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Friends From College - General Discussion

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I like Billy Eichner but still couldn't even make it through the second episode.  By then I was already tired of seeing these people having sex.  It seemed to be the show's entire premise.  

Is there really an audience of adults who love shows that show simulated, abrupt, 2-second sex in cars and closets and anywhere else they could be discovered at any minute?  Because it's in so many shows and it just feels like writers trying too hard to be edgy when it's just trite now.  

I watched all the episodes in one binge, and I liked it well enough. I laughed out loud at least once per episode, so...success?

I don't get why Harvard had to be the school the characters went to, aside from that being the creators' alma mater. I expected the school to figure into the story a lot more than it did.

If there's another season, I'd like it to concentrate on how college friendships don't always last. I liked Sam's husband talking about that: He didn't hate his college friends, but they aren't a part of his life anymore. People get married and have kids and paths diverge.

I thought one reason Sam and Felix's affair went on for so long was out of habit. They'd been involved for twenty years and it was a regular part of their lives. They enjoy sleeping with each other, but it seemed like it was more like a vacation fling—Felix and Lisa were living in Michigan for at least 10 years of the affair. Meeting up in a different city is kind of sexy and exciting. They have their weekend fling and then go back to their lives. It's not something I'd do, but I get the appeal.

On 8/1/2017 at 10:47 PM, April Bloodgate said:

And I find the actor who plays Nick to be extremely unattractive.

Aw, I love Nat Faxon.

Fred Savage is great.  I didn't realize who he was. Annie Parisse is such an interesting actor.  Like she isn't attractive and extremely attractive all at the same time. Keegan--the whole zaniness doesn't go with the serious literary figure he's supposed to be.


Did I miss it?  How in the heck can Marianne afford the place she lives in?  I'm taken out of Every scene in the brownstone because I don't understand

Shows do this all the time and makes me nuts. Lots of waitresses living in NYC with brownstones with big sunny windows.  I think I've seen like 3 Jennifer Anniston movies like that.

On 7/17/2017 at 2:42 AM, Armchair Critic said:

Keegan makes me cringe too much. Ironically I just finished watching My Crazy Ex Girlfriend which also had a lot of cringeworthy characters. Why do I do this to myself? ;)

I started watching these two shows simultaneously too! I also found the parallels in cringeworthiness pretty interesting, but I adore (to the point of becoming obsessed with) Crazy XGF, while I pretty much just powered through Friends from College because it was short and I sort of kept wanting it to get better, in service of the likable cast. It did not. I think it's pretty telling that the Crazy XGF episode that focused on being a good person, complete with her (horribly, but hilariously) turning down a request for change from a homeless woman at the beginning, through trying with varying levels of success to be a better person, to capriciously celebrating her happiness with the same woman at the end, kept the main character self-involved, but also showed a level of growth. The Friends from College characters, on the other hand, just got worse and worse as the episodes wore on, with 


Ethan and Sam's continued mooning over each other, to Lisa and Nick's affair, to Max completely screwing over Ethan's already-failing career because he was too self-involved to pay attention to anything at work.

It's hard to have any sympathy or find them relatable at all when there's no redemption whatsoever.

Edited by Iseut
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10 hours ago, Readalot said:

Did I miss it?  When did we first see any attraction between lisa and nick before the trip?  I've watched this series twice. 

I don't think there was anything stronger than friends for 20 years; we also found out—I think in the episode they went to the Cayman Islands—they'd dated before Lisa and Felix married. 

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I will watch too.  Even though they were loathsome people, this cast is just too good.  Maybe they can chuck the affair storyline and right this ship?  We can always hope. 

1 hour ago, msani19 said:

Hmm...I'm not that surprised about this but I wonder what took so long to renew it.

It wasn't that long.  Only about a month after it dropped.  Given Netflix's cancellation streak and how it was critically panned, I'm a little surprised.  But maybe enough people watched in spite of all that.

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On 12/08/2017 at 4:57 PM, dubbel zout said:

I don't think there was anything stronger than friends for 20 years; we also found out—I think in the episode they went to the Cayman Islands—they'd dated before Lisa and Felix married. 

To me it seemed like he was into her all along. Then when she realised that something was happening between Ethan and Sam, even though she hadn't admitted it to herself, she set up the situation for the affair with Nick for revenge because she knew he was pretty much a sure thing and it would hurt Ethan the most.

