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S34.E05: Dirty Deed

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Someone up thread I wondered if M. was going to do a spit take during the TC.

Same thought crossed my mind. But I expected her to spit it onto JT if she got voted out.

Since JT got blindsided, there was no need for her to say or do anything. Winning is its own reward. I have to give her credit though. She didn't say hardly anything to him. He felt bad enough as it was.

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2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

Since JT got blindsided, there was no need for her to say or do anything. Winning is its own reward.

Yes, there was.  After the treatment and boundless accusations thrown at her, this is one of the few cases in which someone had every right to say something to someone getting voted out.

It's clear you're more sympathetic to J.T.'s ouster, but really, he was no victim in this episode, nor was he in the last one, no matter how you may try to slice it.

Edited by Vyk
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Sure, Michaela's first toss of the bag was dramatic, but I don't see how it really lost much time, let alone "several seconds."  I didn't rewatch a third time to see if, as someone noted upthread, the others were untying the bag as they went back to the platform, but surely if so that slowed their steps a little--it would mine--so perhaps Michaela subconsciously thought "toss and sprint back" would be faster, or didn't know she could untie on the way back, or whatever.  Or maybe it was "toss at jerky JT and sprint back," but either way, she dug it up faster than anyone else and, I maintain without timing the choppy, edited challenge, probably got back to the platform faster from the digging area, so the split second someone had to bend over and pick up the bag, and even them doing all the untying instead of having one bit undone or loosened, was probably no big loss to the others.  

TL/DR on bag toss:  IMHO snippy, maybe; slowing/unintentional sabotage, no.

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Wow, I must be the only one that didn't find Mikaela's drinking the coffee at TC funny. I didn't like her in her previous season and I don't like her now! It does seem like she has that attitude problem that a lot of young people have these days. You know, that "you didn't not just disrespect me" type of attitude. She seems someone that doesn't have enough patience wait for the right time to make a move. She'll implode....I hope!

As far as Sandra, I just don't know why all the Sandra love. She should've been the first to go...PERIOD! No matter how she acted in the beginning, she should've had a huge target on her back from the get go. I can't stand her reminding us every freaking second that she's won more times.

J.T. said that Mikaela was lazy in camp. Well, remember the show has editors plus we don't get to see everything that happens out there. How much can they show in an hour? It could very well be the truth that she is lazy at camp!

A former contestant is coming back in the next episode. God I hope it's Tony!

Now let's hope that Sandra and Mikaela are the next to go out!!!  Whoo whoo!

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3 hours ago, rr2911 said:

J.T. said that Mikaela was lazy in camp. Well, remember the show has editors plus we don't get to see everything that happens out there. How much can they show in an hour? It could very well be the truth that she is lazy at camp!

Except that very thing was shot down right at Tribal Council.  That turned out to only be in his mind.

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4 hours ago, rr2911 said:

As far as Sandra, I just don't know why all the Sandra love. She should've been the first to go...PERIOD! No matter how she acted in the beginning, she should've had a huge target on her back from the get go.

Exactly! But she survived! Because she's awesome! Hence the love!

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Sandra was the only person who even remotely disputed the 'Michaela Is Lazy' claims.  Pretty half-heartedly, too; saying "She brought me food before on a plate" is a long way from "She's an active camper." Varner and Aubrey seemed to be in agreement with JT that Michaela wasn't valuable at camp. 

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Yeah, because they have shown themselves to be coward followers in the game this season so far.

I can't even believe people are still having the "lazy at camp" bullshit discussion that started all the way back in the year 2000 with Season 1. Who gives a shit which contestants think other contestants are lazy.  It's all nonsense.  All that matters is getting to the end.  

To me that's just a scapegoat tactic - you want to vote someone out for reasons you can't or won't articulate, so you throw the "lazy" label at them, hoping that it will stick with others, and somehow, with Aubry, it did.  If I don't see proof Michaela is lazy then why would I believe it?  I've watched this show before and I know how this tactic works.  Contestants are trying to vote out their direct competitors, not win "Most Helpful at Camp".

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Sandra was the only person who even remotely disputed the 'Michaela Is Lazy' claims.  Pretty half-heartedly, too; saying "She brought me food before on a plate" is a long way from "She's an active camper." Varner and Aubrey seemed to be in agreement with JT that Michaela wasn't valuable at camp. 

