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S13.E32: 6 Finalists Perform

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Hmmm those 2 themes can be interchangeable with so many songs, let's hope for some GREAT singing for a change and fewer close ups of JLO doing her "serious" side to side head bop while Keith gets the long shots with his chicken head bops and steadfast Harry remains steadfast!  

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Did they just try to pass "Still the One" off as a country song?  Although, honestly, if anyone could bring that song back it would be some young heartthrob like Sam.


I'll actually drop dead from shock if anyone other than Caleb wins this season.

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God there have some awful song choices going tonight. And I'm going to have to stick a pencil in my neck if they continue with the pimpification of JenaNotGina. Slapout Jessica outsang her by a million miles and they picked her apart - first she's standing still, then she's supposed to dance, then dance in her room, then perhaps dance out on Hollywood Blvd with a sign around her neck. And methinks JenaNotGina is not such a good sport. I was watching her face while they are praising Caleb and she had on sour lemon bitch face. 

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I am now officially old - none of those songs in the "country" portion of the show were actually sung "country".  Yes they were originally song by country singers, but that's the only thing "country" about them.  I actually laughed when Keith told Caleb he was looking forward to his country song.  If that's what country sounds like, then I guess I can now listen to it as I've never been a fan.


On a weird note - I noticed tonight how long and big Jennifer's hands are.  Not sure why they stood out tonight, but they did.


Someone else asked a while back who Jena was trying to sound like?  Well tonight with some of her phrasing I thought she sounded a little bit like Cher.  Maybe that's just me and having Cher on my mind as I just saw part of an interview with her on Graham Norton.


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If they don't can AI after this season then wtf??  the show could not be worse....songs, singers lame lame lame...doing my best to remain a fan but it sure isn't easy this season.   JLO calling Jena the winner???  agree, they gave her all the credit and tossed Jessica a bone...Caleb sounds the same no matter what he sings, he is good but not my vision of the idol winner....Sam is so much improved...CJ has to go and throwing out that a dear friend died 2 days ago and this song was for her?  sympathy for sure but it sounded like a sympathy vote because that is why he is still on the show, likeable and somewhat sympathetic...his voice is awful and that second song....zzzzzz.....

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I actually thought Keith's comment about looking forward to Caleb's country song was meant to be a joke - although if it was, it went over everybody's head. But I thought he had to be joking because it sounded like anything but a country song. It sounded like everything else Caleb does.

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Keith didn't "feel" the heartbreak when Alex sang Willie?  First time this season I wonder if he is under TPTB orders.  It worked.  Alex was low man for each poll reveal.  I thought it was brilliant.  Usually, I can not stand songs re-imagined to such a degree.  This, however, completely worked for me due to Alex's artistry.  Whatever happened to making a song their own?  Oh.  That narrative is not operable for tonight only.  Got it.

Caleb destroyed that rock song.  Easily the performance of the year; his Zep tune being #2.

Gotta hand it to Jena on 'Cuda.  Excellent tonality and energy throughout.  Girl mos def has talent.  She just isn't in Caleb's league.  None of them are (Alex plays a different sport. ;)).

I note that, per usual, the director and/or the camera critters blew the best moment of the show (Caleb chasing after the mic).  I know I can rely on them to mess up this one-car funeral each week.  Swallows and Capistrano, baby.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Alright, my only agenda is that I love Alex.  Can I say, I was able to work the entire two hours of this show without stepping away from my laptop?  (Yea, working from home options in the workforce!)


This does not bode well.  I listened quite intently to every performance, and I cannot say any more than this.  I am more intrigued by the Yankees pitcher being ejected for pine tar.

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Caleb could have done a lot to win the season based on his first performance if he had done a country ballad (assuming he could have sold it, which I do think he is capable of) for his second. As it stood, it was just a let-down.


Neither of Jena's songs grabbed me, and where I was (albeit somewhat grudgingly) ready to count her as a shoo in for top 2 the last couple of weeks, this was a bit of a step down.


Sam did well with both numbers. Not stellar, but I think he bought himself another week. The second number in particular was a really good fit for him, and he came closer than I've seen him yet to really sounding like an entertainer.


Jessica nailed the first song vocally, and was pretty good on the second, but she still fails to move me. I wonder whether she might have seen fit to invest in some botox pre-competition...Nothing above the eyebrows ever seemsto move, and it gives her a very blank affect.


Both CJ's songs were all sorts of out of tune, and neither was compelling enough to stand alone without a good vocal. He really has reached the end of the road moreso than anyone else this season to my ears.