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On 8/12/2017 at 1:20 AM, Readalot said:

Did I miss it?  When did we first see any attraction between lisa and nick before the trip?  I've watched this series twice. 

In the episode where the two of them go drinking before the play there seemed to be a bit of something going on between the two of them. Even before they got drunk.

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On 8/21/2017 at 10:28 PM, Irlandesa said:

I will watch too.  Even though they were loathsome people, this cast is just too good.  Maybe they can chuck the affair storyline and right this ship?  We can always hope. 

That is sort of where I am at. Some of the characters are super annoying but there were some really funny moments. And with that and this cast, the show has the potential to be really awesome. 

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coming late to the party since I just found out about this show.  I will grab a seat alone in the table because I didn't think these characters were all that horrendous.  I did think it was unique to have a comedy that showcased affairs- as that seems to be the realm of dramas only.  A few thoughts:

1.  I am more in love with Seth Rogan (Party Dog) than ever.  Sam must be sending off lots of "I'm available" vibes if Party Dog was into her, as is Ethan, and her own husband.

2. I actually felt sorry for Lisa/Ethan during the IVF treatments and was surprised how detached Felix was.  Now I only have one friend from college who I rarely see, but if my husband's friend from college needed something that I could do professionally, I would totally do it with very little question.

3. I am still confused at how Sam/Ethan's relationship evolved.  They were committed as freshman (in the dorms) then broke up, but continued to hook up?  Ethan must have dated Lisa when he was a senior, she a freshman (froshy) which means that they've been together as a couple for almost as long as Sam/Ethan.  It seems weird to have a 20 year affair even through dating/engagements/marriage/kids.

4.  Again in the table alone, but I want a show to pick a lane... either funny or sad.  This straddled both but isn't as good as say, Orange is the New Black.

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OK so I am glad that I am not alone that this was a waste of a great cast of some of the most unlikable characters on television.  I don't see how any of them are friends, they don't even look to be within a three/four year age range of each other for them to have all gone to college at the same time.  And the LEAST interesting thing about these characters (the affair between Ethan and whatever her name is), is the major plot point that the entire series revolves around.  I stuck through this because a close friend recommend it as being laugh out loud funny....I got through the whole thing but I'm done....no season two for me. 

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On 8/22/2017 at 9:39 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

In the episode where the two of them go drinking before the play there seemed to be a bit of something going on between the two of them. Even before they got drunk.

Also during the wedding, Lisa was admiring how Nick seemed to be able to lead his own life comfortable in who he was, in contrast to her husband trying.So.HARD. They obviously had a very comfortable rapport and Lisa, disenfranchised with things in her life enjoyed that comfort.


I really enjoyed this series. It spoke to me and my group of friends and how it can be difficult for others to deal with us. Obviously we all make more of an effort than these people. If "You're the Worst" is the personification of the nihilistic part of my mid 30s, "Friends From College" is the personification of my Type A, career oriented personality

I liked the way it all came together in the final episode. 

Yes these people are deeply flawed, but I still found the stories interesting. 

Not terribly funny, which was more what I was expecting. 

I agree though to whoever mentioned this would make more sense if this was 10 years after college rather than 20. 

I loved Seth Rogan's role more than anything. 


2. I actually felt sorry for Lisa/Ethan during the IVF treatments and was surprised how detached Felix was.  Now I only have one friend from college who I rarely see, but if my husband's friend from college needed something that I could do professionally, I would totally do it with very little question.

I agree, I felt bad for Lisa especially.  Bruises were awful, dealing with those idiots at work, trying to get pregnant, spending $30K at the chance, I think Felix could have been more understanding. 

Also while these people did awful things cheating on each other, I didn't think the Felix break up story was warranted based on what happened.  Yes they freaked out over trying to get pregnant, at least that is understandable, and yes he got left at a winery.  The staying up late to do the book idea and bothering him, that was for their work, it was not just to be childish and for no reason. 


3. I am still confused at how Sam/Ethan's relationship evolved.  They were committed as freshman (in the dorms) then broke up, but continued to hook up?  Ethan must have dated Lisa when he was a senior, she a freshman (froshy) which means that they've been together as a couple for almost as long as Sam/Ethan.  It seems weird to have a 20 year affair even through dating/engagements/marriage/kids.

