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Season 8: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

Message added by Meredith Quill

Advisory: This topic is for S8 Spoilers & Spec. If your post predominantly concerns book comparisons or a character's past season actions it will be removed. 

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2 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Is Jon’s true parentage even going to matter very much, except as a plot device to drive a wedge between Jon and Dany? No one beyond Jon, Sam, Dany, Sansa, Bran, Arya, Tyrion and Varys know the truth as of the end of 8x04. 

Jon wouldn’t be Jon if he had any interest in ruling after having to stop the woman he loved from claiming the throne. It seems that no one outside the current 8x04 circle will ever find out the truth, or if they do that it will matter to Jon either way, if he heads into self-imposed exile.

I think GRRM just played with that "secred prince" trope.

He would never put him on the Iron Throne if he really wants to avoid typical fantasy tropes.

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8 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Tyrion who murdered his father and lover and Bronn a mercenary who cares about gold are not people I would want sitting on a ruling council. 

Yeah, Bronn should have just been canon fodder for the rich and WORTHY nobles, or starved to death, or become celibate and white walker bait by taking the black, like all the rest born poor.

The only deserving people are those born to rich or powerful people, right?

As far as Tyrion, he has always cared about the small folk, and seen through the power and rich and their pretensions, including his own.

If you are looking for perfect characters who never put a foot wrong?  I strongly advise against reading anything GRRM, or any author who writes for adults at all really.  Because they do not exist, in life, or in those books.

Hell, even JK Rowling had hero Harry throw temper tantrums and be a dick at times.

Also, if anyone needed killing, it was Tyrion's daddy, the mass murderer who ordered every single person and home burned even AFTER he'd defeated them.

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4 minutes ago, Chiny11 said:

So Friki  still stands by this “Tyrion Betrayal “ leak? Interesting.  

If [and that is a big “if”] there is a play being made by Cersie and Tyrion [based on how their conversation ended last season], isn’t that just the same horrible writing like the Winterfell plot from last season?

I have to say, if anything was faked by HBO?

That would have been the easiest to do.  They already have everyone gathered for the (to me, much more likely) scene of Tyrion giving a speech and nominating Bran, presumably a speech about the idiocy of wars, and thrones, and crowns as well.  Just give the actors another script to play that switches it to a trial, and leak that sucker. 

They are already there anyway.

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14 minutes ago, shireenbamfatheon said:

According to the leaks, Dany doesn't even want Jon to tell his siblings the truth about his parentage.

If it was up to Daenerys, the Starks would never know that their father wasn't unfaithful and that he was, in fact, a hero who sacrificed his own honor to protect the life of an innocent child. Moreover, if it was up to her, Jon would continue to live as a bastard with no proper surname and pretend to be Ned Stark's only act of dishonor, while letting the realm believe that his biological father was a rapist rather than just a lovesick moron. But screw Jon and what it'd do to him, right? Not to mention how people view Ned and Dany's own brother. As long as she gets to pretend that she has the best claim. 

But hey, the Starks are the assholes.

Why on earth should Dany care about any of this? The Starks have been awful to her, but she’s supposed to screw herself over to spare their tender feelings about their dead dad? There’s never been any indication that any of them care whether Ned cheated on his wife once. Jon’s bastard status doesn’t even matter - he was named King in the North.

People come up with the thinnest excuses to hate on Dany, honestly.

  • Love 14
41 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Beric did it with Lady Catelyn, in the books. He didn't need a Red Priest(ess), though he did give his own life to do so. So there is a precedent, and the ending has to be the same for characters such as Jon and Dany.

Fair enough. My question remains; why would Jon resurrect Dany? If Jon wanted Dany alive, he would have imprisoned or flown off with her on Drogon. He chooses to kill her instead.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Chiny11 said:

So Friki  still stands by this “Tyrion Betrayal “ leak? Interesting.  

If [and that is a big “if”] there is a play being made by Cersie and Tyrion [based on how their conversation ended last season], isn’t that just the same horrible writing like the Winterfell plot from last season?

Friki has no idea about anything this season beyond the 8x01 summary and his Tyrion trial leaks. His other predictions and spoilers, like the Unsullied going to Castle Black, turned out to be wrong. I think he’s digging in his heels on the Tyrion trial stuff even as it’s looking less and less likely because he has no choice at this point.

Tyrion and Cersei being in cahoots since S7 makes no sense. What was Tyrion’s big play, die with everyone at Winterfell? Sit down with an omniscient seer for an unsolicited conversation? It’s absurd.

