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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Hmmmm. I always assumed they were trying to out-holy everyone. But you have me wondering. I seem to think that superChristians like the Duggars prohibit the reading of novels because fiction is a "lie" since it isn't the Bible. So maybe independent and original thoughts are "lies," too. And/or how could anything a lowly sinner thinks of be worth sharing? Why reinvent the wheel when you have the literal word of God (as they believe) at the ready? Why think?

Honestly, I think it is a terrible affront to our creator NOT to use the brains and talents we have.




While I had a grandfather who only recorded temperatures, I had a great-grandfather who wrote reflections on things, including religion. There's one that I think of when I think of the Duggars' literalism and King Jamesyness and rejection of the metaphorical and the rational and such, here in the 21st century: 


"I think, after much reflection, that the key to the situation is the theory of the inspiration of the Scriptures that one holds. Starting at the bottom -- or the top as some think -- is the belief that every word in the Book as we have it is as if written by the hand of God. I think I know some good people who believe this. And yet it is utterly absurd to any thinking mind. And by this same standard, as soon as you use the word 'think' you are anathema -- for that is rationalism. Yet the Lord, when he gave us the First and Great Commandment said, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind" -- so recorded in both gospels that give this incident. So, I will use my mind, even if it is considered heretical by some." 


Never met the guy, but I'm really proud of him for writing this, many years ago. 

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WOW, Churchhoney! I see written eloquence is some sort of genetic thing in your family. Bravo! I can think of at least 19 other people who should read that and do some serious purposing on it.

Edited by Aja
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While I had a grandfather who only recorded temperatures, I had a great-grandfather who wrote reflections on things, including religion. There's one that I think of when I think of the Duggars' literalism and King Jamesyness and rejection of the metaphorical and the rational and such, here in the 21st century: 


"I think, after much reflection, that the key to the situation is the theory of the inspiration of the Scriptures that one holds. Starting at the bottom -- or the top as some think -- is the belief that every word in the Book as we have it is as if written by the hand of God. I think I know some good people who believe this. And yet it is utterly absurd to any thinking mind. And by this same standard, as soon as you use the word 'think' you are anathema -- for that is rationalism. Yet the Lord, when he gave us the First and Great Commandment said, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind" -- so recorded in both gospels that give this incident. So, I will use my mind, even if it is considered heretical by some." 


Never met the guy, but I'm really proud of him for writing this, many years ago. 



Game, set, match Duggars! 

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Happy Thanksgiving, Jana! Enjoy cooking the entire family's meal while your mother busies herself with "cleaning" AKA flitting around the house doing nothing...


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Happy Thanksgiving, Jana! Enjoy cooking the entire family's meal while your mother busies herself with "cleaning" AKA flitting around the house doing nothing...



Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts here:


15 pies for 17 people? Even with Grandma and Grandpa and a few other relatives, that's a lot of pie. 

Not only is Jana baking pies while her mother "cleans," but the activity for all of the young children involves "making pie," too. Hmm, I guess it would just make sense then for Jana to be watching all of the young kids, too?

Why was this filmed? Even as a 10 second snippet in an episode, it's super-boring.


I know that the Duggars don't like to watch television, but maybe they could watch a few episodes of the Waltons, or maybe Little House on the Prairie? They need some pointers on how loving families interact since it clearly does not come naturally to them. It is just so Duggar-like that the video that they would choose to release about Thanksgiving would be about the assembly-line production of pies rather than a warm, heart-touching gathering of family.


A video of Mom making pies with her daughters, or grandma in the kitchen with a bunch of her grandchidren teaching them an old family recipe might be nice. A video of a slightly depressed teenage girl grinding out 15 pies while she watches a half dozen of her younger siblings is really kind of sad.

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It is just so Duggar-like that the video that they would choose to release about Thanksgiving would be about the assembly-line production of pies rather than a warm, heart-touching gathering of family.




That's because they have the former, but they don't have the latter.


Ever spent time with an extremely dysfunctional family headed by sick mean people? That warmth and heart-touching stuff? Not in evidence. And when you've been in one of those long enough -- and Michelle and Jim Bob have been in one at least since they were teenagers (since they're the source of the sickness and meanness) and the children have been in one from birth -- you don't have any idea that anything is missing. You may know that you don't like holidays and may actually hate them because they often involve even more hours than usual of having nothing to do but hang around with a bunch of people who don't get along and are not really comfortable with each other. But you don't envision any warm-hearted, fun alternatives, because you haven't seen them. It's just another dead space to be filled with way too many pies. That's the look of Jana in this video, I think.

