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S09.E23: Reunion Part 3

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8 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

Really. I mean, seeing Kandi looking to Andy to get him to have some real person reaction to her being accused of being a would-be rapist and I feel so bad. That any of these women think Andy respects or thinks of any of these women as real people with real feelings and real lives that he doesn't simply want to capitalize on while wearing that blank, open-mouthed grin. Andy doesn't give a shit and I'm sorry for anyone who thinks they could look to him for...anything. 

Yeah, that preview was very disturbing. He was actually smirking at her. "what did I think of what?" I mean he was barely paying attention to the mood in the room he was still having his aftershock orgasms over that reveal and could not hide his delight with it all. I mean his face said it all. It said, "What do I think???? Bitch this is reunion gold, I can't contain the elation I'm feeling right now. And what you think this is Bitch this is what I aim for Hellooooooooo"

That's what his face and delayed response told me.

8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Even Nene pointed out that Kandi supported Phaedra's lies for years on WWHL tonight! Oh, and according to Nene, she and Kandi are "friends". LOL

According to Shamea, she and Porsha are still friends.

Phaedra is done, fired, not coming back. LOL http://straightfromthea.com/2017/04/28/i-repeat-rhoa-phaedra-parks-is-not-returning-for-season-10-confirmed-tea-sneak-peek-rhoareunion-clip/

What lies did she push or confirm on Phaedrahs behalf?

  • Love 18
12 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Chile I hope Kandi gets all the way in Phakedra's ass next week and I hope Andy fires her ass right on the set.

I almost feel bad for how stupid Porsha is. Too dumb to realize how hard she's been played.

Yes Porsha was well played. I am not understanding what Phaedra has to gain by spreading these lies on Kandi and Todd.  Kandi does not have to worry about her business reputation being damaged by Phaedra's lies because everyone know Phaedra is  "slick as grease " and a liar", if anyone has that worry  it's Phaedra that has been damaged.   It's just amazing how vindictive Phaedra really is. She's dangerous.... .

  • Love 16

I hate to say this cause I can't stand Fakedrah or Porsha but my guess is Porsha was sharing her drunken moment and proposition with Fakedrah and Fakedrah said something along the lines of "Gurrrrrlll you dodged a bullet with those two. You lucky they didn't drug yo ass and drag you to their sex dungeon as freaky as they are"..... And then finished it with a cackled where Porsha gullible as fuck sat there mouth agape asking "Gurrrllll for real??? You lying, They do shit like that?" Fakedrah probably had a quick What the Fuck? moment for like half a second when she realized Porsha was taking her literally and decided to let it roll with just a "what do you think?" look and let Porsha believe what she wanted to believe. 

I don't think Fakedrah foresaw that Porsha would try to use that information to shade Kandi but once she realized that Porsha was doubling down on that bullshit Fakedrah should have pulled homegirl aside and told her that she should probably cool it with the whole drug/rape accusations since she was just pulling Porsha's leg on that and that she was just being shady when she was joking about it with Porsha.

The fact that Fakedrah let Porsha run with it this long and this hard is a whole other tub of shit that bitch is wading in though.

And Porsha, this is why you don't need to be adopting the beef's of your friends. You had no real reason to beef with Kandi this hard but this is what you get for trying to fight someone else's battles out of "loyalty". Bitch you didn't even do a good job and backed the vilest of the bunch.

Girl Bye!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 21
3 hours ago, RealReality said:

The rumors that Phaedra started and Dummy Porsha fell for were: a) that she had some 7 year relationship with a woman, b) that she planned to drug and rape Porsha, and c) that she had sex with Shamea, oh and d) the Marvin stuff.

Kandi has been pretty open about her sexual experiences.  She wasn't upset at the lesbian thing, she was upset at the insinuation she was with Shamea, that Porsha was pointing fingers at Kandi for the same things SHE does and that she was planning on Bill Cosby'ing Porsha.

And WHY would Todd go around New York telling people his name was "Marvin" when people see him every week as "Todd" on TV?

I need for Mama Joyce to come out and admit Phadrea was "The Streets" that was talking about Todd and saying his parents were a pimp & his hoe.


how then does Nene explain becoming friends with Phaedra in her last full-time season?

Nene needed somebody to film with.  Dassit!

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

So, Nene thinks that Kandi was under Phaedra's spell for many years, and Nene knew that Phaedra tried to do similarly shady stuff against her by attempting to film with her half-sister, how then does Nene explain becoming friends with Phaedra in her last full-time season? Did Nene also fall under Phaedra's spell?

I have not been able to stand Phaedra for a while now, but Nene once again proves she is so full of shit.


1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

NeNe likes to rewrite history so she'll have a storyline. Immature, self-centered entitled rude bitch, in my book.

Dumb & dumber.

Methinks Moose is a lil salty that Wig is getting a paycheck and the only thing in her mailbox is a summons from the IRS. Time to dip her toe back into the scum pond to pay some bills. Offer some commentary that will get her on a "side" so that she can get a few appearance checks.

I don't know what I want with Shady Phae. I'd sure love to see her comeuppance live next seasson; exposure, censure, and/or disbarment broadcast for the masses (many of whom from previous threads seem to be missing...where y'all at?) but it would also be satisfying to have her reduced to nothingness, not invited back, no airtime, just dismissed like a nobody, which will surely chap her hide. 

I really want Porsha gone. I just can't stand for stupid hoes to win. I really can't. But it would be cute to see her grovel for airtime and watch while Sheree abandons her for those whom the cameras follow. 


My predictions for next season's casting: Kandi, Kenya, Cynthia with Shamea as a new ally; Sheree as a floater (has she learned her "playing for the wrong team" lesson?) who brings in Kim --establishing the anti team with her "beef" with Kenya (which they both need for storyline, although Kim moreso since she has a gang of kids and unemployed husband to feed), along with Porsha and maybe 2 or 3 appearances by NeNe. 

KKC/S will promote their businesses while the others will show up at events and cause drama. 

