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S09.E06: Wishful Invitation

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OMG another episode where Ramona says 'brassiere' or 'brazeer' in Ramona speak. She's so 80s heyday. I now feel sorry for Ramona. She's just turned 60, she can no longer apply her eye makeup, due to plastic surgery on a face causing it to move like a glacial plain (evident at the dinner at the end of this episode) and she hasn't been invited to the wedding of 2016 and she's single. In Ramona's world, there is no template for what she is supposed to do with herself. She's suddenly feeling it. No one is going to marry her. Lets. Get. Real. It is never going to happen.

Her personality is so set, thanks to a marriage where she was permitted by spouse and her friendship group to function without ever having to become considerate or compassionate or to alter herself in any meaningul way. There is no one left around her to guide her to a different place. Ramona is alone. Watching her with her dog on the couch, where she says 'you can't come' to wherever Ramona was going, the place is SO big and SO messy and same with her Hamptons house. Luann has lived around the world, Carole has also experienced a cosmopolitan and sophisticated life, very similar to Dorinda. Even Sonja has some idea of this and she is closest to Ramona now. The only difference between Ramona and Sonja is Ramona is better of financially and Sonja has had more exposure to life outside the UES, similar to the other hos i mentioned. I think Ramona is feeling the chill of old age and I do feel sorry for  her. She is outdated with no hope of recreating the life she once had with Mario and no clue that there are other ways to have a meaningful life. Poor Ro. 

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4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Most people don't wait until their kids are out of kindergarten to throw some shit away (or donate it, or whatever). Kids get a lot of crap throughout the year. My kids probably got over 20 random Christmas gifts from various friends and family. Not necessarily expensive stuff, but lots of little things. And a ton of stuff on their Birthdays. Then there are gifts at Easter and at other random times. Do you honestly think that the vast majority of parents are keeping all of this stuff until they reach some magical age when it is OK to have them part ways with the stuff? Trust me, most people are not. And if they are, they are probably Hoarders and you might be able to catch them on a much sadder reality show on another network. 

 I agree.  Who lets their child keep everything from birth to college?  

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1 hour ago, Lemons said:

I'm surprised Luann is wearing a white bridal dress with veil. After all, one doesn't do that in a second wedding, especially if one is over 50. Luann was, after all, the grand dame of tradition and manners, especially the upper crust of which she is such a part of. 

Why doesn't one wear a white bridal dress over 50?

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5 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Why doesn't one wear a white bridal dress over 50?

Etiquette and good taste. Didn't this come up in Luann's book?  Can you imagine Luann's reaction if it was Ramona getting married and her crazy ass got a full white bridal gown and long veil. 

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9 minutes ago, Lemons said:

Etiquette and good taste. Didn't this come up in Luann's book?  Can you imagine Luann's reaction if it was Ramona getting married and her crazy ass got a full white bridal gown and long veil. 

I don't see anything wrong with it.  As long as the bride and groom are happy.

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4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Except that the comment about "good luck on Dr. Phil" was in response to my comment that I use to throw away the Happy Meal crap. To my knowledge, the Happy Meal toys (including the plastic containers they sometimes came in which my son thought was part of the toy and would not part with) have not become big collectables. Maybe a Beannie Baby when they use to do that? I am sure someone will come up with another example, but for the most part, it is just crap. My kid didn't mind donating stuff, and we routinely did that before the holidays, but I am talking about crap. Crap that was trash and was not going to get donated to anyone because it was crap. 

No, it wasn't.

But, FYI:  https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2016/06/22/still-have-your-old-happy-meal-toys-you-may-be-sitting-on-a-for/21400276/

Edited by Mojoker
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13 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

She made everyone in the room uncomfortable. No class what so ever.   I think she looks disheveled this season and is a shit stirrer. I have to wonder what it was really like for Richard being married to her. Maybe she didn't go off the rails until after he died.  I just don't get why everyone gives her a pass for her low class behavior

Dorinda is subsonic stealth also. Never forget her siccing Sonja on the world when they were at St Barths (?T&C?), the 'all youse bitches' speech, and last night I got the same vibe when she was on the phone to lonely old Ramona sitting in her outdated eyrie on the UES. IIRC, she told her to talk to Bethenny, and she knows that isn't going to end well. Dorinda's known Ro forever, she knows she hasn't got the social skills to navigate her way out of this. And good friend Lu does the same thing, knowing the outcome for what is was in advance with the 'poke the bear' comment in regards to Bethenny.

