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I find Ramona to be an odious person.  I hate that she does something vile to one of the others and then wants to hug and cling to them while apologizing.  Ramona, not everyone LIKES having a human barnacle attach to them!  If she tried that with me, he would be flying  across the room in seconds flat. She just HANGS on people.  (I refer to her goodbye to Carole at the restaurant after Bethenny left, but there are numerous examples over the seasons...)


... and Avery's sorority sisters are tolerating her.  She is not "the cool mom". (The idiot mom, maybe...)

  • Love 23
3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

My guess is that right about when this was filmed Bethenny's major concern with her daughter and the access to things in the media was the crazy stuff going on with Hoppy.  And she is six.  And Ramona apparently has back tracked on her Avery story as being 'just a example I made up'.  (Still loving Ramona walking off a reunion when the subject of Alex's nudies came up.)  Bethenny apparently has a contract note that says they cannot talk about her daughter's custody arrangement.  This is court ordered.  So when idiots like Ramona or Heather start to go there she just shuts down and leaves.

I would hate to have to negotiate these matters in public.  But protecting Brynn from it is probably tops in her mind.  A 25 year old B movie with a topless scene really wouldn't be on my mind.  When the time comes I bet it isn't the flip response Ramona got. 

Yeah, exactly. Ramona is insane, but not dumb. She knows all this. I have a six year old and I think I'd certainly wait a bit to tell her about the topless movie I did just because of maturity. The kid will find out eventually (I'm in the big who fucking cares about the movie, but a kid will be embarrassed) but I would try to wait that particular one out if I could, particularly because all the other madness going on around her is way more important. 

2 hours ago, lezlers said:

I know this is off topic but I can't help myself.  Cupping is great for muscle soreness and tension but it drives me crazy when people do shit to "get rid of It's like she's TRYING to be as abrasive as humanly possible.  I don't think I've ever seen anyone so self unaware and so rude.  How did she last so many years in high society?

This should be on Ramona's tombstone. "TRYING to be as abrasive as humanly possible."

I'm still trying to get over her talking about how Avery's friends think of her more as a friend than a mom. Yeah. I'm sure, Ramona. I'm sure they do. 

Man, mess with Dorinda and she'll come after you like a freaking mob boss. I kind of love her. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I get the impression there is a lot being discussed that doesn't make mainstream (or at least mainstream for the RH franchises) media.  Dorinda seemed to indicate that Sonja was flapping her jaws on some Facebook site.  I am sure by next week there will a lot of new information after next week's episode.

That seems right to me, and it's sort of messing with the season, I think. It's always been sort of a cardinal rule on all the Housewives show that the only reality in the universe of the show is whatever happens on camera. Which, that kind of has to be the rule if the show is going to make any sense. But in New York now, there seem to be several fights happening that are about off-camera things, but the show is trying to frame them as being about an on-camera thing, so it seems like everyone is being crazy. The biggest example seems to be Dorinda being so furious at Sonja about whatever Sonja has been saying outside the show, and then Sonja sits in her interviews and says that all the bad feelings still stem from her not being invited to the Berkshires last season. And almost everything that Bethenny says and does is missing the context of the drama with her ex, so, for example, Ramona needling her with fake-concern questions about Bryn are especially loaded and Bethenny can't really respond fully because she can't talk about it.

Anyway, as a viewer who doesn't read any of the housewives gossip sites and only knows about any of it through comments people make in the comments here, it seems like the show is struggling right now to make sense dealing with lots of off-screen drama. It's not good tv if we don't see the actual things that make them fight -- or if the only way the drama can be laid out is a series of scenes of Dorinda putting on reading glasses and passing around her phone to show quotes of what Sonja has said on social media.

I love Dorinda's selection of glasses, though. 

  • Love 11
21 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

I don't think Bethenny cares who Lu has sex with, how many people she has sex with, or how often she has sex.  What I think bothers Bethenny is that Luann has, let's say, a robust sex life, but lies about it and acts judgmental toward others for lesser exploits.  I do think Luann has gotten better about this in the last year or so, but it used to be that she was constantly acting like a total prude when, it seems, she was doing a lot of sleeping around.  I don't think it's ever the behavior that bothers Bethenny, but when people lie about the behavior.

