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S07.E12: Feeding A Need

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10 hours ago, Sai said:

Yes and she makes the comment about LVP not being there for her charity event was because it wasn't about LVP.  What a nasty piece of work.  LisaR is always opening her big fat mouth and saying disgusting and damaging things about other people.  LVP is extremely charitable.  LisaR is full of crap.  Can't stand her.

And LVP made those same kinds of "observations" at her Yulin event about those who didn't attend.  And LVP often has trouble "remembering" things too.  I think Rinna's problem is that LVP is very good at this reality tv game, and Rinna is very bad :)

10 hours ago, queenjen said:

This is an unpopular opinion, but I am not a fan of HarryHamlin. I'm utterly sick of his full name being uttered at any opportunity by Lisar obviously, but I don't find his squished up face attractive at all. I know I'm in the minority (ducking rotten tomatoes).

Haha I used to show some of Clash of the Titans to my students when we studied Greek mythology and was always embarrassed in my own mind about his dinner-plate sized nipples.  So I was never that into him either :)

10 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Why was Harry Hamlin the emcee and award presenter?  It made the whole "awards ceremony" thing look fake and staged as if they made an arrangement with the kitchen to make up a humanitarian award in exchange for featuring them on the show.  

I think for these kind of events they just want to honor a "celebrity" in order to get attention and attendance for their event.  So billing it as Harry and Lisa would make it a double benefit.  Since someone mentioned earlier that she picked St. Jude for her CA gig, I'm guessing that she has probably been a regular donor to this charity because she thinks it's a good cause, (so they eventually got around to "honoring her" for a fundraiser) but that's it.  St. Jude is a great charity, but very well known and well funded, and a pretty easy pick for any celeb.  If this smaller local charity was really close to her heart it would have been a great opportunity to get the word out about it and get it some $$ at the same time.

4 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I don't understand LisaV's need to furnish her childrens' homes. Seems pretty controlling to me. That couch was horrific. So yes, while it was nice of her to buy her kids homes, why not let them furnish to their own taste? Strange.

I agree - I think they would enjoy being able to furnish it to their tastes (with their fabulous mother's input of course ;)

1 hour ago, wings707 said:

Erika and Tom have a marriage that works for them.  He adores her and, oddly, is proud of her "work."  One would think she would embarrass him professionally but nope!  

It seemed to me like he got a little "charge" out of what she does.  Other than that I don't see chemistry either, but I certainly understand why he doesn't want to make any kind of fool of himself on camera for a silly Bravo show.

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Obviously, I'm not pointing out that all thin women are unattractive. Perhaps I should be clearer about my derision being based on Rinna's deliberate withholding of food to be so thin as opposed to naturally thin people. I dislike this worldwide trend that thinner is better.... and this is coming from me, who was nicknamed Annie (re anorexia) because I was so thin. "How dreadful" was a playful quote from what's his name on RH of Atlanta.

Gotcha. And sorry you had to deal with that nickname (been there). Ugh--people, man. WTF? Yeah, all of the "real women have curves" nonsense--and its opposites--suck. It's dreadful!

I don't watch the Atlanta franchise, but maybe people should use the word "dreadful" more often (just not about my spine, haha!).

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7 minutes ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I never thought you sounded like you were generalizing. I think Lisa R looks like hammered shit. Ten pounds would take off ten years. I can help you out with a few pounds....up for a fat transplant?! ;-)

DWIGHT from RHOA! BWAAAHAA! I just heard him say that in my head. DEAD.

Thanks for the offer! However, those rotten unwelcome bitch peri-menopause hormones have helped out with my weight!

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46 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

Someone asked me how has Kyle been enabling Kim recently.  To be honest, on camera, I haven't seen any recently.  I was more thinking about limo fight when Kyle threw out there that Mauricio treated Kim like "a  second wife."  They were correct in saying that it was years ago.    

Actually, Kim made that comment but Kyle did say they were done supporting her in the limo. I would bet my last dollar that Kyle/Mauricio helped Kim because she still had minor kids living at her with her then. Someone, an adult family member, needed to be there for them, make sure the utility bills were paid, the rent was paid and that there was food in the fridge for them because Kim wasn't present for her kids like Kyle hers. Me, I don't see that as "enabling" Kim but that they were caring for their niece's/nephew. Now, if Kyle/Mauricio were giving Kim money/cash for her to spend as she wanted, then they could be accused of enabling her.

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19 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Soap fans tend to watch both.  Plus Housewives is basically a docusoaps using real people.  It just so happens Eileen and Lisa R aren't the best choices after 3 yrs.  I was excited they would be joining at first but now they need to leave the show for good.

Eileen, I believe is over it.  Her telephone call tonight about her having pink eye didn't convince me.  She has been MIA most of the season and she brings nothing to the show besides telling us someone has died in her family.  

Lisa R is trying to hard to be Brandi IMO.  She creates unnecessary drama but she refuses to own it. 

Honey!!! Rinna wouldn't get away with her bs on OC and ATL that's for damn sure.  She's lucky to be casted on BH where she gets a slap on the wrist. 

This made me laugh because I had JUST been to the doc yesterday to be told the same thing.  One of our student workers infected our office and some how I ended up with it.  Been wiping everything down in my office.

Rinna is bugging me big time.  

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I think somewhere in the thread it was said or implied that rinna has been supporting or advocating for this charity for 25 years. I think harry mentioned the 25 years as having known /been with lisa that long. I'd be surprised but impressed if she actually has been supporting that charity for that long.