Alex's first was OK...not his style, but not completely painful. His second was almost a revelation. If I hadn't already been really won over by his reworking of "every breath you take" a couple of weeks ago, this would have definitely put me in his camp. He may not win, given his somewhat awkward demeanor, but he's the artist of the season

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Like last week with her version of "Creep," I was wondering if I needed my hearing checked or were the judges so hypnotized by Jeeeeena's singing that they're grading her on a curve. She brought NOTHING NEW to "Barracuda." Heck, call Ann Wilson up in Seattle and fly her down to sing the song instead of Jeeeeena. Also, her version of "So Small" was just that. Yet, she's "current" (whatever!) and they (ex-Mrs. Anthony and Mr. Kidman) still slobbered over her. Slight kudos to Harry for giving  her "slight" criticism. He should have gone further.

Caleb was Caleb. Alex was off on the first song, pretty good on the second song. Also, what would happen to him if a stage manager took away his guitar before he went on stage? Would he lose control of his bodily functions, pass out, or scream? I swear that guitar is like a seeing-eye dog for him.

CJ's play for sympathy votes for his deceased friend may finally send Sam home (still bitter over Malaya leaving).

Team Slapout. 'Nuff said.

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This was really the first time I loved an Alex performance (Always on My Mind).

Yes, Keith's remark about 'looking forward to the country song' was a dig at Caleb choosing something that, while sung by a country star, was far more rock than country. And this is-what?-the third 'female' song Caleb has done. I kind of wish he'd just sing something in a different genre, not a different gender.

Too bad (well, not really) that the season doesn't last a few weeks longer; Sam seems to be working up some genuine feelings- I don't think he's going to last long enough to reach 'release', though.




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I don't think the theme meant they had to sing country songs like country songs- they just had to pick a country song and sing it any way they wanted to. That's sort of the point of the show, to take something that may not be in your wheelhouse and make it in your wheelhouse.


Jena- Her technique is awful. It sounds to me like she is singing way too loud (especially when it comes to belting high notes) and is straining her voice. Now that Majesty is gone, I guess TPTB have anointed her as the female chosen one. I think both her song choices were great but she proved she is no Ann Wilson or Carrie Underwood. Her technique just sucks and it makes all her performances sound awful. She could be good if someone taught her how to sing without screaming. She's like this season's Jacquie Lee.


Sam- His voice is always on point, no worries there. I think he felt more connected in his first song than second. I feel like someone behind the scenes told him to do the Shania song because he's the "heartthrob." He didn't seem very into it at all and I can't imagine he ever listens to Shania Twain in real life. Also, the styling for his second song was horrendous- too Bieber-esque and didn't match the song. His vocals are always a pleasant listen though.


CJ- His first song choice was actually a good song choice but I still heard wrong notes. But I cringed at Harry's "It pretty good" comment. Come on. We're at Top 6, "pretty good" doesn't cut it anymore. Second song was a snore. Sweet he was dedicating it toward's someone from back home but snore. I keep saying every week it'll be his week to go and he still hasn't gone yet. So I'm just going to assume he's safe yet again this week. Ugh


Alex- First song was eh. Second was much much better. I wish he could get more comfortable doing other types of songs though. All his performances are starting to string together. Nevertheless, the second song was very beautifully done. His guitar playing is beautiful. Those little accidentals he did at the end were gorgeous and unexpected and really shows his knowledge of music. His vocals in both songs were pretty good. He's a strong singer as well as a good musician and arranger.


Caleb- Both song choices were good but I loved Undo It more than the first. Can someone just give this guy a record deal already? He is clearly the best singer and performer there. He looks like a pro compared to the rest, like he's been doing this for years. He makes the rest look like amateurs in a local bar contest. Wish we could have seen the mic mistake, at the time they were focusing on the drummer I think and only panned to Caleb just as he was getting up off the floor. That high note! Also loved his conviction when he sang Undo It. This is how you take a theme that it outside your wheelhouse and make it in your wheelhouse. The original is sort of a country rock track, so I think it fit the theme well enough but also fit Caleb's style. 


Jessica- Wasn't a fan of the first song but Jolene was awesome, fit her like a glove. That was probably one of her strongest performances all season. I wish she'd have ditched the guitar though. I don't understand why people want to sing with their acoustic guitars when the full band is playing because we can't hear it anyway. It's pointless and I think it's just a distraction or a crutch for them. 


Prediction for B2: CJ and Jena

Could be a shock boot with the Chosen One Jena going home


Other comments: Loved having Grumpy Cat in the house tonight. 

