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S19.E08: Live Eviction #2; Head of Household #3

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Cody sounded like a whiny little bitch when he was talking to Julie.  His arrogant entitled better than everyone else attitude sucked from day one when he entered the Big Brother House, and got worse when he became HOH.  Then he got all butt hurt when things turned against him, and he started to act like a petulant child.  America voted for Paul, that is something that he should have dealt with instead of whining about how he got screwed via the Temptation vote.  He should have adjusted his game at that point.


Life must be tough for Cody if he can't handle getting his way all the time. The BB house is never going to be like a military command. Plus, I should think good warriors have to be flexible enough to respond to things they didn't plan for; just being an alpha isn't enough. (And being an alpha doesn't mean you disdain and run roughshod over the people you need to support you.)

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Cody did exactly what I fervently hoped he would do during his interview with Julie: he called Bullshit on the whole "Pendant of Protection" thing and said it was a cheat. Absolutely, positively right. 

Cody may be the kind of person I'd never want to know in real life,  yet he is still preferable to almost anyone else in that house. He's the only one who seems to see through production's crappy propping of Paul and the other HGs following Paul around like a bunch of star-struck groupies. He refuses to play along and tells it like it is. I don't want to be friends with the guy or hang out with him - he's still an arrogant ass, but by gum he sure tells it like it is. Anyone who calls BS on this stupid show and its stupid shenanigans to prop their favorites is OK in my book.


As much as I dislike him, Paul is playing well, seeing what's going on and working to maintain his position.

It's easy to "play well" when you are guaranteed safe for three weeks. Not to mention when you are the sole "returning fan favorite" and all the newbies want to hang out with you so they get guaranteed camera time. Why not go along with Paul's plans? He's not going anywhere. 


Who thinks this Josh crap is entertaining? Why don't they screen out anyone who should be in a straitjacket?

He really is a giant child. His tantrum was just embarrassing to watch and he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounds. 

Edited by iMonrey
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The producers didn't "cheat," it's their show & they can do whatever they want. 

Well, all those shady game shows in the 1950s couldn't do whatever they wanted. That said, given the 24-7 nature of this show, I think we understand by now that even "innocent" interference might affect the outcome. But it doesn't mean we like it. And the interference may not be too innocent. I'm sure everyone signs a waiver not to sue the producers for this stuff, esp after the Survivor lawsuit from its first season.

I just realized why I think Kevin voted for Ramses. As dumb as he pretends to be about this game, I think it's a bit phony, and that vote is going to get blamed on someone else by Boss Paul and Kevin's gonna love the mischief.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, this season or last, but the way Paul bobs his head around when he talks (usually in the DR or reading comp instructions) really bugs the crap outta me, for some reason.  Maybe it'll pop off and roll across the floor...

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Mumbles, you're right that officially-designated 'game shows' have to follow certain rules set down after the game show fixing scandals of the 1950s. I don't know for sure, but I don't think shows like BB and Survivor are classified as 'game shows' by the FCC, and so their leeway to mess with the rules is a lot wider.

It's an interesting question: Is BB recognized as a 'game show' by the authorities who regulate this stuff? 

ETA: Also, you're right about Kevin -- he's quietly, sneakily throwing all sorts of fake leads out there while playing the amiable, slightly befuddled old guy. Usually, the designated 'old person' gets voted out immediately, but I hope he goes far!

Edited by Gummo
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I wondered why they would keep Xmas in the hospital for what I'd assumed would have been an outpatient surgery. 

 I was once in the hospital for 3 days and there was a nonstop Top Model marathon on, which I naturally did not turn off for the duration of my stay. The nurses would come in and sit and watch every chance they got. It seemed every shift had a top model fan who was happy to have a place to chill between calls. I wonder if there are any BB fans at the hospital chatting up Christmas.

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6 minutes ago, butterbody said:

I wondered why they would keep Xmas in the hospital for what I'd assumed would have been an outpatient surgery. 

 I was once in the hospital for 3 days and there was a nonstop Top Model marathon on, which I naturally did not turn off for the duration of my stay. The nurses would come in and sit and watch every chance they got. It seemed every shift had a top model fan who was happy to have a place to chill between calls. I wonder if there are any BB fans at the hospital chatting up Christmas.

I hadn't thought about this.  In order to stay in the game, would she have to agree to have a 'chaperone' to make sure nobody spills privileged game information?  That could be the most powerful advantage yet. 

