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On Patrol: Live - General Discussion

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7 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

One part of the show I don't_ care is when people do stupid things just to get seen on Live PD. 

I love how when the people are obnoxious & try to shout their Instagrams/Twitters the sound guy bleeps the whole thing or the

people with attitudes that yell “DONT FILM ME!” Then the camera guy proceeds to zoom in. 

It cracks me up that the crew  low key trolls these people!

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Hero said:

Does anyone else think that Officer's Pinin and Carmack look similar? They even sound similar to me. 

They kinda do! They both are sure nice to look at. They look like they would have some sort of military background.I love how Carmack calls everyone “bub”... plus Shep is the cutest! 

9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

"I don't want to be on camera!"" Stomps out of camera range. Sidles back into camera range: "I don't want to be on camera!" Stays in camera range, loudly protesting the cameras.

They'd be complaining if they weren't being recorded on camera.  Yep, all those perps thinking they are arm chair lawyers and ignoring the officer's command for I.D. or to exit the vehicle are asking for another charge.  

  • Love 2

It was quite a trash fest in RI last night!

Also...Robert!  We can’t miss you if you don’t go away.  And ssshhhhite....the girlfriend with a baby in ha belly is lighting up her smokes.  Nice.  

Always surprised by the amount of people who just refuse to help themselves...the bar fight skanks in RI, the lost keys in SC.  Come on, people....talk shit ABOUT them but not TO them!

On 7/28/2018 at 8:04 PM, Hellohappylife said:

They kinda do! They both are sure nice to look at. They look like they would have some sort of military background.I love how Carmack calls everyone “bub”... plus Shep is the cutest! 

They are pretty attractive. I love how Shep jumped on the fence after Carmack. He knew it was going to happen too, he told the other deputy hold on to him

Robert and his gf in Greene county. I have no words. Pure and utter trash. 

  • Love 4

I watched last week’s PD Cam.  In it a ‘sovereign citizen’ won’t get out of the car (cardboard license plate that comes back to someone with a carry permit), closes windows, locks himself in. He’s warned multiple times to get our or they’ll use the dog and break his window.  The dog latched onto his arm and was flailing like he had a stuffed toy.  It was wicked.  

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, kittyglitter said:

We were long overdue for a nice “POLIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!! Speak-to-me-now-or-I’ll-send-the- DOOOOGGGG!!!!!!! And-you-might-get-BIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!” 

I remarked to a friend during that bit that he sounded a bit like a crazed monk doing Gregorian chants.

Edited by Toodleoo
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On 8/4/2018 at 12:55 AM, Hero said:


Sticks is a terrible host. His voice is so boring and monotone. I actually think Tom would be a better host. 


Yeah - he’s too stilted.  I think he’d do better if they just gave him a list of notes - instead of a script - to hit and he could just ad-lib.  


ETA:  Danny Brown was on FIRE on Friday night.  

Edited by VartanFan
  • Love 3

I feel so awkward every week now after they play a clip of Stick’s show & the camera goes back to the studio & Tom Morris Jr just sitting there looking all left out while Dan asks Tom’s Opinion.... Poor guy probably wants his own show! 


Also so they stopped talking about that Women PD show ever since PD Cam started.  So does that mean the views are bad and it won’t last? 

Ya know, I”m not the biggest fan of Craigmyle but I would have been just as infuriated about the kid inside the car with those drugs.  The mother didn’t strike me as SO shocked about the drugs or anything (esp given her history).  At least the first stop with kids in the car was totally fine and rather amusing.  


I have to say I’d be perfectly fine if they stopped following Nye County.  I pretty much check out when they go there.  


Did anyone catch what the difference was between the two cases in SC tonight.  In one case the registration was revoked, license revoked, etc etc, but Loriano let them leave.  The other stop was of younger kids with no registration, no license, etc etc, but Loriano towed the car.  I couldn’t ascertain the difference.  

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

That head-on collision was ridiculous.

If you are talking about the woman in the white SUV who drove directly at the cop, more than the collision was ridiculous. She claimed she was God, called for "Burn it all down!", and gave other indications that she was either seriously illl mentally or tripping her brains out. It was good to hear that she got a six year sentence (which in most states seems to mean three years or less before she is let loose on the rest of us).

18 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

How did the old dude who got body slammed get away with no charges?

Anyone watching PD Cam?  That head-on collision was ridiculous.

The one whose ringtone was the theme music from Deliverance (Dueling Banjos)?  I don't know why he wasn't charged.  Sometimes I think the cops just don't want to bother, especially when it's obvious that the person has mental issues and arresting them just means paperwork. 

I love the show but some of the white cops have an almost too-polite attitude toward African-Americans -- it can come off as patronizing.  It's hard for me to explain, but they talk to some of them like they'd talk to a child.  I also don't get with addressing the guys they stop as buddy, boss, man, dude, etc.  You're not in the same club, so don't act like it.  But maybe they're trained that way, to build rapport.  I don't think it works. 

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, stillhere1900 said:

I'm a Black American or just an *AMERICAN*

Wonder why WHITES are not call *European Americans ?

Sorry if I offended.  I still hear African-American said, as well as black, on LivePD and elsewhere.  I don't think there's one right term to denote racial or ethnic identities, although there are plenty of wrong ones. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

The one whose ringtone was the theme music from Deliverance (Dueling Banjos)?  I don't know why he wasn't charged.  Sometimes I think the cops just don't want to bother, especially when it's obvious that the person has mental issues and arresting them just means paperwork. 




