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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Jill's favorite past-time is spending time with Derick. Sorry, but spending time with Derick is her obsession. She freaks out if she is not with him 24/7. Jessa's favorite family trip is her honeymoon. Really...Seriously...

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Their hopes and dreams will remain just that - hopes and dreams!   These poor girls can't see the writing on the wall yet.  Without an education (a real one!), contact with the outside world, and with some autonomy they will never even get close to to their dreams (such as doctor's assistant, vet's assistant, art teacher).

Plus - Poor Jana!  No view of her future.  So sad!!

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How said is this: http://www.duggarfamily.com/family-scrapbook-the-girls


Jana's future plans.....................just a blank space. Jill, jessa and Jinger have some BS 'outreach' mentioned, but at least it isn't blank. Poor lost girls, so sad that they want to be doctors, vets, artists, etc., but will never get to have the education or encouragement to do so.

One of their earlier episodes, that was narrated had these insets on screen sharing the same kind of facts. I know kids hopes & dreams of their futures change as they get older, but it's kind of sad how the Duggars dreams all change to fit within family and not because they have found something that they're good at and enjoy. JB & M erase the kids individuality at every tick of the clock..

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I need to go back and look again. It frustrates me and I totally skipped over 'overseer.' I have some Pentecostal/charismatic relatives, and they call their district and state leaders (more administrative than actually preaching) Overseer. Apparently that's the equivalent to state Cardinal, State Deacon, Stake Director, etc. if you had to compare it to other denominations.

It was always a big deal and bragging rights to them if the Stafe Overseer came to your house for Sunday dinner after he did his rounds and visited your church. Maybe they're talking about something like that, but in 2016, it's odd phrasing. Sounds like the guy on the plantation who is in charge of the slaves.

I didn't even look at the boys section.

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That's terrible. I don't get that channel now either, but I don't care what your religious or cultural persuasion, that kid needs yanked up until HE cries. I'm not for blanket training or using rod willy nilly, but that is so out of line. Another example that JimBob and Micehlle have totally checked out and have no idea what their younger kids are doing.


I actually would bet that it's worse than that on Jim Bob and Michelle's part. Strange as it is to think this, I actually doubt that that's the kind of thing they would have gone very far to squelch even with the older kids. Rudeness and meanness don't bother either of them a bit (unless it's rudeness and meanness toward them, probably). Look at the disgusting way Jim Bob has behaved in numerous other countries -- bragging to a mother who told about her dead children that he had 19 or however many it was. And the ways he's behaved on home soil, too. I gather they made no objections when everybody was openly rude in the Ethiopian restaurant in DC. And JB himself pretended to kidnap the Bates' kids. (I haven't actually seen any of this, but I've heard tell, so I hope I'm not getting it far wrong.) In any case, being polite and kind to others really isn't a value they hold in the least, as far as I can see. I don't know that they would even have noticed a kid putting on an act like that. And if they had noticed it, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they had thought it was funny.

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How said is this: http://www.duggarfamily.com/family-scrapbook-the-girls


Jana's future plans.....................just a blank space. Jill, jessa and Jinger have some BS 'outreach' mentioned, but at least it isn't blank. Poor lost girls, so sad that they want to be doctors, vets, artists, etc., but will never get to have the education or encouragement to do so.

'Favorite Quote: “Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me; and sever every tie, but the tie that binds me to Thy service and Thy heart.” - David Livingstone'


Hmm. Freudian cry from Jana, since this could easily be construed as: Get me out of here!??


Interesting that she has no future plans, but her favorite quote says she'd be very happy to go anywhere at all -- losing every current tie -- to just be on her own with God to work. I'm sure she thinks she's just quoting something about serving God, but there are quotes that say that without essentially asking God to sever all your current ties and send you to the ends of the earth.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Joshua Duggar

Birthdate: March 3, 1988

Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9

Favorite Bible Character: Joshua

Favorite Song: How Great Thou Art

Favorite Episode: A Very Duggar Wedding

Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action

Favorite Food: Chili Frito Pie

Favorite Past-Time: Spending time with my wife & kids

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: ?