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I wonder if this is also another SODRT fail. Do they have the math skills to work out how many pies they need if each pie gives 6-8 slices and they need to feed 17? Do they even realize this is a math-y moment? Or was it just a "we need a bunch of pies. 10 does't sound like enough. 20s too many. Let's go with 15." I think I know where I'd bet...

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And was that 15 of the same pies?


Well, offering different pies would force the children to make choices and consider their personal preferences. None of that allowed.



Each personalised with a unique bacterial flora.


This is a science statement that uses the word "unique." None of that either. However, it is certainly true. Only Josie licking the pie crusts and walking across the counter barefoot is missing. 

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I watched that pie video with Jana and Michelle. Who in their right mind "does spring/fall cleaning" that close to thanksgiving? Michelle must be cleaning up one shelf in one cabinet and called it "spring cleaning". Did anyone notice the purity ring that Jana was wearing right at the end? That gave me the creeps. Don't any of the other members of the family get a choice in what kind of pies THEY might like, like apple, or cherry? Pumpkin pie is "daddy, Jim Bob's favorite", so I guess they ALL have to eat it too..How awful for them.

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Per Sierra's IG, she was part of the pie-baking brigade. Don't let the Duggar video fool you; these people never fail to have others  (generally sycophants, but trade professionals also fit here)  to do their work for them. 

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Per Sierra's IG, she was part of the pie-baking brigade. Don't let the Duggar video fool you; these people never fail to have others  (generally sycophants, but trade professionals also fit here)  to do their work for them. 

That movie was from years ago. Sierra would've been childless and 19/20 then!

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Haha, I didn't actually watch it and assumed it was from yesterday's very similar pie assembly line. I still posit that they had help for both the cooking and cleaning hidden just off-camera. :D

Josiah is still prepubescent, and the howlers are all very little. It was uploaded to youtube in '10, but it looks like it's from the first season of the show. It's shocking how much they all have grown, and how unlikely a return to TV or spinoff will be. They're just too old - and have bigger bodies, but no real personalities. I;d wage the '15' number was a 'suggestion'/producer-driven stunt for the show. Wow, what a big family.

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I watched the pie video. Jana is just such a lovely girl. Her beauty and patience are obvious. After the video ended, several more appeared for viewing. I've seen every episode, but there were clips there that I never remember seeing.

What really stood out to me was the absolute feralness of these children! Running through the house from the kitchen into the living room with balls of pie crust dough in their hands. Jenny running around with a mixing bowl filled with as yet unmixed egg, butter and boxed cookie mix. Kids making slushies and absolutely trashing the entire kitchen in doing so. Kids crawling all over counters and tables and appliances! The kitchen floor itself was unsafe for that many kids running around. There was at least one broom laying in the middle of the room,on the floor. Kids running around had to dodge brooms and mop buckets!

I can't even begin to imagine the greasy hand prints on the cupboards, walls, doors and furniture!

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Marjorie bailed and dumped Josiah shortly after the show was cancelled. It was kind of a blip on the radar in the wake of the molestation scandal.

Right, but they were seen sitting next to each other (which is apparently A Big Deal) at Jill & Derrick's "going away"/ "thank you"/bring your own food party in October, and some snark that Marjorie came back once there was a new Duggar show on the horizon. But I haven't heard anything since.

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In the meantime, the Jana/Cinderella narrative is just as legitimate as my less sunny view. And is certainly more encouraging.

Some of us have speculated for years that Jana is probably perfectly comfortable in her little box and has absolutely no desire to do or be anything other than what she is.  And that while she is attractive and seems pleasant, there just isn't much "there" there.  


Some people are simply content with what they are given and have no desire to attain their potential.  I've always thought this applied to Jana.  No White Knights or Fairy tales are necessary. 

Edited by leighdear
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Most people would find it quite difficult to cut ties with their families, and by families, I mean just the parents. If Jana were to cut ties, she'd be cut off from everyone but Amy the tabloid squealer, and Grandma. She'd be cut off from her siblings, the people she's been with 24/7 for 25 years, some of who she raised. She is unlikely to ever flee the cult, I think if she met the love of her life and he made her choose, she'd pick her family. A lot of people would hold her devotion or attachment to her family against her, but I think it's very unrealistic to expect her, or any of the Duggar kids, to break free of their indoctrination and become "normal", and I can't hold that against her, or any of the Duggar kids. She's not going to do what we want her to do, but that does not make her bad.