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1 minute ago, catrice2 said:

More angst for Greyworm.  He should have just died with his men, or better yet in the attack by the Son's of Harpy.  I never expected him or Missandei to survive, but for them to take them out like this is unacceptable.   Best love story of the show other than Jorah's love for Dany.  

D&D sinking ship after ship with near-surgical precision has been one of the more remarkable aspects of S8.

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2 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

Fair enough. My question remains; why would Jon resurrect Dany? If Jon wanted Dany alive, he would have imprisoned or flown off with her on Drogon. He chooses to kill her instead.

Maybe he realizes he was wrong about Dany. At the very least that better explains why hes "broken" and leaves at the end.

2 hours ago, Callista said:

Not sure what to make of this, but here's another leak on Westeros.org that says Jon kills Dany at the end of Ep 5, but that she gets resurrected in Ep 6, and that Cersei and Tyrion were framing her all along. It's the one in purple ink posted by CrypticWeirwood, #3102.


Jon Snow, after he surrenders yet again, is duped into killing an ally this late in the game?

Jon Snow indeed knows nothing!

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11 minutes ago, stagmania said:

Why on earth should Dany care about any of this? The Starks have been awful to her, but she’s supposed to screw herself over to spare their tender feelings about their dead dad? There’s never been any indication that any of them care whether Ned cheated on his wife once. Jon’s bastard status doesn’t even matter - he was named King in the North.

People come up with the thinnest excuses to hate on Dany, honestly.

Yeah, it really is a silly excuse for haters to criticize her for wanting Jon to continue living a lie so she herself can live a lie in order to sit a throne that isn't even rightfully hers according to the inheritance law she's basing her claim on despite her hatred for Robert the Usurper. Silly me for bringing it up. It's not like being a bastard has affected Jon his entire life or anything. Or that the Starks kids care about their father cheating on their mother, which impacted them to such a degree that book!Robb married a woman because he didn't want to dishonor a woman and father a bastard like his father did. Or that people Jon has spent all this time believing he wasn't the product of love but just some fling at best. Because he now has to let everyone believe that his true parents were a rapist and his victim. That should be fun for him.

But really, the Starks are the assholes for not considering Dany one of them when Dany is willing to screw their brother over and to let her own brother be remembered as a rapist. What a wonderful sister, aunt and lover she turned out to be.

Edited by shireenbamfatheon
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2 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

I dont think there was any way to end this that would not be controversial and leave a large amount of viewers unhappy. With so many characters who straddled the line between good and bad, everyone has their own favorites. We all see the characters differently and  therefore want different things. So few characters are straight up evil like Cersei.

Most of The ones who were straight baddies up have already died. So you have a  bunch of people who want different endings for their favorites.  I cant conceive of any ending that would leave the majority happy.   Im also surprised that anyone expected to be happy with the ending..... Its Game of Thrones.

Last week people complained that not enough main characters died, not people are upset that main characters will die

Yes, to your whole post.  If any show was going to piss off its viewers with its ending, it's GoT.  People who expect an ending that would leave the majority satisfied are asking too much from a show that has NEVER done that.  IDEK.

Edited by Fiver
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3 hours ago, Nightingale said:

From what I've read about the episode, it really does sound like the people staying in Winterfell (Sansa, Sam, Brienne, Gendry ...) are gonna do nothing until they have to go to the Dragonpit. That sounds really strange but maybe Cersei vs Dany vs Jon was the only big storyline left. There's no point in Sam and Sansa plotting for Jon to betray Dany since he's gonna take care of that all by himself anyway.

May be the smartest move, Sansa saw how it kept the Vale safe, though also mad her Aunt wouldn't fight for Robb, because of LF.


One thing I noticed is that in the 8x04 clips, Tyrion still isn’t wearing his super Lannister outfit from the EW shoot with the Lannister details (gold clasps, gold swirls on black fabric, etc.), and he has a clean face. In Peter Dinklage’s BTS interviews, he’s wearing another blue/black striped tunic (with a different collar), and he has bruise/dirt/burn makeup on his face. This has to be from filming 8x05 or 8x06.

So my question is, when does he wear this fancy Lannister outfit? Because going from wearing the striped tunics he’s been wearing off and on for the past two seasons to full Lannister drag would normally mark a big character shift.

I think someone who saw the episode says that Sansa wears her fish scale dress. So with that outfit down, it’s possible that Sansa’s storyline is over and only the epilogue remains. Maybe in the Dragonpit scene she’s named Warden of the North and that’s the scroll.

