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S07.E16: Big Buddha Brawl

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22 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

Exactly. Dorit is everything Erika isn't, and she's got a certain vulnerable naivety that's tempered by a sort of goofy quirkiness. Her faccent is annoying, but there are worse things. She's a little over the top and kind of a flake, but she and her husband and her kids love each other, they've got a circle of friends, and I think Erika, with her unresolved issues, is the one who is threatened because of the closet full of skeleton bones she's trying to keep the door on.....

I dunno about that

What Dorit said about Erika's Glam Squad could be applied to Dorit and her Nanny Squad.

Her 10 nannies are around to tell her what a great mummy she is. There are a few scenes I remember where if any nanny was in the vicinity the kids wanted the nanny and not Dorit.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

I think I understand Erika.  We got a glimpse into her background and things have been tough for her.  She really seems like someone doing their best to deal with real self-esteem issues.  And that stuff is hard.  I mean the real self-esteem issues that come from having to learn to comfort yourself as your forming your personality because your caregivers aren't.  It changes who you are deep inside.  It can make you feel unworthy at your very base.

It can cause you to do things like create an alternate personality who is strong and confident and can't be hurt (Erika Jane).  And you go through life trying to keep your deeply rooted vulnerabilities protected (because you don't tools to fix things if they are exposed).  Then you run into a bully like Dorit, who just won't stop picking on you.  She has been relentless.  She is constantly telling Erika and everyone else that she thinks Erika is cold; that she is the ONLY one she can't understand or get close to.  She won't let up on how Erika is sosoososo different than everyone else she has ever met . . . blah, blah, blah. . . That's just mean, ya know?  Sometimes you don't gel with someone.  No big deal, right?  But it is to Dorit, who senses vulnerability and just keeps picking at it like a mean girl. 

So Erika finally breaks down and says what anyone with low self esteem HATES to say, "You hurt my feelings".  And  . . big surprise . . . Dorit couldn't care less. 

The rest is just the fall out of that.  Erika is exposed and vulnerable, and has no way to protect herself.  What she ends up doing is trying to protect others; her husband, her son.  It isn't about them, of course.  But she doesn't feel like protecting herself is an option.  The only safe thing to do what you don't feel worthy of protecting yourself is to protect the people around you that you know are worthy.  This makes you sounds crazy, because it really is crazy. 

This episode broke my heart.

Very insightful.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, AndySmith said:

No, there have been examples of Crazy Eyes conveniently "forgetting" things she herself has said. Hell Crazy Eyes was also on occasion wrongly remembering what other people, like Kyle were saying, like at Kyle's game night party. Of course, they flashed back to the conversation between Crazy Eyes and Kyle, and guess whose memory was "wrong"? Hint, it wasn't Kyle.

Sorry but the title of Crazy Eyes belongs to Ramona Singer. There are no other contenders and if there were Dorit wouldn't even make the first cut.




Edited by Giselle
  • Love 21
20 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Agreed. Her reaction was clearly over the top, but imagine any one of these HW's actually just owning it and saying immediatley that they overrreacted? Doesn't happen often, that's for sure. And Eileen - the shock of seeing someone realize that they had hurt someone (even if they had actually said nothing wrong) and apologizing for it right on the spot. Eileen could have been all kinds of mad or offended at the silly idea that she was speaking about something potentially happening to Erikas's son, but nope. She did the grown up thing and apologized because she had said something that hurt someone else. Amazing. 

Eileen apologized once and when Erica kept bitching on and on Eileen made a face with a "WTF" look.

Now she should know how LVP felt with Eileen's never ending badgering.

  • Love 19
18 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

And she's concerned about embarrassing Tom Girardi. 

Erica's true colours are shining through.

Dorit should learn this: When you see crazy coming, you cross the street.

And the best way to offset the possibility of people assuming that is to announce to a mixed group of people that you aren't wearing panties. 

Good strategy.

Not just mixed company but mixed company where the only two men there were married and with their wives. Erica was being very disrespectful to Dorit and LVP.

Erica should be apologizing to all of them. but her ego that had to announce that she was "panty-less" to married men and always tries to be the center of attention and stand out won't allow her to apologize.

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I laughed at this!  I don't like PK from what I have seen of him.  If Dorit hangs around another season maybe I will see another less skeevy side of him.

