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S07.E17: From Dogs To Diamonds

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1 minute ago, HunterHunted said:

That was pretty shitty of her. First she goes over to women to gossip about how weird it was for Eden to give the gift. Then she asks how much it costs (I did get the sense that she would have returned it when she thought it cost $1700). And then she starts making fun when she realized that it was cheaper.

I missed that; well I wouldn't call it being missed! I just didn't see it! Erika's on "the list" of skanks not worth it! She went down the toilet so fast! I guess she had to just acquire her "seahag legs" and has turned into a raving b!tch! She loves calling other people a "C U Next Tues), but it seems she's referring more about herself! ;-)

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2 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

I have a feeling people will be going off on PK next week for his comments to the Erikas. So I'm just throwing this out there. Erika's sugar daddy had a go at LVP last year at that first dinner they had together. Yea he said it with a smile, but he likened her to an alligator watching from the side and silently attacking. Ken was not amused.

i personally will love it. Everyone bows down to her and I don't get why. And who accepts a gift then immediately goes to find out how much it costs, and trashes the giver. I really tried with her this year but these last few episodes have revealed that she really is a self absorbed vapid bitch. And her look tonight- has she ever read "The emporers new clothes"? That wig looked straight out of a Halloween store. Ugh.

I'm sorta old-fashioned and thought PK should not be confronting Erika like that; in private or public for that matter! His wife can handle the situation; BH's just a bigger playground and when someone is asked to hold something, it might be a mink or diamonds! ;-) If Tom were there, I think PK can sort it out man to man; unless the ol' bugger punches PK in his beer belly! ;-)

Edited by Jamie Satyr
Added another sentence
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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Notice she brought up the YR part before she apologized to Eileen! It was as if she wanted to make sure she still had the job before she apologized, otherwise, she would not have apologized to Eileen. LOL


I wouldn't put it past her. Calculating. And the way she's up Eileens ass seems so over the top. She wasn't even like that with Yolanda. 

3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Not everyone wore pink and nobody wore wedges, did they?

Were those instructions meant as a joke?


I believe the Wedges request was because they were on grass.  Lisa probably didn't want her lawn messed up from women in heels. Plus, when you wear heels in grass, it's never a good look - you're sinking in all over the place and your shoes get ruined. 

Edited by lilsadone
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9 hours ago, Sai said:

What a shitty ass apology Erika gave to Eileen after the horrible way she spoke to her.  Eileen just accepts it?  Just like that?  Yet she made LVP apologize a zillion times and still didn't accept her apology.  That's bull.

It's bull in how easily LVP continues to forgive Kyle even though Kyle has continue to betray her.   She sided with Rinna and Eileen in Dubai.  She team up with Brandi and Yolanda to take LVP down.  And she defended Adrienne and Taylor against LVP. 

It was Kyle who said that LVP was manipulated and holds grudges, that she never apologizes, that her ego is out of control and every move she makes is very calculated.  #FakeHollywoodFriends

Edited by escape
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1 minute ago, escape said:

It's bull in how easily LVP continues to forgive Kyle even though Kyle has continue to betray her.   It was Kyle who actually sided with Rinna and Eileen in Dubai.  It was Kyle who team up with Brandi and Yolanda to LVP down.  And it was Kyle who defended Adrienne and Taylor against LVP.

I didn't watch those old seasons! I see Kyle as an enabler, but not of her sister's; more like her allowing others to walk all over her and to malign her own sister in front of her repeatedly! ;-(

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I think some of us feel like the apology should have come before they left Hong Kong.

Fair enough. But haven't we all been watching these shows long enough to know that lunch was a production set up designed to make Kyle seem like the negotiator/peacemaker? I think we should remain skeptical on the timing of the actual apology.

Erika was uncomfortable with Eden giving her what appeared to be a very expensive gift. It would be a very grand gesture in a very new friendship. She was concerned so she asked the salesperson for the USD. Apparently a $172 ring is okay gift for a near-stranger in their tax bracket. ::eyeroll::  In my tax bracket I gift my friends their favorite flavor of gummy bears. That sequence didn't make sense. It was just another opportunity for the producers to present something easily misinterpreted for those that like/hate Erika to drive ratings of this show and Y&R.

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Just now, Jamie Satyr said:

I didn't watch those old seasons! I see Kyle as an enabler, but not of her sister's; more like her allowing others to walk all over her and to malign her own sister in front of her repeatedly! ;-(

I was thinking pretty much the same thing-didn't see those seasons.

