, but I have little patience for him, either.  

He is on the show just like Kail. He is going to appear on camera. Just like the rest of the fathers on this show, their lives are interjected with the females because they share children. This is not some fuck buddy showing up for a paycheck. The times he has appeared were in conjunction with him dropping off their son. If Kail were to go to his home to pick up their son, would it be seen as deliberately showing up because the cameras are there? No. Kail and Javi have to do drop-offs.

In case it was missed by some, after Kail mentioned Javi making himself comfortable in her house, Javi reminded Kail how she enters his home and does the exact same thing. She didn't deny it.

I am going to throw out this theory. I am guessing Kail is showing how much she doesn't care for Javi  because Chris Lopez might be on her ass about her having gone back and forth between him and Javi.  The filming of these episodes is clearly Christmas time going by the decor and trees in the homes. During that time period, Javi and Kail were spending time together, his thoughts were they were working on their marriage. They were also preparing to start filming Marriage Boot Camp. Chris may have felt Kail was playing him for a fool. By showing on camera how much she loathes Javi, she may be trying to put Chris' fears or jealousy to rest. She said in the most recent episode how Chris had not been around. She then recently tweeted about having been cheated on. Alluding to Chris, I suppose. Chris isn't going to wait around for Kail to decide who she wants to be with.

Just a theory of mine.

There is obviously so much not being said on camera by Kail and company. It is her business if she chooses to have been sexually involved with her soon-to-be ex-husband while supposedly in a relationship with her boyfriend. However that will cause problems. It creates animosity. There is so much hostility during Kail's scenes. Divorce can bring on so many emotions and feelings for both parties. Add in a pregnancy, it can make the situation feel worse due to hormones raging. It is like a wild ride. If Kail was jerking these two guys around, they are bound to not take kindly to it. It then comes back on Kail and it just compounds everything that is happening. Hiding that pregnancy just adds more manure to the pile. Chris is not around. Kail is hiding information. Javi isn't shedding information on camera.

Edited by SPLAIN
Javi not Chris
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7 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:


She would've had to have shown the texts in order to get the protection order.  If she showed the texts and he made a threat to show up at that point it doesn't matter if he did or didn't.   The threat was there.  She told him not to.  He said he was coming anyway.  Protection order granted.  Watch what you say in a text message.

C'mon now.

Yes, because no woman has ever made false abuse claims. This heiffer has a history of claiming abuse in order to punish the men in her life, yet the only abuse we have ever seen has been from her. Javi isn't perfect, but I doubt he's an abuser or that he would harm Kail. What threat did Javi make exactly? Did he threaten to beat her or physically harm her somehow? If he had, you can bet Karl would be screaming it from the rooftops. Even if he texted that he was going over after she told him not to, that still doesn't justify a PFA. 

There are women out there who genuinely fear for their safety and are probably having a hard time finding help. Yet this sea creature cries abuse and files phony PFA's and thinks that it's okay.

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@CaughtOnTape an order of protection was not decided by a judge. All the judge did was sign the order without deciding if any abuse occurred.


Javi Marroquin: "I signed a consent PFA, which means there’s no evidence of abuse. I just can’t contact her unless it’s in regards to Lincoln for a year."

From the Delaware courts:


Consent process

On the day of the full hearing, the respondent will be asked by a Court staff person if he/she is willing to have a Consent Order entered. If the respondent is willing to have a Consent Order entered, he/she does not have to admit that there was any abuse and the Court does not decide if there was any abuse, but will enter an Order for some or all of the relief requested.

If the Respondent agrees to the relief, you and the respondent will go into the courtroom and tell the Commissioner. The Commissioner will ask you some questions to make sure you both understand the Consent Order. The signed Consent Order will be given to both of you that same day.



She would've had to have shown the texts in order to get the protection order.

Not when filing a PFA at the ex-parte hearing which is essentially an emergency hearing where a judge issues a temporary protection order. At the same time, the judge sets a hearing date where the petitioner and respondent both appear. It is at that hearing when the judge goes over evidence and reads the declaration from the petitioner. The judge then determines if a PFA is deemed necessary.

It wouldn't shock me in the least if Javi and his attorney were prepared to show evidence of Kail abusing Javi on tape as well as bring up the fake PFA Kail put on Jo. At that hearing pertaining to Jo, the courts ended up ordering Kail into anger management therapy. That clearly indicates the courts determined she was the perpetrator, not the victim. Those court records do not lie and they don't go away. It would merely be used to suggest Kail, a person with a history of DV, and being found to have filed a fake PFA previously, was again up to no good and there was a good chance she was the instigator in this current matter or at least participating in the arguing, not being harassed as she claimed. Kail could essentially say anything about what was in those texts because they were not submitted to the court. Nothing is on file or on record.

IMO Javi did likely send her 10, 15,  or even 20 texts. In a normal conversation, I am likely to send or receive upwards of 15 texts with someone who is unable to talk on the phone. It is not something I like to do, but sometimes it can't be helped. Kail has shown she is a contentious person. She raises her voice, curses, and can become unhinged at times. I can see her going back and forth via texts with Javi or even Chris when she becomes upset. This girl cut off Chris' dreadlocks! That is not normal. That is abusive. Let's be real. There is no way Kail did not engage with some petty arguing with Javi. He may have texted her about her secret and that set things in motion. Back and forth texting like two junior high kids.

