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S07.E16: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Amen. They (Rosita and Darly) can take their overreacting, glowering, mopey asses on a long walk right off a short pier. TIRED of those two. 


Amen again. What is Erik doing there??? Any time I see him holding a gun I just start to snicker. He must have a pact with the gods to still be alive at this point. 


I have never once in my life watched a show because it was "fashionable". I can't speak for others, but I'm still here week after week because I invested a lot in this show. I fell in LOVE with the early seasons. I think season 4 was maybe one of the strongest. For years it was doing a lot of things right. But it's been going downhill for the last few seasons. I complain because I know the potential it had, and it sucks to see what it's become. I'm still here because I do care about these characters (some of them) and I want to see how things end for them. 

Many posters here are from Television Without Pity, which was a snark forum. Hatewatching is a very real thing, and this isn't going to have the same tone as a fan site would. 

I've watched it since the beginning, and stuck around for the same reason: I used to love this show. I remember when I was ill, five years ago, and realized that it was back that night (same night as the Oscars). My family were all in the living room, and they sat through the episode for me, after I'd exclaimed, "Ooh, Walking Dead is back!" Now I watch it when I'm half asleep. 

I'm also from TWOP, but don't snark that much. I love these threads, because people make me laugh. 

I had a notification that 1+ posts were there to read, but could only see one. I've had that happen once before. Does that happen to anyone else? I don't have anyone here blocked. 

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Luckily for me, I assumed most of this show would be a blab-fest, so I had it on as background noise and finished my taxes! I paid more attention about an hour in when things actually started to get interesting.

Three things that bugged me the most:

1) As many have stated, a named Savior should have gotten Sasha's bite or taken a bullet to the brain.

2) Negan and Mila Jokovich Jr. should not have escaped unscathed. Each should have gotten al least grazed by a bullet, punched, or gotten their Fonzie/Mad Max day-wear torn a little bit.

3) Yes, Rick had tears when Cooorrrraaaallll was about to get the bat and he managed to move closer to his son, but couldn't he have at least looked his son in the eye and told him he loved him? I know Rick is supposed to be all alpha male and all that, but jeez - it would have really made a really nice moment. 

Edited by Beamish
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What if Sasha's coffin wasn't standing upright when Negan opened it?  I guess it doesn't really matter...if you think about it, Sasha's distraction shouldn't have really worked.  Sure, Negan was surprised, but how does that let Carl and the other Alexandrians overtake all the other Junkyard people?  And even if it did work, it actually still doesn't matter.  It was the Kingdom that really did it.

More of these thoughts are posted on Hashed:


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45 minutes ago, Anela said:

I did love seeing Shiva fly out of nowhere - twice. Didn't see her leave, so I hope she's okay. 

At the end when Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel were addressing the troops Shiva was chilling on the grass to the left. She was fine.  Probably gnawing on a savior bone. 

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14 minutes ago, Haleth said:

At the end when Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel were addressing the troops Shiva was chilling on the grass to the left. She was fine.  Probably gnawing on a savior bone. 

Or at least what we presume to be a savior bone. There was much chaos that nobody may have noticed Zeke surreptitiously burying any evidence of 'friendly fire' or 'friendly tiger fire' as it were.

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1 hour ago, Ottis said:

This is why I stopped watching 3 seasons ago (now I only read these posts after the season opener and season ender, hoping vainly to see a change - nope). This show is stuck in an endless loop that started with The Gov, stayed briefly in the prison, included the cannibals, went through Alexandria and now this. Every group they meet creates conflict. Every conflict kills some characters. No one learns anything. When the survivors get free, they just run into conflict again, and repeat. There is no purpose to TWD, and hasn't been for at least 3-4 seasons.

I stopped watching TWD after the Governor's comeback.   I hate the Governor.  I hate the actor who plays the Governor.  I hate the moniker "The Governor."   I clenched my teeth through that whole season, shaking my head that a character already dispensed with was getting a second bite at the apple.  But when the writers had that POS character kill Herschel, I quit, didn't watch for close to two years.

I started watching again mainly because I'd run out of other stuff to stream.  You're right, nothing changes.  The Negan script is the Governor script with a few tweaks.  

