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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The thing is, I don't think a purely secular guy would go along with the Duggar rules. (And why should he?). And if a crew member dated a Duggar and eloped with a daughter, not only would he likely be out of a job, it could be enough to expose the show enough to shut it down, this depriving a lot of people, crazy religious and not, of their livelihoods.

I can't see that happening.

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There's still a difference, and I doubt any guy would choose to be a stepdad over a real one.

My cousin did.  He has what some people see as a disability, and he was very on-the-fence about children, and by the time he came to a point in his life where he needed to think about that, he decided he didn't want biological children, and he lost a fiancee over it.  He treats his wife's children from a prior marriage like his own, and they're teens, so he feels much more at ease.  It was a win-win.

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yes, and I think this could work if he could take her out of Duggartown. 


And I bet he'd be the one person to do it, because he's got SO much dirt on the Duggars he could spill if they object to Jana leaving. Sorry to be speculating so rampantly. The truth is probably that they're just friends and he is so fond of the family he probably wouldn't ever spill any dirt.


He and Marjorie could compare notes on the Duggars' insensitivity to their respective cultures as in-laws.

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Yeeeahhh, I can't see cute, Asian "films-supermodels-in-their-apartments" Frank going for a stick in the mud Duggar girl. Jana is pretty but dresses like a Pilgrim and has no personality. She'll end up with a boring Fundie beta male just like her sisters.

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Yeeeahhh, I can't see cute, Asian "films-supermodels-in-their-apartments" Frank going for a stick in the mud Duggar girl. Jana is pretty but dresses like a Pilgrim and has no personality. She'll end up with a boring Fundie beta male just like her sisters.

I just don't see that she's teeming with a secret personality. So yes, I agree she will find an older Fundy who needed some time to grow up, perhaps the way she did. I think despite the responsibilities (or because of them) Jana is in some ways even more emotionally immature than her younger sisters. She lives in a house where you sort of have to fight to be heard, and she's not a fighter. And that, I think, had kept her from developing her potential, whatever that is, even as her sisters are stunted, but not cut off the way she and John David seem to be.

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Unrelated but this picture makes her look so young and cute, it's hard to believe she's 25.

Agreed. IMO, they're all attractive girls, but Jessa looks as though she has to work much harder at it than Jana does.


At some point, I saw a picture of Deanna when she was young, and Jana looks much like her -- she definitely favors the Duggars but with softer features.

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Yeah, I've noticed that both derick and ben aren't really, you know, as Gothard as they are. Derick was a lucky shot, college educated with a job! I ferl like Jana knows that if she wants to be courted soon, she's going to end up with a Ben. Without the looks.

Or she can ask Kelly Bates to help her. Kelly seems really good at fundiematchmaking!!

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I think JB has struggled finding good matches in his world. Anna was a good one, but otherwise all of his other matches have been very, well, ordinary, often very young, local choices. Not "royalty" choices at all.


It is true that his daughters' matches aren't Gothardites from birth and purebred fundies (and nothing special for us heathens)... However, what I think (and obviously is just speculation on my part) is that there have been plenty of Fundie-from-birth suitors for the girls, however, what I think Jim Boob has been looking for for his girls, is someone like him. Not necessarily someone born into a Gothard family, but a more mainstream Christian boy interested in and willing to live the Gothardite way and raise children in his teachings... But at the same time having a more worldly background (just like Jim Bob) allowing them to make a living and provide for his girls... Obviously they aren't really working now but I think he sees that potential in them... Surely he is aware his boys are way too sheltered to go out and provide for a family and I think he doesn't want that for his girls, rather someone like himself..... For his boys any fundie broodmare will do, but I think for his girls (at least the ones he likes) he wants the best.... 

Edited by Nutella
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My first thought, Literata, was WHO would see that hot mess and be drawn IN to that???  But then... I've read the comments sometimes on their Instagram posts and guess what?  There are TONS of people who think they are just the be all - end all.  (I don't have a clue what that even means, but we say it a whole lot...). 