Edited by SPLAIN
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5 hours ago, SPLAIN said:


IMO Javi did likely send her 10, 15,  or even 20 texts. In a normal conversation, I am likely to send or receive upwards of 15 texts with someone who is unable to talk on the phone. It is not something I like to do, but sometimes it can't be helped.

This girl cut off Chris' dreadlocks! That is not normal. That is abusive. Let's be real. 

Right??  I have sent friends 10 texts in a row if I am laughing about something.  If my husband and I are arguing, I will send him like 20 short texts in a row!  It's not abuse, it's just the way to communicate.

She cut the dreads or pulled them out!  Madon!  That's seriously fucked up.

Edited by heatherchandler
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7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

@CaughtOnTape an order of protection was not decided by a judge. All the judge did was sign the order without deciding if any abuse occurred.

From the Delaware courts:

Not when filing a PFA at the ex-parte hearing which is essentially an emergency hearing where a judge issues a temporary protection order. At the same time, the judge sets a hearing date where the petitioner and respondent both appear. It is at that hearing when the judge goes over evidence and reads the declaration from the petitioner. The judge then determines if a PFA is deemed necessary.

It wouldn't shock me in the least if Javi and his attorney were prepared to show evidence of Kail abusing Javi on tape as well as bring up the fake PFA Kail put on Jo. At that hearing pertaining to Jo, the courts ended up ordering Kail into anger management therapy. That clearly indicates the courts determined she was the perpetrator, not the victim. Those court records do not lie and they don't go away. It would merely be used to suggest Kail, a person with a history of DV, and being found to have filed a fake PFA previously, was again up to no good and there was a good chance she was the instigator in this current matter or at least participating in the arguing, not being harassed as she claimed. Kail could essentially say anything about what was in those texts because they were not submitted to the court. Nothing is on file or on record.

IMO Javi did likely send her 10, 15,  or even 20 texts. In a normal conversation, I am likely to send or receive upwards of 15 texts with someone who is unable to talk on the phone. It is not something I like to do, but sometimes it can't be helped. Kail has shown she is a contentious person. She raises her voice, curses, and can become unhinged at times. I can see her going back and forth via texts with Javi or even Chris when she becomes upset. This girl cut off Chris' dreadlocks! That is not normal. That is abusive. Let's be real. There is no way Kail did not engage with some petty arguing with Javi. He may have texted her about her secret and that set things in motion. Back and forth texting like two junior high kids.

Just so we're clear.  I never said he abused her.

I said he was entitled and threatened her.

Which....since he signed it and all....means he accepted responsibility for doing that.  If Javi has been or feels abused, he is more than entitled to go and get a protection order against her as well.  And people can miss me with the "I feel for the women who have real issues and can't get any support."  None of us is around enough to accurately judge the level of fear Kail feels.  I mean, what is that?  Here, your fear is justified so....you can have a PFA.  But you?  Nope.  No PFA for you.  If you're not doing anything and a PFA is leveled against you, then keep not doing anything until it's over.  Problem solved.  Judging a woman's fear and justification for that fear is why some women don't report the issues at all.  

I'm also laughing at the "I send 10 texts in a row all the time!".  Please.  You are missing the point.  Javi was sending demanding, threatening text messages and when she didn't answer, then he threatened to come over.  THAT IS NOT THE SAME AS "Oh hahahahhah something so funny at work happened today that I have to tell you (10 texts explaining follow).  Gimme a  break.

So....my comments stand.  Have a great day.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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17 hours ago, mrsh said:

Did Javi really send her all those texts though? And did he really show up at her door? Where is the proof that any of this happened besides Kailyn saying that it did? She is a known liar and I can believe maybe Javi texted her once or twice asking to talk to her about her pregnancy, since it does impact Lincoln. Karl, as usual doesn't care about anyone except herself and felt attacked, so she made up this story to claim that she felt afraid and get the PDA. Just like she did to Jo, when she was mad at him for upgrading to Vee.

While emergency restraining orders ARE notoriously easy to get (and I could not agree more with @kazu that many people use them as a sword instead of a shield like Kail did with Jo), you generally have to show SOME kind of proof, be it having had called the police during an incident, showing actual text messages, corroborative testimony, ect in order to keep it valid through the original 10 days.  You can't just roll into court and get one on your word alone (I'm assuming Javi fought it.  If he didn't, that says something right there.)  ETA: I just saw above that he consented to it and it specified there was no finding of abuse.  That changes things.  Nevermind.  :D

15 hours ago, akr said:

I also frequently get the impression he is deliberately coming around when the cameras are there, and trying to bait her so that she comes off as the guilty party - and not just when he comes by the house.  He often has a little smirk on his face while he's doing it.  It would piss me off, too, to either have to play that stupid game or look like an asshole.  Sure, she's got her own issues, but I have little patience for him, either.  

Totally.  I DO have some sympathy for Javi because I couldn't even imagine coming back from deployment and finding myself so cruelly cast aside like garbage but he really does need to learn how to control himself for no other reason than to protect those boys.  They need ONE responsible, mature person in the situation and we all know Kail is incapable of being it.  He undoubtedly has a right to be upset, I won't take that from him, but he really does need to reign it in.  Little passive aggressive acts like we saw in the ep of coming into her house, going through her fridge with a smirk on his fact ect, need to stop.  Does Kail deserve it?  OF COURSE.  But for his own sake and that of Issac and Lincoln, he really needs to knock it off.