I agree that one of Bethenny's issues with Luann is her hypocrisy; but I think that's pretty much out there in the open. (It's also one of the things I don't like about Luann).  But, and again, this is just my impression, so I don't know if it's true (just shooting the breeze here on the interwebs) is that Bethenny, in addition to having legit, long time grievances with Lu, also is a bit judgy with respect to her, robust (I like that) sex life. My, erm, O. ;)

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Yeah, exactly. Ramona is insane, but not dumb. She knows all this. I have a six year old and I think I'd certainly wait a bit to tell her about the topless movie I did just because of maturity. The kid will find out eventually (I'm in the big who fucking cares about the movie, but a kid will be embarrassed) but I would try to wait that particular one out if I could, particularly because all the other madness going on around her is way more important. 

This should be on Ramona's tombstone. "TRYING to be as abrasive as humanly possible."

I'm still trying to get over her talking about how Avery's friends think of her more as a friend than a mom. Yeah. I'm sure, Ramona. I'm sure they do. 

Man, mess with Dorinda and she'll come after you like a freaking mob boss. I kind of love her. 

That is how Dorinda sounds; put her on "MOB Wives!" She lost me with that costra nostra talk about Sonja and her dossier on her! It's truly pathetic! ;-)

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Even writing this makes me ill.  In 2011 Bethenny sold "Skinny Girl" cocktails to Fortune Brands (Jim Beam) for 100 million.  That was just the liquor.  She continues to develope the other Skinny Girl products which I have never seen in any store.

Oh Lordy there is no justice in the world.  She never has to work another day in her life.

I think she stays on the show to promote her products.  When she sold the cocktail division she was still a more likeable person.  Since then her behavior on the show has changed and makes me not want to buy any of her products.

I've seen Skinny Girl popcorn at the grocery.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, queenjen said:

We've just sat through another WHOLE season of BH being about getting an apology. AGAIN. I want 'I think she owes me an apology' left until the 3 - 4 part reunions. Arguments, I can handle, as long as they're not about who deserves an apology. Keep it moving. Where does the cast vacation this time? Is it Asia?

In all fairness to Ramona - She never got the Baby Announcement from Bethenny welcoming  Biggie and Smalls  :) I think is covered in The Countess's book. :)

  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Jel said:

I agree that one of Bethenny's issues with Luann is her hypocrisy; but I think that's pretty much out there in the open. (It's also one of the things I don't like about Luann).  But, and again, this is just my impression, so I don't know if it's true (just shooting the breeze here on the interwebs) is that Bethenny, in addition to having legit, long time grievances with Lu, also is a bit judgy with respect to her, robust (I like that) sex life. My, erm, O. ;)

Maybe, but it's not my impression.  I've never seen/heard anything from Bethenny to suggest she's prudish about such things. I don't think she cares if someone wants to be a complete freak, as long as they don't pretend they're otherwise.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Maharincess said:

@Jamie Satyr, I swear I'm not stalking you!  I just agree with so many of your posts that I can't help but "like" them. 

Its so funny when I see posters that now have the "mod" symbol next to their names. 

I love my new DVR most often during the Housewife shows, the fast forward button comes in very handy while they're on. 

These women sound like they're 14 with thinking everyone is jealous of them. Luann's "happiness" seems really fake to me, like she's trying to convince us (and herself) that she's so, so happy. I'm not buying it.   Dorinda, nobody is jealous of you and that beast you date. 

Unless she is totally down with an open marriage AGAIN, I don't see this one lasting either.  But plus side she will have an apt where she can film (when she gets it in the divorce).  

I think Ramona was stirring shit for no good reason.  There was nothing organic about how it came up.  I saw amusement in B's eyes when R was going at it and I also didn't see her freaking out.  I saw B being snarky and wondering why her daughter was being pulled into this but I actually don't think she gives any fucks about this movie seeing the light of day.  I think she cares about R using her daughter to try and embarrass B.  I am sure R and L would care if B tried to use their daughters to embarrass them.  Frankly L and R have more to be embarrassed by.  Lu because she has shown MARRIAGE/yacht is more important that having a faithful spouse plus her one night stands being shown on tv and R because well, need I list the ways?  Dorinda is a friend to no one and I am beginning to think she is the most fair weather friend of all.  I don't mind Carole but she needs a jazzier storyline than last year.  Not sure about Tinsley.  Sonja is sad and I have a feeling all of her belongings smell like mothballs.  

