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Teen Mum - General Discussion

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OK, I fell asleep before the end of the second episode, but why do they all appear to live in ramshackle places, but drive nice Audis & BMWs? How can Megan & Dylan, who appear to be practically homeless in that jank little trailer, afford a diamond engagement ring & a big wedding? 

Naomi could barely contain her glee during that meeting with Ines. That Raphael seems like one stand-up dude! Oh wait, he's Adumb without the steroids (yet). 

Chloe's bf is SO not attracted to her anymore.

Mia's boyfriend looks like the love child of Drake & Taylor Lautner (but an unattractive one). I think she got knocked up on purpose because she was jealous of him having a baby with someone else. 

  • Love 9

I am wondering how many of these cast members are gypsies.  The "trailer park" they moved the camper to looks just like the ones on my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. 

If I was Mia I would much rather live at my Grandma's house than that shit hole that she was staying in. @Snarky McSnarky I also noticed the BMW and the Audi! I am thinking it is possible that Mia and Megan are both Gypsies. 

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

Been a long time since I had kids and have heard about nitrous oxide at the dentist,  but not at childbirth. Is this new, old, standard in the U.K.? Had a tough time with the accents at times. 

It's becoming a thing now in the States. I wouldn't be surprised if it's fairly common over there.

  • Love 5

So I have only watched the first episode so far. Naomi has a gorgeous head of hair. I am getting shades of Chelsea and Adam from her and Raphael. "We're not together, I don't love you, but let's hook up."

Don't really have too many thoughts on Chloe, but I am glad that she went to a therapist to work through her baby blues instead of taking it out on her family. 

So Megan got proposed to and then cheated on? I do feel bad for her on that, but she seemed delusional wanting an engagement party/huge wedding. And did her fiance mention wanting a wedding abroad? Aren't those way pricier? I did like her parents

2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Mia's boyfriend looks like the love child of Drake & Taylor Lautner (but an unattractive one). I think she got knocked up on purpose because she was jealous of him having a baby with someone else. 

Agree with this. She seems to have the idea that since her and Manley (?) are together, her child will be more important. While I give him a huge side-eye for knocking up two women within that short time space, I did like that he wanted his daughter to be a part of her sister's birth and him saying that he would love them equally.

  • Love 5

I'm gonna be honest, I'm watching Teen Mum for the accents and slang. Because, otherwise, it's the same depressing lot of insecure and stupid girls fighting with their douchelord boyfriends. 


First we have Naomi, who seems like a pretty and talented young woman. But her baby daddy likes to come and go as he pleases. And she's getting upset because she wants him to just pick a girl. But why would he??? When both of you seem to be willing to tolerate his "flandering"? Look, I'm not a huge Dr. Phil fan, but there's a lot of truth to his "You teach people how to treat you" line. He's doing this because you allow him! 


Then we have Mia, whose baby daddy apparently really gets around, as his other baby appears to only be a few months old. And he apparently has no job or car, so Mia gets to haul him around to his ex's house....and hey, why not bring them to the hospital while Mia gives birth??? I mean, what baby doesn't love to hang out in a hospital room so she can braid hair and play dolls as soon as her sister is born? 

Manley seems to be pretty hands-on, though. But then he splits....because? It's not super clear. Maybe because he's doing all the feedings and Mia's just snoring away over there? Look, no shade....each couple has to decide how, and if, they want to divide feedings. But she promised to help and then didn't stir once? I just don't know any moms who can sleep through their babies crying like that.


Next is Chloe is a total pit of neediness. And, of course, she comes complete with a lazy, monosyllabic boyfriend. It's like Adumb and Chelsea: Across the Pond! I give them 6 months. 


Lastly, we have Megan, who seems to take the prize for worst sperm donor. He apparently can afford a "big square diamond", but can't get them out of the caravan in mom's backyard. He does provide. He works 3 jobs. But that's probably so he doesn't have to come home to said caravan. Even when not working, dude just wants to spend some time at the pub. I.E. Banging Megan's BFF in the car. But that's okay. It only took her 24 hours to forgive him. AND then she takes it even further by surprising him with a romantic dinner. Because, you know, that's totally what you do when the man you love rips your heart out and shatters your trust. Spoil HIM. 


