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Season Seven: The Reset Anticipation/Apprehension/Dread Topic

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1 minute ago, Camera One said:

They could have used the strategy where the last 3 minutes could be cut if it were the series finale.  Several season finales in the past have had an epilogue of sorts which sets up the cliffhanger... Elsa walking out of the barn at the end of 3B, Gold walking through the aquarium to talk to Ursula at the end of 4A, Hook knocking on Emma's door at the end of 3A, the longer black goo segment at the end of 4B, let's go to hell at the end of 5A, and Evil Queen comes alive at the end of 5B.

I know that Adam said they didn't film any different endings. Take that with a grain of salt.

Edited by KingOfHearts
37 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

I can't wait to watch the ending and think, "This was going to be the last scene of the series?!"

you know we're going to. 

I'll have to read through this thread. Though I'll say. my hope is how I'd end it, is that we pull away and someone has the Author pen and she throws it down and goes. "There. I finished the story. Please now, let me go, I need to find my  __________" 

A: True love
B: my people
C: my family 
D: other option here. 

So this entire thing was literally a story within a story. (this way you can use the same actors with the same mannerisms etc because Author #2 was using people she knew (but they're less. Woobified, Stupid etc). 


At the end of the finale, Hook, Regina and Rumple split themselves in half.  Half of Hook, Regina and Rumple go to the "Enchanted Forest in the Sky" with Emma, Snowing, Henry, Belle and Zelena (that's a really nice way of saying they all died... uh, I mean, taking a trip to a beautiful land of hope eternal).

Meanwhile, the other half of Hook, Regina and Rumple decide to stay as The Guardians of the Universe.  

Edited by Camera One

I think, unless there's something else on that I actually want to see, I'll check out the first episode and see how bad the damage is.  I don't totally hate (not yet) the idea of a similar story with different characters; I'm having more trouble with seeing how the returning actors will fit in without totally destroying the happy endings we've been left with at the end of season 6.  Which I obviously don't want to see.

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48 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Lucy is from the Wish Realm or at least a different universe.

I think that makes sense. Real!Henry probably lost Violet and is moping in Seattle. His Wish!Realm equivalent had the little girl and died. She now thinks he is her actual dad. 

Episode 1 will be Henry getting back to Storybrooke and deciding to go to the Wish Realm to continue the story. 

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I wasn't sure if the guy at the beginning was the new guy.  I was relieved that he apparently died because of the lack of charisma in that scene.

Then he turns up again at the end and I'm disappointed.  Then I look him up on IMDB trying to recall who he played on Walking Dead to reassure myself.  Gareth.  How do you make Gareth lack charisma.  A&E you are hacks.

Edited by ParadoxLost

Adam and Eddy are (unsurprisingly) being very #nospoilers about how Hook, Regina, and Rumple will fit into this new story. If it really is about the wish realm versions of those characters, they should probably let the cat out of the bag, since it would alleviate a lot of fans' anger.

In the casting call for Adult Henry, didn't it say something about him coming from a broken home? That also makes me think that Emma and Hook and the rest of the characters got separated at some point. Unless the call was just talking about Wish!Realm! Henry, which would make sense, but that's just not the impression I'm getting from interviews.

Also, the fact that Adam and Eddy are encouraging fans to be content with the happily ever afters from this finale makes me think that those happily ever afters really will be taken away in the reboot. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I have trust issues. The more the writers go all #nospoilers and talk about wanting to leave time for the fans to enjoy this ending, the more I suspect it'll all get blown to hell next season.

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11 minutes ago, Katherine said:

Adam and Eddy are (unsurprisingly) being very #nospoilers about how Hook, Regina, and Rumple will fit into this new story. If it really is about the wish realm versions of those characters, they should probably let the cat out of the bag, since it would alleviate a lot of fans' anger.

In the casting call for Adult Henry, didn't it say something about him coming from a broken home? That also makes me think that Emma and Hook and the rest of the characters got separated at some point. Unless the call was just talking about Wish!Realm! Henry, which would make sense, but that's just not the impression I'm getting from interviews.

