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S19.E10: Power of Veto #3


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Wow, Mark... you are an ugly crier!! There's something about his face, hair and build that is rather simian to me. I look at him and I think Magilla Gorilla. I can't help it!

It's funny but the more I see of him in the DR, the more child-like he seems to me. Like a big, overgrown little boy.


Paul is without a doubt one of the  most loathsome, vile reality show contestants ever. 

Now, see - I don't think Paul is that vile. There are lots of other former HGs I would rank worse than Paul. Need I raise the specter of Mike Boogie, for example? It's not so much that he's "the worst ever" it's just that there's too damn much of him. He's eating the show. He's everywhere, he's narrating everything, the entire season is about him and his game even when he's not on the block or HoH. I get that the show (and his fans) think he's "entertaining" but it's exhausting. He's always "on." He has no "off" switch. The minute Alex tells him Dom called him a snake he's got to go running down to her room and make a big stinking scene because how dare she call him a snake!!! How dare anyone accuse him of anything!!

Here's the thing that really gets me: the moment he announced he was going to confront Dom, Alex was laughing and all for it. Yet - she knows for a fact that Dominique is right because Paul is the one who told her to nominated her! So WTF is Alex laughing at? In fact, everyone in that room knows Dom is right about who betrayed her. Yet they are still acting like she committed some unpardonable offense, presumably because nobody is allowed to question or accuse Saint Paul. Even if they're right. {head smack}


Now, from what I have been taught, speaking in tongues is actually the Holy Spirit talking to God on your behalf. 

Depending on your point of view it could also be considered a serious mental disorder. Remember Jocasta, from Season 16 (the one who always wore the bow tie)? She did that too. Apparently Dominique has been cast as this season's "religious black woman who speaks in tongues." 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 6
9 hours ago, mojoween said:

The producers knew what the comp was going to be.  If Christmas's chip was chosen, at that point they should have said she couldn't play and then drawn another chip.  It's stupid to get her all dressed up in their stupid costume and then sit and also deny someone the opportunity to play.  I mean, yes, her chip should be in the bag, but if she can't play, move on.

Also, she needs to go.  If the only comps she can play are basically quizzes, what's the point?

I still like Paul and find his DR's amusing.  Once his safety is up, the hamsters will have ample opportunity to send him packing.

I rather suspect Production didn't pull Christmas' chip specifically to make it clear (both to the audience AND the other HGs) that Christmas' choice to stay in the House despite injury is not simply a personal decision affecting her alone - it's also a strategic Game issue which affects others in the House.

When Christmas made her "Miss Perseverance" speech, everybody was going on about two primary facets of that decision: (a) oh what a brave and strong person she is, and (b) sure as shit nobody wants to be sitting next to her at F2.  Both of these are individual evaluations, however, and give short shrift to the impact of Christmas' decision upon other HGs, and the Game as a whole.  This PoV comp is a perfect example:

  1. Both Dom and Jessica are shorted a PoV player who might play on their behalf and take them off the Block in the event of a win.
  2. By the same token the HoH (and any other HGs desiring noms to stay the same) are shorted a PoV player who might play, win PoV, and not use it - keeping both current noms OTB.
  3. The win/loss odds of the PoV comp are inarguably altered by the presence of only five active players in the comp vs. the six for which the comp was designed.  Individual performance capabilities and PoV use preferences aside - on a statistical level, the odds are actually skewed slightly (about 7% more) in favor of a Block nom win.

Even if you consider #1 and #2 to be a wash which works out evenly, the impact of #3 is mathematically undeniable.

All of which simply illustrates my point - and that, I suspect, of Production: Christmas' decision to stay in the game affects not only herself - it also has a direct impact upon the other HGs' games.


5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

[Paul] didn't even look like a snake in that outfit. When I first saw him walk in I thought he was wearing a short dress.

Paul was wearing a short dress, as a shirt; judging from the getup, I gather Paul went to every other female in the House and asked to borrow any garb he could fit in which had a pattern remotely resembling snakeskin.


4 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

What the mamasay-mamasaa-mamacoosaa was going on in the bathroom with Dominique?  That speaking in tongue shit was creeping me out big time. 