Superficial comments.  I don't like B's hair.  I think if she is going to wear it short it looks better with no bangs.  I have been wondering why I don't like Lu's hair and what was different about it besides being lighter.  Its longer than it was when she started the show and I think her hair looks better season 1 when it was shorter.  Whoever yanked Ramona's face tighter didn't do that great of a job.  Her eyes look like they were moved to the side of her head in some of her TH's.   Hopefully that settles in and looks more normal.   In one of Sonja's TH's she is wearing brown lipstick.  She needs to knock that off.  Looks horrible.  

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Mojoker said:

Maybe, but it's not my impression.  I've never seen/heard anything from Bethenny to suggest she's prudish about such things. I don't think she cares if someone wants to be a complete freak, as long as they don't pretend they're otherwise.

I got that impression from the "you're a slut, a whoooorrre, you fuck anything that moves" kind of thing from Bethenny last season. Do those words immediately come to mind if you don't have that actual opinion buried somewhere?  In context, she was talking about it I think in relation to Lu's hypocrisy, and fair enough if Lu was giving etiquette tips for young girls dating and decorum advice (I don't remember), but the intensity of her reply and the words she chose  did make me wonder about it.  Like if she was just calling out the hypocrisy, why not say something else? Like your "robust" sex life, or active or frequent, etc, why, "slut" and "whore"? 

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

I got that impression from the "you're a slut, a whoooorrre, you fuck anything that moves" kind of thing from Bethenny last season. Do those words immediately come to mind if you don't have that actual opinion buried somewhere?  In context, she was talking about it I think in relation to Lu's hypocrisy, and fair enough if Lu was giving etiquette tips for young girls dating and decorum advice (I don't remember), but the intensity of her reply and the words she chose  did make me wonder about it.  Like if she was just calling out the hypocrisy, why not say something else? Like your "robust" sex life, or active or frequent, etc, why, "slut" and "whore"? 

Because she was angry and trying to make a point with shock value.

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

Maybe, but it's not my impression.  I've never seen/heard anything from Bethenny to suggest she's prudish about such things. I don't think she cares if someone wants to be a complete freak, as long as they don't pretend they're otherwise.

Yes. This all day long. After Beth went after Lu about her hypocrisy, we heard her in her room with Carole saying that she had slept with the most men of any of the other women, save for Lu. She said she saw no shame in it and proudly said it. Her issue was with Lu pretending to be something that she is not. 

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:


  Dorinda is a friend to no one and I am beginning to think she is the most fair weather friend of all.  


I have been giving Dorinda the side-eye for a couple of seasons now.  Her rant against Heather.  She also tells everyone what the other one(s) are saying, then sits back and lets the fur fly.  Can't quite figure her out.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Fanny Mare said:

Does her daughter go with her on the weekend jaunts, or does she take the bald married/separated  guy? :)

If Bethenny were doing anything that could even remotely be construed as not being in her daughter's best interest, do you really think that Hoppy wouldn't be all over her (and the media) for it?  You can say whatever you like about Bethenny Frankel, but she's not stupid. After all she went through to cut Hoppy loose, she's not going to hand him any ammo.  


  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

This should be on Ramona's tombstone. "TRYING to be as abrasive as humanly possible."

Make that rough granite...not polished. She's an unfinished gem that eventually will just be discarded to the pile on the floor as her rough edges just can't be cut into brilliance  


48 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

Man, mess with Dorinda and she'll come after you like a freaking mob boss. I kind of love her. 

Oh so true. The Tonyette Soprano of the bunch. She will make it nice by whatever means! 

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Thumper said:

I have been giving Dorinda the side-eye for a couple of seasons now.  Her rant against Heather.  She also tells everyone what the other one(s) are saying, then sits back and lets the fur fly.  Can't quite figure her out.

The best thing I can say about Dorinda is that she's probably the most natural, best looking woman of the bunch.  Everyone else always seems to overdone and overhauled, while Dorinda pretty much always looks fresh and natural and (sorry) nice.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

If Bethenny were doing anything that could even remotely be construed as not being in her daughter's best interest, do you really think that Hoppy wouldn't be all over her (and the media) for it?  You can say whatever you like about Bethenny Frankel, but she's not stupid. After all she went through to cut Hoppy loose, she's not going to hand him any ammo.  