Also, the fact that Adam and Eddy are encouraging fans to be content with the happily ever afters from this finale makes me think that those happily ever afters really will be taken away in the reboot. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I have trust issues. The more the writers go all #nospoilers and talk about wanting to leave time for the fans to enjoy this ending, the more I suspect it'll all get blown to hell next season.

Yeah, it's obvious that the happy endings will be taken away. That's the only way Henry will have lost hope. Emma will die in the premiere or CS will have divorced in the intervening years. A&E were trying really hard not to say anything concrete there, but it was pretty telling.

It was the little girl who was from a broken home in the casting call. Adult Henry used to have friends/family but had lost hope.

The stuff with the little girl in the EF was probably a flash forward and takes place after she shows up on Henry's door. Tiger Lily must have gotten her wings back sometime in the intervening years. I don't think the Wish Realm has anything to do with it.

Edited by Souris
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The stuff with the little girl in the EF was probably a flash forward and takes place after she shows up on Henry's door. Tiger Lily must have gotten her wings back sometime in the intervening years. I don't think the Wish Realm has anything to do with it.

Tiger Lily mentions a prophecy stating Lucy and her father would reunite, so I also doubt it's the Wish Realm.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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6 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

Tiger Lily mentions a prophecy stating Lucy and her father would reunite, so I also doubt it's the Wish Realm.

I would think that the Wish Realm would be more likely after tonight (if for no other reason than why do they keep bringing up that Regina murdered Snowing).  It would be easier to explain the absences  and all they would need is get Hook a potion that makes him young again.  Then they could have a version Henry helping the daughter of another version of Henry.

But the one big thing that points to it not being Wish realm is JMo participating in the premiere.   So its not a Wish realm reboot.

10 minutes ago, Souris said:

Yeah, it's obvious that the happy endings will be taken away. That's the only way Henry will have lost hope. Emma will die in the premiere or CS will have divorced in the intervening years. A&E were trying really hard not to say anything concrete there, but it was pretty telling.

It was the little girl who was from a broken home in the casting call. Adult Henry used to have friends/family but had lost hope.

The stuff with the little girl in the EF was probably a flash forward and takes place after she shows up on Henry's door. Tiger Lily must have gotten her wings back sometime in the intervening years. I don't think the Wish Realm has anything to do with it.

What would cause Henry to lose hope?  Losing Emma again!  They just showed the two times Henry's fought and won to make her believe.  Apparently the 3rd time won't be the charm?

I don't like A&E's message to fans in the latest interview where they say the point was to show us that Captain Swan was happy up through the sixth season.  Obviously something catastrophic happens that Henry gives up and Hook is now without Emma.

Seriously, why have Hook and Emma get married after 4 years only to tear them apart 2 episodes later?

With the focus on Henry it sure sounds like Emma could've had a relevant yet reduced role (for Jen to do other projects, she must've really wanted out of Van).

This sucks!

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11 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I would think that the Wish Realm would be more likely after tonight (if for no other reason than why do they keep bringing up that Regina murdered Snowing).  It would be easier to explain the absences  and all they would need is get Hook a potion that makes him young again.  Then they could have a version Henry helping the daughter of another version of Henry.

But the one big thing that points to it not being Wish realm is JMo participating in the premiere.   So its not a Wish realm reboot.

Wish Realm would've made so much more sense and would've kept the happy endings intact. So of course they didn't do that.

9 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

What would cause Henry to lose hope?  Losing Emma again!  They just showed the two times Henry's fought and won to make her believe.  Apparently the 3rd time won't be the charm?

I don't like A&E's message to fans in the latest interview where they say the point was to show us that Captain Swan was happy up through the sixth season.  Obviously something catastrophic happens that Henry gives up and Hook is now without Emma.

Yep, the implications of Henry losing hope are obvious if fans want to realize it. Nothing good happens to Emma.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Souris said:

Yep, the implications of Henry losing hope are obvious if fans want to realize it. Nothing good happens to Emma.

