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S01.E05: Batshit

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Desna and Jennifer may be Dr. Ken's only hope, as Bryce wrongly accuses him of a heinous crime. Dean sees a disturbing billboard ad that hits too close to home, leaving Desna to cope with the dark aftermath. Meanwhile, Virginia and Desna are forced to go to Polly  for help to rid the world of two horrible birds from Desna's past, with one well-aimed stone.




OMG, Roller is alive and kidnapped by a mentally unbalanced woman. Hopefully, he has amnesia about how he got hurt.

Poor Desna and Dean. What a childhood.  I didn't feel any sympathy for the foster parents when they were killed. Desna just cannot win.  Just as she gets her salon of her dreams it all falls apart. Poor Jennifer. She and Desna saved Ken from Bryce, but now he is lost in Uncle Daddy's murderous  world.

Ken and Bryce's scenes were hilarious though. I loved Polly threatening Virginia. It cracked me up also. 

I loved the women dancing. They seemed so happy and carefree only for it to come crashing down.

I really like Mandy, the realtor woman. I hope she sticks around. She seems like a good person stuck in an empty life. 

Was the cop hitting on Quiet Ann? They would make a hot couple.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 5

Ummm . . . What the fuck?

Soooo much to unpack in this episode. I love Polly's psycho side, I hope her Ms. Hyde shows up more often.

"The Governator is a gentleman." "Yeah, the maid thought that, too." Ha!

That scene with Dean and Desna outside the evil foster parents' house was really well done:  powerful while not being overdone.

An impromptu choreographed dance number and soul train line in a nail salon? More, please! Here for all the Claws craziness.

Roller's alive, y'all! Not sorry about the foster parents getting what they deserved, but with Roller's new not-dead status, it's sure to royally screw things up for Desna & Co. And poor Bryce/Jennifer -- the cold-blooded murder is bad enough, but what kind of shape will they be in when they find out it wasn't even justified? (As far as Roller's death is concerned, anyway.) So many relationships are on the path to ruination. So much more drama coming Desna's way!

Edited by link417
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Very enjoyable show tonight!  If kidnapping Roller is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.  I would climb that tree in a heartbeat.

No sympathy whatsoever for Desna and Dean's foster parents.  I was screaming at the TV when that bitch called Dean "Ricky Retardo."  Fuck them.  They died like the pigs they are.

Although Polly is a piece of shit, I loved her bringing the noise and the funk to Virginia.

Why can't Desna's good fortune last beyond a week?

  • Love 8

Kudos to Polly for figuring out Virginia "killed" Roller and for having Desna's back by continuously reminding Virginia that she ain't shit. I am glad someone reminds Virginia that she disrespected Desna on levels. I also liked Desna's pep talk with Mandy about treatig herself and not let her husband control her. 

I felt bad for Jen re: Bryce killing those evil foster parents who abused Desna and Dean. No wonder Dean hated them so much. I was glad to see them taken out so they can't hurt more children but Jen breaking down over Bryce doing it made me sad. Those assholes, especially the foster mother, got away with horrific things with zero remorse for too long. I don't generally applaud street justice but I do in this case.

Roller is alive and stuck with some crazy woman (kinda reminds me of Outsiders & Big Foster). I actually am glad this happened as I think the relationship between Roller and Desna still has more story to tell plus it's a game changer. 

  • Love 7

Those foster parents were the worst and there is no way that they didn't do this to other children. People like them pick vulnerable individuals upon which to prey--poor, disabled, mentally ill. If they fostered hundreds of kids there is at least a solid dozen who they were completely barbarous to. 

Poor Bryce and Jen.

Hopefully Roller is remorseful when comes back, but I doubt it. Knowing this show, there is also a decent chance that he's going to go Goldie Hawn in Overboard and forget that he didn't always live in the swamp with a looney wife who was into BDSM.

And yes lady detective was hitting on Quiet Ann.

  • Love 3

The tone of this episode was unexpected.  It went from black humor to child abuse to sexual assault so quickly.

One thing I did enjoy was seeing more people outside the core team.  Desna's neighbor reminds me of people in real life, including the part about driving to the convenience store because of the heat.  I even liked Dean's trainer.  I think Desna should consider moving Dean into a group home, though.  He brought a gun to the house.

