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S09.E06: Wishful Invitation

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34 minutes ago, robroy said:

Luann didn't even hold out for a wedding special so I doubt she wants to carry her own show.

But how can anyone know that? Is there honestly a thought that Lu wouldn't have liked her own wedding special? That is the thing that Bravo does now, and she didn't get one. Girl made her engagement the central part of her storyline last year, and she is again this year. Clearly she is OK with having the elements of her wedding on the show, even after the humiliation of last season, and if press is to be believed, she sold out to People because they offered her the money that Bravo didn't. 

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On 5/12/2017 at 8:11 AM, ChitChat said:

Thank you, queenjen.  My comment got blown way out of proportion.  My point was that a cat can be humanely trained not to scratch the sofa, just like a dog can be.   It looks like Carole needs to do something to keep them from ruining her stuff.  I'm assuming the dogs probably got a hold of the cushions from the look of them.  People who know me realize that someday I will be that crazy cat lady who lives down the street! I have nothing but love for them.  In fact, I've got a 19 year old cat who is treated like royalty. 

This is not a slight to northerners, but I've always wondered why they add an 'r' to certain words.   Again, I'm not judging.  I live in the south where words are routinely butchered!  "I seen her...." is one that drives me nuts! 

This might have been answered previously, but the intrusive r separates two vowel sounds. Similarly we use "an" rather than "a" before a vowel. The intrusive r is also common in British English. 

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13 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Poor Tinsley is now in charge of poop duty clean up. 

Doody duty

An old friend said there was a service/business created in her area to clean yards/property of animal poop. The company van logo

"When Doody Calls"

Connor won't last long and Tisnley will just yes her and then go do her own thing,

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8 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Doody duty

An old friend said there was a service/business created in her area to clean yards/property of animal poop. The company van logo

"When Doody Calls"

Connor won't last long and Tisnley will just yes her and then go do her own thing,

Will Tinsley even be a regular next season? I'm already bored with her story line. Six episodes of arrested and fake lashes. No thanks!  I want more of loony tunes Ramona!!!  I want to be entertained! 

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7 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Will Tinsley even be a regular next season? I'm already bored with her story line. Six episodes of arrested and fake lashes. No thanks!  I want more of loony tunes Ramona!!!  I want to be entertained! 

Let's see how much Tinsley gives on film after Luanne has her wedding. She said in this episode after December 31st her lawyers said it would be over and her slate wiped cleaned. There should be more tension between Sonja and Tinsley. Tinsley is a threat to Sonja's apple.

I want more looney tunes Ramona too. I want Ramona dancing & floaty noodle swimming.

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5 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Let's see how much Tinsley gives on film after Luanne has her wedding. She said in this episode after December 31st her lawyers said it would be over and her slate wiped cleaned. There should be more tension between Sonja and Tinsley. Tinsley is a threat to Sonja's apple.

I want more looney tunes Ramona too. I want Ramona dancing & floaty noodle swimming.

LOL @ When Doody Calls

I think I just heard Bethenny is going to be a Shark Tank judge.  

Former baseball player Alex Rodriguez and Real Housewives of New York City star and Skinnygirl CEO Bethenny Frankel are among the stars joining the tank!

Edited by Martinigirl
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I kinda see Ramona, Beth and Lu as the poison oak, sumac, ivy trio of this franchise.  They are all irritating and I dislike the one I've had the greatest contact with the most.

Which makes my reaction to the heat-seeking missile that is this season's Ramona a distinct "meh" based on her targets.....

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I think Ramona is the Vicki of New York.  She's been on the show since the beginning and regardless of how badly she behaves, she will likely keep her apple.  That being said I would keep ten Ramonas over a single Vicki. Vicki is truly vile.

I do wish we would see more of what's really going on with Ramona as far as dating and whether there are any updates about Mario.

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Damn, so I could've declined all the showers I've been invited to for co-workers over the years?  Who knew?

Welp, I earned gasoline-soaked panties long ago while at a friend's bridal shower. Living on a shoe-string budget, it was a choice of food for the week or her gift. When she announced to the room that I was not invited to the wedding, I snatched back the gift, left the shower, returned the gift and bought some very nice groceries. Sort of a Ramona-esque move.

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1 hour ago, OnceSane said:

We've veered off-topic, folks.  Let's get back to what happened in the episode.

Good point. 

What did we learn this episode.

Sonja has her house guests pick up poop if they want a bed.

