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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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Wendy sure is starting to have a lot of props on her table. The vertigo spinner the other day and the retractable antenna today (if that’s indeed what it is...or maybe a pointer?) and of course her too close flowers, eyeglasses and cough drops for the ever present cuppa tea. I understand some of them but hope she doesn’t turn her schtick into a CarrotTop routine. 

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Wendy seemed to throw a few death glares at her co-hosts today when they didn't agree with a couple of her statements.  And, I just can't...she took her pointer and pointed out the actor from Black Panther's crotch area.  Then, declared him doable.  Very few hot topics were covered-hot topics are why I turn in for the first 20 minutes and as she covers fewer and fewer I really start to wonder why I still turn-in.

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The video of Wendy almost falling into the audience last week got me thinking... do the audience members sign Nondisclosure agreements?  I mean, if a whole room full of people saw her stumbling like that, you figure at least a few folks would spill the details on social media.  I remember that someone here mentioned being a cohost, so what say you?

ADDED:  There's a Youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsgRIVy4U0A) about Wendy from a guy who sees the same things we're seeing.  It has over 71K views and  465 comments from people dissecting the decline of Wendy.  If I was betting woman, I think we'll get the announcement within the next 2 months, telling the viewers that Wendy will be going away for a while...     

Edited by patty1h
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12 hours ago, cinsays said:

Yuck.  Ugly, ugly dress today.

And, is she always this slow and boring in the hot topics?  Maybe she's still sick, but, golly, that audience is devoted to her to be able to act interested in her tired act. Clapping like little dumb trained seals.

Wendy, maybe buy 2 pairs of the shoes - one each in the 2 sizes you need to fit you. You can probably afford it and then you won't have this horrible problem.

So she just hopes Fergie's ex-husband "put it in"?  She just has no class at all.

The flowers are too close? this is something to dwell on? 

This lady is putting me to sleep.  Guess I will go clean the bathroom - that'll be more fun.

Yep. Disinterested, rambles about off-topic shit and stares off into space like she's in a trance.

45 minutes ago, patty1h said:

The video of Wendy almost falling into the audience last week got me thinking... do the audience members sign Nondisclosure agreements?  I mean, if a whole room full of people saw her stumbling like that, you figuee at least a few folks would spill the details on social media.  I remember that someone here mentioned being a cohost, so what say you?

I wouldn't be surprised. Nothing with Wendy surprises me.

I was glad to hear the audience groan when Wendy said Beyoncé can't sing and needs auto-tune. I don't care about Beyoncé one way or the other (although I do think she's a bit overrated), but the woman can sing.

I liked the way Birdman handled Wendy's messy questions. "Do you two have sex?!" Do you and Big Kev? Oh, that's right. He has his side piece for that...

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13 hours ago, cinsays said:

And, is she always this slow and boring in the hot topics?

More and more every day. 

8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Wendy sure is starting to have a lot of props on her table. The vertigo spinner the other day and the retractable antenna today (if that’s indeed what it is...or maybe a pointer?) and of course her too close flowers, eyeglasses and cough drops for the ever present cuppa tea. I understand some of them but hope she doesn’t turn her schtick into a CarrotTop routine. 

The awkward moments of silence, too. And let's not forget the frequency of the belches. She has got to be back on drugs or she's drinking or possibly she has a serious illness she is hiding from the public and is on medication and is suffering the side effects. There has got to be a reason for her worsening bizarre behavior. Honestly, it looks like booze to me!  

Did anybody else notice the plexiglass stand she was leaning on when she came back from commercial yesterday. It was during hot topics at the end of the show. This and her falling in to the audience the other day proves she can no longer keep her balance. She acts scared to death that she is going to fall when she walks out at the beginning of the show and then has to walk to the purple chair. You could see the fear in her face, especially today.  I can not believe her "people" are letting her continue on like this....why isn't somebody stepping in to save this woman from herself? What the fuck is her husband doing? Doesn't he see what is going on with her? Oh, that's right. Too busy with the side piece to notice his wife is falling apart right before millions of people's eyes. It must be one hell of a circus behind the scenes of this show, trying to get Miss Wendy together before the curtain opens. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I missed the first five minutes of the show today. What did the doctor tell Wendy? She said she has to take a 3 week vacation.