Personally, I don't get the 'oohs and ahs' and tears everytime someone walks out of a dressing room in a white dress. I know it's me and my cold black heart, but wedding dresses I just don't get. They are a colour that most people can't wear and they are fabricated in some of the tackiest and most flammable textiles thte PR of China can produce. Lu could have opened the door and revealed herself in a toga or a 70's Long Island Communion dress and Dorinda still would have cried. And same result if the price tag was 100 or 10,000. I'm sure Lu's was closer to the latter. What was the big deal with the 'split veil'? 

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2 hours ago, ryebread said:

I agreed until she fiddled with and gazed innocently at her ring while asking Bethenny about "the ex" problem.  Was there "more of a barrage of emails and nasty texts"? And how she knows that Beth is having a hard time and how she, herself, has witnessed behavior that was beyond bizarre.

Whether Carole's thoughtful comments were made at Beth's behest or not, think of the kid, Auntie Carole and shut up. 

But she did look pretty in the talking heads while she was raking poor lil Byrn's daddy over the coals.

Too bad Jason doesn't take that advice.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

The place the ladies went for cocktails (Jue Lan) used to be The Limelight.

It's a lot larger than it appeared on the show. They only showed the bar area.

The Limelight that was in the old church in the 80s?!  Home away from home. If walls could talk.

A white dress on an older bride isn't so bad to me. Even though it symbolizes purity. Snerk. But it's really just a color.  It's the long veil on an older bride that I think is kind of silly. 

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8 hours ago, chuckity said:

I thought she was the FARTHEST thing from sincere when she read her letter.  Speaking of the letter, coming from someone who has said she aspires to be a writer, Hannah's graveside speech was sorely lacking.  

Of course, YMMV, but methinks getting her mug more screentime is Hannah's primary focus.

I don't think Hannah was seeking screentime in this instance.  This was about her stepfather who she apparently had a great relationship with.  I also think that Hannah was not aspiring to anything in her speech except her personal feelings about this man.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I haven't cared for Hannah in the past but what was shown on the episode was something deeply emotional for all involved.  I can't criticize because of that and I have no doubt that Hannah wasn't 'faking' anything for screentime when it came to Richard. 

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2 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

Too bad Jason doesn't take that advice.

He doesn't air his garbage on TV that I'm aware of.  Carole has no business in their business. Esecially if she is just Beth's mouthpiece and doing her bidding.

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Just now, ryebread said:

He doesn't air his garbage on TV that I'm aware of.  Carole has no business in their business. Esecially if she is just Beth's mouthpiece and doing her bidding.

If he's harassing her in public, and in front of their daughter, I'd say that's airing his garbage in a damaging enough way. If he had a reality TV show to use t do it, I have no doubt he would.

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5 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

If he's harassing her in public, and in front of their daughter, I'd say that's airing his garbage in a damaging enough way. If he had a reality TV show to use t do it, I have no doubt he would.

Yeah, maybe. But we haven't seen him do it. So when he has that show and pretends that he's talking candidly to a friend with a camera in his face while dissing a race he has no dog in, I suspect I'll call him a bitch, too.  Because what Carole did was a bitch move. Period.

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8 hours ago, Ki-in said:
8 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Someone upthread mentioned that Carole should discipline her kittens by hitting them 

Yikes, I thought a water bottle was the way one trained cats. 

To be fair, I think this poster said 'a swat on the heinie' which isn't the same as belting your cat. And with cats, a swat, is like 2 fingers on their hind end. i dont think anyone that posts here would advocate hitting a pet. Or a child, for that matter.

I'm sorry, also don't understand the poster upthread who said that Brynn doesn't have anything? I also don't get the fuss about clearing out a 6 year old's limited wardrobe space of crap like acetate undertutus in multiple colours. Bethenny's assistant seems to keep Brynn's stuff in good order. Space is limited until B buys herself a penthouse in the sky, so why not toss some cheap polyester garbage painlessly while the kid is not home? I don't understand the gnashing of teeth about a kid's inalienable solo right over possessions inevitably gifted to them by someone else. It's not worth making a fuss over IMO. Just do it. We're not talking about the kid's cuddlebunny or blanket that she's clutched to her brokenhomed heart everynight regardless of which warring parent's roof she's sleeping under. We're talking about back of the wardrobe/drawer kitsch that's only a step above dust bunnies. Aren't we?