These girls are a MESS. 

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Been a long time since I had kids and have heard about nitrous oxide at the dentist,  but not at childbirth. Is this new, old, standard in the U.K.? Had a tough time with the accents at times. 

It's standard in the U.K. My cousin was born 30 years ago and her mother used nitrous oxide (or gas and air as they call it.) I asked about using it in the US and they won't do it. 

  • Love 5

This is basically the same as the American version of teem mom, stupid girls and idiot baby daddy's, only in the U.K. Accents were hard to understand sometimes.

Naomi is beautiful, but the back and forth with Raphael was exhausting! Just dump him already, you can do better. 

I wondered too if Megan was a traveler. I got claustrophobic watching them all in that tiny trailer (caravan). Her guy is a cheater but at least he works three jobs.

I didn't understand how Chloe and her 17 year old boyfriend could afford an eight day vacation to Spain and then she wants to buy a house? 

Mia is the biggest mess. Self esteem problems. Was there a mother in the picture? I didn't understand why Manley's family thought she was a bad mom, or 'rubbish', and why did it bother her so much that she ran away to her Grandmothers house. Manley has another baby eight months older than the newborn, so he had two girls knocked up at the same time. Real stand up guy here, doesn't seem to have a job either. 

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 11
6 hours ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

It's becoming a thing now in the States. I wouldn't be surprised if it's fairly common over there.

I had my first child in the UK and was there during my third pregnancy, which wasn't that long ago. This was never offered to me and I saw doctors at several different hospitals. My sister-in-law is a nurse with the NHS. She said she's yet to meet a patient that it was offered to. 

Edited by mamadrama
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I had my first child in the UK and was there during my third pregnancy, which wasn't that long ago. This was never offered to me and I saw doctors at several different hospitals. My sister-in-law is a nurse with the NHS. She said she's yet to meet a patient that it was offered to. 

That's very strange, because it's common knowledge that gas and air is the goto pain relief here in the early stages of labour for the vast majority of ladies. In fact, it's so standard that the pic in the above link to the NHS official website shows a woman partaking of it. For those interested in that kind of thing, there's a show called One Born Every Minute which, is all about giving birth here in the UK. Viewing that would certainly leave no doubt about how commonplace the use of gas and air is here.

  • Love 6

Just to chime in on the nitrous, Teen Mum was the first time I had seen it personally but then last month when I went for my hospital tour here in FL (I am due in the next few weeks) we were shown a nitrous machine, told it would be in our rooms and that we could choose to use it or not as much as we needed but that it was best to breathe it in during contractions so it's definitely becoming a thing here in the states. (And also warned that if our husbands/partners/etc were caught using it they'd be kicked, which I found kind of funny) 

  • Love 3
On 7/12/2017 at 11:09 AM, CaliforniaLove said:

OK, I fell asleep before the end of the second episode, but why do they all appear to live in ramshackle places, but drive nice Audis & BMWs? How can Megan & Dylan, who appear to be practically homeless in that jank little trailer, afford a diamond engagement ring & a big wedding?

Because they have their priorities straight.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, PugLoaf said:

Just to chime in on the nitrous, Teen Mum was the first time I had seen it personally but then last month when I went for my hospital tour here in FL (I am due in the next few weeks) we were shown a nitrous machine, told it would be in our rooms and that we could choose to use it or not as much as we needed but that it was best to breathe it in during contractions so it's definitely becoming a thing here in the states. (And also warned that if our husbands/partners/etc were caught using it they'd be kicked, which I found kind of funny) 

My baby making years are long gone but I would have totally loved to have had this available with my youngest.  And if I was the one allowed to kick his dad?  He would have used it a couple times, too!  

  • Love 2

I was confused as to what was going on at the end with Mia & Manley. She said she overheard some people saying she's a crap mom, then she's off to grandma's (hoping Manley would chase her, she says), then Manley is straight up ignoring her. We missed something in this chain of events, I think.

Anyway, I'm already hooked on this show haha

  • Love 3

I finally watched Teen Mum (I have no life, apparently).