I would say its also reasonably certain that Regina has gone back to full-blown village murdering EQ.  Regina is likely responsible for whatever happened to Emma.  She almost has to be for Henry to give up hope.

I wonder how much Adam and company have actually plotted out besides the initial proposal.  I am not sure planning is always their strong suit.  They were pretty vague in their interviews of what the show would entail.  I wonder if part of that is because they are still figuring it out.  The new characters develop and the the actors playing them are crucial if the show is to succeed at all.  The little girl is not going to do it - and they need more than adult Henry.

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How much do I hate A&E right now? The answer below pretty much solidifies my belief that these happy endings will most definitely be messed with. And given JMo is only coming back for one ep, there is NO guarantee that she will be back to wrap things up happily again. Also, I know some people were satisfied with tonight's ep, but I am extremely salty that they completely sidelined CS, so I'm hating A&E and their smugness even more than usual. Enjoy your summer - they are coming for your happy endings in the fall!

Because you see Emma get her happy ending, and we know that Jennifer is only returning for one episode, a lot of fans are worried Emma is going to die. Do you want to say anything to the audience?
KITSIS: Not really. There’s nothing to say. That is correct, she is coming back for an episode. Their happiness is real, and people should enjoy that. The thing is this: Right now, we’re not trying to take away the show we’ve done for six years, and we’re not trying to destroy people’s happiness right now, but we’re going to be telling a new version. But until they see that, they won’t understand what it is. So for us, we’d rather not whip people into a frenzy.

Edited by Kktjones
  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

But the one big thing that points to it not being Wish realm is JMo participating in the premiere.   So its not a Wish realm reboot.

I think if it is some sort of alternate reality/wish realm/time travel what have you, it would still be possible to show Emma in the premiere with "our" Henry. 

  • Love 1

I really hope the little girl is from the future or some alternate universe, so that she's either a daughter Henry hasn't had yet or the daughter of another version of himself. Otherwise, it sounds like he was utterly clueless about having a daughter, and that would mean he's taken after his father and is a deadbeat dad who knocked up a girl and then was so out of her life that he didn't know she was pregnant.

And didn't these guys learn with Henry (and from Lost) that having a child character is a really bad idea when you write seasons that only span a week or so? Children tend to grow, and by the third season (assuming they last more than a year) your adorable eight-year-old (she seemed to me younger than Henry was at the beginning of the series) will be needing a bra.

  • Love 5

Hook’s always walked a fine line of giving into his darker instincts over the years. Is that something you might delve into again moving forward?
KITSIS: That’s definitely a part of his DNA, but we’re hoping to tell new avenues of story for the characters. The lessons they’ve learned on the show, like we don’t want another year of Regina wondering whether or not she should be evil; that’s been settled. When the dwarves bow to her, they bow to her as the queen. She’s no longer the Evil Queen. So we want our characters to move forward. But like any of us, once you get a hold of one issue, there’s always three others.

I also love how this question about Hook gets turned into an answer about Regina. If that doesn't confirm where the focus will be next season, I don't know what will.

  • Love 10

Maybe all scenes that happened with Adult  Henry, Lucy & Tiger Lily, happened in the order that was portrayed on screen? Maybe Henry had decided to go and live in the Enchanted Forest at one point when he was older, met someone and got married & had Lucy, stuff started going down and then we see the scene where he sends her off to fight whatever was chasing him. Maybe whatever this was, sent him to our world and took his memories away. And then Tiger Lily brings Lucy to her Mother and they find out where Henry is and send her to go and find him, because she's the only one who can? 

 And then so this sets up all the Flashbacks for the season of Henry his family (wife & child) in the Enchanted Forest, why he went there, how he met Lucy's mom, who he met while in the Enchanted Forest and then leading up to the time they were separated and then all the "present day" scenes are of him after he has his memory loss & his daughter finds him and we go from there. 

Not sure how Hook, Regina & Rumple fit in, but I have faith that they won't kill Emma, or Snowing.