Hopefully Kenya will keep her new man off camera, I don't think Matt was a rent a date, I think they truly were involved but she thought she could control this crazy dummy. Control a dummy, yes...control crazy, no. Maybe Cynthia can bring us in some glam/her nyc connections. A meeting with Uncle Rush to brand some products, single in the city with Kithe, a lil Leon eye candy... Who knows what Kandi will sell us, but maybe she'll drag in Tiny as a new "friend of" since her last few haven't worked out (Demetria, Lena, Hazel?). We at least know Tiny will have the money to dismiss these bitches (Kim/Sheree/Porsha/NeNe) and she is done with VH1 after this season, IIRC. I just don't care to see aunt baby Dinosaur or Joyce again. I wouldn't mind Aunt Nora, she seems chill, but the OLG restaurant is nothing I care about, nor do I care about Riley's teenage angst or singing career. No matter how the kid acts at home, she obviously doesn't want to be on camera, as she's shown for nearly a decade. Let it go. That leaves Shamea to introduce her life for inspection. Her storyline might depend on Frick and Frack though, depending on how much of her own shit she wants to expose. If she wants her life private, a F/F showdown might be the thing to keep eyes off her her while maintaining drama for the show.

For the other side, Sheree has nothing. She's cut off both the Bob and Chateau storylines in one season. Not a smart move. No one cares about her kids and we all know any business she tries will be fake and just a something for nothing money grab, so unless she's willing to carry some bones on her own life (which she's not, like exposing not being able to afford the Shiteau), the only thing she can do now is be a go between, but she's already ruined any real connection with the other side. Kim will rely on her antics from 5 years ago (crazy faces, wackiness, unnecessary beef), but none of the women really have to engage with her, although Kandi is weak and will let her in and Kenya doesn't know how to win by walking away, so Wig will have a safe spot. It will be limited because Kroy is just not down for all this coloredness. I feel that in my bones. Porsha will fall off. No one cares, no one wants to engage with a proven dumbass, and now she is showing her other employers that she is a dumb puppet who can easily be a liability to them as well.

I predict next season will be even more boring than this one unless we get front row seats to Phaedra's downfall (and hopefully Sheree's as well).

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 6

It is shameful how much I am looking forward to the next episode. I find Phaedra's seeming lack of reaction in the previews over being outed kind of chilling.  Everyone is either shocked or crying but Phaedra  seems so unbothered and expressionless. 

I don't even see how Phaedra could be a competent lawyer. She can't even come up with cogent arguments to defend herself, how can she come up with them to defend others?

Shamea can read!!! I say keep trashbox Kim off this show and give Shamea a peach tout de suite.

I wish Peter had thrown shade at Phaedra over her 'clean man' BS the first time she met him. 

If there is one thing I have learned lo' these many years watching these franchises, it is to never trust or believe casting rumors that pop up even before the season has wrapped. If Andy and 'em can invite Vicki (OC) back who not only was accused of being complicit in a cancer scam but then also tried to profit off said scam by starting a fake ass cancer charity and also trying to sell insurance to poor cancer victims than there is a 'hope' for Phaedra and Porsha.

10 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Porsha is a combination of stupid and weak. If you care for Shamea and ever think to call her your best friend, you don't let another friend dog her out and gossip about her in your presence. If Phaedra is really your friend, why would there be any issue with interrupting Phaedra and saying 'look, I know the two of you have beef, but I love and am friends with both of you and I don't feel comfortable with you talking about her - nor would I would do the same for you if she talked shit about you in front of me'.

The gag is that Shamea did this very thing last season. She went to speak to Kandi about something that went down between Kandi's people and Porsha.  I believe Don Juan and Carmon started talking shit about her friend and she let them know that wasn't cool. Shamea is a far better friend to Porsha than Porsha has been to her.

I will never like Kenya but I thought Andy was wrong. Kenya didn't really interrupt Porsha. Kenya mumbled something under her breath and Porsha asked her what she said. 

We didn't need to see either Bob or Peter this reunion. I get having Todd since he was also named in the drug raping thing. LOL! The feds are still watching. 

Nene is full of shit. Nene didn't like Kandi from jump, and Phaedra didn't join the show until 2-3 seasons later so to suggest that Kandi's friendship with Phae was the reason they didn't get along was an alternative fact.  Secondly, you can't accuse Porsha of declassing the show and than state you want to see cigs and wigs Kim trashbox ass back on the show. Lastly, not so long ago she formed an alliance with Phaedra too despite knowing how much she plays dirty. 

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Nene is full of shit. Nene didn't like Kandi from jump, and Phaedra didn't join the show until 2-3 seasons later so to suggest that Kandi's friendship with Phae was the reason they didn't get along was an alternative fact.  Secondly, you can't accuse Porsha of declassing the show and than state you want to see cigs and wigs Kim trashbox ass back on the show. Lastly, not so long ago she formed an alliance with Phaedra too despite knowing how much she plays dirty. 

Actually the way I saw it Kandi's friendship with Kim was what I felt was the problem. Kandi came on and worked with Kim on Tardy for the party. Something Nene and Kim had talked about doing together but Nene and Kim were having issues by the time Kandi joined the cast so Nene wasn't feeling Kandi. That and the fact that Nene always wants to act like Queen Bee and with the arrival of Kandi, a real and true celebrity with MON-AAAA. Nene wasn't feeling her at all. 

  • Love 11

I just can’t with Porsha’s nonsensical doubletalk.  How many brain cells does it take this chick to put together a coherent statement that doesn’t step all over itself? Clearly more than she has. 

So in the “you said you want to eat me out til I cum” scenario Porsha:

·         First she denies that the make out happened.

·         Then you admit that you were drinking and may not remember everything mmhmmm

·         Then it was confirmed that it did happen but you deny that you made the proposition because that’s too vulgar for your respectable sensibilities (insert eyeroll) and that you weren’t even thinking about that.

·         The kicker is that when the convo eventually turned into the screaming match Porsha had the audacity to say,  I wouldn’t want to eat your p#ssy cuz I could smell it. Ummm WTF? 

·         Sooooooo you say you can “barely remember” any of that night but you can randomly remember what Kandi’s snatch smelled like and that you didn’t want it.  Which in some ways confirms that

o   a)you were thinking about it,

o   b) that you wanted it but

o   c) because of the “smell” you changed your mind.

Porsha Porsha Porsha

  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


Kandi used to sit in silence. She never co-signed stuff. That's whats cool about Kandi. She's not going in on people cause of blind loyalty except for maybe MJ but Kandi admits that that's her mom and right or wrong that's her mom so....

Kandi's pretty good at not letting the other women drag her into their beefs with each other. She may Kiki a little bit while the others are having their bone carrying moment. She's gonna laugh when the ladies have their catty moments but she ain't gonna be doing no bodies dirty work for them. If she's chiming in on anything it's because she has a personal interest in it or someone's mixing her name into shit.