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2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think Eden went to Lisa because she wanted Lisa to know how/why she was questioning Kyle/Kim, that it wasn't out of the blue and that had Rinna filled her head up with dire comments about Kim/Kyle early on. I do agree that she wanted Lisa to explain all of this to Kyle to help shift some of the blame/responsibility off of herself and onto Rinna (as it should be).


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5 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

Very sad that Kyle doesn't know what that word means.  She is one!!  I am one for my dad so I'm not throwing stones. * 

I believe that all addicts have to have an enabler of some kind.   

*I pick up his beer.  He's in his late 70's and made it clear he's not quitting so to prevent delirium tremens, I enable.  I'm not saying it's the right or good thing to do but for right now that is what's happening.    

Its a horrible choice.  My dad died of Werneke Korsokoff at 78 and his psycho gf enabled him.  We stopped providing booze at family functions years before his dementia showed up but there she was buying him whatever he wanted (he didn't drive and had no means to get it himself).  But whatcha gonna do if they don't want to be sober?  

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20 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Kim made that comment but Kyle did say they were done supporting her in the limo. I would bet my last dollar that Kyle/Mauricio helped Kim because she still had minor kids living at her with her then. Someone, an adult family member, needed to be there for them, make sure the utility bills were paid, the rent was paid and that there was food in the fridge for them because Kim wasn't present for her kids like Kyle hers. Me, I don't see that as "enabling" Kim but that they were caring for their niece's/nephew. Now, if Kyle/Mauricio were giving Kim money/cash for her to spend as she wanted, then they could be accused of enabling her.

OMG, this may have been a boring episode but the recap here https://www.trashtalktv.com/02/21/rhobh-recap-charity-case/407625/

has me in stitches. This except recap of Kim and Kyle in the clothing store is hilarious:

“KAHL! How was yer trib?! Did ya know rozez cangrow outta boobez?” Kyle nods with a smile and asks about her pregnant niece. “OH KAHL! AHMAHGAHD! Brooke wend da the dogder daday and he said her cervigs is softenin! Can ya believe that? It’s zoftenin! I tole her ‘do pushups with yer cervigs BROOKE!’ and I cried and tried to start a fern on fire. Did ya know fernz don’d bernz? Crazy. Then Brooke told me yer cervigs was subbosed to soften so I said ‘cheers to sovd cerviggzeggs! Hey Kyle guess whad?!”

Kyle doesn’t guess.


Twitch jumps up and down like she found a baggie on the ground that wasn’t empty. Kyle just looks at her like “Um…congrats?”

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11 minutes ago, DawnDavenport said:

OMG, this may have been a boring episode but the recap here https://www.trashtalktv.com/02/21/rhobh-recap-charity-case/407625/

has me in stitches. This except recap of Kim and Kyle in the clothing store is hilarious:

“KAHL! How was yer trib?! Did ya know rozez cangrow outta boobez?” Kyle nods with a smile and asks about her pregnant niece. “OH KAHL! AHMAHGAHD! Brooke wend da the dogder daday and he said her cervigs is softenin! Can ya believe that? It’s zoftenin! I tole her ‘do pushups with yer cervigs BROOKE!’ and I cried and tried to start a fern on fire. Did ya know fernz don’d bernz? Crazy. Then Brooke told me yer cervigs was subbosed to soften so I said ‘cheers to sovd cerviggzeggs! Hey Kyle guess whad?!”

Kyle doesn’t guess.


Twitch jumps up and down like she found a baggie on the ground that wasn’t empty. Kyle just looks at her like “Um…congrats?”

They are funny recaps, they lampoon all of them! LOL

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Well, thanks to all for your assessments of the episode.  I have already taken it off my DVR.  I am in a hotel next Tuesday night, and I will sit through it then, for lack of anything else to do.

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Rant alert.

AA gave birth to the term enable/enabler in regard to those in an alcoholics life.  AA is an organization based on shame and blame.  So let's nail the drunk AND those who love them!  The word and the organization (AA) are ineffectual.  The word dysfunctional is also and AA term used to describe what happens when an alcoholic in the family stops drinking and everyone in said family no longer functions well do to their changed roles.  It is NOT meant to describe just any family with problems.  The constant misuse drives me up a wall.  

It is up to the alcoholic to stop drinking regardless of how those in their life behave. 

Off soap box, carry on with this nonsense if you insist (directed at Rinna and Eden). 

Edited by wings707
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I real didn't understand Kyle's strong reaction to Eden conversing with a guy in London. It is payback for Eden inserting herself in Kyle and Kim's relationship? It just seemed really weird to me and not really like Kyle. I know a couple of people who have met online (and yes from different countries) and ended up together. Yes, Eden does appear to be all in and quickly when she is into someone but why does Kyle care? And to have such a strong reaction.  Odd.

So what was LisaV referring to when she said that she wants to treat her children the same? Does she want a pat on the back because she treats her adopted son the same as her daughter? I would give her the benefit of the doubt and say maybe she means because Max has given her more headaches than Pandora (and  I am basing this only on what I have seen/heard on this show as I don't watch the Rules show). But I really don't think that is what she meant. And helping Max find his bio family is hardly something unusual. I don't know of any adopted person who has not had the support of their adoptive family to find their bio family. LisaV seems really needy in the need to be patted on the head and recognized department.