I will say this has been the episode without consequences.  Rinna breezes out of town unscathed.  It was vomit worthy her spiel on how Dorit doesn't listen and how you have to say things to get people to listen.  Her lips can not be sewn shut fast enough.  Just to keep making shit up and attacking a person.

Of all times for Eileen to adopt Kyle's forgive and move on.  Way back when in the Hamptons LVP and Eileen were good friends Eileen could not get past LVP's bringing up her affair. I guess it makes a difference when you have to do a scene on your tired old soap opera with a loon.

Kyle trying to smooth things over and call out Rinna for the attacks on another's marriage.  Bad form Erikas.  Glad they showed their true colors.  Apparently the Erikas don't really know what the high road is.

Bravo to LVP for inviting Rinna to her home-perhaps the lawn needs fertilizing.  The smug and condescending Rinna is just too much.  Interesting her kids refer to Rinna's mood swings as her sugar high or whatever she is taking.  Of course Delilah one word simple answer was perfect-crazy. 

Erika and her glam squad same old crap-how fabulous she is.  Boring and delusional. The Erikas insecurities are showing.  Erikas might want to watch the show before the Reunion-Dorit didn't start it with Rinna, it was all Rinna.  PK hasn't treated Erika any way let alone poorly.  PK has never said Erika was trying to come on to him-he said it made him uncomfortable.  Plus Erika blew her wad when she said she wouldn't accept an apology.   Now they expect one? The Erikas got one and turned it down-twirl far, far away with their friend Kenya Moore-their favorite RH.

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1 minute ago, renatae said:

Erika, bish, please. At the Hong Kong junk boat dinner, you were just protecting yourself? Seems to me you were the one in attack mode. Then you tell Eileen during your apology to her that you would "never say anything like that to you," but of course you did. I guess you meant the "real" you, whomever that is, wouldn't have said that. Elsewhere, you say Dorit and PK accused you of coming on to him, and you know they never said anything of the kind. During the shopping trip, you are completely rude to Eden about the friendship ring, first refusing to accept it, then immediately walking off and run-tell-datting to the other women and ridiculing her over it. It's easy to see why you don't have many friends.

Rinna was equally ridiculous. She was the one who dragged out the big bag of pills and joked around about putting Xanax in everything. So now, Dorit deserved her BS accusation about doing coke because "if people don't listen, things need to be said to get their attention." WTH?? Also, since when are people doing drugs simply because they have left the dinner table? Rinna, you are turning into one illogical attack dog.

It was so "Porsha Williams" of 'RHOA;' just make up $#!t to deflect and get all eyes off her and onto someone else! It's quite pathetic and desperate and I'll be so glad to see Rinna "get hers" at the reunion! I will tape it to watch over and over because I hear she catches it from all sides! ;-)

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What was with Erika's Little Orphan Annie/glasses for the blind shtick? She made sure no one saw those peepers all day. She was also incredibly low class about the Eden/ring situation. Eden didn't make a big deal of giving her the ring and didn't do it in front of anyone. What does Erika do? Tells everyone about it, they all laugh and then she finds out the price of it. Who does that?

Dorit looked like she had gold egg salad in her hair. Liked her dress, however. Erika's pink wig looked like her glam squad raided a carnival of its cotton candy.

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43 minutes ago, Jamie Satyr said:

It was so "Porsha Williams" of 'RHOA;' just make up $#!t to deflect and get all eyes off her and onto someone else! It's quite pathetic and desperate and I'll be so glad to see Rinna "get hers" at the reunion! I will tape it to watch over and over because I hear she catches it from all sides! ;-)

I doubt Rinna will stop talking long enough to get it.  She doesn't care as long as she gets to spread maximum hurt and then sit back and expect people to forgive her and understand her.  After all her sister died 45 years ago-have we no compassion? 

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3 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

A full(er) preview of Eden going off in the finale is up on Bravo's website: http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/episode-18/videos/eden-sassoon-has-a-message-for-lisa

Rinna is certainly relying a lot on the 'what I said has upset you; therefore there must a veracity to it' thesis this year. 

It really can't be said enough how big of a POS she is for utilizing it. Or how much it underlines the stupidity of everyone cosigning her antics. 

Guess Harry DID fuck the dog since Rinna was so upset.

Guess Rinna IS a Xanax addict because the allegation angered her. 

And if I'm understanding Erika's applause for Rinna attacking Dorit as a user of cocaine, then shouldn't she herself be fair game for attacks after calling LVP a "sniper"? Since disparaging someone legitimizes salvos from third parties about completely unrelated topics. 

