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2017 Tryouts and Training Camp: Candidates Included

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18 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I wonder in some ways if dancing your whole life could kind of work against you, in the sense that you're used to doing things as you were trained to do them, which I think is why many can't seem to grasp their style.

I'd say so, but I'd also say it's super dependent on what style of dance you've done. if its been nothing but ballet, something with extremely rigid technique, straight to DCC style with nothing/little in between I'd say it would be more of a challenge.  after years of ice dance (and dressage which has a similar need of extreme control and technique), of completely divorcing my upper body from my lower body and left and right sides, I found it super hard to do any other form of dance because I'd essentially forgotten how to move my body as a cohesive unit, if that makes sense. it wasn't like the right hand didn't know what the left hand was doing, the right hand didn't kknow the left existed any more.

I also think it depends on how good your technique is.  i see a lotof girls come into auditions/TC who have danced almost all their lives, and considering that could be 15+ years, some of them have dreadful technique which you'll never correct over the course of a couple months. either they've just been taught wrong nad never corrected, ie bad coaching, or they've fallen into very bad habits somewhere along the way in their training.  that said, while K& (ESP)J are sticklers for technique in kickline, over the last few years, theres definitely been a reduction, personally, in the level of crisp technique the  majority of girls show in the rest of their dancing, from body alignment to 'broken' wrists, to turnout

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The twitter account just posted a tweet in which they say in the tweet and video attached that “there is one more cut to make.” Either the Erica situation will be handled in a voiceover at the beginning, or more likely, it seems like they’re just going to pretend that Kelli didn’t say on the last episode that there were 2 more cuts. 

Edited by Jess14
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Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 

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There is a facebook video where Judy and Kelli say one more cut needs to be made, and they show a few girls including Taryn. Why is Taryn being shown when she was already cut. I cannot post the video because facebook is not my friend. Why not say a vet was cut and be done with it since we have two episodes before the season is over.

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1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

There is a facebook video where Judy and Kelli say one more cut needs to be made, and they show a few girls including Taryn. Why is Taryn being shown when she was already cut. I cannot post the video because facebook is not my friend. Why not say a vet was cut and be done with it since we have two episodes before the season is over.

Taryn hasn't been cut yet has she?

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17 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 

personally, I don't think senority should have THAT much to do with triangle formation/point. it should have more to do with best performer/dancer than 'oh that girl's been here X years, stick her on point'. I know some would argue lacey is a better performer, but I much prefer Kashara, both as a performer and in interviews.  I wondeer if she caught crap for that, that's some sub-tweet level nonsense right there. 
Was Shannon G any better this week? he got chastised a few times on the DCC insta for talking over the girls and the other host, for being crass and not asking questions people had asked, instead just a bunch of boring questions that have been asked and answered a number of times over the years

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34 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 


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Oh wait, here's the video!

In my opinion, they're just going to pretend Erica never happened.  Probably banking on the assumption that the vast majority of viewers have never heard of this forum and aren't going to be paying close enough attention to the numbers.

Edited by ClosetBachJunkie
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38 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 

That’s not how she said it though >.> 

she said it as an example of how seniority isn’t a huge factor in point decision. 

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9 minutes ago, HowdeeDo said:

That’s not how she said it though >.> 

she said it as an example of how seniority isn’t a huge factor in point decision. 

OK not so "ouch" worthy then!  But I guess the cynic in me does wonder why she'd use herself as the example...but then again if she used, say, Jinelle as an example, it could be seen as taking a shot at her.  And I guess besides Jenna & Jinelle, Lacey, actually does have the most seniority.

Edited by ByTor
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52 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 

 Not at all. It's just usually how it goes.

49 minutes ago, Java said:

Taryn hasn't been cut yet has she?

No, but she's next.

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29 minutes ago, ByTor said:

OK not so "ouch" worthy then!  But I guess the cynic in me does wonder why she'd use herself as the example...but then again if she used, say, Jinelle as an example, it could be seen as taking a shot at her.  And I guess besides Jenna & Jinelle, Lacey, actually does have the most seniority.

I still wonder if that is what set Erica off though, not being chosen for point when Jenna was pulled from HOF.

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4 minutes ago, klh25 said:

I still wonder if that is what set Erica off though, not being chosen for point when Jenna was pulled from HOF.

