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S03.E22: Infantino Street


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With only 24 hours left until Savitar murders Iris, Barry struggles to save the woman he loves and makes the choice to use any means necessary to do so. Realizing he has one option left to save her, The Flash turns to Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) for help.

Michael Allowitz directed the episode with story by Andrew Kreisberg and teleplay by Grainne Godfree


So all that was built up to...what was already telegraphed months ago?  Ok there show.  

Meahwhile, I love Wentworth Miller on this show and how this is complete opposite of Prison Break on the amount of scenery he gets to chew.  But tonight he was talking like Katharine Hepburn and it was so distracting! 

I hope the finale is worth all the repetition we sat through. 

  • Love 7

They were able to distract Savitar long enough for HR to swoop in and replace Iris, right?

I can't freaking believe that they got the rights for Cheetah.  Yeah we didn't actually see her, but she's established in this universe.  Can we get Diana showing up next season, please?

Savitar vs Joe, Harry, and Wally was brutal.  Not as in the fight was bad, but Savitar stomping them was brutal.

Killer Frost has to help out Team Flash.

  • Love 12

They finally do what we've been saying and whisk Iris away without telling Barry where she is and H.R. immediately tells Barry. Even if he didn't know it was Barritar, it was still Barry. And why did they wait until the last damn day to even try this? Also, while Barry and Barritar were fighting, just sit there and look pretty, Iris. Don't try to quickly slip away and hide or anything.


*sigh* These idiots.


The only reason I'm not annoyed that they wasted half the episode trying to steal the MacGuffin only to have Lyla just hand it to them anyway is that it meant we got to spend time with Snart. Wentworth Miller should be in everything. EVERYTHING.

  • Love 23

Overall I really enjoyed this episode, I felt like it was a good 2 episodes worth of episodes merged into one. 

If they had written Wally better I would've been very happy with how they did everything. I mean...really Wally? You are going to punch the guy in the metal suit? As if that will hurt him or something? How bout running your sister to safety?

When I look past the fridging of Iris West, her death was very emotional and one of the better ones that this universe has given us. Though I 100% doubt that Iris is dead so my emotions aren't as worked up as they would be if it was a Laurel situation all over again.

Iris has been a guest star in her own death story. It's been driving majority of it and she has had nothing to do besides prop up Barry which overall helps diminish the story/season.

Having Snart back was great, hopefully they keep finding reasons to bring him back since he is a waste of a good character. Lyla was great even though she didn't factor into the episode that much along with the King Shark joke.

  • Love 7

Huckster got Iris killed. I can buy that. Stupid, stupid, STUPID Huckster. Even if that was Good Barry, Savitar would have "remembered" where Iris was stashed.

I'm guessing the death doesn't stick, but it was stil jarring and heart-breaking. On the bright side: Wentworth Miller. I'm a bit sad that he didn't meet Frost.

"Lemme guess this right . . . you missed me so much, you gave one of your friends my skill set. And it was the girl. Flash, Flash, Flash . . . if you wanted to ask me out, you just could have asked. I mean, I'd refuse because I promised myself to Mick, but still . . ."

  • Love 15

I love Lyla no matter what show she's on, so seeing her makes me happy. And she/Barry got to be badass in that fight scene. I get her not knowing if she can trust Barry, given that he's made some stupidass decisions, but I'm happy that she gave it to him when he proved his goodheartedness in spite of his attempted theft. And I like the acknowledgment that she'd do the same thing for John. Why do I suspect she'll be cashing in a favor next season? And yes, it was convoluted to go through all that spy caper stuff just for her to hand it over, but Snart and Lyla! So, I'm happy with it. 


Why did they think Earth-2 was the best place to hide Iris? Wouldn't Supergirl's be better? Or maybe ARGUS with their metaproof compound?


I like Tracy and HR. I'm still thrown off by how much I like Anne Dudek in this role. 


Between the song choice and the voiceover, they made Iris's death even sadder than the first time around. And nice touch with why she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. 

  • Love 5


I've said it before and I'll say it again, all of the CW shows have issues writing female characters to one degree or another.  But this show, is by far the worst.  And how they've handled both Iris and Caitlin this season is proof positive of this.  How about at least letting them have a little bit of agency in what's supposed to be their arcs, is that too much to ask showrunners?

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:


Also, while Barry and Barritar were fighting, just sit there and look pretty, Iris. Don't try to quickly slip away and hide or anything.

To be fair, even though it was about a minute for us, it was probably only ten seconds for Iris before she was grabbed again.