I was thinking along the same lines.  Harry must have done something really, really bad.  Something she doesn't want to talk about. 

Rinna making up the Xanax allegation makes her really, really mad. 

Erika flashing must have been a seduction. 

Maybe Rinna needs to stop thinking and most of all stop talking.

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6 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

At the dog shelter, did Kyle really say, "This one's a 'mongrel'.  I've never heard of that breed."? Did I hear right?  

I had to rewind it because I thought I'd heard her wrong. I'd say I can't believe she doesn't know that's another name for mutt, but so many of these so-called sophisticated people make embarrassing mistakes that I'm no longer surprised. 

LisaR was correct in her observation that it look like a golden goose took a golden dump on Doris's head. And the rest of her hair was greasy and stringy. 

LisaVD looked ridiculous in her flowered hair band. That would've okay for Portia. 

I liked the white off the shoulder top Kyle wore in Hong Kong.

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I get why Rinna said what she said to Dorit. I think she was all wrong in going about trying to show Dorit why fueling rumors about Rinna's alleged use of Xanax was so hurtful. And false.

But she went about making her point in the wrongest of ways.

Mileage may vary, as usual.

Edited by Rosebud1970
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30 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I was thinking along the same lines.  Harry must have done something really, really bad.  Something she doesn't want to talk about. 

Rinna making up the Xanax allegation makes her really, really mad. 

Erika flashing must have been a seduction. 

Maybe Rinna needs to stop thinking and most of all stop talking.

True, per Erika's "clearly what I said touched a nerve" argument, I guess she was trying to entice PK.

Wait - did she want Dorit and him on the phone with her hubs because of some kind of Bob and Carole and Ted and Alice type of sitch?

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6 hours ago, racked said:

I don't understand how someone as lovely as Harry Hamlin could be married to Lisa Rinna. She's approaching Bethenny levels of unbearable for me. When I'm at a dinner table and everyone else gets up, I assume dinner is over not that everyone got up to do coke and didn't ask me to join! Now I'm almost glad Kim got people wondering what Harry did. 

I don't hate Erika as pathetic and wrong as she is about pantygate. Sis has issues but she can still be likable at times. She is so so wrong here tho and her weird relationship with Tom is creepy as hell. 

If you get a chance to see that scene again with Rinna at the table alone with that man, you'll notice it's pre-meal.  Napkins are neatly folded on clean plates.  Looks like she spent time alone with that strange little man before dinner, during dinner and after dinner (if she's not lying).  Why is she blaming Dorothy for that?

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6 hours ago, dosodog said:

It was at the store over the ring she gave Ericka.  Which was just weird in and of itself.  But!  Ericka could have firmly said no and she could have waited to trash Eden and her gesture until they were out of the store.

Instead, everyone chimes in mocking Eden, understandable.......mocking the ring, questioning the price.

I just...I just can't help but feel for Eden watching this tonight.

Oh right. But gee I thought Erika was above talking behind women's backs??  That was really creepy to immediately trash her and then to be excited when she thought it was over $1000.  Sick.

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I like Dorit but she made a big mistake that I don't think I've ever seen another housewife do.  She wore the same outfit twice!  And it wasn't even a good outfit.  It was that ugly sweatsuit with holes all over it.  

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It has occurred to me that Erika's real problem with Dorit may be due to the fact that PK hasn't fawned all over her wanting to be her agent/manager/whatever he does. Let's face it, any entertainer wants to be seen and known. Boy George may be from the '80's, but more people still know him than any will know Erika Jayne.

I think she might want to aim a little higher in seeking management/a new agent than PK...and people know Boy George because he is Boy George, not for what PK might have done for him over the last few years.

If anything, having Boy George as a client probably helps out PK more than it does Boy George.


Jealous much ladies?

Maybe they're not the fame whores that PK is? Appearing on this show probably is a good step for him in building his brand, ie, his management company. Tom and HH...not so much, with respect to their "brands".

Edited by AndySmith
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8 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Now, I am no MENSA member but I know what Mexico is really like, what a Chinese junk is and the breed known as "Mongrels" they are descendant from the Mon-Growl-ians of China.

