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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


Culture Check: How can we come up with catchy or snarky topic titles and still remember the human behind the title? 

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On 5/8/2019 at 2:41 PM, 3girlsforus said:

And this is why it’s excellent news that he’s moving out of her house and in with the BF. 

Change the house caption again, production guys.   "Whitney's House," "Whitney and Buddy's House," etc.

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On 5/8/2019 at 2:58 PM, Colleenna said:

OMG what a joke her "exercise" is. 

Yep, even if she's just a guest. 

I would demand my money back if this was part of workout. This is shit. Like someone here said There are free work out videos on YouTube. 

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11 hours ago, Colleenna said:

I think Ryan has better taste than to date Marblemouth.

Maybe for real but Ryan was willing to hitch his fitness stuff to Whitney for money so I would think he’d be willing to fake date Marblemouth for a TLC paycheck.

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On 5/8/2019 at 12:23 PM, 3girlsforus said:

I think he’d have to not invite her at all to prevent her taking over the wedding. She would wear a wedding dress and make a dance and try to walk down the aisle and .... any else you could think of. She would probably consider herself the ‘bride’ to both the grooms. 

Please! Since there is a chance she does read these posts, PLEASE do not give her any ideas!!

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On 5/7/2019 at 11:25 AM, Ketzel said:

And Tal may be playing coy, but his BF is more candid - apparently Tal bought a house and they are going to be living there together.

Aha!  I never believed he really moved in with her - but if he did it to save a year's rent to buy a house it finally makes sense!

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Twit honored Babs on Mother's Day by putting her mom in a pair of nobsactivebysnoga leggings to advertise them. Way to show your love, Twit.

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1 hour ago, Dot said:

Twit honored Babs on Mother's Day by putting her mom in a pair of nobsactivebysnoga leggings to advertise them. Way to show your love, Twit.

OMG. Those leggings are so poorly made that they make Babs look obese. 

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Oh wow, that picture of Babs in the leggings. I can't imagine she put those things on voluntarily. They are not flattering. Whit, your mother may be a bit of a stealth bitch but you shouldn't make her embarrass herself on Mother's Day to pad your bank account.

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Six hours after I posted the comment above, Twit posted one of her purple-prosed, Terms of Endearment posts about Babs. (Reading this forum again, Twit?) She included one of those photos of Babs as a young woman, which she likes to do so that her fans can tell her she & Babs look like twins -- beautiful twins, of course.

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Those leggings are horrible.  They make everyone look bad.

That old photo of Babs is what Whitney SHOULD look like after 6 seasons of her so called constant gym visits she posts all the time.

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Sound like anyone we know? 

Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration

Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it

Exaggerate achievements and talents

Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate

Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people

Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior

Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations

Take advantage of others to get what they want

Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others

Be envious of others and believe others envy them

Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious

Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office

According to the Mayo clinic, these are symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. I'm not a psychiatrist, and they don't let me play one on TV, but if the foo shits, wear it.

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13 hours ago, momofsquid said:

Oh wow, that picture of Babs in the leggings. I can't imagine she put those things on voluntarily. They are not flattering. Whit, your mother may be a bit of a stealth bitch but you shouldn't make her embarrass herself on Mother's Day to pad your bank account.

I figure they were discards that Whitney pulled out of a pile and gave her mom as a Mother’s Day present. It was just a bonus that she made her pose in them to help her shill them on the Internet.

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8 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I read some of the Comments and alot of her followers are saying they look like twins but in my opinion Babs looks better than Whitney will ever look young and old

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22 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

I read some of the Comments and alot of her followers are saying they look like twins but in my opinion Babs looks better than Whitney will ever look young and old

If Whitney lost 250# she could be physically very attractive. However, the physical attractiveness would be more than negated by her obnoxious personality. 

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On 5/12/2019 at 8:47 PM, Colleenna said:

OMG. Those leggings are so poorly made that they make Babs look obese. 

Probably a stretched out pair that Twit took off and forced Babs into wearing. Without washing them first.

