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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion


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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Now Alex is trying to convince him that Cody and Jess can't be in jury together so Jess needs to go this week.  She says she will vote however Josh wants but she's really trying to convince him that Jess needs to go.

Golly Gee, doesn't that sound just like Paul argument to Josh. That Jess and Cody would not vote for him. If Josh made it to F2 Jess would vote for him. She appreciates the irony of the game.

Josh is really showing signs of leadership. Interesting to watch. From day one I had a soft spot for him, He may be coming through now. Making the game more interesting him.

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Golly Gee, doesn't that sound just like Paul argument to Josh. That Jess and Cody would not vote for him. If Josh made it to F2 Jess would vote for him. She appreciates the irony of the game.

Josh is really showing signs of leadership. Interesting to watch. From day one I had a soft spot for him, He may be coming through now. Making the game more interesting him.

Did someone have a word with him? Sounds like it.

56 minutes ago, zorak said:

I'm pretty sure Paul and Josh are lying to the rest of the HOH crew about what Elena said.  They're saying that she did actually suggest names of who should go up instead of her and then tried to say she didn't.  I might have missed something in that convo but I don't think she said names. 

Josh and Paul are lying.  The closest Elena came to saying what Josh is alleging was along the following lines:

  • Josh was snowing Elena, telling her she was going up as a pawn because Josh wanted a strong competitor vying against Jessica for PoV.
  • Elena (who is right pissed about being OTB , and doing a damn poor job of hiding it) kept pointing out to Josh that as HoH he could of course put up anybody he chose, but his strategy was flawed if he picked Elena as a strong competitor because there were stronger comp players in the House.
  • Josh did keep trying to fish names out of Elena, but Elena was never forthcoming.
  • At which point Josh started asking Elena if she was talking about Paul, about Alex, etc., etc. - trying to get Elena to respond with a name.   Which she never did.

...so when Paul got up in the HoH Room, Josh started throwing out some of the names HE had mentioned, and acting like Elena had said them.  Which wasn't true.  But it suited both Josh's and Paul's purposes to pretend it was true.

4 hours ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

 She doesn't like Jessica slapping her vagina 

This puzzles me. Physiologically a vagina, which is actually an internal canal, isn't that easy to get to unless it's being offered up. Any man will testify to that! And even when it is offered up slapping it is simply not possible.

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

This puzzles me. Physiologically a vagina, which is actually an internal canal, isn't that easy to get to unless it's being offered up. Even then I can't picture any slapping. 

 OK so technically labia would be the current term .  

 Here's a thread on jokers. The first post has a clip of Matt doing it to Jessica.   I'm  not sure if Jessica did it the same way to Alex.    


I don't understand kids these days,  ::shakes fist in the air::  like the old person I am 


ETA:  Here is the clip of Raven playing the "guess who's ...." game.   


Edited by brdwygurl
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, mooses said:

On one feed, Alex is talking about sexual predators. On the other feed, Kevin is showing Paul his secret stash of water bottles under the couch. Heh.

Why does Kevin need a secret stash of water bottles?

It would be hilarious if Jess manages to stay this week and she or Cody get HoH next week.

Josh seems to want Elena out, bad.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Skycatcher said:

This puzzles me. Physiologically a vagina, which is actually an internal canal, isn't that easy to get to unless it's being offered up. Any man will testify to that! And even when it is offered up slapping it is simply not possible.

Lol, irritating.  It is a stupid and ignorant trend to call a woman's crotch a vagina.  It will pass.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, wings707 said:

  It will pass.  

I dunno, Wings.  There seems to be a general dumbing down that has been going on for quite a while now. The ignorance shown by these hammies is merely a tiny tip of the problem.  I am often stunned by how much of what should be common knowledge simply isn't common anymore .

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, brdwygurl said:

What does Raven's mom having surgery and grandparent having cancer have to do with ANYTHING?

Is she saying she is morally above hiding someone property because of this? Or saying anyone who criticizes her is vile due to her adversity? 

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Lol, irritating.  It is a stupid and ignorant trend to call a woman's crotch a vagina.  It will pass.  