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Cody was definitely the most enjoyable he's been all season in the interview. But I still don't like him. The only way I'd like to see him come back in the house is if Jessica's voted out next week. If she's gone, now it changes things.

That houseguest interview scene was so uncomfortable. Laughy, jokey, ha-ha...and then things got weird. I do sort of agree with Paul, what was Dom's endgame with that line of questioning? Now she looks like a pot-stirrer, for no real reason.

I want to squeeze Josh's cheeks until the mush falls out.  I just can't listen to that meatball.

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Cody, to me, will always be the prejudiced guy that decided certain people were outsiders and not worth getting to know, based simply on appearances.  That moment of near self-awareness in his exit interview did nothing to improve my opinion.   How ironic that he views HGs aligning with him as "loyal" but those same HG's aligning with Paul as "groupies".  I didn't fall for whatever glitch made him appear human for a second...he's already shown way too much of who he is.  I hope he loses the battle back. 

That said, I took his "cheat" comment as saying "a cheat" - like my sons used the term when playing video games.  I didn't feel he was accusing Paul or Production of being actual cheaters, but that they used a non-standard advantage to direct game play.  If Cody meant that "Paul got an advantage of sketchy origin which sucked, but technically all's fair in BB", I agree with him. 

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Cody can take his whining about "cheating" and stick it where the sun don't shine. If the Temptation had worked in his favour or been won by one of his allies,  I guarantee you there wouldn't have been a single mention of cheating. Does that mean that every other person who wins a Temptation this season is also cheating? How about getting voted out of the game then being given a chance to come back? Is that also cheating? Somehow I suspect Cody won't have an issue with that.

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I don't think that BB is classified as a game show so CBS may not be obligated to make sure BB is fair. We have seen unfair "twists" season after season, and the motto of the show is "expect the unexpected." The thing that bugs me is that I'm still watching in spite of these twists, not because of them, and CBS doesn't get that. But if Paul wins this season, I will be reevaluating whether to continue watching.

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Probably not a surprise to anyone here, but I think it was total and complete bullshit that Christmas was allowed to vote from her hospital bed.  If she was medically unable to return to the house to actually actively participate in Big Brother, then she should be out.    O-U-T, out. 

And I like Christmas. 

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16 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I liked the talk show and Kevin reminds me of Colin Quinn from "Remote Control" days (yeah I'm that old.)

I never missed it.  I'm not even in the age group that was MTV's target market but I LOVED it.  

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1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

Cody can take his whining about "cheating" and stick it where the sun don't shine. If the Temptation had worked in his favour or been won by one of his allies,  I guarantee you there wouldn't have been a single mention of cheating. Does that mean that every other person who wins a Temptation this season is also cheating? How about getting voted out of the game then being given a chance to come back? Is that also cheating? Somehow I suspect Cody won't have an issue with that.

I'm kinda split on Cody. Part of me thinks that he didn't know that much about Big Brother before he got in the house, and he thought that he could come in, play a straight forward game, and a win. We know it doesn't work like that. And other times, I thought that he thought he was a little above all the cattiness and backstabbing that comes with the game. (And that isn't a spoiler, just an observation from Cody's interview and DR sessions and whatnot.)

I also think there would have been a big difference between Week 2 Cody and Week 5 Cody. Julie said during the interview that he did absolutely no campaigning or anything until the night before the live show, and then he tries to blow up people's games. Classic on the block strategy but people don't usually wait until the last night of a pretty solid vote to start doing that. I don't think he had a shot in hell of staying regardless but you'd think that he would try. I think that's when he started fully understanding the game and started playing by someone else's rules, not his own.

So yeah. I think Cody would have turned his nose up at a Temptation in the beginning (which would be hilarious) but if it were Week 5 and Cody was still in there? He'd be grabbing that Temptation with both hands and shooting a happy "Thank you, America!" at the cameras. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm fairly positive that she'll still need her crutches and won't be able to play any endurance comps.

Julie even said that if Christmas is the be entered in any comps she'd need to be cleared medically before doing so. Obviously she wouldn't be on the wall... (yay another TBC comp!! Love it! *eyeroll*)

I always find it interesting that sociopaths can give off stalker/serial killer vibes one say and then have a pleasant convo with, say, Julie the next and appear almost human.