I think Jason was a saint to put up with motormouth, so nothing you post will change my mind about her. Thanks for the link though..

  • Love 18
16 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yes. This all day long. After Beth went after Lu about her hypocrisy, we heard her in her room with Carole saying that she had slept with the most men of any of the other women, save for Lu. She said she saw no shame in it and proudly said it. Her issue was with Lu pretending to be something that she is not. 

Thanks for pointing that out; I didn't remember it, and good for her for saying so. But I wish she would  stop using words like "slut" and "whore" and "will fuck anything that moves" because when she uses those words she relays a message that isn't really hers (among other things).

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, eXiled said:

I think Ramona was being messy. I didn't like it because she tried to involve an innocent six year old. Those pictures of B's flapjacks have been roaming the web since the year of the flood, so I don't understand Ro's sudden interest in them. She has no story of her own, so she's decided to lash out in her weird, awkward, disingenuous way.

I used to really like Ramona. She was one of the HoWives that made me cackle all the time. Hell, her inappropriateness even got Bethie crying on that damned bridge! She was mean-girling to the max.

But she's been so pathetic since Mario left. Fake dates, faking concern for Luann, deciding she is suddenly too good for Sonia . . . . I can't stand her anymore. I used to want someone to verbally destroy her, but I seriously doubt it would make a mark on good ole Ro. I think that's the only she thing she has in common with Lu.

Of course Ramona was being messy. This is what she does. I wish Sonja's homeless Irish blogger hadn't gone back through reddit and deleted everything she posted. She mentioned that Ramona liked to go through Sonja's house and make it look more chaotic and unstable when she'd film with Sonja at the townhouse. She'd scatter clothing and pull medication bottles out of the medicine cabinet. Ramona lives to bring up and rehash shit and then walk out once she's riled people up.

It's interesting that everyone refers to her film as a soft porn. From the clips I've seen of it, it is far from that. It's just a shitty tv thriller where Bethenny shows her boobs. If we're going to talk soft porn, then we need to examine Camille Grammer's credits because she's the one who did soft porn starring actual porn stars.

  • Love 14
39 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

Maybe, but it's not my impression.  I've never seen/heard anything from Bethenny to suggest she's prudish about such things. I don't think she cares if someone wants to be a complete freak, as long as they don't pretend they're otherwise.

There is such a thing as over sharing.  At the top of my list of etiquette fouls is asking about someone  sex life.  I do not think anyone owes an explanation. I don't  hold someone out to be a liar if the inquisitor has no business asking the question in the first place.  Luann was pretty open in  T&C and then they used it against her.  So be Luann honest or modest she is screwed.   Bethenny needs to stop talking and asking about other people's sex lives.  It is just too much for her, she can't help herself from making comments and she is a slut shamer of the highest degree pretending she is just so cool with everyone else when in fact she is way too curious and way too judgmental.

  • Love 18

I fell asleep 10 minutes into this episode so I'll comment further after I've watched the entire thing but I just have to say . . . STFU, Carole! 

I am rubbing my hands in glee thinking about her meltdown post November 8.  I. CAN'T. WAIT.  If I had to deal with her on the daily back in the fall, I would have punched her in the teeth and dragged her by the hair through the streets of NY.  Maybe if she had a J-O-B she wouldn't be so single minded and freaking obsessed about the damn election.

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I fell asleep 10 minutes into this episode so I'll comment further after I've watched the entire thing but I just have to say . . . STFU, Carole! 

I am rubbing my hands in glee thinking about her meltdown post November 8.  I. CAN'T. WAIT.  If I had to deal with her on the daily back in the fall, I would have punched her in the teeth and dragged her by the hair through the streets of NY.  Maybe if she had a J-O-B she wouldn't be so single minded and freaking obsessed about the damn election.

LOL, yes the weeping, wailing  and nail biting will ensue 

Edited by Fanny Mare
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

There is such a thing as over sharing.  At the top of my list of etiquette fouls is asking about someone  sex life.  I do not think anyone owes an explanation. I don't  hold someone out to be a liar if the inquisitor has no business asking the question in the first place.  Luann was pretty open in  T&C and then they used it against her.  So be Luann honest or modest she is screwed.   Bethenny needs to stop talking and asking about other people's sex lives.  It is just too much for her, she can't help herself from making comments and she is a slut shamer of the highest degree pretending she is just so cool with everyone else when in fact she is way too curious and way too judgmental.

