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S07.E01: Dragonstone

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Episode Synopsis:

Jon organizes the defense of the North. Cersei  tries to even the odds. Daenerys comes home.


Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into any book talk you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

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Good episode.

Arya missing home :( Those were some nice Lannister soldiers . War is sad.

Where was the Hound? Already up North? It was snowing pretty hard. Good to see Beric again. Nice dialogue between him and the Hound . How is he seeing visions in the fire?

Did we really need all those scenes of Sam cleaning bed pans? Nearly made me puke as well.  Jim Broadbent was awesome. Sam trying to dig up info for his pal up North.

Some good decisions from Jon.  Sansa was not nearly as annoying as I expected her to be. But her passive-aggressive undermining of Jon continues to be irritating. Sansa, you are not as super smart as you pretend to be. Shut up.

Line of the night goes to Jon. - 'And how am I supposed to be smarter? By listening to you?!' - Awesome!

Euron Greyjoy was much better than last season.  Starting to look more piratey!  With two good hands!

Aegon Targaryen got mentioned quite a bit.

And finally...DANY IS IN WESTEROS!  Shall we begin?  Yes!

Edited by anamika
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Quite good, overall, I thought.

That was probably the longest Peter Dinklage has ever been onscreen without saying anything.

I get why they wanted the Dragonstone sequence to be wordless until that point, cinematically, though the nitpicker in me was thinking that the idea of that castle sitting vacant for years is kind of absurd.

The Hound robbing those peasants back in Season 4 was controversial at the time, since it's so diametrically opposed to what the book Hound was up to at that point, but I liked that they revisited it and had him repent (albeit rather grumpily) of his actions.

Though on the subject of the Hound, SanSan fans who were hoping that Brienne's weird grammar in episode 602 had some significance just suffered a crushing blow, what with Littlefinger casually referring to the fight to Sansa here (has Littlefinger been talking to Pod?  I'm not sure how else he'd hear about that).

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1 minute ago, Lemuria said:

Yes!  The Winterfell sigil has changed.  A bastard rules in the North.

What's the Winterfell sigil now?


did anyone else think a smart thing for Jon to do would've been to bethrothe eligiable heirs from the loyal houses to Karstark and Umber? That way the family keeps ancestral seats but loyal bannermen are rewarded. 

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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

did anyone else think a smart thing for Jon to do would've been to bethrothe eligiable heirs from the loyal houses to Karstark and Umber? That way the family keeps ancestral seats but loyal bannermen are rewarded. 

That would have been a compromise.

Though frankly, the Starks had the support of all of three minor houses, so they don't exactly have a huge number of people to reward anyway.

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1 minute ago, stagmania said:

Loved everything except the poop montage and that random Ed Sheeran cameo. 

Is anyone else hung up on how much Euron looks like Evil Pacey?

1. I laughed hysterically because as a RN, I see this all the time and I have totally made that gag face inadvertently. 

2. Omg my husband said that to me as well - he saw Evil Joshua Jackson! I'll have to tell him he's not alone. 

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When I looked at my clock and it was 8:52 I said "Are you planning on having any Dragonstone in the episode you named 'Dragonstone', Show?"  I guess that's in keeping with last season premiere "Red Woman" in which Mel featured in maybe 2 scenes.


Gotta say, it was a struggle to stay awake through this episode.  I realize they need to set some stuff up but  we're not getting 10 episodes this season so they need to move along a little quicker.  Nice surprise to recognize Jorah's voice coming from the cell in Oldtown.  Also nice to see Professor Slughorn got a new position as archmaester.

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What's the Winterfell sigil now?

The traditional Stark sigil is a grey wolf against a white background.  If a bastard uses the House sigil (this is not just in regard to House Stark, but to all the Houses), he has to reverse the colors:  So the new sigil in the opening is a white wolf against a grey background.

Manderley's comment in 6.10,  "He is the white wolf" is partly because of this, I think, as well as because of Ghost (and maybe some other things I'm not clever enough to think of at the moment.  lol)

Edited by Lemuria
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5 minutes ago, mac123x said:

When I looked at my clock and it was 8:52 I said "Are you planning on having any Dragonstone in the episode you named 'Dragonstone', Show?"  I guess that's in keeping with last season premiere "Red Woman" in which Mel featured in maybe 2 scenes.