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(Pause for me to have a WTF moment over a 25 year old woman who doesn't do things because her mommy and daddy don't let her, in 21st Century 'Merica. Oy.)



Happens more than you think. If somebody bends all their effort to psychologically manipulating you, they can do a very good job. I'm still programmed. Often shock myself with things I do -- and, especially, don't do -- and only later realize why.  And I'm a runner. Who ran four decades ago. And who shares my family's life view not at all.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Exactly. To be clear: I'm not suggesting that Jana is "bad" or some kind of monster. Just that she's most likely a total Duggar, and shares the Duggar world view. The same set of beliefs and opinions that many of us find very snarkworthy when they are publicly expressed by Jana's parents and married sisters.

I agree that Jana is like the rest of them.

I want to add that the children are somewhat malleable, the most extreme religious bloviators in the family lately are the sons-in-law, Derick "daddy issues" Dillard and Bible-thumping Benny Seewald. Jana may be waiting for a husband to take her cues from. Which is probably not so good, but it could be.

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How I feel about Jana: who. really. knows.

Remember when we all thought Jessa's "outspokenness" meant she would be The One to possibly split from the cult? Now look at her - she's the most spiteful person I know.

I'd like to think that because Jana is close with the Bates girls that she IS nice, sweet, and more like them (i.e., down to earth) than her sisters.

I'm not saying that I think that Reddit person was real or not, but it'd be a nice surprise if they were right in that she did want to be an engineer. I mean, really, we think we have an idea of who she is, but we really don't.

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The whole silly thing reeked of TLC scripting. "Hey, let's show How Many! Pies! it takes to feed All! The! Duggars! Jana, you're the baker. Let's see, how about 15 pies? Michelle says pumpkin since that's what Daddy likes."


So someone bought the ingredients and Jana got to work (alone, we assume, but who knows what was reality vs. what was shown on TV) allegedly cooking them. For all we know from what was shown on that video, a team of bakers could have come in and done the work.


And it probably occurred to someone that it looked a little too J-Slavish™ to show young Jana making all those pies all alone in the kitchen, so they brought Mom in who was allegedly "cleaning" in the kitchen. So Michelle could look all maternal and involved. Or something. I loved her VO: "Jana decided to make pies." Which apparently explained why Michelle had nothing at all to do with the pie making or even with the Howlers mucking around with wads of pie dough. 



Ah, reality TV stunts. Good times.

I haven't cooked a Thanksgiving dinner in a long time (yesterday was strictly Boston Market) but if I did, pie would be the Last Thing on my list. Way, way, way down, all by itself. In my world, you buy pies.

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Josiah posted this to his Instagram. Must be lean times in Duggarland


"Jackson's bite size pumpkin pie! Happy Thanksgiving y'all!! #latenightcooking #countyourblessings #thanksgiving"

He looks so sad.

And can someone make sure that boy doesn't bite his nails to stubs? I know he's a boy, but still.

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He looks so sad.

And can someone make sure that boy doesn't bite his nails to stubs? I know he's a boy, but still.

I was just about to say exactly this! Maybe he is happy and the nail biting is a habit. Or maybe they don't have any clippers.

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Nail-biting can be caused by many things; anything from boredom to anxiety to just having acquired a bad habit. A school friend of mine once told me that she actually started biting her nails because a girl she thought was really cool did it, and then she just couldn't stop (seriously the dumbest reason ever lol). Jackson's always struck me as bit high-strung, maybe he's releasing some of that nervous energy by biting his nails.

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I've read a lot of comments here that indicate that she's considered the "nice" Duggar. 


I do think that Jana is the "nice" one, at least relative to everyone else in her family. Hear me out::


When Jana was in her late teens and early 20s, she was visibly happier on camera. Damn near bubbly on a few occasions. JB and Michelle both stated in earlier seasons that Jana's personality was very chatty and outgoing in the presence of friends and family. Jana smiled often and I remember a few occasions where she even made snarky comments at her parents' or sibling's expense. She clearly has a sarcastic sense of humor hidden beneath that dull Gothard exterior. For those who don't remember the early years of Joyful Jana™, I would best liken it to the recent scene where she tried on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses and tried to campaign against them. You could see a very faint glimmer of her old spark in that scene... 