And I'm sick of Fraudrah's only clap back being "oh so when we talk word on the street we wrong but you can throw word on the street around like nothing" NO BITCH Todd and Kandi are giving you their actual accounts of shit not word on the street. Their not speaking on what they heard from the dude on the corner who knows the doorman of Fakedrah's office building. They refer to information they have first hand or at the very least the footage we've all seen.

She tried that shit last reunion and Kandi corrected her. When she first used my all time favorite phrase "Go in, Let Have".

Phaedra talks out of both sides of her mouth but that comment was hilarious to me because she literally spent the first two parts to the reunion trying to put on her lawyer hat and condescendingly shut down any comments as hearsay. But when she finally gets called out in a manner that she can't ignore or deny because she's now in the spotlight, she stops referring to it as hearsay. Now it's just the word on the street.

I think Kandi's claims about Phaedra trying to sabotage her and Todd's business have been validated to some degree. We've seen Phaedra do this onscreen though not in the most explicit way.  Phaedra did everything in her power to paint Todd as the bad guy for going after a single mother for money (glossing over the fact that it was money that was contractually owed to him), and she took the opportunity in front of the cameras to discredit the quality of his work. Then she entertains Johnny on screen - there's no good intention there. It's one thing for her to meet with Johnny on screen and say 'this isn't my area of expertise and there may be conflict of interest so I'll refer you to a great lawyer' but instead, she shows up by Johnny' side (in what capacity do you justify your presence at the meeting since you aren't his lawyer?) and she was inserting comments during the meeting that tried to validate his claims like that crazy ass math calculation regarding his supposed hourly rate, lol. Phaedra's behaviour matches with the 'word on the street' that Kandi has been hearing about her. If Phaedra can do that in front of cameras, no doubt I believe that she might say much worse off camera.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

Yeah, that preview was very disturbing. He was actually smirking at her. "what did I think of what?" I mean he was barely paying attention to the mood in the room he was still having his aftershock orgasms over that reveal and could not hide his delight with it all. I mean his face said it all. It said, "What do I think???? Bitch this is reunion gold, I can't contain the elation I'm feeling right now. And what you think this is Bitch this is what I aim for Hellooooooooo"

That's what his face and delayed response told me.

What lies did she push or confirm on Phaedrahs behalf?

For 1, the Mr. Chocolate lie. Phaedra claimed that he was actually a she and that she wasn't talking to any man and Kandi backed her up on both a few seasons ago. I also think that Kandi went along with Phaedra's lies by not saying anything, calling Phaedra out. Kandi was Eileen to Phaedra's Rinna behavior. LOL

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I can only hope for the following things going in to the next season:

1. That I never have to see Peter's drunken ass on my TV again. Ever. 

2. That I never have to hear Apollo calling his homies from prison to complain about Phaedra or anything else.

3. That Phaedra and Porsha are gone for good. 

4. That NeNe doesn't come back. 

5. That Kenya doesn't put us through another hired boyfriend drama storyline.

Otherwise I may have to delete this franchise from my DVR.

You forgot

6. We never heard about Chateaux Sheree again.


Does anyone think Kandi knows more about Pharisee Phaedra but is holding back?

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, byrd said:

Yes Porsha was well played. I am not understanding what Phaedra has to gain by spreading these lies on Kandi and Todd.  Kandi does not have to worry about her business reputation being damaged by Phaedra's lies because everyone know Phaedra is  "slick as grease " and a liar", if anyone has that worry  it's Phaedra that has been damaged.   It's just amazing how vindictive Phaedra really is. She's dangerous.... .

How could Phaedra possibly believe that the cease and desist situation would not come out????

Phaedra is still mad at Todd for that stupid fitness video situation. She never let it go.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

You forgot

6. We never heard about Chateaux Sheree again.


Does anyone think Kandi knows more about Pharisee Phaedra but is holding back?

I think Kandi knows a lot more, which is why Phraudra tried to shut Porsha down from talking more. Once the floodgates are opened in either 1) tit for tat or 2) deposition to uncover truth situations, she could endure a lot more collateral damage than Kandi (who is open) or Porsha (kinda too dumb to realize what she's exposing herself to). Better to shut the situations down entirely than risk a Kandi truth telling session.

6 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

How could Phaedra possibly believe that the cease and desist situation would not come out????

Phaedra is still mad at Todd for that stupid fitness video situation. She never let it go.

She thinks she is smarter than everyone else. She banked on a dummy following the intent of the letter and not saying anything, including not mentioning that the letter existed.

She will never let go of bitterness over anyone who she thinks got the best of her. Even after the receipts were shown all over tv and social media as to what she owed Todd's production company, she still had to try to drag his name through the mud.  Same with the Kenya situation...despite her prayers of forgiveness, charity trips, etc, she will never let the fact that Apollo admitted he lied stand because she doesn't want Kenya vindicated in any way, shape, or form. Phaedra will never fully let the Whore Moore narrative die because that would mean she was wrong about something.

Phaedra can't stand not to be the winner. 

Edited by sunsheyen
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59 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

For 1, the Mr. Chocolate lie. Phaedra claimed that he was actually a she and that she wasn't talking to any man and Kandi backed her up on both a few seasons ago. I also think that Kandi went along with Phaedra's lies by not saying anything, calling Phaedra out. Kandi was Eileen to Phaedra's Rinna behavior. LOL

Kandi skirted away from the Chocolate situation. I do believe Kandi said something like "I haven't heard anything about that" or something along the lines of Kandi not confirming her having an actual affair. Kandi was answering as little as possible and wasn't about to get sucked into the speculation. I remember thinking good on you Kandi don't let them get any quotes from you that they gonna throw you under the bus for later.

Not calling Phaedra out on Phaedra not being completely honest about HER OWN life isn't the same as Porsha running around repeating bullshit about SOMEONE ELSE and doubling down on those lies by adding more lies of her own to fuel a beef that didn't even have to involve her. Who does that anyway? My friend isn't telling people she don't care for the exact truth about her dating life... And why would I think to blow her spot about that? What makes that a responsibility of mine? That's actually pretty confusing to understand. So my friend wants to keep other nosy ass bitches guessing about what's really going on in her life and I'm wrong not to call her out in public about it? Very weird.

The way I saw it Kandi didn't speak on shit she didn't need to speak on. She doesn't make it a habit to speak for anyone. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think Kandi does a good job of being neutral until she can't be neutral anymore. Her side eye tho...... That's a way for her to insert herself and bring the drama when she doesn't want to go in too hard but once she decides to go in she Let's have and I'm all for it.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 16
12 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Peter loves to have his moment...letting his side of the stage know he's walking off. Yeah, Phaedra and Porsha are full of a shit, but nobody else exited stage left because of it. Peter probably realizes it's going to be his last hurrah at one of these reunions. 