Edited by Eyes High
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1 minute ago, stagmania said:

Why on earth should Dany care about any of this? The Starks have been awful to her, but she’s supposed to screw herself over to spare their tender feelings about their dead dad? There’s never been any indication that any of them care whether Ned cheated on his wife once. Jon’s bastard status doesn’t even matter - he was named King in the North.

People come up with the thinnest excuses to hate on Dany, honestly. 

Telling Jon to keep his mouth shut screws up the Targaryen image a lot more than the Stark one.  Ned Stark already has saint status in the North and with his children.  In Westeros cheating on your wife is the equivalent of fudging your charitable contributions on your taxes - hardly something to get angry about given all of the other good stuff Ned did.  The only person who really cared was Cat - if she was alive then yeah, she did deserve to know.  In addition, Jon being a Targaryen would likely hurt his standing in the North.

The ONLY benefit to the truth coming out is to put Jon on the throne and to satisfy anyone who bleats about total transparency, no secrets, etc.  Sam didn't tell Jon to ease his suffering, he did it because he wanted his buddy on the throne instead of the woman who executed his dad and brother.  It can't undo all of the harm the lie has already caused.

Going back to poor Missandei for a moment - if she actually was sent to negotiate with Cersei in good faith then whoever signed off on that wins the crown for stupidest person alive unless they wanted her dead. 

  • Love 5




Hello. Come back to this post after the episode airs next week.

- Euron's fleet takes down Rhaegal.

- Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

- Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

- Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's lineage. Tyrion tells Varys.

- Varys betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better ruler.

- Cersei has Missandei executed.

- Dany has Varys executed. Dany assaults King's Landing and it's one-sided as hell.

- Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses.

- Tyrion frees Jaime to try to get Cersei out of the city.

- King's Landing gets wrecked in the battle. Drogon burns Euron's fleet.

- The Hound fights his brother. They both die.

- Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.

- Jaime makes it to Cersei and they die together.

- Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.

- Dany has Tyrion arrested to be executed for freeing Jaime.

- Tyrion tries to convince Jon that his family will never be safe because his lineage makes him a threat to Dany's rule.

- Jon tries to talk to Dany but she justifies her actions.

- Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.

A council gets formed to decide who the King should be. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes on Bran to become King. The end.

In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany. Arya leaves. Sansa rules the North. Bran oversees his council of Tyrion, Davos, Sam, and Bronn".

4 minutes ago, shireenbamfatheon said:

But really, the Starks are the assholes for not considering Dany one of them when Dany is willing to screw their brother over and to let her own brother be remembered as a rapist. What a wonderful sister, aunt and lover she turned out to be.

What does one have to do with the other? The Stark siblings don’t know anything about Dany and Jon’s conversation. And Jon doesn’t want to be King, so it doesn’t really hurt him to keep this secret quiet. Given that Sam, Bran and Sansa are the ones that spill the beans to others, they seem to be the ones who are acting without regard to his feelings on the matter. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Chiny11 said:

So Friki  still stands by this “Tyrion Betrayal “ leak? Interesting.  

If [and that is a big “if”] there is a play being made by Cersie and Tyrion [based on how their conversation ended last season], isn’t that just the same horrible writing like the Winterfell plot from last season?

The biggest problem with that leak is that Cersei ordered Bronn to kill Tyrion. And that Tyrion apparently learns this in 8x4 and still helps Cersei. That really doesn't make any sense. I could see Jon sacrificing himself to revive Dany, especially because they seem to give him farewell scenes from Ghost, Tormund and Sam. But the Cersei/Tyrion stuff just has giant plot holes in it.

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24 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Yeah, Bronn should have just been canon fodder for the rich and WORTHY nobles, or starved to death, or become celibate and white walker bait by taking the black, like all the rest born poor. 

Just because he isn't rich and noble does not mean that Bronn is a good person. In all eight season we watched him he never cared for the Smallfolk at all, so there's no need to make him a champion of the poor People, just because he isn't noble. According to recent leaks he gets High Garden, making him basically a noble. 

  • Love 7

@Edith  That was all posted forty pages ago, and we've been discussing it ever since.  Bran as "King" was later edited to "oversees the council" of Bronn, Tyrion, The Onion Knight, and Samwell.

Here's MY biggest problem with the show so far.




Keep repeating endlessly.