Bethenny is intent on her daughter having abandonment issues and will only make cameo appearance this season as she has already lined up her next gig on Cleaning Out Closets of the Stars.

Carole turns things upside down so they won't look worn and ill used and tattered. Luckily Vegetable boy is into doggie style. Oh Baby!

Dorinda makes it nice by honoring her husbands memory by banning her boyfriend but inviting a camera crew.

Oh. And Ramona is a gibbering idiot.

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37 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Carole turns things upside down so they won't look worn and ill used and tattered. Luckily Vegetable boy is into doggie style. Oh Baby!

Or to quote the oft told joke about Aviva's leg-they might like pegging. But I'm not sure that would necessarily make vegie boy feel less warn- and definitely not less used...

Have we even seen him for more than one scene? I remember the election party but thought he popped up some other episode as well. He and his salads are both fairly attractive and utterly forgettable.

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56 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

Good point. 

What did we learn this episode.

Sonja has her house guests pick up poop if they want a bed.

Bethenny is intent on her daughter having abandonment issues and will only make cameo appearance this season as she has already lined up her next gig on Cleaning Out Closets of the Stars.

Carole turns things upside down so they won't look worn and ill used and tattered. Luckily Vegetable boy is into doggie style. Oh Baby!

Dorinda makes it nice by honoring her husbands memory by banning her boyfriend but inviting a camera crew.

Oh. And Ramona is a gibbering idiot.

You learned more than Ramona did from this episode. She chose to just reflect on the importance she has made in the lives of Richard and Dorinda Medley:  http://www.allabouttrh.com/2017/05/12/ramona-singer-reflects-dorinda-medleys-late-husband-richard-medley/

I also learned that Bethenny has an issue with Ramona's facial expressions:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-9/blogs/bethenny-frankel/bethenny-frankel-i-simply-dont  And apparently holds Luann's wedding plans sacred.  (Except when she is being quoted as saying she would only attend for a large appearance fee,  I guess that would equate to not being invited because in advance she demanded a large appearance fee.)

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I've always thought that LuAnne's constant not so subtle bragging was a sure sign of meager beginnings. Same with Ramona and Sonja, but LuAnne is the queen of gloat. Ramona is actually pretty quiet about her money, but she does make snobby comments here and there. None of these ladies are Rockefeller's and all have married into money ('sides from Bethanny and Ramona). I think Sonja is going to be losing everything soon, and that's sad, but hopefully she will figure her shit out and accept that she doesn't have money any more. The rumors about Richard, if true, he might not have shit tons of money either. It's hard to say. Costs A LOT to afford a NY lifestyle and who knows when the money will run out. Right now, the richest of them all is Bethanny, I think. But she needs the NY money like they all do, so for whatever reason, things aren't that awesome. With the BH ladies, they are rich, but many have Hollywood dreams. I don't see that with NY women, they just are trying to maintain their standard of living. So of course, LuAnn is thrilled because right when her kids are of age, she marries a rich guy. I don't blame her for gloating! And for Sonja and Ramona to be bitter. I'd be pissed off too. 

That said, you can't compete with Luanne. IMO

Bethanny and Sonja seem to have a truly good time together. Sonja always seems to make Bethanny laugh, a rare feat. 

I don't see any connection between Dorinda and Carole. I think Carole is just hanging out with her for camera time. She seemed uncomfortable around Hannah and the homeless comments you could tell bothered her. But she needs to recoup from her comment that it seemed like Richard's ghost was at Dorinda's house. Dorinda was really pissed off about that. 

I'm not sure if Carole and Adam are staying together. She just talks about them shacking up and him moving out. Her comment, "He needs to move out. But then what happens to the relationship?" Makes me think it is Adam that wants to move out. Of course he wants to hang out with people his own age, and well, not Carole. The only kid thing she has at her house is kittens.

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9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I think Ramona is the Vicki of New York.  She's been on the show since the beginning and regardless of how badly she behaves, she will likely keep her apple.  That being said I would keep ten Ramonas over a single Vicki. Vicki is truly vile.

I do wish we would see more of what's really going on with Ramona as far as dating and whether there are any updates about Mario.

Is Ramona really dating anyone? We never see any of her dates.

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That said, you can't compete with Luanne. IMO

In terms of...?


I don't see any connection between Dorinda and Carole.

The only thing they seem to bond over is both of them being widows, which is something they share in common, I guess.