Porsha is a combination of stupid and weak. If you care for Shamea and ever think to call her your best friend, you don't let another friend dog her out and gossip about her in your presence. If Phaedra is really your friend, why would there be any issue with interrupting Phaedra and saying 'look, I know the two of you have beef, but I love and am friends with both of you and I don't feel comfortable with you talking about her - nor would I would do the same for you if she talked shit about you in front of me'. Porsha is made up of 65% silicone and 35% excuses. And she needs to stop denying her encounter with Kandi in NYC. You can't claim that you were drunk and then claim you did or didn't do stuff...if you're claiming that you were drunk, then you've already nullified the validity of your account of the night by openly admitting to be intoxicated. You can't have it both ways. Just say you don't remember any of that and shut the fuck up. 

Can Shamea get a peach next season? She was on point. 

Phaedra - each week I see her, the more I think of her as such a vile human being. You can't treat people the way she treats them, and skirts around truths the way she does and truly think that this woman is a good person. I don't know if she's compromised her values for some air time or if this is really her personality, but I really hope that with all that church she supposedly goes to, hopefully one day one of those sermons will connect with her heart for the better. Right now, it all connects with her brain to be used as a talking point to convince others she's the good Christian Southern belle. 


Andy:  You said Kandi was sober during that interaction.  Wouldn't that mean she's more likely to accurately remember what happened?

'damo to Phaedra:  Pay attention heffa, this is how to burn a bish with her own words.

Porsha:  That's right she was.   I had beer goggles that night so I don't know.....

BravoPettyEditTeam rolls that beautiful bean footage of Porsha in Hawaii:  Well it could've happened, I don't know I was drunk.

Kandi reading receipt in same clip:   We was turnt all the way up, I hope you don't go on tv and say I wanted you or something crazy. 

Andy:  (he kills me with this right here):  You can see how......?  LMAO!!

Porsha:  Right.  Well anything could've happened I admitted that, but to straight up say I said I wanted to taste her box?  c'mon now.

Kandi:  Well then hell I should've let you eat it and kiss my ass while you was down there since you don't remember.

7 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

Phaedra did not start "lesbian rumors" nor did Porsha "take the fall" for her.  As I've stated before and as shown in a flashback clip on the reunion tonight, seasons ago Kandi made her sexual attraction to women known.  At that point, Kandi's bisexuality was confirmed out of her own mouth.  This season, Phaedra expressed that Kandi and Shamea were intimate during a conversation with Sheree and Porsha after Sheree told her that on separate occasions, Shamea and Kandi were spilling secrets and/or spreading gossip about her.  Saying that Kandi and Shamea were together isn't outing Kandi or calling her a lesbian -- it is simply stating who she slept with.

In a different conversation that Phaedra was not present for, Porsha insinuated that Kandi was in a closet playing on words Sheree said about Kandi hiding in one to know whether or not Porsha and Block slept together.  The comment was silly because again, Kandi's sexuality was no secret.  At the glamping dinner, Kandi's issue wasn't that her bisexuality was known it was that Porsha was speaking on her sexuality when Porsha herself is bisexual and wasn't out with it.  Marlo asked who said Kandi was a lesbian in the closet.  Neither Phaedra nor Porsha said those words, but Porsha was the one who insinuated it and the conversation went from there.  I annoys me greatly that there's a notion of Kandi being "outed" this season when it's been out there for years and every single cast member already knew.

Gossip blogs are to be taken with a grain of salt.  Andy already said no decision has been made regarding the cast and it doesn't happen until after the reunion airs.  Phaedra's representative already said it wasn't true when the rumors first came out.  Time will tell if Phaedra is on season 10, but regardless of what happens, I'll never believe a gossip blog had an inside track.  They notoriously get things wrong and there are rumors about casting every season that turn out to be false.

That's what it would be if it were true.  And if it were true, I'm not sure why we'd care since, as you mentioned,  Kandi's sexuality isn't a secret.   Instead what it is to state as a fact, something about the intimate details of someone else's sex life - a thing neither woman could possibly know unless Kandi and/or Shamea had confirmed it for them - is simply a malicious lie.  The only purpose of which is to besmirch the reputation of either/both subjects of the gossip.   Kandi said if she were a lesbian, it would be such a not big deal that she wouldn't hesitate to admit to it.  She is not upset at, nor are we under the impression that, she was outed.  She's not even upset about being gossiped about b/c she's here to clarify.  It's not as simple and innocent as stating who she slept with.  Kandi is married and Shamea is engaged.  Both women met each other after meeting their dudes so how does either explain cheating and lying if the rumor is true?  If it's not, how do either of them get rid of cloud of aspersions it casts them under?  Even in the least harmful set of circumstances, it's not idle chatter, they're playing with her both women's reputations to their husbands as honest and faithful people.  

1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

It is shameful how much I am looking forward to the next episode. I find Phaedra's seeming lack of reaction in the previews over being outed kind of chilling.  Everyone is either shocked or crying but Phaedra  seems so unbothered and expressionless. 

I don't even see how Phaedra could be a competent lawyer. She can't even come up with cogent arguments to defend herself, how can she come up with them to defend others?

Shamea can read!!! I say keep trashbox Kim off this show and give Shamea a peach tout de suite.

I wish Peter had thrown shade at Phaedra over her 'clean man' BS the first time she met him. 

If there is one thing I have learned lo' these many years watching these franchises, it is to never trust or believe casting rumors that pop up even before the season has wrapped. If Andy and 'em can invite Vicki (OC) back who not only was accused of being complicit in a cancer scam but then also tried to profit off said scam by starting a fake ass cancer charity and also trying to sell insurance to poor cancer victims than there is a 'hope' for Phaedra and Porsha.

The gag is that Shamea did this very thing last season. She went to speak to Kandi about something that went down between Kandi's people and Porsha.  I believe Don Juan and Carmon started talking shit about her friend and she let them know that wasn't cool. Shamea is a far better friend to Porsha than Porsha has been to her.

I will never like Kenya but I thought Andy was wrong. Kenya didn't really interrupt Porsha. Kenya mumbled something under her breath and Porsha asked her what she said. 

