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S29.E05: The Others

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I like the idea of teams. I will admit that I was wrong about the format. Totally thought everybody would play as individuals. But I'm not crazy about the endgame format. Yes, we'll get two epic Champ-on-Champ battles . . . but wouldn't have it been easier to go by the original rules of The Gauntlet? Shit, Darrell was there. Not that he got thrown in, of course. Also, I'm rooting for CT. I can see myself pulling for Darrell. Johnny and Zach can go suck wind as far as I'm concerned. Shit, if Zach takes more shots to the dick, I'll be happy with that.

Underdogs show why they've never won before. Well, at least those who aren't pure rookies. At least the women swept their round. I'm thinking that going to five rounds meant that the Champs had to play with a man down. Zach, you may be strong, but you have no stamina. And with Wince not here, Zach is basically the Mac of this show . . , a meathead who is nowhere near as awesome as he thinks.

Poor Kailah. I mean, sloppy drunk it never a good look, but it's not like she went on somebody else's bed and pissed all over it. Yes, I still remember your bitch ass, Julie. And then Corey's all, "No, wasn't interested, would never be interested in that." Liar.

Now I know how to trap Nicole if I need to do that: a giant box, a giant stick, string, and a jar of peanut butter. And she doesn't look like Andy Dick, Johnny. Fuck you for one more reason.

ETA: Just saw the bit with CT on the new MTV smash hit, Young People Fight, Fuck, And Pretend They're Playing Survivor. His girlfriend doesn't have a name displayed. How funny would it be if Hannah Teter had an epic romance and pregnancy behind Johnny's back? And we see little Christopher, aka CJ. CT is worth rooting for. Tony? Not so much.

  • Love 2

Hearing Zach speak is just mesmerizing and not in a good way. He's such a pig and I really wish Jenna would look elsewhere. She could do so much better!

Aww, I loved the Darrell and Shane reunion. I've always been a Road Rules fan and their season was one of my favorites along with Semester at Sea. 

I think the challenge was unfair from the beginning because the champs were outnumbered by two people on each side. Unless the underdogs absolutely sucked, they definitely had the upper hand.

The whole Corey and Kailah thing was so dramatic. Of course, he was going to dump her the first chance he got. What she did was embarrassing, but if he really cared about being with her, he would've let it slide. 

Edited by Steph619
  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, Steph619 said:

I think the challenge was unfair from the beginning because the champs were outnumbered by two people on each side. Unless the underdogs absolutely sucked, they definitely had the upper hand.


I don't know why the producers thought 4 on 6 was going to be exciting TV because it so was not.  I was so annoyed with that structure.

Tony you know a golden shower is...you know what?  You'll find out when you get home in a few months.

I'm seriously just here for CT, Darrelle and Cara Maria.  The rest can all get bent.  Well I like Jenna but I fear for her decision making skills.

Nicole is heinous.  What adult seriously runs around eating directly from a jar of peanut butter?

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

Nicole is heinous.  What adult seriously runs around eating directly from a jar of peanut butter?

The kind of adult that appears on reality shows like this, ha. 

3 hours ago, Steph619 said:

Aww, I loved the Darrell and Shane reunion. I've always been a Road Rules fan and their season was one of my favorites along with Semester at Sea. 

Ditto, their RR season was my favorite. Or at least it's the one I can remember the most about. 

How old is Kailah? I had a boyfriend in college who once drunkenly peed all over my piano and some new books I had just gotten. How a piano looks like a toilet, I don't know. Then he made me feel bad for being pissed off about it and said I could still read those books after they dried. He broke up with me a week later. On a hilarious note though, I went shopping for a black light/pee removal spray at the pet store after his incident, and the store clerk asked, "oh do you have a cat that pees everywhere?" and I said, "no, just a boyfriend". I did end up adopting a kitty cat a week after he dumped me and she hasn't had a pee incident ever in her almost 11 years of life. Cats > dudes ;)

Ashley San Diego looks different. I think it might be her eyebrows. And again, these girls with the thongy swimsuits. How does anyone find Dario attractive? His face just looks comical to me. 

ETA: Anyone know how long Ashley SD and Zach Delicate Balls dated? Was their relationship shorter than the almost-year long relationship with Jenna?