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And well...from the other side of the room:  Nope.  I didn't just throw away my kids' things without going through them 'with' them when they were old enough to voice an opinion.  Fortunately, I did have the space to save a lot of stuff and for the most part, my kids were able to pick and choose.  I also have a lot of things I've saved for 'myself'.  I'm not a hoarder by any means but I love things that have 'meaning' and so do my kids.  I'm far more guilty than they are in this department.  Before we moved a few years ago, I loved going through all their projects and other things that were saved.  We did pare down but the memories were priceless and more importantly, some things were more important to them than they were to me. 

Nope.  When a cat scratches on the furniture, you pick them up and put them down on the scratching post.  They figure it out pretty quickly.  I've never have had furniture damage from any of my cats.

Oh, by the way, my mother took the liberty of throwing out all my Barbies without consulting me.  I was so pissed.  She threw out a lot of other things as well...     

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2 minutes ago, queenjen said:

To be fair, I think this poster said 'a swat on the heinie' which isn't the same as belting your cat. And with cats, a swat, is like 2 fingers on their hind end. i dont think anyone that posts here would advocate hitting a pet. Or a child, for that matter.

I'm sorry, also don't understand the poster upthread who said that Brynn doesn't have anything? I also don't get the fuss about clearing out a 6 year old's limited wardrobe space of crap like acetate undertutus in multiple colours. Bethenny's assistant seems to keep Brynn's stuff in good order. Space is limited until B buys herself a penthouse in the sky, so why not toss some cheap polyester garbage painlessly while the kid is not home? I don't understand the gnashing of teeth about a kid's inalienable solo right over possessions inevitably gifted to them by someone else. It's not worth making a fuss over IMO. Just do it. We're not talking about the kid's cuddlebunny or blanket that she's clutched to her brokenhomed heart everynight regardless of which warring parent's roof she's sleeping under. We're talking about back of the wardrobe/drawer kitsch that's only a step above dust bunnies. Aren't we?

It depends on how important that tutu was to the child.  Some of the cheapest stuff in the world have 'value' to a child or even an adult.  We don't know what the value is to the child.  And because of that, they do deserve a voice.   They may care or not care.  The important thing is that they do have some input.  Let them have some power in the decision making process.  And maybe they may want to keep it all but it is at that point we let 'them' make decisions as to their priorities.  JMHP.

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27 minutes ago, ryebread said:

The Limelight that was in the old church in the 80s?!  Home away from home. If walls could talk.

A white dress on an older bride isn't so bad to me. Even though it symbolizes purity. Snerk. But it's really just a color.  It's the long veil on an older bride that I think is kind of silly. 

I agree, there are plenty of tasteful white dresses out there. It's the veil and the bridesmaids that seem out of character for someone who claimed to be an expert in all things proper. Old money people usually are big on tradition, so all the more surprising. 

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22 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Yeah, maybe. But we haven't seen him do it. So when he has that show and pretends that he's talking candidly to a friend with a camera in his face while dissing a race he has no dog in, I suspect I'll call him a bitch, too.  Because what Carole did was a bitch move. Period.

I'd say showing up to cause a scene at his daughter's school is the very definition of bitch move.   http://pagesix.com/2017/01/31/bethennys-ex-husband-jason-hoppy-arrested-for-harassment-stalking/

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1 minute ago, breezy424 said:

It depends on how important that tutu was to the child.  Some of the cheapest stuff in the world have 'value' to a child or even an adult.  We don't know what the value is to the child.  And because of that, they do deserve a voice.   They may care or not care.  The important thing is that they do have some input.  Let them have some power in the decision making process.  And maybe they may want to keep it all but it is at that point we let 'them' make decisions as to their priorities.  JMHP.