We didn't need to see either Bob or Peter this reunion. I get having Todd since he was also named in the drug raping thing. LOL! The feds are still watching. 

Nene is full of shit. Nene didn't like Kandi from jump, and Phaedra didn't join the show until 2-3 seasons later so to suggest that Kandi's friendship with Phae was the reason they didn't get along was an alternative fact.  Secondly, you can't accuse Porsha of declassing the show and than state you want to see cigs and wigs Kim trashbox ass back on the show. Lastly, not so long ago she formed an alliance with Phaedra too despite knowing how much she plays dirty. 

Yup!  I was like Andy stop it.  Porsha stopped herself from talking to find out what Kenya said now all of a damn sudden Kenya interrupted her. 

So lemme get this straight - when I say it about you, it's a joke or some shade?  but when you say it about it me it's real grime?  mkay.

Lol at Peter *announcing* this is his last reunion.   Yeah bruh we know, you kind of have to surrender your peach to security right after you sign the divorce papers. 

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 19
57 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

How could Phaedra possibly believe that the cease and desist situation would not come out????

Phaedra is still mad at Todd for that stupid fitness video situation. She never let it go.

Phaedra never lets anything go , she can hold a grudge forever and believe me, she will get you back.. You'll never see it coming. 

Edited by byrd
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Peter and Cynthia were the ones who got the Mr. Chocolate story rolling.

That's because Peter got that from Apollo.

It's just interesting how Phaedra is coming so hard for Kandi & Todd when Peter & Cynthia were right up in the mix with Apollo/Chocolate/hiding stuff from the Feds as well.

"The Feds is watching."  *Phaedra scared face*


  • Love 6
1 hour ago, LIMOM said:

How could Phaedra possibly believe that the cease and desist situation would not come out????

Phaedra is still mad at Todd for that stupid fitness video situation. She never let it go.

I just hate it when Kandi gets so emotional about the bullshit. I wish she would not cry, she's very sensitive , but I wanted to slap the smirk off Phaedra's face.   

Edited by byrd
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Kandi used to sit in silence. She never co-signed stuff. That's whats cool about Kandi. She's not going in on people cause of blind loyalty except for maybe MJ but Kandi admits that that's her mom and right or wrong that's her mom so....

Even with MJ, I'd say it's more loyalty than blind loyalty. She didn't hesitate to say in last week's episode that MJ was "absolutely" wrong for consulting the lawyer about Phaedra's divorce. Also, she calls MJ out pretty frequently when they have scenes together. IMO, she's too quick to let MJ slide, but she seems pretty clear-eyed about the fact that MJ is messy af.

  • Love 10

Watching this episode here are my thoughts:

1) I actually like Peter contrary to popular opinion, I really don't think he is a bad guy I think he's just hurting & he doesn't like BS. However, I think that he was being extra on this reunion.

2) Shamea read Phaedra for filth and I was here for it. BRAVO we do NOT want Kim back... If anyone should replace Phaedra it should be Shamea.

3) I love how Phaedra tried to spin the "dumb" remark she made about Porsha when there are tons of clips of her talking negatively about Porsha & they just let her get away with it.

4) Porsha calling DISH "journalism" ?? ............. ok Porsha.

5) Porsha is dumb, not dumb like she can't make life decisions but dumb like she has no common sense at all. (if that makes sense)

6) I have always been a fan of Kandi. She has never been a liar, she has never been fake, she has always kept it 100% real so when the fans started turning on her in the beginning it really shocked me. I truly never understood how Phaedra had that many people fooled.

7) It truly baffles me that Porsha is still friends with Phaedra after this season I think Phaedra is a pathetic woman. She has always been a liar and a fraud so I'm elated to see that other people see that now. Porsha's inability to see something that is right in her face is amazing to me. lol

8) I need to see next episode because Phaedra deserves everything she is about to get & I hope she severely suffers financially from what she has said on this show. Who would want this person representing them in court?

*PS I am so here for Kenya's shady laughing the entire episode lol 

Edited by Yasmine
  • Love 23
3 hours ago, rayndon said:

Thanks for the link!   That puts everything in context and sure should make the next episode even more interesting.  I wonder how much trouble Phraudra is going to find herself in with the GA Bar Association because of her 'tricks'.  A suspension might seem appropriate? 

Don't we all know by now (courtesy of Tamra on RHOC) that it is "cyst" and "diseased"?

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I know this is cable tv and my ass is grown but damn that is just too much vulgarity at 8 pm on a Sunday.  

Couldn't agree more.  But, I do try to put as much in context as possible.  This kind of talk often stems from how/where they were raised.  IMO, it seems Kandi and Porsha use the most "street lingo" that comes off as vulgar.  I don't know what their upbringings were like but quality education clearly wasn't on their high school priority lists or else they'd find more appropriate words to convey their thoughts.

I cringe nearly as much watching Vanderpump Rules.  If I hear the word "douche" out of Kristen's mouth one more time, I'm gonna scream.  

What bugs more than this is how these women (not all, but many) look at men as "catches" and they put down those who don't have a boyfriend or husband.  As if marriage was a crown jewel of some sort.  They seem (as do many women) to define their worth by the men in their lives.  They put themselves in a subservient role right out of the gate as a result! Ugh.

And what bugs most is how shitty these women let their men treat them!  Peter walking out and then saying to the camera he "wished Cynthia was stronger, but it is what it is" is a subliminal insult.  And a harsh one.  And he stormed out because of stuff going on with Porsha, Phaedra, and Kandi.  Cynthia wasn't even in the mix so why say such a thing?  There was no context for it other than he wanted to hurt her. 

Peter and Bob are shits, but it takes two to tango.   I'm beyond relieved Cynthia found her way, and I hope Sheree doesn't cave in to her ex.  Better alone that with anyone who abuses - be it physical or mental.  Easier said than done, I know.   If their ability to stand their ground is the only thing good that comes out of this franchise such that others are empowered to do the same, bravo to Bravo.

One thing about Apollo....near as I can remember anyway....he never seemed to treat Phaedra poorly - and he was good with the kids (when he was around).

Same with Todd.  

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

The only things I really have to say after whatchng the rising action of next week's shit show is:  1) Khandi is a better person than I would be given the circumstances (I agree with the previous poster who said Khandi needs tô throat punch that talking sack of garbage; 2) Phaedra and Porsha both need to be fired; 3) If the show lets them remain, it is co-signing on their dangerous and criminal behavior (yes Phaedra is the more culpable of the too, but Porsha is a thousand pounds of stupid in a five pound bag and she will only learn from sharing the same punishment as her bestie), and if this is the path the show chooses, people need to stop watching and Khandi and Todd need to look into getting an attorney who can advise them about whether they have a case against the showrunners; 4) Phaedra should be facing disbarment and possible charges for what she has been and clearly continues to do.