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Deleted my series recording for both TWD and FTWD.

That's a first: the single season of television that was so bad, it made me stop watching TWO shows.

Edited by JyDanzig
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1 hour ago, Anela said:

I've just watched the clip of the battle, on facebook. So Jadis had one of her men send up a flare, one of her people set off a smoke bomb, and they escaped. 

Morgan took a stick to a gun fight, but he killed a guy who was right behind Rick, with the sharp end of that stick, grabbed his gun, and started shooting. 

I read the spoiler thread, but Jadis was iffy before. 

Speaking of which: I wonder how Rick's hand healed up so quickly, unless I missed him favouring it. 

Morgan started out with a gun, ran out  of ammo, used his stick and then took the dead man's gun.

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Well it was okay for the season finale, my only problem was when they were shooting at people did they know if he/she is with the good or bad, the Kingdom wore armor, how about Hilltop? saviours, garbage people?

And also how far was the Kingdom from Alexandria? The kingdom people just walked didn't use vehicles. :/

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Seriously, all that shooting and none of the main good guys were killed?  None?

And quite amazing how Shiva only attacked bad guys.  Throw her a CGI steak. (Although I did love her amazing timing, leaping to the rescue just before Carl was Lucilled.)

And speaking of Carl, Rick thought there was no way out of what Negan was going to do and he passed up a chance to say good bye to his son to taunt Negan?

Also, still shocked that it's all about the guns, but no one ever seems to think about ammo.

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48 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Morgan started out with a gun, ran out  of ammo, used his stick and then took the dead man's gun.

Thank you! I was defending him, after someone pointed out that he only brought a stick. I thought he had a gun beforehand. 

47 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

Well it was okay for the season finale, my only problem was when they were shooting at people did they know if he/she is with the good or bad, the Kingdom wore armor, how about Hilltop? saviours, garbage people?

And also how far was the Kingdom from Alexandria? The kingdom people just walked didn't use vehicles. :/

The main Hilltop crew had nice hair. That's all I can think of, aside from the fact that the Saviors are mostly unattractive (surely nice people in real life, but they don't look good on the show, and they do their best to look big and mean). The Garbage people seemed to have a dress code. I did wonder how Ezekiel knew the saviors had help, though. Even Dwight didn't know that. Unless they watched it happen, and came in as the initial gun fight stopped.

And after shifting my way sideways out from under my big dog, who wants me off my laptop, I wonder if Shiva just sensed who the bad guys were. Or aimed for the ones with the guns, over those kneeling. I know that tigers are predators, but she was supposed to have liked Daryl. She might have recognized Rick by sight or scent, as someone who had been at the Kingdom. Maybe I'm also just attributing too much to a CGI tiger. 

Edited by Anela
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Given that it is the end of the world and many, many people have died...why don't all of these groups just disperse?  There must be a lot of unoccupied land.  Instead of all these small groups fighting, you would think one of them would say something like "hey, let's just leave and go far enough where Negan won't find us."  I know we wouldn't have a show, but this is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, Anela said:

I did love seeing Shiva fly out of nowhere - twice. Didn't see her leave, so I hope she's okay. 

Shiva is lying by the stage on which Ezekial, Rick and Maggie are standing at the end when we hear Maggie's voiceover.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I have never once in my life watched a show because it was "fashionable". I can't speak for others, but I'm still here week after week because I invested a lot in this show. I fell in LOVE with the early seasons.

I can't imagine it being fashionable to watch a show with bad acting, worse writing and terrible CGI. I stopped watching  a little ways into se02 and got drawn back after watching a few se03 snippets on YT. Loved it again. Now I mostly dislike it, and dislike everyone in it, but I also now have to know what happens after all this time. I don't watch one single other show, ever, so I figure, "Oh, what the hell? Why not?" This forum makes it worth my while to keep tuning in.

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Ahhhh, that was great. They kept panning over all these dead bodies, lingering on them as if to make us sad. And I was all, "Who the fuck is that???"

lol, me, too.  I also thought I was missing something, like I just wasn't recognizing someone I was supposed to care about.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Amen. They (Rosita and Darly) can take their overreacting, glowering, mopey asses on a long walk right off a short pier. TIRED of those two. 