And one more thing - I agree with those who had said they would hate to be one of her kids. I would much have the parents I grew up with who supported me but did not hand me anything/everything. (Not that they could but that is beside the point). LisaV's love appears to come with strings attached and personally I would prefer not to be a marionette.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Speaking of drama was it ever revealed what Erica has to go through each night that caused her distress? 

Sleeping with an old man who looks like a toad and probably has a small d**k.


8 hours ago, VioletMarx said:

They are just so...polite with each other. They're like a friendly uncle and niece who have dinner together once or twice a year. He complimented something about her looks when they were getting up to leave and she smiled and said, "Awwww, I appreciate that." Just...polite. No intimacy at all. 

Do you mean Maurizio? If so, I'll help :)

Of course, there's no intimacy. She's a CB and a TOTAL gold digger.

5 hours ago, Giselle said:

Yes I've always called him a goblin. He looks lie one.

He's ugly and fat.


3 hours ago, chick binewski said:

The "zero fucks" shroud several HWs cloak themselves in is completely ridiculous for this very reason. And Erika's hold on "all the lawyers' wives HATED me" after 15 years (never mind stating that they still hate her - these are people whose spouses work with her husband) clearly shows that she knows exactly why people question her marriage and why they don't like her. Erika has truly appeared genuine in some moments, then I look at her life and think - no, there's way too much to unpack here.  


Yeah, I thought Eden was wacky but I would have liked to see her enter the show sans Rinna's interference.  And I kind of loved the look on her face during the umpteenth Park Bench Showdown (seriously Rinna, bury whatever bodies you're hiding and invite someone into your home for coffee!); Eden just looked like 'dafuq I get myself into with these nutjobs?'. 

If there is a HW tic that enrages me like no other it is the Looks Askance, Tilts Head and says "What?" and all its variations. Whatever Kyle's situation is with Kim the bottom line is Kim is her sister and I get that Kyle's narrative might not always be consistent b/c she might be trying to protect Kim. That being said, Kyle was a child actor, she has some living under her own belt, her mother was a lot to deal with, and she's close to her niece Paris and her good friend Faye Resnick. So whenever alcohol, drugs, or any kind of irreverent behavior comes up and Kyle gets all wide-eyed I lose all patience.   

"And Kyle gives Kim all the money she needs to make bombs." *ded*

I have to say I'm with you on this. LVP was exhibiting some pretty classic behavior last night. I see Pandora and how she flourishes because (in my opinion) she steamrolls people the way her mother does. Max - through Ken & Lisa - does have the makings for a very lovely life, but that's hard to appreciate when you cannot develop your own sense of self.

NOT surprised that the lawyer's wives HATED her. Saw her for what she was - a TRASHY CB, who married the fat old troll for his money.

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It's a mediocre condo but the area is highly coveted. I've had my eye on a penthouse in Max's building for ages but it never seems to be on the market. Plus, it's spitting distance from both Pump and Sur.

How could you tell where it was?  I live in LA and always love seeing where they live/dine/shop etc because I recognize places but they never showed the exterior of the building, did they?  Just curious. 

I loved the scene of Dorit sitting with her precious little child on the couch when she talked to Eden (who yes, has some serious resting bitch face).  Dorit is warming to me, weird accent and all.  I think she's harmless and seems to be making friends with everyone (hopefully Pantygate won't resurface).  

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15 minutes ago, lololol said:

NOT surprised that the lawyer's wives HATED her. Saw her for what she was - a TRASHY CB, who married the fat old troll for his money.

Erica said she knew him for some time, I want to say two years before they got serious. I think she loved him when they married and still does and believe she married him because she was fond of him not sexually attracted to him. He offered security for her and her son. She offered him companionship. He has all the power in the relationship you can see it in the way he has spoken to her on camera the way he has bought her gifts. She is a trophy and she had better behave like one. If she were to ever cheat on him I bet she would be out on her ear but she's not that stupid. He makes her fantasy possible.

That they have remained together all these years which says something and I think that is great. 


The crying bit about "you don't know what I go through every night." I wonder if somebody questioned her relationship with the goblin or if it is in regard to her son being a cop.

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1 minute ago, Giselle said:

Erica said she knew him for some time, I want to say two years before they got serious. I think she loved him when they married and still does and believe she married him because she was fond of him not sexually attracted to him. He offered security for her and her son. She offered him companionship. He has all the power in the relationship you can see it in the way he has spoken to her on camera the way he has bought her gifts. She is a trophy and she had better behave like one. If she were to ever cheat on him I bet she would be out on her ear but she's not that stupid. He makes her fantasy possible.

That they have remained together all these years which says something and I think that is great. 


The crying bit about "you don't know what I go through every night." I wonder if somebody questioned her relationship with the goblin or if it is in regard to her son being a cop.

She married him for his MONEY. She spent a LOT of time on her knees.

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Lisa Rinna is so stinking needy. Even her speech screamed "I need your attention and approval." The only reason she said it would probably be the last award she will get was so other would coo and gush about how wonderful she is and how she deserves so much more. Lisa is an attention junkie!  As for her and her daughters trying to walk in heels? Stick to flats. Stop trying to make it sound like your daughter is a great model because she's not, and PLEASE stop calling your husband by his first and last name! 

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1 minute ago, lololol said:

She married him for his MONEY. She spent a LOT of time on her knees.

