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S13.E14: Back Where You Belong

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Now THAT was a fantastic episode. Why can't it be like this every week?

Two incredibly strong patient stories that were well-paced, had strong writing and related to the doctors without feeling like we were being hit over the head with anvils. I think Riggs is super charming, and he's been under-utilized. I wish they had been spending more time this year developing him than forcing this Richard / Minnick 'civil war' storyline, but I get how outside factors sort of forced their hands. It looks like they're picking up the Meredith connection again, and I'm quite excited about that.

Jo was great tonight! I never say that, but she was. I thought Camila was really really good. I liked the storyline and I like that her arc wasn't dependent on Alex. It's always nice to see them switching up who's interacting with who, and her scenes with Owen were nice. He's much less annoying as a doctor than he is as a romantic lead.

 I wish we saw more Alex tonight and I hope they don't save a Jo / Alex reunion for the finale. 

Arizona / Minnick was inevitable. I'm whatever on that. Same to Jackson / April - with a cast this big, some characters are inevitably used as props and often act uncharacteristically (or without reason). Jackson and April are basically puppets of the Minnick / Richard storyline at the moment. 

I got a good laugh at Meredith saying that she had nothing to do / is so bored... YOU HAVE THREE CHILDREN! But they don't seem to be there in the morning, during the day, or at night. I don't really care, I'm used to it. It's like a running gag at this point, but this seemed like an easy episode to just have her maybe holding one of her babies during the scene with Richard, rather than folding more clothes? I did love her scene with Richard though, and her little impersonation of Ellis (as well as his response). 

Anyway, Grey's did its job tonight - it entertained me and it made me feel like I was watching characters that I cared about. It was definitely one of the better episodes this season for me. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I was not impressed by that Arizona and Eliza kiss. Looked so wooden and cringe worthy. No passion behind it. Maybe it's because it was so obvious it was going to happen that the kiss seemed under whelming to me. I really dont get what these Elizona, Ariliza, Mibbins, hell wtf their ship name is sees in them as a couple. I liked them better as colleagues. I wish they wouldve chosen someone who doesnt look like Callie Jr. It's so weird to me. I want Arizona to move on but with somebody else not Eliza.

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Nope, still hate Minnick. Arizona's speech did nothing because we haven't seen any of that. We've seen the exact opposite of that. There is no reason why Minnick couldn't work with Weber. The kiss felt forced. 

I did love the patient stories.

Edited by Court
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I still despise Minnick. I'm not sure if it's bad acting or bad writing (or both) but she isn't believable to me as a good person 'underneath all that'. And there was no reason at all why her working with the residents had to shove Richard aside like just so much trash!

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1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

Jo was great tonight! I never say that, but she was. I thought Camila was really really good. I liked the storyline and I like that her arc wasn't dependent on Alex. It's always nice to see them switching up who's interacting with who, and her scenes with Owen were nice. He's much less annoying as a doctor than he is as a romantic lead.

I really liked the way they did this storyline.  I mean, clearly, it was going to be obvious that Jo was going to have issues with this guy due to...dun dun dun...HER PAST11!!  But, they didn't completely go the obvious route, IMO.  I expected her to call him a scumbag or mention living in her car, etc. but the line that really got me was when she said something about the dad doing it because he wanted that kind of control and peer over them, and I thought that was pretty chilling and something that only someone who had been through that would say.  So they can write Jo as someone who can get the point across without going into a monologue about how difficult her life has been and I wish that they would do it more often.  Along those lines, I find it very odd that in all of the tweeting that Shonda and other members of the cast do about the various social issues that the show addresses, I have yet to see them even mention domestic abuse.  Its so weird to me.  Maybe they are just waiting for the husband to show up to actually focus on it.

Also, Jackson has gone from bland to dickish pretty quickly.  Would that we could all have trust funds to fall back on, hey Jackson?

Edited by Deanie87
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4 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

It would have been a lot more believable that Minnick is so invested in her students and residents if we hadn't seen her literally run away from Stephanie last week because she couldn't deal with the fact that she lost a child patient for the first time ever.