Amen again. What is Erik doing there??? Any time I see him holding a gun I just start to snicker. He must have a pact with the gods to still be alive at this point. 


I have never once in my life watched a show because it was "fashionable". I can't speak for others, but I'm still here week after week because I invested a lot in this show. I fell in LOVE with the early seasons. I think season 4 was maybe one of the strongest. For years it was doing a lot of things right. But it's been going downhill for the last few seasons. I complain because I know the potential it had, and it sucks to see what it's become. I'm still here because I do care about these characters (some of them) and I want to see how things end for them. 

Many posters here are from Television Without Pity, which was a snark forum. Hatewatching is a very real thing, and this isn't going to have the same tone as a fan site would. 

I meant it's fashionable to complain about the show and pretend you don't care about it.  

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For some reason I don't mind suspending my disbelief regarding Shiva, the tiger who only eats bad people. I'm more concerned that she likes Daryl. Ghost Buttons is watching her from above like "you in danger, girl."

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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2 hours ago, LadyMustang65 said:

I don't think Negan knew it was Michonne.  He saw Rick react to the scream, and then he said "you just lost someone."  But I didn't get any sense that he knew it was Michonne or even that Rick and Michonne were a couple.  He just heard the scream, saw Rick's reaction, and put two and two together.

Oh, okay, thanks.  That really bothered me.  Hmmm...how did Rick know Michonne was involved in that fight?

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3 hours ago, Gobi said:

I did enjoy two small touches in this episode. The dead ASZhat lying in the street,  wearing a red shirt. And the sign back at the sanctuary announcing how many days since the last workplace injury; guess that gets reset to zero, now.

Why was there no plan for the Allies to recognize each other? Presumably, each group would know its own members (giving the saviors an advantage), but the Allies would not know the others. They should have been wearing colored armbands, or some other form of ID. And not the same color, but different colors for each group. 

Furthermore, Rick should have given the GPK unloaded guns, just to be safe. He could say "you get ammo when I'm ready to give it to you."

Of course, either of those things would require, you know, planning.

They wouldn't have been much help with unloaded guns.

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24 minutes ago, Brooke0707 said:

Given that it is the end of the world and many, many people have died...why don't all of these groups just disperse?  There must be a lot of unoccupied land.  Instead of all these small groups fighting, you would think one of them would say something like "hey, let's just leave and go far enough where Negan won't find us."  I know we wouldn't have a show, but this is ridiculous.

I'm guessing two reasons:  (1) it's getting harder for them to find vehicles that run and have gas in them, and no one's going to try a cross-country trip on foot even travelling "lightly" and (2) by this time they may figure wherever they go, there will be a Negan, so they'll stay in the area they used to call home and that is familiar to them.  I've wondered the same thing myself, and that's what I came up with.  :)

8 minutes ago, smorbie said:

Oh, okay, thanks.  That really bothered me.  Hmmm...how did Rick know Michonne was involved in that fight?

He would have known where Michonne was stationed and knew the scream came from the direction she was in.  I'm guessing he recognized her voice?  We don't actually know which woman screamed - most probably assumed it was the woman who went over the railing, but it might have been Michonne's war cry as she was summoning the strength to finish the fight.  At least that's my guess. 

Edited by LadyMustang65
to finish my thought
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3 minutes ago, smorbie said:

They wouldn't have been much help with unloaded guns.

When Rick was sure of their loyalty, he could give them ammo. It would have thrown rather a large wrench into their plans. Even better, if they didn't realize their guns were unloaded (something unlikely to happen IRL, with people at all familiar with guns, but quite common in fiction).

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3 hours ago, LadyMustang65 said:

Maybe for you.  Not for me.  I loved that at that moment when Rick was about to lose so much, he still refused to give Negan what he wanted most - Rick truly subdued, cowed and afraid.  Negan gets off on people being terrified of him, and Rick would not give him that.  For Negan it's all part of the game.  He doesn't kill Rick because he wants, maybe needs, to break Rick.  So he'll kill Carl, he'll chop off Rick's hands, but he won't kill Rick until Rick completely surrenders to him.  And I loved that last bit of defiance in Rick.  Yeah, he's had zero luck so far, but he is not going to give in, he is not going to give up.  As long as there is breath in his lungs, he will fight.  And because we know what Rick is capable of, I'm looking forward to the moment when Negan knows he's a dead man.

