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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I hope Kevin does go on the block!


Also, if he gets evicted on Jason's HOH, he'll be devastated because he's the last one who actually likes Kevin, even if he's pretending to hate him right now.


Also, Kevin will go to jury and probably find out that Cody's daughter exists, as does his military background. 


As you can tell, Mark's eviction means I don't give a shit on who leaves next because I dislike them all to varying degrees. Kevin is one besides Jason and sometimes Matt that I don't absolutely loathe, but I'm now here for...


 I believe you mean XTREME CHAOS.  (and you must do the Y from the YMCA dance when saying this)

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

Can you even IMAGINE the ego it takes to expect people to drop an HoH to you this late in the game?

Well, it's a team effort this year, you know. You either contribute to the team or you get evicted.

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Seriously? As much as I'm enjoying Raven looking like the clown she is, if my "boyfriend" didn't hand me a towel or wipe the mascara from my face ON FUCKING TV before eating a sandwich I'd kick him in the nuts. 

Edit: Sorry, taco. Either way, how could he let her stand there looking crazy like that?

Edited by Lambie
Tacos are special
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Kevin and Christmas were in the storage room discussing who the 2 votes against Matt came from.  Kevin swore it wasn't him.  Christmas said they can't pin it on me because I didn't vote.

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Just now, zorak said:

Kevin and Christmas were in the storage room discussing who the 2 votes against Matt came from.  Kevin swore it wasn't him.  Christmas said they can't pin it on me because I didn't vote.

Oh Kevin will get blamed for sure.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Maybe Paul told Alex and Jason to do it for that reason. Paul has officially reached the over-thinking it stage.

Hmm, I'm not sure. Kevin was already on the radar for everyone so that would have been kinda dumb on Paul's part. Also if that were the case the Paul would have probably only wanted one hinky vote.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL. Alex trying to pin one hinky vote on Kevin while "not knowing who the second is" but meanwhile, Jason already blabbed to Kevin that it was him and probably Alex.

Such brainiacs, those two.

Dumbest. Cast. Ever.

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5 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Alex is talking about Kevin going on the block? Why is she so fucking dumb? And I wish Jason would tell Paul "I've got this, I don't need your advice on nominations."

That will never happen, which is why whomever is HOH, won't matter! 

Edited by Hello Lady
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5 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Alex is talking about Kevin going on the block? Why is she so fucking dumb? And I wish Jason would tell Paul "I've got this, I don't need your advice on nominations."

She's just a dumbass. Apparently, she doesn't want a for sure vote if she makes F2, because Jason nominating Kevin and then Alex trashing him all week will ensure that Kevin thinks twice about his vote for finale. 

I mean, does she realize if it was her and Paul, he'd vote for her? Now, he may reconsider. Kevin's a nice guy, but he'll be hurt by this move.

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3 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

Paul seems kind of frazzled and very nasty, his natural state, I guess

Oh he is, nasty, bully, small minded/bully. I hate him .

3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


These people are now convinced that Raven voted to evict Matt.


I don't know now they could possibly think that! 

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And Kevin just told Paul that Jason/Alex voted to evict Matt.

I can't. I'm shutting the feeds off and going to watch Netflix before bed.

Ciao. I'll be back in the morning when I get to work to see if something surprising happened during the night, like Paul/Josh/Christmas becoming targets. I doubt I'll miss a single thing.

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So as soon as Jason confessed to Kevin, he runs to tell Paul?

I hope Kevin is voted out this week. He is a hardcore Paul minion. It is not as obvious as the rest because he's never had any power, but every move he makes his motivated/initiated by Paul. Fuck him.

6 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

These people are idiots. Why would they even think about the idea of Raven being one of the votes against Matt?

Add Alex wanting to pin on on Christmas, the HOH, now that she knows Jason blurbed to Kevin.

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4 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

So as soon as Jason confessed to Kevin, he runs to tell Paul?