  I don't believe she intended to show her personal space and in my opinion the best way would be to let her know discreetly and NOT make a big deal about it.  If someone had lettuce in their teeth I wouldn't laugh, point it out loudly, bring it up everytime I saw the person I would tell them discreetly and move on.

2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:


Had Erika not gone to the party it would not have happened.  If PK was blind he would not have had been able to see.  If Dorit listened to Kyle she would not have bought the panties. . . . .

I think the fault lies 100% with PK not because he looked but because he chose to disclose it to his wife on camera. I can imagine the morning after the party at their house. 

Dorit: "Hey, darling, sexy man, love of my life, get yourself handsome because they are filming us this morning. We need to chit chat about the party."

PK gets dressed shows up downstairs and what he chooses to chit chat about is Erika's wardrobe malfunction. Not only that, he chooses to tell his wife he enjoyed it! All on camera, and judging from her reaction, not something she was aware of. 

At that point, Dorit is embarrassed her man said on national tv that he saw and enjoyed a coworkers privates, and like legions of women before and after her, turns her righteous embarrassment and anger on the "other" woman. 

Really, if that's the conversation my husband sprung on me on camera, there would be nothing left to fall out when he was free balling running shorts. 

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

I'm trying to imagine how Erika would have reacted IF Dorit has gone up to Erika, at the white party, and whispered "you may want to pull your dress down, you are exposing yourself".  I think she would have been just as angry.   One thing Erika doesn't like is anybody finding any flaw.   I doubt she would have laughed, "appreciated it" and would have resented Dorit no matter what.  

Rewatching and Eden looked drugged out for most of the trip. 

Agreed Notnowimbusy!  

And that reminds me of a time, many years ago, at a club. As I was entering the ladies room, I noticed a woman leaving who had her skirt solidly tucked into her panty hose (it was the 80s -- don't judge!). As a civic minded young woman, I stopped her and told her. And what did she say to me? Nothing. Instead she glared at me like I had just stolen her lunch money as she stormed back in to fix her sitch.

That woman's name? Erika Girardi! (Not really, but that would have been a good ending!) 

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I understand what you are saying and some of it has bothered me as well.  Erika Jayne is her professional life and persona.  EJ's act is sexual/sensual and she wears revealing clothing on stage.  Off stage she is Erika Girardi and dresses/behaves in another way that works for she and Tom (20 years in it has to be working to a degree).  Just because on stage she dresses/dances in a way that is sexual and gets a certain type of attention doesn't mean she wants the same attention in her real life and pervy PK salivating over vag when she was not performing was icky.  Just because its what you do for work/vanity project doesn't mean that you deserve/want the same attn when you are being yourself.  I mean Paul Reubens is NOT the same persona as Pee Wee Herman in real life.

Her dress was nice but yes you cannot wear panties with it.  I had a roommate 30 years ago that also would wear similar dresses and while it looked nice, *I* personally would feel exposed.  A friend would tell you if you were showing your wares.  An asshole teases you relentlessly and won't let it die.  It was obvious to me Erika was embarrassed.  If you want to be friends with someone you don't poor salt in the wound and continually make them feel awful.  

I'm burnt out about panty gate .... I volunteer for a non profit that supplies new  panties , sports bras and sweats to rape victims to wear when their clothes are taken for evidence.  I see tons of underpants and there are nude ones that have no elastic or seams at Legs or even a waistband. No panty line at all.    I don't understand that you can't wear underwear under a white short dress or white pants.   I don't believe she did it on purpose and was embarrassed by having it brought to her attention. She had the know it was a possibility though.     On WWH she hadn't told Tom even by then and says was worried about his peers would think.  She also said she knew it would be a story line. 

Not in my wildest imagination could I do that screaming like these broads let alone in a foreign country and in a nice restaurant.   I've sworn off OC because they are bringing back Vickie and if Lisa R is back will take this one off my DVR also. Eden is exhausting.   What good is house porn or seeing beautiful countries when they all act like  lowbrow  thirteen year olds?  I know there were times where/when  they  were fun and had moments of frivolity?  

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, dosodog said:

Nope sorry.  Pantygate blame obviously is the work of master manipulator LVP.

She's so good none of us saw it.... 

