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On Patrol: Live - General Discussion

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The eyebrows on that woman in Pomona -- don't people usually to avoid the uni-brow look?  There used to be an advertising slogan -- "Even your best friends won't tell you".  Somebody tell her!

I'm getting tired of old coots who think they're cute.  Walter Brennan as Grandpa McCoy was cute.  Stinky drunks who've worn out the crotch on their jeans are not.


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10 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

Was she the one with the sharpie eyebrows? I've seen that a lot with Hispanic women for some reason. It's a horrible look. 

Yes, and she had drawn them way too close together over her nose, and way too far down on the sides.  Her friend also had sharpie eyebrows but hers looked fine. 

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I haven't watched all of the recent episodes. Did they say anything about the white puppy that the officers fed and watered in Florida? He did not appear to have adequate shelter - no protection from rain. Not to mention fresh water and food. He was desperate to be rescued. I was hoping the officers would report him to animal control.

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There was no follow-up on the white puppy.  They did say that she didn't look like she was starving, and there was some kind of plastic in the pen, which might have served to keep the rain off.

I think they stopped to feed and water her just because they're dog-lovers, not because the dog appeared neglected.

I still don't understand why someone has a dog and keeps it outside, alone.  Our Sadie (see avatar) is never outside unless one of us is with her.  She's family, we're her pack, and she wants to be wherever we are. 

My office window looks out onto a yard where a man used to live, with a dog, a yellow Labrador.  The dog was always outside -- fenced yard, dog house.  When the man would come home, the dog would run to greet him, tail wagging, jumping happily -- 9 times out of 10, the man would ignore the dog and go inside.  The dog's head would droop and he'd walk back to his doghouse.  The man would come out of the house and the dog would go into his greeting frenzy again, and the man would get in his car and drive away.



Thanks for the post Auntie Pam. The puppy did look healthy, but that shelter looked very tenuous. I think the officers were attempting to serve a warrant or make an arrest and it wasn't clear to me whether anyone was available to care for the puppy. That flimsy plastic top would not last long in wind and rain. And I wonder if they have coyotes in that neighborhood.


I still don't understand why someone has a dog and keeps it outside, alone. 

For long periods of time. Very cruel. As is leaving dogs in indoor crates for eight hours a day. And don't get me started on the dogs who spend their entire lives on those chains that run along a short suspended overhead track.

I'm so disappointed we are losing Montana. That location provided some visual variety.

Michael K on Dlisted has been riffing on Sharpie eyebrows forever. I guess the trend lives on.

Edited by pasdetrois
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On 1/29/2020 at 9:39 AM, AuntiePam said:

There was no follow-up on the white puppy.  They did say that she didn't look like she was starving, and there was some kind of plastic in the pen, which might have served to keep the rain off.

I think they stopped to feed and water her just because they're dog-lovers, not because the dog appeared neglected.

I still don't understand why someone has a dog and keeps it outside, alone.  Our Sadie (see avatar) is never outside unless one of us is with her.  She's family, we're her pack, and she wants to be wherever we are. 

My office window looks out onto a yard where a man used to live, with a dog, a yellow Labrador.  The dog was always outside -- fenced yard, dog house.  When the man would come home, the dog would run to greet him, tail wagging, jumping happily -- 9 times out of 10, the man would ignore the dog and go inside.  The dog's head would droop and he'd walk back to his doghouse.  The man would come out of the house and the dog would go into his greeting frenzy again, and the man would get in his car and drive away.



The last two families that lived in the house behind us have done that. The first one had two dogs out in their backyard every day and night no matter how hot or how cold. We never saw anyone spending any time with the dogs. My dad and I used to feel so bad for them we'd throw them dog snacks and bones over the fence and talk to them from time to time. They moved out and the next/current family does the same thing. They all are so sad and lonely. I really don't understand why adopt a dog or two if your not going to do anything with them? What's the point? Don't adopt one if your not going to put in time to take care of and spend time with one. They need attention too. Time, to be played with and petted. We've always kept our dogs in the house they wanted to be where we were and go out when we go outside. Especially keep them in at night so their not too cold or too hot and to keep them safe from wild animals wandering around at night.