When did Bethenny ever ask anyone, including Luann, about their sex life?  As I recall the situation in the Turks & Caicos, Ramona and Luann brought men home and let them spend the night, which upset Heather, who happened upon one of them in the bathroom. The issue there was about letting strange men stay in the house overnight, not about sex, and I don't think Bethenny was even involved, was she?

6 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

I fell asleep 10 minutes into this episode so I'll comment further after I've watched the entire thing but I just have to say . . . STFU, Carole! 

I am rubbing my hands in glee thinking about her meltdown post November 8.  I. CAN'T. WAIT.  If I had to deal with her on the daily back in the fall, I would have punched her in the teeth and dragged her by the hair through the streets of NY.  Maybe if she had a J-O-B she wouldn't be so single minded and freaking obsessed about the damn election.

She does have a job.  That's why you see her on TV every week.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Mojoker said:

I don't think Bethenny cares who Lu has sex with, how many people she has sex with, or how often she has sex.  What I think bothers Bethenny is that Luann has, let's say, a robust sex life, but lies about it and acts judgmental toward others for lesser exploits.  I do think Luann has gotten better about this in the last year or so, but it used to be that she was constantly acting like a total prude when, it seems, she was doing a lot of sleeping around.  I don't think it's ever the behavior that bothers Bethenny, but when people lie about the behavior.

I don't think Lu was judgemental just aghast that someone would want it on main display. I too find it distasteful when women lead with vulgarities and TMI at the most inopportune moments. I can yuck it up sure but I'm not really game with having certain conversations just any ole' where.   Being cornered into conversations to be probed about intimate details that no one should be obligated to share.

How does one lie about sleeping around? I mean in order to lie about it somebody would be inappropriately asking the question in the first place and I think that's much more shitty than someone not confirming whether you did or didn't screw someone in the bathroom.  These conversations aren't for casual acquaintances or fake friends. Those are the types of conversations that happen with a bestie drinking wine in PJ's and eating ice cream... "Guuuuurrrrrllll, I noticed you disappeared with that hotty toward the back of the club... Do tell, do tell....."

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Thumper said:

I have been giving Dorinda the side-eye for a couple of seasons now.  Her rant against Heather.  She also tells everyone what the other one(s) are saying, then sits back and lets the fur fly.  Can't quite figure her out.

Wasn't Dorinda called out for her runteldat tendencies? I've been cool on her since then. Well, no, that's a lie; I started side-eyeing her when she assumed the Black patron at the restaurant was coat check. All the other stuff is just bonus. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

I don't think Lu was judgemental just aghast that someone would want it on main display. I too find it distasteful when women lead with vulgarities and TMI at the most inopportune moments. I can yuck it up sure but I'm not really game with having certain conversations just any ole' where.   Being cornered into conversations to be probed about intimate details that no one should be obligated to share.

How does one lie about sleeping around? I mean in order to lie about it somebody would be inappropriately asking the question in the first place and I think that's much more shitty than someone not confirming whether you did or didn't screw someone in the bathroom.  These conversations aren't for casual acquaintances or fake friends. Those are the types of conversations that happen with a bestie drinking wine in PJ's and eating ice cream... "Guuuuurrrrrllll, I noticed you disappeared with that hotty toward the back of the club... Do tell, do tell....."

Well, one example of lying about sleeping around would be Luann nailing that Johnny Depp wannabe when the women were wherever they were, and then lying through her teeth about it until forced to admit it because she had been stupid enough to not realize she was on mic when she was on the phone trying to cover it up.  And, again, I don't think that involved Bethenny.  I honestly can't think of any time that Bethenny has ever asked Luann about her sex life.