Money is security. And I hope she has made Tom a very happy man what ever his needs may be. If it is on her knees so be it. None of our business not our place to judge. Besides whats wrong with that most wives are sexual with their husbands.

They are comfortable with the choices they made. I bet ol' Tom  and sweet young thing Erica knew what each other wanted in the relationship and they each brought. 

That they gave been together over her 20  years speaks more loudly than any slam of "gold digger".

As I said I hope they are happy with each other.


Many of our mothers, golddiggers all I guess, went to college back in the day to get their Mrs. Degree Which meant the hope of security and money because the frat boy who pinned them had a college degree. They didn't settle for the highschool quarterback pumping gas for a living. 

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Erica always seems so on guard when she's in a scene w/Tom.  I always notice how her voice is really toned down, no loud laughter, and she's very aware that he's the boss.   The scene at lunch was awkward.  It was as if she had gotten crap online about spending all her time w/her boys, so he fit in a quick lunch to tell her how proud he was of her new video.  Seemed very well rehearsed. 

I cant wait for Eden to go in on Rinna.   Yes, Eden is completely nuts, but one thing she doesn't like is being set up by Rinna.   Rinna is exhausting.   I try to fast forward through most of her scenes.  

I imagine Kyle on the phone w/Kim telling her people are talking, so she needs to show up well rested, looking her best and to not say too much.   Kyle also seems to be letting LVP go to bat for her - which delights LVP.    I hope at the reunion they show all Rinna's Kim talk, then all the "I don't remember, I didn't have bad intentions, it was Eden, etc"     In Mexico when confront the fake head shakes, shock, denial and crying were such bad acting.  So was when she met with Eden.  She knew exactly what she said, but doesn't like that Eden took those words to of all people LVP. 

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I would love Ken and Lisa as my parents. They are firm but loving and I love them. Pandora is too perfect with her gorgeous husband and perfect life. Sigh. I think Tom and Erika's conversations are always very formal. I think Tom is cute--- I like his smile and personality.

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50 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Money is security. And I hope she has made Tom a very happy man what ever his needs may be. If it is on her knees so be it. None of our business not our place to judge. Besides whats wrong with that most wives are sexual with their husbands.

They are comfortable with the choices they made. I bet ol' Tom  and sweet young thing Erica knew what each other wanted in the relationship and they each brought. 

That they gave been together over her 20  years speaks more loudly than any slam of "gold digger".

As I said I hope they are happy with each other.


Many of our mothers, golddiggers all I guess, went to college back in the day to get their Mrs. Degree Which meant the hope of security and money because the frat boy who pinned them had a college degree. They didn't settle for the highschool quarterback pumping gas for a living. 

It works for them and Erika needs to take a little responsibility for the gold digger tag.  After all she is XXXPENSIVE. 

Erika amped up her level of BS when she said she was First Lady of the attorney associations Tom chaired.  I have never heard that term before and am unaware of an auxiliary organizations for spouses to support attorneys.   "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce, Tom Girardi, this year's president of the Los Angeles Bar Association and our First Lady Erika."  Just doesn't happen.  I get it she travelled with Tom and had the luxury of doing so because her son stayed on the east coast when she moved west to pursue her dream. 

I just find it kind of turn off Erika does so many "I give zero f^cks type interviews."  Erika and Tom, while I am sure are in a loving relationship, come off as pretty businesslike when they do scenes together.  Then again when Rinna and Hamlin always telling the world how much they love each other, Ken and LVP's long term marriage and devotion to one another and Kyle and Mauricio's relationship it could just be perspective.    

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4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Kim made that comment but Kyle did say they were done supporting her in the limo. I would bet my last dollar that Kyle/Mauricio helped Kim because she still had minor kids living at her with her then. Someone, an adult family member, needed to be there for them, make sure the utility bills were paid, the rent was paid and that there was food in the fridge for them because Kim wasn't present for her kids like Kyle hers. Me, I don't see that as "enabling" Kim but that they were caring for their niece's/nephew. Now, if Kyle/Mauricio were giving Kim money/cash for her to spend as she wanted, then they could be accused of enabling her.

I totally get it.  It's a matter of priorities.  The kids come first.  I do think it's enabling but the 'enabling' overrides tough love for Kim as as opposed to the best interest of the kids.

Ya know, it all goes back to personal definitions.  If you're taking 'meds' can you say you're sober?  If you put the kids first, are you truly an enabler?  Tough questions for sure.  In the end, I just wish Kim would go away.  This is not why I watch this show.  The dead horse just keeps on getting beaten.  Yes, we can have serious moments like LVP dealing with Max's desire to learn about his ancestry or Dorit's concern about her son, and her daughter.  But geez, Kim's alcoholism has run it's course. Kim needs to be put out to pasture.  And then we get Eden.....  Yeah. NO.  

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 I think Rinna's problem is that LVP is very good at this reality tv game, and Rinna is very bad :)

That is one of Rinna's problems. She isn't the master manipulator/stealth shit stirrer that she thinks she is, and she certainly isn't on the level that LVP is. This season really confirmed it.


The crying bit about "you don't know what I go through every night." I wonder if somebody questioned her relationship with the goblin or if it is in regard to her son being a cop.

The show does like to throw in some red herrings when they edit the previews, so who can say? Just like initially (to me, anyway, I could be reading this wrong) Eden's "I put my heart and soul into you!" or whatever looked like she was screaming at Kim, but now looks like she will be saying it to LisaR.