Ever see Braveheart?  Remember William Wallace as he was being tortured and he shouted "Freedom!"?  That"s what we saw last night. Yes, Negan had the power and he had that cursed bat. He could have killed Carl and he could have killed Rick, but Rick has bowed for the very last time.


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18 hours ago, cincivic said:

We lost Sasha over Tara or Rosita. That just sucks.

agree.  so much better actress playing Sasha and tonight she was especially good.  The other two are about as interesting as a dish rag.

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1 minute ago, Gobi said:

When Rick was sure of their loyalty, he could give them ammo. It would have thrown rather a large wrench into their plans. Even better, if they didn't realize their guns were unloaded (something unlikely to happen IRL, with people at all familiar with guns, but quite common in fiction).

So, when would have been the right moment to give them the ammo?

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7 minutes ago, LadyMustang65 said:

I'm guessing two reasons:  (1) it's getting harder for them to find vehicles that run and have gas in them, and no one's going to try a cross-country trip on foot even travelling "lightly" and (2) by this time they may figure wherever they go, there will be a Negan, so they'll stay in the area they used to call home and that is familiar to them.  I've wondered the same thing myself, and that's what I came up with.  :)

He would have known where Michonne was stationed and knew the scream came from the direction she was in.  I'm guessing he recognized her voice?  We don't actually know which woman screamed - most probably assumed it was the woman who went over the railing, but it might have been Michonne's war cry as she was summoning the strength to finish the fight.  At least that's my guess. 

Remember Dwight, Sherry, and Tina tried to get away, but I think Negan controls too much territory to make that easy.  And like you said, running cars and gasoline are become precious commodities.  Anyone remember the long march towards Washington?  In all that time they never found a running car.

When Dwight found his former friend on the road trying to escape, Dwight told him negan controlled everything.  There's nowhere a man on foot can travel that negan can't find.  These people are stuck.

Yes, I know Oceanside got away, but I have the feeling they are kind of hiding in plain sight.

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4 hours ago, Anela said:



I didn't see the toy soldier. I was also wondering why Dwight did nothing, and where he disappeared to. 

I was wondering why Rick didn't shoot Jadis, and why he was just kneeling there as Negan was going to kill Carl??? I guess they needed a good shot of the tiger, and a real surprise for Negan (as he backed away, saying, "that's a goddamned tiger!"). It was nice seeing him surprised a few times. The tiger, Sasha (who even in death, helped them, and almost killed Negan), and then Maggie. 

As for good guys versus bad: Shiva knew Daryl, and had "met" Rick and some of the others, so I thought she went after the guys threatening Rick. She missed the main one, though!

I didn't think the episode was great, and I was ready for Eugene to to go, when he said that he was Negan, and was there to see another person die. 

I was confused by Maggie and Sasha sitting there in the strange light on that log. I guess to highlight their friendship, and Maggie "putting her  down" at the end. 

That's a good point about Shiva.  I just like to think she's smart and Ezekiel told her to go after only the bad guys.  You know, kind of like if Lassie were a tiger.  Anyway, I love that CGI girl and am glad she didn't die.  I had read that she would and I couldn't bear the thought.

Maggie's and Sasha's sitting on the light watching the sun rise was one of the sweetest moments in the whole series.  It said a lot about them.  They had both been in their own personal hell on that hellish march to Washington.  Maggie had just lost Beth and her father had been killed just a couple of weeks before. And Sasha had just gotten together with Bob (sob) when he was taken, and then Tyreese died on the way.  

They had that in common.  Both had spent that long trek putting one foot in front of the other and mourning.  That morning watching the sun rise highlighted that these women had come through the darkest of nights and it cemented their friendship.