Edited by andromeda331
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I was watching when the K-9 Agis got separated from his officer handler. The show ended suddenly. Just in case others were wondering, too, Dan Abrams on twitter let us know that Agis is alright and was only temporarily separated from his officer. 

At the start of the manhunt, the handler let Agis off the leash and gave a misleading command. Agis bit the cameraman. 

Twitter followers aren't so happy with Agis' handler. Many are saying the handler needs more training or a new handler. 

Edited by TexasTiffany
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The deer was disgusting; poor cat too. That guy has a monster at his door & I hope he'll be okay.

Love watching K9 Shep work again & how Nick Carmack calls him "Bubba". Would be great if they did Top Dog.

Officer Ross smelling the weed - "Leave before I get curious." LOL Then after he's nice to them some idiot peels out. 🙄

The detox tea actually being, detox tea... 😄

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So, not sure about the "normal department rotation", because some of the departments seem to be regulars. Didn't Terre Haute just start last season?  I thought they were a great addition so hope they will be back (they say the contract is through end of year). I can also understand why a department may not want to do a show like this.


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The lack of Missoula, MT genuinely makes my heart hurt. I miss Captain Bill Burt very much, and am not happy that he is out there kindly handling all the bear and elk misdemeanors without us. 

Sadly, I’ve gotten to the point that I FF past the SC segments because they have become monotonous. Officer smells weed, calls for K9, dog alerts, vehicle and occupants are searched, drugs are found,  probably a gun, maybe someone runs and gets caught a few minutes later.   If they ever legalize marijuana in SC then I guess the patrol officers will have a lot less to do. 

I will always appreciate the cameramen focusing on pets and animals wandering around during calls. The chihuahua peeking out from the lady’s camper door (With the broken out window) was adorable, and I was dying to get my hands on the giant cat that kept cruising by.

I get so mad when someone is being cuffed and arrested for violently attacking someone, but then they demand gentle handling because of their own aches and pains.  A guy repeatedly stabs his brother in the face and neck until the knife breaks, but he wants the police to double cuff him and handle him with great care because of his painful rotator cuff issue. Hmmm... I wonder which hurts more, his shoulder or his brother’s STABBED UP FACE? The officer kept saying the fight was about beef stroganoff, but it clearly was not about beef stroganoff.

Not a shock that the guy $60, 000 in arrears for child support didn’t want his face shown, then we find out he’s a registered sex offender, too? Awesome.  What a scumbag. 

I am always riveted by the close call footage, dash cam footage, and crazy things caught on street cameras like the hideous beast woman who tried to drive through the school crossing guard, and the guy being hit by a truck whose gun flew out of his pocket on impact and scared the driver away. So glad both of them are not seriously hurt.

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Possession wouldn't be an issue, and only if the driver was under the influence. 

In any case, we seemed to have a slight variant of the "call in the dogs to get probable cause" tonight when the LivePD camera caught the lady nonchalantly cracking her pipe. Gotta wonder if the camera man was trying to signal the officers that something was up and they said they thought they heard glass breaking to cover that. She certainly kept her innocent act going as much as she could. 

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Upon further thoughts on Saturdays ep, I'm pretty sure that Tallahasee (I think?) officer who dealt with the bracelet gift towards the end of the episode is going to get a stern talking to when he gets back to the station, about his choice of phrases. "Indian Gift Giver" is probably not the type of phrasing you want to be using on International Television; not in this day and age. 


He didn't do anything wrong necessarily and he seemed to handle the overall situation well; but his choice of terms isn't really something you want to use for TV. 

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"Indian giver" is an old American term that refers to American Indians (Native Americans). It stems from the long-ago days when tribes traded their ancestral land or it was taken from them. Lots of legal wrangling over that history to this day. Of course it's considered offensive these days.

I kinda believed the guy who said the woman he was dating snatched the bracelet out of the car. But maybe he was withholding it until he got sex, which isn't cool either.

I laughed when one of the K-9s was walking behind a car. All you could see were his ears.

