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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, F. M. said:

Once she makes jury? What game is left,?what madness.

There's lots of game left once evictees start going to jury, assuming they have a nine person jury. I don't think she means once she's in the jury (i.e. evicted), but once they hit the point in the game where IF evicted they would go to jury instead of home.

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HGs have this belief that the game starts when jury starts. Before that, you have to be passive and "vote with the house" and avoid blood on your hands. And once jury starts, that's when the cut throat, stab you in your back play starts.

Except it doesn't. Because they're so comfortable in that passive play, they just kinda continue it. There might be a week where someone unexpected blows up in a spectacular fashion and the narrative shifts briefly but then it's back to the same old, same old. Double evictions sometimes have a surprise boot, but the result is almost always a gentle wave coming onto the shore and not the tsunami they (and we) think it will be.

I'm basically looking at BB16 as the template and wondering who the Veronica of the season is. Elena, probably. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

But currently Christmas is just another Paul minion, so it won't make any difference.

Eh. I've seen some shades of not really wanting to go along with what Paul wants. But just kinda holding her tongue. 

Last night when Paul was doing his usual pontificating in the HOH room to Josh, and telling him what he should/shouldn't do, who he should/shouldn't talk to when he finally took a breath and walked off into the HOH bathroom- Christmas whispered to Josh "Don't Listen to Everything Paul tells you to do" and Josh nodded and they both agreed to speak in the morning. 

She also seemed rather confused at Paul's convoluted plan regarding getting Jessica/Cody out and really pushing to use her Temptation, probably because he wants to Flush that one out so she doesn't end up using it on him or going rouge with it and not consulting him on how to use it. She was very resistant in using it. She was basically like if Cody & Jess don't win the Temptation Competition- then both of them should just go up. And of course he was trying to wiggle his way out of that saying he has another plan, and to think about it and find out how long she can use it etc. She didn't seem very amused. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I can see why they want to backdoor Elena - I think she Christmas is right that she'll be more dangerous the farther she goes, and Paul does want to keep her as his own side pet - but they risk making people mad if they start using pawns and then have a big Elena reveal. And she may not even be evicted if you get her up there!

She's at the bottom of the totem pole. You have information to pull her and Mark away from Paul. Instead of acting like you're mad she voted for you, wait for the right time to tell her you knew you were staying. I feel like these HGs forget that information is power.

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39 minutes ago, mooses said:

The problem is, she's starting to talk. She had a long conversation with Alex, and she doesn't realize that Alex has a Final Two (Ha!) with Paul. So, the second she breathes a word against Paul she's exposed. And, let's face it, she's pretty much a sitting duck no matter how well she did in that endurance competition.

I watched a good chunk of that conversation with Alex- and I felt that she was just warning her about not exposing to Paul that she wants Matt & Raven out because he is close to them and she didn't want that to mess up Alex's game. To me that felt like she was watching out for Alex. I tuned out after awhile, so maybe other things happened. 

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Just now, SiobhanJW said:

I watched a good chunk of that conversation with Alex- and I felt that she was just warning her about not exposing to Paul that she wants Matt & Raven out because he is close to them and she didn't want that to mess up Alex's game. To me that felt like she was watching out for Alex. I tuned out after awhile, so maybe other things happened. 

Yeah, she didn't say anything this time. Plus, Alex went straight to Jason and talked about using Christmas, so it went well. But I think if she starts to trust Alex enough, she'll tell her about Paul not know Alex wants to take Paul to F3. 

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26 minutes ago, missyb said:

I think I also heard her tell Josh , in the APSR room, that once she has made jury, you will see a different game from her.

I also thought is was funny she told Josh she is trying to tone down her aggressiveness ( tone of voice) but Mark makes it hard. I think Josh had told her she needed to chill out.

I should correct from not "making" jury but guaranteeing the spot in jury. Not in it yet but not going home.

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18 minutes ago, Michichick said:

There's lots of game left once evictees start going to jury, assuming they have a nine person jury. I don't think she means once she's in the jury (i.e. evicted), but once they hit the point in the game where IF evicted they would go to jury instead of home.

My game would all be in the house, and I'd give it my all. Its frustrating to see so many floaty types..:( 

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24 minutes ago, Callaphera said:



I'm basically looking at BB16 as the template and wondering who the Veronica of the season is. Elena, probably. 