No, lets put blame where it should lie, it's really Giggy's fault.  Giggy speaks to LVP in her dreams telling her what to do and how to do it.

He better be careful he might end up as a collar around one of Erica's gaudy outfits.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

I'm burnt out about panty gate .... I volunteer for a non profit that supplies new  panties , sports bras and sweats to rape victims to wear when their clothes are taken for evidence.  I see tons of underpants and there are nude ones that have no elastic or seams at Legs or even a waistband. No panty line at all.    I don't understand that you can't wear underwear under a white short dress or white pants.   I don't believe she did it on purpose and was embarrassed by having it brought to her attention. She had the know it was a possibility though.     On WWH she hadn't told Tom even by then and says was worried about his peers would think.  She also said she knew it would be a story line. 

Not in my wildest imagination could I do that screaming like these broads let alone in a foreign country and in a nice restaurant.   I've sworn off OC because they are bringing back Vickie and if Lisa R is back will take this one off my DVR also. Eden is exhausting.   What good is house porn or seeing beautiful countries when they all act like  lowbrow  thirteen year olds?  I know there were times where/when  they  were fun and had moments of frivolity?  

Erika wasn't wearing the white pants.  She was wearing one of those dresses like Herve Leger (I don't think it was that brand but similar) that is super tight, spandexy material and short.  ANY underpant lines would show.  Which is why THIS gal wouldn't wear it.  But yes nude panties with white pants would not be a problem.

  • Love 2

I think that Rinna and Eileen are so hard on Dorit on Ericka's behalf because they are trying to minimize their own behavior regarding panty-gate. Let's look back at the sequence of events. 

Ericka has an accidental flash. Based on the still shot of the scene, she could have been flashing anyone on the opposite side of her. I believe Kyle even said she was flashed but didn't realize that Ericka wasn't wearing panties until Ericka announced it to everyone. Now, both she and PK are sure of what they have seen.

Now, if you look back at the blogs that were published immediately after the episode, Rinna and Eileen were trying to make it seem like this was some LisaV setup because Lisa asked Ericka if Kyle could borrow a pair of panties. So, their initial plan was going to claim LisaV manipulation. Then, they realized that their reactions (goading Dorit on wanting to be there etc.) were also going to make the show. I think the thing that had them really scared was that out of all of the women, they were the only ones to actually make fun of and mock Ericka. 

Eileen, ostensibly Ericka's closest friend/ally on the show went really low with her "I'm shy." joke and they knew they had to do everything they could to curry favor with her. So, after Ericka asks that everyone stop talking about it, they make the rounds bringing it up to try to nail Dorit for misreading how someone would take her "joke" so that there would be very little room for them to be called out. 

Even now, they are conveniently leaving out their behavior when rehashing the events in their blogs.

As for Ericka, panty-gate hadn't been mentioned in months. She had already said that she and Dorit were fine and that she was over it. She had actually told Dorit this more than once. So, to blindside her during an argument about something totally unrelated - Dorit's attempts at trying to befriend her- with stuff that she said she was over, was really unnecessary. If she truly felt that Dorit intentionally tried to humiliate her and felt she was due an apology, that is something she should have taken up with Dorit before traveling to the other side of the globe with her.  

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, Giselle said:

No, lets put blame where it should lie, it's really Giggy's fault.  Giggy speaks to LVP in her dreams telling her what to do and how to do it.

He better be careful he might end up as a collar around one of Erica's gaudy outfits.

It really is Pandora's fault.  No question.  They lived in France, and she wanted to go to school in LA, so they all moved here.  If it weren't for Pandora, Lisa would still be in France.  Damn her.  

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

You are missing my point. Which is the many people that are saying things like "she pats her puss in her professional life, so why does she care if someone looks at it any old time". Why would she care to have people comment on it, since she is so open with her sexuality in her work? Which while different because of the violence, is oddly similar to someone saying "how can she claim that her husband raped her when on any given night if feeling in the mood, she will willingly have sex with him". To me, it is just slut shaming. There is zero sympathy for her because of what she does for a living. 