I hope Kevin is voted out this week. He is a hardcore Paul minion. It is not as obvious as the rest because he's never had any power, but every move he makes his motivated/initiated by Paul. Fuck him.

Add Alex wanting to pin on on Christmas, the HOH, now that she knows Jason blurbed to Kevin.

The same C'mas that couldn't vote. Brilliant Alex, turf her @ss,  Jason , she messed up your game too many times! 

Edited by Hello Lady
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This could be a more interesting week than anticipated. Alex trying to give Jason his story:

Alex to Jason- Tell everyone you were lying and trying to get it out of him (Kevin). We will pin it on Christmas

Hmmm, Xmas did not get a vote this eviction.

And love that Jason figures out that the votes were Jason and Alex and that they are lying to scapegoat Kevin.

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And love that Jason figures out that the votes were Jason and Alex and that they are lying to scapegoat Kevin.


I know it was a typo, but I like the idea of Jason barely being able to figure out what he and Alex were doing. ;)

Edited by Brian Cronin
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So everyone is scrambling, trying to figure out how to play the worst game possible. It sounds like a tight race right now, but I fully expect Jason to come up with the brilliant idea, suggested by Paul, to nominate himself and Alex for eviction. 

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5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I've said this often but it can't be repeated enough. Alex really is dumb as fuck. 

Also, Jason is fucked next week. 

I keep hoping that MAYBE she's just playing it cool and not letting people on to her plans, but nope, she's just a moron.

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Well, the one good thing about Jason winning HOH is that it throws a small wrench (emphasis on "small") into Paul's plans about getting Jason out sooner rather than later.  Although this does put a large target on Jason's back.  However, Jason has shown that he is capable of winning competitions and if he keeps winning, he will become a real contender for the win.

Edited by zenithwit
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The thing I can't stand about Alex is she's one of those really stupid people who thinks she's the smartest person in the world. She really is a wretched human being. 

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41 minutes ago, Cutty said:

The thing I can't stand about Alex is she's one of those really stupid people who thinks she's the smartest person in the world. She really is a wretched human being. 

The Remainders are filled with people like that. Christmas thinks she's the bomb, Paul thinks he's the smartest, most clever person ever. They're such garbage people.

Alex still freaking out about Cody eating her cereal is just reaching sociopathic levels at this point.

I also seriously think that that moron believes that they sent the cereal from her home. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
Decided to capitalize Remainders.
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Just waiting til 10:00pm PST when I can see the last of Mark and his exit interview. His interview with Julie was the best one yet. And since there was nothing happening on the show, he seemed to get extra time.

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

I also seriously think that that moron believes that they sent the cereal from her home. 

She totally does. Imagine her disappointment when she finds out an intern bought it at the local Walmart.

Matt called Mark useless. Matt. Cmon man. 

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I've finally figured this out.  Matt is infested with an alien parasite that is controlling his actions (ala "The Puppeteers" or the Trill from Star Trek).

1.  Matt eats and eats, but doesn't gain weight  That's because he's eating for two!

2.  There is no cereal on the alien home world.  That's why it's eating cereal all day long.  It's a new experience for the alien.

3.  The aliens don't have the same concept of cleanliness that we do.  That's why it folds towels on the floor and uses jizz towels to clean dishes.

4.  The aliens don't have beards (or mouths really).  That's why the alien keeps making Matt's tongue do weird stuff with his beard.  Another new experience for it.

5.  The aliens don't understand the concept of humor.  That's why Matt has an inappropriate laugh.

We're through the looking glass, here, people.  This could be a prelude to a full-scale alien invasion.  Hopefully, the alien parasite dies of boredom before it can report back to its home world.

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1 hour ago, Sandycat said:

 Paul seems kind of frazzled and very nasty, his natural state, I guess

Paul might be upset because two of his minions did not follow his  orders to evict Mark.

Edited by backformore
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