In the words of an older, better Grey's Anatomy: Seriously!  Dr. Minnick not only left Stephanie high-and-dry, she was the one who first refused to work alongside Richard for the teaching program, thus spearheading this Richard vs. Minnick crapfest. And Arizona's little speech was a show-not-tell moment, a tactic with which recent Grey's has clung to. I still don't see anything great about the character, and she's been in more than enough episodes and has gotten more than enough screen time to prove her worth. It's a fail for me. 

My favorite moment of the episode was Meredith impersonating Ellis. It really made me nostalgic for when the show fired on all cylinders.  I also liked that Meredith told Miranda that she made the wrong choice. 

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12 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I liked the two cases, they both had interesting emotional twists.  But Jo was beyond infuriating.  I get that that dad was an abusing asshole, but her first instinct is to say no to the kidney?  They were frantically looking for another kidney, the patient's body was open on the table and because she in in her own feelings, she wants them to reject one that is gift wrapped?  That is irresponsible and she was not making a medical decision she was making an emotional one.  I honestly hated her role in that whole drama because she made it all about her. 

I thought that in this instance she wasn't making it about herself at all, she was making it about the mother, who was also her patient.  She understood exactly what would go through the mother's mind and how that kidney may end up tainted somehow, regardless of how much it saved her son's life.  And how much power it would give that father over her and her son.  I thought that the way that they framed all of that was subtle (for Grey's) and that it was clear that unless you had been through what she and the mother had been through,  you wouldn't get it.  She also was more against them doing it without the mother's permission and because she thought that there were other options that, in the end, would be the best outcome for both of her patients.  When she realized that the father was the only hope, that was that, and then her solution was that the kidney was to be given anonymously so that it would save the kid's life AND not be something that wouldn't be traumatizing for the mother going forward.  I know that Jo can absolutely do nothing right for a lot of people and just can't win no matter what she does, but honestly I really think that she did the right thing here for BOTH of her patients.

Edited by Deanie87
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13 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I liked the two cases, they both had interesting emotional twists.  But Jo was beyond infuriating.  I get that that dad was an abusing asshole, but her first instinct is to say no to the kidney?  They were frantically looking for another kidney, the patient's body was open on the table and because she in in her own feelings, she wants them to reject one that is gift wrapped?  That is irresponsible and she was not making a medical decision she was making an emotional one.  I honestly hated her role in that whole drama because she made it all about her. 

It's always about her.  Frankly, I don't care about her or her story whatever it is, but I just wish she'd just come out and tell her whole damn story to somebody.  It doesn't have to be Alex, I don't care who it is.  Just. get. it. out.  I'm sick and tired of her projecting her feelings onto situations that have nothing to do with her.  I'm sick and tired of looking at her tired, mopey eyes.  

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This one was pretty good. The medical stories were interesting. I liked Owen's interactions with Jo, although I wish she would have broken down and told him everything at the end. Speaking of Owen, I'm over this Amelia storyline (although I did like her telling Meredith that she didn't fold the socks correctly; I could see Mama Shepherd instructing her children how to correctly fold socks). I was hoping that Alex or Maggie would tell Owen that Amelia was at Meredith's house or that Alex would just tell him that she's freaked out over having a baby because her first one died.

I'm meh with Minnick. She annoys me with the medical stuff, but I like her with Arizona. 

I really don't like Jackson right now. His treatment of April is horrible. I wish someone (his mother, Richard or anyone at this point) would tell him to get the stick out of his rear. 

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Bubble episode?  You mean bottle episode?


In episodic television, a bottle episode is produced cheaply and restricted in scope to use as few non-regular cast members, effects and sets as possible. 

Or is there some new Shondaland thing called bubble episode?

And I'm not being an ass here - I sincerely don't know if there is something called a bubble episode and I've just never heard of it.  Which is entirely possible. :)

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25 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I know that Jo can absolutely do nothing right for a lot of people and just can't win no matter what she does, but honestly I really think that she did the right thing here for BOTH of her patients.