I get that, that's why I acknowledged the 'cuddle x' toy. I totally get not tearing that meaningful but noisome curiousity from the toddler's heart. I'm a mother of 4, teacher and ran a small child care centre. i get the point about babies being given a voice and power over their own destiny etc. I don't agree with all of it, I think this is possibly one of those situations where another valuable life lesson can be learned in the event that ONE of the 57 pieces of plastic/polyester crap you threw out happened to be missed a week later: get over it, desire is the basis of all the pain in the world, sometimes you are going to have to deal with the results of decisions you didn't get to make because that is the reality of the world we live in and it happens all. the. time.

My kids are all doing splendidly, btw, for the most part. Anyway, none of them are suffering because I tore a tutu out of their chubby fists when they were 3 against their wishes. I breastfed them all for 2 years, but I wouldn't have done it for 5 years. My tongue is slightly in my cheek here, but i'm amazed how incensed people are about Bethenny doing what I and every other mother does (without an assistant, and one that REALLY knows what is in Brynn's closet, granted) every 3 months or so for 20 years. I'll say it. Teaching kids that they DON'T get to have input into every decision is as valuable as making them feel they do have input into some reasonable decisions. Because I'm an adult and hurtful though it is, I don't have input into much of my life at times and I have had to learn to be resilient when things don't go my way and when things are 'not fair'. In my experience, children who aren't resilient and who don't know how to deal with change and have difficulty being flexible are the ones that can really end up suffering.

ps. what is 'JMHP'? just my honest...?

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52 minutes ago, Lemons said:

I agree, there are plenty of tasteful white dresses out there. It's the veil and the bridesmaids that seem out of character for someone who claimed to be an expert in all things proper. Old money people usually are big on tradition, so all the more surprising. 

But Lu isn't old money. I actually appreciated the fact that the wedding dress she showed off on the show was her actual wedding dress. So many times I've seen these shows where they make a big deal out of finding the dress, and the "this is the one!" moment, only to later see wedding photos and find they're wearing something completely different.  

Edited by Mojoker
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BTW: try teaching a class of 30 kids, where every one of those kids expects to have input into what is being taught, and how and what the rules of the classroom are. I'm deadly serious about this. Every child is a unique and special snowflake, but so is every other child. Sometimes, you have to shut up and listen and do what you are told, or you don't get to learn anything. 'Your choice', i always say, though. 

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1 minute ago, queenjen said:

BTW: try teaching a class of 30 kids, where every one of those kids expects to have input into what is being taught, and how and what the rules of the classroom are. I'm deadly serious about this. Every child is a unique and special snowflake, but so is every other child. Sometimes, you have to shut up and listen and do what you are told, or you don't get to learn anything. 'Your choice', i always say, though. 

But there's a big difference between kids being allowed to set classroom rules and curriculum and kids being allowed to express an opinion about which of their possessions they can keep and which they must let go.  Allowing them input isn't the same as allowing them to run the show. An adult is always going to have the final say.

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I was showing my husband Carole's couch, he said surely those kittens didn't rip it to shreds like that( he was thinking baby tigers) . Gross, don't care what memories it held, because they weren't being honoured letting it get that way. Yuck! 

Then I showed him the color of the ice Sonja had, he just shook his head. LOL

I suspect he wonders why I bother watching..;) 

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11 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Bethenny looked like a lunatic in her manic sweep of Brynn's room- tossing out an OCD stream of consciousness at an assistant on what "she" requires to sort out the clutter (PS what Brynn has is NOT clutter) and habits of her daughter the hoarder.

Bethenny is under the delusion that her 'OCD stream of consciousness' schtick is amusing/endearing. As Brian Moylan recapped, Beth believes her own mythology and it's like having sex with someone who needs you to keep telling them they're hot. She annoys me now also because she is never totally 'present' anymore. This is just a commitment she has to fulfil on her way to whatever bigger and better things she has schemed out for herself. So, it's like production calls her up and she says 'yeah whatever, just come over' and hey presto we get a scene where B is cleaning out her daughter's cupboards. Actually, she was lying on her couch going through her phone, but when the cameras showed up, she got up and found her assistant cleaning Brynn's room. I'm also sick of seeing the room that Brynn lives in without ever seeing Brynn. We never see Sonja's kid, we've seen Quinn's room maybe twice or 3 times, contextually, in relation to someone else being in the room for a reason. If we are never going to see Brynn on our tvs, let's just nix her as a storyline completely, please and make B work a bit for the fat stack she's getting from being a Ho.

