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3 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Here's the old and new $20 Canadian bill.

10 is purple, 50 is red, 100 is brown or coppery.  5 is blue.  (Edited:  They all have different things or people on them.  Only the 20 has the Queen.)



Also just for reference the current bill, the one on the bottom is made of a polymer plastic kind of material. And the shiny part on the right is actually a transparent window with holograms in it. They have been this material since 2012. And I can't even remember the last time I saw one of the old bills. If they really have Beth faking those in the little card shop it might be one of the dumber things I have seen on this show.

13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

He could tell his wife it was an undercover operation, though. Ugh, this show always makes things more complicated than they have to be.

Plus they were strippers not prostitutes. I mean probably not great for his marriage but should be easy enough to explain. Not to mention if he had just arrested them the first time for extortion Beth would have been no where near his wife.

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I don't understand why the cop hasn't arrested Beth for selling counterfeit bags, or if he doesn't know that they're counterfeit, something else, like blackmail or extortion.  The strippers is not enough blackmail material for him not to.  You would rather be involved in this criminal scheme than deal with some embarrassment with your wife; it's weird.

11 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

Also just for reference the current bill, the one on the bottom is made of a polymer plastic kind of material. And the shiny part on the right is actually a transparent window with holograms in it. They have been this material since 2012. And I can't even remember the last time I saw one of the old bills. If they really have Beth faking those in the little card shop it might be one of the dumber things I have seen on this show.

It would immediately draw suspicion if they have a bunch of the old bills which are no longer being used/in circulation.  On the other hand, American shows clearly do not give a fuck about realism or kindness when it comes to Canada, hence, this episode.  I guess it was supposed to be "hilarious" that Annie hates 38 million people for no good reason.  We're just the dumb comic relief.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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19 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

don't understand why the cop hasn't arrested Beth for selling counterfeit bags, or if he doesn't know that they're counterfeit, something else, like blackmail or extortion.  The strippers is not enough blackmail material for him not to.  You would rather be involved in this criminal scheme than deal with some embarrassment with your wife; it's weird.

That whole scene with the strippers was weird. In one part the guy is flashing his badge saying they won't fall for that shakedown and you think oh crap the women are in trouble. Then the next scene they are packing things up like a security guard just gave them a stern warning. Plus Beth's plan seemed way more complicated than Stan's. Like were they doing background checks on the guys who booked the strippers. What if they were single or were guys who had partners who were cool with it. At least with the school plan it is just selling fake purses not extortion.

23 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

would immediately draw suspicion if they have a bunch of the old bills which are no longer being used/in circulation.  On the other hand, American shows clearly do not give a fuck about realism or kindness when it comes to Canada,

From what I remember those older bills had some pretty serious security features on their own, like holograms, water marks and multiple colours. How exactly would Beth fake those? I would go further and say this show doesn't give a fuck about realism at all.

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4 hours ago, paulvdb said:

The ones on the show look similar to the new one but not the same.

I think that's for legal reasons, as dumb as that sounds in this context. There are limits to how you show currency for security reasons.

Side note: Years ago, the place I worked at got a new, very fancy color printer. (This was back in the days when color printers were still new technology.) There was a sticker by the control panel that said copying money was illegal (and supposedly impossible with this machine), so of course the first thing our tech person did was copy a dollar bill and put it up on the wall behind the machine, hee.

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The scene with Beth and Stan was great. I wish this was something we could have seen build up over a couple seasons (I am hard pressed to remember the last time they interacted), but I'll take what I can get. That sort of interpersonal conflict is so necessary in shows like this, and opens up story opportunities for Ruby by putting her in the middle.

I had forgotten the cop from a few episodes ago where he was questioning Rio about Lucy's murder (without an attorney present but...whatever), so was very confused by the opening scene lol. I thought it was a flashback for the Lauren Lapkus character, as the little actress had a similar way of speaking/mannerisms, and we've been doing a lot of those lately.

This show's music budget must be bottomless. There's no way that "Royals" snippet came cheap.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, helenamonster said:

This show's music budget must be bottomless. There's no way that "Royals" snippet came cheap.

It may be that Good Girls doesn't have to pay for Universal Music Group content. I remember reading something about that for Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (though that show uses covers).

ETA: Found the article I'd read. Is Lionsgate involved in GG?

Edited by dcalley
  • Love 1

It's telling that I just now got around to watching my recording of this episode. 🙄

Wow, Beth is ridiculously passive-aggressive. I'm amazed Stan didn't jump across the table and grab her by the throat.

How did Stan not know that guy at the bachelor party was a cop?

Wait, so did the cop accidentally blackmail Nick or did he do it on purpose? Gutsy move if it was deliberate. But I don't get how he made the connection between Rio and Nick. Did he assume Rio got the tickets from Nick?