I think your analogy is grossly unfair to victims of domestic abuse and rape! How in thee world are you trying to create a similarity between one person who makes choices with potential repercussion and someone who has all their choice taken away from them? I understand that you're trying to defend the notion that just because Erika can have a 'professional personality' doesn't mean that she can't have a different personality in her private life. I totally agree with that and I agree with the sentiment that it isn't fair to take an on stage persona and assume that someone doesn't have the right to have a separate set of boundaries off stage. Erika made a conscious decision with her attire. She exposed herself and it was embarrassing but there's a HUGE difference in expecting people to protect you from feeling embarrassed and expecting people not to take advantage of you in a vulnerable position. PK and Dorit were jerks with the way they constantly brought attention to the situation, that's clear. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I dunno about that

What Dorit said about Erika's Glam Squad could be applied to Dorit and her Nanny Squad.

Her 10 nannies are around to tell her what a great mummy she is. There are a few scenes I remember where if any nanny was in the vicinity the kids wanted the nanny and not Dorit.

Yes, and I will bet they all go on vacation with her. 

Interesting that she also had her makeup artist with her. Kyle tweeted that Eden did as well. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Easyspreestep said:

This did not happen Erika sat with her legs closed and a napkin over her legs, in fact the only reason it came up was because the beloved Lisa VP picked up the napkin and proceed to pretend to go up Ericka's skirt.  Let's not look for reasons to blame Ericka for PK looking up her skirt.  To say that she sat with her legs open, when the tape does not show that at all is unfair.  

I agree.  I do.  But I also think the portrayal of PK's looking on the message board is also exaggerated and unfair.  I've watched the episode more than once and we get a look from him and that's all I noticed.  Dorit and PK did talk about it, did make mention of not wearing underwear in public, and PK complimented the view.

But based on the descriptions here, I would walk away thinking he never took his eyes off her naughty bits and was out and out leering.  Which?  None of the women mentioned seeing him do that.  I mean yeah, Rinna and Eileen now claim he was staring, but no one said anything at the time.  Nor does the video back it up that he was full on, constantly staring.

I thought thongs were to prevent panty lines?   Shrugs shoulders and am glad that I give zero fuck if you can figure out I'm wearing panties.

12 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

It really is Pandora's fault.  No question.  They lived in France, and she wanted to go to school in LA, so they all moved here.  If it weren't for Pandora, Lisa would still be in France.  Damn her.  

There's a place in France where the naked ladies dance.  Apparently there's a hole in wall.  Where the men can see it all.

The 8 year old in me thinks this song is somehow fitting........

  • Love 10

What Dorit said about Erika's Glam Squad could be applied to Dorit and her Nanny Squad.

Her 10 nannies are around to tell her what a great mummy she is


I disagree. Her nannies are there to provide extra child care for her children. Something that I can't find any reason to begrudge any parent who can afford help. 

Ericka's glam squad is paid not just to dress her but also to continuously feed her ego about how fabulous she is. And they earn their paycheck. Again, not something I would begrudge anyone who could afford it. But, she has to realize that they wouldn't be fanboying all over her if she weren't their meal ticket.

Dorit's nannies don't have to praise her personally, they have to make sure they are appropriately caring for her children to earn their paycheck. Look at the scene with Dorit and her stylist. Dorit was rambling on and the stylist could give a shit. Do you think Dorit would fire the stylist for that? Because I have sneaking suspicion that if any member of Ericka's glam squad didn't immediately get invested in whatever issue Ericka was going on about and telling her how she was wronged, they would not last long. 

Ericka isn't just paying these guys to style her she is also paying them to be a part of her entourage. 

Sorry for the rant but I really get irritated when people make decisions about someone's parenting because they can afford and choose to have paid help. And, I also thought it was really shitty of Ericka to co-sign a tweet from someone dogging Dorit for having nannies, when she left her son to be raised by his father.

  • Love 19
45 minutes ago, Jel said:

This is the kind of thing I am talking about when I say Erika is responsible for what she puts out there. I don't know from Erika Jayne -- I'm not a fan, don't watch her videos or follow her tweets. What I "know" is Erika Girardi. The same Mrs. Girardi who goes commando to parties in a short dress, then tells everyone she is. Who tells women they are "cunty" or she is and how much she loves the word, which is an offensive word to many women, yet she dismisses that offense in some way -- like it's prudish to be bothered by it,. She is somewhat disparaging of other women, and talks about how she's a cold broad who gives no fucks, who expects people to be respectful of her yet tells a friend to "shut the fuck up". That's all the same Mrs. Girardi who seems to expect everyone to be inside her head fully understanding her intentions and the depth of her emotions, to know when she's hurt by something, even though she says she isn't.  It defies common sense.