However, circa 2011, Jana was suddenly absent from a number of episodes. This was around the time that Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart and there were rumors that she was being "tomato-staked" (kept nearby and under close watch of her parents) whenever she appeared out in public with her family. Around this time, Jana gave an interview where she literally stated that Journey to the Heart was helping her get over feelings of resentment toward someone in her family. 


Around this time, Jana lost her spark. 


IMO, the reason that Jana lost her spark is apparent to anyone who saw "Duggars, Dates, and Dan" (Season 7, Episode 11). There is a scene where the older girls are discussing courtships and the producer asks them if anyone is in a relationship. They all say no and the audio quickly cuts out as Jana starts to say something else. However, you can clearly read her lips as she says, "In the past." The fate of her past relationship becomes clear as the producer asks questions about the rules of courtship and JillyMuffin, looking directly at a forlorn Jana, says, "If a guy goes about it the right way [by approaching JB first for permission], then it will work out" and Jana nods along sadly. 


IMO, it's clear as day that Jana had a guy who did not follow JB's rules. The relationship was severed and Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart where she had to work through a good bit of resentment towards her father. (Also, I'm guessing that Jana's odd comment about Jill being a snitch has nothing to do with Josh. I would bet good money that JillyMuffin, Daddy's Perfect Fundie Pet, likely outed Jana's relationship to the parents who Lord knows aren't paying enough attention to their children without some prompting.)


In addition to Jana's lost relationship, which makes me feel sad for her, I have also noticed that she is insecure about her body. You don't join Weight Watchers as a teenager if you feel good about yourself. If you pay attention in food scenes, Jana often opts for salad or tiny portions of side dishes over whatever nastiness is for dinner. There are countless scenes where she crosses her arms low across her stomach to hide her barely-there pooch belly. For example, in the scene where Jill takes the girls to try on bridesmaid dresses, Jana was assigned by the store attendant to try on one of the dresses. She visibly shoots Jill a distressed look at the prospect of trying on a dress. Jana must have voiced her discomfort off-camera, because in the next scene, she is sitting on the couch (arms crossed low over her midsection) while stick-thin Jessa and Jinger try on the dresses. There is also the scene where Jana tries on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses. She's very animated and seems happy, but her jokey comment about the dress making her feel "short and fat" clearly has some truth to it. You can see the sting when Jinger tries on the dress after Jana and Jessa says to Jinger, "YOU look good! YOU look good!," in a way that implies it was Jana's body type that made the dress look weird. After that comment is made, Jana immediately crosses her arms over her stomach. You can't help but feel bad for the girl.


Clearly, Jana is sensitive, maybe overly so. However, I have noticed that her sensitivity is an asset with babies and young children. She clearly loves them. One of the most real moments of the entire show is when Jana saw the M'kids for the first time after they moved to DC. Jana gathers up Mackynzie into a big hug and smacks a kiss onto her check, and exclaims, "I've missed you!" None of the other Duggars seem to show much genuine affection for each other, so that scene stood out to me in a big way. 


Also, I love that Jana convinced her parents to let her travel to Indonesia and Malaysia in one of the earlier seasons. Girl has (had?) an adventurous spirit. Too bad she seems to have taken the Journey to the Heart teachings to heart, which snuffed out her spark, and she has learned to be content as a stay-at-home daughter while her life passes her by. 


I don't doubt that Jana's politics are odious or that she likely spews annoying Bible verses, but unlike Jill and Jessa, I think she had real promise at some point. I don't anticipate that she will breakaway or do anything shocking to reclaim that promise, but I want her to find genuine happiness in whatever form that is. 


I could write more, but I'm gonna stop myself. Sorry for the novel, but this is why Jana is my favorite. 

Edited by Guest
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I do think that Jana is the "nice" one, at least relative to everyone else in her family. Hear me out::


When Jana was in her late teens and early 20s, she was visibly happier on camera. Damn near bubbly on a few occasions. JB and Michelle both stated in earlier seasons that Jana's personality was very chatty and outgoing in the presence of friends and family. Jana smiled often and I remember a few occasions where she even made snarky comments at her parents' or sibling's expense. She clearly has a sarcastic sense of humor hidden beneath that dull Gothard exterior. For those who don't remember the early years of Joyful Jana™, I would best liken it to the recent scene where she tried on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses and tried to campaign against them. You could see a very faint glimmer of her old spark in that scene... 