It is true I do not like her.  But objectively, she was there where they were all frantically trying to find this kid a kidney.  She was included in making phone calls and debating best courses of action.  And the situation was desperate enough that absent a kidney the mother could have died and the minor child would have been given back into his father's care without the mother there as a protector.  If there was a better solution they would have come up with one.  Her trying to convince them NOT to take the kidney just because it came from the father was not a decision a surgeon should be making.  They make split second decisions all the time to save lives.  The only reason this one was different to her was because she related to the situation.  So yeah, I do think she self projected. 

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I've never felt so ambivalent about an episode before.

I thought the transplant plot was a loser all around.  It was such a heavy-handed parallel to Jo's situation that I disliked it right away but it just got worse with her getting overly involved and acting like a lunatic.  Minnick and Jackson were jackasses.  It irritates me that this show is blowing over Minnick's assiness because it just makes Jackson look like a petulant child now for failing to get on board.  The only bit I enjoyed was the debate over kidney ownership.

On the other hand, I thought the story about the schizophrenic woman was excellent.  The make-up was good because I didn't recognize Samaire Armstong until her third scene.  It wasn't too heavy-handed because I didn't realize it applied to Riggs's situation with Megan until he started talking about understanding how the parents felt.  I loved that Maggie was acting like an adult for the first time in forever and that they brought back the psych doctor from the first season.  It should have been the A story instead of the turd transplant.

Yay, Cross!  Seeing him and the psych doctor made my night, continuity-wise.

Now I hate Arizona more than Minnick because she's suddenly a true believer in the cult of Minnick.  It's like she swapped brains with Stephanie of two episodes ago.  Seriously, stop thinking with your junk, girl.  Just because she cried after breaking her car horn doesn't make her less of a smug asshole.

Edited by Starscream
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Wow. After weeks of dreck, this installment was a return to form -- well-paced, motivated, and believable. Arcs moved forward in tandem with the engrossing episodic narratives, characters had individual, consistent points-of-view, and the action was distributed appropriately among the ensemble. The drama was tonally balanced, which likened the show to its origins. The photography was impressive without being conspicuous and the music added weight without being manipulative. In short: this was an entry about which this 13-year-old medical drama can be proud*.


*Exception: Minnick is still a poorly constructed and played story-pawn. Another failed Addison: the disruptive super-bitch who's supposed to surprise us with her complex relatability. Unfortunately, that requires subtlety. (And, well... that's not a quality on which this show is often able to pride itself.)

Edited by upperco
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I've had more than enough of Minnick.  I knew we couldn't have her and Arizona simply be colleagues.  I want Arizona to have a successful relationship.  I just hate that she is getting matched so quickly with such a terrible character. I saw no great turnaround to make me believe that Minnick is suddenly the greatest ever.   

I am okay with the idea of the teaching method whereby the residents perform the surgery and the senior surgeons watch and advise.  Heck, in early seasons we saw this.  However,, the idea of having them prep the patients is silly.  Their time is more valuable than that.  This is time that could be spent on teaching or performing other surgeries.  Other residents might need practice prepping patients. 

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I never want to be a patient in that hospital because they have unqualified residents do really, really complex surgeries. 

Camilla did a good job of it but Jo was just awful in this episode.  She kept projecting her own issues o to the family.  I wanted to scream "the mother is not you!  You don't know what she would do, you don't have a child you're desperate to save!"  The worst was when she told the father to stay away.  She has NO RIGHT to tell him to stay away.  I know this show is all about the characters pushing their own issues onto the patients but this was just too much for me.

I liked the psychotic patient (too soon to make a diagnosis of schizophrenia, Dr. Shrink) and Samaire Armstrong was good as the patient (much better than her role as Rene's wife on Arrow last week).

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Daisy's "Grey Episode."