Book?  Ditto.  The LONG NIGHT could last decades, maybe even a century!  Store up!  Prepare!  Oooga Booga!

Now, what did we get?  WINTER CAME, and so did THE LONG NIGHT!   However, if you were napping out there somewhere in Westeros?  You missed the whole thing, it only lasted a few hours.


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8 hours ago, SilverStormm said:

This is what happens when subpar writers don't have book resources to rely on and turn the story from a character driven one to a plot driven one...sigh. It's been this way for some time now.

Sorry, but you may not have the book resources and still manage to write decent, believable plots. There are tons of fan fiction writers out there who would be able to write ep. 8.3 with the same outcome and major points (NK raising the dead, Dany diverting from the plan, dead rising in the crypt) in a believable manner. Heck, all of us here could have done it. 

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Just now, Raachel2008 said:

Sorry, but you may not have the book resources and still manage to write decent, believable plots. There are tons of fan fiction writers out there who would be able to write ep. 8.3 with the same outcome and major points (NK raising the dead, Dany diverting from the plan, dead rising in the crypt) in a believable manner. Heck, all of us here could have done it. 

Sure, but that is contingent upon them not being subpar writers.


But really, the Starks are the assholes for not considering Dany one of them when Dany is willing to screw their brother over and to let her own brother be remembered as a rapist. What a wonderful sister, aunt and lover she turned out to be.

Now that the threat to the entire world is over.  Dany is about Dany and claiming the Iron Throne, like every other crown chaser in this story.  The only difference is she's had magical plot armor for a majority of the show and dragons.

If it will get her on the Iron Throne, I doubt she'd balk at it.

Sansa is right not to trust her.   When push comes to shove, what is best for House Stark will only ever truly matter to members of House Stark.

And it goes both ways.  Sansa isn't the least bit concerned with what's in the best interest of Dany, nor should she be.

Edited by Advance35
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20 minutes ago, Edith said:




Hello. Come back to this post after the episode airs next week.

- Euron's fleet takes down Rhaegal.

- Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

- Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

- Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's lineage. Tyrion tells Varys.

- Varys betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better ruler.

- Cersei has Missandei executed.

- Dany has Varys executed. Dany assaults King's Landing and it's one-sided as hell.

- Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses.

- Tyrion frees Jaime to try to get Cersei out of the city.

- King's Landing gets wrecked in the battle. Drogon burns Euron's fleet.

- The Hound fights his brother. They both die.

- Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.

- Jaime makes it to Cersei and they die together.

- Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.

- Dany has Tyrion arrested to be executed for freeing Jaime.

- Tyrion tries to convince Jon that his family will never be safe because his lineage makes him a threat to Dany's rule.

- Jon tries to talk to Dany but she justifies her actions.

- Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.

A council gets formed to decide who the King should be. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes on Bran to become King. The end.

In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany. Arya leaves. Sansa rules the North. Bran oversees his council of Tyrion, Davos, Sam, and Bronn".

Don't the leaks that came out today, some of which were confirmed by photos directly contradict a lot of this above? 

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, BadAssRobinArryn said:

The biggest problem with that leak is that Cersei ordered Bronn to kill Tyrion. And that Tyrion apparently learns this in 8x4 and still helps Cersei. That really doesn't make any sense. I could see Jon sacrificing himself to revive Dany, especially because they seem to give him farewell scenes from Ghost, Tormund and Sam. But the Cersei/Tyrion stuff just has giant plot holes in it.

This is also how we know Jaime isn’t leaving Brienne to rejoin Cersei, he’s leaving to infiltrate KL and betray her (and likely die in the attempt).

  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

@Edith  That was all posted forty pages ago, and we've been discussing it ever since.  Bran as "King" was later edited to "oversees the council" of Bronn, Tyrion, The Onion Knight, and Samwell.

Here's MY biggest problem with the show so far.




Keep repeating endlessly.

Book?  Ditto.  The LONG NIGHT could last decades, maybe even a century!  Store up!  Prepare!  Oooga Booga!

Now, what did we get?  WINTER CAME, and so did THE LONG NIGHT!   However, if you were napping out there somewhere in Westeros?  You missed the whole thing, it only lasted a few hours.


what if Qyburn knows how to create another NK? He has some secret plan according to these spoilers.

7 minutes ago, Lillith said:

Don't the leaks that came out today, some of which were confirmed by photos directly contradict a lot of this above? 

I don't think any of the contradicted it.

That long list of supposed spoilers seemed like a lot of BS, or a plant, the photos and the Facebook guy who tried to translate what he watched didn't contradict the original spoilers either, as far as I recall.