However, circa 2011, Jana was suddenly absent from a number of episodes. This was around the time that Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart and there were rumors that she was being "tomato-staked" (kept nearby and under close watch of her parents) whenever she appeared out in public with her family. Around this time, Jana gave an interview where she literally stated that Journey to the Heart was helping her get over feelings of resentment toward someone in her family. 


Around this time, Jana lost her spark. 


IMO, the reason that Jana lost her spark is apparent to anyone who saw "Duggars, Dates, and Dan" (Season 7, Episode 11). There is a scene where the older girls are discussing courtships and the producer asks them if anyone is in a relationship. They all say no and the audio quickly cuts out as Jana starts to say something else. However, you can clearly read her lips as she says, "In the past." The fate of her past relationship becomes clear as the producer asks questions about the rules of courtship and JillyMuffin, looking directly at a forlorn Jana, says, "If a guy goes about it the right way [by approaching JB first for permission], then it will work out" and Jana nods along sadly. 


IMO, it's clear as day that Jana had a guy who did not follow JB's rules. The relationship was severed and Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart where she had to work through a good bit of resentment towards her father. (Also, I'm guessing that Jana's odd comment about Jill being a snitch has nothing to do with Josh. I would bet good money that JillyMuffin, Daddy's Perfect Fundie Pet, likely outed Jana's relationship to the parents who Lord knows aren't paying enough attention to their children without some prompting.)


In addition to Jana's lost relationship, which makes me feel sad for her, I have also noticed that she is insecure about her body. You don't join Weight Watchers as a teenager if you feel good about yourself. If you pay attention in food scenes, Jana often opts for salad or tiny portions of side dishes over whatever nastiness is for dinner. There are countless scenes where she crosses her arms low across her stomach to hide her barely-there pooch belly. For example, in the scene where Jill takes the girls to try on bridesmaid dresses, Jana was assigned by the store attendant to try on one of the dresses. She visibly shoots Jill a distressed look at the prospect of trying on a dress. Jana must have voiced her discomfort off-camera, because in the next scene, she is sitting on the couch (arms crossed low over her midsection) while stick-thin Jessa and Jinger try on the dresses. There is also the scene where Jana tries on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses. She's very animated and seems happy, but her jokey comment about the dress making her feel "short and fat" clearly has some truth to it. You can see the sting when Jinger tries on the dress after Jana and Jessa says to Jinger, "YOU look good! YOU look good!," in a way that implies it was Jana's body type that made the dress look weird. After that comment is made, Jana immediately crosses her arms over her stomach. You can't help but feel bad for the girl.


Clearly, Jana is sensitive, maybe overly so. However, I have noticed that her sensitivity is an asset with babies and young children. She clearly loves them. One of the most real moments of the entire show is when Jana saw the M'kids for the first time after they moved to DC. Jana gathers up Mackynzie into a big hug and smacks a kiss onto her check, and exclaims, "I've missed you!" None of the other Duggars seem to show much genuine affection for each other, so that scene stood out to me in a big way. 


Also, I love that Jana convinced her parents to let her travel to Indonesia and Malaysia in one of the earlier seasons. Girl has (had?) an adventurous spirit. Too bad she seems to have taken the Journey to the Heart teachings to heart, which has summarily snuffed out her spark, and she has learned to be content as a stay-at-home daughter while her life passes her by. 


I don't doubt that Jana's politics are odious or that she likely spews annoying Bible verses, but unlike Jill and Jessa, I think she had real promise at some point. I don't anticipate that she will breakaway or do anything shocking to reclaim that promise, but I want her to find genuine happiness in whatever form that is. 


I could write more, but I'm gonna stop myself. Sorry for the novel, but this is why Jana is my favorite. 

Nice summarization I usually just scan the lengthy posts. but yours sucked me in.

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And it probably occurred to someone that it looked a little too J-Slavish™ to show young Jana making all those pies all alone in the kitchen, so they brought Mom in who was allegedly "cleaning" in the kitchen. So Michelle could look all maternal and involved. Or something. I loved her VO: "Jana decided to make pies." Which apparently explained why Michelle had nothing at all to do with the pie making or even with the Howlers mucking around with wads of pie dough. 



Ah, reality TV stunts. Good times.