Scene One: Bailey + Meredith.
Bailey: Meredith, can I come in. Seriously. We truly need to talk. Please?
Meredith: Gosh. I don't know. Ellie is napping and I have a load of laundry.
Bailey: it's about everything. Including why I suspended you. Please?
Meredith. Fine. 
Bailey. "meredith... look we go way back"
Meredith: really..
Bailey. "No really. Please. let me finish. We go way back. I helped train you, I brought you back to life... seriously. You named your son after me... i always thought we were close. So when you just supported Richard - and I know what he means to you because of your mother and everything... I guess i just saw red, and I reacted. I had no right to suspend you without giving you a chance to explain why you don't like Minnick."
Meredith. "thank you. Now... seriously.. why did you do that to Richard"
Bailey: "At first I thought it was just Catherine... but I realised... no. I wanted to make the hospital better. I was tired of all the drop out residents - mostly because you all are crappy teachers... no sorry.. but I mean, I taught you, I raised you and you all barely raised your own. and I just... I did not want that to go down on me. So I got Minnick. I mean what would have Richard Webber do?"
Meredith. "Not done it behind your back, I'd like to think. that's what most of us are upset about, Miranda."
Bailey (sigh) "I know. look. I can't promise to get rid of Minnick, I know i rushed things, but I need you at the hospital. We will do what's right for the hospital, Webber, but most important the residents. Now please, don't make me beg."

<<and. scene.>>
that's how that should have gone. Had my boss invited herself to coffee like that i would have closed the door in her face.

the transplant storyline is this week's. "Is this worse than cutting an LVAD wire?"

Loser Dad vs. Robbie Kay (LOVE. HIM!) and Mama. 
Jo was willing to let Robbie Kay and Mama die because of Loser Dad. (I did her point). however. their job is "do. no. harm." that means to the patient not what Loser Dad may/may not do after they all come out of it. time was of the essence and Jo's (true or not) stance could have killed Robbie Kay and Mama. 

on the scale of One to LVAD Cutting, I give it a solid 6 + 1 modifier because time of the essence. This show seriously needs a social worker to deal with this crap. 

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I was shaking my head during Arizona's little speech about how smart and funny and passionate Minnick is. Nope! I knew it was just a matter of time before they hooked up. This is going to be like Callie and the Derek killing doctor all over again where everybody's reaction is going to be WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?

I totally cracked up that Minnick went from "Hey, noobs, you know how you've never done this procedure? Congrats, you're doing it by yourself today!" last week to "The correct answer is that you aren't prepared!" this week. All it took was killing a patient for her to tone down her down just a smidge. After she kills a few more patients, she might be tolerable!

I rolled my eyes when Bailey told Meredith that some of the doctors are embracing the Minnick method and find it fun. Yeah, the residents love it, but non-resident doctors with seniority and experience like Alex and Richard are stuck doing, as Alex put it, resident scut. That's really fun for them.

I haven't missed Cross at all (although I did enjoy when Jo told him to put his hand down). I enjoyed Jo's storyline (and CL's acting) tonight, probably because she got to be a lot more subtle than the usual stuff they give her. That husband was a typical abuser - he gets all indignant and then tells someone else,"Don't touch me!"

This was my first time seeing Robbie Kay do an American accent and my first time seeing him play a character who isn't a bag of dicks (I'm used to his horrible Peter Pan character on Once Upon a Time). And it was nice to see Samaire Armstrong. I think the last time I saw her was on The OC. Schizophrenia is such a difficult disease to deal with, so this was a hard one to watch.

But I had a hard time with so many people acting like Riggs was a genius for finding her name using the serial number on her old pacemaker. They've been doing that on Bones almost every week for years (it's amazing how many people who have artificial limbs, breast implants, pacemakers, and other medical devices with traceable serial numbers are allegedly killed near Washington, DC!).

When Bailey told Meredith to invite her inside, I started laughing at the thought that Bailey had turned into a vampire.

I found it hilarious that normally the doctors at this hospital are willing to ignore HIPAA regulations and blab about the details of other patients' cases to anyone and everyone who happens to stroll into the hospital, but this kid's father comes in and Jo tells Owen to kick him out of the hospital. I get that he's an abuser and that he shouldn't be in the hospital room while the mom and kid were getting ready for surgery if they didn't want him there, but the mom said they weren't divorced and I'm assuming he didn't give up his legal rights to his kid so standing around in the waiting room wasn't technically against any rules. As much of a dick as he was, he's still one of the kid's legal guardians and therefore one of the only people allowed to receive updates on his medical condition.