I still love Eugene.  He's a complex character.  I don't think traitor is the right word for him and I don't think he's a victim, either.  He's TWD's equivalent of a fair-weather friend.  He follows favorable climes.  He has a strong sense of self preservation and will do whatever is necessary to survive.

And, again, he had no way of knowing Rick was planning to overthrow Negan.  As far as Eugene knew, he was there in the sanctuary for life.  He could make things hard on himself or he could make them easy.  He chose easy, and I don't really blame him.

But, he's about to have to find that missing courage I think.

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19 minutes ago, smorbie said:

So, when would have been the right moment to give them the ammo?

 Never. Once Negan called on the GPK, the jig would have been up. 

3 minutes ago, smorbie said:

That's a good point about Shiva.  I just like to think she's smart and Ezekiel told her to go after only the bad guys.  You know, kind of like if Lassie were a tiger.  Anyway, I love that CGI girl and am glad she didn't die.  I had read that she would and I couldn't bear the thought.

Maggie's and Sasha's sitting on the light watching the sun rise was one of the sweetest moments in the whole series.  It said a lot about them.  They had both been in their own personal hell on that hellish march to Washington.  Maggie had just lost Beth and her father had been killed just a couple of weeks before. And Sasha had just gotten together with Bob (sob) when he was taken, and then Tyreese died on the way.  

They had that in common.  Both had spent that long trek putting one foot in front of the other and mourning.  That morning watching the sun rise highlighted that these women had come through the darkest of nights and it cemented their friendship.

I still love Eugene.  He's a complex character.  I don't think traitor is the right word for him and I don't think he's a victim, either.  He's TWD's equivalent of a fair-weather friend.  He follows favorable climes.  He has a strong sense of self preservation and will do whatever is necessary to survive.

And, again, he had no way of knowing Rick was planning to overthrow Negan.  As far as Eugene knew, he was there in the sanctuary for life.  He could make things hard on himself or he could make them easy.  He chose easy, and I don't really blame him.

But, he's about to have to find that missing courage I think.

So far, Eugene hasn't done anything that couldn't be forgiven. I wouldn't blame him for the choice he made, I just wouldn't trust him anymore, either.

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Sorry if this has been clarified already, but do we know what the deal was that Negan had with the junkyard people? 10 what? People?

I'm not getting how this will ever be a war that can be won by Rick and Company. The other communities seem like they have maybe a dozen fighters each. There aren't many people in Alexandria. There are tons of Saviors and the junkyard people are like swarming ants. They are simply outmanned and outgunned. 

I really wish two things had happened last night -- that Negan or Jadis had been injured in some way, or at least a notable savior had gone down and that Eugene had been killed by Negan. All of Eugene's "picking the right side" talk, I'd love to have him experienced how quickly the tides will turn on him. There is no loyalty at the Sanctuary. 

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1 hour ago, JyDanzig said:

Deleted my series recording for both TWD and FTWD.

That's a first: the single season of television that was so bad, it made me stop watching TWO shows.

God help me, I'm going to soldier on in the hope that they tighten up the pace and do the whole Negan war in the first half of next season, and deal with the aftermath in the second half.

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3 hours ago, Timetoread said:

I don't think Negan felt fear, but I think, for the first time he was truly worried.  Negan has known who Rick was all along.  As have we, which is why I was so shocked to see how many people turned on Rick because he cowed to Negan the first time around.  Rick is not a fearful man - certainly not for his own safety or because of the size and strength of a foe.  Negan may be a man who will beat a man to death with a bat, but Rick will chop a man up with a machete, or gut a man from groin to nipple with a knife, or pull out a jugular with his teeth.  Rick is nobody's punk.  Rick submitted to Negan - after an entire night of bloodshed and threats and humiliation - because he couldn't see any other way to save the rest of his people and most importantly, his son.  That is not fear, that is having sense.  If Rick had given Negan the finger and they shot all of CDB, everybody would have been mad about that too, just like they were mad at Daryl for punching Negan which ended in him killing Glen.  There was no winning, only degrees of losing.

