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"The View": Week Of 6/25/17

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Day of Hot Topics; "View Your Deal" with Jackie Miranne



Neil deGrasse Tyson (author, "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry")



Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas ("The House"); Adriana Trigiani (author, "Kiss Carlo")



Julie Andrews ("Despicable Me 3")



Day of Hot Topics

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Great show so far....Jed has every single one of them having a meltdown. If not for Jed, this would be the Trash Trump show. 

Now that Trump has thrown a little heat Obamas way on knowing the Russians were meddling in the election they have an excuse for why Obama stayed silent. And Whoopi says no matter what Obama did or didn't do would not have helped. Good grief, he always gets a pass. But "The new Guy"  never does. Same ol' song and dance. 

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I've done some reading on our vetting process and it is at least 2 years but Jed with her sardonic grin shaking her head saying that's not true. Give an example don't just continually say something is not true. 

Since they showed the video of Trump anyone know if that's bashful blonde or tempting taffy rinse on orange ones head? 

Loved the smack down of the face sucking  Trumpsplainer insists  on exposing everyone to.  

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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

I've done some reading on our vetting process and it is at least 2 years but Jed with her sardonic grin shaking her head saying that's not true. Give an example don't just continually say something is not true. 

Since they showed the video of Trump anyone know if that's bashful blonde or tempting taffy rinse on orange ones head? 

Loved the smack down of the face sucking  Trumpsplainer insists  on exposing everyone to.  

Just doing reading on it does not make it a true statement either. It may be different case to case.

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I loved Sunny's spirited debate on the presidential lying issue with Jediblabla. Sunny really shut her down. There's no competition when it comes to Trump's lying, and Jed's feeble defense was pathetic.

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32 minutes ago, mxmummy said:

Just doing reading on it does not make it a true statement either. It may be different case to case.

Well that's discouraging to learn that all the sources and documentries were giving fake facts. Perhaps you could give me a source that's true?  Is Joys statement that no refugee has committed an fatal act of terror here  true?  

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The next time they have a "View Your Deal" skin care pitch, perhaps Sara shouldn't handle the hosting duties.   The cosmetics representative's "tan" is Trumpytangerine and it's not a good look next to Sara's pretty coloring.

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tvaddict44, I'd like to take the Fox Roastmasters master classes that taught Jedidiah to speak so FAST and FURIOUS!  She gets her points across when very few others can get in even a word.  Perhaps it's an inherited talent.  Boyfriend will never win an argument.

(I know it should be "Quickly and Furiously," but that wouldn't be fun.)

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Jedi is stupid as hell and I don't see how the other women on the show deal with her. She is a walking contradiction. She explains away everything that orange idiot does and makes herself look bad in the process. This fool lies like he breathes. Why would anyone believe a word coming out of his mouth. That is a true illness.  I wonder why it is so important for every other politician, especially Hilary Clinton, has to tell the truth and jump through hoops for Jedi but when it comes to the Idiot In Chief, he is excused. He is being savvy my ass.

Edited by dr. gailey
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41 minutes ago, dr. gailey said:

Jedi is stupid as hell and I don't see how the other women on the show deal with her.

I can't agree with the "stupid."  She is one smart cookie...she just has a completely annoying way of presenting or "acting" her alt-facts.  I DO AGREE...I have no idea how the other women on the show get along with her--and often seem to enjoy her personally as they're going to commercial.  She's one strong personality.

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The two I dislike the most - Whoopi and Jedi, and for the same reason. They speak authoritatively and obnoxiously without the substance to back up their words They're both rude, monopolize the conversation and cut people off who express any opposition. For both of them, It's all about me.  They probably share the same insecurity issues. 

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So we've gone from the Russia connection being a hoax then fake news then a witch hunt and now it's all Obama's fault? Like there wasn't a chance Asshole's followers like Jediblahblah would have screamed that Obama was trying to fix the election for Hillary? I loved Whoopi telling Jed that she'd gladly read her list of Obama's lies if she could disconnect from her old job (Fox). One card of Obama's lies (and we all know how Jed likes to twists things like the dumb little Independent/Libertarian/Conservative she is so who knows what actual lies were on there) against the scrolling screen of Asshole's lies? She's so basic.