Veronica?  Was there a Veronica or do you mean Victoria. I remember how we all kept getting her name wrong until we started calling her every "V" name in the book- and many "V" words too.  It got so bad we all got reprimanded and we had to implement the No-Nicknames rule. Good Times. 

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30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

HGs have this belief that the game starts when jury starts. Before that, you have to be passive and "vote with the house" and avoid blood on your hands. And once jury starts, that's when the cut throat, stab you in your back play starts.

Except it doesn't. Because they're so comfortable in that passive play, they just kinda continue it. There might be a week where someone unexpected blows up in a spectacular fashion and the narrative shifts briefly but then it's back to the same old, same old. Double evictions sometimes have a surprise boot, but the result is almost always a gentle wave coming onto the shore and not the tsunami they (and we) think it will be.

Well it worked for Steve Moses. 

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4 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Veronica?  Was there a Veronica or do you mean Victoria. I remember how we all kept getting her name wrong until we started calling her every "V" name in the book- and many "V" words too.  It got so bad we all got reprimanded and we had to implement the No-Nicknames rule. Good Times. 

Did I say Veronica? I meant Valerie. :D

3 minutes ago, Ceeg said:

Well it worked for Steve Moses. 


I've been trying to wipe that season from my memory. But then I remember hearing about Austin begging Vanessa to change her vote and not evict him and giggle fondly. Victims aren't we all. 

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

She did. She said I am so glad Cody and I are safe for 3 weeks or several weeks. That is a lie, in my book. 

So what, she lied? Since when can you not lie on Big Brother, or any other reality show? Why should Production have to get involved when someone in the house lies?

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52 minutes ago, mooses said:

Yeah, she didn't say anything this time. Plus, Alex went straight to Jason and talked about using Christmas, so it went well. But I think if she starts to trust Alex enough, she'll tell her about Paul not know Alex wants to take Paul to F3. 

I am watching and waiting to see what Alex would do with that conversation she had with Christmas. She's only talked to Jason about it but I am more curious if she'll say something to Paul. There is hope for her if she keeps it from Paul

I was convinced she wedged herself into the "group" alliance, AKA be a good Paul minion, to buy her and Jason time. It has seemed she is a true Paul believer this last week, but he was also HOH. I will assess her based on what, if anything, she says to him about her long conversation with Paul 

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Does Josh have a crush on Elena, or on Elena's tits?  Those are two - okay, three - different things.

Seriously, though: while Josh may be crushing on Elena (or certain definable subcomponents thereof), Josh isn't forgetting Mark and Elena were two of the three votes against him in Ramses' 7-3 eviction.  Josh likes Elena, but he doesn't trust her any further than he could spit a Subaru.


The most technically accurate statement would have been "up to a couple of weeks", not specifically "a couple of weeks"; if Jessica hadn't had to play the Hex this time around, it still would have been available for invocation next week as well.  

Plus - if Jessica's Hex-intimidation tactic had worked to the point of Paul believing her and putting two other putzes OTB, wouldn't it then have been totally accurate to say the Hex - or, at least, the threat of its exercise - did actually  keep her and Cody safe for a "couple of weeks"?  :)

Personally, I'd be more likely to put the "couple of weeks" statement down to poor phrasing rather than outright lying, but YMMV.

poor phrasing would not be out of character for Ms. "Cody and I"

I could not get over Paul in the HOH room ordering everyone to do his bidding.  Put a goldfish cracker in his mouth for him...yuck.  Telling people to go get other people.....sitting like he was a king on his throne.  These people are idiots.  Also, couldn't help noticing how Raven scarfed down about a half bag of goldfish by herself while everyone else was just talking. plus, she took a swig of the wine...I only have gastric reflux and eating that would have made me sick.

Edited by watch2much
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17 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

I think her no name alliance with Jason is strongest

I agree. I do think she's pretty sincere in wanting to go to F3 with Paul, though. She's said she's bought into his Friendship brand multiple times. And I don't think she's so into Kevin as Kevin is into her - she is the one person that seem most pissed off about him being sketchy.

Jason and Kevin seem to truly want Paul in F6 or so. But then they want F3 with Alex (or at least that's what Kevin is leading Jason to believe).