 I read it the same way as somebody saying, " he punched me in the kidneys".  Obviously  you didn't get punched in the kidneys because they are inside your body.  You got punched on the outside over the area where your kidneys are.

Of course I'm probably giving the hammies too much credit,  because really any credit is too much 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Nashville said:

The issue isn't simple lying per se - hell, anybody can lie - the issue is specifically lying about Production-related issues such as the nature or particulars of rewards, penalties, etc.  It falls into the category of "using Production as a strategy", which is not allowed. 

Exactly, Nashville. I wouldn't have brought it up several times if this wasn't the case.

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, brdwygurl said:

 I read it the same way as somebody saying, " he punched me in the kidneys".  Obviously  you didn't get punched in the kidneys because they are inside your body.  You got punched on the outside over the area where your kidneys are.

Of course I'm probably giving the hammies too much credit,  because really any credit is too much 

You are so stop it.  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

This puzzles me. Physiologically a vagina, which is actually an internal canal, isn't that easy to get to unless it's being offered up. Any man will testify to that! And even when it is offered up slapping it is simply not possible.

Accessibility issues aside, I had no idea vagslapping was even a thing.  Is this a kneejerk response to all the self-dick-sucking that's going on?

Well, maybe not a KNEEjerk response...

...oh, who am I kidding?  At this point, any kind of jerking is probably fair game.


1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

What does Raven's mom having surgery and grandparent having cancer have to do with ANYTHING?

Is she saying she is morally above hiding someone property because of this? Or saying anyone who criticizes her is vile due to her adversity? 

This is Raving Raven the Living Dead Girl we're talking about, so - yes, all of the above, absolutely.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Nashville said:

The issue isn't simple lying per se - hell, anybody can lie - the issue is specifically lying about Production-related issues such as the nature or particulars of rewards, penalties, etc.  It falls into the category of "using Production as a strategy", which is not allowed unless you're Paul.

Fixed that for ya.  ;-)

  • Love 8

Once again Wings, you are right. Where DID all this vag- slapping come from? What saddens me most is that I have become so inured to it and the all self-fellatio in our news today, that I didn't even pick up on  it.  LOL - I'm old enough to remember when Lucy and Ricky were Only allowed to sleep in twin beds . That was the TV norm, and for a while I* thought my parents were so weird for wanting to sleep together in the same bed . My, how things have changed, and not always for the better.

ETA: * an age at which I had no idea beds were for anything except sleeping or jumping up-and-down on when you wouldn't get caught. 

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 8

I like Elena as a person more than most of these people and I think it's super gross that Josh wants her out because he's attracted to her and she doesn't like him that way.

That being said, I love all of this lol. 

There's gonna be another Friday ep on the 18th, so jury buy back is almost definitely happening. I swear, watch these fools finally wise up and get Paul out only for him to come right back.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's gonna be another Friday ep on the 18th, so jury buy back is almost definitely happening. I swear, watch these fools finally wise up and get Paul out only for him to come right back.

Ugh. Seems like the buyback is going to be a consistent part of the show going forward. 

The 18th is strange timing though. I'm pretty sure Ramses is not being sequestered so even if there's a double eviction on the 17th, there's only gonna be three players competing in the battle back? Odd.

I am personally over Elena. She is so self righteous when she has a conversation with anyone who isn't Paul. I feel like her game completely tanked since the week she let Alex win the wall comp and take out Dom.

Edited by Cutty
  • Love 7

Jason's reaction is so fucking perfect. This is why I still have a soft spot for him.

5 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I feel like [Elena's] game completely tanked since the week she let Alex win the wall comp and take out Dom.

Yea really. She just gave up doing anything but being Paul's #2 ass kisser (Alex will always be #1). Really disappointing because I feel like she had the potential to be a really good, fun player. Once again, Paul ruins everything. But anyway yes I am fine with losing her. She brings nothing to the game or show.