Adding this to the endless examples of Kyle displaying her phenomenal ignorance of the world in general. She doesn't know what absinthe is, she doesn't know the meaning of 'surreal', her stock exclamation is 'Oh Ma Gahhhhd' and everyone looks 'amahzing!'. Then there is the list of fears and phobias...heights, insects etc. Maybe it's something to do with her family life and (possibly) missing school due to tv commitments? Her default retreat into little girl world makes me grind my teeth: she's really not the most sophisticated of bunnies. Speaking of, I find LVP's aesthetic really tacky and tasteless. All the pink and the sparkles and the same old same old wreath of roses in her hair. At least she didn't go with the Shitzhu do that she seems to think is flattering, please LVP what looks good in the ring at Crufts does not at all translate to human heads! I guess this is the woman that unapologetically wanted to be called 'Pinky' when this franchise began, and now she has actually committed gazillions to her Villa Rosa palace, there's no turning back. She isn't quitting anytime soon, by the looks either. Kevin Lee, numero uno sycophant, is probably financing his own second and third homes off the back of the LVP extravaganzas he plans. Dressing miniature ponies in tutus and bedazzling their hoofs....(naturally, Kyle refers to these as 'feet'), is again something I would expect to see at a party for Kennedy Armstrong, not a launch and tasting for a Rose! And every animal with its Benny Hillesque moniker, GMAFB. Rumpy and Pumpy and Squirty and Sucky! It's like soft porn seven dwarves. Personally, I always feel a bit uncomfortable at the sick amount of money lavished on these animals when there are human children suffering everywhere. This isn't limited to LVP, it's a canker across all of the RH shows. The latest episode of RHof Sydney had a bunch of dogs that eat CAVIAR off the same Versace china I have in my cabinet, and get pushed around in upscale human baby prams. I find that kind of excess verging on immoral and certainly lacking in taste. I'm an animal lover and have had a menagerie larger than LVPs, but these are animals. They don't notice or care what they are eating off, only that they are fed and cared for. Whoever is breeding Yorkies must be making a killing, too, as well as whatever Giggy and Harrison are. Pet Peeve.

Lisar and Erica looked foul. The Glam Squad need to be fired, allowing Erica to step out in that pink nylon wig. I don't know if the lustre has just rubbed off Erica after her performance last episode, or whether I've just hit peak designer name drop with her (Cartier, this episode). I get that we watch these shows for the lifestyles these women lead, but I personally do admire women who behave with a modicum of sophistication. I'm not finding Erica's Bette Davis/Tallulah Bankhead/Mae West schtick and foul mouth appealing anymore, especially after she went samurai barbie ham on poor Eileen last episode. That TH where she has her hair pinned up off her face in a bunch of curls, wearing that nasty frilly confection of a blouse? In who's world is that anything other than supremely tacky? Like Jon Benet Ramsey Dance Mom performance tacky? And sausage lipped sock puppet bobble head Lisar makes my skin crawl. She looked ghastly, with her crepey stick arms and her boobs squished into that gold lame (lamay, can't make an acute over the 'e'!) dress at LVP's party. And does anyone else despise the scenes with the kids where the only purpose of their presence is to validate their mothers? In this episode it was Delilah being led into telling us 'in one word' that Lisar is 'Crazy!!!' as a mother! Kerazzy, wacky Rinna!!! It was probably the first time she'd had physical contact with her daughter for months. Similar with Dorit and Jagger. (Kelly Mega Dud was particularly noxious with these kind of scenes, always using Jolie as a set up for what an hilarious, out there and 'cool Mom' she is, despite having restraining orders for attacking the parents of other students at her kid's school. Crazy alright!). The gold leaf in Dorit's hair just doesn't translate off the runway. Leave it for beautiful Indian desserts!

Like many, I'm holding a grudge against Erica for making Dorit look poised, reasonable and even slightly likeable. Nothing is saving pervy rapey PK though. Eden buying Erica a 'friendship ring' was sad and awkward, but Ericka again managed to make Eden (Eden!) sympathetic when she behaved like such an ungracious ass over the gift. It was sad and desperate to buy Erica a gift, Erica didn't need to make fun of her for doing it though, that was classless. (It's like Erica has suddenly become the Katie Maloney of friends on this show!)

I wish Eileen had made Erica more accountable for her insane accusations in Hong Kong. And I wish Eileen had addressed Lisar's nasty vicious behaviour when she had the perfect opportunity to do so in the limo on the way to LVPs. Eileen is such a wuss. I'd go so far to use the 'enabler' word in this context because Lisar was spouting off, looking for validation for her actions and when neither Eileen or Erica called her out on them, or questioned her, they sent the message that her behaviour was acceptable. And it most certainly was not. I really hope Lisar is hammered at the reunion and that the whole cast and Andy get over their Erica infatuation in order that she too is made accountable for her c**ty behaviour!