2 hours ago, Cherry Cola said:

Now, from what I have been taught, speaking in tongues is actually the Holy Spirit talking to God on your behalf.  So, Dom would not know what is being prayed.  It's a secret language.  Not a scary thing as lots of people think. She would need someone who can interperet what is being said, for her to know.  But maybe she prayed in English also.    Anyway, someone saying she is using her religion as a weapon, I can see what you mean.  She needs to chill.  And she can, once ahe is voted out. Lol


2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yes, that's what it was. I've witnessed people in my mom's church do this. They say it's evidence of the Holy Spirit coming over them.  It kind of bothers me because my Biblical understanding was that the Apostles spoke in tongues unknown to THEM in order to speak the language of those they were spreading the Word TO. So if they went to Italy, they'd suddenly have the ability to speak Italian, so they could spread Christ's message to those there. I'm not really sure the point of speaking a "language" that neither you, nor anyone in the room, knows. But whatever.  If that's how Dominique wants to pray, more power to her. But I won't lie and say it doesn't get a bad reaction from me. 

Glad y'all mentioned hearing this as well; I had already started a FAST evaluation on myself, for fear I was having a stroke. 

Prior to BB, Dom appears to have worked for the federal government as a DoD civilian contractor performing nuclear engineering program management.  Should Dom seek similar re-employment after this season, reckon the whole speaking-in-tongues thingie might affect her future security clearance?  The background security clearance investigator types tend to get their panties in a big enough wad over things you say or don't say in English, as it is.

Edited by Nashville
Found better FAST linky
5 hours ago, phlebas said:

Damn, this show gives some of the funniest reality show moments.

Dominique: Do you know how a snake ensures that it doesn't bump into things?
Alex: Does it do that tongue thing?

My favourite funny moment of this episode was a rehash from last week's episode. When Dominique is up in the HoH and not-so-subtly trying to throw Elena under the bus. The editors were particularly savage with their sudden cut downstairs to Elena... with insane makeup under her eyes that she was about to blend, looking like an idiot. There are the Big Brother editors that I know and love. 

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Paul bugs me so much, stomping around the house like a Junior Napoleon. I thought the HOH room was more private than the rest of the house, just for the use of the HOH and a couple of friends. He (and other house guests) just walk in and out and use it like a public lavatory. He didn't even look like a snake in that outfit. When I first saw him walk in I thought he was wearing a short dress.

Isn't that what he was wearing?  I thought he borrowed a snakeskin-print dress from one of the women.  

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

It's funny but the more I see of him in the DR, the more child-like he seems to me. Like a big, overgrown little boy.

Yeah, I want to pat him on the back and tell him that Dom isn't going to DIE, she's just going to go talk to Julie in the other room.  

  • Love 3

Last night, I could only like a few posts because PTV was giving me the "You are not allowed to like posts from this user" error. So, either nearly everyone blocked me yesterday, and unblocked me today, or I was being cursed by Paul for my comments yesterday. ; )

51 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Here's the thing that really gets me: the moment he announced he was going to confront Dom, Alex was laughing and all for it. Yet - she knows for a fact that Dominique is right because Paul is the one who told her to nominated her!

BUUUTTT  - Paul is convinced that he has made her think it was her idea, not his, and I'm not sure if she does think she thought of it, because she wavers so much. He really wasn't doing a good job of leading her to think the idea he was planting was hers, and some of her comments to Jason lead me to believe she realizes he is controlling her HOH, but then her talking heads disabuse me of that notion.


16 hours ago, The Companion said:

Oh hey, another episode and another SHUT UP PAUL. Here is the thing, Paul, you decided to make a game move, Dom correctly calls you out on it, and you have the nerve to get angry about it. It would be one thing if this self absorbed jerk was just posturing but his DRs made it clear that he has no self awareness. Meanwhile, we are all stuck with the all Paul all the time show. 

That's my major problem with him this season, there is no relief from him, and it is at the expense of learning about how the other HGs would play without him running the show. Of course, it looked like most of them were okay with letting Cody run the house, so most of them would probably  be pushovers if he wasn't there telling them what to do, too.


14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nothing against Dominique being religious but she's coming across like a Pharisee to me. Her sanctimony is not compelling, nor is suggesting that only she has the straight scoop from God. She's using her faith as a weapon, AFAIC.

During the HOH competition, Alex started saying a Hail Mary. During her talking head, she said she was trying to distract herself, or something. It didn't bother me at all, because it didn't seem forced. Dominique, on the other hand, is probably religious in general in her day-to-day life, but here, it seems forced and attention seeking. 