Yes I just find this hard to believe as well.  Its why 10 years post college would make more sense. 

4 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I didn't think the Felix break up story was warranted based on what happened.  Yes they freaked out over trying to get pregnant, at least that is understandable, and yes he got left at a winery.  The staying up late to do the book idea and bothering him, that was for their work, it was not just to be childish and for no reason. 

I think it was warranted based on it all together.  They aren't the only couple to struggle with infertility but it wasn't just that they freaked out, it's that they destroyed his office.  The only reason they weren't arrested is because they were Max's friends.  They weren't just loud, they were doing drugs and being loud when Felix had to work the next day. As a result, what they came up with was absolute shit. 

He was judgmental about it from the beginning but man did that group justify that pre-judgement.

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24 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I think it was warranted based on it all together.  They aren't the only couple to struggle with infertility but it wasn't just that they freaked out, it's that they destroyed his office.  The only reason they weren't arrested is because they were Max's friends.  They weren't just loud, they were doing drugs and being loud when Felix had to work the next day. As a result, what they came up with was absolute shit. 

He was judgmental about it from the beginning but man did that group justify that pre-judgement.

You know the main cast is unlikable when you take the side of the minor characters. If I was Felix I'd have left for the apartment-trashing and loud noises all night alone. Like I said in an earlier post, the whole conceit of the show would have made more sense if they were in their twenties and only 10 years removed from high school. The crazy behavior would have been more understandable (though not excusable).

I'd judge the whole lot of them too if I was dating one of them. The annoying in-jokes, the fighting, the regression to college behavior when they all get together - nope.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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One of the themes of the show  was that when all the characters got together, they became their worst selves, and for whatever reason, they couldn’t rein things in. 

I’ve seen that happen with my mom and her friends, though to a difficult degree. (They’re in their 80s, LOL.)

“Different” degree. For some reason I can’t go in and edit.

My problem with Felix was

1.  He really wasn't that empathetic of a physician, especially for what he does and considering he was treating his boyfriend's best friends.  His little speech and comfort to her after it didn't work was crap.  In general during their appointments he was all clinical and really didn't seem to care much.  I know they went overboard in finding him at the restaurant, but its not like they had no good reason.  They were going to lose their chance at the baby they wanted.  They smashed a door, yes uncalled for, but it can be replaced.   It was an EXTREME circumstance and he seemed to care very little until forced to do so

2.  Exact same with the book idea night.  Again, cared very little as long as his life wasn't disturbed.  Same sort of thing.  Yes, they went overboard, but again, extreme circumstances. 

3.  He seemed to be enjoying himself, and them, on the wine tour until he was left behind.  They were all drunk.  Then he gets all pissy.  And they cam back.  It made it seem like it was much longer than it was, but 90 minutes. 

He struck me as being more jealous, as mentioned later, and threatened from the very beginning that there are new people in his boyfriend's life and he didn't like it.  So what they made some silly greetings when they first met?  Wasn't that big of a deal like he made it out to be

I don't completely dismiss his point of view or all that happened. However, out of all the couples and all the lives affected by what happened in season one, he would be at the very bottom of the list of those I fell bad for having to deal with these people and their actions.   

18 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

It was an EXTREME circumstance and he seemed to care very little until forced to do so

My definition of EXTREME circumstance is different.  These two screwed up their shot.  It was on them.  I know it's stressful but it wasn't going to be their last shot.  In fact, if it didn't take, they would have to do it all again. It wasn't life or death.  They were perfectly willing to screw over another couple.  Felix was professional.  these two wanted him to make them their number one priority.

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7 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

My definition of EXTREME circumstance is different.  These two screwed up their shot.  It was on them.  I know it's stressful but it wasn't going to be their last shot.  In fact, if it didn't take, they would have to do it all again. It wasn't life or death.  They were perfectly willing to screw over another couple.  Felix was professional.  these two wanted him to make them their number one priority.

It actually was "life or death".  It was the very definition of "life", trying to make a baby.  And then he compounded the problem by the insensitive comment he made about it being "just a bunch of cells".  I have no idea how he thought that would be helpful to her at the time. 