Edited by lezlers
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14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I'm of the mind set that what Javi did (texting 10 times and showing up to her house) was NOT appropriate or level headed but I don't think his behavior was criminal (one night of 10 text and 1 time showing up unannounced)- if he continued the behavior yes I would say he was criminally harassing her and a PFA would be appropriate. I don't think Kailyn ever feared for her safety regarding Javi but that doesn't make his behavior ok. 

There are both criminal and civil PFA orders. 

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On 8/2/2017 at 4:53 PM, Lm2162 said:

Also it makes no fucking sense!! All three DeJesuses were trying to convince Nova that adoption was the right choice for the new baby. She is FIVE. She has no idea what adoption even IS. What, is she going to debate the social, financial and political implications of adoption with you right now? She is in kindergarten!!! Apart from being creepy and traumatizing to the child, how is this useful to anyone? Let's ask her opinion on the election or the economy next and make our decisions based on what she says. 

It is as if they want to blame their children when they make stupid decisions. Make the kid the fall guy. "Well, Nova did want adoption." WTF?

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21 hours ago, mrsh said:

Did Javi really send her all those texts though? And did he really show up at her door? Where is the proof that any of this happened besides Kailyn saying that it did? She is a known liar and I can believe maybe Javi texted her once or twice asking to talk to her about her pregnancy, since it does impact Lincoln. Karl, as usual doesn't care about anyone except herself and felt attacked, so she made up this story to claim that she felt afraid and get the PDA. Just like she did to Jo, when she was mad at him for upgrading to Vee.

I never saw the texts and I didn't see him show up at the door, but come on, you really think Kail would blatantly make that up, knowing full well Javi is gonna see it in a few months and obviously defend himself if it's not true? Kail definitely exaggerates and leaves things out to try to make herself look good in situations, but i don't believe she'd go so far as to completely make something like that up. 

and the news about what happened that night has been out there since like a day or 2 after it occurred, so don't you think javi woulda said something by now if it was false?? 

i don't like kail, either, she's my LEAST favorite TM of the franchise and always has been. but i'm not gonna be blind to the obvious. 

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4 hours ago, lezlers said:

While emergency restraining orders ARE notoriously easy to get (and I could not agree more with @kazu that many people use them as a sword instead of a shield like Kail did with Jo), you generally have to show SOME kind of proof, be it having had called the police during an incident, showing actual text messages, corroborative testimony, ect in order to keep it valid through the original 10 days.  You can't just roll into court and get one on your word alone (I'm assuming Javi fought it.  If he didn't, that says something right there.)  ETA: I just saw above that he consented to it and it specified there was no finding of abuse.  That changes things.  Nevermind.  :D

Totally.  I DO have some sympathy for Javi because I couldn't even imagine coming back from deployment and finding myself so cruelly cast aside like garbage but he really does need to learn how to control himself for no other reason than to protect those boys.  They need ONE responsible, mature person in the situation and we all know Kail is incapable of being it.  He undoubtedly has a right to be upset, I won't take that from him, but he really does need to reign it in.  Little passive aggressive acts like we saw in the ep of coming into her house, going through her fridge with a smirk on his fact ect, need to stop.  Does Kail deserve it?  OF COURSE.  But for his own sake and that of Issac and Lincoln, he really needs to knock it off.

It said there was no finding of abuse bc there was NO INVESTIGATION for abuse, bc when you sign the order, it's sort of like a civil plea deal - they do not investigate, and you are not found guilty of anything - so long as you sign this PFA saying you will stay away from this person for X amount of time. it's basically a win-win for both parties. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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4 hours ago, zenme said:

How did she manage that? Was he sleeping? If so, that's some sick shit. 

That is pretty sick...and the work of a woman scorned lol. That Chris dude gave her a taste of her own medicine. I hope she's been humbled by it a bit, has more empathy for how she treats others now that she knows what it's like to be on the receiving end of someone discarding you, cheating on you, betraying you in some way, being selfish and opportunistic w/you, disrespecting you, etc. bc she did that on new year's eve, IIRC, which means she'd been pregnant for 2 months at that point...I think that's when she probably realized Chris isn't like the rest of these boys, he's not head over heals in love and planning to change his life just bc you're pregnant w/his kid. nope. Chris is gonna continue to do Chris, just as Kail has always continued to do Kail, regardless of circumstances. How does it feel?? 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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21 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

I never saw the texts and I didn't see him show up at the door, but come on, you really think Kail would blatantly make that up, knowing full well Javi is gonna see it in a few months and obviously defend himself if it's not true? Kail definitely exaggerates and leaves things out to try to make herself look good in situations, but i don't believe she'd go so far as to completely make something like that up. 

I can believe that Javi said and did some stupid shit, no doubt, during and just after the divorce. But I also find it hard to believe it was so bad as Kail wants to make it appear. Considering she is now the one who has been ignoring the PFA, stalking him on his SM and making snide and passive-aggressive comments, it doesn't appear as if she is worried about him snapping and doing something stupid. Or maybe she is trying to taunt a reaction out of him, who knows, Kail is a low rent schemer.