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8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Maybe she's been hanging out with Lydia Schiavello from Real Housewives of Melbourne who thought mongrel was a synonym for multiracial person.

That is actually another meaning of the word mongrel.

Edited by whydoievencare
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I was thinking about the part of the episode when they were shopping at Shanghai Tang. I know they can't focus on all the shopping choices but I wasn't overly impressed. They are known for incredible tailoring in Hong Kong and I'm surprised that none of the ladies went for some custom made clothing. I remember hearing that LVP gets custom blouses (maybe has a standing order in BH) but years ago my Mom got a custom silk suit there very quickly and reasonably in cost. The last place that I'd want to shop is a store that's completely filled with exotic items for tourists.   

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9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I don't know - I kind of liked Dorit's hair.  Yes, it was dramatic and over the top, but there was something I liked about it.  I would never do it, and I would imagine it will be hell getting that gold leaf out, but it was kind of striking, imo.

And, sooo much better than the wine-dyed wig of Erika's - she looked like she was wearing an acrylic Halloween wig from Party City.

I love Kyle and Mauricio - their banter is hysterical, and always makes me smile.  I liked Kyle's lace jumpsuit, and I cracked up at her home tailoring!  

Rinna is quickly descending into Tamra Barney/Bethenny Frankel territory, as part of the least-liked housewives group.  She is so nasty, and unapologetic for her nastiness.  Not only that, but she seems to take delight and pride in her nastiness.  

When Rinna asked her daughter to "describe in one word what it's like to have me for a mother", I was so hoping her daughter would have said "Annoying" or "Unbearable" or "eff-ed up".

Erika's apology was so insincere and cold, it's not even worth mentioning.  I think she only did it because she was afraid that Eileen would take back her gift of a walk-on on Y&R.

Is 'asshole' one or two words?

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Rinna seriously needs to go somewhere. She either needs to be fired, or they need to bring in someone even worse than her, who will happily take her down. Her big mouth just knows no bounds. I don't even LIKE Dorit, but to insinuate that people are doing drugs at her parties is just super freaking low. And entirely unfounded.

And she can miss me with her whole, "tit for tat" bullshit. Yes, Dorit DID make insinuations about Rinna. But Rinna was the one who produced a giant freaking bag of pills on national TV! She was INVITING speculation. All Dorit did was leave the table. Now, I'm too much of a middle class, country bumpkin to have any personal knowledge in this arena, but I would assume it's not a requirement of a dinner party that one stay at the table the entire time? Once dinner is over, surely you may get up and move about the home? I clearly remember when they would have dinner parties at the Foster home, they would retire to the lounge for music hour. So where the hell is Lipsa getting this shit from? 

Again, she needs to be stopped. 

Even Eileen looked quite tired of her at several points. When they were still in Hong Kong, I saw her looking a bit exasperated and throwing some side eye. Then in the limo ride to LVP's house she seemed to be laughing AT her, not with her. I wonder how long before those two will split. I admire that Eileen is a loyal friend, but there's only so much dysfunction one can tolerate. Eileen has her issues, but I think deep down she is a good person and I cannot see her thinking all of this crap Rinna continues to do is okay. 

I was glad to see that Erika apologized to Eileen. She deserved it. And I can believe that Erika was just exhausted from the trip itself and the drama with Dorit, and completely lost it. It happens. I appreciate that she didn't try to make excuses and let Eileen know it wasn't about her at all. I just wish she'd drop this grudge with Dorit. I think she has valid reasons not to like to gal, and they certainly don't ever have to be friends, but she's taking the pantie shit way too far and it's wearing me out. 

For once I agreed with PK - "I'm not calling her husband. She should call her husband; she doesn't see him very often". Bahahahaha! Damn you, Erika, for giving me a reason to like PK. But that was a good burn. 

And I see Jagger has learned the snark from his father. He hates Dorit's gold leaf hair just like my son hates when I wear lipstick. He was just frolicking around like a normal little boy, then he saw that shit and stopped dead in his tracks. Too fucking funny. 

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9 hours ago, TexasGal said:

That puppy was so adorable.  They were bringing the dogs to the states right?  She totally should snatch him up.

Cracked me up that Kyle was trying so hard to comply with LVP's dress code and then one by one we see everyone else not wearing pink (except wigs).

Half hearted as it seemed, I was glad Erika apologized to Eileen.