I don't know about Varner but Aubry was nodding her head when Michaela listed the things she does at camp. She was nodding yes, she has seen these things, while Sandra verbally answered, thats how I took her reaction. 

I think Aubry was agreeing with JT on the drama in general and about the fighting. Maybe Aubry doesn't like Michaela either but I don't think she was on the lazy camp with JT. 

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9 hours ago, rr2911 said:

It does seem like she has that attitude problem that a lot of young people have these days. You know, that "you didn't not just disrespect me" type of attitude.

Based on what happened in this episode, I would say this describes Debbie more than it describes Michaela.

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26 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Based on what happened in this episode, I would say this describes Debbie more than it describes Michaela.

Oh, Debbie is crazy, but everyone is praising and liking Mikaela. She's young and pretty much a typical young girl who thinks she has all the answers. Just my opinion of course.    

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5 hours ago, 303420 said:

Exactly! But she survived! Because she's awesome! Hence the love!

Well, I think it's more of a producer's decision. This is a show we have to remember. A show that depends on ratings. I believe some of the show is scripted, not all but some. I think the producers want Sandra to stay just long enough to add drama to the show. Like some other poster pointed out, the show is getting repetitive. A new shot in the show's arm maybe is what TPTB want.  

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15 hours ago, dkb said:

I think Aubry was agreeing with JT on the drama in general and about the fighting. Maybe Aubry doesn't like Michaela either but I don't think she was on the lazy camp with JT. 

Yea, I don't think Aubry was actually agreeing with JT's OTT hatred of Michaela at all. In fact, she point blank said she liked Michaela, complimented Michaela's strength, and agreed with Michaela when she listed the things she does at camp. I think Aubry just isn't aligned with Michaela/Sandra/Varner and perhaps was aligned with or at least better bonded with JT, so she went along with JT's Michaela crusade.

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On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 8:16 AM, TaraS1 said:

I still can't come to grips with the fact that JT didn't even bring the idol with him.  That is the textbook definition of "Too stupid to live."  

I thought, surely he learned from his embarrassing Russell/idol gaffe on HvV; nope, not even close.

On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 4:12 PM, absolutqt said:

I know I'm cross-polinating my shows here but anyone who's seen the RHONY Scary Island episodes will have an appreciation for how you need to interact with Crazy.  Countering the Crazy with logic is useless - - at some point you just decide to disengage and hope that will diffuse the ticking time bomb.  Debbie's tribe was incredibly patient with her.  Had she been on a losing tribe with Michaela, I think it would've been a whole, different story.

Oh god, I'm imagining Debbie and Kelly Bensimon on the same room, and the thought is terrifying.

On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 6:43 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Youtube has the TC voting up and they edited Michaela's vote in the ep. She put #ByeBitch on it. I'm rolling!


Pretty sure she also said "Bye, Felicia" as she folded the vote and put it in the jar.

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JT was saying that his tribe should have kept him because he had lots of ties to other people at other camps. Isn't that the reason you vote someone out? Why would they keep him around if his best allies are on other teams? I realize that would have benefitted Malcolm - being JT's bestie - but not the rest of these people. He's a schmuck. As much as Michaela thinks highly of herself, so did JT think about himself. He said in one of the articles that he and Malcolm were pretty much unbeatable in challenges. Except you know, in the challenge where they got beat and had to go to Tribal. (Shaking head.)

Also, I rewatched and regardless of how long it took Haley on the beam, Deb and Andrea started AT THE SAME TIME DOING THE SAME THING which is a much more telling reference to how long it took Deb.  Andrea was across it and Zeke finished the puzzle before Deb got across. So she didn't fly across it by any stretch.

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On March 31, 2017 at 4:06 PM, ghoulina said:

I think she did! Which is part of the reason I just can't hate Michaela, even if I don't love every thing she does. Jeff annoys ME during challenges, so I don't blame them one bit when they snap at him. 

I love me some Probst, but yes, he annoys me too during challenges. I'd be the one screaming at him to shut the hell up if I was a contestant! And then tell him how much I love him during TC. LOL

On March 31, 2017 at 5:44 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Exactly! If Sandra makes it to the end, she will win imo. Which is why she won't make it to the end. A lot of these people are stupidly allowing Sandra to continue on right now, but I'm pretty sure enough of them aren't dumb enough to let her get much farther. (Further? I never know what word to use!) But I sure hope they are because I really want Sandra to win again.