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
  • Love 4
11 hours ago, mojoween said:

Nicole is heinous.  What adult seriously runs around eating directly from a jar of peanut butter?

I'm still rooting for Nicole. In my mind, she wound up in a market before the show, saw peanut butter on sale, determined it was a better deal than back home, and bought it for herself. If one has to question her mindset, it would have to be about being attracted to Cara Maria. On the one hand, I'm thinking she figures that she could "take" Abram if needed. But I know Laurel can do that, and she wouldn't want CM to skew her orientation.

One thing I've noticed is that Bananas goes on and on about his record, which is 6 wins out of 13 challenge showings, this being his 14th. Not a bad showing at all, but he should be SCARED of Darrell, who won 4 out of 6 challenge showings, this being his 7th. The guy is no slouch, and the Underdogs should honestly be more scared of him than a Bananas or CT. But that's just my opinion.

I want CT and Darrell to sweep this whole thing. I also won't be mad if Shane pulls out a win, because I adore him and loved the sweet reunion between him and Darrell. Cara Maria is fine too. Literally everyone else on this cast can go at any time and I probably wouldn't even care/notice. And if Zach and Bananas go, I will full on celebrate.

Also, Jenna, if you are reading this, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Zach. You are gorgeous, have a great personality, and do not deserve to date such a POS. Do better and look elsewhere.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, sekay87 said:

Also, Jenna, if you are reading this, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Zach. You are gorgeous, have a great personality, and do not deserve to date such a POS. Do better and look elsewhere.

I would agree with this, if she didn't have a front row seat to the absolutely despicable way Zach treated Jonna (seriously, when BANANAS points out you're being disrespectful to women, it's time to rethink your choices), and decided to date him anyways. I have no patience for people who don't care if someone treats someone else like shit, as long as it isn't them.

  • Love 16
11 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

ETA: Anyone know how long Ashley SD and Zach Delicate Balls dated? Was their relationship shorter than the almost-year long relationship with Jenna?

Not sure how long, but I believe he moved to Boston specifically to live with her before cheating on her with multiple people and she dumped him I think. 

13 hours ago, mojoween said:

Nicole is heinous.  What adult seriously runs around eating directly from a jar of peanut butter?

Raises hand.  I have eaten peanut butter directly out of the jar with a spoon before.  I like to think I am adult.  I don't run around with it though.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, sekay87 said:

One thing I've noticed is that Bananas goes on and on about his record, which is 6 wins out of 13 challenge showings, this being his 14th. Not a bad showing at all, but he should be SCARED of Darrell, who won 4 out of 6 challenge showings, this being his 7th. The guy is no slouch, and the Underdogs should honestly be more scared of him than a Bananas or CT. But that's just my opinion.

Darrell has an impressive win ratio, but he hasn't done anything memorable or impressive to earn those wins that I can recall. He was just a very good steady competitor who was liked enough to not be thrown in much and had the ability to come back if he did but it was never anything impressive.  In a pure physical competition I would put him below CT but ahead of Zach and Bananas.  As far as the overall game goes, Bananas plays the game better than Darrell despite having a worse ratio.  Darrell has been able to skate by due to his likability and has enough athletic rep to not want most people to challenge him.  As opposed to CT where people are legit afraid to be in a physical challenge with him.  I would be more afraid to fight Darrell for sure though.  Dude was in the Golden Gloves and can throw hands.  I would fight CT first to be honest.  CT has the insane strength and can flip the crazy switch but he doesn't have heavy hands from what I have seen although I have heard stories where he has knocked people out.  If Darrell had gotten the shot at Adam that CT landed, Adam would still be sleeping.  I believe Zach knocked out Big Easy in a bar with one punch as well.  Hell even Bananas messed up some dude in Prague I think and he is a big wussy who was afraid of Wes.  

By the way I had to literally LOL at Zach saying he is known as the most dominating physical player ever in the Challenge. Please!  Biggest whiner and quitter with no heart maybe.  The guy lost a hammer hitting contest to a guy with 1 hand who weighed at least 50 lbs less.  Come the F on!  Big muscles don't mean shit if you ain't got the drive and heart to make full use of them.  Aside from a VERY brief head to head type of competition, where he might be impressive, he is way overrated.  I would take Derrick K over Zach any day if i were drafting competitors.