Very well said.  I totally agree with you.  I will not accept this show into my life if Frick and Frack (which is not cute, BTW), are involved in the show next season. 

  • Love 4

Shamea is the Queen.  She is a beautiful woman and she needs to keep Portia at arms length. What a shitty best friend.  She was the MVP for the night and she came for Pharisee and I loved every minute of it. The best thing is that Phaedra had nothing of substance to clap back with.. It was a thing of beauty..  I could watch her in a loop and never get bored.  All hail! Queen Shamea!

I am still perplexed with Phaedra's hatred of Kandi. I find it very odd and chilling. I will never not be utterly confused by it all.  She never went after Nene with such venom and Nene tried her best to besmirch Phaedra's reputation by saying that she had a reputation in high school and even had a nickname for her skills in oral sex. I have always liked Kandi and I guess it is because I remember her from excape.  I loved that group and was saddened by their breakup. There is something genuine  and likable about Kandi,  like all of us, she has her ways that can be annoying, but, there is nothing evil and nefarious about her. 

Porsha is an idiot. This is why my grandmother always warned me about never getting involved with peoples' fights. You just stay out of it. You never really know the whole truth, people will give you their version of it. It is best to just be a shoulder to cry on and that is it.  As much as I disliked Porsha, for being a pawn in wicked Phaedra's nasty games. I can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for her.  I know that is an unpopular opinion and that is okay.  I do feel that Portia was wrong about Kandi and Phaedra. However, she has always had Kenya's number.  I do think that she is a beautiful woman. Her skin is to die for. I just wished that she would use that good Bravo money to educate herself about life. It is never too late to learn. 

Kenya was very likable this time around. She must feel really vindicated that Phaedra's lies have been exposed.  I cannot believe that I just said that Kenya Moore was very likable..lol

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

Kenya gets on my last nerve and I hate how she stay piggybacking on shade by her extra laughing but boy was I there for it when Shamea was reading Fakedrah with the Edgar Allan Poe fierceness.  Kenya's giggles and laugh at just the right moment was really some great icing.

Kenya: Noooo, not the Auntie.

Beautiful! LOL

I'm also gonna give her props for her Elvis shade on Porsha cause the minute that came out and Kenya said "That hair, that outfit???" It all came together for me and I was all "Well damn! Actually.....? Oh shit! ... She sure do look like Elvis now that you mention it....LMAO!"

"Better not leave your credit cards or ID lying around cause you know she engages in fraudulent activities"

"Stop using Groupon for those plastic surgeries"

"We know the Feds are still watching"

These were some of the best reads I've ever heard cause A) They came out naturally and didn't sound rehearsed B) Applied to the conversation at hand or the person being spoken about and not some generic digs. C) Could not be disputed. No clap back at all possible.

Loved it!

Normally I'd say a person couldn't recover from such an onslaught, but we keep forgetting this is Phaekra; it'll be like nothing was ever said until things go back to normal so she can whip out that card like she did to Kenya! Who would bring Apollo back up concerning Kenya after all these years but a trifling, ignorant POS like Phaedra? Nene got her shots in as well on WWHL, but Parks-Nida will be back to work as if nothing happened for the time being! How she could hug Porsha after being exposed like that; my head just shook back and forth! Something's wrong with these women in so many ways! Is fame worth looking like this? ;-(

Edited by Jamie Satyr
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Jextella said:

Couldn't agree more.  But, I do try to put as much in context as possible.  This kind of talk often stems from how/where they were raised.  IMO, it seems Kandi and Porsha use the most "street lingo" that comes off as vulgar.  I don't know what their upbringings were like but quality education clearly wasn't on their high school priority lists or else they'd find more appropriate words to convey their thoughts.

I cringe nearly as much watching Vanderpump Rules.  If I hear the word "douche" out of Kristen's mouth one more time, I'm gonna scream.  

What bugs more than this is how these women (not all, but many) look at men as "catches" and they put down those who don't have a boyfriend or husband.  As if marriage was a crown jewel of some sort.  

And what bugs most is how shitty these women let their men treat them!  Peter walking out and then saying to the camera he wished Cynthia was stronger but it is what it is is a subliminal insult.  And a harsh one.  And he stormed out because of stuff going on with Porsha, Phaedra, and Kandi.  Cynthia wasn't even in the mix so why say such a thing?  There was no context for it other than he wanted to hurt her.

Peter and Bob are shits, but takes two to tango.   I'm beyond relieved Cynthia found her way, and I hope Sheree doesn't cave in to her ex.  Better alone that with anyone who abuses - be it physical or mental.  Easier said than done, I know.   If their ability to stand their ground is the only thing good that comes out of this franchise such that others are empowered to do the same, bravo to Bravo.

One thing about Apollo....near as I can remember anyway....he never seemed to treat Phaedra poorly - and he was good with the kids (when he was around).

Same with Todd.  

I'm fine with douche because they're unnecessary and frankly pretty damaging to people. Everyone should be aware that they shouldn't be douching. If that means it's used as an insult, then I'm fine with it. 

As for other things, I could have done without Kandi's barrage of "were we fucking?" I get that she was upset and over these jerks, but it was jarring hearing it over and over again.

Phaedra has always been the worst about using a husband or lack thereof as a marker of someone's worth and fundamental decency. Her constant refrain with Kenya has been about Kenya's lack of a huzzbin. Yeah, Phaedra was married, but her huzzbin was busy defrauding pensioners. I'd rather be single than be yoked to either Phaedra or Apollo.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Jextella said:

Couldn't agree more.  But, I do try to put as much in context as possible.  This kind of talk often stems from how/where they were raised.  IMO, it seems Kandi and Porsha use the most "street lingo" that comes off as vulgar.  I don't know what their upbringings were like but quality education clearly wasn't on their high school priority lists or else they'd find more appropriate words to convey their thoughts.

I cringe nearly as much watching Vanderpump Rules.  If I hear the word "douche" out of Kristen's mouth one more time, I'm gonna scream.  

What bugs more than this is how these women (not all, but many) look at men as "catches" and they put down those who don't have a boyfriend or husband.  As if marriage was a crown jewel of some sort.  