John-David Duggar

Birthdate: January 12, 1990

Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Favorite Bible Character: Job

Favorite Song: How Great Thou Art

Favorite Episode: Duggar’s Big Thaw

Occupation: Tontitown Firefighter and First Responder, Tontitown Police, Construction

Favorite Food: Italian

Favorite Past-Time: Flying, Playing Piano

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Get married…

Joseph Duggar

Birthdate: January 20, 1995

Favorite Bible Verse: Galatians 6:9

Favorite Bible Character: Paul

Favorite Song: And Can It Be?

Favorite Episode: ?

Occupation: Real Estate Maintenance

Favorite Food: Italian & Mexican

Favorite Past-Time: Working out & Playing Sports

Favorite Family Trip: Colorado Ski Trip

Future Plans: Construction, work with youth

Josiah Duggar

Birthdate: August 28, 1996

Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15

Favorite Bible Character: Josiah

Favorite Song: How Great Thou Art

Favorite Episode: Israel

Occupation: Real Estate Maintenance

Favorite Food: Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti

Favorite Past-Time: Videography with brothers

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Small Business Owner

Jedidiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998

Favorite Bible Verse: Prov. 7:2

Favorite Bible Character: Solomon

Favorite Song: I’d Rather Have Jesus

Favorite Episode: Duggars On a Mission

Occupation: Lawn Care, Real Estate Maintenance

Favorite Food: Steak

Favorite Past-Time: Basketball

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Real Estate Agent

Jeremiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998

Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 6:19

Favorite Bible Character: Jeremiah

Favorite Song: Trust and Obey

Favorite Episode: Bates vs. Duggars Smackdown

Occupation: Lawn Care/Handyman

Favorite Food: Stouffer’s Lasagna

Favorite Past-Time: Football

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Graduate From High School

Jason Duggar

Birthdate: April 21, 2000

Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 6:33

Favorite Bible Character: Joseph

Favorite Song: I’ll Fly Away

Favorite Episode: Dishing with the Duggars

Jurisdictions: Livingroom

Favorite Food: Hot Wings

Favorite Past-Time: Making Videos

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Videographer

James Andrew Duggar

Birthdate: July 7, 2001

Favorite Bible Verse: John 3:16

Favorite Bible Character: James

Favorite Song: Lord, Take My Life

Favorite Episode: Duggars and Bates Reloaded

Jurisdictions: Pantry

Favorite Food: Stuffing

Favorite Past-Time: Visiting Jill & Derick

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Pilot

Justin Duggar

Birthdate: November 15, 2002

Favorite Bible Verse: Heb. 4:12

Favorite Bible Character: David

Favorite Song: Be Thou My Vision

Favorite Episode: Bates vs. Duggars Smackdown

Jurisdiction: Upstairs Trash

Favorite Food: Tator Tot Casserole

Favorite Past-Time: Work on cars

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: Mechanic

Jackson Duggar

Birthdate: May 23, 2004

Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 1

Favorite Bible Character: Enoch

Favorite Song: All Hail The Power of Jesus Name

Favorite Episode: A Duggar in the Rough

Jurisdiction: Downstairs Trash & Kitchen Counter

Favorite Food: Salvadorian Bread & Refried Beans

Favorite Past-Time: Spending time with Siblings

Favorite Family Trip: Japan & China

Future Plans: Translator & Missionary Pilot

Now for the boys!

The boys ambitions are mostly all daddy's jobs. Favorite foods are the Duggar canned soup/food specials and Stouffer's lasagna, which they featured last father's day, along with the paper plates and plastic tablecloth!

Edited by louannems
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Joshua Duggar

Birthdate: March 3, 1988

Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9

Favorite Bible Character: Joshua

Favorite Song: How Great Thou Art

Favorite Episode: A Very Duggar Wedding

Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action

Favorite Food: Chili Frito Pie

Favorite Past-Time: Spending time with my wife & kids

Favorite Family Trip: Israel

Future Plans: ?


That gave me a hearty laugh.

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What the hell is a past-time? I guess no one is literate enough to have editing as a jurisdiction.