Gotta say, it was a struggle to stay awake through this episode.  I realize they need to set some stuff up but  we're not getting 10 episodes this season so they need to move along a little quicker.  Nice surprise to recognize Jorah's voice coming from the cell in Oldtown.  Also nice to see Professor Slughorn got a new position as archmaester.

Oh god I didn't know that was Jorah!! We last saw him episode 4 of last season?

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28 minutes ago, anamika said:

Those were some nice Lannister soldiers

I couldn't trust them.  This show has taught me not to trust soldiers.  I assumed they were planning a bit of rape.  Glad that didn't happen.

The pre-credit scene was awesome.  The North remembers -- damn straight. I'll just hand-wave past Arya's ability to somehow be a good 10 inches taller while masquerading as Walder Frey.

I'll find something else to do during Sam's scenes on the re-watch because . . . ew.  

Jorah!  That arm is not looking good.  So much for finding a cure.

Edited by WatchrTina
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8 minutes ago, gbbarb said:

Sansa was told to speak up last season instead of talking to Jon privately.  She speaks up this season and is promptly told to shut up.  She can't win with GOT fans

Her audience is different here. Jon had no issues last season with her speaking up and giving suggestions in their command room. She was straight out telling Jon he was wrong when he was making a decision.

Edited by anamika
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2 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

What we got was nice but the show seemed to be taking a fairly leisurely pace and was offering up an awful lot of filler for a shortened season.

I was incredulous that they gave so much time to Samwell just for the ~amazing revelation~ that one can find dragonglass at Dragonstone, but they did surprise me with the Jorah reveal. 

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Going to rewatch at least once  before making major comments but ohhhh GoT how have I missed you.  I don't mind that it played catch up, there are some shows that they forward plot a bit too much and then they lose my interest altogether.  

One of the best openings ever, and best last lines.  I wonder what the Dothraki are going to think of Dragonstone.

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1 minute ago, SeanC said:

In this particular instance, since Jon was making the decision right then and there, there wouldn’t really be an opportunity for them to speak privately about it.

Realistically, Jon should run by any topics he’s planning to talk about at the big meeting with her in advance, if he wants them to be on the same page at the meeting itself.  That's why Tywin and Kevan did, for instance.

Absolutely should have talk to her prior to the meeting if he wanted her on the same page.   

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5 minutes ago, SeanC said:

In this particular instance, since Jon was making the decision right then and there, there wouldn’t really be an opportunity for them to speak privately about it.

Realistically, Jon should run by any topics he’s planning to talk about at the big meeting with her in advance, if he wants them to be on the same page at the meeting itself.  That's why Tywin and Kevan did, for instance.

I would think that if she is planning to give her input, she should approach him and discuss. He is King in the North. As he stated so clearly, why should he listen to her? She did not show any particularly clever insight into how things should be run last season.

He was clearly surprised that she butted in with her opposition. That was not something he expected.

Even Brienne was like Damn! And Davos was like uh... . The room went silent. Clearly not the time or place for her to oppose him.

If she was planning on disagreeing with his decisions, she should have approached him. Not the other way around.

Edited by anamika
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I didn't notice all of the dragons in the war room when Stannis was previously strategizing, which, considering the joint is called Dragonstone, you would think I would have seen them before.  Sometimes I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

Talking about the Sand Snakes is hunky-dory as long as they stay off-screen.

Rory McCann how I have missed you.

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Ian Whyte is credited as Wun Wun on IMDb but they must be wrong.  Jon would have had the good sense to burn all the bodies (including Wun Wun) after the Battle of the Bastards.  Ian must be playing one of the three giant wights (or more likely -- all three.)

While we're on the subject . . . giant wights.   Shit.

And on a related topic, if they show us a re-animiated Summer (Bran's wolf) I'm going to be REALLY upset.

Edited by WatchrTina
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All in all, a very satisfying start to the penultimate season. I expected it to be short on big action since the groundwork is being laid for the entire season but they did a good job of keeping the pace moving.

Cerci got what she wanted - power in her own hands without trying to rule through a husband or her children. The question is if she can keep it for long. Jamie was right that they were very short on allies and when Euron is your best option, you know that you are up shit's cheek without an outboard motor. I would discount Cerci at this point, because as Sansa said, she's managed to kill everyone who stood against her but her luck is going to run out at some point.