I cringed when they said that some were coming to the US - we have enough dogs in the US needing homes and these dogs are not properly quarantined and new strains of diseases are brought in.  I will be in the minority I am sure

I show dogs, I have been offered ENORMOUS amounts of money for my dogs from people in China (like 10x the normal price) yet there is not way I will.  The rabies laws are horrific (they can order an entire town's dogs killed due to one rabies positive) then there is the dog eating stuff.  I don't judge other country's food choices but a baby I raised or their children are not gonna end up on a plate.

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When ever I think about Boy George and PK I imagine that BG is really being held against his will and whatever money he earns he has to hand over 95% to PK 'cause he is his pimp. LOL

Dorit's glam squad must hate her as much as Erika's glam squad hates Erika, (she looked like a pink Hedwig sans the Angry Inch).  What was that mess of gold on Dorit's head?  It defied description.

Camille wore green to the party, something tells me a producer did not share the invite details with her.

What kind of farrier works on a horse in the field?  All the farriers I have seen tie up the horse in the barn and shoe the horse in a controlled environment.

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36 minutes ago, whydoievencare said:

That is actually another meaning of the word mongrel.

I'm a woman of color. I'm aware of the bigoted use of the word. However if you've watched Melbourne, you'd see that Lydia is an oblivious racist who after visiting her housekeeper's family in the Philippines had her housekeeper chauffeur her and made "ching chong" jokes when giving her housekeeper directions of where she wanted to go.

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If I was Eileen I would not accept that lame apology from Erika.... "I was having a meltdown" does not excuse how hard she dumped on Eileen. Her apology included the phrase "I was having a meltdown" at least three times, without any "I'm sorry if I made you feel....." or "I'm sorry that I was so harsh on you" or anything that apologised for the impact her reaction must have had on Eileen. Nothing about how Eileen must have felt after that over reaction from Erika.

Dummy me never stops hoping these Howives will do the 'right' thing!

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9 hours ago, Jack Terrier said:

Yes, Eden can be creepy but you either accept the gift with grace or be a nasty bitch behind her back.  Why would she act like that?  So incredibly rude and hateful.  As someone noted above; how hurtful that must be to Eden to see them all cackling like that.  Shit, Eden gives me creepy vibes but that was ugly.

I thought Erika only said "important shit".

Not to mention that Erika has been consistently vocal about how she has never enjoyed the company of women because they are bitchy and disingenuous. She's related anecdotes about how Tom's colleagues and their wives judged her when they married for being the young cocktail waitress. I feel like the success of Erika Jayne has given her the opportunity to punish anyone in her orbit with a snatch, while she babbles on about 'empowering women'. She's a hypocrite. She seems to be searching for opportunities to get offended and go ham. There was NOTHING in Eileen's well meaning but unfortunate comment that warranted that reaction. None. It was yet another excuse for her to feel justified in lashing out and revealing the 3rd Erika, the real one. Her treatment of Eden in this episode was mean girl 101 and everything she claims to despise in other women. This has been a vertigo inducing season! I don't want to respect or like Eden or Dorit, but Erika's behaviour has resulted in the audience feeling sympathy for both of them. The squirmy dog Lisar has aligned herself with the mean girl crew, which is always her mission statement, and it's no surprise now that she is cozying up to the Erikas. Lisar's radar always points her towards these 'cool' girls, the ones who obviously rejected her in high school. And she's arrived at Erika. 

Erika needs to scale back on the conspicuous consumption and designer name dropping and bad attitude (see DWTS). The Glam Squad has got to go. Fair enough for when she is shooting an EJ video or performing, but dragging them around the globe en masse is making her look like the asshole that she is revealing herself to be. Eileen looks classier and younger half the time doing her own make up and styling, as does Kyle. I'd rather see Kyle have the occasional wardrobe malfunction or fashion error (letterman jacket over body swamping satin pleated skirt, for example!) and learn from it and move on. I'm not finding Erika edgy at all, she's looking try hard and thirsty, especially when she name drops every outfit given the chance. Especially when the outfit is an obvious faux pas, like the Moschino tshirt dress that looked good on Gigi Hadid, but was just inappropriate, too casual and looked like a sack at Dorit's event. And saying 'it costs a lot of money to look this trashy' just makes her look even more dated and desperate. I don't feel empowered by Erika. I'm glad she has EJ going and that she's a huge hit in the gay club scene. But she needs to study the rise and fall of Nene Leakes and be very wary about who she alienates and who she surrounds herself with. I think a lot of these people would drop her so fast her weave would fly once Tom puts the kybosh on the international airfares and lookbook wages. I'm on the 'burn the lookbook for Hong Kong' team also. Those 'victory rolls' were horrendous. I'd rather see her in jeans and a tshirt or tailored shirt similar to LVP's go to casual wardrobe than the get ups she's been parading about in on this vacay. 