At least we got a Joe/Iris scene. I figured they'd actually kill her off at some point because of everyone but Iris being sure that they could save her. However, since there's still one episode left, I imagine she won't stay dead for long. That, and I still predict HR giving up his life to save Iris. It's setting up HR doing something heroic, and since Savitar explicitly stated that he'd live, it's just a matter of time before he gives up his life so he can be a hero. Which actually kind of sucks because this episode finally had me liking HR and happy that he found love. And Tracy will surely be sad if HR does die.

11 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

They were able to distract Savitar long enough for HR to swoop in and replace Iris, right?

I guess there's a reason why they had Barry become Lyla earlier in the episode, so I have to wonder if this is the case. If we don't see HR immediately and if he isn't trying to make out with Tracy in the first ten minutes of the finale, then I'll be more convinced. I mean, HR DID give a final goodbye to Cisco, so I totally buy him convincing Barry of the plan.

On another note, HI HARRY! I've missed you! 

Nice to see Wentworth Miller again. Him and Grant Gustin always have great scenes together. Also, speaking of Grant, his few scenes as Savitar have been pretty convincing. I've enjoyed them. 

  • Love 6

I enjoyed this episode (except Lyla inexplicably not giving Barry the power source when he asked - because really Lyla?  You'd just let Iris die?), all the way up until they killed Iris.

I don't believe Iris is really dead - I suspect HR sacrificed himself...  they left all the clues.  Joe, not HR on the roof.  Harry was also in this episode - so he could have come back to help as well.  Plus the

sizzle reel clearly shows Iris with Barritar - if that scene doesn't end up on the cutting room floor then I wonder if Barritar will try to keep Iris for himself - maybe he switched her with HR? - while Barry mourns and eventually creates the time remnant that becomes Savitar


I feel kinda numb like this can't be it - Iris can't be dead - because they sucked all of the drama out of it by showing her die umpteen times before actually doing it - the only thing that made it emotional was Iris reading vows (sob).  But leaving her dead makes no sense - and if this show tries to keep her dead then I guess Bart is gonna show up pretty soon asking who effed up the timeline and erased him!

If the show keeps Iris dead then ... oh well... guess I get Tuesday nights back.

  • Love 3

This all would have been a lot sadder if I hadn't already seen so many "dead" people return to life in the Arrowverse, show. As it is I'm left wondering what designer outfit Iris will be sporting next week.

1. So, Caitlin is still running around freezing things and being all evil and this is the day Iris is supposed to die, so where is Julian exactly in all this? Pretending that someone still works for/has any interest in the Central City forensics department?  

2. Yay, SOMEONE finally pointed out that Barry is an untrustworthy hero! Someone who frequently trusts Team Arrow, no less, so you know her standards on "trustworthy" are pretty low!  

Naturally she changed her mind at the end of the episode.

3. "Reminds me of Jaws. Didn't show you the shark because they couldn't afford to make it look good."  Yes, Flash, we are aware that you have budget problems. Many of them.  (Including, apparently, the inability to recreate the Suicide Squad cells from Arrow's second season, but let us move on. Maybe ARGUS moved everyone.) There's no reason to point this out in the script, show!

4. Speaking of which, fun though it was to see that Argus has apparently decided to take up at least some of the space at the DEO, it was a little less fun to watch everyone over on Earth-2 continue to hang out at the Star Labs set instead of RUNNING STILL FURTHER AWAY. All H.R. knew was that Iris was on Earth-2, not exactly WHERE on Earth-2.  And that's before I start wondering why, exactly, Barry and Iris feel the need to sleep in Kara and Mon-El's bedroom. RELEASE THE BUDGET, BERLANTI. RELEASE THE BUDGET. 

5. If I'm counting correctly, this is at least the fifth time someone has more or less successfully broken into an Argus facility, so can we perhaps stop talking about how incredibly difficult it is to break into one? Getting out has occasionally been a problem, but getting in, no.

6. Iris has 24 hours to live, and all she's getting out of it is some caviar and a chance to confess to her father that she broke curfew years back?  Geesh. Nice scene between Joe and Iris there, but geesh.

7. And once again, Barry proves that he never learns anything from this show.  Let's all stop for a moment, Barry, and think: should you, knowing that time travelling creates time remnants one of which is trying to kill Iris and has already killed other people, do MORE time travel or LESS time travel? 

In other news, Barry Allen remains The Worst.

8. On the other hand, that did let us get Captain Cold back for one episode. So, Barry, you're forgiven. Kinda. 

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Hook75 said:

Did they tell Barry? I'm not sure he knows about this plan if this plan is indeed the case.