Wow, Beth has all the stones coming at that cop directly through his wife. Stan certainly would not have been able to do that.

So is the MLM guy the new gangster? I guess Beth will have to fix it eventually to get Dean out from under him.

Oy, looks like Rio handled the cop for Nick, unless that sauce splattering meant the cop got the upper hand on Mick. And what was that envelope they showed? Was that the scalped tickets?


Interesting to see where this goes with the Secret Service lady now.  

I saw on reddit that the actress recently announced she's expecting a baby in the summer. Maybe she won't be back? However, seems unlikely the agent wouldn't realize Beth stole the box of counterfeit money. Not sure why she'd let that slide. I think it would be an odd plot point to let drop with no resolution.

7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But I don't get how he made the connection between Rio and Nick. Did he assume Rio got the tickets from Nick?

It's been a while since I watched the episode, but it seemed like the cop did some digging, and Nick essentially "owns" those particular seats or that seating area? Season passes of some type? I don't go to sporting events, though, so I don't know the minute details of how that stuff works. Maybe someone else can shed more light on it!

  • Useful 1

I’ve been reading through the last several pages of comments, and wow there’s a lot of hate-love for this show! 🙂 I understand the frustration with the plot holes, inconsistencies etc., but for some reason they don’t really bother me.  I find this show is still very enjoyable if I don’t think about it all that much and just view it as a lighthearted caper.

One thing that admittedly makes that difficult is the murder of Lucy, and given that, I don’t know how they’re going to reposition Rio as the Good Guy (which seems to be the trajectory), unless... the murder didn’t really happen? IIRC, we saw the gunshot flash, we learned that Lucy never came home, but was there ever a confirmed body? Maybe she’s just sequestered somewhere in Rio’s version of Witness Protection, lol. Or maybe watching too many years of General Hospital has just left me suspicious of any supposed “death”.

On 5/17/2021 at 9:03 PM, tennisgurl said:

Every plan in this show is so confusing, I don't really get what Beth's plan was with the strippers. I assumed it was blackmailing the businessmen and threatening to leak pictures of them and the strippers, but they were also selling purses? This plan just seems needlessly convoluted. Also, isnt the secret service agent going to notice that a giant box of evidence is missing right after she was having girl talk with Beth? 

The plan with the strippers was to get the guys in there, get them all heated up, then stop the show and refuse to continue until the guys bought some purses. They were assuming the guys would be so horny at that point that they’d willingly buy a purse if it could get more booty in their faces! There was no intent to blackmail after the fact. The cop showing his badge was just a game of one-upmanship, as in, “I’m not playing your game, and if you push it, I’ll arrest you.” He was not working undercover. Beth going to his house was more one-upmanship, and a way for her to say “I call your bluff, and I’m raising.” Perfectly in character for her.

And yes, it was all needlessly convoluted, but I went with it because, see above. As for the agent, of course she’s going to know Beth took the box of money, but she may not be inclined to point the finger because that will make her look even worse for being hoodwinked.  I was more confused by how the box managed to land with its lid intact and money not flying everywhere.

I know the show’s future is uncertain, but I really hope it continues. It has its problems, admittedly, but overall I think the good outweighs the bad and I like watching a show that doesn’t take itself too seriously. There aren’t many like that these days.

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15 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

One thing that admittedly makes that difficult is the murder of Lucy, and given that, I don’t know how they’re going to reposition Rio as the Good Guy (which seems to be the trajectory), unless... the murder didn’t really happen? IIRC, we saw the gunshot flash, we learned that Lucy never came home, but was there ever a confirmed body? Maybe she’s just sequestered somewhere in Rio’s version of Witness Protection, lol. Or maybe watching too many years of General Hospital has just left me suspicious of any supposed “death”.

Never say never (especially on this show, where "dead" people have come back to life), but the girls dug Lucy up to use her face/fingerprint (can't remember which) to unlock her phone. And this season started with the police finding her body (a dog found her foot).


Dean is the worst. 

Or is Beth the worst.

Or is Annie the worst, for thinking she has any place to shit on Canadians while this bitch goes dumpster diving on dates. Sorry we don't all eat garbage here Annie.....are we not cool enough for you???

At least I understood these two episodes, which is a huge improvement on other episodes from this season.

Funny that they played Snow's "Informer" (he's Canadian).

I think the show is on the same date/time next week.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5

Dang, I was looking at my channel guide and luckily I just happened to see this was coming back. On Thursday.  For 2 episodes.

I like the tension between Stan (b/c omg, I kinda get it...Beth is an asshole) and Beth, and I like that it is giving Rhetta layers to play.  That said, Ruby is a grown ass woman who has made her own choices in this mess. Like Rio isn't Beth's gateway, Beth isn't Ruby's.  Ruby shoulders some blame for this too.