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14 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

I think Ramona is the Vicki of New York.  She's been on the show since the beginning and regardless of how badly she behaves, she will likely keep her apple.  That being said I would keep ten Ramonas over a single Vicki. Vicki is truly vile.

I do wish we would see more of what's really going on with Ramona as far as dating and whether there are any updates about Mario.


Ugh, Vicki is horrible.  So is Ramona.  Do I have to pick one?  Can it be neither?

I am curious to know what is going on with Mario too. 

4 hours ago, oakville said:

Is Ramona really dating anyone? We never see any of her dates.

I think Ramona's dates are kinda like Sonja's vacations with Diddy in St. Tropez. Lies.  LOL. 

I know it has been discussed ad nauseum but I had no issue with Bethenny cleaning out her kid's room.  My daughter is close to Bryn's age and they accumulate so much junk. And yes, it is junk.  Plus, looking at the tutu skirts that Bethenny held up, they are probably too small for her child.  My daughter's similar tutu skirts fit her when she was 1-2 years old.  If I tried to put them on her now, OMG. They wouldn't cover her bum. I think you just have to trust that each parent knows their kid.  I can't clean out toys in front of my daughter or else she wants to keep everything and everything is special--even after she just said that she totally forgot about it. Bryn could be similar.  We just don't know. 

From what I remember hearing around the gossip mills (maybe CDAN) is that Lu didn't want a special about her wedding.  They offered her a special but it would come with stipulations about having to invite all the housewives and some other things.  She didn't want her wedding to be a Bravo run affair.  That was why she accepted the People offer.  She got money out of it but she kept the control over doing the wedding that she wanted. 

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2 hours ago, BBHN said:

In terms of...?

The only thing they seem to bond over is both of them being widows, which is something they share in common, I guess.

Yep, and it would be a big thing to have in common, especially among all of these women who are divorced. I also remember the way they bonded over the fact that they had both lived in London during special times in their lives. I like them together, even though I don't always like Dorinda. I like Carole because she is able to let things go and move on, and unlike some other people, I don't see the whole "she is stuck up Beth's ass". Many said the same about Heather, and I didn't see that either. She seems good at deciding for herself who she wants to spend time with, regardless of whether or not others agree. 

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2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yep, and it would be a big thing to have in common, especially among all of these women who are divorced. I also remember the way they bonded over the fact that they had both lived in London during special times in their lives. I like them together, even though I don't always like Dorinda. I like Carole because she is able to let things go and move on, and unlike some other people, I don't see the whole "she is stuck up Beth's ass". Many said the same about Heather, and I didn't see that either. She seems good at deciding for herself who she wants to spend time with, regardless of whether or not others agree. 


I have several friends who are widows (military wife) and it is kind of like a members only club. They just get it and everything that goes along with it. 

I don't see Carole really as a ride or die either. I think some people are willing to overlook certain things because that person is their friend or maybe it isn't important to them so that could be Carole. I also think some people just really hate Bethenny (she is a divisive person) and so anybody that likes them or hangs out with them must have an ulterior motive or is "stuck up their ass."

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Plus, looking at the tutu skirts that Bethenny held up, they are probably too small for her child.

Not for Beth, though. Bryn's loss is a gain for Skinnymom's lingerie drawer.

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13 hours ago, oakville said:

Is Ramona really dating anyone? We never see any of her dates.

One showed up at her birthday party. Then she proceeded to ignore him. 


10 hours ago, BBHN said:

The only thing they seem to bond over is both of them being widows, which is something they share in common, I guess.

Dorinda also seemed to be a big Hillary supporter. 

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I can see the New Shark Tank clips................

Beffy: Your idea sucks, You suck. You don't seem to have the balls to bring this item to market. Do you have balls? Do you know how to use them? When I was trying to an item to market, I just sold the naming rights - so I didn't have to get my hands dirty........Did I mention that you suck too?

I had a wonderful belly laugh at the idea that she could ever 'mentor/invest' in a new product without being an asshole to the inventors....

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32 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

I can see the New Shark Tank clips................

Beffy: Your idea sucks, You suck. You don't seem to have the balls to bring this item to market. Do you have balls? Do you know how to use them? When I was trying to an item to market, I just sold the naming rights - so I didn't have to get my hands dirty........Did I mention that you suck too?

I had a wonderful belly laugh at the idea that she could ever 'mentor/invest' in a new product without being an asshole to the inventors....