Who'd want to be recruited into that? I'll tell ya: 1) insecure, beta males who are terrified of women, but have the promise of no rejection and getting to be lord and master over wimmen, all sanctioned by Scripture. Even better - the women HAVE to be totally dependent on them, can't get fat, can't make any decisions, etc. 2) women who want to never have to make any decision on their own, never have to have a job outside the home, and get fulfillment from having tons of babies and being dutiful wives.3) paranoid people terrified of the real world, who find comfort and entertainment in 'Bible truths' and a regimented life 4) people who want to feel like they have some sort of special calling and secret knowledge in a very select, inclusive, holier than thou group.


Agreed. IMO, they're all attractive girls, but Jessa looks as though she has to work much harder at it than Jana does.


At some point, I saw a picture of Deanna when she was young, and Jana looks much like her -- she definitely favors the Duggars but with softer features.


They showed some pics of Grandma Duggar (and Grandpa) in the 1960s, and Grandma was an absolute stunner. I have no idea how those two created JimBob.

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The geisha shot is amazing. A little seductive almost, huh? i just want to yank Jana out of that madness and "save" her. From what I see, she is sweet, but probably very simple. Certainly sheltered. Maybe we should petition JB to just "borrow" her for awhile. TWENTY FIVE, this child!!! 25 and what? Waiting for JB to find her a suitable match? At 25, I would be trying to move my kids along, out of the nest. There comes a time, and I think her time has come. She needs a job, she needs a goal, and she needs out. OUT I say!!! I swear she needs an intervention. Wouldn't you love to run into her in a store???

Edited by Happyfatchick
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The geisha shot is amazing. A little seductive almost, huh? i just want to yank Jana out of that madness and "save" her. From what I see, she is sweet, but probably very simple. Certainly sheltered. Maybe we should petition JB to just "borrow" her for awhile. TWENTY FIVE, this child!!! 25 and what? Waiting for JB to find her a suitable match? At 25, I would be trying to move my kids along, out of the nest. There comes a time, and I think her time has come. She needs a job, she needs a goal, and she needs out. OUT I say!!! I swear she needs an intervention. Wouldn't you love to run into her in a store???


Yeah, it's sad. She's 25 but they treat her like she's 17. With barely any experience or education or worldly knowledge. I feel for her.

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The only thing that creeps me out is that at 17 I was not ready to start thinking about marrying someone soon. I'll be 20 in a week and I still think that way. I know plenty of older people who got married at that age and have had long successful marriages, buys it's still just creepy.

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I think JimBob would like a big match, but they aren't coming to him. He handed out wedding invitations to people at conferences and political events, for instance. He pushes his way into political events that are always smaller than I expect them to be. He is always the last person listed on something like a DC program put on by the FRC, where his own son works.

Huckabee wasn't even in the photo they sent around a few months ago. Just his wife.

JB isn't on the Gothard board, despite a lifetime of devoted service.

He's always asking, and always being told no.

I think this applies to marriage prospects too.

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If you think it's creepy, then you absolutely shouldn't do it - that goes for 17, 27, 47 or 87!

Precisely my stand on same sex marriage. Not in favor of it? Don't marry someone of the same sex. Problem solved.

Sorry, off topic. I won't continue.

Edited by JenCarroll
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Her family would be blackballed throughout Northwest Arkansas, to be sure.

Possibly by the super fundies or the leg humpers, but on the whole most NW Arkansans wouldn't give a hoot or a hollar. the Duggars are generally viewed as family loving Christians, because the majority of people don't keep up with them, but they're also looked on a little oddly due to their large family size. Cross Church, Fellowship Bible, First Baptist in Bentonville, all the churches mentioned as being used for weddings, spouse's home churches, etc. are all pretty standard conservative churches. I've been to all of them. While courting sounds like a sweet idea in theory I imagine 98% of the people in those churches wouldn't even consider it. I have no hesitation saying that close to that number of people in NWA aren't even aware a Duggar boy is courting & wouldn't know if they broke up. Their insular community of Gothardites & squicky-fans might shun Marjorie & her family, but the rest of NWA would shrug if they even noticed. Edited by ramble
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I'm not sure if the Duggars hold that much influence. Keep in mind only 1/3 of the people invited to Jill's wedding showed up and the number of guests looked even smaller at Jessa's. If the Marsiah courtship imploded I don't think there'd be lasting repurcusions for either party. Marjorie is cute, talented and young, without all the crazy family baggage. I think she'd be okay.