Chloe - I can't believe you forgave your FIANCÉ of cheating, not only on you, but with your BEST FRIEND, after just 24-hours??! Then here's the kicker, you proceeded to surprise HIM with a makeup dinner?!!!?!?!?!?! 

Don't let me forget to remind anyone that he proposed to her with some girls 'smell' on his hands while he held your engagement ring since he had sex with her friend right BEFORE getting down on one knee.

You're such a pretty girl, and surprisingly very positive while living in a caravan - why out up with this crap?? 

Naomi - BEAUTIFUL GIRL!!!!! I love her hair and face, but feel so bad that a sad dude is making her look pathetic. Rafael is using both women and they're sitting there looking pathetic fighting for him (not physically or verbally, just emotionally).

Girl, you're beautiful and have a career already mapped out ...you're going places, find a man that knows who he wants to rest his head next to.

Mia - I understand where she was slightly coming from, she loves her boyfriends baby but wanted the attention to be solely on welcoming the new baby into the world. But then the other side of me thinks it was based on jealousy.

She has a lot of growing up to do. People have stepchildren all of the time and in order to be with the parents you need to welcome them into your world 100% without picking and choosing when they can be around.

His baby did nothing wrong, it's there to meet the new member.

Mia also has a pretty face. ?


I forgot the name of the chic that went on a holiday to Spain with her boyfriend. I understand that your boyfriend gets to go out whenever he wants back home (which I don't see as fair, just because he works doesn't mean he can do what he wants whenever....being a fulltime mother is a job and she deserves time for herself, too) and you want to have fun on your trip.

However, in the real world, when you take a holiday (vacation for us USA people) with your boyfriend/husband you spend the trip with him and not run off with other friends.


I think I covered everyone, dang, even on a show like teen mum, the teens sound smarter than the smart people in the states. Something about the English accent that reaks of intelligence. ??

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Mia - I understand where she was slightly coming from, she loves her boyfriends baby but wanted the attention to be solely on welcoming the new baby into the world. But then the other side of me thinks it was based on jealousy.

She has a lot of growing up to do. People have stepchildren all of the time and in order to be with the parents you need to welcome them into your world 100% without picking and choosing when they can be around.

His baby did nothing wrong, it's there to meet the new member.

I thought asking the baby to be at the hospital was kind of inappropriate. It would be different if it were an older child who - A. legit wanted to SEE their sibling being born and B. Could behave fairly well on their own. His other kid looks to be just a few months old itself! I wouldn't want a crying/fussing/gushed over infant in the room while I'm pushing MY child out. NO thanks. Who was going to watch the baby? Manley? No, he should be focused on the arrival of THIS baby. So....then what? Have the actual baby mama come with her infant? Jesus Lord, help us. Just a bad idea all around. 

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I thought asking the baby to be at the hospital was kind of inappropriate. It would be different if it were an older child who - A. legit wanted to SEE their sibling being born and B. Could behave fairly well on their own. His other kid looks to be just a few months old itself! I wouldn't want a crying/fussing/gushed over infant in the room while I'm pushing MY child out. NO thanks. Who was going to watch the baby? Manley? No, he should be focused on the arrival of THIS baby. So....then what? Have the actual baby mama come with her infant? Jesus Lord, help us. Just a bad idea all around. 

He wanted the infant child to be AT the delivery? I must've missed that! If that's the case, hell no! 

I thought he wanted the baby to VISIT with the new baby.

Then I take back what I said about the baby being there, when I delivered my three babies I only wanted my husband with me and I had my mother bring the other two siblings to the hospital two days later after I've healed a bit.

I think the boyfriend knows Mia gets jealous and does that crap on purpose. His other baby is only a few months old and the baby momma doesn't need to be there during Mia's special moment - her lime light not to be shared. Manly should step up and be a man and bond with the new baby alone. A couple days isn't going to kill him to spare with the newest baby.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Calm81 said:


However, in the real world, when you take a holiday (vacation for us USA people) with your boyfriend/husband you spend the trip with him and not run off with other friends.

I think he was invited to go out with them but he was in a mood and didn't want to so they decided to go out without him. I'm kinda on her side with that.  He was having a pitty party cause he was left at the friend's house alone.  