She had been laying around, reading the bible to herself, talking to the camera, but had to go close herself in a toilet stall to pray, out loud, in tongue, where she was more likely to be overheard. It just comes across to me as inauthentic. When Paul said something to her about God not being there, she immediately responded that He was there, with her. That came across to me like a true belief of hers, as opposed to trying to pigeonhole religion into the conversation because she wanted to make sure she is seen as a motivational and God-fearing woman, who should have a platform to share her words when she is out of the house.

She's probably not faking her religious beliefs, but it certainly comes across to me like she is. It's like if someone said, "Dominique, would you like some food I just cooked?" she would respond "Jesus turned water into wine!" That doesn't really answer the yes or no question but instead, screams, "Look at me! I'm religious!" eyeroll.


3 hours ago, Boilergal said:

Going old school here --- Dom, Jesus is not getting out of the bathtub!!!   All your god bothering is not going to change it, and it's incredibly selfish for you to ask for help in a stupid game when there are people with real issues that need serious answers to their prayers!!!!!   She really annoyed me this episode, and I HOPE HOPE HOPE that they evict her. 

Praying for help to win game or reality television show has always bothered me. It just feels wrong to me and I'm not religious. You used the word "selfish" and I now realize that is what feels wrong to me about it.


1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Also in the flashback, what was Alex wearing around her waist during the HOH comp?

When it was airing, we were discussing it in the "Live Feed" thread, and you could see it on others, too. It seems to be some type of safety harness.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, mojoween said:

I still like Paul and find his DR's amusing.  Once his safety is up, the hamsters will have ample opportunity to send him packing.

His DRs amuse the hell out of me. Sometimes it's all in the delivery. The puppetmaster DR was hilarious! (And true.) I'm not concerned about him making it to the end though. If anything, I can see Alex using him until it's no longer advantageous and then going after him. She seems to have a really good handle on this game and has no fear. She's pretty bad-ass actually.

6 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Yes, and since I like Paul, I'm enjoying all of his face time immensely.  He's the only house guest that's interesting and entertaining.  When he leaves, it'll be a boring house. 

Him and Kevin are the only people who entertain me this season. Without Paul there to stir things up these past few weeks, we would have spent 3 weeks watching showmances. If I wanted to watch famewhores pretend to like each other in order to get screen time, I'd watch The Bachelor. 

6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But is this seriously going to be the summer of the biggest dudes in the house non-stop bawling? Because I can't. 

I laughed through all of Mark's DRs because what is wrong with these people??? (How come Jessica isn't following Mark around calling him a little girl?) They cry at freaking everything! I get that the BB experience can be intense at times but not all the time. Like, damn.

  • Love 2

So why could Dom clearly and concisely state her reasons why Paul is a snake while in the DR, but with Alex she had to act out a 14-part analogy which made little to no sense to Alex or most of the viewers?  I also didn't understand why Dom and Jason had to play 20 Questions when Jason asked her who the "snake" was.  Why couldn't she just tell him flat out?

And that whole thing with Paul getting Alex to nominate Dom, and telling her why she needed to nominate Dom, only to run to everyone else and have them listen to Alex's "idea" of nominating Dom was just plain nuts.  Does Alex not see that Paul is planting thoughts into her brain and then making her explain herself to everyone else?  Or is Alex actually onto Paul and his shenanigans?  Can it please be the latter?  Because I don't really want to spend my summer watching Paul play puppetmaster to a bunch of morons, after which they all happily cast their vote for him to win because he's such a cool guy.  Come on, they can't really all be that stupid.

Come back, Cory, you were right about Paul all along.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I rather suspect Production didn't pull Christmas' chip specifically to make it clear (both to the audience AND the other HGs) that Christmas' choice to stay in the House despite injury is not simply a personal decision affecting her alone - it's also a strategic Game issue which affects others in the House.

When Christmas made her "Miss Perseverance" speech, everybody was going on about two primary facets of that decision: (a) oh what a brave and strong person she is, and (b) sure as shit nobody wants to be sitting next to her at F2.  Both of these are individual evaluations, however, and give short shrift to the impact of Christmas' decision upon other HGs, and the Game as a whole.  This PoV comp is a perfect example:

  1. Both Dom and Jessica are shorted a PoV player who might play on their behalf and take them off the Block in the event of a win.
  2. By the same token the HoH (and any other HGs desiring noms to stay the same) are shorted a PoV player who might play, win PoV, and not use it - keeping both current noms OTB.
  3. The win/loss odds of the PoV comp are inarguably altered by the presence of only five active players in the comp vs. the six for which the comp was designed.  Individual performance capabilities and PoV use preferences aside - on a statistical level, the odds are actually skewed slightly (about 7% more) in favor of a Block nom win.