I didn't even think about the timing of the 18th ep. I guess maybe it's not a buy back, but I don't know what else it could be. They've never done a special ep for the jury buy back though, have they? Don't they usually just do one comp between all of them and show it instead of HOH? Or have it as part of HOH.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's gonna be another Friday ep on the 18th, so jury buy back is almost definitely happening. I swear, watch these fools finally wise up and get Paul out only for him to come right back.

Wait, really? Ok, I am entertained, especially if Cody gets evicted and then comes back in once more. Victor could have a competitor for most evictions in a season. Or, have it be Paul vs Cody and have Paul beat by him for the....fourth time? Fifth time? 

These fools won't wise up to Paul in time. No way. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

This puzzles me. Physiologically a vagina, which is actually an internal canal, isn't that easy to get to unless it's being offered up. Any man will testify to that! And even when it is offered up slapping it is simply not possible.

Not one camera has picked this up and not one feeder, I truly think Alexa, along with many others , has a screw loose! 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Hello Lady said:

Not one camera has picked this up and not one feeder, I truly think Alexa, along with many others , has a screw loose! 

I get the feeling that all this "body snatching" was going on in the first 10 days.  I do remember in the early feeds Jessica grabbing peoples butts, Elena rubbing up agasint  Paul ( he told her step back he wasn't comfortable with that, in SR). Elena or Xmas resting on each others breasts.  But I don't remember Jess's hands on Alex's crotch. It probably did happen within the bounds of "playtime" and someone was offended and shocked by it. DOn't blame them. You need to keep your hands to yourself. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Raven has these SUPER weird leaps of logic, like "I'm dying, so I can't be lying." It's hilariously dumb. 

I've come to dislike her the most, she's utterly boring. Shut up Raven. Get over yourself. Quit being so lame. Ugh. Even a week with voting her out will be a lame week. She's entirely unexciting, regardless of how much drama she tried to instill in her conversations. She's meh.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason's reaction is so fucking perfect. This is why I still have a soft spot for him.

Yea really. She just gave up doing anything but being Paul's #2 ass kisser (Alex will always be #1). Really disappointing because I feel like she had the potential to be a really good, fun player. Once again, Paul ruins everything. But anyway yes I am fine with losing her. She brings nothing to the game or show.

I didn't even think about the timing of the 18th ep. I guess maybe it's not a buy back, but I don't know what else it could be. They've never done a special ep for the jury buy back though, have they? Don't they usually just do one comp between all of them and show it instead of HOH? Or have it as part of HOH.

You can just see Jason's eyes glazing over, lol. Yeah, I still kind of of like Jason. And Mark for the big, dumb softie that he is. I still see Jason as a possible winner, unless Alex continues to drag him down. 

This season, I'm potentially down with a jury buyback, unless it's a damn crapshoot. But will there be 4 evictees by then?

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I didn't even think about the timing of the 18th ep. I guess maybe it's not a buy back, but I don't know what else it could be. They've never done a special ep for the jury buy back though, have they? Don't they usually just do one comp between all of them and show it instead of HOH? Or have it as part of HOH.

It's probably the Ziggy Marley carnival games episode like last year.

  • Love 2

I'm back from 3 weeks' ridiculous work weeks and am catching up here. Too many pages to read, but caught up with the last few episodes, saw Josh is HOH and not wanting to pester Cody and Jessica.

Here's my wish--and it's a long shot.

Josh puts up Elena and Jess, Cody or Josh wins veto and takes Jess off, Josh puts up Paul, Paul leaves.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

What does Raven's mom having surgery and grandparent having cancer have to do with ANYTHING?

Is she saying she is morally above hiding someone property because of this? Or saying anyone who criticizes her is vile due to her adversity? 

I was "fortunate" enough to catch this on After Dark.  Moments earlier, Josh and Jessica had been having a conversation. Jessica said that the reason she though John's behavior was disgusting (during that dumping the garbage comp) was because she had told him (he was one of the few she told) that it was the anniversary of her father's death, and she was having a hard time with it that day. She thought it was disgusting of him to dump garbage on her, ie be hard on her on a day like that.