I just can't shake the Queen video of Freddie Mercury with a feather duster walking around a stodgy house singing "I Want to Break Free":  

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I do think that Jana is the "nice" one, at least relative to everyone else in her family. Hear me out::

When Jana was in her late teens and early 20s, she was visibly happier on camera. Damn near bubbly on a few occasions. JB and Michelle both stated in earlier seasons that Jana's personality was very chatty and outgoing in the presence of friends and family. Jana smiled often and I remember a few occasions where she even made snarky comments at her parents' or sibling's expense. She clearly has a sarcastic sense of humor hidden beneath that dull Gothard exterior. For those who don't remember the early years of Joyful Jana™, I would best liken it to the recent scene where she tried on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses and tried to campaign against them. You could see a very faint glimmer of her old spark in that scene...

However, circa 2011, Jana was suddenly absent from a number of episodes. This was around the time that Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart and there were rumors that she was being "tomato-staked" (kept nearby and under close watch of her parents) whenever she appeared out in public with her family. Around this time, Jana gave an interview where she literally stated that Journey to the Heart was helping her get over feelings of resentment toward someone in her family.

Around this time, Jana lost her spark.

IMO, the reason that Jana lost her spark is apparent to anyone who saw "Duggars, Dates, and Dan" (Season 7, Episode 11). There is a scene where the older girls are discussing courtships and the producer asks them if anyone is in a relationship. They all say no and the audio quickly cuts out as Jana starts to say something else. However, you can clearly read her lips as she says, "In the past." The fate of her past relationship becomes clear as the producer asks questions about the rules of courtship and JillyMuffin, looking directly at a forlorn Jana, says, "If a guy goes about it the right way [by approaching JB first for permission], then it will work out" and Jana nods along sadly.

IMO, it's clear as day that Jana had a guy who did not follow JB's rules. The relationship was severed and Jana was shipped off to Journey to the Heart where she had to work through a good bit of resentment towards her father. (Also, I'm guessing that Jana's odd comment about Jill being a snitch has nothing to do with Josh. I would bet good money that JillyMuffin, Daddy's Perfect Fundie Pet, likely outed Jana's relationship to the parents who Lord knows aren't paying enough attention to their children without some prompting.)

In addition to Jana's lost relationship, which makes me feel sad for her, I have also noticed that she is insecure about her body. You don't join Weight Watchers as a teenager if you feel good about yourself. If you pay attention in food scenes, Jana often opts for salad or tiny portions of side dishes over whatever nastiness is for dinner. There are countless scenes where she crosses her arms low across her stomach to hide her barely-there pooch belly. For example, in the scene where Jill takes the girls to try on bridesmaid dresses, Jana was assigned by the store attendant to try on one of the dresses. She visibly shoots Jill a distressed look at the prospect of trying on a dress. Jana must have voiced her discomfort off-camera, because in the next scene, she is sitting on the couch (arms crossed low over her midsection) while stick-thin Jessa and Jinger try on the dresses. There is also the scene where Jana tries on Jessa's bridesmaid dresses. She's very animated and seems happy, but her jokey comment about the dress making her feel "short and fat" clearly has some truth to it. You can see the sting when Jinger tries on the dress after Jana and Jessa says to Jinger, "YOU look good! YOU look good!," in a way that implies it was Jana's body type that made the dress look weird. After that comment is made, Jana immediately crosses her arms over her stomach. You can't help but feel bad for the girl.

Clearly, Jana is sensitive, maybe overly so. However, I have noticed that her sensitivity is an asset with babies and young children. She clearly loves them. One of the most real moments of the entire show is when Jana saw the M'kids for the first time after they moved to DC. Jana gathers up Mackynzie into a big hug and smacks a kiss onto her check, and exclaims, "I've missed you!" None of the other Duggars seem to show much genuine affection for each other, so that scene stood out to me in a big way.

Also, I love that Jana convinced her parents to let her travel to Indonesia and Malaysia in one of the earlier seasons. Girl has (had?) an adventurous spirit. Too bad she seems to have taken the Journey to the Heart teachings to heart, which has summarily snuffed out her spark, and she has learned to be content as a stay-at-home daughter while her life passes her by.

I don't doubt that Jana's politics are odious or that she likely spews annoying Bible verses, but unlike Jill and Jessa, I think she had real promise at some point. I don't anticipate that she will breakaway or do anything shocking to reclaim that promise, but I want her to find genuine happiness in whatever form that is.

I could write more, but I'm gonna stop myself. Sorry for the novel, but this is why Jana is my favorite.