Polly was interesting this episode, I wonder if she has killed someone before!  Taking the vibrator was disgusting - I hope she only took it for the batteries!

The choreographed dance was too much, I had to turn away.  It looked like the actresses were having fun, although it looked like Niecy almost fell down at the end.

I doubt I'll ever like Virginia, she's stupid and ungrateful.  Jenn is going to be so devastated when she hears what Desna has done and that Polly is keeping the secret too.

  • Love 2

This show is always worthy of a "what the actual hell?!" or two.  Love. It.

I think the best scenes are any between all the women and any between Dean/Desna.  Harold and Niecy are strong actors, and I love seeing them going in.  The humor of the billboard made the discovery of the extent of the abuse even more painful.  What a gut punch.

Man, Polly is hysterical.  Her making the cupcakes and threatening Virginia had me LOLing.  But, Virginia is going to get them all killed with her stupid!!

Desna can't catch a break!  Those terrible foster people die, the salon is closer to her, and Uncle Daddy isn't suspicious.  Meanwhile, Bryce (and Jen, who I LOVE) is spiraling downward and Roller is ALIVE?!.  These Hussers just really f up everything around them.

  • Love 3

Polly with the dog just slayed me.  It might have been a bit too much, but I loved it.

I'm not thrilled Roller is really alive.  I hate the character partly because he looks like a beefed up version of the parade of meth head, ex con, boyfriend/procreation partner my neighbor's daughter has had over the past few years. (I expect Jack Kesy isn't really a meth head, hence he looks much more buff and healthy than the real life versions.) I also find him extraordinarily mush mouthed.  OTOH, I'm really curious to see where Jane Adams' character is going.  I haven't really seen her in anything regularly since Frasier.

  • Love 5

Desna and Jen are still the only two characters I care about.  Dean really does need to be in a group home so that he can be with other people besides his sister. 

Desna, honey.  That weave is just too much.  It needs to go.

Oh, and the writing is bad because they never showed what happened with Gina Torres' character and how they got the money.  I did take a potty break so maybe I missed something.

This show just isn't doing it for me and it's too bad because I like Niecy Nash.  I'll finish this season but I won't be back. 

The way Bryce was looking at that couple before he shot them made me wonder if he was having flashbacks of being abused.

Edited by Ohwell
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47 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

The way Bryce was looking at that couple before he shot them made me wonder if he was having flashbacks of being abused.

Why? He didn't know anything about their abuse of Desna and Dean, he just thought he was killing the drug dealers who killed his brother. 


On another note, I love everything about this show. There isn't a character I hate and that includes Virginia and Roller.

Those pigs got what they deserved. I'm never sorry when child abusers go out the way those two animals did.

Poor, poor Dean. (This subject matter was not funny at all, but when he asked Desna why she didn't let him draw the other ball on the billboard, I died laughing.) 

Poor, poor Desna

Poor Bryce

Poor Jen

Shout out to the loyal sister/friend that Polly is, and to those cupcakes; damn, I wanted one. Oh, Polly and the dog, hilarious.

Jen's mother-in-law, hilarious. Every derogatory name that Uncle Daddy uses to refer to other characters, hilarious. Yes, he's horrible, but still hilarious to me.

Roller is alive, that situation he finds himself in, looks like Stephen King's Misery with Kathy Bates. If he makes it out alive maybe he will be changed for the better in terms of how he treats women.

Quiet Ann and that detective have chemistry, they look like they would make a good couple. She put a smile on Quiet Ann's face that's for sure. 



What is it with this show and Arnold Schwarzenegger?

This, LOL, I crack up every time this show references him. Apparently he clearly was Roller's idol and since Dean looked up to Roller, Arnold Schwarzenegger is constantly mentioned. 



Glad I'm not the only one who likes Mandy!!

I like her too, and I hope she ate that cupcake.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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If those people Desna pinned Roller's murder on are as socially connected as they said they were, won't there be an investigation? Or did I understand Uncle Daddy correctly when he said they'd been dealing drugs out of all their real estate offices? So Desna tripped up and actually got rid of some of his competion.