Hehehe maybe Josh was meaning 'time in the past' - as his favorite time used to be spending time with wife and kids. His favorite current-time is internet porn and rehab.

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Jackson seems adventurous.

Favorite Food: Salvadorian Bread & Refried Beans

Favorite Past-Time: Spending time with Siblings

Favorite Family Trip: Japan & China

Future Plans: Translator & Missionary Pilot

I hope JimChelle don't break his spirit.

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No one's favourite character in the bible is Jesus? Obvious choice one would think. Although to be fair if the Duggars actually did meet the guy they'd probably hate him; that pinko hippie commie with his outlandish ideas about loving everyone and giving all your monies to the poor and the needy and not bragging about your piety all over the place.

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No one's favourite character in the bible is Jesus? Obvious choice one would think. Although to be fair if the Duggars actually did meet the guy they'd probably hate him; that pinko hippie commie with his outlandish ideas about loving everyone and giving all your monies to the poor and the needy and not bragging about your piety all over the place.

Not to mention: celibacy and childlessness

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I think overseer is Duggarspeak for supervisor.

Koka, I have a mission if you choose to accept it; An old Duggar website had these same types of outlines on the kids likes. I believe Josh's might have said lawyer as occupation and Jill's may have said nurse. Anyway, can you find it? It would be interesting to note the differences between the what they wrote when they were younger and how much it changed now.


But hurry cuz this post will self-destruct in 24 hours. ;)

Edited by GeeGolly
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Not one of the boys likes fresh veggies, salad or real meal their momma made?

Well honestly, most guys will choose things like steak, fried chicken, wings, pizza, lasagna, pie, cake, etc.- big hunk of meat or really decadent and not super healthy food as their favorite. Real meal their momma made? That's hilarious.

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Well honestly, most guys will choose things like steak, fried chicken, wings, pizza, lasagna, pie, cake, etc.- big hunk of meat or really decadent and not super healthy food as their favorite.


Hell, I would not choose any super healthy food as my favourite. I mean, I'll eat it because it's better for me and most of the time I enjoy eating it, but my favourite? Nah.

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Hahahahahaha!!!!!! That was a good one. A meal their mama made! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!

Let's be fair. Michelle does make some fantastic slow cooker instant noodles. And with all that protein in them, they are a great meal for kids.

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Koka, I have a mission if you choose to accept it; An old Duggar website had these same types of outlines on the kids likes. I believe Josh's might have said lawyer as occupation and Jill's may have said nurse. Anyway, can you find it? It would be interesting to note the differences between the what they wrote when they were younger and how much it changed now.


But hurry cuz this post will self-destruct in 24 hours. ;)

This is from Raising 16 Children. It's one of the specials before the series. The 16th is born at the end of the show, so they didn't bother making something up for her.

Jackson Duggar

Birthdate: May 23, 2004

Favorite Pastime: Taking baths

Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing

Future Goal: Big brother

Justin Duggar

Birthdate: November 15, 2002

Favorite Pastime: Cleaning playroom

Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup

Future Goal: Builder

James Duggar

Birthdate: July 7, 2001

Height: 39 inches

Favorite Pastime: Taking baths

Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing

Future Goal: Policeman

Jason Duggar

Birthdate: April 21, 2000

Favorite Pastime: Riding horses

Favorite Food: Vanilla ice cream

Future Goal: Fireman

Jeremiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998/ Jedidiah's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing on playground

Favorite Food: Soft pretzels

Future Goal: Artist

Jedidiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998 / Jeremiah's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing with dog

Favorite Food: Pizza

Future Goal: Dad

Joy-Anna Duggar

Birthdate: October 28, 1997

Favorite Pastime: Riding bikes

Favorite Food: Scrambled eggs

Future Goal: Nurse

Josiah Duggar

Birthdate: August 28, 1996

Favorite Pastime: Swimming

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Missionary

Joseph Duggar

Birthdate: January 20, 1995

Favorite Pastime: Baseball

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Carpenter

Jinger Duggar

Birthdate: December 21, 1993

Favorite Pastime: Riding horses

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Chef

Jessa Duggar

Birthdate: November 4, 1992

Favorite Pastime: Sewing

Favorite Food: Pickles

Future Goal: Beautician

Jill Duggar

Birthdate: May 17, 1991

Favorite Pastime: Reading

Favorite Food: Tacos

Future Goal: Missionary

John-David Duggar

Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ Jana's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing broomball