I think I can handle her in that capacity; she is kind of witty. It's annoying to watch her hawk Skinnygirl,  bitch & moan about doing her job and not show up anywhere or talk about anything

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Ugh, Vicki is horrible.  So is Ramona.  Do I have to pick one?  Can it be neither?

Well, at least we can say Ramona hasn't been involved in cancer scams. So she has that going for her over Vicki.

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On 5/13/2017 at 4:58 PM, oakville said:

I think it's Ok for Bethenny to brag about all the American Girl dolls Brynn has. Maybe she will do a co branding agreement between American Girl & Skinny Girl

When did Bethenny "brag" about all the American Girl dolls Bryn has?  I didn't know making one comment about your kids dolls when filtering out her stuff is bragging.

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2 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

When did Bethenny "brag" about all the American Girl dolls Bryn has?

You are absolutely right. She didn't really brag about how many American Girl Dolls Bryn had. However she was sort of bragging when she said she fit into the doll's clothes and posted photos on Instagram. Just sayn'

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13 hours ago, Trooper York said:

You are absolutely right. She didn't really brag about how many American Girl Dolls Bryn had. However she was sort of bragging when she said she fit into the doll's clothes and posted photos on Instagram. Just sayn'

Oh, my gosh! Did she really? I missed that. I saw that she posted a photo of herself wearing one of Bryn's tops and shorts, but the doll's clothes?!? Oh, dear.  

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Oh, my gosh! Did she really? I missed that. I saw that she posted a photo of herself wearing one of Bryn's tops and shorts, but the doll's clothes?!? Oh, dear.  

I think the thing with her dolls that someone posted was just a joke. 

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On 5/12/2017 at 0:04 AM, ryebread said:

Yeah, maybe. But we haven't seen him do it. So when he has that show and pretends that he's talking candidly to a friend with a camera in his face while dissing a race he has no dog in, I suspect I'll call him a bitch, too.  Because what Carole did was a bitch move. Period.

Not to mention:

IF he's publicly......?

The point here is that we are SEEING proof of what you're criticizing. There's no question about what is being pointed out in that scene.

To respond with assumptions that have no official corroboration really holds no weight.

Criticizing Carole's behavior, behavior she's exhibited more than once that we've seen isn't some shot in the dark.

She's done it, we've seen it, and I agree it's a bitch ass move.

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On 5/12/2017 at 1:22 AM, ryebread said:

And I'd agree with you. However the average viewer wouldn't know what's going on in Beth's battle with Jason. Beth isn't supposed to discuss it on TV. So she gets her flying monkey to do it.  Bryn's been embarrassed enough by her parents.

Shut up, Carole.

Not to mention disputes between warring parents isn't new and isn't always avoidable.

Do we know what Jason was responding poorly to? Do we know whether or not it's in connection with some very poor treatment and decision making by Beth?

Parents make mistakes and I don't condone aggressiveness but I also understand that sometimes things get a bit out of control and I'm not inclined to believe that Beth has been some passive lamb in it all and Jason some feral predator. They are going to make mistakes with how they handle each other. They already have. Their animosity towards each other will breed some ugly moments. Plain and Simple! So I consider Jasons missteps par for the course in their grueling ordeal.

Beth and Carole on screen with deliberately coordinated efforts like what we've seen on the show? Not the same as Jason's authentic manuevering through that nightmare. Not saying he gets a pass but in my opinion I believe his behavior is at least authentic and done due to the circumstances. With Beth I believe 100% that her behavior is a compilation of manipulations and a pointed choreography of actions against Jason.

Much more sinister.

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On 5/12/2017 at 8:55 AM, LIMOM said:

A big reason why people goes in  on Luann is because she proclaimed herself the Comtesse of Etiquette, imo.

And therefore, should be aware that second times around brides,  do not get to wear white according to her OWN standards.

Of course those antiquated standards do not apply to her...

I'm always so confused when it comes to this whole etiquette thing and Lu.

Like I've seen this show since the first season (not in order, saw season 1 after getting on board for season 2, but I've seen all of the seasons)

When on earth was Lu masquerading as Emily Post??????? Which season was that? 

I remember a book about etiquette (that I believe leaned hard on her experiences in her travels abroad as well as some no brainers, random traditions already out there and a whole lot of "not to be taken too seriously, reality show opportunity to sell a book" points on manners LOL) Some snottiness and desire to be addressed as either Countess or Mrs. Delesseps Heeeee....

But did I miss the season where Lu was Head Mistress at a charm school????? And did she make them kneel on rice in the corner as punishment?