Good camera catch of the crack pipe under the woman's shoe.

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On 2/8/2020 at 4:06 PM, Irritable said:

   If they ever legalize marijuana in SC then I guess the patrol officers will have a lot less to do. 



Oh no.. They'll have tons more stoners driving around. More than now. 

Last night in SC, when Danny Brown was arresting the man and his whole loudmouth family came and started screeching at Danny. Smh. Should have arrested them all. Danny did an amazing job descalating. The guy who was being arrested was calm and ok. His whole family was acting the fool. 

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I used to live in one of the states that legalized all uses of marijuana.    My friends that still live there say that since there is no current test for finding out how under the influence someone is, you really hope that someone that hits your car isn't using marijuana.   Being under the influence can't be measured, and it's not an automatic reason for another driver to be at fault.    It also means that someone won't be charged with being under the influence, unless it's alcohol. or another drug they can prove you took. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I didn't care for Officer Carrie in Tulsa this week.  She made an "ugh" sound while dealing with the drunk at CVS, the one who didn't want to sit on the curb.  It looked like the man had soiled himself so yeah, he's not going to want to sit down, and yeah, there's gonna be a stink.  but he's 66 years old.  The only place to "sit" is on the curb, and if you've crapped your pants, you're not gonna want to sit, anywhere.

He was relaxed until they started to force him to sit. 

It's remarkable, the things these officers deal with, without showing their true feelings.  That makes it bad though, when we see one who isn't able to restrain herself. 

49 minutes ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Why didn't somebody at least push the car in the driveway at least out to the street? Anyone find out what started the fire? The owner said he heard 2 loud pops under the house??? 

Two loud pops could be a gas furnace or water heater blowing up. 

Such a shame that it took so long to put water on that fire.  It seems that unless you live within shouting distance of a fire station, and there's a fire hydrant in front of your house,  your house is going to be destroyed. 

I also wondered why they couldn't have moved that car. 

A couple weeks ago there was another fire -- not sure if it was on LivePD or LiveRescue -- but in that fire, it took forever to get water on the fire, because there were bars on the basement windows.  They said they had to remove the bars first, because they didn't want anyone going into the house and being trapped. 

But I wondered why they didn't put water on the fire anyway -- the pressure of the fire hose would break the window glass, wouldn't it?  That house was almost a total loss, because they spent so much time cutting the bars off the basement windows.  Made no sense to me.

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Even before the minivan of college kids, I thought the Tallahassee cop was in a grumpy mood.  I think the reckless driving is bullshit because he will get points that he DOES have to worry about.  There had to be something he could write up the women for instead.  In that situation, i think a stern warning would have been appropriate.  I think he over reached with his discretion. 

8 hours ago, arejay said:

The lady in Tulsa screaming for Jay-sus to help her and praying in tongues? I bet Jesus was saying, "Oh, no, girl, you the one that fled the traffic stop, not me".

Woman needed a squirt of water in her face, shut her right the f*** up.  If they can be tazed to get 'em under control, why not a spray of water to shut 'em up? 

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I skimmed past the end of the episode and didn't realize they were taking a break to April. 


Did they say why? Is this just a normal break or a CORVID break? Because either would fit. With everything going on, getting the crews on location, and just having so many people in proximity to produce the show is likely getting more and more difficult at least for the next month or so. 

13 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

Woman needed a squirt of water in her face, shut her right the f*** up.  If they can be tazed to get 'em under control, why not a spray of water to shut 'em up? 

I doubt there would have been as much officer patience sans cameras, but, I also doubt there would've been the ridiculous theatrics she was pulling either. Same with that guy the other night who started screaming "HELP!!!" for no reason.

After all that the update was she wasn't who they were looking for & she was released.

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I doubt there would have been as much officer patience sans cameras, but, I also doubt there would've been the ridiculous theatrics she was pulling either. Same with that guy the other night who started screaming "HELP!!!" for no reason.

After all that the update was she wasn't who they were looking for & she was released.

I would have hauled her ass in for Disturbing the Peace with all the crap she was doing.  Geez Louise, STFU and let them tell you why they want to talk to you.