If I would wager a guess, I'd say the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Javi probably did send her some emotional charged, maybe mean or aggressive texts, possibly to an excessive amount and did try to infringe on her privacy, leaving her annoyed and frustrated. Meanwhile, Kail was playing ice cold bitch to him on camera but according to accusations she has never denied, was also stringing him along and sweet talking him when it suited her needs. She played him hot and cold and he bought it like a chump and fed into the escalating drama between them. I think they both have fault in this, but I will admit my bias and say that of the two, I think Kail is the true manipulator and opportunist. I think she will use anything to her advantage if it allows her to control others and get what she wants. I think Javi is an emotionally immature idiot who needs to grow up but nothing we've seen or know about him suggests he is a true danger. What he really needs to do is take a page out of Jo's playbook and create a safe, neutral emotional distance between himself and Hulk and limit his time on camera for his own sanity. But that even took Jo a few years to do and he was a bit ahead of Javi in terms of maturity and self-confidence.

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2 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I can believe that Javi said and did some stupid shit, no doubt, during and just after the divorce. But I also find it hard to believe it was so bad as Kail wants to make it appear. Considering she is now the one who has been ignoring the PFA, stalking him on his SM and making snide and passive-aggressive comments, it doesn't appear as if she is worried about him snapping and doing something stupid. Or maybe she is trying to taunt a reaction out of him, who knows, Kail is a low rent schemer.

If I would wager a guess, I'd say the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Javi probably did send her some emotional charged, maybe mean or aggressive texts, possibly to an excessive amount and did try to infringe on her privacy, leaving her annoyed and frustrated. Meanwhile, Kail was playing ice cold bitch to him on camera but according to accusations she has never denied, was also stringing him along and sweet talking him when it suited her needs. She played him hot and cold and he bought it like a chump and fed into the escalating drama between them. I think they both have fault in this, but I will admit my bias and say that of the two, I think Kail is the true manipulator and opportunist. I think she will use anything to her advantage if it allows her to control others and get what she wants. I think Javi is an emotionally immature idiot who needs to grow up but nothing we've seen or know about him suggests he is a true danger. What he really needs to do is take a page out of Jo's playbook and create a safe, neutral emotional distance between himself and Hulk and limit his time on camera for his own sanity. But that even took Jo a few years to do and he was a bit ahead of Javi in terms of maturity and self-confidence.

I agree 100% with what you say, I think Kail is the true abuser, manipulator and opportunist. She's always been the one to call the shots. BUT you've left out 2 things, possibly bc you just didn't know BUT

1. By the time this latest episode aired, Kail and Javi had long since moved past the PFA thing. I think once Kail realized Javi wanted to write that book about their marriage and Chris ditched her, she did what she had to do to try to make nice with him and it worked, he was apparently someone she turned to a lot after Chris ditched her...and like a sucker, Javi welcomed her back with open arms...until he got a new gf, that he seems to really like. I think that changed things, bc he's not under her spell anymore. But it's not like there's been no contact and she's been stalking him every since. 

2. It was more than crazy text messages, he physically showed up at her door, uninvited, unwelcome and banged on it, demanding she answer it to do god-knows-what...yell at each other? 

did he intend to hurt her, physically? my guess is no, i cant imagine he ever thought or wanted to do that. But if my ex did that, banged on my door and demanded to be let in after sending me a series of crazy texts? I'd get the courts involved, too. B/c regardless of whether he's dangerous or not, I need to send him a message that this WILL NOT continue, you NEED to respect my boundaries or else. 

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12 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:


did he intend to hurt her, physically? my guess is no, i cant imagine he ever thought or wanted to do that. But if my ex did that, banged on my door and demanded to be let in after sending me a series of crazy texts? I'd get the courts involved, too. B/c regardless of whether he's dangerous or not, I need to send him a message that this WILL NOT continue, you NEED to respect my boundaries or else. 

Of course, in a most situations I would 100% agree whole-heartedly with this. But I'm looking at this taking into account the two usual suspects here. Kail the grifter and schemer who likes to play mind and manipulation games and Javi the immature dumbass who has a hard time putting two and two together. It just seems to me that most likely whatever happened between them was a tale of mutual fuckery, which both participated in. Not one where either side was truly minding their own business and the other was the unhinged pyscho. Kail, being the smarter of the two, didn't show her ass like Javi did.

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18 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Do I believe Javi texted Kail or demanded to talk to her? I have no doubt he did. Does it constitute harassment? I can't say because the court didn't order the PFA. Javi just decided to not fight it and let it be as a safety measure to protect himself. The court may have decided the behavior didn't warrant the PFA. I prepared many TROs (temporary restraining orders) for situations where there was a lot more happening, but a judge didn't always give a permanent restraining order. 

Javi can be an asshole. He can be demanding. Kail is in no danger and fears nothing. She uses PFAs as a payback and to control situations that she has created. 

Exactly. Kail repeatedly makes her bed, and refuses to lay in it. 

One thing I believe about Kail, is she plays head games. Javi has mentioned her wanting to work things out, and then not. We even saw from last season - he came home and was totally unwanted, but then in another scene she was being all nice and I think even invited him to stay for dinner? I don't blame the dude if he's confused as to what the boundaries are, because Kail changes her mind on whim. Whatever suits her at that moment. 

1 hour ago, SheTalksShit said:

never saw the texts and I didn't see him show up at the door, but come on, you really think Kail would blatantly make that up, knowing full well Javi is gonna see it in a few months and obviously defend himself if it's not true? Kail definitely exaggerates and leaves things out to try to make herself look good in situations, but i don't believe she'd go so far as to completely make something like that up. 

She did it to Jo. 