True, Barry wouldn't be able to know of the plan anyway. I think that HR and Iris are the only ones to know about the plan, then. HR probably grabbed her on the ground and that's when they switched. I'd say Wally helped to switch them, but I don't think his injury would allow him to use his superspeed. But I'd imagine Joe would have seen the switch, so I'm torn on who HR might have told.

Just now, phoenics said:

I have another theory now.... what if Wally created a time remnant to die in Iris' place with the face thingee?

That would be more interesting than just HR sacrificing himself and it wouldn't create a Wallitar because we know it would die.

I might actually prefer that. In fact, why didn't they think of creating another time remnant to get killed the moment they found out about Barritar? 

  • Love 2

Sigh. The editing ? ? were at it again. 

The promo leading up to tonight said that Barry used the Waverider to go back and get Snart-AND they showed the Waverider flying to where he was. So Barry didn't technically run back in time. But nooo. Dialogue had him messing with time. AGAIN. And Iris is SO not dead.


Two weeks ago showed Iris caressing EVUHL!BarryRemnant's scarred cheek in a preview for what I though would happen last week, but it seems it will happen in the finale.

I'm more convinced of this after Killer Frost baiting EVUHL!BarryRemnant about whether he could actually kill Iris.

Snart, and Wentworth especially, was the best part of tonight's show, in all his scenery chewing glory and the JAWS references!??Though in truth, they never showed Bruce because he kept breaking down. Ultimately, the technical issues turned out to be a boon and the movie was much, much better for it.

And now, off to watch Michael and Sara's reunion!!!!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Sigh. The editing ? ? were at it again. 

The promo leading up to tonight said that Barry used the Waverider to back and get Snart-AND they showed the Waverider flying to where he was. So Barry didn't technically run back in time. But nooo. Dialogue had him messing with time. AGAIN. And Iris is SO not dead.

  Reveal hidden contents

Two weeks ago showed Iris caressing EVUHL!BarryRemnant's scarred cheek in a preview for what I though would happen last week, but it seems it will happen in the finale.

I'm more convinced of this after Killer Frost baiting EVUHL!BarryRemnant about whether he could actually kill Iris.




Remember how Barritar told Barry he needed two things?  One was for Barry to create a time remnant and the other was something he was keeping secret?  What if he never intended to kill Iris and instead meant to keep her hidden and fake her death so Barry thinks she died and so he'd create the remnant?  And then Barritar gets to keep Iris for himself?

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 3
Just now, ottoDbusdriver said:

Iris Anne West -- time remnant.

Ooooohhhhhh I like it!!  Though is it possible for a non-speedster to have a time remnant?

But playing along with that:

And now that we didn't see that scene with Barritar and Iris in the sizzle reel tonight, then that means it's in next week's episode - unless it got cut.  But assuming it IS in next week's episode - then I think IF there could be an Iris West remnant, then Barritar created it to "die" so that he could have the real Iris and live with her, while Barry is in agony.  While all of them are.  Barritar DID say he needed TWO things for his plan to work - one is for Barry to be so hopeless and full of grief that he creates the time remnant to kill Barritar, thereby creating Barritar.  The second?  My guess is the second (that he said he was keeping to himself) would be Iris.  

Plus, he did make a little play on words with that - he actually said he'd be "keeping that to himself".  OR maybe he said "for himself"?  Maybe he actually meant that literally - just like he meant "I am the Future Flash".

I'm actually wondering if the above is really how it might go down.

  • Love 1
Just now, doram said:

I really hope the scene between Iris and Savitar from the Sizzle Reel will be in the next episode and was not cut from this one. That was the one thing I looked forward to in this episode. 


I actually really believe this was not cut - I think it's critical for all of this.  You can see my theory in the spoiler tags in my previous post.

1 minute ago, doram said:

Was any explanation given for Jessie Quick's absence? 

Or Julian's?


So, after all the gripping, worrying, and planning, Savitar still kills Iris with ease.  And 90% was because H.R. can't keep his stupid mouth shut.  Lovely.  That said, I doubt it is permanent.  Something is going to happen.  Either more time travel (ugh), or the team has concocted some kind of plan.  Either way, I agree that it will likely involve H.R. sacrificing himself somehow.  Between them bringing up this new device that can make someone look like another and H.R.'s guilt about what happened, they are clearly setting him up.  Plus, I kind of suspect that it's become a running gag to have Tom Cavanagh play a different Wells each season, so I really wouldn't be surprised if he plays a new one after this.  Although, I still wouldn't be opposed to Harry returning, because Harry is the best.