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14 minutes ago, queenjen said:

Teaching kids that they DON'T get to have input into every decision is as valuable as making them feel they do have input into some reasonable decisions. Because I'm an adult and hurtful though it is, I don't have input into much of my life at times and I have had to learn to be resilient when things don't go my way and when things are 'not fair'. In my experience, children who aren't resilient and who don't know how to deal with change and have difficulty being flexible are the ones that can really end up suffering.

I agree with all this.  (I'm also a former teacher. I taught kindergarten.) 

That said, I wouldn't throw my kid's things out without asking after about age 5.

I had no issue with what Beth was doing tho. 

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11 minutes ago, F. M. said:

I was showing my husband Carole's couch, he said surely those kittens didn't rip it to shreds like that( he was thinking baby tigers) . Gross, don't care what memories it held, because they weren't being honoured letting it get that way. Yuck! 

I thought it was interesting when Beth arrived at Carole's. Suddenly, Carole is flipping over the bottom cushions on the sofa and draping the back with a blanket.

Because of the pet hair, do you think?

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49 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

I'd say showing up to cause a scene at his daughter's school is the very definition of bitch move.   http://pagesix.com/2017/01/31/bethennys-ex-husband-jason-hoppy-arrested-for-harassment-stalking/

And I'd agree with you. However the average viewer wouldn't know what's going on in Beth's battle with Jason. Beth isn't supposed to discuss it on TV. So she gets her flying monkey to do it.  Bryn's been embarrassed enough by her parents.

Shut up, Carole.

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20 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I thought it was interesting when Beth arrived at Carole's. Suddenly, Carole is flipping over the bottom cushions on the sofa and draping the back with a blanket.

Because of the pet hair, do you think?

Yes, I certainly do. 

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1 hour ago, queenjen said:

I get that, that's why I acknowledged the 'cuddle x' toy. I totally get not tearing that meaningful but noisome curiousity from the toddler's heart. I'm a mother of 4, teacher and ran a small child care centre. i get the point about babies being given a voice and power over their own destiny etc. I don't agree with all of it, I think this is possibly one of those situations where another valuable life lesson can be learned in the event that ONE of the 57 pieces of plastic/polyester crap you threw out happened to be missed a week later: get over it, desire is the basis of all the pain in the world, sometimes you are going to have to deal with the results of decisions you didn't get to make because that is the reality of the world we live in and it happens all. the. time.

My kids are all doing splendidly, btw, for the most part. Anyway, none of them are suffering because I tore a tutu out of their chubby fists when they were 3 against their wishes. I breastfed them all for 2 years, but I wouldn't have done it for 5 years. My tongue is slightly in my cheek here, but i'm amazed how incensed people are about Bethenny doing what I and every other mother does (without an assistant, and one that REALLY knows what is in Brynn's closet, granted) every 3 months or so for 20 years. I'll say it. Teaching kids that they DON'T get to have input into every decision is as valuable as making them feel they do have input into some reasonable decisions. Because I'm an adult and hurtful though it is, I don't have input into much of my life at times and I have had to learn to be resilient when things don't go my way and when things are 'not fair'. In my experience, children who aren't resilient and who don't know how to deal with change and have difficulty being flexible are the ones that can really end up suffering.

ps. what is 'JMHP'? just my honest...?

Just my humble opinion.

Yes. Children do not always get an input but what is wrong with them getting an input when the opportunity arises?  I disagree with the statement that 'every' mother does because not every mother does.  I didn't.  And my kids didn't suffer from my giving them input when having the opportunity to give them input.  They're all very successful.  And quite resilient.  I'm very proud that I gave them situations in which they were able to give input.  They learned how to make decisions.

I think maybe you're missing my point.  It's about giving 'them' decision making skills.  Not just a parent's. 

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3 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Can we talk about how bad of a driver that dog was?


3 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

Must have gotten its license out of a bag of snausages!

Or the DMV (Department of Mutt-or Vehicles)...

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There are probably about a million things that folks could dislike about Beth.  But cleaning out the junk in her daughter's room? Seems like bitch eating crackers to me.  