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There's a new clip on the nobsactive instagram site that shows Ryan demoing parts of a 24 minute work out, while Whitney does "modifications" that seem designed to eliminate the need for any actual effort on her part. But what most grabbed my attention was the "motivational caption" which reads: "From us to you— believe in yourself! Understand this is a marathon not a sprint and that there will always be good and bad days. Eat the piece of cake 🍰 and drink the WHOLE bottle of wine 🍷 because YOU earned it and love yourself for everything you are. " 

If any of my trainers had urged me to eat cake and drink a whole bottle of wine, that would have been the last he or she would ever have seen of me.

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8 hours ago, Ketzel said:

There's a new clip on the nobsactive instagram site that shows Ryan demoing parts of a 24 minute work out, while Whitney does "modifications" that seem designed to eliminate the need for any actual effort on her part. But what most grabbed my attention was the "motivational caption" which reads: "From us to you— believe in yourself! Understand this is a marathon not a sprint and that there will always be good and bad days. Eat the piece of cake 🍰 and drink the WHOLE bottle of wine 🍷 because YOU earned it and love yourself for everything you are. " 

If any of my trainers had urged me to eat cake and drink a whole bottle of wine, that would have been the last he or she would ever have seen of me.

Ridiculous! Eat cake and drink a WHOLE bottle of wine. 

Don't go get a manicure, a massage, a new outfit (candle, book, shoes, etc)  a trip, a hike in nature with your dog (s),  dinner out with friends,  quality time in a hot tub, or buy flowers for yourself,  sleep-in,  sit in the sun, look at yourself in a mirror and be proud of your body and how you are taking care of yourself,  etc.   

I had 3 glasses of wine on Mother's Day with my adult son--two at the bar ofa really nice restaurant with appetizers as we were too early for our table at a different restaurant. Then 1 glass with lunch.  He was concerned because I wasn't walking too straight afterward. We walked around afterwards and window shopped.  Then,  unfortunately, went into a book store where I dropped $95 on 6 books, plus one for him.  

I texted him the next day telling him NOT to let me shop drunk in the future.  He said just don't go online and shop either. Lol. 

So,  I learned that 2 glasses are my limit.  

Edited by Tosia
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10 hours ago, Ketzel said:

Eat the piece of cake 🍰 and drink the WHOLE bottle of wine 🍷 because YOU earned it and love yourself for everything you are. " 

So that's how Twit stays so svelte.  Wow what horrible advice from a "trainer".  

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1 hour ago, SevenCostanza said:

So that's how Twit stays so svelte.  Wow what horrible advice from a "trainer".  

I'm guessing that advice came from Lumpy herself, not Ryan. He, at least, started out touting the importance of healthy food in appropriate amounts as one of his core values. But that was before he hooked up with her "nobs" plan. If I see him on his own site urging the morbidly obese to eat more than once a day, I'll know he's been completely corrupted. 🙂

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It’s the WHOLE bottle of wine that really bothered me in that “advice”. The cake comment doesn’t belong in a public forum either but I don’t think a trainer that tells someone individually that it’s ok to have a piece of cake once in a while is a bad trainer necessarily especially since one-on-one they would know if that person was in a position to be ok with that kind of advice. But NO ONE should be encouraged to drink a whole bottle of wine. That isn’t to say I’m a saint or I haven’t had a glass too many before, but that isn’t anything that should ever be encouraged as a way to live and one glass too many is far different than drinking a whole bottle.

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5 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

 NO ONE should be encouraged to drink a whole bottle of wine. 

It’s seriously alarming advice. I’m an experienced drinker from a family of experienced drinkers  and *I* was alarmed by this advice. ‘Have that second glass of wine’ would have been better, but her saying ‘the whole bottle’ as if that’s just a normal, ‘tee-hee so naughty’ temptation people have speaks to deeper issues, to me.

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The advice is terrible for all the reasons mentioned above. But I can't help but be amused by her slip in choosing "a piece of cake" as her idea of a treat. Wouldn't someone who insists she doesn't like cake choose a piece of pie or a piece of chocolate as the suggested treat?