Edited by BitterApple
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I think JimBob would like a big match, but they aren't coming to him. He handed out wedding invitations to people at conferences and political events, for instance. He pushes his way into political events that are always smaller than I expect them to be. He is always the last person listed on something like a DC program put on by the FRC, where his own son works.

Huckabee wasn't even in the photo they sent around a few months ago. Just his wife.

JB isn't on the Gothard board, despite a lifetime of devoted service.

He's always asking, and always being told no.

I think this applies to marriage prospects too.


GEML - any idea why? Do you think it's the show that's keeping him on the fringes?

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I really get the feeling that Jana isn't really all that shy, she just doesn't give a sh(**t and doesn't want to give any stupid interviews. I think she might like her family, but hates being on the show.

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I'm not sure. I think JB is a control freak who doesn't play well with others, and that's a major issues. A board is a board, even for a cult, and I doubt JB likes submitting to authority. I think the show IS held against him, as its brought too much scrutiny on the organization, and then there is just JB's whole personality. His family seems very not so special outside of sheer numbers, and not even very happy. They don't seem to represent the cult very well.

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^^^^^^ This. Considering that your father is passing out post card invitations at conventions and political events, they were lucky to get one third! And if these people HAD come, a piece of cake/ice cream wouldn't have been sufficient.

It would have been cheap, not droll and whimsical. And if these folds had sons or daughters of marriageable age? Well that would have been a lesson on how NOT to do things, starting with the family .....

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I'm not sure. I think JB is a control freak who doesn't play well with others, and that's a major issues. A board is a board, even for a cult, and I doubt JB likes submitting to authority. I think the show IS held against him, as its brought too much scrutiny on the organization, and then there is just JB's whole personality. His family seems very not so special outside of sheer numbers, and not even very happy. They don't seem to represent the cult very well.


Taking reply to the Boob & Me-chelle thread.

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I agree with the poster who said Josiah's metroness and also maybe a too visible, non-parental sanctioned crush could've resulted in him being sent to ALERT. Metro is scary for homophobes. They seem to tolerate G-rated hipsters, but not Metros.


Marjorie looks like a go-getter, and she's going to go get her man without being too concerned about getting all the parental approval. By no means do I think she's forward, promiscuous, etc., but I don't think she'd have a problem with expressing interest in someone on her own. This is totally against JimBob's courting rules, and between that and Michelle presuming no one can control themselves, male nor female, the choices are Alert and then an official courtship. 


Marjorie has the potential to be more annoying than Sierra and Cousin Amy (I actually like Amy, but just want her to turn it down a notch, which I think she has lately) combined, or Michelle's Thunderstealing Arch Nemesis. Marjorie is really going to have to navigate carefully, because her bolder, confident personality is very threatening to JimBob type males, and Mechelle has to be the center of attention OR ELSE, and Marj is a theatre kid. 

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Pickles has new pictures up of the Duggars signing books and guess who is sitting at the table next to Josiah signing books, yep she is not going to escape anytimne soon. I call fall/winter wedding 2015.

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I've noticed that Jason favors Josiah's style of ties, button down shirts and skinny jeans. I'm sure ALERT is in his future as well.

I saw the pics on P&H, and I think Josiah is starting to resemble Joseph these days. I'd always thought he was a mini Josh, but his looks have changed quite a bit these last few years. My money is on him and Marjorie already being engaged.

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Pickles has new pictures up of the Duggars signing books and guess who is sitting at the table next to Josiah signing books, yep she is not going to escape anytimne soon. I call fall/winter wedding 2015.

I don't think she wants to escape. At least right now. She's cementing herself in there. I sincerely hope they'll be one of those couples who marries super young and grows up together, and has a long, successful marriage. Of course having a baby within that first year makes things harder than navigating young adulthood together, but who knows. 