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I don't see how Emma has to be dead, since didn't they originally want Jen for season 7? I guess they could change that based on her declining to be in the season, and it could be a possibility even though I would hate that. Would she even agree to come back if they were killing Emma? Jen seems very protective of her and I could see her not agreeing to that. My guess would have to be the family gets separated or has a falling out somewhere in the future. They mention adult Henry as having lost hope. Could it be whatever happened with the girls mother caused him to lose hope and distance himself from loved ones?

Edited by MadyGirl1987
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5 minutes ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

I don't see how Emma has to be dead, since didn't they originally want Jen for season 7? I guess they could change that based on her declining to be in the season, and it could be a possibility even though I would hate that. Would she even agree to come back if they were killing Emma? My guess would have to be the family gets separated or has a falling out somewhere in the future. They mention adult Henry as having lost hope. Could it be whatever happened with the girls Mom caused it and caused him to distance himself from loved ones?

Jen said she doesn't know what they have planned for her one ep. And now that she's contracted, she HAS to appear.

Eddy pretty much said, Enjoy the CS happiness for now because it's not going to last. Blatant tell.

Responding to @Daisy's comment from episode thread regarding ripping off the Whedonverse.


I'm going one step further and thinking the last dinner scene matched the Angel scene where he is having the family dinner with everyone but then we find out it is fake and he is really trapped on the bottom of the ocean. Sorry but I'm not buying the HEA montage and think that Emma failed.  The montage was the "wishes" of Rumple, Regina and Hook but none of it is real hence why Henry is broken and has no hope. That is A & E's surprise twist! I don't care how much they answer that it is "real" in interviews. They lie like a rug and will say anything to keep the few fans they have.

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I have no idea what I expect of Season 7 based on the finale. Perhaps Emma stays wherever the family is living at the present when S7 begins (maybe the Enchanted Forest?) and Hook/Regina/Rumpel are the characters who decide to realm jump to rescue Henry and his daughter (I'm not sure if the latter identities have been confirmed)?

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

I also love how this question about Hook gets turned into an answer about Regina. If that doesn't confirm where the focus will be next season, I don't know what will.

I also love that Natalie asks that as if Hook is the only one who ever "walks the line of giving into his darker instincts".  It's not as if Regina, Rumple and Zelena are always doing it too.  She clearly asked that because she hopes that Hook will go evil again without Emma, which would "validate" SQ.

Edited by Inquirer
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5 minutes ago, tri4335 said:

Responding to @Daisy's comment from episode thread regarding ripping off the Whedonverse.


I'm going one step further and thinking the last dinner scene matched the Angel scene where he is having the family dinner with everyone but then we find out it is fake and he is really trapped on the bottom of the ocean. Sorry but I'm not buying the HEA montage and think that Emma failed.  The montage was the "wishes" of Rumple, Regina and Hook but none of it is real hence why Henry is broken and has no hope. That is A & E's surprise twist! I don't care how much they answer that it is "real" in interviews. They lie like a rug and will say anything to keep the few fans they have.

yah. it was pretty lame. and I never thought anything could top the battle between Clark + Doomsday (i remember so many people were PISSED) about this - yah. this sucked. and JMo can not Speechfight like Sarah Michelle Gellar 


I could see a scenario where Adult Henry and Lucy first travel to Storybrooke because he thinks that's the family who is in trouble. He shows up and everything is fine. We check in on Emma and Hook living happily in their home. We check in on Regina, the Charmings, Belle and Zelena. Everything appears as it should, so what is this little girl talking about? The family that needs help is actually in the Wish Realm or another realm, not Storybrooke. This is either the point where Henry bids farewell to his Storybrooke family as he goes off on an adventure in another realm, or this is the point where Killian, Regina, and Rumple decide they're going to take a few weeks off work to help Adult Henry in the other realm. That's the only scenario I can think of where Jen is only needed for one episode and all the characters' happy endings are still preserved.

