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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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1 hour ago, BigBingerBro said:

Jana's social media content is almost as boring as watching paint dry... She probably spends half of her time doing just that...

Watching paint dry and sketching ducklings!  👍🏼

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5 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

Jana's social media content is almost as boring as watching paint dry... She probably spends half of her time doing just that...

I’m sure that’s true, but it would be nice to check in on Jana without weeding through four pages of this one’s pathetic political career, that one’s flipping business, another apparently now flying a plane, and which ever has an LLC in their name to launder Jim Bob’s money. 🤷‍♀️

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I found this a tad interesting. Its part of Jana's bio.

The best parts of my life don’t make it to social media🤗

I wonder what parts do make it?

I think she's probably not at all social-media inclined. I've always suspected she was a person who just doesn't want to show herself to a million strangers, i.e., a person very unsuited to a life on reality tv.

We've heard reports several times over the years that to some extent Jana is funny and actually talks a fair amount. And Meeeechelle attests to her having been a pretty spirited child (which is why Meeechelle couldn't stand her.) But she's never shown any of that to the tv audience. 

So since she's now required to go on social media to prove that she's not being oppressed by the Gothard lifestyle -- but does not want to express herself to strangers -- she just posts Pinterest-inspired, very expected stuff about decorating, dresses, gardening and how good the Lord is at the required rate. 

MY guess is that she doesn't ever post spontaneous photos of something that's actually happening in the moment or something she really enjoys, for example. She posts what's expected, based on Christian Pinterest. 

That's not to say that anybody would find her real life, thoughts and feelings any more interesting than the curated copycat stuff she posts. But her real life would probably have some feeling of spur-of-the-moment spontaneity to it, which her social media posts -- just like her talking heads on the show -- don't have at all.

Plus, she probably found the line "The best parts of my life don't make it to social media" on Pinterest and copied it because it sounded like something young Christian women who want to be influencers post on social media to be intriguing.

And it worked -- Unlike those post-ending questions that Jer and Jingle intend to create the elusive reader engagement but that in fact leave readers entirely unmoved and uninterested, Jana's copycat quote actually raised a real question in @GeeGolly 's mind!

Jana found a quote that actually fosters reader engagement even though, unlike Jessa, Jingle and Jer, she doesn't even want reader engagement. But that goes along with something else I've always suspected -- that Jana's one of the smarter Duggars. INot the same as being one of the smarter Einsteins. But still....) 

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

I thought maybe Jana's bio line was so folks think her life is more interesting than it actually is.

Well, that's what I'm saying in a way. That's certainly how the quote works. and why it's intriguing and prompts a question. It points to a mystery behind what we actually see. .... That's why it's a popular kind of aphorism to utter on social media. She's definitely using the line because it has intrigue value -- pointing to something exciting behind the scenes. 

The difference is, I'm not sure Jana finds her own life uninteresting and is using the line to pretentiously lie to us about that to make herself look better and more important and thrilling, which is what you're saying. 

I think that, because social media is her job in the family now, it's perfectly possible that she's using the line just because she knows it's the kind of thing people post on social media to be intriguing and that it works for this (and her job now requires that).......

But I also think it's possible and maybe even likely that everything she posts on social media is just copycat stuff designed to demonstrate  to her employers that she's posting the right stuff on social media -- because it certainly comes off to me as studiously imitated typical stuff to me ,.....and that the same goes for this line...

I wonder whether, personally -- and unlike Jessa, Jinger and Jer -- she's simply doing her social media job as well as she can do it, based on studying examples online that are relevant to her.....But that, unlike those others, she's not actually interested in presenting any image of herself -- either truthful or beautifully enhanced --  at all. 

In other words, I think it's quite possible she uses that line only because she understands its literary effect -- and that's an effect that social media requires -- but that she's not using it to express anything about herself or hint anything about herself to impress us or for any other reason. That what she does on social media is create a sort of fictional character of the right sort.....but that she distances herself from that character. 

Now, it's also perfectly possible that I'm completely misreading her. But over the years, rightly or wrongly, I've gotten the impression that she really doesn't like their spotlight one bit and isn't interested in showing herself in it. 


1 hour ago, Future Cat Lady said:

Personally, I think Jana is on social media because it’s the new way to make money for them. And like a lot of people, what they post is not necessarily real.

Oh, I completely agree. 

But I do think that part of the plan to get money involves giving the family as a whole a more palatable image to the public.

And since one thing that most of the buying public doesn't like is the idea that single women aren't allowed the freedoms that the married women have -- such as permission to post on social media......

So part of the cleanup of the image (which they've absolutely undertaken for monetary gain) involves getting Jana onto social media and having her post a fair amount so the family appears to be giving her the same rights as her married sisters. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I found this a tad interesting. Its part of Jana's bio.