12 hours ago, patty1h said:

The video of Wendy almost falling into the audience last week got me thinking... do the audience members sign Nondisclosure agreements?  I mean, if a whole room full of people saw her stumbling like that, you figure at least a few folks would spill the details on social media.  I remember that someone here mentioned being a cohost, so what say you?

ADDED:  There's a Youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsgRIVy4U0A) about Wendy from a guy who sees the same things we're seeing.  It has over 71K views and  465 comments from people dissecting the decline of Wendy.  If I was betting woman, I think we'll get the announcement within the next 2 months, telling the viewers that Wendy will be going away for a while...     

You called it!

PSA- Wendy uses the Q-Tips today.

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Ok, here's my take.  She says she has Hyperthyroidism and has to take a three week vacation.   That makes no sense, as millions of women have this affliction and can't afford to take 3 weeks off.  Not only that, but going away for three weeks won't cure this---she's still going to have it in three weeks.  She could treat it medically with no problem, and taking vacations will have no effect.   My mom had this, and taking one small pill a day took care of it for more than 30 years.  She didn't need a three week vacation.  I'm not in any way dismissing Wendy's problem, but I'm just saying vacations don't cure it.  Perhaps she should focus on ONE thing instead of all the outside interests.  

I feel bad for her staff and I hope they will still get paid while she's off on vacation.  

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Hmmm, I thought Wendy said that her doctor is changing her meds.  What I took from that is she's stopping whatever she's taking now and the 3 week thing is for the new prescription to kick in, and she needs to be home cause she could be really unbalanced and foggy during the change-over.  I'm sure you're all like me, waiting to see if she's back in 3 weeks or if circumstances arise that lead to a longer recuperation.

Wendy had a moment of anger over this medical leave - she said "who's gonna pay my bills?".   She's gotta be joking - she has 3 incomes (hers, Kevin's and her HSN sales) and you'd think she has a nice nest egg somewhere and 3 missed paychecks won't break them.  She said she comes from a working class family so maybe she can't get out of the mindset that you gotta be bringing in a steady paycheck.  This should open her eyes that maybe Kevin should get a job that not so tied into her own, so if she has to step away, he can still be earning some money.  

Edited by patty1h
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36 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

I feel bad for her staff and I hope they will still get paid while she's off on vacation.  

Oh gosh. I do too. I haven’t seen today’s show yet but when does this alleged “vacation” begin? Is she traveling over this alleged Dr’s imposed leave of absence? 

Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh gosh. I do too. I haven’t seen today’s show yet but when does this alleged “vacation” begin. Is she traveling over this alleged Dr’s imposed leave of absence? 

It starts today, and not a moment too soon.  Wendy was really shaky and spacey today - the long pauses and rambling were even more evident.  In the middle of Hot Topics, she said a line about lightbulbs that came out of nowhere and made little sense.  Hopefully, the new meds will get us back to "old" Wendy.

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So, we got a whole lot of damage control in Hot Topics today. Now we know her staff is talking behind the scenes, too. 

55 minutes ago, KLovestoShop said:

Ok, here's my take.  She says she has Hyperthyroidism and has to take a three week vacation.   That makes no sense, as millions of women have this affliction and can't afford to take 3 weeks off

Totally true. None of what she said about her medical situation explains her bizarre behavior. Not buying it. She was more out of it today than ever. She was all over the place in HT going off on stupid tangents. I still think there's much more going on with her. Another illness or maybe she's going in to rehab. She just had 3 weeks off at Christmas. She came back a mess. 

Oh, and I wish she would stop saying she came from working class. Wendy came from middle class. Does she come from wealth, no, but both parents had good jobs and did just fine. She makes it sound like her parents were ditch diggers for god's sake. 

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56 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh gosh. I do too. I haven’t seen today’s show yet but when does this alleged “vacation” begin? Is she traveling over this alleged Dr’s imposed leave of absence? 


Good riddance!

She is so full of sheet - like she can't AFFORD to take 3 weeks off?  Give me a freakin' break.  Plus I'm sick of hearing about all this personal crap from her anyway.  

Edited by Fishy
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49 minutes ago, patty1h said:

It starts today, and not a moment too soon.  Wendy was really shaky and spacey today - the long pauses and rambling were even more evident.

Yeah, Hot Topics was very strange today and I could've gone the rest of my life without hearing her give a critique of Blac Chyna's blowjob.  I'm no prude but that was too much for me at 10am.  

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On 2/19/2018 at 6:18 PM, TVbitch said:

Today she said she was "flu-ish with comlications." Uh huh.