Edited by Curio
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I could see a scenario where Adult Henry and Lucy first travel to Storybrooke because he thinks that's the family who is in trouble. He shows up and everything is fine. We check in Emma and Hook living happily in their home. We check in on Regina, the Charmings, Belle and Zelena. Everything appears as it should, so what is this little girl talking about?

Except, everyone would have to be older. It would be like Wish Realm all over again.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

Except, everyone would have to be older. It would be like Wish Realm all over again.

Wish realm was 28 years, this would be more like 15 (assuming Henry is supposed to be of similar age to Emma in the Pilot, which given the amount of  "remember what you liked about the show in season one?" pandering they had in the finale is probably likely. And who knows how many curses they've been put under since then that might have preserved their age, although their brains are probably mush. Snowflake will be like five. 

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

Wish realm was 28 years, this would be more like 15 (assuming Henry is supposed to be of similar age to Emma in the Pilot, which given the amount of  "remember what you liked about the show in season one?" pandering they had in the finale is probably likely. And who knows how many curses they've been put under since then that might have preserved their age, although their brains are probably mush. Snowflake will be like five. 

That is true.

Something to think about - nothing is going to get better in S7. The S6 finale was created to be the series finale. That montage at the end of it was as good as things are going to get. There's no point in looking for what's going to happen with your favorite characters, because they're all at their peak.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

That is true.

Something to think about - nothing is going to get better in S7. The S6 finale was created to be the series finale. That montage at the end of it was as good as things are going to get. There's no point in looking for what's going to happen with your favorite characters, because they're all at their peak.

Their peak was 3 seasons ago, IMO. 

  • Love 10

I can see some possible things they could do with grown up Henry without killing everyone's happy endings, but...I just don't see the point. As I said in the episode thread, everything is wrapped up. If they wanted to do more, they have endless universes to play with, why not just start totally fresh? New world, new cast, new villains, new everything. We could have the occasional continuity nod to the original show, and maybe even some guest appearances or cameos from the characters from the mothership. Basically, Wonderland. Just do something like that again.

Speaking of, this is all starting to remind me of Will from Wonderland pointlessly showing up in Once land. They ruined his happy ending for no reason than to prolong his story because fans liked him, and then did nothing with him anyway. I don't want to see the same things happen here.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

Their peak was 3 seasons ago, IMO. 

You are so right about that. Is there really much difference between the S3 finale and the S6 finale happy endings? The characters have decided to be happy in their Storybrooke lives, Captain Swan are in love, Rumpbelle and Snowing have gone domesticated, and Regina is both partying with the Charmings and together with Robin. There's just no Elsa or Marian this time. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

You are so right about that. Is there really much difference between the S3 finale and the S6 finale happy endings? Captain Swan are in love, Rumpbelle and Snowing have gone domesticated, and Regina is both partying with the Charmings and together with Robin. 

Seriously.  Emma and Hook being married, Zelena being redeemed with a baby, and Rumbelle having a baby are literally the only differences.

Edited by Inquirer
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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

Speaking of, this is all starting to remind me of Will from Wonderland pointlessly showing up in Once land. They ruined his happy ending for no reason than to prolong his story because fans liked him, and then did nothing with him anyway. I don't want to see the same things happen here.

Too much to hope for that they're still going to do that vignette episode they considered doing, with Henry writing in the Storybook about Will and Anastasia, Maleficent and Lily, etc.? I mean, Henry's still around and still the Author, so they could.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

You are so right about that. Is there really much difference between the S3 finale and the S6 finale happy endings? The characters have decided to be happy in their Storybrooke lives, Captain Swan are in love, Rumpbelle and Snowing have gone domesticated, and Regina is both partying with the Charmings and together with Robin. 

Exactly. Only I prefer Season Three because there were still so many possibilities. Like all that domestic Captain Swan that they never bothered to show us, for instance. As for Snowing, well, their baby's only about five months older, so I suppose there's still time for them to get the moments with him that they lost with Emma. Pity we'll never get to see it. 

At least Rumbelle fans have a better ending than most of the other season finales have given them. 

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