Annie is never gonna get it right with men, is she?  I would rather her continue to focus on Benjamin and bettering herself first (for more than 1/2 an episode). 

If in the 90s you told me that Matthew Lillard and Brecken Meyer were going to play middle aged men in a weird bro-dude MLM cult thing, I would have slapped you.  I am loving the weird shit in this whole storyline.  It's probably some of the best guest casting they have done and I like the story.  I DIED when Dean spilled ALL the tea. Bro, OMG, WHY?!

Beth being a mother of 4 children and not even sharing the courtesy info that she is leaving the COUNTRY feels irresponsible. I know, I know. And look - one of the kids gets hurt and she can't be reached.  Her love language for those kids is food, and I get where she was trying to go with the french toast, but that isn't what the boy needed that day when she was unexpectedly gone. She's absent b/c she is too preoccupied with the score and her activities. That simple act (combined with seeing Rio, seeing how happy she is making the money, and hearing the men validate his concerns) made Dean open his eyes to who she is, and now that he has an out, I think he may truly try to take it.  Kudos to the production...Christina H looked so pretty when they were in the stripclub working on the pulp.  She was glowing and in her element, which made it even worse. 

Noreen DeWolf continues to be really effective.  I cackled when her character extorted the Girls.  Do you think she deals with what she deals with on a regular basis and is stupid?  Nope, she isn't.  The Girls deserved that shit.  Snow's Informer was the real MVP this episode. LOL. 

I thought they were being followed by Rio's ppl! I love Rio, but that seems foolish to not make it clear that they would be watched b/c they, as usual, lost everything.  And Beth, as usual, overplays her hand.  So she really thinks that she is going to succeed in the long term pitting brother cousin vs brother cousin?  That her lady bidness and charms are that legit?  C'mon. Interesting how quickly she discarded Rio and has decided to run after Nick.  Let's see how that works out. 

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7 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

I like the tension between Stan (b/c omg, I kinda get it...Beth is an asshole) and Beth, and I like that it is giving Rhetta layers to play.  That said, Ruby is a grown ass woman who has made her own choices in this mess. Like Rio isn't Beth's gateway, Beth isn't Ruby's.  Ruby shoulders some blame for this too.

I know right?  Ruby isn't a child.  She's sitting there crying while people make decisions about her life, WTF?

  • Love 2

That was two hours I'll never get back. So much WTF. Why does Annie need Kevin around? What does being in a domestic partnership with him have to do with Ben getting a scholarship? That was never adequately explained, IMO. Also, Annie's food snobbery is a bit much coming from someone whose kid eats at other people's houses because she's such a terrible provider.

Why is Rio having the women followed and not telling them? Of course they're going to think it's the cops or something.

Why are the women answering to Stan? And yeah, Ruby is an adult and made her own choices, so Beth isn't entirely to blame for Ruby's situation.

I don't at all like the misogyny that the bro-dudes are showing. I don't want to see some men's rights crap in this show. Dean is an adult and made his own choices. Granted, Beth sometimes didn't leave him many options, and none of them were great. 

The strippers are the most delightful part of the show, and I totally agree that Noreen DeWulf is killing it.

This is one show I wouldn't mind going over to Peacock, and then I could forget about it entirely. Heh.

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I now officially hate every primary and secondary character.  Ruby and Stan were my last hopes, but I just can’t anymore. As for side show characters, the strippers are OK, but I can’t stand those MLM biker dudes.  I guess I should be happy that there was very small doses of Rio for a two hour block. But then his brother-cousin shows up. So now Beth is going sleep with cousin-brother, right? Because no man that meets Elizabeth/Beth can resist her? 

as much as I can’t stand Dean (or the actor who plays him), I hope he turns Beth in and gets custody of his kids. I am ready for this show to just be OVER.

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37 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I now officially hate every primary and secondary character.  Ruby and Stan were my last hopes, but I just can’t anymore.

I don't think it's fair to Reno Wilson that the producers gave him this storyline just because Retta had knee surgery.  So now he has to hate the main character of the show?  Oh yeah, that'll go over well (not that I give a tiny fuck about Beth but I assume some people do).  It's already becoming annoying what that being the only character note Stan has anymore.  

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The best part of the episode were the strippers doing their dance for the Canadian border patrol to Informer. I am just assuming that's the opening number in every Canadian strip club. And I did enjoy both Stan and Dean calling Beth out on all her crap, especially on the fact that she loves her life of crime and hasn't been doing it "for her family" in a long time, although they both ended up bugging me by the end of the episode. Its hard to really root for anyone on this show at this point, and not even in a dark comedy way where characters are supposed to be unlikable, they're just annoying. 