The best parts of my life don’t make it to social media🤗

I wonder what parts do make it?

That's a very polite "Mind your fucking business."


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2 minutes ago, lascuba said:

That's a very polite "Mind your fucking business."


I'm guessing you're right. She knows non-fans think she lives a boring life, because they tell her. lol 

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3 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

it seem Josh was groomed from an early age to have photo ops and whatever with JB in the statehouse or whatever to be a politician. but he failed in so many ways that are public knowledge he would never be electable

JED! was the next chosen because why? JD and Joe are certainly not suited to be politicians. Josiah is out, Sinner twin is out and so then it gets to JED!. there is not one in the younger boys who could be an aspiring politician.

so JB picked JED. let him fake move from home and then really nothing

Yes, I agree. I don't think any real thought was put into who was interested or would be good at it--not sure any of them fit that bill--but rather than just dropping it, JB went for a) has pulse and b) is available. 

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8 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think she's probably not at all social-media inclined. I've always suspected she was a person who just doesn't want to show herself to a million strangers, i.e., a person very unsuited to a life on reality tv.

We've heard reports several times over the years that to some extent Jana is funny and actually talks a fair amount. And Meeeechelle attests to her having been a pretty spirited child (which is why Meeechelle couldn't stand her.) But she's never shown any of that to the tv audience. 

So since she's now required to go on social media to prove that she's not being oppressed by the Gothard lifestyle -- but does not want to express herself to strangers -- she just posts Pinterest-inspired, very expected stuff about decorating, dresses, gardening and how good the Lord is at the required rate. 

MY guess is that she doesn't ever post spontaneous photos of something that's actually happening in the moment or something she really enjoys, for example. She posts what's expected, based on Christian Pinterest. 

That's not to say that anybody would find her real life, thoughts and feelings any more interesting than the curated copycat stuff she posts. But her real life would probably have some feeling of spur-of-the-moment spontaneity to it, which her social media posts -- just like her talking heads on the show -- don't have at all.

Plus, she probably found the line "The best parts of my life don't make it to social media" on Pinterest and copied it because it sounded like something young Christian women who want to be influencers post on social media to be intriguing.

And it worked -- Unlike those post-ending questions that Jer and Jingle intend to create the elusive reader engagement but that in fact leave readers entirely unmoved and uninterested, Jana's copycat quote actually raised a real question in @GeeGolly 's mind!

Jana found a quote that actually fosters reader engagement even though, unlike Jessa, Jingle and Jer, she doesn't even want reader engagement. But that goes along with something else I've always suspected -- that Jana's one of the smarter Duggars. INot the same as being one of the smarter Einsteins. But still....) 

Jana is the one I most want to write a tell-all. As the second oldest, she’s seen it all. Was Michelle a good mother before the laundry room breakdown?  Did she know her mother didn’t like her?  How do the siblings really feel about Josh?  How was she the only one to dodge Josh’s molestation and does she feel undeserved guilt because of it?

Did Jill and Jana resent practically raising the entire family?  Did blanket training end when Michelle gave up raising the kids? Did the girls resent the laziness and slovenly hygiene of their brothers?

Is she unmarried because she rejected unsuitable men, because she’s asexual, possibly gay, or because she didn’t want to leave home due to Stockholm Syndrome, fear of leaving the kids in her parents’ care, or simple contentment in her sisterwife role?

Do you want kids or are you sick of raising babies?  How do you feel as the family unpaid nanny?  Are you tired of babies being shoved in your arms as your married sisters sashay off and have real adult moments?  

How do you feel about Jim Bob cutting Jill out of your lives?  What’s the real scoop on the Bates family?  How do you feel when Lawson baits fans with a relationship between the two of you?   How do you feel when people speculate on your sexuality?


And that’s just the beginning. 

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9 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

Jana is the one I most want to write a tell-all. As the second oldest, she’s seen it all. Was Michelle a good mother before the laundry room breakdown?  Did she know her mother didn’t like her?  How do the siblings really feel about Josh?  How was she the only one to dodge Josh’s molestation and does she feel undeserved guilt because of it?

Did Jill and Jana resent practically raising the entire family?  Did blanket training end when Michelle gave up raising the kids? Did the girls resent the laziness and slovenly hygiene of their brothers?

Is she unmarried because she rejected unsuitable men, because she’s asexual, possibly gay, or because she didn’t want to leave home due to Stockholm Syndrome, fear of leaving the kids in her parents’ care, or simple contentment in her sisterwife role?

Do you want kids or are you sick of raising babies?  How do you feel as the family unpaid nanny?  Are you tired of babies being shoved in your arms as your married sisters sashay off and have real adult moments?  