On this site, it's more bitch eating popcorn ;)


Edited by BBHN
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5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

It depends on how important that tutu was to the child.  Some of the cheapest stuff in the world have 'value' to a child or even an adult.  We don't know what the value is to the child.  And because of that, they do deserve a voice.   They may care or not care.  The important thing is that they do have some input.  Let them have some power in the decision making process.  And maybe they may want to keep it all but it is at that point we let 'them' make decisions as to their priorities.  JMHP.

Hello, this is the premise of the best movie ever, "Citizen Kane". Rosebud...

I have some projects  from High School and I was able to show my son how it was back in the day. 

HE was in awe at the fact that I had to use a typewriter.

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6 hours ago, ryebread said:

The Limelight that was in the old church in the 80s?!  Home away from home. If walls could talk.

A white dress on an older bride isn't so bad to me. Even though it symbolizes purity. Snerk. But it's really just a color.  It's the long veil on an older bride that I think is kind of silly. 


The Tunnel?


oh those were the days. ;-)

11 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Except that the comment about "good luck on Dr. Phil" was in response to my comment that I use to throw away the Happy Meal crap. To my knowledge, the Happy Meal toys (including the plastic containers they sometimes came in which my son thought was part of the toy and would not part with) have not become big collectables. Maybe a Beannie Baby when they use to do that? I am sure someone will come up with another example, but for the most part, it is just crap. My kid didn't mind donating stuff, and we routinely did that before the holidays, but I am talking about crap. Crap that was trash and was not going to get donated to anyone because it was crap. 

OH that is what the Dr Phil comment was all about? Lol

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11 hours ago, snarts said:

The bride doesn't throw her own shower.  They are planned by other people and quite often a bride will have multiple showers (work, friends, family).  Luann has made it clear from the get go that her wedding a) would not be filmed for the show, and b) would exclude the majority of the housewives.  

Ramona:  If it's post-Thanksgiving and you haven't received an invite to a NYE wedding out of state, you're not getting one. 

Why does Luann even need a shower?  I thought bridal showers, traditionally, were to give the newlyweds the things they'll need to set up a home; pots and pans, dishes, glasses, linens and other essentials that the old-fashioned live at home until you get married couple will need.  It's not her first marriage, and they both have a fully furnished homes.  I don't get it.  

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And WHY Luann couldn't do what SHE wants and what pleases HER for HER wedding ? She said in this EP that she never wore a white dress for her 1st wedding and that she wanted to wear one. What's the problem with that ? Seriously ? And if she wants a bridal shower, WHO ARE WE to say that is appropriate or not ?


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what kind of shower gift to you get for people that have everything they need and then some?  I get having party(ies) to celebrate, she's gushing with happiness, she wants to scream it from the rooftops. I'm glad she's found someone that makes her so giddy, I just didn't see the need for a shower.

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1 minute ago, SweetieDarling said:

what kind of shower gift to you get for people that have everything they need and then some?  I get having party(ies) to celebrate, she's gushing with happiness, she wants to scream it from the rooftops. I'm glad she's found someone that makes her so giddy, I just didn't see the need for a shower.

Ok, YOU don't see the need... But it's not about YOU. Or about ME. Or about anybody else. It's about Luann....

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26 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

what kind of shower gift to you get for people that have everything they need and then some?  I get having party(ies) to celebrate, she's gushing with happiness, she wants to scream it from the rooftops. I'm glad she's found someone that makes her so giddy, I just didn't see the need for a shower.

some older brides asked me for contribution to various charities, other asked for actual items for their home.

What is the difference?

It is a celebration.

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8 hours ago, queenjen said:

OMG another episode where Ramona says 'brassiere' or 'brazeer' in Ramona speak. She's so 80s heyday. I now feel sorry for Ramona.

That comment made me long for the heyday of this show, with Jill Zarin and her "brar."  *embarrassed look*  I'll show myself out...

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To be fair, I think this poster said 'a swat on the heinie' which isn't the same as belting your cat. And with cats, a swat, is like 2 fingers on their hind end. i dont think anyone that posts here would advocate hitting a pet. Or a child, for that matter.

Thank you, queenjen.  My comment got blown way out of proportion.  My point was that a cat can be humanely trained not to scratch the sofa, just like a dog can be.   It looks like Carole needs to do something to keep them from ruining her stuff.  I'm assuming the dogs probably got a hold of the cushions from the look of them.  People who know me realize that someday I will be that crazy cat lady who lives down the street! I have nothing but love for them.  In fact, I've got a 19 year old cat who is treated like royalty. 


with Jill Zarin and her "brar." 