I thought she only mentioned she didn't have panties because Kyle had underpant issues and LVP mentioned something about Kyle needing them and asked Erika for some jokingly.  Then Erika mentioned she didn't have them on.  It wasn't as if Erika walked into the party and said 'Hey bitches (or cunts to be Erika appropriate), I've got no panties on!'.  

Edited by Natalie68
  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Natalie68 said:

I thought she only mentioned she didn't have panties because Kyle had underpant issues and LVP mentioned something about Kyle needing them and asked Erika for some jokingly.  Then Erika mentioned she didn't have them on.  It wasn't as if Erika walked into the party and said 'Hey bitches (or cunts to be Erika appropriate), got I've no panties on!'.  

That's all true, Natalie68 -- certainly how I remember it. She definitely didn't bring it up like she was introducing the evening's topic o' conversation.

But could she have maybe found a way to say it without saying it? A bit more discretion, less zero fucks edginess? I think she could have just laughed maybe, instead of giving a full on clarification.  Had she done that, she'd have been, to my mind anyway, more Mrs. Girardi, elegant lady, and less raunchy, boundary bustin' broad.  And that's where the confusion creeps in, for me.

  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, dosodog said:

There's a place in France where the naked ladies dance.  Apparently there's a hole in wall.  Where the men can see it all.

The 8 year old in me thinks this song is somehow fitting........

The way I heard it?

And the men dance around with their wienies hanging down...

10 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Let Panty-gate be a lesson to all of us when out in public... WEAR YOUR CHONIES!

Well, if you go commando, you don't have to worry about skid marks?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mojitogirl said:

I think the fault lies 100% with PK not because he looked but because he chose to disclose it to his wife on camera. I can imagine the morning after the party at their house. 

Dorit: "Hey, darling, sexy man, love of my life, get yourself handsome because they are filming us this morning. We need to chit chat about the party."

PK gets dressed shows up downstairs and what he chooses to chit chat about is Erika's wardrobe malfunction. Not only that, he chooses to tell his wife he enjoyed it! All on camera, and judging from her reaction, not something she was aware of. 

At that point, Dorit is embarrassed her man said on national tv that he saw and enjoyed a coworkers privates, and like legions of women before and after her, turns her righteous embarrassment and anger on the "other" woman. 

Really, if that's the conversation my husband sprung on me on camera, there would be nothing left to fall out when he was free balling running shorts. 

She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus and America too
She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis
Loves horses and her husband, too

It's a long day livin' in california
There's a husband runnin' through the yard
He's a bad boy, he looked at a vagina
He's neutered, cos she cut off his nards

He's not free,  free ballin'
He's not free, free ballin'

Sung to the tune of "free fallin" by Tom Petty.


Edited by ElDosEquis
Comedy is a hard thing to perfect.
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, notnowimbusy said:

I'm trying to imagine how Erika would have reacted IF Dorit has gone up to Erika, at the white party, and whispered "you may want to pull your dress down, you are exposing yourself".  I think she would have been just as angry.   One thing Erika doesn't like is anybody finding any flaw.   I doubt she would have laughed, "appreciated it" and would have resented Dorit no matter what.  

Rewatching and Eden looked drugged out for most of the trip. 

I think Erika would have responded in her flat voice....I appreciate that. I don't think she would have been pissed since the BH cameras weren't at LVP's White Party. Erika would have gotten pissed if Dorit then discussed this with others ON camera that Erika was flashing her privates all over Pump or if Dorit joked with LVP you should name a drink after Erika a Pussitini.

I think Eden was busy fantasizing about what she was going to do with London's dead body.

19 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:

I disagree. Her nannies are there to provide extra child care for her children. Something that I can't find any reason to begrudge any parent who can afford help. 

Ericka's glam squad is paid not just to dress her but also to continuously feed her ego about how fabulous she is. And they earn their paycheck. Again, not something I would begrudge anyone who could afford it. But, she has to realize that they wouldn't be fanboying all over her if she weren't their meal ticket.