Wait, how can Roller still be alive? Oy, he's in Misery. ☺ (ETA: GMTA ^^^)

I have to say, Niecy has an amazing body.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I like how they seem to be toying with the audience where Roller is concerned. This is the second cliffhanger ending with him making an appearance and leaving the audience scratching their heads. The first one, which ended with him climbing into bed with Desna, had people debating a whole week about whether he was really Roller, a figment of Desna's imagination, or a twin. Oddly enough, some people on Facebook are wondering the same issues after last night's episode. Some are saying that someone, once again, is hallucinating Roller. Others are saying that he's real, but he's not Roller. If he's not Roller, I wonder what the show would do to explain why this crazy woman is holding this twin/lookalike hostage. I suppose it would open the door to a new plot of some sort, but I personally think he's Roller in the flesh.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Syndicate said:

Oddly enough, some people on Facebook are wondering the same issues after last night's episode. Some are saying that someone, once again, is hallucinating Roller. Others are saying that he's real, but he's not Roller. If he's not Roller, I wonder what the show would do to explain why this crazy woman is holding this twin/lookalike hostage. I suppose it would open the door to a new plot of some sort, but I personally think he's Roller in the flesh.

I think this too. Also he's sporting an injury in the very spot Desna struck him on his forehead. I think this twist is the real deal (unlike the bedroom dream that fooled me). 


1 hour ago, Keepitmoving said:

On another note, I love everything about this show. There isn't a character I hate and that includes Virginia and Roller.


I love this show and while I'm not a Virginia or Roller fan, per se, I really don't like Virginia.

Originally for the same reasons that Polly doesn't regarding Virginia disrespecting Desna by screwing Roller and snitching on Polly about her ankle monitor (Yes, it takes two and Roller ain't shit for screwing Virginia but I think Desna knew that Roller was the unfaithful type which is why she kept claiming the relationship wasn't serious... I don't think she expected Virginia, who she tried to help, to personally betray her). Virginia has no loyalty and she's me first constantly. Her trying to get Desna to leave Polly at the foster parents place when they returned early so that [Virginia] wouldn't have to suffer was another trash move by her. I also wanted Desna to snap Virginia's finger off when she put it up in Desna's face to try to read her. I know in an earlier ep that Desna said  Virginia reminds her but I aside from the sassiness and ability to think on their feet to varying successes, I don't see it. Desna is loyal and compassionate. Aside from Dean, she has made her close girl friends her family. She's also there to support Mandy and try to get her head right about her husband. Virginia seems to be all about getting her's and making sure she's taken care of no matter who she has to screw or screw over. With everything that has happened, Virginia is still ungrateful, selfish, and hasn't seemed to have learned anything. She still thinks she's much smarter than she is, which Polly somewhat pointed out to her in that Virginia isn't as dumb as she appears but she's also not as smart as she thinks. I live for Polly consistently telling Virginia she ain't shit cause Virginia has done nothing to grow/learn/change from anything going on while still walking around undeservedly like she's queen of the manor. 

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I have to say, Niecy has an amazing body.

She really does. And they know how to dress her to show it off well too. 

  • Love 4

After side-eyeing Polly last week, I've got to admit, her willingness to slice and dice Virginia to protect Desna had me saying, "Yas, b***h, Yas!" She is hard core ride or die for her girl and proved it big time with setting up those PoS foster parents.  Speaking of the set-up, it proved to me once and for all that Virginia is awful and needs to be gone by season's end.  First she offers Polly's services for a criminal act, then she is willing to throw her to the wolves the first chance things looked to be headed south.  Plus she is getting a little too lippy and nasty for my taste. Lippy, nasty, and unendingly stupid is too much of a liability to be allowed to remain around.

Speaking of the evil foster parents, intellectually, I know framing them for a cranime they didn't commit is wrong, but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving pair.  Poor Dean, being raped as a child is awful enough but being forced to remain silent for fear that your sister will be raped as well if you don't is so heartbreaking.

So Roller is alive and being held prisoner by a bottom-basement Kathy Bates (I know Stephen King is a fan of the show, I hope he is amused by Claws's little play on Misery).  This is not going to turn out well for Desna and Polly.  Poor Jennifer is already having her world turned upside down and she has no idea that the worst is yet to come.  It makes me sad thinking that this whole affair will cause a split between Jennifer and Desna, they are so close.  Poor Bryce, his whole life has been ruined because he felt he had to avenge his brother's death.  I hope he can hold it together when the Roller reveal comes.

  • Love 2

Hey my PTV Claws Crew,

My Tivo season pass to this show has been messed up from the beginning had it as TBS and not TNT. I finally spotted why it was happening this morning. I have had to catch these on rerun to record.