Favorite Food: Chicken spaghetti

Future Goal: Contractor

Jana Duggar

Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ John-David's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Babysitting

Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup

Future Goal: Midwife

Joshua Duggar

Birthdate: March 3, 1988

Favorite Pastime: Video production

Favorite Food: Enchiladas

Future Goal: Attorney

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This. Most kids, especially boys, will have the fakest, goofiest, 'school picture' smile on command. However, that kid is the puniest 14 year old I've seen. He's not just short/small stature, he looks 8. 


Wow, I didn't realize James was 14. Yikes, he really does look to be 8 or 9 tops. Poor kid was "lucky" enough to inherit this from Boob. I do hope he gets the same final-year-of-high-school growth spurt too.

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This is from Raising 16 Children. It's one of the specials before the series. The 16th is born at the end of the show, so they didn't bother making something up for her.

Jackson Duggar

Birthdate: May 23, 2004

Favorite Pastime: Taking baths

Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing

Future Goal: Big brother

Justin Duggar

Birthdate: November 15, 2002

Favorite Pastime: Cleaning playroom

Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup

Future Goal: Builder

James Duggar

Birthdate: July 7, 2001

Height: 39 inches

Favorite Pastime: Taking baths

Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing

Future Goal: Policeman

Jason Duggar

Birthdate: April 21, 2000

Favorite Pastime: Riding horses

Favorite Food: Vanilla ice cream

Future Goal: Fireman

Jeremiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998/ Jedidiah's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing on playground

Favorite Food: Soft pretzels

Future Goal: Artist

Jedidiah Duggar

Birthdate: December 30, 1998 / Jeremiah's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing with dog

Favorite Food: Pizza

Future Goal: Dad

Joy-Anna Duggar

Birthdate: October 28, 1997

Favorite Pastime: Riding bikes

Favorite Food: Scrambled eggs

Future Goal: Nurse

Josiah Duggar

Birthdate: August 28, 1996

Favorite Pastime: Swimming

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Missionary

Joseph Duggar

Birthdate: January 20, 1995

Favorite Pastime: Baseball

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Carpenter

Jinger Duggar

Birthdate: December 21, 1993

Favorite Pastime: Riding horses

Favorite Food: Lasagna

Future Goal: Chef

Jessa Duggar

Birthdate: November 4, 1992

Favorite Pastime: Sewing

Favorite Food: Pickles

Future Goal: Beautician

Jill Duggar

Birthdate: May 17, 1991

Favorite Pastime: Reading

Favorite Food: Tacos

Future Goal: Missionary

John-David Duggar

Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ Jana's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Playing broomball

Favorite Food: Chicken spaghetti

Future Goal: Contractor

Jana Duggar

Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ John-David's Twin

Favorite Pastime: Babysitting

Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup

Future Goal: Midwife

Joshua Duggar

Birthdate: March 3, 1988

Favorite Pastime: Video production

Favorite Food: Enchiladas

Future Goal: Attorney

 Mission Impossible a success! Thank-you Koka!


And look at the differences in occupation. Well, not goody-two-shoes Jilly Muffin.

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How random that James' height is included and no one else's is?

I cut and pasted it from elsewhere, I didn't notice it didn't include it


16.5 months old



2 & 3/4 years old



4 years old



5 & 1/2 years old



6 & 3/4



6 & 3/4



7 & 3/4






10 & 1/2



11 & 3/4


(her pastimes included "explaining to people how to spell her name")


12 & 3/4



14 & 1/2



15 & 1/2



15 & 1/2



17 & 1/2 (the half year age crap is stupid by at least 14)

6' (self reported?)

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Momma Jana gives pedicures. 