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, sekay87 said:

Also, Jenna, if you are reading this, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Zach. You are gorgeous, have a great personality, and do not deserve to date such a POS. Do better and look elsewhere.

Dude must be packing serious meat and know how to use it well to get all the extremely attractive women to put up with it.  Ashley and Jonna seem to be reasonably intelligent while Jenna bless her sweet dim self should know better but based on her history has a type.  She likes guys who treat women like receptacles and with no respect.  I mean Jay and Zach despite the physical differences basically act the same way toward women.

Edited by Unclejosh
  • Love 2
43 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

Raises hand.  I have eaten peanut butter directly out of the jar with a spoon before.  I like to think I am adult.  I don't run around with it though.

Ok.  Perhaps I should be more specific, because I have been known to go to town with a jar of Peter Pan, a plastic knife and a box of Cheez-its.  

But I bet you don't have the most obnoxious accent known to humankind, you aren't running around in front of the cameras trying to draw attention to yourself in any way possible and you don't do unseemly things to the spoon when you eat.  I mean, you might, I don't know your life.

My issue is mainly with Nicole, is what I'm saying.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 8
41 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:


By the way I had to literally LOL at Zach saying he is known as the most dominating physical player ever in the Challenge. Please!  Biggest whiner and quitter with no heart maybe.  The guy lost a hammer hitting contest to a guy with 1 hand who weighed at least 50 lbs less.  Come the F on!  Big muscles don't mean shit if you ain't got the drive and heart to make full use of them.  Aside from a VERY brief head to head type of competition, where he might be impressive, he is way overrated.  I would take Derrick K over Zach any day if i were drafting competitors.

Yeah, I did not see his win on Battle of the Seasons 2 so maybe I am excluding his more impressive challenge moments, but I recall exactly twice where he was even above average. That was the body paint challenge where Jonna had to rub paint on him and then he had to rub paint on the towel, and they won mostly due to Zach's large upper body, and then another time when the challenge involved the guy basically doing an extended lateral pull down which showed some puzzle his partner had to replicate. They didn't win, but in fairness, Jonna did have more face time with the puzzle due to Zach outlasting the guys holding the weight down. So basically, if the challenge favors body mass or upper arm strength in ONE exercise, Zach has an advantage. If it involves endurance, strategy, puzzles, etc- he's average to below average.

28 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

Dude must be packing serious meat and know how to use it well to get all the extremely attractive women to put up with it.  Ashley and Jonna seem to be reasonably intelligent while Jenna bless her sweet dim self should know better but based on her history has a type.  She likes guys who treat women like receptacles and with no respect.  I mean Jay and Zach despite the physical differences basically act the same way toward women.

I think it's the same as Bananas' appeal, honestly. I would be willing to bet girls like Jonna and Jenna see Zach treat his exes or other people like shit, and that actually adds to his appeal, not detracts from it. It's a validation thing for girls with low self esteem (I suppose guys too, but I mainly see it in teen girls and maybe early 20s). If a guy treats everyone else like shit, but is nice to you- well doesn't that say something about your  worth and appeal? Isn't that an indication that you are somehow better than the others?




I don't know how long Ashley dated Zach but I don't think it was for very long once the show was over. She gave an interview once (she did not mention infidelity as the reason she broke up with him) saying he really wasn't her type and he presented a different image of himself to her while they were dating that was not his true self and had she known that, she wouldn't have dated him in the first place. She did not list any specific example, but did say she would have been friends with him, which suggests to me that whatever he was dishonest about was not something she considered a major character flaw.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Ok.  Perhaps I should be more specific, because I have been known to go to town with a jar of Peter Pan, a plastic knife and a box of Cheez-its.  

But I bet you don't have the most obnoxious accent known to humankind, you aren't running around in front of the cameras trying to draw attention to yourself in any way possible and you don't do unseemly things to the spoon when you eat.  I mean, you might, I don't know your life.

My issue is mainly with Nicole, is what I'm saying.

I am from Massachusetts but do not have much of an accent unless I am tired or drunk and even then it is mild. Not like Good Will Hunting or anything. More like how Matt Damon actually speaks.

Nor will I ever been in front of a camera doing foolish things as I don't even like my picture being taken.  I have always said if I ever were to be an actor they would have a tough time using old pictures in scenes like they do since there are not many of them at all.  