I'm surprised that Avery is being so harsh to April. Last week when everyone was sitting around the cafeteria talking shit about her, he didn't say anything which made me think that he was somewhat sympathetic to her position.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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At this point I want nothing more than for Bailey to tell them all that she's the boss,  this is her decision, they don't have to like it but they need to act like grown ups and do their fucking jobs. 

Adding to that, the whole April is a job stealing traitor shit is ridiculous.  Being able to put acting chief of general surgery on her resume would give her a leg up when it came to promotions, raises and offers from other hospitals.  Career wise this is actually a fantastic opportunity for her and I'm over watching her supposed friends shit all over it because Queen Meridith had the job first.

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7 hours ago, Court said:

I was happy to see Cross as well. I thought he might have left and we missed it.

I thought he'd been written out and we'd never see him again. I miss when the show had a cast of side faces who didn't need storylines but provided continuity. 

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10 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I liked the two cases, they both had interesting emotional twists.  But Jo was beyond infuriating.  I get that that dad was an abusing asshole, but her first instinct is to say no to the kidney?  They were frantically looking for another kidney, the patient's body was open on the table and because she in in her own feelings, she wants them to reject one that is gift wrapped?  That is irresponsible and she was not making a medical decision she was making an emotional one.  I honestly hated her role in that whole drama because she made it all about her. 

I hate Jo's character anyway but this made me hate it even more.

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1 hour ago, rachel1496 said:

At this point I want nothing more than for Bailey to tell them all that she's the boss,  this is her decision, they don't have to like it but they need to act like grown ups and do their fucking jobs. 

Adding to that, the whole April is a job stealing traitor shit is ridiculous.  Being able to put acting chief of general surgery on her resume would give her a leg up when it came to promotions, raises and offers from other hospitals.  Career wise this is actually a fantastic opportunity for her and I'm over watching her supposed friends shit all over it because Queen Meridith had the job first.

I hate this whole stupid storyline because the #resistance docs are acting like a bunch of idiots. I get being loyal to Webber, I get not liking Minnick, I get not like new people in general especially when they're in the way of the people you like, but for crying out loud! It's work! Stop taking everything so personally! Just do your damn jobs and get on with it. I accept going to Bailey with their concerns and objections, but that should be the end of it. This fake coup they're staging, icing Minnick out of surgery like a bunch of mean girls in high school, Meredith refusing to return to work until Minnick leaves? Grow the fuck up, people. And I don't blame April at all for accepting Bailey's offer to replace Meredith in the meantime. What is she supposed to do? What is the department supposed to do? They need someone running point in general with Meredith out. April refusing the offer would have been just as petty, nonsensical and potentially career-destroying as Meredith's stubbornness in refusing to go back now, and Jackson needs to get off her ass about it regardless of whatever "reason" is behind his real annoyance. I can't wait for this plot to end.

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So Meredith suddenly gets Nathan because she didn´t know where Derek was for 1 day and she is suddenly an expert on how Nathan feels. Ouch! This show should try harder. Based on this and the promo allusions they are picking up "Merthan" where they left off how many episodes ago - about 9?? 

But stranger things have happened on Greys. 

Not a fan of "Merthan" or whatever it is they are called.

But most certainly this was the preparation for Meghan´s comeback.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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This episode fell a little flat for me. Jo made me angry. She had no way of knowing how Kidney Mom might or might not feel about her horrible husband saving, in essence, both of their lives. For all we know, Mom might have said, "He's a piece of shit that I hate beyond all hate, but if his kidney can save my son, do it. It's the LEAST the asshole can do." Mom struck me as wanting to do ANYTHING for her son. Prior to the surgery, she sounded as if she might not even live to see her son's recovery and she was fine with that. So if saving her son's life meant using the horrible dad's kidney - so what? But no matter how Kidney Mom would've reacted, it's not up to Jo to predict. Jo was projecting her own experience onto Kidney Mom, and that's not appropriate. I'm not intending to minimize Jo's past situation - abuse is abuse and it is traumatic and she should feel whatever she feels - but she has to compartmentalize her own past and focus on saving TWO lives right here and now. I'm glad it worked out but Jo pissed me off.