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8 minutes ago, ChicagoCita said:

When someone takes over the table, and stifles the conversation, I dislike that person's presence, which is why both Whoopi and Jedidiah annoy me. Both of them think they have the only moral imperative and shut down the table. Loathe them both and I feel it would be a much better show without them.

HUZZAH!    ChicagoChita nails it again!!   My BOLD because I'm BOLD!

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I am always surprised Jed is so gleeful every day., I really don't get her background - teacher, writer for Brietbart, FOX guest. Libertarian one day, Conservative the next, and finally a Moderate

I doubt  Jed is a favorite with the crew or panel- especially making out in front of Sunny's kids. 

She is fortunate to be seated next to kind Sara. And on the other side of the table from Whoopi, Sunny or Joy.

Fortunate that Nicolle forged her way - because she has her own show now - unlike Elisabeth or Candace (politically).

Jed has crushed her reputation for being so sexual in tv and yelling, and trying to make a point while saying "I agree" but carrying on and deflecting. And then laughing like a hyena. I'm not sure anyone on the panel has agreed with her.

Edited by maggiemae
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49 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

I am always surprised Jed is so gleeful every day., I really don't get her background - teacher, writer for Brietbart, FOX guest. Libertarian one day, Conservative the next, and finally a Moderate.

[...] And then laughing like a hyena.

She was a self-stated Libertarian, then a Conservative within the span of 20 minutes one day last week.

Her loud, cackling pay-attention-to-me laugh is so annoying.

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I’m glad the entire table finally annihilated Jedilyingliarwholies on her continued dismissal of Trump’s unprecedented amount of lies. All politicians lie, not all politicians attempt to distort reality itself, convince people up is down, left is right, a crowd of two hundred is a crowd of five thousand, etc.

Good for Joy immediately countering her assertion that Trump is “savvy” by pointing out that even an idiot knows his narrow victory can be contributed to Comey’s letter, Russian interference/collusion, etc. And I loved Sunny’s little potshot at her when they were talking about the kissing at Disney World when she said her son asked her, “Shouldn’t they get a room?” I’ve noticed for a while that Jedi is always throwing these little jabs in at Sunny in particular, laughing extra-hard whenever Whoopi or Joy put her down (whether it’s politics or relationship talk), etc. I’m glad she finally got a dose of her own medicine. She sure was hyped up today, practically salivating over the possibility of religious discrimination becoming law.

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42 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Back from commercial, and Whoopi says, "Because we are always confusing stuff, we want to make sure we are clear......".  

It would be a loooong show if they had to clear up everything they got wrong or mixed up.

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Whoopi must have gone shopping recently.   Yesterday she had a nice green jacket, and today, her black long top with the flowers was a huge step up from her usual.

Every once in a while, I'll pause the tv to answer the phone, or get coffee,  and inevitably I get a freeze-frame of Whoopi looking with utter disdain at Jed.  Like, if there was a thought bubble over her head, it would be "shut up, you ignorant bitch". 

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Continuing with the fashion commentary - I like Joy's blouse today, in the blue/lavender color.  She seems to have the exact same blouse in several colors, which is something I identify with.  Find something that looks great on you, buy it in every color.

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The only time I really dislike whoopie is when they talk about things she isn't interested in.  She is very rude during those segments.  It was a little interesting that she didn't want to talk about Ghost.  

What was Jed talking about having sex with a robot?   That conversation was beyond strange.  

Joys talking about the view not renewing her contract was interesting.  Always thought she was popular with the audience.   

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3 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Always thought she was popular with the audience.

That may be the case, but maybe she's asking for a pay raise, maybe she wants to work four days a week.  If popularity were the only criteria, Jed would've been bounced months ago!

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51 minutes ago, tribeca said:

The only time I really dislike whoopie is when they talk about things she isn't interested in.  She is very rude during those segments.  It was a little interesting that she didn't want to talk about Ghost.  


Joys talking about the view not renewing her contract was interesting.  Always thought she was popular with the audience.   