2 minutes ago, Calm81 said:

He wanted the infant child to be AT the delivery? I must've missed that! If that's the case, hell no! 

I thought he wanted the baby to VISIT with the new baby.

Then I take back what I said about the baby being there, when I delivered my three babies I only wanted my husband with me and I had my mother bring the other two siblings to the hospital two days later after I've healed a bit.

I think the boyfriend knows Mia gets jealous and does that crap on purpose. His other baby is only a few months old and the baby momma doesn't need to be there during Mia's special moment - her lime light not to be shared. Manly should step up and be a man and bond with the new baby alone. A couple days isn't going to kill him to spare with the newest baby.

Yea, nope - he wanted the  baby there DURING delivery.  

  • Love 2

Yea, Mia was still in labor while he's trying to arrange the baby to come. I wasn't largely impressed with Mia, but I didn't like how he was making HER out to be the bad guy in this situation. He's taking the stance of, "They're sisters, accept it." But even with my fully related kids, I wouldn't have an INFANT in the room while delivering one of the others. Give me a break. 

  • Love 6

Chloe is such a child, to me. She has no basis in reality. She wants some nice, new house. What does her BF do for a living? Then she parades around in her fur and gigantic hat, trying to get Marley into modeling. Because "it would be good for him.....and I need to get out of the house". Yea, how about a JOB? Or, at the very least, a mommy and me group? I understood her boyfriend's apprehension. He wants to spend weekends with his kid! 

And Jesus God Leah, Chloe proved last night that the contouring trend has gotten way out of control. 


Megan is another one who has no understanding of adult life. They're so broke they live in a busted caravan and Dylan works three jobs. But let's buy a potentially pregnant horse and shove it in some corner of our backyard! And then, hey, why not a trip to Spain!? (What is it with these people and Spain???)  It's okay, she can offset all these expenses by selling her bedazzled plastic wear at the flea market. Idiots. 

And then Dylan flips the fuck out because she wants to wear a revealing dress out to the club. Personally, I thought that dress was awful on her. I think those peep-hole type things only work with smaller chested women. And she sure seemed uncomfortable in it, she kept crossing her arms over her chest. But whatever. I think she wore it intentionally as payback, and he has no right to question what she does when he fucked her best friend. So dysfunctional. 

I'm glad Mia made up with Manley's mom. Maggie seemed truly sorry. I don't think she meant it in a nasty way, and Mia WAS sleeping through a lot of her parenting duties. 

But damn, this passive aggressive, one-upping shit between Mia and the EX is so pathetic. And you know Marley is just eating it up with a spoon. 


I can't even with Naomi. She has made her bed. Literally. If she doesn't like Rapheal's two-timing, she can stop seeing him any time now.  Listen to the hair dresser. He can't eat his cake both ways!!!

  • Love 6

These girls are really immature but I have to keep reminding myself that they still are teen's.

why did Megan think they could afford a horse when they can't even pay their monthly bills? Her boyfriend seems stupid and he's a cheater but I'll give him credit for working three jobs.

Mia needs to get a thicker skin, you can't run off with a baby everytime someone says something to hurt your feelings. Manly seems to be an involved father though.

Chloe is another delusional. She just turned 18, her baby daddy is 17, and how are you going to afford a place of your own? Neither appears to have a job.

Naomi. I said it last week too, stop with the back and forth with Raphael, it's exhausting to watch. Raphael also appears to be an involved father too.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:


why did Megan think they could afford a horse when they can't even pay their monthly bills?

no kidding!  it's not like she  "wrote" seven books and owns a furniture store and a fro-yo shop and a children's frock atelier & a madame webcam situation & does appearances at gentlemen's clubs and pimps herself out to sugar daddies....

#nooneworksashardasfarrahabraham #ogstarburst

  • Love 6
32 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Chloe is another delusional. She just turned 18, her baby daddy is 17, and how are you going to afford a place of your own? Neither appears to have a job.

I've no idea what he does, but her boyfriend does have a job. He mentioned being opposed to the baby modeling because weekends were his only time off to see his son. 