I think Tom is cute--- I like his smile and personality.

Me too.


Erika amped up her level of BS when she said she was First Lady of the attorney associations Tom chaired

I took it as her meaning it figuratively, not literally.


I just find it kind of turn off Erika does so many "I give zero f^cks type interviews."

I'm the opposite, I actually like her more for that.


The timing and motivation, however, is suspect. It's regrettable that this gesture arrives as Max hones in on his birth parents. Sweet and treacherous in equal measure, her plan is to go through that and then give him this.

I do agree with our recapper, the timing is a bit suspect. I don't doubt LVP loves Max as much as she does Pandora, but it does seem a bit strange she is suddenly supporting him now.

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11 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I totally get it.  It's a matter of priorities.  The kids come first.  I do think it's enabling but the 'enabling' overrides tough love for Kim as as opposed to the best interest of the kids.

Ya know, it all goes back to personal definitions.  If you're taking 'meds' can you say you're sober?  If you put the kids first, are you truly an enabler?  Tough questions for sure.  In the end, I just wish Kim would go away.  This is not why I watch this show.  The dead horse just keeps on getting beaten.  Yes, we can have serious moments like LVP dealing with Max's desire to learn about his ancestry or Dorit's concern about her son, and her daughter.  But geez, Kim's alcoholism has run it's course. Kim needs to be put out to pasture.  And then we get Eden.....  Yeah. NO.  

Yes, the Kim's sobriety/non sobriety horse has been beaten too death time and time again but this season we have Rinna to thank for that. She really could have kept her mouth closed about Kim's sobriety and nailed her on her nasty entitled behavior instead but......she ran to Eden and asked for her help even though she saw Eden had issues of her own about addiction! I fear that as long as Rinna is on the show, Kim/sobriety will always be a target of hers. She, Rinna, needs to take a page from Eileen's handbook and keep Kim's name/health out of her mouth at all times but let's be honest, that isn't going to happen. I think Rinna believes that Kim/issues are ripe for the picking and that she will always come out on top. This season she thought wrong IMO.

I do think you can be sober while taking meds, as long as you are taking them how they were prescribed, you would still be considered sober. That does not include pain killers/opioids though IMO. Also, being there to help care for minor kids would not be considered enabling as long as you are not giving the addict money they would use to purchase drugs/alcohol as part of it.  

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13 minutes ago, AndySmith said:


I do agree with our recapper, the timing is a bit suspect. I don't doubt LVP loves Max as much as she does Pandora, but it does seem a bit strange she is suddenly supporting him now.

For years, Max refused to be on camera and Lisa/Ken respected his request. Then he became a part of VPR show and is now appearing on the BH show as well, it is his choice and he is in control of the timing, not Lisa/Ken.

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6 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Not sure how that relates to what I said, but ok.

It was your post to another post where both questioned the timing of Max being on this show. The condo, the adoption story, ect. Only Max could agree to all of that on his terms/timing. As strong willed as Lisa is, she/Ken love their kids and respect the boundaries the kids set filming wise. If I misunderstood the  meaning of your post, I apologize.

Maybe I should have put it this way, I think Lisa/Ken have always supported Max but have done so off camera because Max did not want to be on camera until recently.

Edited by WireWrap
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Just now, AndySmith said:

Both me and the other post were not questioning the timing of Max being on the show, we were both questioning Lisa's decision to buy him a pimped out home now that the search for his birth mother is gaining traction.

Oh, Ok. According to Lisa/Ken, Max has worked hard and they felt this was a way to reward him for that hard work like they did Pandora. Maybe there is a subconscious fear/terror in that Max will want his birth parents more than them but I do believe that this is more about him working hard at the restaurants and on the VPR show than anything else. I also think Lisa/Ken support him searching for the BPs because they know it is important to him, which makes it important to them.

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30 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

I totally get it.  It's a matter of priorities.  The kids come first.  I do think it's enabling but the 'enabling' overrides tough love for Kim as as opposed to the best interest of the kids.

Ya know, it all goes back to personal definitions.  If you're taking 'meds' can you say you're sober?  If you put the kids first, are you truly an enabler?  Tough questions for sure.  In the end, I just wish Kim would go away.  This is not why I watch this show.  The dead horse just keeps on getting beaten.  Yes, we can have serious moments like LVP dealing with Max's desire to learn about his ancestry or Dorit's concern about her son, and her daughter.  But geez, Kim's alcoholism has run it's course. Kim needs to be put out to pasture.  And then we get Eden.....  Yeah. NO.  

Kim's problem wasn't alcohol at the beginning of Season 1, Kyle said it in the first episode Kim can't manage money.  It is not as if living off $20k a month, there was a significant portion of her income going to her wine drinking.  It was that Kim didn't prioritize her money and quite frankly moved four times in 18 months and didn't budget or prepare for the day the well went dry.  Kim said in the Season 1 special, Mauricio was managing her money.  I would say Kim's biggest expenses in the last few years related to alcohol are probably paying for rehab. 

Kyle and Kim have made it very clear they do not speak for months at a time after a Kim relapse.  To me, that is Kyle's form of tough love, even though I think it has more to do with Kim punishing Kyle. 

Kim' youngest daughter lived with her father during before going to college. 