This picture makes me sad.It might be a nice picture if we didn't know that Jana was painting her sister's toenails because she literally has nothing else to do. I know we talk about it all the time, but she doesn't go to school, and has no job, no friends, no boyfriend, no hobbies, nothing. She can't go to the movies, watch a television show, surf the internet, or read a book.


This is it. This represents "fun" in her day. 

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It makes me a bit sad that Jessa once wanted to be a beautician, but ended up marrying an unemployed teenager who happens to be among the most glum people around.

If Jessa is good at anything, and passionate about anything, it's hair and makeup. Why they didn't let her go through beauty school - oh wait. How was she supposed to take a year off from being the homefool 'teacher' and go to school? Plus, she's lazy. Hard to fathom her getting all of the hands on/clinical (not sure what they call it) hours standing in her feet, being in contact with heathens who go to beauty schools to get their hair done. Heaven forbid she'd do like the one near me and go to the women's prison and nursing homes to gain experience.

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Jessa's glumness may have developed or become worse as she realized she is trapped. I dunno. I haven't seen much of the original series so maybe she was always destined to be bitter.

I suspect I would love taking baths as a Duggar. They probably don't get them very often, and also it's probably the only time they get any privacy.

I have spent way too much time wondering about the bath schedule. Let's say 15+ people, in an 8-hour day. Subtract mealtimes, prayer closet time, family Bible-beating, cleaning disgusting hair clogs out of drains, etc. Impossible. Clearly, daily cleaning couldn't happen. Other families might bathe the littlest kids in pairs, but due to "modesty," the Duggars probably don't.

So, I think I would cherish bath time, too.

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Is the highchair for Izzy? Are the Dullards back? Maybe it's for Marcus.As usual, boxes of junk line the walls! There sure are lots of electrical outlets on that wall? I think they are baby proofed.

What are you thinking? The highchair isn't for a "kiddo." It's just another play item for Jackson & the Howlers (good name for a band. Lol) & the Lost girls to climb over & eventually break.

As for the bath schedule, I'm sure the kids were piled in the tub all together (jender & age separated, of course) to save on hot water. I thought MEchelle explained the bath schedule on one of the first episodes. Something like the cleanest went first & then down the line. Does anyone remember?

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No, in the usual Duggar logic, the DIRTIEST ones went first. ICK for the cleanest, who had to wait til their grimier sibs used the tub first.


Seriously?????? Yeesh! Kids with diaper butt or who knows what all? Vomit!

I am shocked if any kids were allowed to be naked together.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Jessa's glumness may have developed or become worse as she realized she is trapped. I dunno. I haven't seen much of the original series so maybe she was always destined to be bitter.

I suspect I would love taking baths as a Duggar. They probably don't get them very often, and also it's probably the only time they get any privacy.

I have spent way too much time wondering about the bath schedule. Let's say 15+ people, in an 8-hour day. Subtract mealtimes, prayer closet time, family Bible-beating, cleaning disgusting hair clogs out of drains, etc. Impossible. Clearly, daily cleaning couldn't happen. Other families might bathe the littlest kids in pairs, but due to "modesty," the Duggars probably don't.

So, I think I would cherish bath time, too.

Jessa has been sort of ornery and blunt since the early specials. She gets on my last nerve now, but knowing what we know now, no wonder she was on the mean side. She definitely came off as a bully, and I'm rennet one of them saying she shoved the boys, and something like 'don't Mess with Jess' - but seriously, factoring in the Josh situation and her parents handling it by making the girls wear 10000 layers and hollering NIKE - no wonder she was on offense and defense at the same time.

Bathing - I'm thinking in an early special Michelle said they had a schedule and no one bathed every day. Normally, I wouldn't think it is that big of a deal for babies and small children, unless they're playing in dirt, to have a bath every other day or so as long as the vital areas (face, diaper area, hands, feet, armpits) are cleaned and the home is clean. With the Duggars - geez. When 10 year old girls are takes to play mommy to multiple children - no way they could all be clean. Even 10 year old girls have to be reminded to wash their hands, don't think about sanitizing floors or toys, etc, and shouldn't be responsible for making sure toddlers are clean. There's a reason God didn't design children to be parents. Little girls should be playing and learning, not forced to be mothers.