But Negan walked out of that camper and called Rick by name.  By the time the Saviors devised a trap for CDB they had collectively killed 5 separate bands of Negan's group, about 50 men or more.  That CDB, aka Alexandria, is formidable is something Negan had already gleaned.  And game knows game.  He knows Rick is pureblooded alpha.  He. Does. Not. Submit.  He doesn't know how, it's not in him.  Negan had only one card to play - Carl.  The last time he played it, Rick folded.  This time he played it and Rick told him what he could suck on.  So that look on Negan's face was him doing the math on the CDB situation.  He could kill Rick, supposedly cutting the head off the snake, but CBD just grows more heads.  They follow Rick, but only because they want to.  ALL of them are formidable - the women, the children, and the priests.  All are wildcards.  Every day Negan encounters another CDB acting on their own, without Rick's knowledge.  His plan was to control the rest by controlling Rick, but Rick can no longer be controlled.  He's full of piss and is a cop on the case.  He won't stop until it's closed.  Rick will not stop until Negan is dead.  Period.  He is a worthy opponent and I'd wager that Negan was secretly as impressed as he was concerned.  He looked at Rick and saw his own death.

Perfectly said.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

At the end when Rick, Maggie, and Ezekiel were addressing the troops Shiva was chilling on the grass to the left. She was fine.  Probably gnawing on a savior bone. 

Oh, good.  Thank you.  I missed that.  When Maggie began her soliloquy, I looked down at something and didn't really watch as much as listened to her drone.

2 hours ago, feelsfine said:

What if Sasha's coffin wasn't standing upright when Negan opened it?  I guess it doesn't really matter...if you think about it, Sasha's distraction shouldn't have really worked.  Sure, Negan was surprised, but how does that let Carl and the other Alexandrians overtake all the other Junkyard people?  And even if it did work, it actually still doesn't matter.  It was the Kingdom that really did it.

More of these thoughts are posted on Hashed:


Of course he was going to stand it upright so they could all see it.  It had more visual impact that way.

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43 minutes ago, smorbie said:

Ever see Braveheart?  Remember William Wallace as he was being tortured and he shouted "Freedom!"?  That"s what we saw last night. Yes, Negan had the power and he had that cursed bat. He could have killed Carl and he could have killed Rick, but Rick has bowed for the very last time.


Um, he was on his knees.

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2 hours ago, millennium said:

I stopped watching TWD after the Governor's comeback.   I hate the Governor.  I hate the actor who plays the Governor.  I hate the moniker "The Governor."   I clenched my teeth through that whole season, shaking my head that a character already dispensed with was getting a second bite at the apple.  But when the writers had that POS character kill Herschel, I quit, didn't watch for close to two years.

I started watching again mainly because I'd run out of other stuff to stream.  You're right, nothing changes.  The Negan script is the Governor script with a few tweaks.  

I recently watched an old episode of Dr. Who that had the actor in it.  It was hard.

But that means he did a good job as the governor because we were supposed to hate him.

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Just now, LocimusPrime said:

John wick would have killed all the garbage people, saviors, alexandrians, and hilltopians in 90 minutes.  

And he would have been the ever handsome Keanu Reeves while doing it!

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Just now, smorbie said:

I recently watched an old episode of Dr. Who that had the actor in it.  It was hard.

But that means he did a good job as the governor because we were supposed to hate him.

I draw a distinction between hate and love-to-hate.   I didn't love to hate the Governor.   It was more of a tedious hatred, like "when is this going to be over?"

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5 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

Lol! Shitty acting? Poor kid has barely had a mouthful of words to speak this 2nd half of the season. Personally I cant believe he still has the hat and that its still holding up.

I didn't mind this season finale. Shit-ton better than the torture porn of last season's I'll tell ya that. Plus I did get a kick out of Rick slowly backing away when Jadis propositioned him, like, "No thanks lady, Ima pass on that."

Rick probably thought that since she's around garbage, she's more than likely not fresh down there. Her form of dirty talk would be worse than her English, "rapid!", "tougher", "Me likey wee wee"

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1 hour ago, piequinn35 said:

Well it was okay for the season finale, my only problem was when they were shooting at people did they know if he/she is with the good or bad, the Kingdom wore armor, how about Hilltop? saviours, garbage people?