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On 3/16/2020 at 1:14 PM, Schnickelfritz said:

Abrams said it was the normal spring break.

Thanks. I suspect it was just lucky timing their spring break hit when it did. LiveRescue was supposed to have a live ep this week, and they were even going to try to do some remote hosting so they wouldn't have to fly Matt and friends to NYC; but in the end A&E decided to just pull the plug (so fast they weren't even able to put any bumpers up saying why they weren't airing a new ep). 

At this point, I would not be surprised if they decide to put LivePD and LiveRescue on the shelf until this pandemic passes and things start returning to normal. 

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Rightfully it is a special edition they did last night and tonight. No live action; they're just interviewing/talking to reps of their departments and encouraging people to stay home. 

Opening with the talk with Dan Flynn was rough. Glad he is doing well; but damn, New Orleans is in a rough situation. I hope he and everyone else manages to get through this mess. 

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Glad to see things a little back to normal. Well as normal as can be all things considered. I suspected the new eps would be more like PDCam (using prerecorded footage) and that seems to be the case. The need to have more lead time, and just having fewer people doing things means less live stuff to follow (especially when they only have 9 officers they are following live) 


You can really see the strain people are under, both in the older prerecorded stuff, and especially in the live segments like in California, with the woman hanging out the window. The Clay county incident, damn; makes me wish alcohol could be limited but that wouldn't really help much. 


That chase in Richland County was incredible. If there wasn't a pandemic keepign everyone inside and off the roads, that guy would probably have crashed out long before he did. 

The live segment at Richland; damn. The drugs were one thing, but the other guy certainly earned his public disorder call. He did seem partly ticked off by the LivePD cameras as much as the presence of the cops. But damn that was painful. And clearly a lot of tape delay on that one since they ended in Berkley County and it was pitch dark during that chase we saw. 🙂


Looks like tomorrow they're up to 2 hours worth; probably worked out the kinks as best they could tonight, plus trying to squeeze in more interviews tomorrow too. (And the Saturday before Easter is probably busier than Good Friday is even in normal times) 

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3 hours ago, Taeolas said:

Glad to see things a little back to normal. Well as normal as can be all things considered. I suspected the new eps would be more like PDCam (using prerecorded footage) and that seems to be the case. The need to have more lead time, and just having fewer people doing things means less live stuff to follow (especially when they only have 9 officers they are following live) 


You can really see the strain people are under, both in the older prerecorded stuff, and especially in the live segments like in California, with the woman hanging out the window. The Clay county incident, damn; makes me wish alcohol could be limited but that wouldn't really help much. 


That chase in Richland County was incredible. If there wasn't a pandemic keepign everyone inside and off the roads, that guy would probably have crashed out long before he did. 

The live segment at Richland; damn. The drugs were one thing, but the other guy certainly earned his public disorder call. He did seem partly ticked off by the LivePD cameras as much as the presence of the cops. But damn that was painful. And clearly a lot of tape delay on that one since they ended in Berkley County and it was pitch dark during that chase we saw. 🙂


Looks like tomorrow they're up to 2 hours worth; probably worked out the kinks as best they could tonight, plus trying to squeeze in more interviews tomorrow too. (And the Saturday before Easter is probably busier than Good Friday is even in normal times) 

I'm glad it was mostly back to normal.

The drunk neighbors were a handful. I can't believe the mom actually kicked the officer in the nuts. I feel bad for their neighbors no wonder their calling the cops all the time on them. I can't imagine their better sober.  They almost reminded me of the idiots several months back with when the officers stop the guy in his car at his house because of a traffic stop and end up arresting his mother, brother and father or stepfather. 

Yeah that idiot at the motel talked himself into his arrest. All he had to do was go into his room or maybe even just shut up. Nope, he couldn't do that. Of course he's cussing like crazy and yelling. Dude you were told several times to go in your room. Its your own fault you couldn't do that. 

I did like the cops laughing at the guy who knocked down the stop sign and then stopped his car. I really thought he'd keep going too. Nope, he stopped.

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