  • Love 4
On 7/17/2017 at 1:24 PM, gunderda said:

I think he was invited to go out with them but he was in a mood and didn't want to so they decided to go out without him. I'm kinda on her side with that.  He was having a pitty party cause he was left at the friend's house alone.  

I don't think so. Chloe specifically said that it was going to be a "girly girl" night and she couldn't understand why he was irritated. 

Mia's grandmum's house was out of a fairytale, BTW

  • Love 3

Yea, no, it was INTENDED to be a girls night out. That's what PUT him in the mood. I kind of sympathized with him. A girls night out back at home is one thing, but you went on vacation together and then just leave him and go out for the night? Seemed kind of shitty. 


As for Megan, I guess she's on track to be just like the American TM girls - keep having babies to prove how MTV is helping lower the teen pregnancy rate. Bahahahaha! At least it's the same dad? 

  • Love 2
On 7/18/2017 at 8:39 AM, ghoulina said:

I'm glad Mia made up with Manley's mom. Maggie seemed truly sorry. I don't think she meant it in a nasty way, and Mia WAS sleeping through a lot of her parenting duties. 


I can't even with Naomi. She has made her bed. Literally. If she doesn't like Rapheal's two-timing, she can stop seeing him any time now.  Listen to the hair dresser. He can't eat his cake both ways!!!

Maggie was my favorite! She was so genuinely upset when Mia told her how she felt, and was truly sorry. She seemed like a nice warm person. But on reflection, she's my second favorite. After the hairdresser-who states, with authority, "there will be no cake eating!" I loved her. She should host the reunion shows and go to these silly girls' house and shake some sense into them.

On 7/18/2017 at 4:41 PM, Straycat80 said:

Yes, I hadn't watched the last episode where they said he does work. Baby Marley is really cute, maybe he will get some modeling jobs. 

He really is super cute. Such huge blue eyes!

  • Love 4
On 7/20/2017 at 3:50 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Maggie was my favorite! She was so genuinely upset when Mia told her how she felt, and was truly sorry. She seemed like a nice warm person. But on reflection, she's my second favorite. After the hairdresser-who states, with authority, "there will be no cake eating!" I loved her. She should host the reunion shows and go to these silly girls' house and shake some sense into them.

He really is super cute. Such huge blue eyes!

Loved the hairdresser! I also kinda like Megan's stepdad, he seems to not put up with anything. Also, his name is Big Mark. That's awesome

The horse thing was so ridiculous and I'm glad they gave it back

  • Love 4

My wife desperately wants Naomi to forget about Raphael and just hook up with Ines. It would be an instantaneous upgrade in every sense. Naomi is basically Chelsea for me, but with more gumption. The episode where she did the work with the makeup company was really cool and she seems to have a lot of talent and drive. Just drop Raphael and you'll be fine.


Mia (hope that's her name) is a psycho. How are you gonna be jealous of your baby daddy's other kid? How sway? The other baby mama seems perfectly reasonable. They don't seem to be doing anything untoward. 


I can't with Meghan. I just can't. Why do you have to have a horse? WHY?! Your trailer barely seems to have a roof! I cannot stand her boyfriend, either (Dylan?). Her mom is awesome, though. 


Chloe is...there, I guess? 

  • Love 2

Well, I'm glad Naomi is finally over Raphael, but I have a feeling it's JUST because of the new guy. She seems a bit co-dependent. Also, I'm getting a bit confused because her daughter's name is Kyanna and I think the guy's name is Kiamar or something? 


It was nice to see Mia and Erin being able to get along at dinner. They're all going to be semi-connected for the rest of their lives, so I guess it's beneficial to the kids that everyone be cool with each other. But I still think Manley and his family have some screwed up boundary issues. Birthday parties, school events....that's one thing. Having the ex over for family dinner? Eh....not really a fan. But whatever works, I guess. 