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10 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The gold leaf in the hair is FMO (for models only). It's worked on a runway and in an editorial, but never in the real world.

Dorit suffers from Notso HotOffTheRunway-itus. They all do. Seeing something on a runway and assuming that they are "trendy" and "in".

Dorit's real hair wasn't slicked back at the ends....I was waiting for a technician to come out with a comb to pick at the foil to see if she needed more time for the color to take.

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If that hat truly is another meaning of the word Mongrel, it has no place in our current society.





Clean up your act. That is truly offensive. 'Mongrel' has the common meaning of a mixed breed, non pure bred dog. To attach that description to a person is so offensive.

It infers/refers to: Mixed race. Dog not human. 

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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10 hours ago, escape said:

Even though Eileen and LVP were never that close, she did show up for her documentary - when most of the women, including LVP's bestie Kyle couldn't be bothered.

Kyle has seen it all with LVP's Yulin videos, it wasn't necessary and LVP didn't think so either.  

2 hours ago, Sai said:

I like Dorit but she made a big mistake that I don't think I've ever seen another housewife do.  She wore the same outfit twice!  And it wasn't even a good outfit.  It was that ugly sweatsuit with holes all over it.  

I will never understand holes and shreds in clothes looking good!!!

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9 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

It's a white party, So you wear white AND black

No heels, wedges? You wear heels

When you make a request of people and they respect you/your home/your friendship? They try to accommodate your wishes?


Erickas like to be pointed out about her 'look/fashion fuck ups' so that way if someone asks about it?

She can name drop or tell that person how fabulous she is at that exact moment.

And can you IMAGINE the teeth gnashing finger pointing hysterics if EJ had a party at her place and one of the other hos arrived contrary to  her explicit instructions??!! She'd be howling about 'disrespecting her husband's home' to the moon and back. Again, money talks, wealth whispers. EJ is a shrieking parvenue, applauded all the way by her 'glam squad'. I've gone from enjoying her and 'you go, girling'  to GTF off my screen. I'm dizzy. 

9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Maybe she's been hanging out with Lydia Schiavello from Real Housewives of Melbourne who thought mongrel was a synonym for multiracial person

Unfortunately for racist Australians like Lydia, mongrel is INDEED a pejorative term for multiracial people. Lydia is a low class embarrassment to Australians everywhere, but wait until you meet Julia from RHOAuckland, who used the term 'boat n****r' in the company of one of her castmates of Indian descent. That was the alltime low for me. I want Lydiot sacked also. 

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4 hours ago, Scottish Girl said:

I'm pretty over the "Glam Squad" calling the women bitches and ho's. It's really not cute. Just because they're gay men doesn't mean that they aren't misogynistic. Imo, words are important and I'd never let my employees speak like that about my friends, coworkers, or ANY woman. Shame on Erika. 

So true, they are terrible and so is she because obviously she taught them to be snarky about the HWs.  The "leader" is the worst (don't care what his name is), he's got a permanent sneer that bugs the crap out of me.

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6 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

She just had to do or say something to make it all about her.  What a stupid bitch.  I do think that there's something wrong with her. 

Lisar is the Scheana Shay and Erika is the Katie Maloney of this franchise. 

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17 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Clean up your act. That is truly offensive. 'Mongrel' has the common meaning of a mixed breed, non pure bred dog. To attach that description to a person is so offensive.


If you are referring to me, I have no act to clean up.  I do not use that word in that way.  I did not make up the meaning. I was saying that it was an alternate (albeit offensive) meaning of the word.  It seemed the original poster didn't know that.  Apparently they did.  No foul intended.


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If that hat truly is another meaning of the word Mongrel, it has no place in our current society.

Clean up your act. That is truly offensive. 'Mongrel' has the common meaning of a mixed breed, non pure bred dog. To attach that description to a person is so offensive.

I don't think @whydoievencare was saying they used the word and/or advocated using the word in that way...just that it is used by some people as an offensive insult.