ANd they simply dropped the vial and it broke.  Yes they would have another chance, but it would be another month of daily shots and horrible bruising for her to do it, on top of everything else.  Not to mention he looks at her and sees her bruises and tells her not to worry, it will go away in several months, then complains about his papercut in front of them. 

So, I have been searching all over the net for info about season two.  IMDB has some info up.  It looks like the titles of two episodes are “The Bachelor Party” and “The Hot Night”.  And the cast of characters/extras looks interesting.


So far we have: a Polish disco dancer, a theme park employee, a David Beckham impersonator, security guards, an Apple employee, a Chelsea passerby, a Showboat valet, a pilot, a senior citizen cowboy, a bike cop, a game worker, a Polish partier, etc. etc. etc.  


New character names include: Charlie, Joanna, Giorgio, Helena, and Akiva.  Also, there’s Sarah Chalke’s role as Merrill Morgan.


Looks like fun!  I’m so excited!  :D

On 7/17/2017 at 10:04 PM, CofCinci said:

Well, if the baby has snaggleteeth, we know it's that one dude's kid and not her husband's. Seriously, I've seen that guy on TV for like 20 years. Why won't he go to a dentist?  It's gross. 

On 7/19/2017 at 10:58 AM, xander874 said:

I agree. Nat Faxon is very attractive to me, but then he opens his mouth...yikes!

I kind of dig that he never got his teeth fixed. it gives him character. To me, it's better and more interesting than having a mouth full of blinding-white horse teeth veneers or caps.

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Just watched this because of the bad reviews. I don't think it was horrendous, but it wasn't very funny.  It had a lot of 'filler' unnecessary scenes for the entire series.  Marianne and Nick seemed like dead weight, until the end for Nick.  Unpopular opinion: I hated Felix and Seth Rogan's character, lol.  Annie Parisse was gorgeous to me.  They made everyone basically unlikable. 

Will probably watch season 2.

I liked Season 2 better too. 

Before I say anything else, I love the soundtrack so much. That actually hasn't changed, it was just as good in Season 1, but I managed to forget all about it. So, I kept getting excited whenever I heard Pulp, The Magnetic Fields, or any other 90's band that I used to love but haven't listened to for ages. 

I agree that the opening scenes of S2E1 were great. It's also something I can relate to, there are people I know from college who, well, don't bring the best in me and I'd love to stay away from them, but something draws me to them and when we see each other, it gets harder to recognize which side is my good one and which is my dumb one. 

I began to kind of like Nick, especially his awkward bathroom scenes (with his girlfriend's son and then with Lisa), his awakening while rollerskating, and how he felt bad for ruining Max's bachelor party. But Lisa was such a mess for the whole season that even though I could understand where she was coming from, I could barely stand watching her. And that guy she had for a while was a major creep, as was Sam's husband. I couldn't decide if it was funny or too much. 

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I didn't hate season one nearly as much as critics, and I kind of loved season two and watched it all in one long snow day gulp. This friend group, in particular the incredibly funny Fred Savage, with an extremely great performance by Billy Eichner as his saint of a fiancé, really cracks me up. They don't seem real (the actor's ages alone are a logistical nightmare for a group that supposedly all attended college together), and they're definitely terrible for each other and the world, but they're also really, really funny. I think they gave Jae W Suh so much more to do, and I love it, and the entire opening with the "yeah, everyone said that was a shitshow" meta reference to season one was gold.  Bless my '90s girl heart, I really loved it.

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36 minutes ago, idiotwaltz said:

I thought Marianne was golden in this season. 

I’ve never been pregnant but I thought when they say you are 6 weeks along, the first 2 weeks don’t count because they start counting from the last day of your last period and not from the date of conception? 

Would this mean it’s not Ethan’s baby? 

You can not track conception to the day like that; that's a BS plot point. They use date of the last period, plus ultrasound measurement, and that can usually get within the week. But conception can take place across a 72-hour period, so reliably nailing it to the exact day is not a thing. They can test for sex and DNA if you have some genetic testing, which  as she's 35+, they would likely be doing. (Aren't the characters supposed to be, like, 40-something? Again, the disparate actor ages vs same character ages are very confusing.)

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I'm pretty sure 6 out 8 episodes from Season 2 had a vomit scene.  This is my #1 cliche in all of pop culture.  It makes me so angry.  Why do the writers believe we deserve this?