If Rinna liked Kim and disliked Kyle, like Brandi, do you think she would be accusing Kyle of enabling Kim or not sticking up for Kim?  From Poker Night forward Rinna wants to have these on air discussions about addictions and people not talking about them.   If collectively, we are tired of the discussion, why wouldn't Kyle, LVP, and the rest be fed up?  Let's face Yolanda wanted a discussion because her daughter screwed up and got a DUI.

Rinna has pretty screwed up thinking when it comes to tough love.  The idea is you stop supporting the person and their using behavior until they perish or take steps to get well.  The idea that Kyle has to tough love Kim because she doesn't get along with Rinna is ludicrous.  The whole world would be a better place if everyone behaved exactly how I wanted them to attitude is what Rinna subscribes to.

Eden seems to think, according to her blog the other women are interested in her relationship with her sister.  That right there is just delusional. 

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Oh, Ok. According to Lisa/Ken, Max has worked hard and they felt this was a way to reward him for that hard work like they did Pandora. Maybe there is a subconscious fear/terror in that Max will want his birth parents more than them but I do believe that this is more about him working hard at the restaurants and on the VPR show than anything else. I also think Lisa/Ken support him searching for the BPs because they know it is important to him, which makes it important to them.

Since no one seems to know where Max's parents are, if they are alive or even interested in having a relationship with Max, other than, "hi nice to meet you, it's been awhile," it seems a little premature to think LVP and Ken are trying to buy his love.  I would be more concerned that the birth parents might want to take advantage of Max's station in life. 

I always kind of figured Ken and LVP are good business people and it makes no sense for their children to pay rent went they can well afford to take advantage of the tax breaks.

Max seems like a good kid and unlike Farrah, who can earn a boatload of money off a single transaction and has in the family business, he has to earn his living one crispy chicken and Pumptitni at a time. 

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Max has worked hard and they felt this was a way to reward him for that hard work like they did Pandora. Maybe there is a subconscious fear/terror in that Max will want his birth parents more than them but I do believe that this is more about him working hard at the restaurants and on the VPR show than anything else. I also think Lisa/Ken support him searching for the BPs because they know it is important to him, which makes it important to them.

Again, I'm not saying they don't love him or that I doubt their love for him, just that their subconscious fear is just as much a driving factor as anything else.


Max seems like a good kid and unlike Farrah, who can earn a boatload of money off a single transaction and has in the family business, he has to earn his living one crispy chicken and Pumptitni at a time. 

It's possible Farrah worked just as hard from the bottom up to earn her status in the family business just as much as Max did.

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21 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, the Kim's sobriety/non sobriety horse has been beaten too death time and time again but this season we have Rinna to thank for that. She really could have kept her mouth closed about Kim's sobriety and nailed her on her nasty entitled behavior instead but......she ran to Eden and asked for her help even though she saw Eden had issues of her own about addiction! I fear that as long as Rinna is on the show, Kim/sobriety will always be a target of hers. She, Rinna, needs to take a page from Eileen's handbook and keep Kim's name/health out of her mouth at all times but let's be honest, that isn't going to happen. I think Rinna believes that Kim/issues are ripe for the picking and that she will always come out on top. This season she thought wrong IMO.

I do think you can be sober while taking meds, as long as you are taking them how they were prescribed, you would still be considered sober. That does not include pain killers/opioids though IMO. Also, being there to help care for minor kids would not be considered enabling as long as you are not giving the addict money they would use to purchase drugs/alcohol as part of it.  

Do we have LR to thank for that or do we have Kim?  It's not about LR running into Eden.  It's about Kim bringing up that LR owes her an apology.  And let the circle begin....

The whole 'sober' thing is debatable.  If you're taking certain meds as a replacement for why you were drinking in the first place, it absolutely can be considered you're not sober.  Prescription meds can be just as powerful and addictive as alcohol. 

I don't think 'enabling' is about giving money.  It's about helping the addict to continue their behavior.  It's about taking their taking responsibility. 

I hate this whole  storyline because it's an endless debate. 

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1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

That is one of Rinna's problems. She isn't the master manipulator/stealth shit stirrer that she thinks she is, and she certainly isn't on the level that LVP is. This season really confirmed it.

The show does like to throw in some red herrings when they edit the previews, so who can say? Just like initially (to me, anyway, I could be reading this wrong) Eden's "I put my heart and soul into you!" or whatever looked like she was screaming at Kim, but now looks like she will be saying it to LisaR.

Me too.

I took it as her meaning it figuratively, not literally.

I'm the opposite, I actually like her more for that.

I do agree with our recapper, the timing is a bit suspect. I don't doubt LVP loves Max as much as she does Pandora, but it does seem a bit strange she is suddenly supporting him now.

Lisa needed a storyline, and a trip to see a lame dwarf horse, or taking a swan with the runs to the vet weren't cutting it. The Todd children, like the Hadid children, the Frasier kids, the Umansky kids etc, will be taken care of for life. I don't think Lisa ever planned not to support her adult children. 

The Foster daughters weren't so lucky. David made a point of telling them as children that he was rich, but the they (the daughters) weren't. Then they saw Linda Thompson and Yolanda indulge their children (those children were essentially "rich") while married to David, and it made the daughters a little bitter. 

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I never said Lisa wouldn't be supporting her adult children (and I don't know how the Foster daughters even relate to this conversation or why they are even in it), or was questioning her support her kids. It was just that I, much like the recapper, thought the timing of said support was just interesting.