I still think Erica would have been set for point had she not been injured which was pretty early on.  Mainly because to me she just has more camera appeal.  Remember when Crystal Trevino was point it was her 3rd yr and  5 yr vets Brooke and Tobie AND her sister, 6 yr vet Trisha got passed over.  I am bummed though. I love Erica and she has to get injured, go loopy and leave me hanging. LOL   It saddens me that any DCC would have their time cut short whether its from their own bad behavior, an injury or whatever, its just maybe a little easier when its a rookie or a TCC.  Sorry not sorry

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2 hours ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 


Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 


Bitter comes to mind? 

Eh, maybe. I think Lacey is the better dancer and would love to see her have a shot at point. 

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2 hours ago, Katherine1904 said:

Anyone see the podcast with Lacey and Maggie? 

Lacey was asked how they construct the triangle formation and she said seniority usually, although KaShara is point this year and I’ve been on the team a year longer. 

Bitter comes to mind? 


That is not what she said. Lacey said it probably has a little to do with seniority but not much. She said she really thinks it's "just talent, and maybe hair color". Meaning that she, in a sense, would believe that Kashara is more talented than her. That doesn't read bitter to me at all. 

5 minutes ago, ElenaFR said:

 I think Lacey is the better dancer

I agree. 

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On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 5:36 PM, Katherine1904 said:

How many years are we thinking Kelli and Judy have left before retirement? 


On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 6:01 PM, misssue said:

And who takes over for them.


On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 6:09 PM, UnicornKicks said:

Kelli 10-15

Judy 5-10

In a family run business (let's face it the cowboys are mostly just that), people tend to stretch out and postpone retirement, if there are no "heirs" to take their spot. Jerry is how old and does have heirs, yet comes to work everyday. K&J don't seem to have anyone with a major title/responsibility working under them now. If they do, they have done one hell of a job keeping them off camera.

Plus both do have kinda cushy & well paid jobs (once you get past the late nights for training camp and working on home-game sundays) to give up to collect a fixed Soc Sec. Anybody know if the cowboys offer a matching 401k plan? Pension plan?

What happened to the director before Kelli and how long was she in the position? and what was Kelli's title before she became "the director" ?

Edited by sATL
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1 hour ago, sATL said:

What happened to the director before Kelli and how long was she in the position? and what was Kelli's title before she became "the director" ?

Suzanne M. resigned when Jerry Jones took over and half the squad quit. Next one was replaced by Kelli. Don't remember if she quit or fired, but Jerry Jones hired Kelli.

Kelli worked in marketing for Cowboys after being a DCC.

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23 hours ago, WaterSpirit said:

drat! (but thanks )

Erica and Melissa had been my faves from their rookie year together. I just cannot wrap my head around the changes with Erica, her choices and respect for organization that put her on the map. Well DCC Map, and the perks there of but still.

Melissa went out strong.

I was disappointed when I heard Melissa was retiring.  She was just freaking awesome!

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2 hours ago, sATL said:

Plus both do have kinda cushy & well paid jobs (once you get past the late nights for training camp and working on home-game sundays) to give up to collect a fixed Soc Sec. Anybody know if the cowboys offer a matching 401k plan? Pension plan?


Per the website Glassdoor, the Cowboys have a 401K with matching funds and a nice health care plan.  I don't know what other benefits are offered.   However, football is a seasonal endeavour.  At the end of the season, I suspect most of the minimum wage earners (ticket sales, janitorial, etc ) are laid off and only the accounting, sales, executive management, and coaching staff remain.  It's probably a skeleton crew that remains at the end of a season compared to during the regular season.

Do the Cowboys own AT & T Stadium?  If they do, there may not be any layoffs at all.

Edited by SimplePleasures
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1 hour ago, MssdDrms said:

I was disappointed when I heard Melissa was retiring.  She was just freaking awesome!

I loved Melissa! She had a Mechanical Engineering degree (which is not easy to get) and was amazing at dance. She was just an around classy person on the show and pretty darn impressive. If she had stayed, I think she would have been a great mature leader that they desperately need right now but I understand why she left. 

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What I find sickening is the way this season has treated its fans.  You'd think the show would have enough respect for its fans to not just sweep a key moment of the season under the rug, or have their employees come on here and say "moving on . . . " when asked about it.  Especially when it causes an absurdity in the show itself:  "We have 40 and we can only take 36"; "We have 39 and we can only take 36"; "We have 37 and we can only take 36."  Um, how did we go from 39 to 37 when you only cut one person last week? Clearly someone else left the team.  We all know who that person is and this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans.  