This is not a slight to northerners, but I've always wondered why they add an 'r' to certain words.   Again, I'm not judging.  I live in the south where words are routinely butchered!  "I seen her...." is one that drives me nuts! 

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I think a woman should wear whatever she chooses at a second wedding. However, Luann wearing a traditional white wedding gown, veil included, and having a large wedding party is cringe worthy for me. 

I always included my kids when weeding out old toys and clothes. It's a good way to teach them, and also allow them to have some control over what gets donated vs thrown away, vs kept. ( I hope Bethenny didn't actually throw away that stuff, and donated to charity). Brynn and her room seem like a prop for B. 

Sonja throwing brown ice at Tinsley in her home was almost as gross as farting in that restaurant. 

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1 hour ago, Diane Mars said:

Ok, YOU don't see the need... But it's not about YOU. Or about ME. Or about anybody else. It's about Luann....

I agree with this. I have all kinds of issues with Lu, and IMO her choice of a husband is a bad one...but it's what she wants. Let her have the whole weddding experience in the way that she wants it. Might be silly to some, but it seems important to her to have the elements this time that she didn't before. 

It's funny to me the way we want for others to care about what we think they should care about in one instance, but in others not so much. There are dozens of posts that Brynn should be able to have control over what she keeps and doesn't, because she is a valuable person and should be allowed to feel her feelings and have input on what is important to her. At the same time Carole is gross because a 40 year old couch that she use to snuggle with her husband on - a husband that is now dead - is ridiculous and proves what a terrible person she must be. Talk about something that would cause many to feel empathy, but it's Carole, so in many instances, it does not. She should do what others would do in the same situation, her feelings and emotions be damned because apparently she shouldn't feel those feelings. At the same time Lu should do what others think appropriate and not have the things that she wants and are important to her, when really it's just about emotion and her feelings. There seems to be more concern over the fate of a happy meal toy by a 6 year old than there is about a widow and her memories, or a bride and her hope for a happy future. 

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7 hours ago, queenjen said:

Bethenny is under the delusion that her 'OCD stream of consciousness' schtick is amusing/endearing. As Brian Moylan recapped, Beth believes her own mythology and it's like having sex with someone who needs you to keep telling them they're hot. She annoys me now also because she is never totally 'present' anymore. This is just a commitment she has to fulfil on her way to whatever bigger and better things she has schemed out for herself. So, it's like production calls her up and she says 'yeah whatever, just come over' and hey presto we get a scene where B is cleaning out her daughter's cupboards. Actually, she was lying on her couch going through her phone, but when the cameras showed up, she got up and found her assistant cleaning Brynn's room. I'm also sick of seeing the room that Brynn lives in without ever seeing Brynn. We never see Sonja's kid, we've seen Quinn's room maybe twice or 3 times, contextually, in relation to someone else being in the room for a reason. If we are never going to see Brynn on our tvs, let's just nix her as a storyline completely, please and make B work a bit for the fat stack she's getting from being a Ho.

A million likes ! She is never present, and I still stand by cleaning Brynn's room was her calculated staging of a way to include her daughter in the show and keep herself relevant while exercising her OCD no clutter, organizing, purging muscle at her daughter's expense. Of course parents all purge our kids stuff that's gone to garbage level. Bethennys purging to me always goes back to control, not regular mom purging of happy meal toys. Why was the assistant in there exactly ? 

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15 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I agree with this. I have all kinds of issues with Lu, and IMO her choice of a husband is a bad one...but it's what she wants. Let her have the whole weddding experience in the way that she wants it. Might be silly to some, but it seems important to her to have the elements this time that she didn't before. 

It's funny to me the way we want for others to care about what we think they should care about in one instance, but in others not so much. There are dozens of posts that Brynn should be able to have control over what she keeps and doesn't, because she is a valuable person and should be allowed to feel her feelings and have input on what is important to her. At the same time Carole is gross because a 40 year old couch that she use to snuggle with her husband on - a husband that is now dead - is ridiculous and proves what a terrible person she must be. Talk about something that would cause many to feel empathy, but it's Carole, so in many instances, it does not. She should do what others would do in the same situation, her feelings and emotions be damned because apparently she shouldn't feel those feelings. At the same time Lu should do what others think appropriate and not have the things that she wants and are important to her, when really it's just about emotion and her feelings. There seems to be more concern over the fate of a happy meal toy by a 6 year old than there is about a widow and her memories, or a bride and her hope for a happy future. 