And also how far was the Kingdom from Alexandria? The kingdom people just walked didn't use vehicles. :/

We don't really know that.  We know the people park a bit away from the Kingdom and walk to to their vehicles from there.  I assumed that's what they were doing.

As far as logistics, I'll admit to a bit of confusion.  I wish someone would publish a map to clear things up.

For example, I know Oceanside is actually filmed on Jekyll Island, Georgia.  So, in my mind that's where I put it and I know that's not where it's supposed to be because that's a loooong way away.

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1 minute ago, smorbie said:

We don't really know that.  We know the people park a bit away from the Kingdom and walk to to their vehicles from there.  I assumed that's what they were doing.

As far as logistics, I'll admit to a bit of confusion.  I wish someone would publish a map to clear things up.

For example, I know Oceanside is actually filmed on Jekyll Island, Georgia.  So, in my mind that's where I put it and I know that's not where it's supposed to be because that's a loooong way away.

You could be right, the first time there were those grocery carts barricade they were in a vehicle so I assume that part is already far from the Kingdom but this time they were on foot.

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2 hours ago, JyDanzig said:

Deleted my series recording for both TWD and FTWD.

That's a first: the single season of television that was so bad, it made me stop watching TWO shows.

I've quit three so far since December, and I only watch about six to begin with.  I win!

1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

I can't imagine it being fashionable to watch a show with bad acting, worse writing and terrible CGI. I stopped watching  a little ways into se02 and got drawn back after watching a few se03 snippets on YT. Loved it again. Now I mostly dislike it, and dislike everyone in it, but I also now have to know what happens after all this time. I don't watch one single other show, ever, so I figure, "Oh, what the hell? Why not?" This forum makes it worth my while to keep tuning in.

No, but it's quite fashionable to complain about TWD

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2 hours ago, Anela said:

So Jadis had one of her men send up a flare, one of her people set off a smoke bomb, and they escaped.

I thought she was signaling for backup with the flare so was fully expecting the Oceanside Amazons to appear.  In all honesty though, the entire battle confused me.  Especially the part with Daryl et al rushing towards a gate with what seemed like intent to do some big plan but then they couldn't open it so Daryl climbs on top of something (a truck?)  and just stands there a totally unprotected target for why? I seriously think there had to have been much more filmed but the parts that would have made the battle easier to follow were left on the c utting room floor because some editor thought the scenes with Abe & Sasha were more important.

2 hours ago, Timetoread said:

By the time the Saviors devised a trap for CDB they had collectively killed 5 separate bands of Negan's group, about 50 men or more.  That CDB, aka Alexandria, is formidable is something Negan had already gleaned. 

I recall a raid on that compound where they killed everyone as they slept, the roadside bunch Daryl sent to oblivion with the rocket launcher, and the ones Carol and Maggie killed & burnt up. What were the other two that made 5? I can't even remember what triggered the initial, uh, animosity between Team Rick and the Saviors.

2 hours ago, Anela said:

I wondered how she  [Judith] got there, too. I guess someone took her to Hilltop, after they were told that Negan was coming for them, the next day.

I am really surprised people noticed that.  Unless they are showing me a tiger or a throne or Gregory at his desk, I have a very hard time telling what neighborhood we're in and I pretty much don't even care as it seems that nowadays the people are often going and coming from one place to the other.

21 minutes ago, Anela said:

And after shifting my way sideways out from under my big dog, who wants me off my laptop, I wonder if Shiva just sensed who the bad guys were. Or aimed for the ones with the guns, over those kneeling. I know that tigers are predators, but she was supposed to have liked Daryl. She might have recognized Rick by sight or scent, as someone who had been at the Kingdom. Maybe I'm also just attributing too much to a CGI tiger.

I never questioned it because a last-minute reprieve-by-tiger was just damn good fun, totally willing to fan-wink that. :)

Also - who is this Jerry I see mentioned several times here in the comments?

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16 minutes ago, millennium said:

Um, he was on his knees.

That's not bowing.  Bowing is a state of mind, like when Gregory bowed to Simon.  Being forced to one's knees is different.

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

Seriously, all that shooting and none of the main good guys were killed?  None?