What I do with the spoon is between me and the spoon.  :-)  Just kidding I certainly don't make love to it like Nicole.

I get your issue and agree.


  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Do you by chance mean Ashlee from a different real world season? She is from Boston and I believe she and Zach dated for some time.

I guess. I didn't know they were different people.   I never watch any of those seasons and just assumed it was the same person.  I am pretty sure that Ashlee said he cheated on her though as did Jonna if I am not mistaken.

19 minutes ago, numbnut said:

I am totally confused about this new setup. The underdogs win the challenge but are up for elimination? They should have waited for two more eliminations before bringing in the champs. Dario's argument is BS -- Sylvia more than proved herself in her stairway challenge (unlike Jenna in that lame bunjee jump "challenge").

it is also stupid that the underdogs don't have to face a champ in the eliminations. I know Cara Maria was all pissed off about it on twitter.  So basically the underdogs only face each other as do the champs.  Stupid.  What kind of invasion is that?

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

I guess. I didn't know they were different people.   I never watch any of those seasons and just assumed it was the same person.  I am pretty sure that Ashlee said he cheated on her though as did Jonna if I am not mistaken.


Ashlee Feldman is brunette, and I don't believe she has ever done a RW challenge (that could be wrong). He lived with her for a period of time and I don't know what caused that break up. Ashley Kelsey is the blond that is on the show now. I get the impression their relationship fizzled out pretty quickly after they left San Diego. Maybe he did cheat on her (Ashley) though, who knows.


From what I remember, Zach has had 4 BMP girlfriends- Ashley, Jonna, Ashlee, and Jenna. He appears to have the same pattern with them, starting with a pretty serious infatuation that leads to living together or talking marriage very early in the relationship, then he just goes radio silent (at least with Jonna and Jenna, that is. I think Ashley left him mid-infatuation and have no idea about Ashlee).

  • Love 1
  3 hours ago, sekay87 said:

Also, Jenna, if you are reading this, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Zach. You are gorgeous, have a great personality, and do not deserve to date such a POS. Do better and look elsewhere.

I would agree with this, if she didn't have a front row seat to the absolutely despicable way Zach treated Jonna (seriously, when BANANAS points out you're being disrespectful to women, it's time to rethink your choices), and decided to date him anyways. I have no patience for people who don't care if someone treats someone else like shit, as long as it isn't them.

You raise a good point, but I think more than anything else that doesn't have to do with her being an equally crappy person and deserving it as much as she just has super low self esteem and doesn't know any differently. Jay treated her just as bad, if not worse, than Zach did. My whole point is the girl needs to know her worth and realize that she's way out of the league of any guy on this show. She seems like a sweet girl-she's just dim-witted and lacks the confidence to tell the Zachs to screw off. But yes, she did see this with her own eyes so the sympathy is limited.

  • Love 2

I used to think that Diem's and CT would've been the Elaine & Puddy of this show in a better world. Now I see that Jenna and Zach fill that role. In this case, Elaine is dimmer, but has a "slammin'" body. And like I said last season, Jenna has probably spent many nights staring at the ceiling, wondering about her choices as Zach snores and pins her to the bed.

4 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Raises hand.  I have eaten peanut butter directly out of the jar with a spoon before.  I like to think I am adult.  I don't run around with it though.

Yeah I'm 30 and sometimes eat rainbow chip frosting out of the can, and I've walked around with a jar of pickles, so Nicole doing that didn't really strike me as weird, especially if alcohol was involved. Unless she shares that jar with the rest of her house haha.   

ETA: her accent on the other hand annoys the shit out of me. If I had to listen to both her and Ashley Bad Weave talk constantly I would lose my mind. 

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Yeah I'm 30 and sometimes eat rainbow chip frosting out of the can, and I've walked around with a jar of pickles, so Nicole doing that didn't really strike me as weird, especially if alcohol was involved. Unless she shares that jar with the rest of her house haha.   

ETA: her accent on the other hand annoys the shit out of me. If I had to listen to both her and Ashley Bad Weave talk constantly I would lose my mind. 

She said on Twitter that the jar was hers alone and she kept it in her drawer. Nobody else touched it.


Her accent is almost rage inducing.  I don't mind Ashley's nearly as much.  Even Laurel's is more annoying to me.