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Am I the only one here who is bored by Caleb. It might because I don't care for his personality , comes off as arrogant to me. I couldnt hear Jena over the band her first song and can never understand her. Jessica has a nice voice but registers zero in performance . Love Alex, he is the only one I find interesting .

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I still don't really care about any of these guys. That being said, I liked listening to Sam & Alex on their country songs & pretty much enjoyed both of Jessica's. I'm so over Jena. Something feels so put upon with her. I finally nailed why I can't stand Caleb. We have a local cover band that is really pretty good. They specialize in 80's covers & do them justice. It's a hobby for these guys. They have day jobs & do weekend gigs because they love music. I feel like Caleb is interchangeable with them. He always sounds like he's singing someone else's song.

Best of the night: Grumpy Cat

Edited by ramble
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It would imo be a travesty if CJ doesn't go home tomorrow. Tonight he pulled out all the stops by being sharp and flat during both performances. Harry begrudgingly gave Jena a critique, while all three begrudgingly gave Jess a compliment. Sam's performances are improving, but he needs to find a way to eliminate that pained expression while performing. I hope Alex is safe tomorrow. His first performance fell a little flat, but that second one was beautiful. Jena must be killing in the voting. That's the only reason I can come to terms with the judges tongue bathing her performances every week. Just once I wish Caleb would perform a song without ever picking up the mic stand. /rambling


Seeing Grumpy cat makes me long for a cat, but unfortunately my son is highly allergic to cats. :(


Hoping bottom two will be CJ and Jena but knowing it won't. Watch Jena will be first or second (after Caleb) called to safety.

Edited by yourpointis
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As much as I do love Caleb and think he does what he does extremely well, even I have to admit watching him walk around with his mic stand like it's a battle axe has gotten old. Wish for one week he'd ditch the mic stand or bring his guitar out and play a quiet ditty, while Alex did the opposite and ditched the guitar or at least played another instrument.

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You know I just want the contestants to mix it up a little. Show if they can be well rounded performers. If you play an instrument, ditch it for one performance. Just to prove these things aren't crutches. Heck I'm old enough to remember when rock singers looked down upon singing anything that was considered tender or anything resembling a ballad. I would love to hear Caleb just sit on a stool or stand still and have a tender moment as well. Everyone is getting predictable and that makes for a boring season. I guess I'm just saying as a viewer I want to be surprised in a good way.

Edited by yourpointis
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Best part of the night was Grumpy Cat. What a cool cat (no pun intended) and I can't believe how calm he is.

Second best part of the night was Keith telling Caleb after his second performance that he was looking foward to hearing his country song. LOL. Though Carrie Underwood is a country singer, neither of her songs sung tonight would I categorize as country.

Hated both of Jena's songs. The first was karaoke all the way. The second bored me. I had problems hearing her during both songs. I do not see what the judges see in her.

Loved both of Jessica's songs - I think it was her best performance(s) in ages. Too bad Keith and JLo have it in for her. Props to Harry for giving her credit.

I had no idea what Ryan was talking about with regards to Caleb's mike - had to rewind and then saw that the cameras cut to the drummer, so we didn't even see most of what happened until the end. Good save on his part, but don't know why the cameras didn't stay on Caleb the entire time.

I really hate how Ryan keeps rating the contestants by votes - especially when it is done right after someone has sang - obviously unless people are voting without hearing everyone sing, the last singer will not likely be properly represented. Serves no purpose to me.

I really hope Jena is at least in the bottom two tomorrow to shut Keith and JLo up. Not that it likely would, be they need to stop leading the Jena train when it really is a wreck to many people.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I liked the first half of the show (except Alex), but the second half was a trainwreck for them all (except Jessica; "Jolene" wasn't her best, but I thought she sounded okay for the most part).


I'd love an Alex shock boot, but it'll probably be CJ who goes this week. Although I don't hate Caleb, what could they even do with him if he won? Try to go for a Kings of Leon sound or something? I have no idea. At least I can see what ideally they could do with Sam, Jena, Alex, and Jessica. And the thing is, I can't see TPTB wanting him to win either, so why are they wasting time trying to nix Jessica when they need to be focusing on this guy? Maybe they want another flop so they can have an excuse to slaughter the judges' panel again.


I really think Simon's coming back at this point, with the way they're mentioning him every week now. Normally Simon's He Who Must Not Be Named for this show.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I would love to hear Caleb just sit on a stool or stand still and have a tender moment as well.