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5 minutes ago, mooses said:

I agree. I do think she's pretty sincere in wanting to go to F3 with Paul, though. She's said she's bought into his Friendship brand multiple times. And I don't think she's so into Kevin as Kevin is into her - she is the one person that seem most pissed off about him being sketchy.

Jason and Kevin seem to truly want Paul in F6 or so. But then they want F3 with Alex (or at least that's what Kevin is leading Jason to believe).

Alex definitely has felt sketchy about Kevin ever since her HOH.  I'm not sure we will ever know what Kevin is truly feeling about anything until he possibly gets HOH and if he gets HOH I think it will only be from a fluke. 

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I still can't believe how not into naming alliances this group is.  It's kinda weird honestly. I always thought production pushed it, too. I guess that's what happens when you get a bunch of  people who really know nothing about the show.

I had to roll my eyes when they were studying for the last veto, and Christmas said the problem for her with remembering the part that Cameron's comparisons to Ian and Steve were greatly exaggerated was that she no idea in hell who Ian and Steve were.  SMH

That being said, I'm thrilled to hear that Christmas does have some game and is on to Paul.  I've been waiting for it. She 's one of the few in there who obviously has a few brain cells to rub together. Jessica being another.

About Christmas' social game and tone specifically, she can be much sharper and angrier than she needs to be. She was bluntly telling people to "shut the fuck up" the other night as she went through the storm clues at what seemed like a thousand times.  Granted it was late at night and I know she was tired. I also wonder how much her pain meds factor into that. 

Edited by vb68
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13 minutes ago, vb68 said:


About Christmas' social game and tone specifically, she can be much sharper and angrier than she needs to be. She was bluntly telling people to "shut the fuck up" the other night as she went through the storm clues at what seemed like a thousand times.  Granted it was late at night and I know she was tired. I also wonder how much her pain meds factor into that. 

She has apparently cried about how she's not herself on the meds.  They make her distant and grumpy - something like that? Being on slop probably didn't help either. 

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But are there even any alliances?  Isn't it just Paul and his puppets vs Jess and Cody?  And kinda Mark and Elena.  I think everyone thinks they have an alliance but I don't know if there is one. Unless it's Paul aligned with his huge Ego and nasty beard. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
Because Punctuation.
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1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

But are there even any alliances. Isn't it just Paul and his puppets vs Jess and Cody?  And kinda Mark and Elena.  I think everyone thinks they have an alliance but I don't know if there is one. Unless it's Paul aligned with his huge Ego and nasty beard. 

I agree, 100%.

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5 hours ago, mooses said:

Last night, Christmas did a quick whisper to Josh - "I love Paul, but don't do everything he says." She had a whispered conversation with Alex in the bathroom as well - it's pretty clear she wants Elena out, but she's planting plenty of Raven/Matt seeds also.

I still don't fully understand why Christmas became so fixated on hating Elena. They were so close at the beginning of the game. And I can't recall some specific thing that happened that made Christmas turn on Elena so thoroughly. I wanna say Paul had something to do with it though, because of course.

3 hours ago, missyb said:

I also thought is was funny she told Josh she is trying to tone down her aggressiveness ( tone of voice) but Mark makes it hard. 

She's far too aggressive with more than just Mark though.

Honestly, I can not stand Christmas, but if she goes against Paul that might be fun as hell becasue she's about as egotistical and annoying as him and she's prone to being an aggressive asshole. I would love to see them blow up on each other.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I think Mark would welcome being evicted. He's done with this game, and he sick of being ostracized and having Elena not support him. His argument with Alex last night I think was the final straw. Can't say I blame him. 

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6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think Mark would welcome being evicted. He's done with this game, and he sick of being ostracized and having Elena not support him. His argument with Alex last night I think was the final straw. Can't say I blame him. 

I think it actually ended on a good note.

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15 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

I think it actually ended on a good note.

On the surface maybe.  But shortly after, Alex was reporting the details of her talk with Mark to Christmas in a way that tells me she still doesn't trust Mark.  At least that's how it came across to me.

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10 minutes ago, zorak said:

On the surface maybe.  But shortly after, Alex was reporting the details of her talk with Mark to Christmas in a way that tells me she still doesn't trust Mark.  At least that's how it came across to me.