Skunk scene
Pregnancy scene
Teenage boy drunk scene
Death scene

Maybe more I'm missing because it was like all of the time.

I very rarely find the show funny, and I don't really "laugh", so I'm surprised to see those comments.  I do kind of hate watch this show; I'm always compelled to watch the next episode even though there is so much I don't like about it.  But you know what, towards the end of the season 2 I was liking it a bit more.  It ended on a good note, but the machinations are truly crazy making. 

I really wish they would take the vomit out of the show, I don't understand the point of that and there's zero value to it.  It honestly feels aggressive, like a punishment to the audience.  Who is enjoying that?

All 2010s shows are the same, there MUST be a vomit scene, there MUST be a masturbation scene, it was only missing the car crash scene for the golden trifecta.   I guess instead, they did the basejumping scene.  

I'll give a shout out to Sam's wardrobe, the best thing about this show.  A++++++++

Liking the 90s is my whole personality, but I'm too annoyed to compliment the show for its 90s music.  It's like throwing gold on dog shit.  It's not really fair to compliment the dog shit for the gold.  It's like cheating.  They're also really cliched choices - I've already counted 4 songs that were used in both season 2 of this show and the movie "Central Intelligence".  They probably use the same soundtrack producer or whatever.

Here's the song lists for you guys.  It appears they forgot to mention Loving You by Minnie Riperton.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • LOL 1
11 hours ago, pinkglove said:

I liked Season 2 better too. 

Before I say anything else, I love the soundtrack so much. That actually hasn't changed, it was just as good in Season 1, but I managed to forget all about it. So, I kept getting excited whenever I heard Pulp, The Magnetic Fields, or any other 90's band that I used to love but haven't listened to for ages.

Yes, completely agree! 

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I agree that Season 2 was better; although I do feel like the middle lagged a bit with the beginning or ending episodes better. 

Overall, the characters were better.  The affair was my least favorite part of Season 1.  Not only was it wrong but, in spite of me being fans of Keegan Michael-Key and Annie Parisse, I just don't think they have much chemistry.  I get why they maybe needed to explore being together for real but I would have preferred for that relationship to end on their own terms, like them realizing sneaking around was a lot of the fun which doesn't exist when their spouses didn't seem to give a damn, instead of the soap opera angle.

On 1/12/2019 at 3:43 PM, pinkglove said:

Before I say anything else, I love the soundtrack so much.

Me too.  It was the reason I didn't skip the intros.

On 1/12/2019 at 3:43 PM, pinkglove said:

I began to kind of like Nick, especially his awkward bathroom scenes (with his girlfriend's son and then with Lisa), his awakening while rollerskating, and how he felt bad for ruining Max's bachelor party.

I liked Nick too until the final episode when he yelled at Lisa for getting pregnant.  They weren't together when she slept with Ethan. In fact, she was still technically married to Ethan.  And then blaming her for breaking up with his girlfriend which was 100% on him and Lisa didn't even know she was pregnant at the time. 

On 1/12/2019 at 10:47 PM, STOPSHOUTING said:

You can not track conception to the day like that; that's a BS plot point. They use date of the last period, plus ultrasound measurement, and that can usually get within the week.

Yeah. I don't know why they didn't just say that her boyfriend was out of town that week or reliably used protection since they weren't planning on having a child at that point.  But they also managed to get divorced rather quickly.  Given the fact that she was only about six weeks pregnant, this whole season took place over that short amount of time.

Max and Felix were the best and the funniest part of the series.  I don't think it's a coincidence that they're also the most stable.

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I enjoyed both seasons of the show (despite the critical thrashing the first season took), and found it eminently bingeable (I watched season 2 in one day). 

I think Max (Fred Savage) is my favorite as well. The biggest laugh-out-loud moments for me each season involved him - the montage in the Season 1 finale of him being oblivious while his colleagues rolled out a competing Wolf Trials book, and the Season 2 montage of him procrastinating while trying to write Boy Horse (I especially loved him encouraging the nerdy tech guy to just sit down and write it for him).

A couple of people have mentioned the wide age range for the characters. I think Cobie Smulders is the youngest of the lead actors (she was born in 1982). At the other end of the spectrum, Greg German was born in 1958! (I know he didn't go to school with the rest of the crew, and his character is maybe meant to be older, but still!) I'm assuming most of the characters are meant to be around 41 or 42.