I think if Sandra can make it to final TC, she wins, bar none. I can see players keeping her until the Final 4 or something, letting her do their dirty work... And then vote her off before Final TC. Some may see this as a good strategy, some may not... I would love for Sandra to win again, for sure (although her Queen stuff is tiring).

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20 hours ago, dkb said:

I don't know about Varner but Aubry was nodding her head when Michaela listed the things she does at camp. She was nodding yes, she has seen these things, while Sandra verbally answered, thats how I took her reaction. 

I was going to say the exact same thing. Every time Sandra admitted something she HAD seen Michaela do, Aubry nodded in agreement. 

Anything is possible, but given how hard Michaela works in challenges, she doesn't strike me as the type of person who doesn't pull her weight. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Anything is possible, but given how hard Michaela works in challenges, she doesn't strike me as the type of person who doesn't pull her weight. 

I generally agree, but I vaguely remember at least one dude who talked about how he did nothing at camp, because he was saving everything for challenges. Wish I could remember the dude or the season. 

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A few people have said it, but the only time I remember it being a big issue was with Sherea in China. It was discussed at TC and she almost got voted out over it, but Dave was bossy and obnoxious so he went instead. I sort of hazily recall Jenna Morasca saying it in Amazon, although her original tribe had so many complaints about each other, it was hard to make any one thing stick.

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On 3/31/2017 at 5:44 PM, peachmangosteen said:

to let her get much farther. (Further? I never know what word to use!) But I sure hope they are because I really want Sandra to win again.

Off topic, but here's an easy way to remember it:  Farther is for measurable distance (more "far" away, kind of) and further is for abstract or metaphorical distance.  So:  Farther down the road you'll see further evidence of the crime. :)

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22 hours ago, Bouffe said:

I love me some Probst, but yes, he annoys me too during challenges. I'd be the one screaming at him to shut the hell up if I was a contestant! And then tell him how much I love him during TC. LOL

Oh, but then you'd be subjected to even more ridicule along the lines of, "Bouffe getting annoyed with me now!  Bouffe better think about less talk, more action!  Bouffe has fallen completely out of this challenge and has absolutely no hope for immunity!" Et cetera.  No backtalk unless your last name is Mariano or Hantz!

Edited by laurakaye
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On ‎4‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 11:13 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

If the producers were deciding the script (LOL) why not keep Malcolm, one of the hottest, and I'll guess, most popular Survivors of all time?  If they were rigging the show, why not keep paranoid cop Tony who brings a lot of drama?  Hell, why not keep JT and Tony and make it a battle of the three winners with Sandra and send them right to the end?  In contrast, who gives a shit if someone like Zeke or Troyzan make it?  The Winner's Circle would be a much more interesting story, wouldn't it?  For the record, I agree with nothing you're saying so this is all hypothetical to prove a point.

You know, you're absolutely right, because the thought had never occurred to me before.  How do we know that Jeff Probst and Brad Culpepper aren't lovers?  How do we know that Ozzy doesn't turn into a merman when the sun goes down?  I'm thinking of all sorts of possibilities now.

Lol...I reread my post and no where did I say that the producers were "rigging" the show. I merely pointed out in my opinion that I think some of the show is scripted. I would think that some of it is. After all, the show depends on ratings for it to survive! You do bring up some good points however about keeping some of the top and popular competitors. I don't have an answer. The producers must have their own reasons IF they are controlling who gets eliminated.

As far as your response to "when the sun goes down"? You have a more colorful imagination than I do...lol! But you're right! Jeff and Brad could be playing footsies for all we know and Troyzan could turn into Tarzan! My mind can take so much..lol! No, I myself think that we don't see some drama that unfolds so when TC comes around, we are sometimes left scratching our heads thinking that certain players had agreements and then suddenly that alliance is no more. Well you've seen the show since season 1, you know that sometimes during the "reunion show" the contestants will reveal that certain alliances or decisions took place "off camera". Even at the Pondarosa contestants will spill a little here and there.

Hmm, wonder if Jeff and Brad will make goo goo eyes to each other?  LOL!