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On 5/12/2017 at 0:15 PM, MyAimIsTrue said:

I loved LuAnn's wedding dress and she looked stunning in it.  Good for her for having the big white wedding that she didn't have the first time since that's what she wants.  Almost as much as the wedding dress I loved how Lu shot down Ramona regarding the wedding invitation.  I've never been a Ramona fan but she seems insufferable this season, just a miserable person, and all the plastic surgery in the world can't fix that.

Hell I wouldn't mind the white dress and veil if it was her 5th marriage. People celebrate how they want.

I'm debating wearing a completely Red wedding gown if I ever get married cause I think it would be all kinds of awesome. Not sure though cause it's a tug of war. Part of me really wants that white dress too... Hee.

Lu was all about etiquette.

Now she's not.

The end.

Big Whoop.

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Not to mention:

IF he's publicly......?

The point here is that we are SEEING proof of what you're criticizing. There's no question about what is being pointed out in that scene.

To respond with assumptions that have no official corroboration really holds no weight.

Criticizing Carole's behavior, behavior she's exhibited more than once that we've seen isn't some shot in the dark.

She's done it, we've seen it, and I agree it's a bitch ass move.

Or maybe she is just a good friend who doesn't like the way her friend is being treated and is unafraid to take the heat of calling it out. 

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44 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Or maybe she is just a good friend who doesn't like the way her friend is being treated and is unafraid to take the heat of calling it out. 

Nah, I vote bitch ass.

That's the popular vote Carole win's from me.


Of course Mileage varies.....

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Or maybe she is just a good friend who doesn't like the way her friend is being treated and is unafraid to take the heat of calling it out. 


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Is the new RHONY show going to air tonight? My dvr states "To Be Anounced". Is Barbara Kavovit still blocking the show? Anyone know? 

Ahhh, that's what it's all about.  Sheesh, she needs to watch more reality tv.  I wouldn't even fart in the bathroom of one of their events.  Silly girl.  Now I can't wait to see what the conversation was all about.

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2 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Or maybe she is just a good friend who doesn't like the way her friend is being treated and is unafraid to take the heat of calling it out. 

That scene smacked of a planned attack by Beth and Carole.  I can hear them rehearsing how it was going to go down before the cameras rolled.  Had it been against Ramona, that would be one thing.  But it was against the father of a 6 year old.  A 6 year old who probably loves her daddy.  Thanks a lot, mommy and Auntie Carole, ya witches. 

I can't imagine a world that it would be okay for my friend to rake my kids' dad over the coals like that. No matter what kind of ass he was.  Maybe in private, with me. to show solidarity.  But a friend doing that at a party or on TV?  When Beth allows/plans things like that to happen, I wonder what other evil she's capable of, at Bryn's expense.  She learned well from her time in the wolf's den. 

Edited by ryebread
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2 minutes ago, ryebread said:

That scene smacked of a planned attack by Beth and Carole.  I can hear them rehearsing how it was going to go down before the cameras rolled.  Had it been against Ramona, that would be one thing.  But it was against the father of a 6 year old.  A 6 year old who probably loves her daddy.  Thanks a lot, mommy and Auntie Carole, ya witches. 

I just can't imagine a world that I would be okay for my friend to rake my kids' dad over the coals like that. No matter what kind of ass he was.  Maybe in private, with me. to show solidarity.  But a friend doing that at a party or on TV?  When Beth allows/plans things like that to happen, I wonder what other evil she's capable of, at Bryn's expense.  She learned well from her time in the wolf's den. 

It could easily have been planned, or it could be the way they just talk when they are together. Hard to know, but either way, it doesn't much bother me. Especially not after hearing the shit that Jason has pulled. My only thought when I watch Beth is how she was even getting through the light filming she was doing while the stuff was unraveling with Jason. I would have said much more, but I'm sure she has to be careful. Carole, not so much. I would do it for a friend without thinking twice. 

As far as imagining it, I can easily. My own parents issues and subsequent divorce makes the Jason/Beth stuff look like going to Disneyland. The good news is that kids do survive this stuff, especially when they are young. No matter how horrible they are to each other and the poor decisions they make, it looks like they both love Brynn, so in that she is lucky. 

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1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Ahhh, that's what it's all about.  Sheesh, she needs to watch more reality tv.  I wouldn't even fart in the bathroom of one of their events.  Silly girl.  Now I can't wait to see what the conversation was all about.

Taking my reply to the "first looks" thread. 

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