Whoopi Never likes to talk about her role as Oda Mae Brown in Ghost, or anything related to it, or any other movies she's done. EXCEPTION: when she tells how she got hired to be in said movies because the "STAR" or other leading actor INSISTED that Whoopi HAD to also be in the movie. In other words, when it's about herself.

Joy: wait, WHUUUUUT???!! Joy is leaving and NOT Whoopi?!???I need CONTEXT!!! Because I have to wait 7 hours before I get home to watch!

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AGAIN, Whoopi muddies up the water talking about the purpose of insurance. She has no idea of how insurance is supposed to work. The others at the table are probably too scared of her to explain that you're not supposed to expect some bonus from the insurance company if you haven't been sick. It also sounds like she pays insurance for her large group of family members. That's her own fault.

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47 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Whoopi Never likes to talk about her role as Oda Mae Brown in Ghost, or anything related to it, or any other movies she's done. EXCEPTION: when she tells how she got hired to be in said movies because the "STAR" or other leading actor INSISTED that Whoopi HAD to also be in the movie. In other words, when it's about herself.

Joy: wait, WHUUUUUT???!! Joy is leaving and NOT Whoopi?!???I need CONTEXT!!! Because I have to wait 7 hours before I get home to watch!

Easy Scorpio, she was talking about when she left before (she was let go & said she was leaving of her own accord).  All in the past, not now!!!

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I didn't realize Joy had been let go, that was interesting.

NDT was fascinated by Jed-a-sex pot's hand movements.

One time today she was leaning across the table so far and pointing at Whoopi that I would have liked to see Whoopi grab her finger.  Or bite it.

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I love to hear Tyson talk.  He is on my DVR so anything he is on is recorded.  I loved him wanting Hawking to shut up for a year!  I just bought his new book.  I wish he would have been on longer and Jed would have not wasted his time with the robot question.  

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I love NdGT too but he seemed a little, I dunno, manic? today.  The Hawking story was funny.

I understand why Joy thinks she and other celebs should forego Medicare, but like Soc Security it came out of her paycheck so she's earned it.  I was waiting for Whoopi to disagree with her about not needing it.

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2 hours ago, Kenz said:

AGAIN, Whoopi muddies up the water talking about the purpose of insurance. She has no idea of how insurance is supposed to work. The others at the table are probably too scared of her to explain that you're not supposed to expect some bonus from the insurance company if you haven't been sick. ... 

So she's the target audience for the Liberty Mutual commercials featuring people who don't understand how car insurance works!  I've been wondering who in the world is that stupid &/or ignorant.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:


NDT was fascinated by Jed-a-sex pot's hand movements.

One time today she was leaning across the table so far and pointing at Whoopi that I would have liked to see Whoopi grab her finger.  Or bite it.

Yeah, there is something very rude about the way Jed points at people when arguing with them.  adults don't usually do that in a normal conversation - it's more like when you're reprimanding a child.  It just seems so confrontational and disrespectful.

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This week has been good so far if only because they have been actually debating things and Whoopi/Sunny haven't been afraid of calling Jed out.

Also them talking about former co-stars (co-hosts?) bad mouthing shows once they leave had me feeling it was a direct swipe at Whoopi who has bashed the show in the past...and very well could be the next to leave?

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Joy sometimes gets on my nerves with her corny jokes and occassional rudeness, but i found it very honorable today when she said she does not need or  deserve a tax break. She said she would donate those earnings, and the way she said it, I believed her!

Of course, she said everyone sitting at the table should do the same, but no one seemed to jump on the bandwagon. However, Whoopi did throw in that she had to care for other people. As if she's the only person that does that. What about people that have to take in and care for sick relatives on one-tenth of your income, Whoopi? 

ETA: I've done the math and one-tenth ofWhoopi's income is still a significant amount. Us peons have to make-do with about one-one-hundredth of her income.

Edited by Blissfool
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Whoopi can do whatever she wants with her money, and shouldn't feel obligated or guilted into doing what she doesn't want to do. She is one of the most charitable celebrities, and has been for a long time. It's her stanky attitude on this show that has made me at least, look at her in a negative way.  

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