How do you feel about Jim Bob cutting Jill out of your lives?  What’s the real scoop on the Bates family?  How do you feel when Lawson baits fans with a relationship between the two of you?   How do you feel when people speculate on your sexuality?


And that’s just the beginning. 

A few of these questions have been answered by Jana, her parents and siblings.

Michelle has told the stories of Jana being the kicker in the womb, how Jana needed to be trained when younger not to talk so much and that Jana needed weight watchers. As well as the infamous jewelry box story. So I'm guessing she knows she's not the favorite.

It's assumed Jana blanket trained the younger kids as Joy said were afraid to get in trouble with her. Jana once said (in tears) she's had a hard time forgiving someone. Many assume she meant Josh.

I don't know about the Bates family, but Jana and Michaela were 'close' until Michaela married.

Jana has asked posters to stop asking whether she and Laura are dating and that she's interested in men.

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2 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

A few of these questions have been answered by Jana, her parents and siblings.

Michelle has told the stories of Jana being the kicker in the womb, how Jana needed to be trained when younger not to talk so much and that Jana needed weight watchers. As well as the infamous jewelry box story. So I'm guessing she knows she's not the favorite.

It's assumed Jana blanket trained the younger kids as Joy said were afraid to get in trouble with her. Jana once said (in tears) she's had a hard time forgiving someone. Many assume she meant Josh.

I don't know about the Bates family, but Jana and Michaela were 'close' until Michaela married.

Jana has asked posters to stop asking whether she and Laura are dating and that she's interested in men.

But I want the unvarnished truth. And does she still resent Jessa for the treasured item she had to give her?

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2 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

But I want the unvarnished truth. And does she still resent Jessa for the treasured item she had to give her?

As of maybe three or four years ago, Jana cried when the story was brought up. There's some kind of feelings still there.


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Oh if I was Jana, I'd still resent the hell out of Jessa for that. I am still mad at a cousin I met one time for something that happened 25 years ago. (Bitch threw an apple at me without provocation.) 

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1 hour ago, Zella said:

Oh if I was Jana, I'd still resent the hell out of Jessa for that. I am still mad at a cousin I met one time for something that happened 25 years ago. (Bitch threw an apple at me without provocation.) 

An aunt slapped me across the face when I was around six, and I’ve wanted to confront her ever since. Bitch! 

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

A few of these questions have been answered by Jana, her parents and siblings.

Michelle has told the stories of Jana being the kicker in the womb, how Jana needed to be trained when younger not to talk so much and that Jana needed weight watchers. As well as the infamous jewelry box story. So I'm guessing she knows she's not the favorite.

It's assumed Jana blanket trained the younger kids as Joy said were afraid to get in trouble with her. Jana once said (in tears) she's had a hard time forgiving someone. Many assume she meant Josh.

I don't know about the Bates family, but Jana and Michaela were 'close' until Michaela married.

Jana has asked posters to stop asking whether she and Laura are dating and that she's interested in men.

She's also close to Priscilla Waller. I've always thought it said something that Jana was close to two of the biggest true believers. She clearly hates the spotlight, but she also clearly believes all the bullshit her parents peddle, and is happy--or content, at least--to be their house manager and enforcer. 


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Jed is running for office. However, until that run is shown on the show itself, discussion of it is out of bounds due to our Politics Policy. Discussion of his opponent, President Trump or any other politics, for purpose of comparison or anything else, is ALSO out of bounds. Further violations of this will receive warnings. 

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13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Why did they make Jana go to Weight Watchers? I don't recall any of the daughters being anywhere close to overweight. 

JimBob was shown going on a diet and going to WW.  Jana was supposed to drop weight, too, but I think she was his accountability partner.

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Jana was already a Lifetime Member when Boob went to WW. She went when she was 16 or 17, probably as MECHELLE'S accountability partner. Michelle also accompanied Boob to his WW meeting. And I'm sure it was his ONLY meeting.

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9 hours ago, latetotheparty said:

The only question I want Jana to answer is what the fuck are you doing still living at home?

Taking care of the younger kids probably, it's not like Lolli all the sudden got the parenting bug. 

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20 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jana was already a Lifetime Member when Boob went to WW. She went when she was 16 or 17, probably as MECHELLE'S accountability partner. Michelle also accompanied Boob to his WW meeting. And I'm sure it was his ONLY meeting.

why/how/what for? Jana has never appeared to be in need of healthy weight maintenance &  personal fitness education / lifestyle changes.

Edited by sATL
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9 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jana apparently lost 15 lbs. she never really needed to lose. But yes, during the episode it was mentioned that she's a lifetime member. As is Mechelle.

Didn’t mechelle say she had an eating disorder when she was a teen? What’s she doing at weight watchers? 

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On 6/18/2020 at 6:37 PM, JoanArc said:

I'm over Jana.

50% chance this season ends with a courtship. It's all they have left...