Here is my theory (which I just pulled out of my ass of course): I thought she looked out of it for a couple days before her absence. Unstable, couldn't read her prompter very well, had trouble ad-libbing, mentioned she wasn't sleeping and taking "melatonin." 

I think she has gone on some kind of psych meds (maybe she is depressed or has anxiety) and she needed some time to get them managed. Having been on some myself, you can be unstable on your feet, or get angry or agitated for no reason, or act a bit crazy, like saying and doing stuff you wouldn't normally do --especially when starting new meds. 

I am upgrading my previous "theory" to "likely possibility." But someone else mentioned rehab, and that is long enough to be another option. I don't trust her at all to give us the full story. 

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Bigger question: If she is so sick that she is unstable on her feet, and has birds in her head, and needs 3 weeks off, and was just put on new meds, WTF is she doing going out with R Kelly and drinking brown juice for 2 1/2 hours? As I said, I think she is having some mental health issues. Why the fuck isn't her husband looking after her when she is unstable and making poor decisions ...oh right, he don't give a shit. 

Edited by TVbitch
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I couldn't watch the show that much today and mostly listened because the sync was off from what was being said and what was being shown. I'm glad Wendy's audience was as shocked as people probably were at home when she mentioned friending R. Kelly of all people. That disgusting piece of trash should be buried under a jail by now. 

James Brolin is a good sport. I thought I had seen him appear at least one other time. IMDB says twice with the other appearance being in 2010 which was before my time watching because the show didn't start airing down here until a few years ago.

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Y’all are right. She has gone on entirely too much about herself and that “having trouble swallowing” with a smirk and turning her head to the side...ah what am I supposed to get out of that? First that it’s the cause of all those throat noises. Dry mouth indeed (but don’t you know it’s a symptom of her Hyperthyroidism and Graves). Did she google all of these to make her case to us?  For all we know of the truth she could have just extreme stress and needs to get some down time. Other posters could be correct and maybe she needs a rehab. Has she been eating too many diet drugs and it’s burned her out? Second, no head for Big Kevin who has a Ho to do it for her. Do I believe that this vacation is going to be a hardship for her? Nope. They have money. She has good healthcare. She keeps going in and out of HT because she needs to justify more of her illnesses [wax in ears, the overuse of QTips, and her drug (melatonin) history]and symptoms. “Everyone there is so concerned”. Yes, maybe for their jobs but not Wendy as a person. She doesn’t strike me as a kind person. It’s all always about Wendy. That poor meeting this am that they had to sit through and listen to her vent about all her ailments and that she’s taking time off (for which I doubt they will be paid) was probably torture for them. If I were them I’d grab a life preserver and jump ship before it goes down. She’s sorry...not sorry that the Brolin interview was pre-recorded? She almost seemed to tear up when she said that she loves everyone there and her co-hosts. Somehow I believe her when she says that this time off is mandatory, not her choice. Wendy, you are going to have to earn this girls love back. You have been steadily going downhill since I began to watch you. Get it together. Your contract has been renewed but without viewers the show will not go on. 

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8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Y’all are right. She has gone on entirely too much about herself and that “having trouble swallowing” with a smirk and turning her head to the side...ah what am I supposed to get out of that?

Do I have to say it again?  I can give you the blow by blow.........................she was referencing oral sex and not very slyly.  I felt it was very beneath her but maybe it was a dig at the side piece.  Either way it was crude and uncalled for.  Hope her parents enjoyed that.

Edited by jumper sage
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2 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Do I have to say it again?  I can give you the blow by blow.........................she was referencing oral sex and not very slyly.  I felt it was very beneath her but maybe it was a dig at the side piece.  Either way it was crude and uncalled for.  Hope her parents enjoyed that.

Oh! I got it. I was being sarcastic which doesn’t translate well to my writing. Your comment blow by blow is funny though. I wonder if Kevin Jr gets teased in school when his mother makes those comments. 

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14 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Oh! I got it. I was being sarcastic which doesn’t translate well to my writing. Your comment blow by blow is funny though. I wonder if Kevin Jr gets teased in school when his mother makes those comments. 

I guess I have a bit of Sheldon Cooper in me and need an actual sign that says, "Sarcasm".

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Yeah, not buying it. She's sick, but not the story she's putting out there. 

That bit about the burnt out light bulb? She acted like whoever was responsible for fixture maintenance should be hung. Relax lady.