Dorit's nannies don't have to praise her personally, they have to make sure they are appropriately caring for her children to earn their paycheck. Look at the scene with Dorit and her stylist. Dorit was rambling on and the stylist could give a shit. Do you think Dorit would fire the stylist for that? Because I have sneaking suspicion that if any member of Ericka's glam squad didn't immediately get invested in whatever issue Ericka was going on about and telling her how she was wronged, they would not last long. 

Ericka isn't just paying these guys to style her she is also paying them to be a part of her entourage. 

Sorry for the rant but I really get irritated when people make decisions about someone's parenting because they can afford and choose to have paid help. And, I also thought it was really shitty of Ericka to co-sign a tweet from someone dogging Dorit for having nannies, when she left her son to be raised by his father.

Where did I do that in my post?

Oh and yes great use of the nanny who just stood there listening to Dorit while she packed for Hong Kong.  I didn't hear her listing things she wanted her to do with/for the kids while she was away

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Erika would have responded in her flat voice....I appreciate that. I don't think she would have been pissed since the BH cameras weren't at LVP's White Party. Erika would have gotten pissed if Dorit then discussed this with others ON camera that Erika was flashing her privates all over Pump or if Dorit joked with LVP you should name a drink after Erika a Pussitini.

I think Eden was busy fantasizing about what she was going to do with London's dead body.


I think Ericka would have still resented Dorit. From the first second they met, Dorit and Ericka rubbed each other wrong. And they are both socially awkward people when it comes to reading the room. Ericka manages to hide it by using her "guarded" exterior and saying very little, while Dorit just keeps talking in circles until someone stops her, or she just winds down.

I have been saying since this season started that Dorit and Ericka are a lot more alike than they seem to realize which is one of the reasons they can't seem to get along. 

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Jel said:

That's all true, Natalie68 -- certainly how I remember it. She definitely didn't bring it up like she was introducing the evening's topic o' conversation.

But could she have maybe found a way to say it without saying it? A bit more discretion, less zero fucks edginess? I think she could have just laughed maybe, instead of giving a full on clarification.  Had she done that, she'd have been, to my mind anyway, more Mrs. Girardi, elegant lady, and less raunchy, boundary bustin' broad.  And that's where the confusion creeps in, for me.

I am glad I wasn't making that up in my head!  

I am sure she could have been more discreet about it.  And frankly, while I understand the reason behind no panties with that kind of outfit, I wouldn't wear that kind of outfit.  I am more comfortable with my bits covered since I am kinda clumsy and of a generation that wears underpants with skirts/dresses etc.

Where I think Erika REALLY took offense is it would not die.  She was embarrassed and reliving it made her more so and angry.  When she told Dorit (paraphrasing) 'the more you talk about it the worse it gets' that should have been the end of it.  But Erika also should have been MORE upfront about how she was done talking about it and didn't appreciate being the (naked) butt of the joke.  Dorit was not a close enough friend (like the relationship Kyle and LVP have) for this kind of ribbing to be ok with Erika.  I know *I* am more reserved with people I don't know well and I think Dorit was being a bit too familiar with a woman who is a bit closed off and not a good friend.

  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think Erika would have responded in her flat voice....I appreciate that. I don't think she would have been pissed since the BH cameras weren't at LVP's White Party. Erika would have gotten pissed if Dorit then discussed this with others ON camera that Erika was flashing her privates all over Pump or if Dorit joked with LVP you should name a drink after Erika a Pussitini.

I think Eden was busy fantasizing about what she was going to do with London's dead body.

Where did I do that in my post?

Oh and yes great use of the nanny who just stood there listening to Dorit while she packed for Hong Kong.  I didn't hear her listing things she wanted her to do with/for the kids while she was away


I didn't say you did post that. I was referencing Ericka co-signing a tweet from someone dogging Dorit for having nannies. And since the packing scene was less than 2 minutes, we have no idea what all was discussed about the kids. 

  • Love 3


I go away for a while and the Erika hate is strong.

Going strong.

I am Team Erika all the way. PK is the problem. He should have kept his greasy yap shut. Sure Erika was joking and around and can't take a joke. Which one of these dummies can take a joke? Nary a one. It is not part of their job description. They have to find a nit and then pick at it for six or seven episodes.