I agree with a lot of this. The only other thing I'd add is maybe she didn't have a guy whom they didn't approve, but the guy called it off and her parents blamed the severed courtship (possibly to someone of high status in their cult) solely on her (and her "spirit?") and shipped her off.

Who knows.

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I agree with a lot of this. The only other thing I'd add is maybe she didn't have a guy whom they didn't approve, but the guy called it off and her parents blamed the severed courtship (possibly to someone of high status in their cult) solely on her (and her "spirit?") and shipped her off.

Who knows.


Perhaps. Whatever happened, I do agree that Jana was programmed to believe that the failure of the relationship was her fault for not doing things "the right away" (JB's way!). Believing she did something wrong would also explain why she is so relationship-shy now. 


Perhaps the guy was fundie royalty, but JB did not approve of the match because the guy wouldn't follow the courtship rules. That being said, I have a hard time imagining JB letting a big fundie fish get away for the small-ish infraction of not securing his permission up front. 


It's pure speculation at this point, but I think it's much more likely that JB did not approve of the guy -- like, at all -- given that JB made a comment in the same episode ("Duggars, Dates, and Dan" -- Season 7, Episode 11) that it was important for guys to approach him first so he could assess their character before the girls became emotionally invested in them. I'm guessing Jana became emotionally invested before JB could ask the all-important questions, such as, "Do you believe in evolution?" and "Would you leave the size of your family up to God?" Maybe Jana's guy flunked the character assessment. Maybe he believed in evolution and wanted 2.5 kids. Or maybe JB legitimately uncovered that he wasn't a nice guy who was just trying to get his mug on television. Who knows. 


(One of the other million little reasons that I like Jana is because she admitted that evolution made some sense to her even though it's contrary to the Bible!)


Even if Jana's star-crossed romance was just a case of puppy love, it would hurt to lose your first boyfriend because your dad has appointed himself to be in charge of your love life when you're in your early 20s. Not cool, dad. Not cool. 

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Oh yes I remember Jana's acceptance of evolution as sensible.  I was so impressed.

Regarding courtship (barf) there was that Frank Sun guy who was speculated about.

Whatever, I don't wish a Prince Charming or any other guy on Jana unless that is what she totally finds like the rest of do.  Say out at a bar having a drink.

I wish her a good life doing something else, like that's gonna happen.  Oh yeah.

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Ditto. That kid is looking at the camera like PLEASE FEED ME.

"My Duggar melon head is growing nonstop. I need nutrients!" Is what he would say if he knew about the concept of nutrition. Edited by Kokapetl
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Okay, so I have a lot of thoughts here:


15 pies for 17 people? Even with Grandma and Grandpa and a few other relatives, that's a lot of pie. 

Not only is Jana baking pies while her mother "cleans," but the activity for all of the young children involves "making pie," too. Hmm, I guess it would just make sense then for Jana to be watching all of the young kids, too?

Why was this filmed? Even as a 10 second snippet in an episode, it's super-boring.


I know that the Duggars don't like to watch television, but maybe they could watch a few episodes of the Waltons, or maybe Little House on the Prairie? They need some pointers on how loving families interact since it clearly does not come naturally to them. It is just so Duggar-like that the video that they would choose to release about Thanksgiving would be about the assembly-line production of pies rather than a warm, heart-touching gathering of family.


A video of Mom making pies with her daughters, or grandma in the kitchen with a bunch of her grandchidren teaching them an old family recipe might be nice. A video of a slightly depressed teenage girl grinding out 15 pies while she watches a half dozen of her younger siblings is really kind of sad.


My family had about 20 people over, with the youngest being 10, but most people being over 18, plus my obese niece and nephew who could easily eat a pie each if you left them to it. There was a table full of desserts, brought by different people, with a variety of options. There were still less than 10 items, and not all pumpkin pie. And I love pumpkin pie, but you don't need more than one. Maybe it's what Jesus ate for Thanksgiving dessert. 

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Interesting post, Janarella.


I knew someone growing up who was from a large family that was the eldest girl and did most of the cooking, cleaning child rearing, etc as the mother was useless and Jana sorta reminds me of her.   This person has never married and lives alone in a small apartment even though they could afford a nice, big house.  I think they just prefer to be alone except for a couple of dogs after 20+ years of chaos, cleaning, etc. 


Maybe mama Tebow will give Jana a call, now that Timmy is back on the market.   

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