  • Love 2

I want to like Cory because he seems like an ok dude overall and is a good competitor, but the things he says about these women AFTER he bangs them makes it hard.  He is all lovely-dovey and nice to them and right after he gets what he wants he finds some minor thing to blow up over and bad mouths them and makes it sound like they are crazy for thinking he actually liked them when he CLEARLY was putting that out there.  Really immature and prickish.

I hope it is just youth and he grows out of it but probably won't.

Based on the way Kailah reacted and her subsequent comments on social media, I think she REALLY liked him in more than just a "challenge bang" type of way but she could just be playing it up.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Unclejosh said:

I want to like Cory because he seems like an ok dude overall and is a good competitor, but the things he says about these women AFTER he bangs them makes it hard.  He is all lovely-dovey and nice to them and right after he gets what he wants he finds some minor thing to blow up over and bad mouths them and makes it sound like they are crazy for thinking he actually liked them when he CLEARLY was putting that out there.  Really immature and prickish.

I hope it is just youth and he grows out of it but probably won't.

Based on the way Kailah reacted and her subsequent comments on social media, I think she REALLY liked him in more than just a "challenge bang" type of way but she could just be playing it up.

Agreed.  Corey just wants a warm body to keep him from being lonely on these long Challenge nights (& to potentially provide a temporary shield during eliminations); he doesn't care about these girls outside of sex and using their vote to get ahead in the challenge.  Which is why I laughed when Corey claimed he was playing the game for the "team" while Shane was playing for himself.  STFU, Corey.  You are neither as handsome nor as intelligent as you think you are.

Nicole doesn't really bother me, not the accent or the peanut butter.  I think she could end up a true Challenge competitor just because she seems to be relatively easy-going & has some physical aptitude.

Why was Silvia surprised about going into elimination?  I don't think anyone really cares if she stays or goes.

The "underdogs" should have been the ones with less people if they a) wanted to be actual underdogs, and, b) didn't celebrate one measly win as though they won the Stanley Cup.

  • Love 4

Okay. I understand maybe 5 vs 4, since the Champions are always way more stacked than the underdogs. 6 vs 4? That's just ridiculous. Even so, the underdog males almost got beat, and they were celebrating! I mean, I'd totally take the win if I were them with no complaints, but I wouldn't be bragging about it! Pathetic.

Corey was terrible on his RW season, and he's terrible now. Just when I think I'm starting to like him, he pulls some dumb shit like this.  Kailah pissing the bed was gross, sure, and as someone upthread said, he was within his rights to "dump" her, but him talking about her like that afterwards was downright cruel. 

I was worried that Darrel was not going to be as good a competitor as he once was (kind of like Alton when he came back for BotS) but this challenge showed that he was still in top form. Good for him!

Lol @ Nicole wanting Cara Maria's Vagina.

John continues to be insufferable.

  • Love 2

Cory is an ass. I don't even like Kailah and I felt bad for her. This is her first Challenge though, so hopefully she'll learn. No one who is serious about the competition needs to be drinking that much but it's not shocking since the producers exploit and cast people who are prone to personality disorders and substance abuse issues in the first place.

Real talk, aside from CT I don't care about any of these fools (except Shane, who I like a moderate amount). I am curious if he is still with his baby mama, cause no one is mentioning her. Just his kid like he was dropped off at his doorstep or something. It makes me think they don't want to ruin the whole CT/Diem love story. Which is weird at this point.

Edited by delicatecutter
  • Love 3

I'm so confused, so the champs get a free ride? Or is this just until they even out the squads? What's the point of even doing a challenge if they're just going to throw a couple of newbies into the elimination? And literally none of them have immunity...except the LOSERS? Honestly, I don't understand a bit of it but I also don't hate it. I'm down with as few rules as possible. Explore all the loopholes!!

10 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

By the way I had to literally LOL at Zach saying he is known as the most dominating physical player ever in the Challenge. Please!  Biggest whiner and quitter with no heart maybe.  The guy lost a hammer hitting contest to a guy with 1 hand who weighed at least 50 lbs less.  Come the F on!  Big muscles don't mean shit if you ain't got the drive and heart to make full use of them.  Aside from a VERY brief head to head type of competition, where he might be impressive, he is way overrated.  I would take Derrick K over Zach any day if i were drafting competitors.