If she's homeschooled, I think you guys are right that she'll be married the second she turns 18, despite the time of year or if she'd be in normal high school or college.

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I came across this article about Jana titled "19 kids and counting daughter announces she's leaving the show" and going to college. Not sure how true it is, but I love it!


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I came across this article about Jana titled "19 kids and counting daughter announces she's leaving the show" and going to college. Not sure how true it is, but I love it!Www.cafemom.com/articles/celebrites/183634/19_kids_and_counting_daughter?utm_medium=sem2&utm_campaign=prisma&utm_source=outbrain-p&utm_content=0&non_us=US

I can't get a document from the url, but it's old news and, sadly, unfounded. I don't know if this is an older article or if it's a new round of that rumor, but I doubt it means anything.

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I came across this article about Jana titled "19 kids and counting daughter announces she's leaving the show" and going to college. Not sure how true it is, but I love it!Www.cafemom.com/articles/celebrites/183634/19_kids_and_counting_daughter?utm_medium=sem2&utm_campaign=prisma&utm_source=outbrain-p&utm_content=0&non_us=US

I can't get a document from the url, but it's old news and, sadly, unfounded. I don't know if this is an older article or if it's a new round of that rumor, but I doubt it means anything.

The story made the rounds a few weeks ago and is not from a reputable source, sadly.


As much as I would love it if this were true, I don't see Jana having the cojones to fight the power. As many have noted, she seems content with her current role, even to the point of being excited about the bedroom makeover (which indicated, to me, that she's planning to be in that room a while).


The only spark of defiance we've ever seen from Jana was when she insisted that Jessa's bridesmaids' dresses were "weird."

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I've been thinking a lot about Jana. Here's my problem: the philosophy the Duggars advocate really keeps an adult like Jana in a state if stasis. As an uncourted adult female, Jana is essentially no different than Joyanna or even Johannah. She has surrendered control over her dating life to Jim Bob and has been led to believe that she's breaking God's edict if she dates. Since sex and physical intimacy can only come after marriage, and marriages are entered into for the soul purpose of having children, the whole "It's All about relationships"-ideal is fiction. The Duggars claim that their kids have chosen purity so that they can offer themselves to a spouse untouched and, therefore, the relationship is "more". The reality is that this system says that once you're marred and sexually active, the choices are, once again, no longer yours and your relationship exists for the sole purpose of procreation. You go from a child with no control to an adult with no control. There's no transition or adolescence. Jana and Josie are equal in the eyes of the Duggars. That's sad. I want to believe that Jana is exercising her desire to put off motherhood by not courting. But, I doubt it's that complex. The Duggars say their children have choices, but choosing marriage and children or sustained childhood is like asking if you want mashed potatoes or French fries- it's still a potato.

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Lol. She is napping and at 3am (what I'm either nursing or not sleeping) this is the stuff I think about. I think about why the Duggars do what as they do or what I will do for dinner the next day or how I can stop the deer from eating my flowers. Lol. Sadly, Jana doesn't have to or need to think about growing up or making her own choices because she has ceded that control to her father.

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New, probably unfounded article. They seem to have a communal pool of cars, so I doubt Jana needs/wants one.

Doesn't she have one? I distinctly remember someone referring to "Jana's van."


Unfortunately, I can't see Jana demanding anything.

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I am haunted by the Geisha picture of Jana. How did it come to be, what was the fall-out, and was it part of the "rumor" circulating about Jana and Frank? Or have I played the "telephone game" here way too often?

Did JB have something to say about that photo? It is gorgeous...

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I am haunted by the Geisha picture of Jana. How did it come to be, what was the fall-out, and was it part of the "rumor" circulating about Jana and Frank? Or have I played the "telephone game" here way too often?

Did JB have something to say about that photo? It is gorgeous...

It was a gorgeous photo.  I recently saw the video.  An even more interesting part to me was at the end, the younger children came in to see the girls and MEchelle in the makeup and robes.  Josie was afraid and guess who went to comfort her while MEchelle stood by thinking she was the most gorgeous thing ever.  Mama Jana. 

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