Stan isn't wrong to call Beth out on her being the ringleader in this whole mess, but he's treating Ruby like he's her dad and not her partner, like she said. I don't like Beth very much, but Ruby is a grown ass woman who is making her own choices, he needs to be stop being so condescending. Dean certainly isn't wrong that Beth really does love what she is doing and that her doing things like running off to Canada is irresponsible parenting, but its hard to be on his side when he is getting in deep with this creepy biking misogynist pyramid scheme cult. So even when characters are saying things that I agree with, I cant get behind them when they act as ridiculous as everyone else. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Rio is a terrible drug dealer. Why would he not tell the girls that he wants them to go to Canada so they have time to make plans? Why not tell them that his people were following them and not to freak out about the van? Its like he cares more about being a dick than actually making money. 

  • Love 9
24 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Good Girls has been cancelled:

You know that feeling of relief when some long, unpleasant and tedious task is completed, and you think, “well thank goodness that’s over”?  Like a root canal or a weekend visit with in-laws?  That’s the same feeling I had when I read that post.  

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I wondered about their fate with NBC throwing them on Thursday in June and burning off 2 episodes quickly. Well, that frees up some of the my time for other tv.  I wish I were surprised or sadder, but **shrug**.  I too hope that Manny gets some good work (and more diversity in roles...not just the Latino gangbanger) b/c he's fantastic. 

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I am actually surprised, though I'm not sure why. Moving the episode dates around and dumping multiple episodes on the same night, it sounds like they were almost done with it. I am sad to not see these talented actors anymore but hopefully they can move onto better projects now. I am really not sad to see the show go, but I am sad that it never lived up to its potential. 

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Let's put this one on the list of things that make no sense about this show:  IIRC, Step 1 in the Girls' counterfeiting process was stripping the ink off actual dollar bills, then pulping the paper down to make NEW paper on which to print $20 bills.  One would presume they'd use the same technique to print the Canadian money (and we did see them set up the kiddie pool in the strip club), except...there are no Canadian $1 bills (or $2 bills for that matter).  Loonies and toonies are COINS.  The lowest paper denomination is the $5 bill.  I suppose a $15 ROI is still not bad, but $19 is better, no?

Ah, well.  Not much longer to ponder these stupid plot holes...

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On 6/25/2021 at 5:54 PM, Marley said:

This show has gone so downhill I’m not sad it got cancelled. The writers fucked it up. I really liked the show the first couple seasons. This season I didn’t even know what they were trying to do anymore.

The writers are just crazy in so many shows....the Blacklist...a joke. The lead writer there just left after a season finale from hell.  Also many other network dramas.  I’m not sure what is wrong with these people....insufferable.  They must hate their craft.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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The casino thing made no sense. If they really wanted to lose all the money all they had to do was use it to buy chips and then walk out without cashing them back in. Leave them in a bunch of potted plants or give them away as tips, etc. The whole thing was just a stupid plot device, made even more ridiculous by setting it in motion by Rio not telling them in advance that his people would be following them—he’s way too smart to do something that dumb.

Breckin Meyer’s character seems to be getting sort of evil as we go along. It seems like just because he’s one level above these guys in the MLM he gets to be boss of their entire lives. WTF?! Everyone calling it a cult in the comments above is absolutely right.

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4 hours ago, marceline said:

I feel like we've lost a couple of kids on this show. Didn't Stan and Ruby also have a son at the beginning? And I know Beth and Dean say they have four kids I feel like we only see three.

Anyway, my primary feeling about cancellation was one of relief.

I am not a fan of kid plots on shows but that bothered me all last season! They had four kids! Did one go to camp or something and I forgot?

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On 6/24/2021 at 8:42 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Ok.  The thing with Annie and her roommate is so annoying to me that I’ll have to wait and watch it on demand so I can FF thru those scenes.  I have some idea of why he’s there, but I just don’t find it believable or amusing.  It’s an old concept and has been done to death in tv for years.

Wasn't it some ploy to get tuition aide? 

Haven't watched the 2nd show yet, but I was mystified how we got from 'Dean gets conned into a pyramid scheme' to these mass meetings with all kinds of established rituals (the key thing), down to the guys all being fine with Breckin Meyer's character stroking their thighs as he murmurs uplifting slogans. And then Dean, who 1 minute before was talking skeptically about the whole thing, is suddenly spilling all his dirty laundry. Really, the writing is just insulting-I'm glad these writers are losing their jobs.

I couldn't even understand what was going on with the whole stationery shop/printing press garbage. 

And of course the hobo Annie installed in her apartment is a champion lacrosse player.

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I'll be a bit disappointed they aren't allowed to wrap it up in some way.  this is why I watch less and less network shows.  you never know when they'll pull the plug.  Stan seems to forget this all started when he put the family into severe financial straits.  but I can see how it's become tedious for some.  Beth certainly became the female Walter White of Breaking Bad.  I still like the cast, though.

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