I don't know if they ever addressed bathing kids together. Especially in that tiny house, there's no way 16 people could use one bathroom without a lot off scheduling. I do know Those wisdom books had some strange advice about showers only taking so long, only letting one person in the bathroom, never closing the door all they way, accountability, etc. very sad that normal households even thought there was a reason to consider that kids can't pee with out something nefarious going on.

My husband is one of 5 (plus they had a couple of cousins who lived with them for a few years), and he said it was common through this whole life at home - and they were brought up upper middle blue collar (fairly comfortable income wise, but a lot of heavy highway and industrial construction workers), for one boy to be in the shower while another was brushing teeth and a third was pooping. When they were little, he said they loved to have two or three boys in the tub together so hey could play with boats, etc. He so says he had no idea what the girls did, but nothing inappropriate ever happened to any of them, unless you consider the stench of poop to waft up whilst you were trapped in the shower, and then a cold blast of water when the pooper flushed. On purpose.

Tying back to the Duggars - if you can't dump a few kids in the tub at once, no way they're all going to get a bath more than once or twice a week. Say 10 min per shower for 21 people - that's 3.5 hours PER DAY of water running and time in and out. Insanity.

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Brings me back all those years ago when I was a kid. In the winter, we did not bathe every day.  No one we knew did.  When I got older and "became a woman" as they say, I did bathe every day and there was no end of teasing from the brothers.  My parents did shower every day.  But my mother got her hair done at the beauty parlor once a week and that was the only time her hair was washed.  I took a bath with my middle brother until one day I felt like I was too old and no one said anything about it.  My youngest brother was way too young, being almost 9 years younger than me.  I used to supervise his baths until he was old enough to go it alone.  Also, no one sanitized anything.  And we weren't sick any more than any other kids.  There was no antibacterial soap.  there were no signs in the restrooms reminding us to wash our hands.  Can't remember if we did it as often as we should.  I think society is so hung up nowadays on germs.  I'm not advocating filth but we surely don't need a steady diet of Purel.  YMMV.  

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Well, according to what Koka posted, her fave pastime was babysitting.


When it's your only pastime, it's pretty much your favorite by default, I suppose.

My question exactly. And what IS it about these people being so proud of NOT working, even as adults?


I guess it shows that they're resolutely set apart from the evil, heathen world?

Edited by Churchhoney
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They did mention a bathing schedule, including so many did it at night and so many did it in the morning. Back in the day we bathed cleanest to dirtiest which usually meant oldest to youngest. 


I bathed my babies in the kitchen sink a lot. I could get a lot done while they played and then were washed when they were in the sink.


The Duggs probably wouldn't approve - too central a place and too many chances for opposite sex siblings to see.

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Eww, does that mean they were sharing bathwater?

Yup. And as gross as it sounds now, that is the way my mom did it too. Usually 2 kids per bath water but on some days 1 - 4, in the same bath water one after they other. Yup, eww.

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Yup. And as gross as it sounds now, that is the way my mom did it too. Usually 2 kids per bath water but on some days 1 - 4, in the same bath water one after they other. Yup, eww.


Ah, at last something I like better about my family's methods. No shared bathwater. Baths were once a week except in extraordinary circumstances, bath water was an inch deep at its deepest point, the other six days you washed comprehensively at the sink, and bathroom doors weren't closed. So cleaning up was always freezing except in summer heat waves. But -- no soaking in other peoples' crud!  I like that. I'll accept a little cold for that tradeoff.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Yup. And as gross as it sounds now, that is the way my mom did it too. Usually 2 kids per bath water but on some days 1 - 4, in the same bath water one after they other. Yup, eww.

I bathed with my little brother till I was about four,I think, and I always bathed my two boys together in tub until the younger one started getting grabby and then it stopped. .haha

I think my older one was around four or five then. Obviously not a shared bath if anyone was dripping in poo..just thought I should clarify!

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Jackson and James were 16 months old and 4 years old respectively in that list. I wouldn't think they'd be sharing baths or bath water, the Duggars are not ecofriendly, but they are the Duggars, so we can't really rely on logic.

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