And all because a bitter, uneducated young woman threatened to sue.  Kelli, here's a clue -- she couldn't afford to hire an attorney to bring such a case and, given the contracts you make them sign, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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2 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

What I find sickening is the way this season has treated its fans.  You'd think the show would have enough respect for its fans to not just sweep a key moment of the season under the rug, or have their employees come on here and say "moving on . . . " when asked about it.  Especially when it causes an absurdity in the show itself:  "We have 40 and we can only take 36"; "We have 39 and we can only take 36"; "We have 37 and we can only take 36."  Um, how did we go from 39 to 37 when you only cut one person last week? Clearly someone else left the team.  We all know who that person is and this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans.  

And all because a bitter, uneducated young woman threatened to sue.  Kelli, here's a clue -- she couldn't afford to hire an attorney to bring such a case and, given the contracts you make them sign, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Meh, we still haven't seen the episode so we don't know that we won't get a Kelli talking head the first 10 seconds or so in saying something like, "a tcc/veteran has decided to leave training camp" to explain the numbers. An explanation as to why? Probably not, but I guess we could all be floored in the opening segment (not holding my breath).

I doubt what we see/don't see is because she threatened to sue. More like someone else said, Erica lucked out and The Powers That Be (Charlotte?) said, "enough showing of out of control cheerleaders, sweep this one under the rug." Got to maintain that image after all.

"...this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans."

Nah, guess I'm not invested enough in the show to feel this way. I know what happened. Whatever they do/don't do on the show isn't going to change that. 

Edited by hannahbanana
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17 hours ago, ByTor said:

OK not so "ouch" worthy then!  But I guess the cynic in me does wonder why she'd use herself as the example...but then again if she used, say, Jinelle as an example, it could be seen as taking a shot at her.  And I guess besides Jenna & Jinelle, Lacey, actually does have the most seniority.

Exactly my thought. I would have used Jenna as the example, seen as she has DOUBLE the experience on DCC, but I guess that’s a sensitive subject 

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21 minutes ago, Katherine1904 said:

Exactly my thought. I would have used Jenna as the example, seen as she has DOUBLE the experience on DCC, but I guess that’s a sensitive subject 

To say the least! :)

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9 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

What I find sickening is the way this season has treated its fans.  You'd think the show would have enough respect for its fans to not just sweep a key moment of the season under the rug, or have their employees come on here and say "moving on . . . " when asked about it.  Especially when it causes an absurdity in the show itself:  "We have 40 and we can only take 36"; "We have 39 and we can only take 36"; "We have 37 and we can only take 36."  Um, how did we go from 39 to 37 when you only cut one person last week? Clearly someone else left the team.  We all know who that person is and this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans.  

And all because a bitter, uneducated young woman threatened to sue.  Kelli, here's a clue -- she couldn't afford to hire an attorney to bring such a case and, given the contracts you make them sign, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

This is a bit intense, but we're all entitled to our own opinions. Perhaps I'm just not bitter and don't think that many fans outside this forum really care that much.

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14 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

AT&T stadium is used year round isn't it - concerts, conventions, high school games, etc??

Off topic, but my brother in law's niece works for the Baltimore Orioles (she's administrative, I believe), but she works year-round with stadium related things.

9 hours ago, hannahbanana said:

I doubt what we see/don't see is because she threatened to sue. More like someone else said, Erica lucked out and The Powers That Be (Charlotte?) said, "enough showing of out of control cheerleaders, sweep this one under the rug." Got to maintain that image after all.

Charlotte would probably laugh in Erica's face if she issued a threat, I think your scenario is far more likely.

3 hours ago, LadyMsJay said:

Perhaps I'm just not bitter and don't think that many fans outside this forum really care that much.

Besides this forum & the people who follow DCC social media pages, not only do I think most fans don't care that much, I bet most fans couldn't even name who's who on the squad.

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12 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

What I find sickening is the way this season has treated its fans.  You'd think the show would have enough respect for its fans to not just sweep a key moment of the season under the rug, or have their employees come on here and say "moving on . . . " when asked about it.  Especially when it causes an absurdity in the show itself:  "We have 40 and we can only take 36"; "We have 39 and we can only take 36"; "We have 37 and we can only take 36."  Um, how did we go from 39 to 37 when you only cut one person last week? Clearly someone else left the team.  We all know who that person is and this show's refusal to even address it at all is a slap in the face to its fans.  