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25 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Do we have LR to thank for that or do we have Kim?  It's not about LR running into Eden.  It's about Kim bringing up that LR owes her an apology.  And let the circle begin....

The whole 'sober' thing is debatable.  If you're taking certain meds as a replacement for why you were drinking in the first place, it absolutely can be considered you're not sober.  Prescription meds can be just as powerful and addictive as alcohol. 

I don't think 'enabling' is about giving money.  It's about helping the addict to continue their behavior.  It's about taking their taking responsibility. 

I hate this whole  storyline because it's an endless debate. 

Again, Rinna could have followed Eileen's example, which was to say nothing back to Kim other than wishing her well but Rinna had to go low. Kim has every right to give her opinion as the others do, it is what they are all getting paid to do. And Yes, Rinna running to Eden, when she already knew that Eden was struggling with her own family addiction history, telling her that Kim was "this close to death", alluding that she wasn't sober and that Kyle enables Kim, all in present tense/time, was beyond being a dirty fighter, it was setting the stage for open discussion about Kim's sobriety. It wasn't an accident that she chose Eden to talk about this with on camera and not Eileen.

I agree, I also hate this endless debate but I blame Rinna for ripping it open again.

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5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Actually, Kim made that comment but Kyle did say they were done supporting her in the limo. I would bet my last dollar that Kyle/Mauricio helped Kim because she still had minor kids living at her with her then. Someone, an adult family member, needed to be there for them, make sure the utility bills were paid, the rent was paid and that there was food in the fridge for them because Kim wasn't present for her kids like Kyle hers. Me, I don't see that as "enabling" Kim but that they were caring for their niece's/nephew. Now, if Kyle/Mauricio were giving Kim money/cash for her to spend as she wanted, then they could be accused of enabling her.

I agree with you - I have always thought of enabling as one who keeps the addict from hitting the "rock bottom" we hear about.  When your family member is an addict, you just have to do it anyway.  IMO we have seen on this show how Kyle and Mauricio have changed their ways as Kim's children have become adults.  And of course there are always incidents we could nitpick, but overall I do think they have all grown - K&M in not enabling, and Kim in seeing that they are not always going to enable.  That doesn't mean they are all perfect of course, and Kim has not been acting "sober" long enough to be trusted, but overall I am happy to think that they are all cautiously optimistic.

3 hours ago, Giselle said:

Erica said she knew him for some time, I want to say two years before they got serious. I think she loved him when they married and still does and believe she married him because she was fond of him not sexually attracted to him. He offered security for her and her son. She offered him companionship. He has all the power in the relationship you can see it in the way he has spoken to her on camera the way he has bought her gifts. She is a trophy and she had better behave like one. If she were to ever cheat on him I bet she would be out on her ear but she's not that stupid. He makes her fantasy possible.

That they have remained together all these years which says something and I think that is great. 


2 hours ago, Giselle said:

Money is security. And I hope she has made Tom a very happy man what ever his needs may be. If it is on her knees so be it. None of our business not our place to judge. Besides whats wrong with that most wives are sexual with their husbands.

They are comfortable with the choices they made. I bet ol' Tom  and sweet young thing Erica knew what each other wanted in the relationship and they each brought. 

That they gave been together over her 20  years speaks more loudly than any slam of "gold digger".

As I said I hope they are happy with each other.


Many of our mothers, golddiggers all I guess, went to college back in the day to get their Mrs. Degree Which meant the hope of security and money because the frat boy who pinned them had a college degree. They didn't settle for the highschool quarterback pumping gas for a living. 

I think so too!  It's not a love-at-first-sight, we-were-meant-to-be type of relationship, and that is okay.  And I bet she IS judged a lot for it, just because they are not cuddly and smoochy and in-love acting, and she is young(ish) and hot while he is old and bald.  But 20+ years is a long time to live with someone, and they have been doing it and seem to enjoy each other's company, along with whatever rules they have laid down.  It seems like in the past she was more involved in his career, as the "first lady" of any organizations he was president of (I too took her remark as figurative, but I think she was more involved as a wife when he was of pre-retirement age) and I'm guessing that now he is more of an old advisor type in those organizations and she is off the hook, she is therefore free to let her freak fly, as they say, and I do think he gets a kick, whether sexual or just "I like having a hottie haha" out of her "career".  Good for them :)

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4 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

I never said Lisa wouldn't be supporting her adult children (and I don't know how the Foster daughters even relate to this conversation or why they are even in it), or was questioning her support her kids. It was just that I, much like the recapper, thought the timing of said support was just interesting.

The support never really stops. What looks like suspicious timing is probably just Lisa being bored, and Lisa needing to be filmed doing something. 

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49 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Do we have LR to thank for that or do we have Kim?  It's not about LR running into Eden.  It's about Kim bringing up that LR owes her an apology.  And let the circle begin....

The whole 'sober' thing is debatable.  If you're taking certain meds as a replacement for why you were drinking in the first place, it absolutely can be considered you're not sober.  Prescription meds can be just as powerful and addictive as alcohol. 

I don't think 'enabling' is about giving money.  It's about helping the addict to continue their behavior.  It's about taking their taking responsibility. 

I hate this whole  storyline because it's an endless debate. 