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Also, to be clear, I'm not even necessarily saying I blame Javi for acting how he did in the relationship and after, the way she treated him is as fucked up as it gets & I think that, overall, Kail was the one in the wrong, Kail's the one who did him dirty. But I'm just saying that I can see how it's off-putting to be on the receiving end of Javi's behavior. I think that Javi should have made peace with being married to Kail by either accepting her behavior and staying OR not accepting it and leaving a looooong time ago. What he chose is to STAY (fight to stay, in fact, even when she woulda been fine if he left) but STILL not accept her behavior. You can't do that, especially when the other person doesn't give a fuck about the relationship. You have no room to make demands in that position, it is what it is. At that point, your only 2 viable options are to take them as is and stay, or decide this is not what you want and LEAVE their ass. That, IMO, is where Javi went wrong and I can see how that would be off-putting, as I've been in that situation, not in the way I treated the guy, initially, but he did some shit, a series of things, actually, that completely repulsed me and I was over it. But he didn't get that and kept trina make demands of me on how I should act and treat him and what he didn't get was he was in no position to be dictating anything, bc I wanted out, so I didn't care what he wanted anymore and I didn't care what he thought of me, his criticism didn't hurt me anymore, it just irritated me in a "Ok, so fuck off then," way. Even after I left, he still continued to try to make demands and question me. So eventually, I hadda get REAL blunt, REAL rude, bc he wouldn't stop trying to be nasty to me, he wouldn't respect my boundaries. 

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10 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Of course, in a most situations I would 100% agree whole-heartedly with this. But I'm looking at this taking into account the two usual suspects here. Kail the grifter and schemer who likes to play mind and manipulation games and Javi the immature dumbass who has a hard time putting two and two together. It just seems to me that most likely whatever happened between them was a tale of mutual fuckery, which both participated in. Not one where either side was truly minding their own business and the other was the unhinged pyscho. Kail, being the smarter of the two, didn't show her ass like Javi did.

I think Kail's problem is she lures ppl in, uses them, then selfishly steps on them and discards them like an annoying fly on the wall once she's done with them, but then can't deal with the backlash from them. She doesn't know how to sleep in the bed she made, how to deal with the anger directed at her as a result of her selfish choices. So she just keeps avoiding and discarding and shooting them down every time they express any feelings of anger or hurt...which ends up making things worse, bc if you don't give ppl a chance to say their piece, that just makes the anger build and build and they just get angrier and angrier until they reach their boiling point and all hell breaks loose. 

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I can imagine Kail deleting her texts and then presenting the court only with Javi's messages. 

It doesn't matter what she said to him in response.  The threat was made that he was coming over which she states she told him not to.  He insisted on coming anyway and then showed up.

At that point she could have said anything and it doesn't matter.  He pushed it past a boundary when she told him not to come and he did anyway.

That's the foundation of understanding what the word "no" means.  Javi clearly doesn't have a grasp on that word as he's continually come at her after she's told him no or asked him to stop.  That's not ok.  That is concerning.  Javi's entitlement ends where?  Because from what I've seen, as a woman, I wouldn't go near him with a ten foot pole.  

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57 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. Kail repeatedly makes her bed, and refuses to lay in it. 

One thing I believe about Kail, is she plays head games. Javi has mentioned her wanting to work things out, and then not. We even saw from last season - he came home and was totally unwanted, but then in another scene she was being all nice and I think even invited him to stay for dinner? I don't blame the dude if he's confused as to what the boundaries are, because Kail changes her mind on whim. Whatever suits her at that moment. 

She did it to Jo. 

No, what she did to Jo was only tell PART of the story, the part that made her look innocent and him look bad and LEFT OUT VERY CRITICAL INFORMATION when she filed the PFA. Like yes, I'm sure Jo did push her, or grab her arm or whatever, but only after she came charging at him, swinging at him, trying to punch him - so yeah, he's gonna push her away or try to grab her arm to stop it swinging, what's he supposed to do, let her punch him? And I knew there was more to that story even before it came out bc I knew Kail wanted Jo and was jealous of Vee. 

The Javi thing, tho, what she says happened sounds much more believable, bc she is the one who is detached, he is the one who is angry and jealous and feels betrayed. & the fact that he blatantly told her, last season, that he was gonna come in the house whenever he wanted, that he was gonna break a window if he wanted, etc. and showing up, unannounced, at the house, makes the story all that more believable. Yeah, yeah, I know by law, it was still his house, too, but i'm not talking about legally, but just because you're legally able to do something doesn't mean it's not weird - how he acted then tells me that this is what Javi is capable of when he loses control of his emotions. It is what it is. So no, i certainly would not put it past him to show up at her door at night, bang on it, screaming at her to open it, even after being told not to come and that he is not welcome. 

I wouldn't put much past Kail when she loses control, either, I think Kail's actually capable of much worse than Javi when she's angry or hurt...as we see from how she acted w/Jo and Chris. But she didn't feel that w/Javi, she didn't feel that same spark and desire anymore, I don't think she ever really did, or at least not the same way she did for Chris and Jo. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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8 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

It doesn't matter what she said to him in response.  The threat was made that he was coming over which she states she told him not to.  He insisted on coming anyway and then showed up.

At that point she could have said anything and it doesn't matter.  He pushed it past a boundary when she told him not to come and he did anyway.

That's the foundation of understanding what the word "no" means.  Javi clearly doesn't have a grasp on that word as he's continually come at her after she's told him no or asked him to stop.  That's not ok.  That is concerning.  Javi's entitlement ends where?  Because from what I've seen, as a woman, I wouldn't go near him with a ten foot pole.  