And all because a bitter, uneducated young woman threatened to sue.  Kelli, here's a clue -- she couldn't afford to hire an attorney to bring such a case and, given the contracts you make them sign, she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

I don't necessarily see it that seriously but if you are going to put on a Reality Show you should show all the good, bad and ugly IMO.  Most folks that watch the show probably won't even notice that Erica is gone unless they are a huge fan of hers.  I would have noticed Holly or Jenna suddenly missing, Erica not so much.

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I wouldn't have noticed Erica was gone (actually, I still don't, really, as in I don't know who she even is) if I didn't come here and read about some phantom girl named Erica who was once on the team and has been seen in the background on some group shots. Other than my favorites, I don't remember who made the team last season or who all the hopefuls are this season. I know maybe 10 of them all together. 

But if say, Jinelle had mysteriously vanished this year, I would have noticed and wondered, so I get why Erica fans feel like the show should address it. Hopefully next ep Kelli will at least just mention Erica has left the team and now they have an extra slot to fill or something. Just acknowledge she isn't there. It's odd that they aren't mentioning her at all because it is making this whole thing build up to more than it probably really is. 

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38 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I wouldn't have noticed Erica was gone (actually, I still don't, really, as in I don't know who she even is) if I didn't come here and read about some phantom girl named Erica who was once on the team and has been seen in the background on some group shots. Other than my favorites, I don't remember who made the team last season or who all the hopefuls are this season. I know maybe 10 of them all together. 

But if say, Jinelle had mysteriously vanished this year, I would have noticed and wondered, so I get why Erica fans feel like the show should address it. Hopefully next ep Kelli will at least just mention Erica has left the team and now they have an extra slot to fill or something. Just acknowledge she isn't there. It's odd that they aren't mentioning her at all because it is making this whole thing build up to more than it probably really is. 

My guess is...if she has serious neck and back problems she may have been advised to stop with the hair flips to prevent permanent damage. Her exit may have been just an early retirement and nothing more.

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2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I wouldn't have noticed Erica was gone (actually, I still don't, really, as in I don't know who she even is) if I didn't come here and read about some phantom girl named Erica who was once on the team and has been seen in the background on some group shots. Other than my favorites, I don't remember who made the team last season or who all the hopefuls are this season. I know maybe 10 of them all together. 

But if say, Jinelle had mysteriously vanished this year, I would have noticed and wondered, so I get why Erica fans feel like the show should address it. Hopefully next ep Kelli will at least just mention Erica has left the team and now they have an extra slot to fill or something. Just acknowledge she isn't there. It's odd that they aren't mentioning her at all because it is making this whole thing build up to more than it probably really is. 

This. I don't know if it's the show's presentation or the girls they pick, but the squad used to have girls that were so much more distinctive to me. I could pick out Deryn Dibygny, Sunni Cranfill, Natalie Woods, Erika Jenkins, Meredith Odin, Christina Murphy, Abigail Klein, Ashton Torres, Jackie (and so on) without hesitation. Aside from her talent, Holly stood our because of her distinctive style, so her being gone is more notable. Even if the fans don't know her name, they could still say something like "that girl with the short reddish hair is gone, that's too bad" etc. The girls have been blending together for me since about the time they switched to middle names in place of last names. There's a few exceptions (like Angela Rene and Robyn). That's what the show/squad lacks for me now. There's nothing memorable about it anymore.

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2 hours ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

My guess is...if she has serious neck and back problems she may have been advised to stop with the hair flips to prevent permanent damage. Her exit may have been just an early retirement and nothing more.

I feel like if that is the case that it would be mentioned.

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41 minutes ago, Bailey3606 said:

Off topic but Dak was poppin bottles at Citizen on Saturday night (at the same exact table Zeke, Holly, and Jenna were at during the summer) but this time, not a cheerleader in sight 

I think you were the person who originally reported about seeing them this summer, was Jenna not “fraternizing” as much as Holly in the club? I was wondering why Holly was accused of fraternizing on camera and Jenna was not. 

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10 hours ago, ByTor said:

What the hell is "poppin bottles" anyway?