No matter H.R.'s fate though, I hope Tracy sticks with Team Flash.  They certainly could use the estrogen since Iris might be dead and Caitlin's getting her Killer Frost on.

Did they explain Julian's absence?  Because it was kind of weird, like the events from last episode just made him go "Fuck it, guys!  I'm out!!"  Also, did anyone tell Jesse Quick what was going down?

The Iris/Joe scene was nice.  Candice Patton and Jesse L. Martin are great together.  Just wish the show actually showed more of their relationship, but they tend to only focus on Joe/Barry and Joe/Wally.

Vibe vs. Killer Frost is finally happening.  Doubt either one will die, but I'm curious to see how it will play out.

Barry and Snart teaming up was a blast, complete with King Shark and Wentworth Miller dialing up to 20 this time (as oppose to 11, which is normal for him.)  Since it ended with Snart doing "There are no strings on me", I wonder if that is a hint that it was this mission that ends up motivating him to sacrifice himself for the Legends team later on.

Damn, Lyla!  I totally get side-eying Barry after Flashpoint, but still rejecting him after he told her Iris would die was stone cold!

Well, I hope the finale will end up being more then just Barry moping around and crying.  Maybe they'll surprise me.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, phoenics said:

Ooooohhhhhh I like it!!  Though is it possible for a non-speedster to have a time remnant?


As far as we know, no one has tried it before -- which does not preclude it from being a possibility.

How did Barry know that Snart was in 1892 ?  In Siberia ?  And since when has it been shown that Barry can time travel more than 20 years with ease, let alone 120 years to the past ?  Hell, he needed help from Wally to go to 2024.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Jediknight said:

They were able to distract Savitar long enough for HR to swoop in and replace Iris, right?

I can't freaking believe that they got the rights for Cheetah.  Yeah we didn't actually see her, but she's established in this universe.  Can we get Diana showing up next season, please?

Savitar vs Joe, Harry, and Wally was brutal.  Not as in the fight was bad, but Savitar stomping them was brutal.

Killer Frost has to help out Team Flash.

Calling it..HR redeems himself somehow..and Julian got ahold of that face changing tech

as for Diana showing up..that depends on if the Wonder Woman movie is a success

Edited by TDT
  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Plus, I kind of suspect that it's become a running gag to have Tom Cavanagh play a different Wells each season, so I really wouldn't be surprised if he plays a new one after this.  Although, I still wouldn't be opposed to Harry returning, because Harry is the best.


No, it's a stipulation in Cavanaugh's contract that in order for him to return each season, it has to be as a different character. I'd call it a running gag if it was something the show runners and writers came up with, but that's not the case.

20 minutes ago, TDT said:

Been hearing that WW as well as Justice League went through a TON of re-shoots..

I read that Wonder Woman had to do reshoots because Gadot was five months pregnant during the initial filming, and has nothing to do with content of the film. This is the ONLY DC movie that looks good.

  • Love 1

I'm moved to post some quick observations:

- I will be so happy to get the finale over with so I can stop seeing Iris die.  Seriously, show!  I'm guessing we'll see it again at least twice next week (previouslies and flashback to whatever really happened this episode).  Who am I kidding? They'll probably throw it into the introduction to next season, too!  *sigh*

- Hey, Joe, you know what would really show how much you love Iris?  Giving her a damn gun instead of joking about how you told her to stay away from guns.

- Hey, everyone, you know who has a gun AND lives on Earth 2?  Iris West-Allen.  Do the writers even remember that?  Maybe Joe could call in some backup.  (This would, of course, cause all sorts of feels since Earth-2 Joe is dead.  Wow, that could make up a good bit of an episode, an episode that could have been much better than much of the wheel-spinning we've gotten to stretch this storyline out.)

- Imagine that, at the beginning of the episode, Lyla can't be reached (deep cover or something) and her second-in-command gives no fucks and refuses to help.  Cue Barry going back in time to recruit Snart, which gives us our fun caper without (a) making Lyla seem by turns horribly callous and irritatingly flighty or (b) rendering the whole caper pointless since she decided to give up the McGuffin anyway. 

Edited by netlyon2
Battling the super villain Autocorrect
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

How did Barry know that Snart was in 1892 ?  In Siberia ?  And since when has it been shown that Barry can time travel more than 20 years with ease, let alone 120 years to the past ?  Hell, he needed help from Wally to go to 2024.

I was wondering that myself. Normally he travels to a specific place, like where Iris was killed or his old house. Unless he has the Legends itinerary somewhere or was just bopping around in time until he stumbled across the Waverider?

  • Love 7

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