And what bugs most is how shitty these women let their men treat them!  Peter walking out and then saying to the camera he wished Cynthia was stronger but it is what it is is a subliminal insult.  And a harsh one.  And he stormed out because of stuff going on with Porsha, Phaedra, and Kandi.  Cynthia wasn't even in the mix so why say such a thing?  There was no context for it other than he wanted to hurt her.

Peter and Bob are shits, but takes two to tango.   I'm beyond relieved Cynthia found her way, and I hope Sheree doesn't cave in to her ex.  Better alone that with anyone who abuses - be it physical or mental.  Easier said than done, I know.   If their ability to stand their ground is the only thing good that comes out of this franchise such that others are empowered to do the same, bravo to Bravo.

One thing about Apollo....near as I can remember anyway....he never seemed to treat Phaedra poorly - and he was good with the kids (when he was around).

Same with Todd.  

Peter is just mad that Cynthia cut her out of her bank account.

it makes me mad that Cynthia is still minimizing his part on the divorce though. While Cynthia admits to not being that great at being in a challenging situation, Peter still has to take his ownership in the demise of their marriage.

why did he have to announce to the world that he did not have sex with Cyn for an entire year. Dude, it is none of my business. 

Speaking of messy husband, what is up with Bob glistening beard and hair?

i felt bad for Sheree for a minute. 

Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Yasmine said:

5) Porsha is dumb, not dumb like she can't make life decisions but dumb like she has no common sense at all. (if that makes sense)

As my momma used to say, she doesn't have the sense to find her way out of a wet paper bag.

1 hour ago, Yasmine said:

PS I am so here for Kenya's shady laughing the entire episode lol 

It was perfection. I need that as a ringtone.

  • Love 7
49 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

Porsha is an enigma to me. Girl definitely lacks some education, but throughout her seasons on the show she has made some shockingly astute observations. Dumb, gullible, and thirsty is she, but damn that throw at the end to Phaedra was near perfect. 

Plus with her severe limitations (intellectual and the rest), she managed to capitalize on the show exposure and got a spot on a popular syndicated show.

I can't knock her hustle... Sheree who is 10 times smarter still got nothing to show for, a damn shame, imo.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Kandi skirted away from the Chocolate situation. I do believe Kandi said something like "I haven't heard anything about that" or something along the lines of Kandi not confirming her having an actual affair. Kandi was answering as little as possible and wasn't about to get sucked into the speculation. I remember thinking good on you Kandi don't let them get any quotes from you that they gonna throw you under the bus for later.

Not calling Phaedra out on Phaedra not being completely honest about HER OWN life isn't the same as Porsha running around repeating bullshit about SOMEONE ELSE and doubling down on those lies by adding more lies of her own to fuel a beef that didn't even have to involve her. Who does that anyway? My friend isn't telling people she don't care for the exact truth about her dating life... And why would I think to blow her spot about that? What makes that a responsibility of mine? That's actually pretty confusing to understand. So my friend wants to keep other nosy ass bitches guessing about what's really going on in her life and I'm wrong not to call her out in public about it? Very weird.

The way I saw it Kandi didn't speak on shit she didn't need to speak on. She doesn't make it a habit to speak for anyone. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think Kandi does a good job of being neutral until she can't be neutral anymore. Her side eye tho...... That's a way for her to insert herself and bring the drama when she doesn't want to go in too hard but once she decides to go in she Let's have and I'm all for it.

Agreed, kandi doesn't typically throw her friends under the bus.. Even when she's pushed into a corner she'll still try to protect them to an extent. There was a lot more Kandi could have said about Phaedra but she chose not to. However in light of this new revelation, I believe the gloves will come off now.  


26 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Normally I'd say a person couldn't recover from such an onslaught, but we keep forgetting this is Phaekra; it'll be like nothing was ever said until things go back to normal so she can whip out that card like she did to Kenya! Who would bring Apollo back up concerning Kenya after all these years but a trifling, ignorant POS like Phaedra? Nene got her shots in as well on WWHL, but Parks-Nida will be back to work as if nothing happened for the time being! How she could hug Porsha after being exposed like that; my head just shook back and forth! Something's wrong with these women in so many ways! Is fame worth looking like this? ;-(

Just now, byrd said:

Agreed, kandi doesn't typically throw her friends under the bus.. Even when she's pushed into a corner she'll still try to protect them to an extent. There was a lot more Kandi could have said about Phaedra but she chose not to. However in light of this new revelation, I believe the gloves will come off now.  


I am sure Phaedra's parents couldn't be prouder.....

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Shamea is the Queen.  She is a beautiful woman and she needs to keep Portia at arms length. What a shitty best friend.  She was the MVP for the night and she came for Pharisee and I loved every minute of it. The best thing is that Phaedra had nothing of substance to clap back with.. It was a thing of beauty..  I could watch her in a loop and never get bored.  All hail! Queen Shamea!

I am still perplexed with Phaedra's hatred of Kandi. I find it very odd and chilling. I will never not be utterly confused by it all.  She never went after Nene with such venom and Nene tried her best to besmirch Phaedra's reputation by saying that she had a reputation in high school and even had a nickname for her skills in oral sex. I have always liked Kandi and I guess it is because I remember her from excape.  I loved that group and was saddened by their breakup. There is something genuine  and likable about Kandi,  like all of us, she has her ways that can be annoying, but, there is nothing evil and nefarious about her. 

Porsha is an idiot. This is why my grandmother always warned me about never getting involved with peoples' fights. You just stay out of it. You never really know the whole truth, people will give you their version of it. It is best to just be a shoulder to cry on and that is it.  As much as I disliked Porsha, for being a pawn in wicked Phaedra's nasty games. I can't help but feel a bit of sympathy for her.  I know that is an unpopular opinion and that is okay.  I do feel that Portia was wrong about Kandi and Phaedra. However, she has always had Kenya's number.  I do think that she is a beautiful woman. Her skin is to die for. I just wished that she would use that good Bravo money to educate herself about life. It is never too late to learn. 

Kenya was very likable this time around. She must feel really vindicated that Phaedra's lies have been exposed.  I cannot believe that I just said that Kenya Moore was very likable..lol

You and I are on the same page here, I just said in a comment earlier that I did not understand what Phaedra has to gain from this drama with Kandi. I have tried to think back, the only thing I can find is Phaedra drama with Todd that may have caused the split. It may also be the fact that they helped store Apollo's toys at their home. Who the hell knows with Phaedra. It's very vindictive and petty , it's almost as if she's jealous of Kandi and Todd's relationship and she's the one that introduced them.