LOL! Every time he humble brags I flash back to the time he crapped out in the final because his legs hurt and then Laurel yelled at him for an hour and threatened to carry him to the finish line.

7 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Yeah I'm 30 and sometimes eat rainbow chip frosting out of the can, and I've walked around with a jar of pickles, so Nicole doing that didn't really strike me as weird, especially if alcohol was involved. Unless she shares that jar with the rest of her house haha.   

Um...wtf is rainbow chip frosting and where do I get some!?!?!?

5 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Why was Silvia surprised about going into elimination?  I don't think anyone really cares if she stays or goes.

Silvia is the most unmemorable person in the history of this franchise. I was trying to remember who beat LaToya last week and blanked entirely. Then I forgot about her until you mentioned her now. Pretty sure Dario forgot about her immediately after throwing her into elimination. Was she even in this episode?

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, rho said:

Um...wtf is rainbow chip frosting and where do I get some!?!?!?

It's only the best thing ever. Betty Crocker discontinued it a few years ago, but there's like a cult infatuation with it so they brought it back and I stocked up just in case they stop making it again. I don't even like frosting in general, don't ever crave cookies or cake or overly sweet things either, but there's something about this frosting that is so yummy and the rainbow chips just melt in your mouth! They probably do put crack in it, that would explain it. :P

  • Love 1

I love that so many people are sharing their pee themselves stories with Kailah on Twitter.  She seems to have a good attitude on the situation and came away from the challenge with some friends and admirers (incl, CaraMaria).  

Cory's always been an ass.


I'm so confused, so the champs get a free ride? Or is this just until they even out the squads? What's the point of even doing a challenge if they're just going to throw a couple of newbies into the elimination? And literally none of them have immunity...except the LOSERS? Honestly, I don't understand a bit of it but I also don't hate it. I'm down with as few rules as possible. Explore all the loopholes!!

The challenge determined which team would bank the $10K.  The teams take turns going to elimination, so next week will be the champs turn.  That means that the rookies will always have either a 1 or 2 person advantage during the challenges.  

  • Love 3
On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 1:30 AM, Marley said:

I am rooting for CT. Everyone else is meh.

JB can shut up like always.

Zach can shut up the most. I don't really get how hes a champ. Him trying to insult CT makes me dislike him even more lol.

Ditto to everything you just said.  Zach can really miss me with the whole "I didn't see CT tackle anyone" bs.  For once, I have to give JB credit because he seemed to have none of it and, I thought, he threw some subtle shade at Zach with the whole "I don't know about CT, I was too busy trying to get the Underdogs to notice what everyone else was up to," lol.  Why the heck Zach would've had the opportunity to notice what the other players were up to is beyond me unless he was doing more looking than working. 

Zach is really an idiot if he truly believes he is the most physically intimidating player on his team. 

I felt so bad for Kaliah in this episode.  Peeing the bed had to be mortifying but to have Cory act like she was so disgusting and untouchable afterwards is a bit much.  I think he was just looking for an excuse to cut ties with her and that side of the underdog alliance once he realized the other players weren't going to band together and vote out the "weaker" players.  In my opinion, Kaliah should've seen the red flags when he voted her in to the elimination when they were still at the shelter.  He had already picked a side at that point so voting for her wasn't going to help him avoid having his name thrown in.  He's a self-serving dog and not worth the tears. 

Nicole needs to back off a little.  Coming on that strong to Cara Maria wasn't cute.  Cara Maria looked so uncomfortable. 

I am still wtf-ever with Champion Ashley.  I liked that none of the underdogs mentioned feeling intimidated by her.  If I remember correctly, she was carried to the final by her teammates and wasn't exactly a competition beast. 

Edited by Peper81
  • Love 2
20 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

it is also stupid that the underdogs don't have to face a champ in the eliminations. I know Cara Maria was all pissed off about it on twitter.  So basically the underdogs only face each other as do the champs.  Stupid.  What kind of invasion is that?