Texas-speak for sucking down some suds?  For the rest of us, perhaps having a beer?  Popping champagne corks?  I don't know why he'd be popping champagne corks seeing how the Cowboys season sucks so far and Dak, despite his awesome season last year, is pulling a Colin Kaepernick as far as onfield performance.  LOL!

Edited by SimplePleasures
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4 minutes ago, SimplePleasures said:

Texas-speak for sucking down some suds?  For the rest of use, perhaps having a beer?  Popping champagne corks?  I don't know why he'd be popping champagne corks seeing how the Cowboys season sucks so far and Dak, despite his awesome season last year, is pulling a Colin Kaepernick as far as onfield performance.  LOL!

Drowning his sorrows? ?

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7 hours ago, ByTor said:

Off topic, but my brother in law's niece works for the Baltimore Orioles (she's administrative, I believe), but she works year-round with stadium related things.

Charlotte would probably laugh in Erica's face if she issued a threat, I think your scenario is far more likely.

Besides this forum & the people who follow DCC social media pages, not only do I think most fans don't care that much, I bet most fans couldn't even name who's who on the squad.

They have the sneak peek video on Facebook for tomorrow night and one gal asked who Erica was.

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4 hours ago, MelissaB326 said:

I think you were the person who originally reported about seeing them this summer, was Jenna not “fraternizing” as much as Holly in the club? I was wondering why Holly was accused of fraternizing on camera and Jenna was not. 

Holly wasn’t even flirting with Zeke when she was there. Neither girls were

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The official DCC insta put up a bimini photo of Jenna and holy photoshop fail. she's barely recognisable.  even the comments are calling it out. i know they photoshop the crap out of the calendar but I've never seen such bad and blatant PS before on one of the girls to the point that without the caption I would've struggled to know who it was meant to be


Edited by CaseyRe
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On 10/16/2017 at 9:36 PM, ilovetrashtv said:


Some insiders vaguely confirmed (by liking posts) that Katelynn had a bad rep from LSU, which the DCCs who knew her probably passed on to K&J.

At least, that's what I think happened. No other way to explain it - Kelli loves a makeover project.

What was said about Katelynn?

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7 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Ah...yes the DCC sexy calendar shoot pose... *lol*

aka the 'bend so much your back is at danger of damage' combined with photoshopping the crap outta the boobs because they sure as hell don't naturally sit like that on the ribcage

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2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

They have the sneak peek video on Facebook for tomorrow night and one gal asked who Erica was.

I saw the preview where there were TCCs dancing and Kelli asked the vets opinion.  Never saw anyone asking about Erica.  Can you post a link? (doesn't mean it's not there - just means my feeble eyes can't see what I need to see lol)

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1 hour ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I saw the preview where there were TCCs dancing and Kelli asked the vets opinion.  Never saw anyone asking about Erica.  Can you post a link? (doesn't mean it's not there - just means my feeble eyes can't see what I need to see lol)

It's under the preview, the second comment and there are like 19 replies - it's in that group.  How do you post a link to just that video??  I am so not tech savvy:(

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On October 17, 2017 at 11:01 AM, klh25 said:

Very possible.   I think it sometimes keeps them from letting loose so to speak while dancing, some are so stuck in the technique they don't go all out and are boring to watch.  It certainly doesn't hurt that Kelsey is easy on the eyes and has a good personality. 

It's absolutely difficult to go from being a trained technical dancer to the NFL sideline style dancing. Lots of head and hair whipping and stomping. Not to mention most trained dancers haven't danced in boots on turf. Most teams have workshops that offer a chance to learn choreography and the NFL preferred dance styles. If you see a DCC or any NFL cheerleader that isn't as strong a technical dancer as others, ask yourself this- who is paying for game tickets and who is buying beer and jerseys at the games and standing in line for autographs after purchasing the calendar? Hint-men that have NO IDEA how high your posse should be or who is sickling their foot in the kick line. They only know that the cheerleader in front of them has a great smile lots of energy and made eye contact with them. Once again, tricks and awesome hip hop skills don't impress that guy with a mullet and zubaz pants. Who probably has season tickets. 

Edited by Terri
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8 hours ago, Bailey3606 said:

Off topic but Dak was poppin bottles at Citizen on Saturday night (at the same exact table Zeke, Holly, and Jenna were at during the summer) but this time, not a cheerleader in sight 

Have you ever met him? Or talked to him or Dak at this club?   Do they have people all trying to get autographs and stuff?

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