PK's fat mouth is your basic nit. Which is what you get from a freakin' nitwit.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

I think the clip just supports what I was saying about Dorit conveniently forgetting things, and also serves to illustrate her highly convenient misunderstanding of sentences clearly expressed in plain English.  The subject seemed to mean a lot to her at the dinner, as she was very vocal and forceful in her views. So to then claim she has no recollection of any of it because it wasn't important (she's dredged up quite a lot of things that are of absolutely no consequence whatsoever, so I know she can do it), and then act like she doesn't speak English when Eileen tries to talk to her about it is both frustrating and reprehensible.

You have identified the problem :). That's not Dorit's language; she speaks fancy English.

48 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Yes, and I will bet they all go on vacation with her. 

Interesting that she also had her makeup artist with her. Kyle tweeted that Eden did as well. 

I am officially embarrassed for all makeup artists who were taken to Hong Kong.  Kyle and Eileen had the best hair and makeup by a mile.  (I'm choosing to ignore Eileen's sleeves since she got yelled at for no reason :)

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I am glad I wasn't making that up in my head!  

I am sure she could have been more discreet about it.  And frankly, while I understand the reason behind no panties with that kind of outfit, I wouldn't wear that kind of outfit.  I am more comfortable with my bits covered since I am kinda clumsy and of a generation that wears underpants with skirts/dresses etc.

Where I think Erika REALLY took offense is it would not die.  She was embarrassed and reliving it made her more so and angry.  When she told Dorit (paraphrasing) 'the more you talk about it the worse it gets' that should have been the end of it.  But Erika also should have been MORE upfront about how she was done talking about it and didn't appreciate being the (naked) butt of the joke.  Dorit was not a close enough friend (like the relationship Kyle and LVP have) for this kind of ribbing to be ok with Erika.  I know *I* am more reserved with people I don't know well and I think Dorit was being a bit too familiar with a woman who is a bit closed off and not a good friend.

But that was the end of it inasmuch as Dorit broaching the subject. The last day on which she brought it up herself was the one on which all of the women were having lunch and Erika high-fived in a gesture of closure and resolution.

Erika has herself and Eileen to thank for the resurrection of the issue.

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, Jamie Satyr said:

Friendships shouldn't be so hard! I have to assume there aren't any real ones involved if they have to go thru all these gyrations ever so often! It'll always be hard to tell with Kyle since she keeps talking about challenges with her friendships, but Rinna shouldn't be considered anything but an acquaintance! Her promises mean nothing and her apologies are worthless! ;-(

SERIOUSLY! You guys, I have had a whole slew of the same friends since I was a child, and a bunch my "new" friends are from 20 years ago, haha! Yes, I have lost a few here and there, and for good reason: they were bad friends, or at least a bad match to be my friend. Meanwhile, my sister has a new bestie every couple of years. WHY?


Episode 1 of the Hong Kong debacle has just started.

Episode 2 starts in one hour and I?  Picked up Pineapple Fried Rice from the local Thai joint.  Plus it's my Friday night.

I'm going to pay more attention to Kyle and Vanderpump and the facial expressions. 

Which are kind of amazing just how expressive they were.  Botox assumption.....

How did I miss Rinna bragging about handing out sleeping pills like candy? !?!   She's real casual about this drug stuff.

  • Love 8

This "pantygate" topic has gone on for so long, I'm looking for a new target to blame.  I'm going with Kyle.  Had that chick just gone commando like a sane person under those thin white pants, no one would have asked for spare undies at drinks!  /JK

Hahahhahahaaaa! Good point--one's playing a dangerous game and the other is being a bit too cautious. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, MaggieG said:

There was a lot of WTFness in this episode between Rinna, Erika and Dorit, but for some reason the thing that bothered me the most was Lisa V walking up 200 something steps up to the Buddha in heels. I just can't with that nonsense.

Well, I think she handled it well.  LVP in heels walking up those 200 steps in the rain, and I don't recall hearing her complain once.  Good for her!  I think that aside from the sky-high platforms/stilettos, LVP is quite comfortable walking and spending the day in heels.

I did hear some complaints from the others, though, including the inevitable designer call-out from Erika, saying her Miu Miu shoes would never be the same.  

  • Love 13

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