The only spoiler listed in that long thing I copied/pasted here today that seems like a complete gimme is that Cersei has a secret plan.

Of course she would, and of course it would probably involve wildfire, and a set up for Dany and her Dragons.

3 hours ago, Callista said:

Not sure what to make of this, but here's another leak on Westeros.org that says Jon kills Dany at the end of Ep 5, but that she gets resurrected in Ep 6, and that Cersei and Tyrion were framing her all along. It's the one in purple ink posted by CrypticWeirwood, #3102.


I be quite happy if Sansa betrays Tyrion, I've said it before.

As long as the Lannisters live ( at least Tywin's line ) her house won't be safe, she'll protect her house.

Jon's a firewight all, per GRRM.

  • Love 1

Someone else wrote the following but I pretty much sums up my feelings.

So like, the moral of GoT isn’t even like complex or a subversion of the “good guys win” shtick. It’s literally don’t “do the ‘right’ thing” and don’t try and be a good person. Olenna told Dany this. Ned Stark did the honorable thing and was murdered anyway. Robb married for love and was honest about it despite political rammifications and got himself, his wife, and his mother killed for it. Margaery was a good queen who cared for the common people (even if it was partially for her public image), and Cersei murdered her. Jon defied tradition and deeply-ingrained prejudice to save the wildlings and was murdered by the Night’s Watch. Dany freed slaves and fought for the innocent for years. When she finally arrived in Westeros she followed the advice of others and didn’t attack KL, neglecting to kill civilians during the war. She journeyed North at extraordinary personal cost. It will all be for nothing, her allies are rapidly being killed off, and when she seeks to avenge them the one person left who she trusts will murder her for it. The moral of the story is literally that all effort is futile and hope is pointless and good people die for nothing as an indifferent world spins on and on. 

The NK had the right idea about destroying humanity.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, GraceK said:

Someone else wrote the following but I pretty much sums up my feelings.

So like, the moral of GoT isn’t even like complex or a subversion of the “good guys win” shtick. It’s literally don’t “do the ‘right’ thing” and don’t try and be a good person. Olenna told Dany this. Ned Stark did the honorable thing and was murdered anyway. Robb married for love and was honest about it despite political rammifications and got himself, his wife, and his mother killed for it. Margaery was a good queen who cared for the common people (even if it was partially for her public image), and Cersei murdered her. Jon defied tradition and deeply-ingrained prejudice to save the wildlings and was murdered by the Night’s Watch. Dany freed slaves and fought for the innocent for years. When she finally arrived in Westeros she followed the advice of others and didn’t attack KL, neglecting to kill civilians during the war. She journeyed North at extraordinary personal cost. It will all be for nothing, her allies are rapidly being killed off, and when she seeks to avenge them the one person left who she trusts will murder her for it. The moral of the story is literally that all effort is futile and hope is pointless and good people die for nothing as an indifferent world spins on and on. 

The NK had the right idea about destroying humanity.

Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb

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5 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

I be quite happy if Sansa betrays Tyrion, I've said it before.

As long as the Lannisters live ( at least Tywin's line ) her house won't be safe, she'll protect her house.

Jon's a firewight all, per GRRM.

I don't care if Sansa betrays him, but he has always been pretty damn good to her, and I doubt he is a threat to her now.  ??

Do you have a link to this???

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29 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

@Edith  That was all posted forty pages ago, and we've been discussing it ever since.  Bran as "King" was later edited to "oversees the council" of Bronn, Tyrion, The Onion Knight, and Samwell.

Here's MY biggest problem with the show so far.




Keep repeating endlessly.

Book?  Ditto.  The LONG NIGHT could last decades, maybe even a century!  Store up!  Prepare!  Oooga Booga!

Now, what did we get?  WINTER CAME, and so did THE LONG NIGHT!   However, if you were napping out there somewhere in Westeros?  You missed the whole thing, it only lasted a few hours.


I'm SO with you on this.  I've been semi-dreading the coming of Winter in the series for years, seriously.  Because I hate winter, hate being cold and I was so sure we were going to be subjected to shrieking howling blizzards, helpless people disappearing into massive drifts, little kids frozen to death in their beds.  Hell, North Carolina has seen worse Winters than what we saw in Westeros!

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3 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I don't care if Sansa betrays him, but he has always been pretty damn good to her, and I doubt he is a threat to her now.  ??

Do you have a link to this???