Sam is quietly a total boss in getting the information that Jon needs. Just wish I didn't have to have so many shots of him retching over dirty bedpans.

Yay! for Arya totally wiping out House Frey. That was entirely satisfying. And Thormond's got some serious game. Would love to see him crack Briane's reserve a little bit. They'd have awesome, giant red-haired babies.

Sansa, darling.... you don't argue with the King in front of all the subjects. There are better ways to make your case without shattering the united front that Jon is trying to portray. And in this particular case, Jon was right. The real culprits were dead and punishing those in the Karstark and Umber houses that weren't in a position to do anything is pointless. Jon needs every single ally he can get and by showing mercy and compassion, he regained the loyalty of these two houses. Jon and Sansa both have good points... they just need to figure out how to bring them together.

The scene of the army of the dead on the march with freaking zombie giants was absolutely chilling, and a needed reminder of where the real war is.

Littlefinger is still a huge creep and Sansa should send his creepy ass packing. And did we need such an obvious cameo for Ed Sheehan? Totally took me out of that scene. But it was nice to see that not all Lannister fighting men are assholes.

Dany is at Dragonstone, and I knew that it would be the last scenes. Still, was very satisfying how it played out.

Is it next Sunday yet?

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2 minutes ago, anamika said:

I would think that if she is planning to give her input, she should approach him and discuss. He is King in the North. As he stated so clearly, why should he listen to her? She did not show any particularly clever insight into how things should be run last season.

He was clearly surprised that she butted in with her opposition. That was not something he expected.

She is suppose to guess what is going to do so that she can then advise him.  Wow I guess she needs to be all-seeing as well.   Sansa is a Stark and should be consulted otherwise she has no role in her own family.

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I am now back to being 50/50 on Sansa being the "Younger Queen" to Cersei.  Her conversation with Jon about Cersei seemed very "cryptic" one way or another I feel like those two will meet again.   Sansa's "I learned a lot from her" was VERY unexpected.   I don't know whether to credit Cersei or Olenna with Sansa's capacity for verbal salt.  "No need to seize the last word Lord Baelish, I'll just assume it was something clever."  DAMN.  LOL.  

And she is completely right about Cersei, Jon doesn't know her and clearly thinks she can be dismissed because only the Night King matters, never mind that Sansa correctly told him that Cersei has found a way to murder everyone that has ever crossed her.

And I agreed completely with Sansa's reasoning in the Great Hall.  If your family did something to hurt House Stark just find a public face too take the fall and that's all that's required.  Hell, House Frey may need a little help or a few provisions, everyone that helped with the Red Wedding is supposedly dead, though I do remember quite a few female Freys serving at the wedding.  And it seemed the The Vale troops and some of the Northern Bannerman AGREED with Sansa.  Either way, she would be smart to make her own plans.  House Stark has been usurped.  Jon's word is "FINAL."  Sansa is there on Jon's sufferance at this point, if he were to ever want her removed, well, like I said, Sansa should start thinking of herself more.  Though I notice in her dealing with Jon she makes sure there is equal parts honey with the vinegar.  Though Jon seemed annoyed with her, he also seemed fond of her.  

Cersei is still Cersei.  She clearly plans on retribution towards Ellaria, Sand Snakes, Olenna and Sansa.  She will never ally with anyone who won't recognize and obey her authority.  She would see the Night King win first. I do believe she loved her family, even Tommen but dismiss is how Cersei is wired.  Even with her own emotions apparently.  Euron is clearly insane and foolish.  Who in their right mind would ally with Cersei after hearing what she did to the High Sparrow and House Tyrell.  I can only imagine his idea of a "courting" gift to Cersei will be something Joffrey would have given to Margaery as an anniversary present.

I could have done without the DISGUSTING montage in the citadel.  I would have honestly preferred catching up with Olenna and even Ellaria and her girls.

Arya.  Glad the Frey's got what was coming to them but the more Supernatural aspects of this show BORE me.  Which means i can expect the next two seasons to be really rough.  Though I liked Ed Sheehans song ok.  Or maybe it's just his voice I liked.

Didn't care enough  about the Hound and the scrying fire.

Welcome Home Danerys.  I don't like you but the architecture for your new digs is interesting.  Like something from the architects of "Gotham City."

Good Premiere.