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54 minutes ago, Dot said:

The advice is terrible for all the reasons mentioned above. But I can't help but be amused by her slip in choosing "a piece of cake" as her idea of a treat. Wouldn't someone who insists she doesn't like cake choose a piece of pie or a piece of chocolate as the suggested treat?

LOL - I was thinking the same thing. She sure talks a lot about something she doesn’t like. 

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15 hours ago, Ketzel said:

There's a new clip on the nobsactive instagram site that shows Ryan demoing parts of a 24 minute work out, while Whitney does "modifications" that seem designed to eliminate the need for any actual effort on her part. But what most grabbed my attention was the "motivational caption" which reads: "From us to you— believe in yourself! Understand this is a marathon not a sprint and that there will always be good and bad days. Eat the piece of cake 🍰 and drink the WHOLE bottle of wine 🍷 because YOU earned it and love yourself for everything you are. " 

If any of my trainers had urged me to eat cake and drink a whole bottle of wine, that would have been the last he or she would ever have seen of me.

I can't remember the last time I had cake. I had my twice yearly slice of pumpkin pie (Tgiving and Christmas) and wouldn't have those except that I don't want to be rude to my hostess. I'm more of a froyo girl.... once a quarter my hubs and I go out to eat (nothing fancy, Subway or Qdoba) and we follow up with a visit to the froyo shop. 

Cheese, on the other hand........... I'm addicted. 

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On 5/17/2019 at 10:42 AM, Pachengala said:

It’s seriously alarming advice. I’m an experienced drinker from a family of experienced drinkers  and *I* was alarmed by this advice. ‘Have that second glass of wine’ would have been better, but her saying ‘the whole bottle’ as if that’s just a normal, ‘tee-hee so naughty’ temptation people have speaks to deeper issues, to me.

Right? If she thinks a whole bottle is a normal thing or is okay--and is encouraging it--she might have a bit of a "problem" (and a good indicator of where a chunk of her calories are coming from). 

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Interestingly, 2 days since the ‘drink the whole bottle’ post and only 32 responses. Sounds like Nobsactive is cruising right along with those 200k followers or whatever that number was. 

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What is alarming to me is her saying "because YOU earned it."  Aren't they trying to earn health, a more active life, a fit body?  It's so telling that the piece of cake and the whole bottle of wine is her normal.  It's just surprising she didn't suggest eating the ENTIRE cake.

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46 minutes ago, LookABird said:

What is alarming to me is her saying "because YOU earned it."  Aren't they trying to earn health, a more active life, a fit body?  It's so telling that the piece of cake and the whole bottle of wine is her normal.  It's just surprising she didn't suggest eating the ENTIRE cake.

Well she doesn’t like cake so maybe she figures you deserve a whole bottle of wine but only need to “suffer” through one piece of cake

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This is Twit's 2nd hint recently that she is attached in some way to her "baby," severinbro7. (He's the bearded guy she posted the cheek-to-cheek selfies with a couple of weeks ago & has shown him exercising with her & Ryan.) This is, of course, driving her fans crazy, as intended.

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15 minutes ago, Dot said:

This is Twit's 2nd hint recently that she is attached in some way to her "baby," severinbro7. (He's the bearded guy she posted the cheek-to-cheek selfies with a couple of weeks ago & has shown him exercising with her & Ryan.) This is, of course, driving her fans crazy, as intended.

His name (if that's really a picture of him) is Chase Severino and this, imo, has all the hallmarks of a new "Lennie."

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6 hours ago, Dot said:

This is Twit's 2nd hint recently that she is attached in some way to her "bay," severinbro7. (He's the bearded guy she posted the cheek-to-cheek selfies with a couple of weeks ago & has shown him exercising with her & Ryan.) This is, of course, driving her fans crazy, as intended.

Because, of course! Who hasn’t fallen in love with her? Gay, straight, man, woman, relative, stranger, feline, human.....everybody falls for Big Whit’s charms.  Who wouldn’t want a narcissistic, whiny, trifling, bum in arrested development that pees in hot tubs? Cue her fans to start making the wedding plans.