  • Love 8

Does her daughter go with her on the weekend jaunts, or does she take the bald married/separated  guy? :)

Well I'm not the best stalker but it appeared that he was at one of the ski trips.  There were so many and in one case she was there came back to get Brynn and then went back.  She stays at a private home I think in Aspen.  She never tells the resort or hotel until she leaves.  And that is probably a good thing.  People do guess.  She is very good at not actually showing many of the people she's with.  You catch bits of Brynn's feet or Brynn's voice.  The Playa de Carmen trip a couple of weeks ago was with her friend Teri.  Over the Christmas holidays she seemed to meet up with Adam and Carole at some ski place.  I know she liked that Brynn liked to ski and Brynn liked ski school during the day.  That Jim guy from last night was at one of the places as well.  I don't know if she was with anyone in London.  It seems that the Bahamas was Brynn's school break trip and that the wild pigs on the island was why Brynn choose it.   I don't know if she was with anyone in London.  She described that as a little biz and a little fun. 

She had some updates done in the Hamptons and said that she couldn't wait until that was her weekend life.  Just like the floors redone, new fireplace marble etc.

I'll be more observant in the future and take notes.  But all bald guys look the same to me.  I could confuse Tom and Dennis.  Wouldn't that be shocking?

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

When did Bethenny ever ask anyone, including Luann, about their sex life?  As I recall the situation in the Turks & Caicos, Ramona and Luann brought men home and let them spend the night, which upset Heather, who happened upon one of them in the bathroom. The issue there was about letting strange men stay in the house overnight, not about sex, and I don't think Bethenny was even involved, was she?

She does have a job.  That's why you see her on TV every week.

How does Bethenny know who Luann has slept with in the first place and seriously why does she care so much? Luann doesn't put her bedroom activity on blast for all to see/hear because she believes in/practices discretion. Being discrete does not make a person a hypocrite. LOL

  • Love 17

Well, one example of lying about sleeping around would be Luann nailing that Johnny Depp wannabe when the women were wherever they were, and then lying through her teeth about it until forced to admit it because she had been stupid enough to not realize she was on mic when she was on the phone trying to cover it up.

And you know what irked me about that?  She spoke French, like we are all too provincial or stupid to speak a foreign language.  So if I speak in French then no one will know that I cheated on my long term partner with some random bar dude. 

  • Love 10
43 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

The best thing I can say about Dorinda is that she's probably the most natural, best looking woman of the bunch.  Everyone else always seems to overdone and overhauled, while Dorinda pretty much always looks fresh and natural and (sorry) nice.


And she, in my opinion, looks the best of all of them in the talking heads.  I absolutely love the hair, the pastel colors she is wearing.  She looks like a knockout when she's made up.

LuAnn still looks fantastic, but I don't think her talking heads look good at all.  

Beth has never been a beauty, but she's looking particularly bad this season.  It's the hair, she's got some wonky eyebrow situation, skin looks bad to me.  Body is still rocking.

Even though I think Carole is overdoing the fillers, I think she looks pretty damn good. I love her hair shorter.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 5

I'll be more observant in the future and take notes.  But all bald guys look the same to me.  I could confuse Tom and Dennis.  Wouldn't that be shocking?

Hmm, not really, that was exactly my dig. BF was horrible that Lu was dating a married man that was bald, recall that? What does she do..dates a married  but still only separated married man) I found that hilarious ( shrug)

  • Love 3

And she, in my opinion, looks the best of all of them in the talking heads.  I absolutely love the hair, the pastel colors she is wearing.  She looks like a knockout when she's made up.

LuAnn still looks fantastic, but I don't think her talking heads look good at all.  

I also thought Sonja's talking head look was good.  The dark lip really worked on her.  And Tinsley looks like she has professional make up while they are packing.  So she either has a hidden glam squad or she's one of those women with the knack for putting it on well.

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

When did Bethenny ever ask anyone, including Luann, about their sex life?  As I recall the situation in the Turks & Caicos, Ramona and Luann brought men home and let them spend the night, which upset Heather, who happened upon one of them in the bathroom. The issue there was about letting strange men stay in the house overnight, not about sex, and I don't think Bethenny was even involved, was she?

She does have a job.  That's why you see her on TV every week.

Well I believe Bethenny asked, "who has had great sex lately?", in T&C.  She has talked about Ramona's.    Last season she was asking and talking about Carole's sex life.  So yes Bethenny does do that.

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

There is such a thing as over sharing.  At the top of my list of etiquette fouls is asking about someone  sex life.  I do not think anyone owes an explanation. I don't  hold someone out to be a liar if the inquisitor has no business asking the question in the first place.  Luann was pretty open in  T&C and then they used it against her.  So be Luann honest or modest she is screwed.   Bethenny needs to stop talking and asking about other people's sex lives.  It is just too much for her, she can't help herself from making comments and she is a slut shamer of the highest degree pretending she is just so cool with everyone else when in fact she is way too curious and way too judgmental.