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1 hour ago, queenjen said:

Adding this to the endless examples of Kyle displaying her phenomenal ignorance of the world in general. She doesn't know what absinthe is, she doesn't know the meaning of 'surreal', her stock exclamation is 'Oh Ma Gahhhhd' and everyone looks 'amahzing!'. Then there is the list of fears and phobias...heights, insects etc. Maybe it's something to do with her family life and (possibly) missing school due to tv commitments? Her default retreat into little girl world makes me grind my teeth: she's really not the most sophisticated of bunnies. Speaking of, I find LVP's aesthetic really tacky and tasteless. All the pink and the sparkles and the same old same old wreath of roses in her hair. At least she didn't go with the Shitzhu do that she seems to think is flattering, please LVP what looks good in the ring at Crufts does not at all translate to human heads! I guess this is the woman that unapologetically wanted to be called 'Pinky' when this franchise began, and now she has actually committed gazillions to her Villa Rosa palace, there's no turning back. She isn't quitting anytime soon, by the looks either. Kevin Lee, numero uno sycophant, is probably financing his own second and third homes off the back of the LVP extravaganzas he plans. Dressing miniature ponies in tutus and bedazzling their hoofs....(naturally, Kyle refers to these as 'feet'), is again something I would expect to see at a party for Kennedy Armstrong, not a launch and tasting for a Rose! And every animal with its Benny Hillesque moniker, GMAFB. Rumpy and Pumpy and Squirty and Sucky! It's like soft porn seven dwarves. Personally, I always feel a bit uncomfortable at the sick amount of money lavished on these animals when there are human children suffering everywhere. This isn't limited to LVP, it's a canker across all of the RH shows. The latest episode of RHof Sydney had a bunch of dogs that eat CAVIAR off the same Versace china I have in my cabinet, and get pushed around in upscale human baby prams. I find that kind of excess verging on immoral and certainly lacking in taste. I'm an animal lover and have had a menagerie larger than LVPs, but these are animals. They don't notice or care what they are eating off, only that they are fed and cared for. Whoever is breeding Yorkies must be making a killing, too, as well as whatever Giggy and Harrison are. Pet Peeve.

Lisar and Erica looked foul. The Glam Squad need to be fired, allowing Erica to step out in that pink nylon wig. I don't know if the lustre has just rubbed off Erica after her performance last episode, or whether I've just hit peak designer name drop with her (Cartier, this episode). I get that we watch these shows for the lifestyles these women lead, but I personally do admire women who behave with a modicum of sophistication. I'm not finding Erica's Bette Davis/Tallulah Bankhead/Mae West schtick and foul mouth appealing anymore, especially after she went samurai barbie ham on poor Eileen last episode. That TH where she has her hair pinned up off her face in a bunch of curls, wearing that nasty frilly confection of a blouse? In who's world is that anything other than supremely tacky? Like Jon Benet Ramsey Dance Mom performance tacky? And sausage lipped sock puppet bobble head Lisar makes my skin crawl. She looked ghastly, with her crepey stick arms and her boobs squished into that gold lame (lamay, can't make an acute over the 'e'!) dress at LVP's party. And does anyone else despise the scenes with the kids where the only purpose of their presence is to validate their mothers? In this episode it was Delilah being led into telling us 'in one word' that Lisar is 'Crazy!!!' as a mother! Kerazzy, wacky Rinna!!! It was probably the first time she'd had physical contact with her daughter for months. Similar with Dorit and Jagger. (Kelly Mega Dud was particularly noxious with these kind of scenes, always using Jolie as a set up for what an hilarious, out there and 'cool Mom' she is, despite having restraining orders for attacking the parents of other students at her kid's school. Crazy alright!). The gold leaf in Dorit's hair just doesn't translate off the runway. Leave it for beautiful Indian desserts!

Like many, I'm holding a grudge against Erica for making Dorit look poised, reasonable and even slightly likeable. Nothing is saving pervy rapey PK though. Eden buying Erica a 'friendship ring' was sad and awkward, but Ericka again managed to make Eden (Eden!) sympathetic when she behaved like such an ungracious ass over the gift. It was sad and desperate to buy Erica a gift, Erica didn't need to make fun of her for doing it though, that was classless. (It's like Erica has suddenly become the Katie Maloney of friends on this show!)

I wish Eileen had made Erica more accountable for her insane accusations in Hong Kong. And I wish Eileen had addressed Lisar's nasty vicious behaviour when she had the perfect opportunity to do so in the limo on the way to LVPs. Eileen is such a wuss. I'd go so far to use the 'enabler' word in this context because Lisar was spouting off, looking for validation for her actions and when neither Eileen or Erica called her out on them, or questioned her, they sent the message that her behaviour was acceptable. And it most certainly was not. I really hope Lisar is hammered at the reunion and that the whole cast and Andy get over their Erica infatuation in order that she too is made accountable for her c**ty behaviour!

Well.....Versace China works for dogs, cats, starving children. I mean a plate is a plate IMO.

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