Even if you consider #1 and #2 to be a wash which works out evenly, the impact of #3 is mathematically undeniable.

All of which simply illustrates my point - and that, I suspect, of Production: Christmas' decision to stay in the game affects not only herself - it also has a direct impact upon the other HGs' games.

I agree. From my perspective, I think it is better to leave it to the HGs to decide whether or not keeping Christmas in this game and the impact she has as someone who is physically unable to play is worth it. On one hand, you have one less person going against you if you are on the block. On the other, she may hold the spot of someone who might play for you if you were on the block or if you are the HOH. There have been HGs in the past who were bad at competitions or planned to throw competitions. I think you approach Christmas the same way, given her injury. She is not preventing anyone who is on the block from playing, and it is truly a disadvantage for her (as she is unable to play for HOH or the Veto in a good number of competitions), that I don't think is fully offset by the fact that she loses some of her designation as a threat. 

8 minutes ago, Christina said:

Last night, I could only like a few posts because PTV was giving me the "You are not allowed to like posts from this user" error. So, either nearly everyone blocked me yesterday, and unblocked me today, or I was being cursed by Paul for my comments yesterday. ; )


I definitely didn't block you and unblock you, so let's blame Paul. :) 

  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Christina said:

Last night, I could only like a few posts because PTV was giving me the "You are not allowed to like posts from this user" error. So, either nearly everyone blocked me yesterday, and unblocked me today, or I was being cursed by Paul for my comments yesterday. ; )

I get that sometimes; usually closing/re-opening my browser app clears it up.


10 minutes ago, Christina said:

When it was airing, we were discussing it in the "Live Feed" thread, and you could see it on others, too. It seems to be some type of safety harness.

They look like neoprene back braces - but in reality, I think they're just weatherproofing for the microphone packs so there's no chance of them shorting out duringthe more water-intensive comps.


2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

So why could Dom clearly and concisely state her reasons why Paul is a snake while in the DR, but with Alex she had to act out a 14-part analogy which made little to no sense to Alex or most of the viewers?  I also didn't understand why she and Jason had to play 20 Questions when Jason asked her who the "snake" was.  Why couldn't she just tell him flat out?

This is Dom being penny-wise and pound-foolish.  Dom keeps playing cagey, speaking in parables instead of simply naming names, thinking maintenance of plausible deniability is an asset if nobody can point a finger at her and say, "Well, Dom said So-And-So's name...."

Here's the thing though, Dom: YOU. ARE. ON. THE. FUCKING. BLOCK. AND. GOING. HOME. UNLESS. YOU. OPEN. YOUR. DAMN. MOUTH. AND. DO. SOMETHING. ABOUT. IT.  The time for playing cute guess-what-I'm-thinking games is over; time now for some plain-speak.


2 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Come back, Cory, you were right about Paul all along.




  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

They look like neoprene back braces - but in reality, I think they're just weatherproofing for the microphone packs so there's no chance of them shorting out duringthe more water-intensive comps.

That's what we decided! I couldn't remember what it was we decided back then, but weatherproofing was it. I'm going to blame Paul for me forgetting that, too, just like for the PTV hiccup that didn't allow me to like or quote yesterday.

I agree with others who have said Christmas should have got/taken a pass to come back on another season.


I think Paul might have a Napolean syndrome.


This show is becoming too professional so to speak and is not as spontaneous as it once was, this will likely be my last season watching.

3 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Nobody - He's too busy sorting out who wins the daily lottery picks.

LOL he's everywhere ya know ;)

  • Love 2

Obviously, we don't know what was said to her privately, but I Imagine that the odds are very high (like, VERY high) that they told Christmas that she could return next season if she wanted to leave now and she chose to stay. It just makes too much sense for them NOT to offer her the option, as she's a good HG and they would be glad to have her back at "full strength." At the same time, I get why she would want to stay - it likely (in her mind) makes her injury have more of a purpose and it also gives her something to take her mind OFF of how much the injury hurt her in her private life (with her likely no longer being able to do CrossFit competitions). Plus, of course, it IS a decent enough strategy to say, "Keep me in the game because you can always beat me in physical competitions," while at the same time, if she somehow gets to the Final 2, she has a great case for winning due to her perseverance. 