Once Kim brought up the apology everyone is on their own for how they react.  Rinna went off on her.  Rinna and Rinna alone is responsible for her reaction.  Rinna reacted predictably, a fake apology to get her big mouth out of a jam.  Kim has nothing to do with the promises Rinna keeps breaking about not talking about Kim's alcoholism.  Even Rinna is saying she had nothing but pleasant encounters with Kim after Game Night.  Pick a lane Rinna. Do you mean it when you claim you have moved on?  If addiction in an issue, Rinna certainly has behavioral problems regarding impulsive commentary.

I agree if you switch from Bourbon to Xanax but both Kim and Eden are dual diagnosis people.  It is kind of like asking someone to have surgery without anesthesia because it would break their sobriety.  They both apparently need drugs for chemical imbalances. 

Enabling is about supporting behavior that allows a person to keep drinking or drugging.   Remove addict from the sentence and these women are all guilty of allowing Rinna to continue to engage in impulsive behavior without consequences.  Control is about expecting a person to conform to your expectations and rules.  In all fairness to Kyle that night, she did say, without placing blame, "you two do not mix."  My advice to Rinna is to work on her own behavior and stop looking for scapegoats. 

Bottom line is these women need to be allowed to not like someone without giving a reason.  They don't have to hate or plot against them, they can be Erika and be guarded.  Rinna went 50 years without having a relationship with Kim, it doesn't work, don't pursue it or try and bring Kim around to her way of thinking. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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3 hours ago, Giselle said:

Erica said she knew him for some time, I want to say two years before they got serious. I think she loved him when they married and still does and believe she married him because she was fond of him not sexually attracted to him. He offered security for her and her son. She offered him companionship. He has all the power in the relationship you can see it in the way he has spoken to her on camera the way he has bought her gifts. She is a trophy and she had better behave like one. If she were to ever cheat on him I bet she would be out on her ear but she's not that stupid. He makes her fantasy possible.

That they have remained together all these years which says something and I think that is great. 


The crying bit about "you don't know what I go through every night." I wonder if somebody questioned her relationship with the goblin or if it is in regard to her son being a cop.

Watching this last night, I reflected on this similarly. I thought, they look like they care about each other and love each other. Sure, they're no Burton and Taylor, but look how that ended up anyway. I'm not saying I'm looking for a similar relationship --but if it works for them, good on them. It's certainly more pleasant to watch than Adrienne sniping on Paul, Yolanda's phony-baloney "my love" junk, or the aftermath of Kelsey dumping Camille.

And yes, 100x better than bomb dot com Brooks, LOL

Edited by ivygirl
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16 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

The whole 'sober' thing is debatable.  If you're taking certain meds as a replacement for why you were drinking in the first place, it absolutely can be considered you're not sober.  Prescription meds can be just as powerful and addictive as alcohol. 

I don't think 'enabling' is about giving money.  It's about helping the addict to continue their behavior.  It's about taking their taking responsibility. 

I hate this whole  storyline because it's an endless debate. 

It's really not that debatable. Most competent behavioral health professionals would consider a patient sober if the patient is taking appropriately prescribed medication for a mental illness that had been previously self-medicated with alcohol or another substance. If you're taking the meds as a substitute high, then that means the meds were misprescribed or diverted (obtained fraudulently or illegally). No decent doctor would prescribe meds that way. It has been a completely acceptable medical practice to treat an addict's underlying mental illness while also treating their addiction.

Enabling can sometimes be about giving money, but an easier way to think about it is the same way to think about any problem behaviors: is this action negatively impacting my life. If Kyle had to lie to cover for Kim or had to ignore her own needs or the needs of her family to attend to Kim, then that's enabling. If helping Kim has caused Kyle and Mauricio to argue more, that's enabling. If assisting Kim hasn't resulted in Kim exploring healthier behaviors, then it's probably enabling. Enabling is about actions that allow the addict to continue their behavior with fewer negative repercussions. For example, allowing Chad to live with the Umansky's could be enabling if Kim tends to try harder to keep sober when her kids are around. These aren't easy or simple distinctions and can sometimes be a little blurry.

I'm pissed that Rinna reignited this discussion instead of just concluding that Kim is just an asshole, who happens to be an addict.

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Rinna's charity thing bugged me a little.  I get that it was a huge honor to her to be given an award but I really think she went too far in slapping LVP around for not attending because it wasn't about her.  Rinna was typical Rinna for making even the work event on the kitchen all about her and those who arrived late, not showing her respect.  Missing from last night's episode is the fact that both Kyle and Erika each donated $10,000.00 to the charity and missing from Rinna's blog is the fact that LVP and Ken generously hosted an event at their restaurant PUMP Tuesday night as another fundraiser for her charity.  Ken and LVP really didn't make it about them, as they were in NYC doing WWHL.  Oh and Rinna pulled out of her own event at the last moment due to illness, Eileen graciously stepped in.   Maybe it is just a coincidence, but since the event was a screening of this episode, maybe Rinna didn't want to be on hand for any possible backlash.  Safe for Eileen, she wasn't even on the episode except to call in and beg off supporting Rinna.  SInce Rinna thanked Camille, Dorit, Eden, Kyle, Erika on twitter for their donations, I guess Eileen could not be bothered to send a check.

The purpose of the dinner was to raise money for the charity, which it did $460,00.00.  I applaud all who attended and gave their time and money to support a charitable cause Rinna is involved with.  Harry's speech was a bit off but hey he was very supportive of his wife. 

I hate I when these women use a charity as a way to bash another.  Of course I just did it for them.

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