The funny thing is that I think Cody DID think he was "above" the shenanigans of the house such as mostly blowing off the 'Who wants to see my HoH room!' convention for example. But something happened when he put that v-toed costume on. He started to buy in to the game and wanted to be there for more wacky hyjinx with his "girl". We'll see what he's like when he comes back.

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It's an interesting question: Is BB recognized as a 'game show' by the authorities who regulate this stuff? 

No. It's considered an "entertainment" show so it is not governed by the same rules game shows are. 

That said, anyone with half a brain can see that the show is propping and protecting Paul right out of the gate. It doesn't really matter whether we label that a trick or a cheat or a twist or whatever you want to call it. It's blatant favoritism. It's perfectly appropriate to say favoritism has always played a part in this show but it's so bald-faced and unmitigated in this case there's no reason to pretend it doesn't exist, and the whole "temptation" gimmick is absurd and almost laughable as an excuse to protect and help Paul. I said from the beginning, they just should have told the other HGs he's safe for 3 weeks, period, instead of pretending anyone else ever had a chance of getting that.

On a completely unrelated note, how disgusting was that cake? What the hell was wrong with it? It looked like a misshapen blob with way too much frosting melted all over it.

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I have more than half a brain, thanks, and I don't see any producer-related shenanigans that haven't already been going on season after season after season.  It's nothing new. And, no, the entire Temptation thing isn't just about protecting Paul. Each houseguest is only allowed to win a Temptation ONCE so Paul's not going to be getting any more special powers. If they were really rigging the season for Paul, they wouldn't have made that rule.

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7 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Three weeks in this game is a long time and giving a player guaranteed safety for it is an unprecedented benefit in the history of this game.


Just because it works out pretty closely to Production protection for 1/4 of the Game?

Whyever would you say such a thing?  :>

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18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

ROFL at Julie asking if Cody has a social game. That made me laugh really hard. The shade, Julie, the shade. Also, "Remember Cameron?" made me laugh. 

And Cody's response. "vaguely..." lol.

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2 hours ago, Pazlovejoy said:

I don't think that BB is classified as a game show so CBS may not be obligated to make sure BB is fair.

This was discussed thoroughly in a prior season (not sure if it was the last one). Yes, there are rules the producers have to follow to try to make the show "fair", but I'm sure their lawyers know where to find the wiggle room. I suspect officially pushing the choice of who gets the next "temptation" onto viewers is one such loophole.

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I don't see what was so controversial about Dom's "organic groups" comment.  Until Paul freaked out over it, I thought she was talking more about showmances than alliances, but even so... acknowledging that there are alliances (while not identifying them) seems so harmless.  I feel sure I must've missed something (maybe due to my "half a brain"! lol)

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

On a completely unrelated note, how disgusting was that cake? What the hell was wrong with it? It looked like a misshapen blob with way too much frosting melted all over it.

For one they said it was 'gluten free' so it probably tasted like it looked too... but hey especially in the BB House cake is cake... just ask Jessica!

Also the "organic groups" was code for The Pretty People vs The Outsiders. The first rule of being on a "side of the house" is to NOT mention sides of the house, especially if you are calling people out in regard to which side they might be on.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Three weeks in this game is a long time and giving a player guaranteed safety for it is an unprecedented benefit in the history of this game.

It's not unprecedented. In BB13 Daniele, Shelley and Porsche had the golden key which kept them safe until week 4. Also in BB14 the coaches were essentially immune until week 4. It's been done before.

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I don't see any producer-related shenanigans that haven't already been going on season after season after season.  It's nothing new. 

Can you point to another season where just one vet was brought back and then immediately given three week's safety? When they brought back four last season, none were given safety. When they brought back four before that, they were "coaches" at first, so that gave them safety but there was a chance they wouldn't be allowed to play again. When they brought back six (Rachel, Brendon, Jeff, Jordan, Dick, Danielle) they weren't given any kind of safety. I'd say this particular "twist" is a first for a returning vet. Yeah - there's always been a certain amount of shenanigans but this particular twist is definitely a new one. 


 And, no, the entire Temptation thing isn't just about protecting Paul.

The first one sure was. There wasn't any real chance anyone else could have won it, and the ensuing prizes have fallen far short of three week's safety for anyone.

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12 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

There wasn't any real chance anyone else could have won it, and the ensuing prizes have fallen far short of three week's safety for anyone.

And, just as I predicted, after two underwhelming weeks of "temptations" after Paul got his they're cutting it completely.