Where was all of this support for Javi when Kailyn physically man handled him in his own home over some dogs running loose? (The only documented assault, there were rumors of Kailyn hitting him on other occasions)

I understand where you're coming from but you're advocating for someone who WAS the physical abuser over someone that is texting and showing up uninvited.

I guess he's wrong for showing up to his own house uninvited ?But we can't forget that HE was the actual victim of abuse and HE is the one that is constantly getting berated by this woman. 

Aside from showing up to a house he was told to stay away from and some alleged text messages, I haven't seen any other signs of abuse from Javi. He's overly clingy, overly jealous (had reason) and knows how to push Kailyn's buttons but if anyone of these two parties deserves to file an order of protection it's Javi.

They're both immature asshats but Kailyn should have been arrested on ALL of those cases where SHE physically harmed her men. She's lucky that her men (Jo, Javi, and Chris) are nice enough to not want to see a mother in jail.

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8 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Where was all of this support for Javi when Kailyn physically man handled him in his own home over some dogs running loose? (The only documented assault, there were rumors of Kailyn hitting him on other occasions)

I understand where you're coming from but you're advocating for someone who WAS the physical abuser over someone that is texting and showing up uninvited.

I guess he's wrong for showing up to his own house uninvited ?But we can't forget that HE was the actual victim of abuse and HE is the one that is constantly getting berated by this woman. 

Aside from showing up to a house he was told to stay away from and some alleged text messages, I haven't seen any other signs of abuse from Javi. He's overly clingy, overly jealous (had reason) and knows how to push Kailyn's buttons but if anyone of these two parties deserves to file an order of protection it's Javi.

They're both immature asshats but Kailyn should have been arrested on ALL of those cases where SHE physically harmed her men. She's lucky that her men (Jo, Javi, and Chris) are nice enough to not want to see a mother in jail.

I'm not advocating for anyone.  And unless you've been rummaging around in every previous post I've made on this site, it's unfair to say I have never supported Javi.  I have repeatedly said in every post that she has her issues as well.  Don't ignore that to satisfy the agenda to prove I'm advocating for her.

But it seems rather hypocritical to demand she answer for her actions while simultaneously absolving him of his.  The point is in THIS episode the boundary violation was JAVI'S.  I'm not about to white wash it with use of fluffy words to make what he's done less of a violation.  

What's clear to me is that the abuse, both mental and verbal goes both ways.  He is not void of responsibility for his actions just as she's not.  

Both of them are immature children who like to pick at each other.  I'm just saying that a lot of the blame is being pointed in one direction over the other and from where I sit they are both absolutely to blame for the continued state of their relationship.

And it's not "his own house" anymore.  They are divorced.  The house is hers.  He doesn't retain ownership because he lived there once and helped pay the bills.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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1 minute ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I'm not advocating for anyone.  And unless you've been rummaging around in my previous posts, it's unfair to say I have never supported Javi.  I have repeatedly said in every post that she has her issues as well.  Don't ignore that to satisfy the agenda to prove I'm advocating for her.

But it seems rather hypocritical to demand she answer for her actions while simultaneously absolving him of his.  The point is in THIS episode the boundary violation was JAVI'S.  

What's clear to me is that the abuse, both mental and verbal goes both ways.  He is not void of responsibility for his actions just as she's not.  

Both of them are immature children who like to pick at each other.  I'm just saying that a lot of the blame is being pointed in one direction over the other and from where I sit they are both absolutely to blame for the continued state of their relationship.

You're right, they're both to blame. However,  I can't say what Javi is doing is anywhere close to what Kailyn did to him. She physically put her hands on him on more than one occasion. If that scene wasn't recorded for viewers to see I bet she would have flipped it around for us to believe HE was in the wrong and she would have filed an order of protection. She's a sneaky little beast.

I do apologize for claiming that you're advocating for her based on a few posts I've read. I will take that back. I haven't read any of your older post. For that I'm sorry.

As for the rest, Javi is in the wrong for going to the house uninvited and for dismissing her request to limit communication, but I find it hard to have remorse for someone that has physically harmed people for no reason.

My only concern is for those boys and that's when I want Javi to respect boundaries so that the boys feel safe in their own home. 

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26 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

Where was all of this support for Javi when Kailyn physically man handled him in his own home over some dogs running loose? (The only documented assault, there were rumors of Kailyn hitting him on other occasions)

I understand where you're coming from but you're advocating for someone who WAS the physical abuser over someone that is texting and showing up uninvited.

I guess he's wrong for showing up to his own house uninvited ?But we can't forget that HE was the actual victim of abuse and HE is the one that is constantly getting berated by this woman. 

Aside from showing up to a house he was told to stay away from and some alleged text messages, I haven't seen any other signs of abuse from Javi. He's overly clingy, overly jealous (had reason) and knows how to push Kailyn's buttons but if anyone of these two parties deserves to file an order of protection it's Javi.

They're both immature asshats but Kailyn should have been arrested on ALL of those cases where SHE physically harmed her men. She's lucky that her men (Jo, Javi, and Chris) are nice enough to not want to see a mother in jail.

It's not a matter of deserved or doesn't deserve, they all CHOSE not to file PFA's. They coulda and they didn't, that's on them. Men usually don't - Chris and Jo didn't bc they're men and prefer to handle their shit on their own. Javi didn't do it bc he was in love and still wanted to be with her. 