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On 4/3/2017 at 5:08 PM, azshadowwalker said:

I generally agree, but I vaguely remember at least one dude who talked about how he did nothing at camp, because he was saving everything for challenges. Wish I could remember the dude or the season. 

Wasn't that Osten, in Pearl Islands?  If I recall correctly, Osten was a totally body-obsessed muscle worshipper who initially touted himself to tribemates as a challenge monster.  Unfortunately, Osten had a marked tendency to stink up any challenge in which he participated, rested or not - and if the challenge involved swimming to any degree, he stunk on ice.  Due (I think) to equal parts (a) embarrassment over his poor challenge performances and (b) distress over how the poor camp diet was ravaging his precious muscles, Osten began asking his tribe to vote him off at every TC - which, of course, is the best way to guarantee such will never happen.  After several such abortive attempts to get his tribe to vote him off, Osten earned the distinction of being the first Survivor contestant ever to voluntarily quit the game.  Reason given was Osten couldn't deal with the deleterious effects on his perfect body's muscle mass.

In any case - I seem to recall Osten camping out in the shade of the shelter all day complaining about how little energy he had from the rice-heavy diet, and saying he couldn't help with any of the camp work because he needed to conserve his energy for the comps. 

This who you're talking about?

Edited by Nashville
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On 4/4/2017 at 0:13 AM, Bouffe said:

I would love for Sandra to win again, for sure (although her Queen stuff is tiring).

I see her queen stuff as an integral part of her strategy to portray herself as a good goat who can also be useful. Like if she had added a pitch of Russell to her persona in order to be seen as more ridiculous/less menacing and therefore more of a goat. 

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I'm guessing Sandra saying. "The Queen still stays Queen" is either because she wins or she has an epic boot. There's no in between. LOL!!! I'm just hoping she makes it to the jury. I would love to see her reactions in the jury box and what kind of question a two time winner would ask.

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On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 5:08 PM, azshadowwalker said:

I generally agree, but I vaguely remember at least one dude who talked about how he did nothing at camp, because he was saving everything for challenges. Wish I could remember the dude or the season. 

In Marquesas, Sarah didn't do much and she said she was conserving her energy for challenges. To which someone else, I think Tammy, responded, "Well, that means the rest of us have to burn more energy and we have less energy for challenges."

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Thanks for the Osten memories.  He really was... um... something.

Muscle-bound cry-baby quitter, perhaps?

I've watched every season live and they just become a big blur anymore, after the first bunch.

I thought Debbie might be bailing when she was "moving out".  Who knows what lurks in her delusional mind.

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I do wonder if the Debbie meltdown is a setup for her leaving the game. I guess we'll find out tonight. I think Debbie is a little nutty but also playing it up for the camera. I'm still not convinced that she's in on the joke. I think that we think she is funny (some probably do) but there also might be something seriously wrong with her. Personally, I don't know what side I fall on. Sometimes I think she's hysterical and then other times I'm a little scared of her. And, I'm not even on the island living with her. LOL!!!

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16 hours ago, Nashville said:

Wasn't that Osten, in Pearl Islands?  If I recall correctly, Osten was a totally body-obsessed muscle worshipper who initially touted himself to tribemates as a challenge monster.  Unfortunately, Osten had a marked tendency to stink up any challenge in which he participated, rested or not - and if the challenge involved swimming to any degree, he stunk on ice.  Due (I think) to equal parts (a) embarrassment over his poor challenge performances and (b) distress over how the poor camp diet was ravaging his precious muscles, Osten began asking his tribe to vote him off at every TC - which, of course, is the best way to guarantee such will never happen.  After several such abortive attempts to get his tribe to vote him off, Osten earned the distinction of being the first Survivor contestant ever to voluntarily quit the game.  Reason given was Osten couldn't deal with the deleterious effects on his perfect body's muscle mass.

In any case - I seem to recall Osten camping out in the shade of the shelter all day complaining about how little energy he had from the rice-heavy diet, and saying he couldn't help with any of the camp work because he needed to conserve his energy for the comps. 

This who you're talking about?

Ah yes I remember him.  Did they even let him take a snuffed torch with him as a souvenir or did Jeff throw it in the fire in disgust or did someone online hallucinate burning his torch and posted a photo shop of it in some forum?