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1 minute ago, Hana Chan said:

All in all, a very satisfying start to the penultimate season. I expected it to be short on big action since the groundwork is being laid for the entire season but they did a good job of keeping the pace moving.

Cerci got what she wanted - power in her own hands without trying to rule through a husband or her children. The question is if she can keep it for long. Jamie was right that they were very short on allies and when Euron is your best option, you know that you are up shit's cheek without an outboard motor. I would discount Cerci at this point, because as Sansa said, she's managed to kill everyone who stood against her but her luck is going to run out at some point.

Sam is quietly a total boss in getting the information that Jon needs. Just wish I didn't have to have so many shots of him retching over dirty bedpans.

Yay! for Arya totally wiping out House Frey. That was entirely satisfying. And Thormond's got some serious game. Would love to see him crack Briane's reserve a little bit. They'd have awesome, giant red-haired babies.

Sansa, darling.... you don't argue with the King in front of all the subjects. There are better ways to make your case without shattering the united front that Jon is trying to portray. And in this particular case, Jon was right. The real culprits were dead and punishing those in the Karstark and Umber houses that weren't in a position to do anything is pointless. Jon needs every single ally he can get and by showing mercy and compassion, he regained the loyalty of these two houses. Jon and Sansa both have good points... they just need to figure out how to bring them together.

The scene of the army of the dead on the march with freaking zombie giants was absolutely chilling, and a needed reminder of where the real war is.

Littlefinger is still a huge creep and Sansa should send his creepy ass packing. And did we need such an obvious cameo for Ed Sheehan? Totally took me out of that scene. But it was nice to see that not all Lannister fighting men are assholes.

Dany is at Dragonstone, and I knew that it would be the last scenes. Still, was very satisfying how it played out.

Is it next Sunday yet?

The need Littlefinger for his army as Sansa pointed out.  

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3 minutes ago, anamika said:

I would think that if she is planning to give her input, she should approach him and discuss.

How is she supposed to know what he's going to talk about before the meeting?  There's no agenda, as far as we see.  He just brings stuff up in whatever order he sees fit.

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1 minute ago, gbbarb said:

Then he should have talked her prior to the meeting to make sure they are on the same page.  Yet she still tells him that he is good at ruling.  She is trying to support him and he is ignoring her.  She is right that both her father and Rob made stupid mistakes.  Jon needs to listen to others and Sansa is valuable resource that he isn't using.

...except that she was wrong, in this instance. Jon did the right thing with the Karstarks and Umbers. He seemed to be hearing her and open to her advice (when not in front of the court), but he was right to point out that being smarter doesn't necessarily mean doing everything she says.

Sansa has clearly learned some of the wrong lessons from Cersei. Yeah, she finds a way to take vengeance on everyone who pisses her off-and what has that gotten her? All her children dead, a brother who's starting not to trust her, and rule of a people who hate her and will probably turn on her at the first opportunity.

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On rewatch, nice acknowledgement by Sansa that the dead Starks made stupid choices and that's why they're dead.

Still, Jaime?  So even the last dead kid and smoking hole where the sept was wasn't a deal breaker for you?  You're making it hard to remember how much I love your book counterpart.

Why are we now dependent on the Hound for flame vision?  That feels wildly off for him.

I weirdly enjoyed skeevy Euron and I normally detest the Ironborn.

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6 minutes ago, gbbarb said:

She is suppose to guess what is going to do so that she can then advise him.  Wow I guess she needs to be all-seeing as well.   Sansa is a Stark and should be consulted otherwise she has no role in her own family.

Sansa is pretending to be all-seeing. That's her problem. She keeps chastising Jon for every decision he makes, despite her being wrong about everything last season. 

Are you saying Jon made the wrong decisions this episode?

Also we got Jon saying how he learned from Ned and Sansa and Arya never got to do that because they were girls. The episode is making a point of saying that Jon knows better about certain things than her.

3 minutes ago, SeanC said:

How is she supposed to know what he's going to talk about before the meeting?  There's no agenda, as far as we see.  He just brings stuff up in whatever order he sees fit.

Maybe she can, oh I don't know, go and ask him? Hey Jon, what's on the table today? Oh you are planning on forgiving those children? I disagree!!

Again, why is the onus on Jon to go discuss with her?

Edited by anamika
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