Kail was not in love and did not want to be with Javi and he showed up at her house, despite being told not to, and angrily banged on her door and demanded she come out, bc he felt entitled to do so, even though he is NOT entitled to do so. Kail filed the PFA and send him the message that this CAN'T continue. I mean, wouldn't you? Even though I don't think he intended to harm her, physically, and she may have known that, that's still not something I'd wanna get used to happening at night. She tried handling it on her own by telling him not to come and he didn't listen, so her mindset was probably, fuck, this is gonna continue regardless of what i say, so let's see what the courts have to say...

you're acting like what he did was no big deal, or that the fact that he only did it once shoulda been let go. no, if he does it once, why take the chance he'll do it again?? to ensure there won't be any more nights like these, get the courts involved, send him a message that there will be real consequences if this happens again. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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19 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

It's not a matter of deserved or doesn't deserve, they all CHOSE not to file PFA's. They coulda and they didn't, that's on them. Men usually don't - Chris and Jo didn't bc they're men and prefer to handle their shit on their own. Javi didn't do it bc he was in love and still wanted to be with her. 

Kail was not in love and did not want to be with Javi and he showed up at her house, despite being told not to, and angrily banged on her door and demanded she come out, bc he felt entitled to do so, even though he is NOT entitled to do so. Kail filed the PFA and send him the message that this CAN'T continue. I mean, wouldn't you? Even though I don't think he intended to harm her, physically, and she may have known that, that's still not something I'd wanna get used to happening at night. She tried handling it on her own by telling him not to come and he didn't listen, so her mindset was probably, fuck, this is gonna continue regardless of what i say, so let's see what the courts have to say...

you're acting like what he did was no big deal, or that the fact that he only did it once shoulda been let go. no, if he does it once, why take the chance he'll do it again?? to ensure there won't be any more nights like these, get the courts involved, send him a message that there will be real consequences if this happens again. 

I guess it boils down to a "agree to disagree."

I'm not here to argue. I just feel like JAVI got screwed over.

- Kailyn manhandled javi

- Kailyn cheated on Javi

- Kailyn verbally berates Javi (& everyone else)


- Kailyn files the order of protection 

- Kailyn says he was a bad husband 

- Kailyn gets to keep the house they BOTH own and changed the locks only allowing the new dick of the week to stay 


Just because the men "are men and prefer to handle their shit on their own" doesn't make it RIGHT to put your hands on someone and then cry abuse on the VICTIMS.

She's a cold hearted bitch and the justice system is flawed when it allows a man to go overseas for deployment to then come home to be told you can't come into the home you've dreamt about sleeping in for 6-months where your child is.

Edited by Calm81
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12 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I guess it boils down to a "agree to disagree."

I'm not here to argue. I just feel like JAVI got screwed over.

- Kailyn manhandled javi

- Kailyn cheated on Javi

- Kailyn verbally berates Javi (& everyone else)


- Kailyn files the order of protection 

- Kailyn says he was a bad husband 

- Kailyn gets to keep the house they BOTH own and changed the locks only allowing the new dick of the week to stay 


Just because the men "are men and prefer to handle their shit on their own" doesn't make it RIGHT to put your hands on someone and then cry abuse on the VICTIMS.

She's a cold hearted bitch and the justice system is flawed when it allows a man to go overseas for deployment to then come home to be told you can't come into the home you've dreamt about sleeping in for 6-months where your child is.

Did I say that makes it right??? no, I said that they chose not to. It's the victim's right to choose what action to take, if any. 

IDK what part you disagree with. 

And by "they are men" what I meant was that I can tell both Jo and Chris are strong, emotionally, they're not easily rattled and they are the types that would rather DIE than file a PFA against a female. They're alpha males that come from cultures that generally believe it would be absurd to file a PFA against a female. 

Edited by SheTalksShit
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2 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Was it the court who told Javi he couldn't spend the night in his home when he returned from overseas? I thought he voluntarily stayed in a hotel because of the problems with Kail. No judge insisted he do so.

I believe he voluntarily moved out. Technically, his name was on the house lease and they weren't divorced then, legally he could've plopped his ass down and stayed until it was settled in court. 

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1 hour ago, Calm81 said:

Where was all of this support for Javi when Kailyn physically man handled him in his own home over some dogs running loose? (The only documented assault, there were rumors of Kailyn hitting him on other occasions)

I understand where you're coming from but you're advocating for someone who WAS the physical abuser over someone that is texting and showing up uninvited.

I guess he's wrong for showing up to his own house uninvited ?But we can't forget that HE was the actual victim of abuse and HE is the one that is constantly getting berated by this woman. 

Aside from showing up to a house he was told to stay away from and some alleged text messages, I haven't seen any other signs of abuse from Javi. He's overly clingy, overly jealous (had reason) and knows how to push Kailyn's buttons but if anyone of these two parties deserves to file an order of protection it's Javi.

They're both immature asshats but Kailyn should have been arrested on ALL of those cases where SHE physically harmed her men. She's lucky that her men (Jo, Javi, and Chris) are nice enough to not want to see a mother in jail.

Remember, she admitted there she swung at Javi again right before coming onstage at a reunion to Dr Drew.  Dr Drew asked when is the last time it happened and Javi pointed backstage and said a few minutes ago before coming out. (Not exact wording but still the same)

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10 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I believe he voluntarily moved out. Technically, his name was on the house lease and they weren't divorced then, legally he could've plopped his ass down and stayed until it was settled in court. 