He'd just sing "Beth" and still be a cliche.

Edited by auntlada
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I really hate how Ryan keeps rating the contestants by votes - especially when it is done right after someone has sang - obviously unless people are voting without hearing everyone sing, the last singer will not likely be properly represented.

Especially when Ryan is pulling up individual states like it's election night.  Did he do this the after the first half?  I noticed that after the second half, it was votes only from the state of Tennessee.  I didn't understand the point of that at all, and it could be very misleading.


ETA: auntlada, I was thinking that or "More Than Words" or "Every Rose" and it could be as you said.

Edited by msburg
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I actually thought Keith's comment about looking forward to Caleb's country song was meant to be a joke - although if it was, it went over everybody's head. But I thought he had to be joking because it sounded like anything but a country song. It sounded like everything else Caleb does.


So funny!!  No one seemed to get it including Caleb looking rather stunned!  That is kind of why I said before the show that country and rock songs can sound the same sometimes and Caleb found 2 that didn't change his style one bit!  Caleb could have found a song to showcase his voice more than his style...let's face it if he wins (not my choice) he will be slamming microphone stands and jumping around on stage shaking his hair doing only what we have seen....I couldn't take 2 hours of that...even the best of rockers slow it down and emote some feeling in some songs....Kenny Chesney comes to mind.   

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Am I the only one here who is bored by Caleb. It might because I don't care for his personality , comes off as arrogant to me. I couldnt hear Jena over the band her first song and can never understand her. Jessica has a nice voice but registers zero in performance . Love Alex, he is the only one I find interesting .


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I am too bored by Caleb. I wonder if that was an underhand dig by Harry? I caught that right away.
I wonder if they want Jena to win and she isn't running away with votes? I wonder if Alex is, and they are trying to turn people against him?
For the first time, I honestly have no clue who will win.

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Yes, Keith's remark about 'looking forward to the country song' was a dig at Caleb choosing something that, while sung by a country star, was far more rock than country. And this is-what?-the third 'female' song Caleb has done. I kind of wish he'd just sing something in a different genre, not a different gender.

Caleb has remained pretty much the same through the whole season for me.  Yes, he has a powerful voice and can move on the stage, but that's his schtick and he is "schticking" to it.  I think that is what Keith was saying as well, with a bit of sarcastic eyebrow.  I see no movement, and it bores.  Every week he is the same.  I have tried to like him because he probably will be top two however just because you are considered the best of this group, doesn't mean you will make it out there.  

Jena is powerful but it's wrong and warbly at times, but somehow everyone fawns over this.  Go figure.

Alex is an artist, Caleb is not.  That's the way I see those two and I am hoping they make top two and go against each other.  Alex has longevity if he keeps going the way he is, Caleb will be a performer at country fairs and maybe in a vegas show.

Jessica had a better night, and probably bought another week, CJ I feel is going home.  Sam is just a joy to watch as a young kid having an adventure of his life.  He won't win.  I wonder though when he leaves if all his votes will go Alex's way and this may boot someone out such as Jena or Caleb as a shocker.  Just saying.  

Caleb had a chance last night to show his stuff and he didn't.  He just "performed" like he is programmed to, and refuses to use the opportunity to go for growth and creativity.  That's why Keith said that IMO.

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Someone else asked a while back who Jena was trying to sound like?  Well tonight with some of her phrasing I thought she sounded a little bit like Cher.

 A little bit of Cher a little bit of


I liked Alex's second song(and really appreciate that he tried to pick up the pace a bit with his first song.

Sam's first one was great and, while his second one was vocally good, that song has always bored me to tears, so I couldn't get into it.

 CJ seems like such a sweetheart, but he's just not cutting it.  Poor Jessica--she just can't win with the judges. I thought both

Poor Jessica--I thought both songs were good, but she just can't win with the judges (or TPTB more likely).

Jena:  Ok, here's an unpopular opinion--I couldn't care less if someone does a karaoke version of a song on AI as long as it's good.  Her's was....ok.  I don't get the attitude that some people get from her, but I don't think she's a great singer, though.  She's good and I appreciate that she's attempting to make her performances more exciting than the few we've had this season who just stand there.

Caleb isn't boring me because he's consistent and I like that kind of music.  Loved the accidental mike drop and Keith's reaction to it.  I wish we'd seen the whole thing. And yes, if he just sat there, it would be Beth, Every Rose..., or More Than Words.  Personally, since he likes that genre, I'd like him to try Hole Hearted--it's a little different than the other three w/o being totally out of his box and, therefore, I think it would be a bit more challenging for him. 