Oh I agree that she doesn't trust him. But now they are not openly against each other as they were before the talk. 

Like, if Mark wins HOH, he'll have to come up with a good reason to put her up and vice versa. Before they talked, they could have just thrown the other on the block if they won HOH.

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This probably would never happen but I would love it if BB built a miniature, simplified version of the house to have the kitties, puppies, etc play in during the feed breaks.  That would be so cute!

ETA: My cat is now intensely watching the kitties on the screen playing lol.

Edited by zenithwit
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I still don't fully understand why Christmas became so fixated on hating Elena. They were so close at the beginning of the game. And I can't recall some specific thing that happened that made Christmas turn on Elena so thoroughly. I wanna say Paul had something to do with it though, because of course.

From her conversation with Josh, I think she sees how close she is with Paul. She said that they can't be left alone together, and probably sees that Paul is trying to push for Mark/Jessica/Cody to go before Elena. She's also said that she doesn't believe Elena's actually with the "the group." So she can get rid of a Jessica/Cody ally as well as a Paul ally, and leave Jessica/Cody in as big targets.

Edited by mooses
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According to this person on Reddit who has posted correct spoilers before- the Temptation Comp is a Spooky House and it's a one by one comp. With 10 people playing- the feeds will probably be down for like 10 hours haha. 

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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

According to this person on Reddit who has posted correct spoilers before- the Temptation Comp is a Spooky House and it's a one by one comp. With 10 people playing- the feeds will probably be down for like 10 hours haha. 

They did a Spooky House during BB:OTT. It was a lot of fun to watch live! Too bad we can't have nice things anymore.

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3 hours ago, QTBlueMoon said:

So what, she lied? Since when can you not lie on Big Brother, or any other reality show? Why should Production have to get involved when someone in the house lies?

Just for the record I don't give a shit that she lied.  I was just supporting a poster who thought she was, too.

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20 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

According to this person on Reddit who has posted correct spoilers before- the Temptation Comp is a Spooky House and it's a one by one comp. With 10 people playing- the feeds will probably be down for like 10 hours haha. 

Did everyone play? I heard Paul said they had to play. I'm hoping it backfires on him,whoever comes last is going to miffed at being on the block.

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All though I've given up on watching the broadcasts or BBAD, I'm still sort of following here. I'd love to know if ratings dropped this week because of Josh's HOH. So many people have said they're done because of it, I can't help but wonder if the program will take a ratings hit. 

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3 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

All though I've given up on watching the broadcasts or BBAD, I'm still sort of following here. I'd love to know if ratings dropped this week because of Josh's HOH. So many people have said they're done because of it, I can't help but wonder if the program will take a ratings hit. 

I know a few people cancelled their feeds. I don't even think Julie looks happy this season..

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28 minutes ago, F. M. said:

I know a few people cancelled their feeds. I don't even think Julie looks happy this season..

I saw an interview earlier by Julie where she said she was on Team Jessica. Can't seem to find the link to share anymore though, sorry!

Edited by Uwbadgmad
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28 minutes ago, F. M. said:

Did everyone play? I heard Paul said they had to play. I'm hoping it backfires on him,whoever comes last is going to miffed at being on the block.

I believe everyone except Josh & Christmas are playing. 

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29 minutes ago, F. M. said:

I know a few people cancelled their feeds. I don't even think Julie looks happy this season..

I read something elsewhere that somebody who attended one of the live shows this season reported that she took some shots at Paul during one of the breaks saying "he was more annoying than ever" or something like that. I don't know that it's been confirmed, though.

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6 hours ago, Michichick said:

I'm just delighted to hear that Christmas and Josh are displaying some small indications that they realize Paul is ordering everyone around. I don't like Christmas or Josh, but will gladly root for them if they become anti-Paul. Because I hate Paul most of all.

This post will turn red. I agree.

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1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

According to this person on Reddit who has posted correct spoilers before- the Temptation Comp is a Spooky House and it's a one by one comp. With 10 people playing- the feeds will probably be down for like 10 hours haha. 

Given Cody's reactions to everything so far, he may have a good shot at this.  How I imagine Cody's Sunday night DR:  "I put may hand in a jar full of poisonous snakes, rats and spiders.  I didn't care."

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