I could never get my head wrapped around this logic or reasoning.

Who the hell owes anyone an explanation about their sex life?

And no Lu wasn't going around telling people not to fuck. I think most of her tsk tsking was about brandishing it about or being indiscreet.

What in the hell is wrong with that piece of advice???

Or being put off by the direction a conversation goes in public.

I hate that the idea of "time and place" has turned into something oh so pretentious and offensive.


  • Love 10
17 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I fell asleep 10 minutes into this episode so I'll comment further after I've watched the entire thing but I just have to say . . . STFU, Carole! 

I am rubbing my hands in glee thinking about her meltdown post November 8.  I. CAN'T. WAIT.  If I had to deal with her on the daily back in the fall, I would have punched her in the teeth and dragged her by the hair through the streets of NY.  Maybe if she had a J-O-B she wouldn't be so single minded and freaking obsessed about the damn election.

Plenty of people with 9-to-5s were (and still are) obsessed with the election. While that doesn't include the women on this show, we know that Carole really isn't an outlier here. We also saw Dorinda chatting with Carole about the election at the lunch, and she commented that she would be upset by a Trump win as well. 

17 hours ago, QuinnM said:

And you know what irked me about that?  She spoke French, like we are all too provincial or stupid to speak a foreign language.  So if I speak in French then no one will know that I cheated on my long term partner with some random bar dude. 

Heh. LuAnn behaved as though she were speaking some dead language that only she and her friend understood. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 16
23 minutes ago, charming said:

Lu would say she's dating and having fun. Just because she didn't say, "Why yes Bethenney, your holiness, I'm a huge fucking whore" doesn't mean she's a hypocrite. She just didn't call herself any derogatory names as well she shouldn't have.

Apparently Lu was supposed to be screaming this from the rooftops and shared it with the world. "Oh hello there how are you today, I've fucked many many many men. Great weather we're having today.."


  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

How does Bethenny know who Luann has slept with in the first place and seriously why does she care so much? Luann doesn't put her bedroom activity on blast for all to see/hear because she believes in/practices discretion. Being discrete does not make a person a hypocrite. LOL

No, but judging others and preaching against things she's doing herself does actually make her a hypocrite.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

No, but judging others and preaching against things she's doing herself does actually make her a hypocrite.

Luann basically tells them to be discrete and not put their sex lives on public blast. She isn't telling them to do anything she isn't already doing herself. So, No, Luann isn't being a hypocrite, that title belongs to Bethenny. LOL

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Apparently Lu was supposed to be screaming this from the rooftops and shared it with the world. "Oh hello there how are you today, I've fucked many many many men. Great weather we're having today.."


Or, she could keep her comments to herself. Whatever season it was where Carole met Adam, LuAnn was on some, "He's so much youngerrr!"* bit 'til someone pointed out that she's fucked around with younger men (and not to speak of her long-term relationship with a younger Jacques). Then she shifted the goal posts to something like, "Well, younger men are to be temporary." (Which, again, still didn't make sense given her long-term relationship with Jacques.) 

*This Adam thing, though, was such a moving target for LuAnn. It was because he was younger. No, because he was family. No, because he was her chef. No, because he was besties with Noel. No, because he had dated her niece. But, really, he was younger and that was unbecoming of Carole. *eye roll*

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 12
3 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

No, but judging others and preaching against things she's doing herself does actually make her a hypocrite.

I know Luann told Carole not to keep a younger guy around after your way with him but I don't recall Luann preaching against others having sex.  Usually she is defending either accusations or her choices.  Luann years ago was not forthcoming about when she and the Count separated leading herself open to a lot of innuendo.  So if Luann was catching and releasing and Carole was not it is maybe a difference in opinion.  Luann has apologized a fair number of times to Carole.  Carole needs to move on. 

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

And you know what irked me about that?  She spoke French, like we are all too provincial or stupid to speak a foreign language.  So if I speak in French then no one will know that I cheated on my long term partner with some random bar dude. 

She might as well have been speaking Pig Latin, lol

Astlay ightnay I uckfayed a ireatepay it was ildway! 

  • Love 4

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