Well I guess that was a lie too, he's not book Tyrion, Sansa doesn't love him, she truthfully told him it's not going to work.

Tyrion chose Cersei, Sansa chose her pack.


I think someone posted the actual leak on pg 234  ?

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4 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Well I guess that was a lie too, he's not book Tyrion, Sansa doesn't love him, she truthfully told him it's not going to work.

Tyrion chose Cersei, Sansa chose her pack.


I think someone posted the actual leak on pg 234  ?

I don't care about that latest "leak" because it sounds idiotic,  I only care the GRRM confirmed Jon was a firewight.  If he did, where did he say or write it?  That's the link I want.  xoxo

5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I don't care about that latest "leak" because it sounds idiotic,  I only care the GRRM confirmed Jon was a firewight.  If he did, where did he say or write it?  That's the link I want.  xoxo

Try this.and this  https://www.tvguide.com/news/game-of-thrones-jon-snow-fire-wight-spoilers/

Edited by GrailKing
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7 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Yeah, looks like it came from this interview, but all he says is this:

"Right. And poor Beric Dondarrion, who was set up as the foreshadowing of all this, every time he’s a little less Beric. His memories are fading, he’s got all these scars, he’s becoming more and more physically hideous, because he’s not a living human being anymore. His heart isn’t beating, his blood isn’t flowing in his veins, he’s a wight, but a wight animated by fire instead of by ice, now we’re getting back to the whole fire and ice thing."

Well, he says a lot more than that, but that's the only time he touches on fire wights, except that he said Caitlyn was one as well. 

It makes sense, since wights are reanimated dead, some apparently by ICE, and some by FIRE.



Edited by Umbelina
9 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Well I guess that was a lie too, he's not book Tyrion, Sansa doesn't love him, she truthfully told him it's not going to work.

Tyrion chose Cersei, Sansa chose her pack.


I think someone posted the actual leak on pg 234  ?

'The leak no one is talking about' certainly sounds better. Except it would make the assassination of Tyrion Lannister complete. Tyrion siding with and helping Cersei is just as bonkers as Dany going full on 'Mad King' mad. I can totally buy Cersei framing Dany because Cersei does seem to be the smartest person in Westeros (thanks to the lack of competition) at this point. But it's still utterly stupid...because Tyrion.

And then there is the small issue of Dany being dead and no red priest around to resurrect Dany. Unless 3ER Bran can cure her with the power of exposition or something. But I'm sure the way she is brought back will be dumb either way.

So while I prefer the one 'no one really talking about', it's still dumb, just in a different way. And in either scenario, Jon will kill Dany which enough people have discussed as to why that doesn't really work.

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I'm still totally lost as to Tyrian's betraying either the Starks OR Dany in favor of Cersei of all people. I'd get Varys if he's having doubts about her state of mind (which has been hinted at since last season) but not Tryrian. Especially if it's true that the fates of the main characters do line up with GRRMs books. 

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Seriously if Tyrion helps Cersei after all she has done , but supports killing Dany....🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t. That makes no sense. He witnesses Cersei killing a innocent woman in cold blood and having her body tossed over the side like trash, ( a friend of his by the way) she has tried to kill him numerous times, she massacred hundreds of people by blowing up the Sept...but it’s Daenerys he thinks should be put down? The woman who cares about him?

Edited by GraceK
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Just now, Lillith said:

I'm still totally lost as to Tyrian's betraying either the Starks OR Dany in favor of Cersei of all people. I'd get Varys if he's having doubts about her state of mind (which has been hinted at since last season) but not Tryrian. Especially if it's true that the fates of the main characters do line up with GRRMs books. 

Has nothing to do with Cersei, directly, but with what he perceives is what she is carrying; Jaime's child, and the possible end of his house.

Bran being King makes no sense.  He had nothing to contribute during Jaime's trial that made any sense, except for a private "in joke" between himself and the accused. Yet that kind of decision making is the bread and butter of any ruler.

The trial could have just as easily gone like this:


Sansa: Bran, what should we do with Jaime?

Bran: The things we do for love

Daenerys: Wait, what? Why did you say that?

Bran: I'm the three eyed raven

Jon: What does that mean?

Bran: I can see things

Tyrion: Why don't you take another hit from the bong while we figure out what to do

Is there anyone less suited to rule a country of humans?

And what on earth would Bronn be doing on the council?

And if Tyrion does betray Daenerys, why the eff would anyone trust him?

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Message added by Meredith Quill

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