Edited by byrd
  • Love 3
21 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Plus with her severe limitations (intellectual and the rest), she managed to capitalize on the show exposure and got a spot on a popular syndicated show.

I can't knock her hustle... Sheree who is 10 times smarter still got nothing to show for, a damn shame, imo.

My problem with Porsha is she contradicts herself so with the "don't say anything with this group of women" and then turns around and earns a living gossiping about the very people she claims she doesn't want the others talking about.  When all else fails she starts reciting reliable sources such "blogs" to cement her point.  It was truly funny at all levels when she called herself a "journalist", Andy Cohen who has a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston College couldn't contain himself.  Porsha snapping back at him about making fun of her job, was just so Porsha.  No Porsha the world does not want to celebrate you.  That is something your mama and sister do for you. 

Sheree is basically lazy and to her credit she did have a couple of children to raise.  She is another one that is all about celebrating herself.   

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

My problem with Porsha is she contradicts herself so with the "don't say anything with this group of women" and then turns around and earns a living gossiping about the very people she claims she doesn't want the others talking about.  When all else fails she starts reciting reliable sources such "blogs" to cement her point.  It was truly funny at all levels when she called herself a "journalist", Andy Cohen who has a degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston College couldn't contain himself.  Porsha snapping back at him about making fun of her job, was just so Porsha.  No Porsha the world does not want to celebrate you.  That is something your mama and sister do for you. 

Sheree is basically lazy and to her credit she did have a couple of children to raise.  She is another one that is all about celebrating herself.   

Yes, Porsha calling herself a journalist was the highlight of the reunion for me.

I can't help but like Porsha at times because she is unintentionally funny, too bad she decided to buddy up with Phaedra. Dum, dum.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

The only things I really have to say after whatchng the rising action of next week's shit show is:  1) Khandi is a better person than I would be given the circumstances (I agree with the previous poster who said Khandi needs tô throat punch that talking sack of garbage; 2) Phaedra and Porsha both need to be fired; 3) If the show lets them remain, it is co-signing on their dangerous and criminal behavior (yes Phaedra is the more culpable of the too, but Porsha is a thousand pounds of stupid in a five pound bag and she will only learn from sharing the same punishment as her bestie), and if this is the path the show chooses, people need to stop watching and Khandi and Todd need to look into getting an attorney who can advise them about whether they have a case against the showrunners; 4) Phaedra should be facing disbarment and possible charges for what she has been and clearly continues to do.

Amen, amen, to all of this!

16 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I was dying at Peter's drunk self talking to the camera in the bathroom like he was a contestant eliminated from Flavor of Love.

This made me do a spit take. Bravo!

Shamea was on fire! I want her as a housewife next season. She was giving it to Shaedra left and right and without a single bother given.

Porsha calling herself a journalist was just as hilarious as Alexis Bellino comparing herself to Katie Couric.

I give Kandi a lot of credit for staying as calm as she's stayed over this disgusting defamation of character from Shaedra. This is a new level of low, and I really do hope that she gets her ass fired, sued, and disbarred.

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, byrd said:

You and I are on the same page here, I just said in a comment earlier that I did not understand what Phaedra has to gain from this drama with Kandi. I have tried to think back, the only thing I can find is Phaedra drama with Todd that may have caused the split. It may also be the fact that they helped store Apollo's toys at their home. Who the hell knows with Phaedra. It's very vindictive and petty , it's almost as if she's jealous of Kandi and Todd's relationship and she's the one that introduced them.

Phaedra just isn't a decent person when you get down to it. She could tell that their friendship was falling apart. Rather than working on it, she starts off with a narrative of Kandi being unsupportive (which she was to an extent and they all observed it), then she starts telling slightly exaggerated version of the truth when it comes to Kandi, and then she moves to all out lies. So by the time Kandi starts fighting back, what Kandi is saying comes across as vindictiveness and sour grapes. Phaedra can't stand that there is anyone out there who knows her secrets so she went scorched earth. Porsha is lucky because Phaedra was going to turn on her and it would have been ugly.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

She already put false names on her divorce papers. She may claim she was just doing it for a TV show, to get out of disbarment. She's so good at lying.

She won't get sanctioned for that. 1) The papers were prepared by her attorney who is the responsible party for the contents of the document. While Phaedra may have been responsible for reviewing them, ultimately the attorney whose name is on the motions is responsible for the content; 2) I don't recall spelling of names to be material such that they would vacate an order - you'd just need to correct and resubmit

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Juneau Gal said:

Porsha is an enigma to me. Girl definitely lacks some education, but throughout her seasons on the show she has made some shockingly astute observations. Dumb, gullible, and thirsty is she, but damn that throw at the end to Phaedra was near perfect. 

Porsha may be uneducated but I don't think she's inherently dumb (although she's no rocket scientist).  She's naive and inexperienced more than anything.  

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, Ubiquitous said:

Porsha claiming she's a "journalist" and performs "fact checks" reminded me of the scene in which she was struggling to memorize her lines for her show:

"Hello, and welcome to DishNation!"


My favorite was when she said we like to get things right most of the time.  Or some such thing.   I do respect her for standing up for her job, though.

  • Love 2

I would be the one to ask Porsha to define journalism.  Hell even SPELL IT!  No sweetness what you are doing is not journalism.  I very much doubt that you are doing extensive research beyond checking 2 blogs on any story.  Are you beating the pavement following up on sources? Are you writing your own lead in's or stories? Lemme answer that for you - NO. At most you are reading from a prompter what others have researched.  don't overinflate what you do.  You are an on air personality and that in and of itself is an accomplishment but no you are not a journalist.  

  • Love 9
25 minutes ago, Rlb8031 said:

She won't get sanctioned for that. 1) The papers were prepared by her attorney who is the responsible party for the contents of the document. While Phaedra may have been responsible for reviewing them, ultimately the attorney whose name is on the motions is responsible for the content; 2) I don't recall spelling of names to be material such that they would vacate an order - you'd just need to correct and resubmit

She should be sanctioned. She won't, but she should be.

She let her PR person release a statement that she deliberately misspelled her name on her divorce filings to protect her privacy. It was stupid. Normally misspelling wouldn't be so material, but she filed using their middle names and had Nida spelled "Nita." If she'd bothered to spell their name in a way that could believably been misspelled (Nidda, Nidaa, Niida), she'd be a divorced lady now.

  • Love 2

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