I can see why they wouldn't arrest him due to his respiratory issue. He probably would end up being hospitalized which the county would have to pay for. Also, in my town, a deputy is posted at the bedside, in the hospital, of  arrested prisoners.  

  • Love 1
23 hours ago, VartanFan said:

Ya know, I”m not the biggest fan of Craigmyle but I would have been just as infuriated about the kid inside the car with those drugs.  The mother didn’t strike me as SO shocked about the drugs or anything (esp given her history).  At least the first stop with kids in the car was totally fine and rather amusing.  

I'm not convinced that she's sober either.  You generally don't have addict friends if you're trying to remain sober or let them babysit your kid for no reason. 

  • Love 1
On 8/5/2018 at 4:53 PM, VartanFan said:

Did anyone catch what the difference was between the two cases in SC tonight.  In one case the registration was revoked, license revoked, etc etc, but Loriano let them leave.  The other stop was of younger kids with no registration, no license, etc etc, but Loriano towed the car.  I couldn’t ascertain the difference.  

From Watching this show it seems like the people who have pretty good driving records are usually let off pretty easy by the officer

I think the difference was that The guy who got to keep his car Had a passenger with a Valid Driver’s License,the 2 younger guys could not drive legally so the cop had no other choice? 

Officer probably figured it would teach the kids  a lesson to have their paper work in order or they get no car... 

  • Love 1
On 8/3/2018 at 11:24 AM, arejay said:

Just so you know, I love me some Pini.  And.  I feel like a pervert saying that. 

Don't know who Pini is but show me the cop that brings out the perv in you! Lol

On 8/4/2018 at 5:56 PM, spacefly said:

If you like Sheriff Lamb just watch his lip sync challenge video. You wouldn't think he could get any hotter but he does. Plus you can't go wrong with Chris Ledoux

Youtube Video

Thanks for that video! Officer Lamb lost some of his sex appeal for when I found out he has 5 kids! Lol. But good to know he likes sex! 

16 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

From Watching this show it seems like the people who have pretty good driving records are usually let off pretty easy by the officer

I think the difference was that The guy who got to keep his car Had a passenger with a Valid Driver’s License,the 2 younger guys could not drive legally so the cop had no other choice? 

Officer probably figured it would teach the kids  a lesson to have their paper work in order or they get no car... 

I also think it didn't help that they first tried to flee from Loriano. I'm not sure if we heard if neither of them had a valid license. 

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It’s funny because someone wrote in on Twitter a similar request to mine.  I was going to say I’d like Lohr and Craigmyle switch places.  ;)

I love that Rudderham towed that car of the absolute asshole family.  No tags, no reg, no ownership, no insurance...admits to driving without all of this for YEARS and is full of attitude.  I only would have been happier if she arrested that driver.  I’m sure she could have.  

I just really don’t like the warrant team from Gwinnett.  I get that they only deal with jerks, but the guy they got tonight wasn’t being a dick.  Not sure what the purpose of asking his nationality was...OK, so he’s MExican and not Puerto Rican...so?  

  • Love 6

Lor is just precious. Did anyone catch the shot of him sleeping on the chair with the toy in his mouth? Love. 


The fork stabber was acting like a complete nutbar, but I’m not sure yelling “relax” and “calm down” to an agitated subject ever has the intended effect, and often worsens the situation. 

As discussed above, it does seem like Nye County attracts some weirdos. It seems to be the “Florida” for retired hoarders and conspiracy theorists.

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I felt bad for Tammy, the tiny woman driving illegally, hauling stuff for a friend.  She really didn't want to be searched -- "Don't touch me" -- squirming to get away, kicking at the officer.  I don't think she was hiding anything.  Possibly a good reason for that reaction -- past abuse -- or maybe just something psychological about being touched.  They should have just taken her to the station and had a woman officer do the search.  Doubtful she was concealing anything dangerous, not in those floppy shorts.

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I believe law enforcement always__ search people before they transport them to the stationhouse.  Precaution to having someone bring a weapon or illegal drugs before being booked in and possibly racking up more charges.  I got the impression Tammy had had  many__ previous run ins  ( drugs,alcohilism,  prostitution, mental health etc.?)  with law enforcement over the years.  We've got a huge problem in this country with a lot of people out there who have real mental health issues and no longer are being institutionalized ,basically end up living on the streets causing problems to the public.  

That crazy lady who stabbed the guy with a fork was a real winner.  He's an idiot for even fooling around with someone like that. Play stupid games,win stupid prizes I suppose...

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, VartanFan said:

It’s funny because someone wrote in on Twitter a similar request to mine.  I was going to say I’d like Lohr and Craigmyle switch places.  ;)

I love that Rudderham towed that car of the absolute asshole family.  No tags, no reg, no ownership, no insurance...admits to driving without all of this for YEARS and is full of attitude.  I only would have been happier if she arrested that driver.  I’m sure she could have.  

I just really don’t like the warrant team from Gwinnett.  I get that they only deal with jerks, but the guy they got tonight wasn’t being a dick.  Not sure what the purpose of asking his nationality was...OK, so he’s MExican and not Puerto Rican...so?  

Maybe because Puerto Rican citizens are US citizens?

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2 hours ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

I believe law enforcement always__ search people before they transport them to the stationhouse. 

I'm going to pay more attention to this -- whether women are always searched on the scene.  Tonight a woman with an outstanding warrant was arrested and there was no search.  She was cuffed, and I got the impression that the search would happen at booking, with a female officer.

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