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13 hours ago, Dot said:

This is Twit's 2nd hint recently that she is attached in some way to her "baby," severinbro7. (He's the bearded guy she posted the cheek-to-cheek selfies with a couple of weeks ago & has shown him exercising with her & Ryan.) This is, of course, driving her fans crazy, as intended.

I will say, there are a lot less comments than I’m sure she was hoping for and expecting. And even most of the positive ones just have a heart or say ‘so cute’. Some even think it’s her brother or her kid LOL. It’s not the hundreds of posts excited that she has a boyfriend. People are catching on. 

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Interestingly, 2 days since the ‘drink the whole bottle’ post and only 32 responses. Sounds like Nobsactive is cruising right along with those 200k followers or whatever that number was. 

Did any of the 32 point out that an entire bottle of wine is a lot for one person to drink?

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50 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Did any of the 32 point out that an entire bottle of wine is a lot for one person to drink?

Not on the instagram post, which mostly featured "Whitney looks amazing' and the day's post was 'inspirational."

Perhaps there were more critical comments on the closed group Facebook page, but since those members are doing the program (although a goodly percentage are apparently not paying for it, what with all her giveaways and guests) I'd be surprised.

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On 5/17/2019 at 2:32 PM, Dot said:

The advice is terrible for all the reasons mentioned above. But I can't help but be amused by her slip in choosing "a piece of cake" as her idea of a treat. Wouldn't someone who insists she doesn't like cake choose a piece of pie or a piece of chocolate as the suggested treat?

She has PCOS, remember: Picks Cakes Over Salads. As for the comment about the whine, is there anyone who takes what this braying ass proclaims as Serious Advice?

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This child woman has already outlived her 15 minutes of TLC fame.  She has proven there is no fabulous life for her or even a normal life.  Perhaps time to move on to Dr. Now?

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I see TLC has a new 90 day fiancee show that is switched where Americans go to other countries to marry.  Maybe Whit could go on that to get a man.

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Why do I look at the comments on Whitney’s or the barnacles’ social media?  Why? Why? Why?  I know some people buy followers for their pages, is this the case here? Why are people that are supposedly fans of the show/Whitney so confused about the basic details of the show, the people’s names or even the actual information in the post itself?

Whitney post a pic of Tal.....people post, “Is that your boyfriend?”, “Hi Todd!!”. Whitney posted a pic of Ryan....comments that follow “Is that your boyfriend? “, “Buddy gonna be jelly (hate myself that I referred to this comment twice in my lifetime), Latest guy’s pic is shown, “I guess Todd wasn’t the one”.  I’m confused do they mean Buddy? Do they mean Tal (forget the fact Tal is openly gay and living with his boyfriend), or do they actually mean Todd?  Forget Todd is openly gay, even if he weren’t, he is openly hostile towards Whitney to the point of utter disgust. Why would he be THE ONE?

Honestly, I only look at her social media when someone here comments about it, but it fucking irritates me.  Does Whitney ever correct these people? Does this only happen on these purposely ambiguous posts (that aren’t really ambiguous if you have even half a fucking brain cell).   How are you a “fan” of this show and don’t know anybody’s name or get them perpetually confused with each other? I really need to stop reading the comments on her posts because I can barely handle the bullshit she puts up, but then it’s surrounded by total confusion or kiss-assery (I don’t care if that is a word, my brain hurts too much to think of another).  I watch a few other reality shows and sure you get people who think the “celebrity” walks on water, but the posters generally know who the hell is in the actual picture or the ‘celeb” makes it fairly clear what the hell is going on and these shows are trash too, so it’s not like it’s a Mensa conference.

Is most of the stupidity limited to these “boyfriend” posts? I really can’t go back and look right now.  It’s like my hand refuses to click on the window.  It’s like my hand is trying to protect my eyes, which are trying to protect my brain, which is trying its damndest to protect whatever I have left of my sanity.  


Edited by Irate Panda
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19 hours ago, Irate Panda said:



Why do I look at the comments on Whitney’s or the barnacles’ social media?  Why? Why? Why?  I know some people buy followers for their pages, is this the case here? Why are people that are supposedly fans of the show/Whitney so confused about the basic details of the show, the people’s names or even the actual information in the post itself?