And quite amazing how Shiva only attacked bad guys.  Throw her a CGI steak. (Although I did love her amazing timing, leaping to the rescue just before Carl was Lucilled.)

And speaking of Carl, Rick thought there was no way out of what Negan was going to do and he passed up a chance to say good bye to his son to taunt Negan?

Also, still shocked that it's all about the guns, but no one ever seems to think about ammo.

Chris Hardwick has joked how people on TWD have the precision aim of Star Wars stormtroopers.  That's why the group needs infinite ammo (which they apparently did not share with Morgan).

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3 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I don't want my beautiful Aaron with Eric or Jesus. He is mine! I know he isn't into women. I don't care. Loved him and his afro this ep.

It's like they mushed up Justin Timberlake with Nick from the Bachelor.   Eric the red dweeb will die, so Aaron can get with Jesus, who is good looking and can do shit.  

Man, you never wall up all your troops.  Just having a few people on the perimeter would have taken care of the Negan convoy.   Made no sense to not have a way to retreat.   Rick should have taken betrayal of the junkyard idiots into consideration.   Could have rolled up the  Negan contingent with a few well placed shock troops.  

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1 hour ago, jonesingjay said:

I thought Dwight was one of Negan's right hand men? If that's the case, why didn't Negan tell Dwight that about the Garbage Pail kids double crossing Rick and company?

Yeah, I mentioned that upthread.  It makes me concerned that Dwight might not be as far in the loop as he used to be.  I doubt Negan is one to really forget anything.  

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3 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I don't want my beautiful Aaron with Eric or Jesus. He is mine! I know he isn't into women. I don't care. Loved him and his afro this ep.

You know you have to claim him.  Then, watch your throat.

Was Maggie's oration at the end supposed to be inspirational?   It just seemed endless.

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53 minutes ago, Gobi said:

 Never. Once Negan called on the GPK, the jig would have been up. 

So far, Eugene hasn't done anything that couldn't be forgiven. I wouldn't blame him for the choice he made, I just wouldn't trust him anymore, either.

Yep, and he's put himself into a situation where neither group can trust him.  That makes him an outcast even if the sanctuary takes him back in.

And, oddly enough, I think Rosita will be the one to insist that they do, even though she was more than willing to blow him up last night.

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

I wonder if Shiva just sensed who the bad guys were. Or aimed for the ones with the guns, over those kneeling. I know that tigers are predators, but she was supposed to have liked Daryl. She might have recognized Rick by sight or scent, as someone who had been at the Kingdom.

Real cats don't work that way. They know you, don't know you, you're mean to them or nice to them - you'll still get disembowled if they get irritated. This is the way of wild animals and why no one has "watch cats." CGI cats, OTOH, can do anything their creators think up, including charging at people and somehow knowing they're "bad guys" and wanting to protect their human friends. As if.

On a totally shallow note - Aaron? Looking good with the rugged beard these days. I hope no one else decks him for no reason. His little dweeby b/f? Not so much.

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36 minutes ago, millennium said:

I draw a distinction between hate and love-to-hate.   I didn't love to hate the Governor.   It was more of a tedious hatred, like "when is this going to be over?"

Oh, I didn't love to hate him, either.  I just hate hated him.  And I hate hated him in Dr. Who, too, even though he was a sympathetic character.

58 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Sorry if this has been clarified already, but do we know what the deal was that Negan had with the junkyard people? 10 what? People?

I'm not getting how this will ever be a war that can be won by Rick and Company. The other communities seem like they have maybe a dozen fighters each. There aren't many people in Alexandria. There are tons of Saviors and the junkyard people are like swarming ants. They are simply outmanned and outgunned. 

I really wish two things had happened last night -- that Negan or Jadis had been injured in some way, or at least a notable savior had gone down and that Eugene had been killed by Negan. All of Eugene's "picking the right side" talk, I'd love to have him experienced how quickly the tides will turn on him. There is no loyalty at the Sanctuary. 

Yes, ten people.  I guess they wanted slaves.

And, no, there is no loyalty at the sanctuary, at all.  For all his rumination on the correct "select", Eugene really chose the wrong side.  But, I don't blame him.

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