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JLo had to force herself not to chair dance during "Jolene."  And Keith was straining not to chicken head too to the beat that he, "hated.". And JLo's looking at her arm goosies during Jeh-na's song made me gag.


Jeh-na's affectations have now extended to her speaking. "Oy wooze tonts." (I was tense) Well oy wooze stabby.

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Someone else asked a while back who Jena was trying to sound like?  Well tonight with some of her phrasing I thought she sounded a little bit like Cher.  Maybe that's just me and having Cher on my mind as I just saw part of an interview with her on Graham Norton.

I hear Hayley Williams of Paramore (listen to one of her songs and you'll hear it right away IMHO). In fact, I think that who she's trying to emulate (the little "catch" in her voice). LMAO, imagine JenaNot Gina singing "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves"

Caleb's going to end up getting the Daughtry treatment - he's going to be the shock elimination and end up having a great career even though the stylist went through Jim Morrison's closet and dressed him last night. 

I really did enjoy Alex's "Always on My Mind" and he channeled Don McLean singing "Vincent"(blast from the past for all you oldie moldies like me haha)

ARGH, CJ! Please go home dear fellow. You are hurting my ears. I thought you had gotten the pitch problem solved but as somebody above pointed out, you managed to sing sharp and flat in the same song at the same time. 

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I note that, per usual, the director and/or the camera critters blew the best moment of the show (Caleb chasing after the mic).


I actually watched his performance a second time because I thought I'd missed it. Then I realized that the cameras were on Jennifer laughing in reaction. Great work there, guys.

Keith hit it exactly when he talked about Jessica's eyes not matching the song, and then Jennifer was right when she said "Jolene" was the first time Jessica seemed to connect. I love Jessica's voice, but there is definitely something off about her performances.

I heard a radio commercial this morning talking about a "shock boot" tonight. PleaseBeJena.PleaseBeJena.PleaseBeJena. (she is the only one I FF through every time. Cannot stand her).

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Oh show, I really wish I could quit you, but I just don’t seem able to do it.

What was Jennifer wearing?  From the neck up she was stunning, the neck down – not so much.

Harry was looking particularly buff last night; me likey.   I just want to fix the front of Keith’s hair; it is so unflattering on him.

My favorites of the night were Sam and Jessica.  I just adore the sound and tone of Sam’s voice and he’s really improving.  I preferred his first song simply because I cannot stand “Still the One.”

I liked both of Jessica’s performance and that’s the first time (other than her original song) that I thought she sounded, looked, and performed well.  I don’t get why she gets lukewarm praise yet Caleb gets a tongue bath for a subpar performance.  I thought his first performance was contrived and predictable and the second was just painful.

Alex had an off night – still his off night is better than most of the other contestants when they’re on.  And CJ couldn’t find the correct key if you handed it to him in a paper bag. 

Jena looked like she had the right vibe/energy for Barracuda – I don’t know what she sounded like because Bandzilla drowned her out.  I thought she was okay on the second song; I’m not familiar with it and (like Harry) the odd melody threw me for a loop.  Jena is always interesting to me because I’m not sure if I like her voice – I find it interesting enough to keep me listening to her.

I didn't realize how tiny the Grumpy Cat is...just a wee thing. 

Jess, Alex and Caleb are still my top 3.

Swap Sam for Caleb and then I agree with your top three.  ;-)

Best of the night: Grumpy Cat


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I heard a radio commercial this morning talking about a "shock boot" tonight.

Omigosh - that means CJ, a really nice guy who cannot sing on key to save his life, is going to be in the top 5.  That pretty much says it all about the decline of Idol.

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Count me among those who are bored to death by Caleb.  With the others - good, bad, or mediocre - I at least look forward to what they are going to do.  With Caleb, I know exactly what I'm going to get - an 80's-style overly loud over-the-top performance ending with a screamy power note and maybe he will sink or fall to the floor.  Maybe the reason he is doing well in the voting is that a lot of viewers are nostalgic for the 80's and really like that style, but I don't really see how he is relevant to the market today.  Yes, he's good at what he does - but I don't see him as a popular recording artist in the year 2014.  He is what he is - a very talented cover band singer who could rev up the crowd in any bar and get everybody on their feet.  He might be great as the lead singer in a Journey tribute band.  But as a current recording artist?  As someone said, it's hard to see exactly what they would do with him. 