The TNT schedule doesn't show this episode "Batshit" running in the next two weeks.

If somebody comes across it please shoot me a pm so I can record it.


P.S. Went on TNT's website to try and watch it on line. Nope, isn't working.

On 7/9/2017 at 10:04 PM, SimoneS said:

Was the cop hitting on Quiet Ann? They would make a hot couple.

Yes, and YASSSS!

23 hours ago, peridot said:

I think Desna should consider moving Dean into a group home, though. 

12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Dean really does need to be in a group home so that he can be with other people besides his sister.

I have seen some group homes (in Los Angeles) and they really vary.  Some would be good for Dean, but in quite a few, he would just get a place to stay with no one looking after his meds or getting him the counseling he needs.

22 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

The humor of the billboard made the discovery of the extent of the abuse even more painful.  What a gut punch.

Think about this -- the Coombses sexually abused Dean, so he wants to put testicles on their faces.  That isn't just "frat boy" humor -- that's deep.

19 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I'm really curious to see where Jane Adams' character is going.  I haven't really seen her in anything regularly since Frasier.

If you're talking about Mandy, that's  Christina Moore, not Jane Adams. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

Think about this -- the Coombses sexually abused Dean, so he wants to put testicles on their faces.  That isn't just "frat boy" humor -- that's deep.

That is deep. I thought that Dean wanting to draw testicles on their faces was so odd, but now you point out, the connection to the sexual abuse they subjected him to is so clear.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

I have seen some group homes (in Los Angeles) and they really vary.  Some would be good for Dean, but in quite a few, he would just get a place to stay with no one looking after his meds or getting him the counseling he needs.

Yes, when I was referring to a group home I was thinking that there would be counseling and someone ensuring that he took his meds.  The main thing is that I think he needs to interact with people other than just Desna.

5 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

After side-eyeing Polly last week, I've got to admit, her willingness to slice and dice Virginia to protect Desna had me saying, "Yas, b***h, Yas!" She is hard core ride or die for her girl and proved it big time with setting up those PoS foster parents.  Speaking of the set-up, it proved to me once and for all that Virginia is awful and needs to be gone by season's end.  First she offers Polly's services for a criminal act, then she is willing to throw her to the wolves the first chance things looked to be headed south.  Plus she is getting a little too lippy and nasty for my taste. Lippy, nasty, and unendingly stupid is too much of a liability to be allowed to remain around.

Speaking of the evil foster parents, intellectually, I know framing them for a cranime they didn't commit is wrong, but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving pair.  Poor Dean, being raped as a child is awful enough but being forced to remain silent for fear that your sister will be raped as well if you don't is so heartbreaking.

So Roller is alive and being held prisoner by a bottom-basement Kathy Bates (I know Stephen King is a fan of the show, I hope he is amused by Claws's little play on Misery).  This is not going to turn out well for Desna and Polly.  Poor Jennifer is already having her world turned upside down and she has no idea that the worst is yet to come.  It makes me sad thinking that this whole affair will cause a split between Jennifer and Desna, they are so close.  Poor Bryce, his whole life has been ruined because he felt he had to avenge his brother's death.  I hope he can hold it together when the Roller reveal comes.

Yea, while legally and ethically, the foster parents getting beat up and murdered for something they didn't do is wrong (and I do think that), I had a hard time with any sympathy for them. I have a suspicion that Desna and Bryce are going to struggle with this, regardless of how much the two were scum *Bryce since he thinks they killed hi brother and Desna for setting them up).  There's a line there and the music montage intercut with the murder was set so well. Desna crossed the killer line without thinking about it or really knowing it. Bryce did - and I think that scene with him in the kitchen was an internal war he was having, because he knew this was an action you can't come back from. Roller showing up alive is going to make that worse for him and it may destroy him.


I knida like Roller being alive. I honestly was a little disappointed when the proceeded with him really being dead. Who the fuck is nature chick imprisoning him? This is why I don't trust nature. Roller being alive is going to fuck a lot of people up and when he shows, if Bryce hasn't already relapsed, that will put him over the edge. Desna and Virginia are going to have to work overtime to explain why a dead Roller is alive and how a plastic bag (really?? a plastic duffel bag??) of his shit ended up in dead molester yuppy house.