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Dom keeps playing cagey, speaking in parables instead of simply naming names

And yet she calls Paul a snake. This is what drives me crazy every season, the straight up hypocrisy.  When Paul plays the game, he's a snake. But when Dom plays the game (her talk show, throwing people under the bus, etc.), she's still such a saint that God himself came to her in the bathroom and whispered Paul's name 3 times. I really could not roll my eyes harder if I tried.

  • Love 8

Apparently Dominique has been cast as this season's "religious black woman who speaks in tongues." 

Probably also the anti-Zakiyah (of BB18 Zakiyah&Paulie infamy). A certain segment of the audience really didn't like watching Z going after "their" man, IYKWIM. Dom seems like the 180° degree opposite, at least as far as her behavior before the BB19 cameras is concerned. Both of them were seemingly cast as Black women stereotypes, I think.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If she has no chance to play in any physical competitions before the season is over, then they ought to give her an opportunity to exit the house, and come back next season.  It is really going to be hard to watch any of the physical competitions if her chip continues to get picked, and one less competitor is allowed to play in those competitions.

How is that any different than Kevin getting picked to play, other than she gets to sit down while he takes a stab at adding humor to a "previously" clip?

I don't really think Christmas' injury would sway votes, some might not appreciate her "perseverance" as much when it comes time to vote. I'd think she might get voted out just because they don't think she should be there anymore, especially if her being picked for vetoed submarines someone's game.

51 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Is there a death option? Or cake? I like cake.

I'll take death... nahh... just kidding, I'll take cake! ;-)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

If more than one person is doing it, who does Jesus listen to?

Exactly. I don't mind praying to give you strength to get through the comp, to do your best, etc. But praying to win just seems a trifle ridiculous to me. Like God favors YOU over His other children? 


1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

And yet she calls Paul a snake. This is what drives me crazy every season, the straight up hypocrisy.  When Paul plays the game, he's a snake. But when Dom plays the game (her talk show, throwing people under the bus, etc.), she's still such a saint that God himself came to her in the bathroom and whispered Paul's name 3 times. I really could not roll my eyes harder if I tried.

My biggest pet peeve on this game - they ALL call each other out for doing shit they were doing the week before. It's maddening. "I can play the game, but you can't!"

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Probably also the anti-Zakiyah (of BB18 Zakiyah&Paulie infamy). A certain segment of the audience really didn't like watching Z going after "their" man, IYKWIM. Dom seems like the 180° degree opposite, at least as far as her behavior before the BB19 cameras is concerned. Both of them were seemingly cast as Black women stereotypes, I think.

Really? I don't recall seeing anything like this. I do remember reading quite a bit of advice for her to run fast and far away from him. I wholeheartedly concurred.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Wouldofshouldof said:

The only time I'll ever truly drop BB is if they decide to do this with <<shudder>> Frankie.

We're not out of that particular woods yet I would guess *double shudder* I think it's going to be vets battling the four and if one of them wins they go back in instead. (btw totally unspoiled and just guess based on how shady Julie was being)

20 hours ago, Callaphera said:

My favourite funny moment of this episode was a rehash from last week's episode. When Dominique is up in the HoH and not-so-subtly trying to throw Elena under the bus. The editors were particularly savage with their sudden cut downstairs to Elena... with insane makeup under her eyes that she was about to blend, looking like an idiot. There are the Big Brother editors that I know and love. 

My favorite editing moment was when Dom said after she 'prayed' to hear who the snake was she heard "Paul" said three times, and the show aired a moment of silence while she exited the bathroom and primped.  Just to be sure we all realized the mics didn't pick also up the Pauls.  Heh.  

I do laugh too at the editing of any time someone mentions another player's name, right up til the end, they flash to a shot of that player, as if we still have no idea who the names refer to.  

One thing I will give Jessica... finally someone used the word "myself" correctly in the DR.  "... take myself off the block."  I know DRs are scripted when everyone makes the same grammatical error with comments like "Cody is coming after Dom and myself..."  

I'd find Paul entertaining if it wasn't for his ego and his sense of entitlement, that people are supposed to play for him and follow his orders. Plus his use of "cunt", sure, maybe it's common usage in the UK and Australia. I haven't heard it in my neck of the woods, "bitch" is the common usage. However, I've ready plenty of mystery novels set in the UK where cunt is used and it is ALWAYS used as a term of disrespect or demeaning towards women or a particular woman.  It implies that a woman's value is based only upon her vagina, she is nothing more than that.

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