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Josh is not entertaining. Paul is not entertaining. The only fun person is Kevin! Maybe it's time for a full cast of grownups!

As I sit watching Paul rant, I wonder how fast this show is losing fans. It's just no fun, compared to the old days. 

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I don't see what was so controversial about Dom's "organic groups" comment.  Until Paul freaked out over it, I thought she was talking more about showmances than alliances, but even so... acknowledging that there are alliances (while not identifying them) seems so harmless.  I feel sure I must've missed something (maybe due to my "half a brain"! lol)

I didn't think it was such a big deal either. And even if she was calling out alliances, so what? But Paul is paranoid. Dom doesn't get a lot of camera time and so it's hard to tell how smart she is, but if she is a real engineer, she must have something going on, and that would be threatening to Paul. Plus she seems to be on the periphery of that "couples plus Dom" alliance.

Someone up thread commented that it does look like she's auditioning for a post-show talk-hosty gig...totally agree!

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14 hours ago, brdwygurl said:

 I don't think the fact he had a longer interview was necessarily a sign that Julie like him.    It's a live show and the timing has to be down to the second.    There is a predetermined amount of pre-recorded footage, but the rest is allotted for julie chatting with  them before the vote, voting and exit interview.  So if the house guests make shorter or longer speeches, take longer to vote etc  that all impacts the amount of time allowed for the interview.

They pre-set him having all that time, so they obviously planned to give him that long an interview. Or they could have showed more clips or HOH.

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And, just as I predicted, after two underwhelming weeks of "temptations" after Paul got his they're cutting it completely.

Is the Den of Temptation twist over after the Halting Hex?

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5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I would like to know how Cody got the idea that the audience would boo him.


I know from feeds Paul thought so, he was boasting of himself and saying to someone how they'd get to hear booing.  Cody was not there for that convo, so not sure where he got the idea from. I think just because he was not a fan of Paul's probably.

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On 7/14/2017 at 10:21 AM, Gummo said:

Mumbles, you're right that officially-designated 'game shows' have to follow certain rules set down after the game show fixing scandals of the 1950s. I don't know for sure, but I don't think shows like BB and Survivor are classified as 'game shows' by the FCC, and so their leeway to mess with the rules is a lot wider.

It's an interesting question: Is BB recognized as a 'game show' by the authorities who regulate this stuff? 



23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

No. It's considered an "entertainment" show so it is not governed by the same rules game shows are. 


These are classified as competitive game shows because of their cash prize. If you're an old like me, you may remember Stacey, the lawyer from the very first season of Survivor. She sued the show after the first season for "producer interference" claiming they unfairly influenced the other players against her (she might have even been the first contestant voted off?). She was a newbie lawyer in SF so we ran in the same circles and I used to spot her all the time. 


In addition to the CA laws governing game shows (FCC isn't so applicable) there is also the contract with CBS. I have a copy of the CBS Survivor contact, and it is FASCINATING but also spells out what laws must be followed. This is not a free-for-all. 

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@methadonna I am way behind on my PTV reading, in part because I am also ill, and didn't want to quote from your spoiler tagged comment, but want you to know that I agree 100% with your comments about Raven, and said something similar in another thread. I'm on pills for my gastroparesis, and she eats better than I do. I had also came home from work too exhausted to get out of the car, and slept almost all weekend to recoup. It may not be fair of us to compare our illnesses to hers, but she's on a television show suggesting she is dying at any moment, and that invites comments.


On 7/14/2017 at 1:38 PM, butterbody said:

 I was once in the hospital for 3 days and there was a nonstop Top Model marathon on, which I naturally did not turn off for the duration of my stay. The nurses would come in and sit and watch every chance they got. It seemed every shift had a top model fan who was happy to have a place to chill between calls. I wonder if there are any BB fans at the hospital chatting up Christmas.

I was once in the hospital for several days and there was a Hoarders marathon on, and the nurses kept stopping by to watch. One of the hoarders was a nurse, and they were absolutely appalled to learn that. They kept saying how it is a mental illness, I think because they didn't want me to think they were judgmental, but is was just shocking how people could live that way, and some people just didn't see it. It was like the mountains of trash were invisible to them. One came in to take blood, looked at the television, and was shocked numb by what she saw. Another nurse came to see if she needed help (because my veins suck) and she hadn't even tried yet, she was frozen watching the show. Then the other nurse started watching. : )

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