Whitney post a pic of Tal.....people post, “Is that your boyfriend?”, “Hi Todd!!”. Whitney posted a pic of Ryan....comments that follow “Is that your boyfriend? “, “Buddy gonna be jelly (hate myself that I referred to this comment twice in my lifetime), Latest guy’s pic is shown, “I guess Todd wasn’t the one”.  I’m confused do they mean Buddy? Do they mean Tal (forget the fact Tal is openly gay and living with his boyfriend), or do they actually mean Todd?  Forget Todd is openly gay, even if he weren’t, he is openly hostile towards Whitney to the point of utter disgust. Why would he be THE ONE?

Honestly, I only look at her social media when someone here comments about it, but it fucking irritates me.  Does Whitney ever correct these people? Does this only happen on these purposely ambiguous posts (that aren’t really ambiguous if you have even half a fucking brain cell).   How are you a “fan” of this show and don’t know anybody’s name or get them perpetually confused with each other? I really need to stop reading the comments on her posts because I can barely handle the bullshit she puts up, but then it’s surrounded by total confusion or kiss-assery (I don’t care if that is a word, my brain hurts too much to think of another).  I watch a few other reality shows and sure you get people who think the “celebrity” walks on water, but the posters generally know who the hell is in the actual picture or the ‘celeb” makes it fairly clear what the hell is going on and these shows are trash too, so it’s not like it’s a Mensa conference.

Is most of the stupidity limited to these “boyfriend” posts? I really can’t go back and look right now.  It’s like my hand refuses to click on the window.  It’s like my hand is trying to protect my eyes, which are trying to protect my brain, which is trying its damndest to protect whatever I have left of my sanity.  


I always read the comments as well. I like snarky comments the best. Lol

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Twit has started to heavily plug her 4th cruise. The fan comments are interesting. The ones that say they can't go -- too expensive or wrong time of year -- far outweigh those who say "I'll be there!"

She has a small, staunch group who go every year. There's another group who express a "been there, done that" attitude. They enjoyed the last cruuse but aren't interested in repeating the experience.

By this time I'm thinking she's going to have a problem getting enough new ppl. I would think that anyone who wanted to spend about $5,000 cruising with Twit has done so already.

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39 minutes ago, Dot said:

Twit has started to heavily plug her 4th cruise. The fan comments are interesting. The ones that say they can't go -- too expensive or wrong time of year -- far outweigh those who say "I'll be there!"

She has a small, staunch group who go every year. There's another group who express a "been there, done that" attitude. They enjoyed the last cruuse but aren't interested in repeating the experience.

By this time I'm thinking she's going to have a problem getting enough new ppl. I would think that anyone who wanted to spend about $5,000 cruising with Twit has done so already.

$5000 for a cruise ?????

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34 minutes ago, Nicmar said:

$5000 for a cruise ?????

I think the cruise fee is a couple of thousand bucks. I'm adding in such things as transportation, hotel  before & after, food before & after, taxi, souvenirs, etc. I doubt you could take a cruise vacay without spending an extra 2-3 grand.

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30 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

That's pretty typical for a cruise. Per person, double occupancy. 

Not for a week long Caribbean cruise, especially off time. I could take our family of 4 for a week for under 3k for the whole family. There are specials all the time. I looked at the cost of the cruise they went on last year to compare what cruising with Whit was charging and going on the same ship without her and it was nearly twice as much to book with Whit. Of course they would have to pay me to get on a ship with that woman but I thought that was interesting. 

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2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Not for a week long Caribbean cruise, especially off time. I could take our family of 4 for a week for under 3k for the whole family. There are specials all the time. I looked at the cost of the cruise they went on last year to compare what cruising with Whit was charging and going on the same ship without her and it was nearly twice as much to book with Whit. Of course they would have to pay me to get on a ship with that woman but I thought that was interesting. 

The cruise company is just trying to break even from the additional buffet consumption of Whitney's "guests" 😉

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