I don't know why Mia is pushing so hard to marry Manley, though.  I really don't see the allure of this guy. He looks like some weird cave man, to me. And his personality is duller than dirt. He seems like a child, and incapable of showing emotion. He doesn't appear to have a job, lives with mom. I think he likes taking care of the babies because they're on his level! LOL


Chloe is one of the biggest spoiled brats I've ever seen. She just pesters and pesters until she gets her way. Jordan is the one who works, and I think he's smart to realize they don't need to start their life off in debt. But Chloe, who appears to have no concept of money, wants to move right into a brand-spanking-new home. Where's your starter place??? How many 18-year-olds have a $180k home like that???? Most of us moved into dodgy apartments with broken mini blinds and leaky faucets. Calm your tits, Chloe. 


Of course Megan is pregnant again. Can we say "trap baby?" This is the girl that made a big make-up dinner for the douche who cheated on HER! But all is well, because at least they have a bigger caravan now. With a toilet you can flush! Where the fuck is the horse, I wonder? 

  • Love 9

Chloe reminds me of a friend of mine in HS--she had things like fondue pots in her closet, (for when she moved out and got her perfect home). Chloe is dying to play house, is all. They are all still really children themselves. Its been so long that the American Teen Moms are all pushing 30, almost! These girls are heartbreakingly young. None of them are able to fight fair, explain their feelings, or listen respectfully.

I felt for Maggie. Erin is the mother of her grandchild, she had a close relationship with the rest of the family, and Maggie obviously misses her. Mia needs to grow up. Does she really think she won't be in Erin's shoes sooner rather than later? Within two years she and Erin will be pushing their strollers to the park together and drinking their Starbucks while the kids play, as they gossip about Manley's new piece.

Megan? Dumb as a box of hair.

Naomi, you are wasting your youth on Raphael. You are worth ten of him. Kick him to the curb, raise your daughter, pursue your career. Oh, and, a lighter touch with the highlighter. I'm not getting what Raphael's superpower is. Naomi seems bright and ambitious, while he seems dim. He mumbles and mutters and looks at the floor. She can do better.

  • Love 5

Oh god. Megan, she's ruining my good name.


I want babies close togever.  If we wait any longer they won't be close togever.

Is her first even a year yet? I would bet folding money by the time she's 26 she does have those 5 kids she wants stuffed in caravan. Probably all with Dylan.  He'll probably also have a kid with some other girl along the way.

Megan needs to read Chump Lady, but she'd be too dumb to understand how it relates to her.

The NHS practically pays for everything for these babies right?

Edited by Megan
  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, Megan said:

I want babies close togever.  If we wait any longer they won't be close togever.

Is her first even a year yet?

I don't think he is. She's nuts. I like how in one episode she's all pushing Dylan for another baby and he's against the idea, and suddenly the next episode she's pregnant and they were "trying"? Bitch, please. 

  • Love 5

In my opinion these girls and baby daddy's seemed more together as parents then the American 'teen' moms. These girls really are teenagers. Yes, their relationships were a mess but at least some of the baby daddy's had jobs and were involved in their babies lives. I noticed they didn't swear as much in front of their kids either. 

I know this was filmed last year maybe. Megan had a girl and I think her and Dylan are still together. I wonder if MTV will show season two. 

  • Love 3

One thing I will say for Megan is that it seems she cooks at home.  We watched her make at least three half-way-decent-looking meals, all while she was living in a camper with next to no kitchen and apparently limited water.  So I'll give her that.  If she can cook for her, Dylan and her parents in that camper, then why can't the American moms cook in their fully decked out kitchens?  Laziness!

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 3

I also noticed that when Manly told Mia he loved her (or almost anything else for that matter) he doesn't even look at her.  Mia, if it is affection from your SO that you need to feel a connection, then Manly is NOT the one for you.  He has all the personality of a wall.  He'd be much better suited for Kailyn, with none of those pesky emotions to get in the way of...whatever you call a relationship without emotional connections.  Although she would go nuts when he wouldn't engage in her need to fight about shit.  I'd like to watch that!

  • Love 2

I wish MTV would have had Erin and Mia as moms on this edition.  It would have been interesting to have two of the main girls, whose children are close in age, to have the same baby daddy.  We'd get to see both sides of the story.  Manly probably wouldn't go for it though, because I get the feeling he enjoys the jealousy over him, and probably feeds into it to some degree.  I do wonder if MTV tried to go for that angle though.

  • Love 2

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