I feel like a horrible person for saying this, but I can barely look at Nick with those teeth. I think slightly crooked teeth can be cute and give someone character, but his are pretty extreme. I do enjoy the character, although I think he's kind of an asshole (or, at minimum, very clueless). I especially thought his treatment of Merrill was pretty cruel - first showing up four hours late (not to mention high and with a friend) to her dinner party, then inviting a female friend (and one he has feelings for / has a history with) to her grandma's party and breaking up with Merrill at said party.

 I wonder if the show will get renewed for Season 3 and, if so, where it will go. I feel like it will start to get repetitive if they keep reshuffling the relationships. I think I might prefer Ethan with Sam over Lisa, but think both pairings kind of work. I'm curious what others think. Also, I'm wondering... was Sam supposed to be the prettier/more popular one back in the day? I kind of get that sense with their dynamic, although I can't remember how their respective college roles were described.

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On 1/11/2019 at 9:48 PM, LGraves65 said:

Season 2 is so much better. A *lot* funnier.

Two episodes in and so far I am agreeing. They really boosted the comedy or at least the comedy that works. Which i am glad about since they have such a talented cast (and now with the also super talented Sarah Chalke). That whole waspy catch up conversation she had with Nick at the engagement party with all tge ridiculous stereotypical names was funny.

Although it still bugs me that they never explained why Ethan and Sam didn't just stay together. 

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On 1/14/2019 at 12:15 AM, Irlandesa said:

Yeah. I don't know why they didn't just say that her boyfriend was out of town that week or reliably used protection since they weren't planning on having a child at that point.  But they also managed to get divorced rather quickly.  Given the fact that she was only about six weeks pregnant, this whole season took place over that short amount of time.

When Lisa was at the doctor's office, she looked at her calendar on her phone. It said "Charlie out of town" (or something similar) on the same day it said "Ethan storage unit" (or similar). I'm fanwanking that Charlie was out of town for more than the day since she bothered to put it on her calendar.

On 1/14/2019 at 10:13 PM, Kel Varnsen said:

Although it still bugs me that they never explained why Ethan and Sam didn't just stay together. 

I can't believe I remember this, but they did discuss this in season one, where it was said that Sam wanted to keep her relationship with Ethan just a friends-with-benefits hook-up, even though he wanted to get serious, and then he met and fell in love with Lisa, bringing  "the froshie" into their group, and Sam probably had some regret that he was able to move on…Also, probably more why she kept sleeping with him for so many years—that same ego feeding feeling of being wanted—than anything even close to actual love on her part, which I think we still saw portrayed this season. She was with Ethan because she didn't want to be alone. She wanted to feel wanted.

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I binged the second season today and agree with everyone who said it's much improved. The characters are still pretty terrible, but at least now there's a bit of self-awareness that they're terrible.

I had to laugh in the final episode when Nick said he gave up a good thing with Merrill Morgan. (Side note: I loved how her extended family was all named Merrill or Morgan.) He's a bigger child than her son! Nat Faxon does a great job of being the guy who just can't or won't fully grow up. 

The costumes for the women this season were so yummy.

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What a difference a season makes!  Last season was hate watching, this season I really enjoyed it!  It went too fast, I’m looking forward to next year. And yes, Nick’s teeth are so so distracting. I’m glad Max came clean about the writing. Am I the only one that thinks Sam looks older than the rest of them? More than 3 years from Lisa.  - I want Sam’s personal shopper 

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2 hours ago, Readalot said:

What a difference a season makes!  Last season was hate watching, this season I really enjoyed it!  It went too fast, I’m looking forward to next year. And yes, Nick’s teeth are so so distracting.

Season 1 is weird because on paper it should have been amazing but it really didn't work as well. They have fixed a lot of it. The writing is a lot funnier. The bachellr party was the funniest thing I have seen in awhile. Not sure what changed. Maybe it was doubling the number of hilarious, attractive, Canadian actresses.

Nick's teeth are weird, especially with the more we learn about how he is not just rich but super socially elite rich. Still not sure I buy him going to Harvard. Then again I am not sure I buy Max and Ethan there either since neither of the 3 of them seem at all smart.

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