She also seemed pissed at the guy with glasses who helps her with her spiel in some comment he made.  She sure has that dagger look down.

I won't miss her at all.  Maybe she can just gracefully retire permanently.

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3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Bigger question: If she is so sick that she is unstable on her feet, and has birds in her head, and needs 3 weeks off, and was just put on new meds, WTF is she doing going out with R Kelly and drinking brown juice for 2 1/2 hours?

Exactly! Substance and/or alcohol abuse or mental breakdown is what her problem is. Her thyroid and Graves disease have nothing to do with what's going on with her. Nice try though, Wendy. 

Wendy reprimanding her staff on national TV to stop talking about her was really weird and unprofessional. I can't imagine what those poor people are being put through. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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She’s mentioned it way before this in talking about how it makes her eyes bug out...she should not be dishing out medical advice though.

Maybe if she goes away for a little while (you know she’s not letting anyone take her purple chair), she’ll come back better because lately it hasn’t been good, not even just for tuning in for the hot topics.

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23 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Bigger question: If she is so sick that she is unstable on her feet, and has birds in her head, and needs 3 weeks off, and was just put on new meds, WTF is she doing going out with R Kelly and drinking brown juice for 2 1/2 hours? As I said, I think she is having some mental health issues. Why the fuck isn't her husband looking after her when she is unstable and making poor decisions ...oh right, he don't give a shit. 

Oh, he give a shit.  Publicity.  WW story was on HLN this morning.

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I think that the producers should have Norman host the show while she's out.  Of course, she would immediately fire him upon her return for daring to take her place, but it's easy to get out of the habit of watching with another hiatus.  This would actually be a prime opportunity to revamp this show.

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I firmly believe that Big Kev is cheating on Wendy, but how can the note in Sharina's mail box prove anything? I could have written it myself, left it in my mailbox and took a photo! And if Daily Mail did a year long investigation, how come they only have like 5 photos?

That aside, I wonder what kind of tea Big Kev is going to spill when/if they get a divorce. There must be a lot of skeletons in the closet.

I also find it incomprehensible how Wendy could  befriended R Kelly knowing that he's a sex offender and a pedophile!  That's just disgusting.

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8 hours ago, krpa said:

I firmly believe that Big Kev is cheating on Wendy, but how can the note in Sharina's mail box prove anything? I could have written it myself, left it in my mailbox and took a photo! And if Daily Mail did a year long investigation, how come they only have like 5 photos?

That aside, I wonder what kind of tea Big Kev is going to spill when/if they get a divorce. There must be a lot of skeletons in the closet.

I also find it incomprehensible how Wendy could  befriended R Kelly knowing that he's a sex offender and a pedophile!  That's just disgusting.

Wendy's not well.  She is probably desperate for friends.  She's been begging OJ Simpson to come on her show for a year... poor thing needs some rest.  This is her Britney/Sam Lutfi moment.

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1 hour ago, DrivingSideways said:

Wendy's not well.  She is probably desperate for friends.  She's been begging OJ Simpson to come on her show for a year... poor thing needs some rest.  This is her Britney/Sam Lutfi moment.

The actors from the movie Black Panther did not go on her show is very telling.. They are all over the place. That has to sting...

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23 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think that the producers should have Norman host the show while she's out.  Of course, she would immediately fire him upon her return for daring to take her place, but it's easy to get out of the habit of watching with another hiatus.  This would actually be a prime opportunity to revamp this show.

I’m going to seriously look for a show to replace my WW viewing habit. Or I might take that time to catch up on something on Netflix or Amazon. I’m hoping her show gets revamped like you’ve suggested it should, but if she comes back at it’s the same old schick I might bail on all of your wonderful posters. Who am I kidding? I may not watch the show but I’ll sneak peeks on this thread because y’all have wonderful senses of humor. Happy hiatus everyone. 

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I flipped by the show today - it was the episode with Eva Longoria which aired back in September 2017.  What a difference in Wendy's demeanor - she was peppy and spunky and not pausing or rambling off topic.  I only lasted through HT and 2 minutes of Eva's sit-down, but wow...Wendy was on top of her game.  It is such a contrast to what we've been seeing the last 4-5 months.  It looks like the downward slide began a month later, after the Halloween fainting spell.