I really like Jessica and feel she is improving week after week.  Some may not like her nasally tone - that's a matter of preference - but if I heard her on the radio I feel like I would recognize her voice right off the bat, unlike a lot of female singers who all sound alike to me.  She's pretty, a good songwriter, she has her Slapout-country vibe but can do rock and ballads as well, and I feel she is extremely marketable.  And yet the judges pick her apart and jump up and down for Caleb.  I just don't get it.

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100% agree with you about Caleb and Jessica.  If you're listening to her on the radio or watching her with your eyes closed, her performance is great.  If you're seeing her, however, there is a weird "Stepford" look on her face while she's singing.  And as much as it rubs me the wrong way, I have to agree with what JLo said after hearing "Jolene," that Jessica actually showed some emotion in her eyes for the first time.  But did you catch the awkward hand movements she tried to use?  I felt sorry for her then, like she's trying so hard to please the judges who just will not be pleased.  

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I don't think Caleb wants to win, and in fact, I think he'll be better off if he does not win. He's very shrewd and is looking for exposure so that a band will ask him to be their front man. He's been very clear that that is what he wants to do with his career. If he won and TPTB tried to give him a solo career, it would be a disaster.


I've been thinking about Jessica. She's been a working musician for years already, doing many shows each week. I believe that's what's hurting her: she knows these songs so well already that they're almost rote and she's lost all the emotional connection.  I wonder if Jolene is in her regular set list, or if it was a fairly new choice and that's why it was better.


Having said that, I really like both her and Caleb.  I would love for Sam to be the surprise winner of the whole thing. If we assume that CJ will NOT win it all, I think all the others will still have great careers just from the exposure they've received. But Sam would benefit more than any other contestant from a win (IMO).

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Good point about Caleb--I remember when Chris Daughtry left the show, wasn't he offered a front man position with a famous band?  Can't remember their name right now--but he declined and that was a great decision for him.  I can't yet make a commitment in choosing a winner--at this point, I like Alex and Sam but who knows how this will go down--clearly the judges have a way of manipulating their critiques to sway the voting public.  

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Can't say I enjoyed the show all that much.  I did like both of Jess's songs and I don't see the disconnect others see.  I far prefer her to Jena and her word-swallowing affectation. Also loved Alex's "Always On My Mind" and Sam's first song.


CJ should probably be the one going home.  I fear the bus might catch up with Jessica and she'll go home.  But I hope it will be either Caleb or Jena so I can watch Lopez's head explode.

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I don't think Caleb wants to win, and in fact, I think he'll be better off if he does not win. He's very shrewd and is looking for exposure so that a band will ask him to be their front man. He's been very clear that that is what he wants to do with his career. If he won and TPTB tried to give him a solo career, it would be a disaster.


I've been thinking about Jessica. She's been a working musician for years already, doing many shows each week. I believe that's what's hurting her: she knows these songs so well already that they're almost rote and she's lost all the emotional connection.  I wonder if Jolene is in her regular set list, or if it was a fairly new choice and that's why it was better.

Bingo! On both points.  It occurred to me a while ago that Caleb probably doesn't want to win for those exact reasons and last night it hit me that while Jessica's voice is good, she looks dead behind the eyes.  Singing by rote is a great way to explain it.  And yet, I, too, still like them both.


Shock boot? I think anyone other than CJ or Jessica, no matter if that contestant has been in the bottom three or not, would be considered a shock (In regards to how TPTB plays it that is--for me, Sam wouldn't be much of a shock, either.).

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  I fear the bus might catch up with Jessica and she'll go home.  But I hope it will be either Caleb or Jena so I can watch Lopez's head explode.


THIS. From your mouth.....


And I say that as  JLo fan, but she has pushed it lately with the Jeh-na tongue-bathing. GACK. At this point I'm firmly, "ABJ"  for the win. Anyone But Jeh-na

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I think Fuel was the band that offered Daughtry a front man position.  I thought he was crazy to turn them down.  Shows how much I know. 


I do see the "dead eyes" thing with Jessica.  She really brought some emotion to "Jolene" for a change, and it made so much difference.  You can tell she's really trying - like with the awkward hand movements.  It puzzles me how someone who is so accustomed to performing can seem so awkward on stage.  Maybe she's used to playing in bars where nobody pays that much attention to her, so she just belts out her set, by rote as it were, and then leaves.  I'm trying to remember if she showed much emotion when she sang her original song.  I was so affected by the lyrics and the song itself that I forgot to notice.


Jena-not-Jenna ... OMG I hope and pray that she is the "shock boot."  It would almost make watching this entire season worthwhile.

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