On a shallow note I loved Polly's dress. Pretty sure it's a Michael Kors I saw in Macy's. I should have gotten it then!!

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, jhlipton said:
20 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I'm really curious to see where Jane Adams' character is going.  I haven't really seen her in anything regularly since Frasier.

If you're talking about Mandy, that's  Christina Moore, not Jane Adams. 

Jane Adams plays the woman who is holding Roller captive.  Her name was in the opening credits.

  • Love 2

Polly with the dog just slayed me.  It might have been a bit too much, but I loved it.

With all the winks and nods to other shows that Claws subtly inserts, it made me think: Oooh! There's Bear the Dog from "Person of Interest" (in which Carrie Preston had a recurring role, being married to the show's star and all.)

And I was also wondering about Uncle Daddy's relationship to Bryce & Roller and tweeted the Claws writers who confirmed: 1) he is definitely their uncle and 2): Juanda is not trans* (which I had wondered.)

I also asked if they would put up a video of the "Lady Marmalade" dance.

Also, not that this show hews to close to actual possibility, but I think that in real life if Roller had been shot, left unattended until rescued by a crazy lady, the shock and blood loss would probably be enough to keep him from remembering what happened. 

Edited by kwnyc
Additional thought.
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Wow, the title of the episode pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? Roller is alive! And trapped with some kind of crazy lady! This show is so ridiculous, I love it so.

Those foster parents were so disgusting, I don't feel sorry for them at all getting killed. Really, they deserved worse for all the awful things they did, without a second of remorse. I felt worse for Bryce, finally committing murder (even though at least he didn't kill Dr. Ken) and getting dragged further into the family business. No way is this going to end well. I see a relapse in his future.

The Lady Marmalade dance was so awesome, I cant even deal with it. They all looked so happy! For like three seconds. More random musical/dance numbers please!

Polly was pissing me off last week, but I really enjoyed her this week, walking that fine line between cute and super creepy. Virginia better watch her back, Polly has hard core crazy eyes going on. And even though I like Virginia, I was totally cheering her on. She showed a lot of loyalty to Desna, and those cupcakes looked delicious. I could have dealt with my co worker breaking into my place to threaten me with a knife if they brought cupcakes that delicious looking.

I also like Mandy, and enjoy her scenes with Desna a lot. Lady needs to SERIOUSLY get more joy in her life. Eat that cupcake!

  • Love 1

I know this show is an over the top fun romp, but I was so disappointed in how sideways it went for me this week. I have loved the portrayal of Dean and Desna, and although I'm no expert on autism, I thought it seemed fairly realistic.... until this episode. I buy that he was triggered, but I don't buy the billboard, the desire to confront, that Dean would keep this abuse a secret (I know many people do, but I'm not sure secrets are within his ability), and the pantswetting... seemed like a cheap way to further humiliate the character. Someone else mentioned they thought the scene was well done but I couldn't disagree more. Also there was dialogue suggesting that random doctors had "misdiagnosed" Dean... So you expect me to believe that Desna, who so lovingly and tenderly cares for Dean, does not understand that her brother is on the autism spectrum and doesn't have a good doctor for him?  Then on top of all this you throw in a Misery homage, I guess, bringing back a character who was dead for 4 episodes. I'm sorry, my disbelief just doesn't suspend that far.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Rahul said:

Haha, Tanya from Hung is wearing a grey wig and has Roller captive, presumably as a sex slave. I'm calling it now--he'll have temporary amnesia when he returns which will be convenient for Desna & co, but his memories will return soon enough putting them all in danger.

Maybe, but he at least remembers his name. He was whispering "Roller," when she was calling him whatever it was she was calling him.  Actually, he never really saw who shot him. His arm went up ready to come down on Desna's face once again, and that's when he was shot.  But he never turned his head to see that it was Virginia who shot him. For all he knew and Desna for that matter, she was supposed to have left. Desna told her to get out of there after saving her life, she ran and both of them could have assumed she left.

Edited by Keepitmoving
2 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

...So, I guess I'm the only one who rolled their eyes when the real Roller appeared on screen.

I'm half annoyed that he's alive and half okay with it because it fits the over the top show. And because I like looking at him. They could have kept him as a ghost, but I don't know how long they could have kept that interesting.

Edited by LJonEarth
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