7 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Thanks for the Osten memories.  He really was... um... something.

Muscle-bound cry-baby quitter, perhaps?

I've watched every season live and they just become a big blur anymore, after the first bunch. ...


Absolutely.  I remember the first few seasons of both The Amazing Race and Survivor clearly like they just happened.  But the more people added to the quota of "formers" on each show the less I remember them.  Like I remember Malcolm ... maybe.  But then I realize I probably am mixing him up with Spencer.  I really can't separate those two.  I have no memory of JT whatsoever but apparently he won his season. Then I read here he was back on the show a second time before this time and I still don't remember him.  OTOH I remember more fringe people like Keith the chef from New Orleans on the second season or Silas the head of the first major "lazy young people who never work" alliance group on season three. 

I think memory space allotted for reality show people in my brain is at about the level of an old Commodore 64 from the 1980's.  That and after the first 7 or 8 years it all gets repetitive with "types" cast etc.  I mean how many major "young person who won't work around camp" types have we had since Silas and his group?    It takes someone as outrageous as a Russell or Philip for me to remember them as an individual.  Otherwise they are just a type like "Malcolm/Spencer/whoever the next one is of that type" say.  And if JT returned for a 4th season (please God, no) in a couple of years I probably wouldn't remember him at all, all over again.

Edited by green
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17 minutes ago, green said:

Ah yes I remember him.  Did they even let him take a snuffed torch with him as a souvenir or did Jeff throw it in the fire in disgust or did someone online hallucinate burning his torch and posted a photo shop of it in some forum?

Probst kept the torch, and when Sandra, Lil, and Fairplay took the Fallen Comrades walk, his torch was found splayed on the ground of the path rather than standing like the other castaways' torches.

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"Probst kept the torch, and when Sandra, Lil, and Fairplay took the Fallen Comrades walk, his torch was found splayed on the ground of the path rather than standing like the other castaways' torches"


I used to like the "Fallen Comrades walk". I wish they would bring it back.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

LOL! The show is so dramatic about quitters. I just find it hilarious. It's not really that big of a deal. It's just a fucking game!

I think this only applies to those who quit for bad, weak reasons, like Osten, Fairplay (his second time), Chet (he essentially did), G.C. (see Chet), Lindsey (Cagayan), or Julie (San Juan del Sur), or for seemingly no reason at all, like Na'Onka, "Purple" Kelly, and Colton (his second time, and, speculatively, his first, as well).  Quitters like Kathy and Dana were given more slack, since the former was having a mental and emotional breakdown at the time, and the latter was apparently very unbearably sick and couldn't hack it anymore.

To keep things on subject, though, the good thing about this season is that I don't think anyone will quit.  They all seem willing to fight their way through the game for the ultimate win.  So I don't see any dramatic "quitter-shaming" being done to any of them.

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On ‎3‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 5:41 AM, cooksdelight said:

Of all the people to have an idol, not play it, and get voted off.... JT now ranks as the dumbest of the dumb. He didn't even bring it to TC with him, so he has no souvenir!! Even John Rocker got to take his home. His ego got the best of him.

Actually, someone in this very season's cast committed the same Survivor sin.  Back in Micronesia, Ozzy also left his idol back at camp because he was so sure that Jason would be sent packing at Tribal Council . . . and got completely blindsided by Cirie, Parvati, Natalie, Alexis, and Jason!  He, too, was bested by his own ego.

So I think J.T. can share some drinks with Ozzy over that and at least share that distinction.

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On 2017-03-29 at 8:46 PM, Lantern7 said:

I beg to differ. Debbie probably couldn't drive a teetotaler to drink like Philip could. That said, I probably would've put Tai on the beam because he looks like he'd have smaller feet. Not throwing shade on Debbie . . . I reckon Tai shops in the kids' section for shoes.

Nice for Michaela to stay in the game thanks to dumbass JT, who couldn't be bothered to take the idol to Tribal Council. She gets crazy, but it's an understandable crazy. Gotta love going for the canteen. What if she got voted off? Would she have done a spit-take?

It sure looked like she was setting up for something. I think she wanted to go out on a bang. Or a splash in this case, right back in the face of JT from her cup, in the chance that it was she who was voted out.

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