And thats exactly what i would have done.  I might move my stuff to another bedroom but move out so you can have your new dick in OUR house? Oh no ma'am. Take your ass to a hotel for your bumping ugly sessions. Let's see how into you he is when he has to split a hotel fee.

Now I would have security cameras installed in every corner of the house because I dont trust that cow. 

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32 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I believe he voluntarily moved out. Technically, his name was on the house lease and they weren't divorced then, legally he could've plopped his ass down and stayed until it was settled in court. 

That was a dumb thing to do. A friend who is an attorney who is also divorced said you don't want to move out almost because it is like conceding your possessions, including your kids.


46 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

I guess it boils down to a "agree to disagree."

I'm not here to argue. I just feel like JAVI got screwed over.

- Kailyn manhandled javi

- Kailyn cheated on Javi

- Kailyn verbally berates Javi (& everyone else)


- Kailyn files the order of protection 

- Kailyn says he was a bad husband 

- Kailyn gets to keep the house they BOTH own and changed the locks only allowing the new dick of the week to stay 


Just because the men "are men and prefer to handle their shit on their own" doesn't make it RIGHT to put your hands on someone and then cry abuse on the VICTIMS.

She's a cold hearted bitch and the justice system is flawed when it allows a man to go overseas for deployment to then come home to be told you can't come into the home you've dreamt about sleeping in for 6-months where your child is.

And I might add she did most of this while he was deployed or shortly after he was in service to his country.

She really is a vile pig.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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10 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

That was a dumb thing to do. A friend who is an attorney who is also divorced said you don't want to move out almost because it is like conceding your possessions, including your kids.


And I might add she did most of this while he was deployed or shortly after he was in service to his country


She really is a vile pig.

Service SHE insisted he enlist in. If i were Javi I woukd soend all of my days wondering if this was all a long con ( we know it was). Berate this dummy into joining the Air Force, have acces to his benefits and have the ability to screw around once he's deployed.

Kail is so lucky Javi had Peaches advising him and not me. I can wear you down with a serious level of petty. 

That's the thing with a beast like Kail, she fights dirty and wears her opponent down until they cry uncle. Thats why she keeps on with her bullshit. I'm glad she met her match in Chris. Sorry for that baby though.

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You know what Javi's problem is? He lets Kail walk all over him - berate him, abuse him, take whatever she wants to take and keep whatever she wants to keep and let's it all be on her terms - and then let's it go and let's it go and let's it go and then, every now and again, he snaps, like he did the night he came to Kail's house, angrily banging on the door bc he feels like he's been completely used, manipulated and walked all over on everything. I think that, if he were to stand up for himself about the things he HAS a say in over (who keeps the house, whether to file a PFA against her, division of assets, etc) he'd be less inclined to snap and go nuts over the things he has NO say in (who Kail sleeps with and who she gets pregnant by). I think, if he learns to set appropriate boundaries in how much he is willing to let other people TAKE from him on the things he is actually entitled to, he'd  have an easier time respecting the boundaries when it comes to what he's NOT entitled to take from others. 

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2 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

I think Kail's problem is she lures ppl in, uses them, then selfishly steps on them and discards them like an annoying fly on the wall once she's done with them, but then can't deal with the backlash from them. She doesn't know how to sleep in the bed she made, how to deal with the anger directed at her as a result of her selfish choices. So she just keeps avoiding and discarding and shooting them down every time they express any feelings of anger or hurt...which ends up making things worse, bc if you don't give ppl a chance to say their piece, that just makes the anger build and build and they just get angrier and angrier until they reach their boiling point and all hell breaks loose. 

I agree with this!!! My last serious breakup turned me into someone I seriously didn't recognize! We went on a trip where we talked nonstop about marriage and kids, and he planned to propose very quickly. Then he suddenly decided that it felt too real and called things off right after the trip. It sent me reeling so far into the future I couldn't even function for days!!! Our relationship lasted a year, and took me a solid year to get over. He was so mean and nasty every time I tried to ask what went wrong, why we couldn't work out the problems, how he was so unhappy, etc. He would be super mean back because he said he'd had time to process it, and moved on. The problem was that I hadn't, and I resorted to sending him long messages when I got sad begging for answers, until he blocked me on all platforms. My poor friend's never heard me talk about anything else for a year, either. I have never been like that before or since, but it was so abrupt and unexpected, and the relationship was so serious. That's what I think about Karl. She didn't stop to think that she was javi's WIFE, not his hoe, and she cried at least fake tears when he left. How does he come home and get kicked out while her new bf hangs out? I feel that if she had really let javi talk it out, things would have been better. I couldn't leave my ex alone because I had so many things unsaid, and also because I wanted him to see that his actions had consequences and I was a mess. 

Luckily my now boyfriend is reasonable and stable, and it's amazing that when we fight (which isn't often), I've stopped being terrified that he'll want to break up. I feel like no one would ever have this security with Kail. Didn't she start threatening divorce over every little thing very early on? I seriously have no clue why anyone would marry her!

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11 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Why is it so difficult for these people to use seatbelts, boosters and car seats correctly? This was when Cole was driving and talking about the dance. 



I drive that way sometimes. The belt rubs on my shoulder sometimes and I need to get some relief. The lap belt is still in place just by looking at the photo. 

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