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3 hours ago, patty1h said:

I flipped by the show today - it was the episode with Eva Longoria which aired back in September 2017.  What a difference in Wendy's demeanor - she was peppy and spunky and not pausing or rambling off topic.  I only lasted through HT and 2 minutes of Eva's sit-down, but wow...Wendy was on top of her game.  It is such a contrast to what we've been seeing the last 4-5 months.  It looks like the downward slide began a month later, after the Halloween fainting spell.

I listened to the beginnings of the repeat shows since Wendy's leave and couldn't agree more with everything you said here.  She seriously sounded like a different person - REALLY UNBELIEVABLE !!! As Wendy herelf would say......... wah ah happened!!  

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16 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Am I the only one who thinks that maybe Big Kev is lacing her food?  Oh wait, she does all the cooking.............

Saw her in her limo on her last day of shooting and she rolled down the window for TMZ - Kev was there but was trying to melt into the seats, odd.

Maybe that's why she stopped eating a few years back?

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The story about Big Kev's double life came out in September 2017, then came her Halloween fainting spell and it's been downhill ever since for Wendy. I'm not saying the Graves Disease diagnosis isn't the truth, but from what I've read it can be exacerbated by stress and I think there's a lot of stress in the Hunter/Williams household. 

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I was watching a mini marathon of Trisha's Southern Cooking on Food Network Tuesday morning while waiting for the FedEx guy. I quit paying attention between a couple episodes and 4 minutes into one of them I looked up and saw Wendy cooking with Trisha for an entire episode. Apparently the episode (if you click on Videos for this listing on the FN site you can see clips) was from 2014 when she still ate meat and happily enjoyed some meatloaf. It was weird to see the Wendy from back then acting normal compared to the Wendy we've been seeing her morph into. 



Edited by Jaded
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On 2/28/2018 at 12:06 AM, CynicalGirl said:

The story about Big Kev's double life came out in September 2017, then came her Halloween fainting spell and it's been downhill ever since for Wendy. I'm not saying the Graves Disease diagnosis isn't the truth, but from what I've read it can be exacerbated by stress and I think there's a lot of stress in the Hunter/Williams household. 

This. I’ve been listening/following Wendy since her radio days, and Big Kev’s boorish and cheating ways have been common knowledge for years, long after the “one” time Wendy actually acknowledged, while she was pregnant with Little Kev. But there have been talks of payoffs to staff that he’s sexually harassed, how nasty and mean he is, how controlling he is and how no one has access to Wendy except through him, etc. The difference between them and now is that they could try and sweep most of the drama under the rug. But thanks to social media and long lense cameras, the dysfunction that is Hunterville is out and loud for the world, and it’s clearly taken a huge toll on her. I honestly don’t miss the new episodes, because she is a shell of the powerhouse she was before. I hope that if she does come back, she’ll be in the process of finally dumping that scumbag, moving her son into college, and getting that hi rise apartment in Manhattan that she always talked about. 

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On ‎3‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 12:39 AM, Angelsmom1009 said:

This. I’ve been listening/following Wendy since her radio days, and Big Kev’s boorish and cheating ways have been common knowledge for years, long after the “one” time Wendy actually acknowledged, while she was pregnant with Little Kev. But there have been talks of payoffs to staff that he’s sexually harassed, how nasty and mean he is, how controlling he is and how no one has access to Wendy except through him, etc. The difference between them and now is that they could try and sweep most of the drama under the rug. But thanks to social media and long lense cameras, the dysfunction that is Hunterville is out and loud for the world, and it’s clearly taken a huge toll on her. I honestly don’t miss the new episodes, because she is a shell of the powerhouse she was before. I hope that if she does come back, she’ll be in the process of finally dumping that scumbag, moving her son into college, and getting that hi rise apartment in Manhattan that she always talked about. 

Do the people on staff sign a non-disclosure agreement? Just wonder why the other person that used to cue her and correct her that we used to see on the show that she fired hasn't done a tell-all on her. I'd read that!

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10 hours ago, cinsays said:

Do the people on staff sign a non-disclosure agreement? Just wonder why the other person that used to cue her and correct her that we used to see on the show that she fired hasn't done a tell-all on her. I'd read that!

I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, as well as the audience members who have attended her show. I find it hard to believe that in the nearly ten years she’s been on TV, no one has flat out confirmed the rumors about what they’ve witnessed. The only one I can think of is Nicole Spence who sued both of them for harassment and a a hostile work environment back in the day, but they settled out of court, IIRC.

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