After that convo, and now up in the HoH room, Josh is relaying this story. Raven chimes in with (paraphrasing) Well my mom was having surgery that day, so don't even bring up real life stuff! Raven, of course, assumes that her mom having surgery is somehow much more difficult to deal with than the first anniversary of a dear parent's death. Because no matter what it is, Raven suffers the most. She's a piece of work.

  • Love 13
44 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

You can just see Jason's eyes glazing over, lol. Yeah, I still kind of of like Jason. And Mark for the big, dumb softie that he is. I still see Jason as a possible winner, unless Alex continues to drag him down. 

Jason has his moments of clarity, but his alliance with Alex really screws it all up. Without Alex, Jason would probably be a decent player. Not great, but decent. He shows signs of seeing through Paul's shit, he hates Maven, and he seems to want to make bigger moves not against Jody or Marlena. 

I wonder what might have happened in an alternate timeline if Jason, Matt, Jess, Cody, Mark, Elena, Kevin, and Christmas had teamed up. This group seems to be my dream alliance that never was. I detest everyone else. Matt is only on this list because he tried to stand up to the bullying and likes to diss Raven to her face while making it seem like he's joking. 

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

I'm back from 3 weeks' ridiculous work weeks and am catching up here. Too many pages to read, but caught up with the last few episodes, saw Josh is HOH and not wanting to pester Cody and Jessica.

Here's my wish--and it's a long shot.

Josh puts up Elena and Jess, Cody or Josh wins veto and takes Jess off, Josh puts up Paul, Paul leaves.

Oooh, that is a good wish, The Gapper!  It would be awesome if he did put Paul up as a "safe move" to ensure that the other one goes home, because after all, who'd want to get rid of beloved Paul? But sadly, even given this unlikely opportunity, I think these hammies are too dumb to take it.

Won't someone please get Paul off my tv? Please?

Edited by Jel
  • Love 3

That was probably because Josh was talking about the awesomeness of putting Mark on slop for four weeks in a row.

ETA: Raven is a grifter and she probably learned those tricks from her mom. One of the hallmarks of a grifter: always stick to a story no matter how outlandish until it becomes "the new norm." You can see that in the HG's. They're far past the point of caring or sympathizing with her but they get this general idea that displeasing her will bring on a torrent of sob stories about death and dying so she gets what she wants.

Edited by Growsonwalls
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

I still see Jason as a possible winner, unless Alex continues to drag him down. 

Yea, I think Jason is a possible winner, too. He fits the criteria of what wins this show pretty well.

1 hour ago, zscore said:

It's probably the Ziggy Marley carnival games episode like last year.

I forgot about that lol. You're probably right. What exactly happened during that? I legit do not remember it at all. 

37 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Matt is only on this list because he tried to stand up to the bullying and likes to diss Raven to her face while making it seem like he's joking. 

This would be awesome if it weren't for the fact that he's getting blowjobs from her every night. It makes it so very gross and makes Matt into more of a Boogie/BB9 Matt type.

5 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I just want Paul out to see how the others will play the game.

Right! Honestly ideally I'd want Paul gone and then Cody because then and only then we might see some actual game play from some of these people.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, zorak said:

There are no Have Nots this week, except for Elena because she's on extended slop.

Is slop high calorie?  Everyone gains weight in the house, but I was surprised how Elena looked in that little dress the other day.  She looked like she had gained a significant amount of weight, yet I've not seen her eat a lot.

1 minute ago, RedheadZombie said:

Is slop high calorie?  Everyone gains weight in the house, but I was surprised how Elena looked in that little dress the other day.  She looked like she had gained a significant amount of weight, yet I've not seen her eat a lot.

Jen from BB8 said she wanted to go on slop because she wanted to lose weight, but one of the things with slop is that you're allowed to add "condiments" which means that most HG's slather their slop with honey, maple syrup, brown sugar, and other ultra-sweet fattening foods. So they don't lose that much weight. Also heard it gives you constipation which might explain why Elena looks so bloated. Jocasta I think was on slop and had really bad constipation until she had to go to the DR about it.

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