Higher than that. At least 75-85% chance that there is a new courtship. They were teasing a new courtship in the official blurb for the show Probably not for Jana, but you never know.

FJ has been reviewing a list of candidates.  The most likely one is 21 year old Katey Nakatsu, who lives in Arizona. I posted about her before, but it's the most likely reason Jim Boob and the -Iah twins met up Jinger in Arizona of all places.  

Other less likely candidates include Madison Nicole, the ever popular Lauren Caldwell, and Justin and the girl he was photographed with. It's been two years since the last courtship so they're overdue. 


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1 hour ago, FizzyPuff said:

Didn’t mechelle say she had an eating disorder when she was a teen? What’s she doing at weight watchers? 

Yes, and JB "held her accountable and prayed on it with her".

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30 minutes ago, Temperance said:

FJ has been reviewing a list of candidates.  The most likely one is 21 year old Katey Nakatsu, who lives in Arizona. I posted about her before, but it's the most likely reason Jim Boob and the -Iah twins met up Jinger in Arizona of all places.  

AZ - another link to the human trafficking scandal appears.



Yes, and JB "held her accountable and prayed on it with her".



The couple went on a sweets-fast together and Michelle would call Jim Bob whenever she felt the urge to make herself throw up.

Well, that'd do it for me.

When he didn't pick up I guess she just looked in the mirror.

Edited by JoanArc
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3 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

AZ - another link to the human trafficking scandal appears.

Except the only time we know they were there was last month. Didn't the human trafficking scam happen earlier?

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1 minute ago, Temperance said:

Except the only time we know they were there was last month. Didn't the human trafficking scam happen earlier?

Their main planes can't be tracked any longer. They may well have been there quite often.

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Just now, Sew Sumi said:

Their main planes can't be tracked any longer. They may well have been there quite often.

My thoughts exactly.

Someday, whenever the homeland stuff breaks*, it will be interesting to see how good sleuths we are. Sin in the camp was hiding in broad daylight.


*The day before Counting On returns, please.

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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

Higher than that. At least 75-85% chance that there is a new courtship. They were teasing a new courtship in the official blurb for the show Probably not for Jana, but you never know.

FJ has been reviewing a list of candidates.  The most likely one is 21 year old Katey Nakatsu, who lives in Arizona. I posted about her before, but it's the most likely reason Jim Boob and the -Iah twins met up Jinger in Arizona of all places.  

Other less likely candidates include Madison Nicole, the ever popular Lauren Caldwell, and Justin and the girl he was photographed with. It's been two years since the last courtship so they're overdue. 


One of the boys was courting one of the daughters of the Hogan family in Springfield, IL area. That was probably close to a year ago now I think, so I wonder if that went the way of the Josiah/Margerie courtship since nothing has been indicated on the show about it. 

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44 minutes ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

One of the boys was courting one of the daughters of the Hogan family in Springfield, IL area. That was probably close to a year ago now I think, so I wonder if that went the way of the Josiah/Margerie courtship since nothing has been indicated on the show about it. 

Wha? Spill the tea.

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30 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Wha? Spill the tea.

Years ago during the 19 Kids and Counting days, the Duggars had an episode where they visited some "sweet friends" in Illinois. The Hogan family follow the same Gothard guidelines: large family, courtships only, girls wear skirts, homeschooling, etc. The patriarch even works for ATI or IBLP.  I have connections in Springfield and some of the Duggar clan attended the church the Hogans attend, which I don't feel comfortable disclosing. One of the Duggar boys was there to court one of the Hogan daughters. I can't recall right now the first names of the couple, but it would certainly make sense for there to be a marriage between a Duggar and a Hogan. I have met some of the daughters, and I personally think they're pretty girls but rather too quiet and boring, but I'm a heathen who's experienced more to life than they have. 

ETA: I believe Mr. Hogan's name is Chris.

Edited by MaryAnneSpier
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1 hour ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

Years ago during the 19 Kids and Counting days, the Duggars had an episode where they visited some "sweet friends" in Illinois. The Hogan family follow the same Gothard guidelines: large family, courtships only, girls wear skirts, homeschooling, etc. The patriarch even works for ATI or IBLP.  I have connections in Springfield and some of the Duggar clan attended the church the Hogans attend, which I don't feel comfortable disclosing. One of the Duggar boys was there to court one of the Hogan daughters. I can't recall right now the first names of the couple, but it would certainly make sense for there to be a marriage between a Duggar and a Hogan. I have met some of the daughters, and I personally think they're pretty girls but rather too quiet and boring, but I'm a heathen who's experienced more to life than they have. 

We've seen pictures of the Duggars with the Hogans in the Counting On era too. I remember a few years ago there was speculation a Hogan girl and a Duggar boy were courting, but nothing came of it. 

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