A big reason why people goes in  on Luann is because she proclaimed herself the Comtesse of Etiquette, imo.

And therefore, should be aware that second times around brides,  do not get to wear white according to her OWN standards.

Of course those antiquated standards do not apply to her...

Edited by LIMOM
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9 hours ago, ryebread said:

The Limelight that was in the old church in the 80s?!  Home away from home. If walls could talk.

A white dress on an older bride isn't so bad to me. Even though it symbolizes purity. Snerk. But it's really just a color.  It's the long veil on an older bride that I think is kind of silly. 

Yes the club. That site has gone through several businesses not even lasting a year. Jue Lan just passed the 1 year mark is still doing well.


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2 hours ago, LIMOM said:


The Tunnel?


oh those were the days. ;-)


Rooftop was my go-to place after hours :)

9 hours ago, queenjen said:

Dorinda is subsonic stealth also. Never forget her siccing Sonja on the world when they were at St Barths (?T&C?), the 'all youse bitches' speech, and last night I got the same vibe when she was on the phone to lonely old Ramona sitting in her outdated eyrie on the UES. IIRC, she told her to talk to Bethenny, and she knows that isn't going to end well. Dorinda's known Ro forever, she knows she hasn't got the social skills to navigate her way out of this. And good friend Lu does the same thing, knowing the outcome for what is was in advance with the 'poke the bear' comment in regards to Bethenny.

I was not enamored with her right from the start, I see her for who she is in spite of the trappings of marrying into the UES scene.  That said, she is entertaining

Dorinda is very popular among the viewers, bloggers & Andy & she is now finessing her image some more by not getting drunk or tweaked up during filming

Still waiting for Tinsley to make an impact on the show but so far she seems to be OK

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12 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

It was Dorinda and Richard Medley

 I think it was literally "Dorinda or Dorinda Medley." People's names come up like that in my phone if I have them saved twice.

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9 hours ago, queenjen said:

BTW: try teaching a class of 30 kids, where every one of those kids expects to have input into what is being taught, and how and what the rules of the classroom are. I'm deadly serious about this. Every child is a unique and special snowflake, but so is every other child. Sometimes, you have to shut up and listen and do what you are told, or you don't get to learn anything. 'Your choice', i always say, though. 

Being a student in a classroom is quite different from making decisions about one's 'possessions'.  And that's what we're talking about here. 

BTW, IMO, letting a child have input into what they would like to keep and what they're ready to get rid of is a 'teaching' moment.  You have 'x' amount of space and 'you' have to decide to get rid of 'x' amount of things. 

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19 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I did too as a parent.  I do agree with you on that. We all weed. 

Maybe Brynn loves the hideous tulle skirts Bethenny tossed. Maybe dancing in them frees her from divorce baggage she feels the weight from. Maybe that toy she tossed is something imaginative Brynn enjoys. It is healthy and a normal part of development  for kids to select and have opinions about their clothing and toys. YMMV. 

Her behavior came from  a clutter perspective and was manic to me. 

If I let my kids decide what I'm going to pack away or toss and what I'm going to leave out in the play room or their rooms we wouldn't get rid of a single, solitary thing.  I think your general dislike of Beth might be clouding your judgment on this one a bit.  I saw absolutely nothing wrong with her going through Brynn's room.  We have to do that with our kids' rooms at least 3 times a year. I guess we're all crazy OCD control freaks.

19 hours ago, QuinnM said:

And she's 6.  Kids outgrow things mentally and physically.  So everyone moves on.  She wasn't throwing out the American Girl crapola because Brynn loves these, i.e. she is still playing actively with this.  It's NYC.  There is no room.  No basement, no garage, no attic.  This is it.  4 square walls.  Use it or lose it.  One of my favorite bits from last year was Bethenny going at Dorinda's closet with her.  It's what she does.  I personally would rather live with a tosser than a hoarder.

As long as she didn't toss Brynn's yacht pants, I think we're okay.

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