I agree with this wholeheartedly.  The whole premise is "to be a champion, you have to beat a champion" and then they don't actually pit the underdogs against the champions in the elimination where it actually matters.  I don't know if I like the idea of the winner or first person to do something on the team gets to pick a person to go into elimination but then is still in danger of being put in themselves by the vote.  I guess they don't want anyone to feel too safe but I think it lessens the chance of taking a risk by voting a big player in because they can then go campaign to have your behind thrown in.  I'll see how it plays out but I'm not too optimistic about that aspect.

21 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

Dude must be packing serious meat and know how to use it well to get all the extremely attractive women to put up with it.  Ashley and Jonna seem to be reasonably intelligent while Jenna bless her sweet dim self should know better but based on her history has a type.  She likes guys who treat women like receptacles and with no respect.  I mean Jay and Zach despite the physical differences basically act the same way toward women.

Given the level of stamina Zach has displayed on multiple challenges/eliminations, I don't believe for a second that he's good in bed (cause that's probably how long he lasts).

21 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

it is also stupid that the underdogs don't have to face a champ in the eliminations. I know Cara Maria was all pissed off about it on twitter.  So basically the underdogs only face each other as do the champs.  Stupid.  What kind of invasion is that?

What's the point of bringing the Champions back to instill fear and to keep harping on "everyone must earn their spot" if the underdogs don't have the opportunity to compete against a champ one on one and truly prove who belongs there?  Of course this show would take a decent premise and completely fuck it up. 

Also, a game like that is totally in the favor of the team with the most people.  They should have either had 2 people from the underdogs sit out or chosen another game.

18 hours ago, TwistedandBored said:

Corey was within his right to breakup with that girl but he didn't need to talk about her like that. He romances these girls and then makes them feel stupid for thinking he actually liked them. He did the same thing with Aneesa. I hope the next group of girls realize what a pig he is. 


17 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

I want to like Cory because he seems like an ok dude overall and is a good competitor, but the things he says about these women AFTER he bangs them makes it hard.  He is all lovely-dovey and nice to them and right after he gets what he wants he finds some minor thing to blow up over and bad mouths them and makes it sound like they are crazy for thinking he actually liked them when he CLEARLY was putting that out there.  Really immature and prickish.

I hope it is just youth and he grows out of it but probably won't.

Based on the way Kailah reacted and her subsequent comments on social media, I think she REALLY liked him in more than just a "challenge bang" type of way but she could just be playing it up.


16 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Agreed.  Corey just wants a warm body to keep him from being lonely on these long Challenge nights (& to potentially provide a temporary shield during eliminations); he doesn't care about these girls outside of sex and using their vote to get ahead in the challenge.  Which is why I laughed when Corey claimed he was playing the game for the "team" while Shane was playing for himself.  STFU, Corey.  You are neither as handsome nor as intelligent as you think you are.


13 hours ago, Zima said:

Corey was terrible on his RW season, and he's terrible now. Just when I think I'm starting to like him, he pulls some dumb shit like this.  Kailah pissing the bed was gross, sure, and as someone upthread said, he was within his rights to "dump" her, but him talking about her like that afterwards was downright cruel.


12 hours ago, delicatecutter said:

Cory is an ass. I don't even like Kailah and I felt bad for her. This is her first Challenge though, so hopefully she'll learn. No one who is serious about the competition needs to be drinking that much but it's not shocking since the producers exploit and cast people who are prone to personality disorders and substance abuse issues in the first place.


2 hours ago, snarts said:

Cory's always been an ass.

Ah, there's the Cory I love to hate.  And just like that, he went from sexy to a wonky-eyed motherfucker!

Edited by luckyroll3
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I would have liked to know what Bananas thought about Zach talking crap about CT-he is no dummy and surely realized what an ass Zach is. 

Zach is a baby meathead. He is way too narcissistic to be good in bed no matter what he's packing. (Plus, if rumors are true, certain enhancement supplements could impact sexual performance...) 

Thought I liked Corey until he behaved like a sixth grader. No class front runner idiot. 

Love CT, Darrell, and Cara Maria!!!! Maybe Dario has grown up a bit- he seems ok! 

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I feel bad for Kailah. On her season of RW the weird dude slept with her once and never came back for more.  Seems like that's happening again.  She did say she had a gold vagina, maybe gold hurts to have sex with.   Haha.  Nah. Though, I really like her, and feel bad for the way guys treat her.  

Jenna! Stay away from Zack.  She can do so much better! 

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