Another thing that rankled me a bit was something Riggs brought up. When he and Maggie were watching the parents initially reuniting with their long-lost daughter, he expressed a bit of anger and bitterness towards the parents. He said that they buried an empty box and then went about their lives, drinking cappuccinos (or the like), and sailing along as if nothing happened. I disagree...the mother said that the daughter's disappearance took a toll on her marriage. She mentioned press conferences and searching through the forest. I highly doubt that the past 12 years were a joy ride for her or her now ex-husband. Yes, she perhaps made peace with her daughter's "death," because that's a survival mechanism. But I'm sure she hasn't been full of light and joy in the past 12 years. So hearing Riggs say that the parents should feel like shit now, and deserved to feel shitty, made me angry at him. He has NO idea what the parents' lives have been like since the daughter vanished! I'd warrant a guess that they've been quite miserable, even if they've managed to continue going about their lives - because what were they supposed to do, kill themselves? So whatever Riggs' personal issues were/are about mental illness or people vanishing or whatever - he shouldn't project those onto total strangers, just as Jo shouldn't project her feelings/issues about her abuse onto Kidney Mom.

Bailey and Meredith: I give Bailey credit for trying to talk through a difficult situation. I thought that scene was actually pretty well done, and the conversation sounded relatively realistic. At one point, Meredith said something to Bailey about how quickly she (Bailey) fell for Minnick's shtick, and Meredith's facial expression and tone of voice was very spot on - it rang true to me. I appreciate that a character on a soap opera actually spoke directly to another character with whom she's in conflict - no middleman, no misinterpretation. Bailey spoke in full sentences without interruption. Even if there was no resolution to the impasse, at least there is some clarity. Although there was no mention of Catherine's involvement, was there...

April and Jackson - whatever - he sounded like a cranky little shit. I expect better from him, he's usually fairly rational. Jeez, you are living under the same roof and are co-parenting a beloved child - get a grip, Jackson. Shallow note: again, April's hair is looking fab.

Arizona and Minnick (I can't even recall her first name!!): yuck. We knew it was coming, and here it is. I have no problem with Arizona having a new partner, but is this the best they could come up with? Not that it's anyone's business, but wow, their colleagues are going to have some interesting reactions to their budding romance.

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11 hours ago, Ohwell said:

It's always about her.  Frankly, I don't care about her or her story whatever it is, but I just wish she'd just come out and tell her whole damn story to somebody.  It doesn't have to be Alex, I don't care who it is.  Just. get. it. out.  I'm sick and tired of her projecting her feelings onto situations that have nothing to do with her.  I'm sick and tired of looking at her tired, mopey eyes.  


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12 minutes ago, Biggie B said:


Another thing that rankled me a bit was something Riggs brought up. When he and Maggie were watching the parents initially reuniting with their long-lost daughter, he expressed a bit of anger and bitterness towards the parents. He said that they buried an empty box and then went about their lives, drinking cappuccinos (or the like), and sailing along as if nothing happened. I disagree...the mother said that the daughter's disappearance took a toll on her marriage. She mentioned press conferences and searching through the forest. I highly doubt that the past 12 years were a joy ride for her or her now ex-husband. Yes, she perhaps made peace with her daughter's "death," because that's a survival mechanism. But I'm sure she hasn't been full of light and joy in the past 12 years. So hearing Riggs say that the parents should feel like shit now, and deserved to feel shitty, made me angry at him. He has NO idea what the parents' lives have been like since the daughter vanished! I'd warrant a guess that they've been quite miserable, even if they've managed to continue going about their lives - because what were they supposed to do, kill themselves? So whatever Riggs' personal issues were/are about mental illness or people vanishing or whatever - he shouldn't project those onto total strangers, just as Jo shouldn't project her feelings/issues about her abuse onto Kidney Mom.


Yes, true, indeed, he was judgemental over them.

I guess he should look at himself in the mirror how he went about his life after Megan´s disappearance, he sleeps with a woman who can´t stand him randomnly in a car, is all flirty with her.

I really didn´t like how he judged those parents when he himself behaves how he behaves.

Edited by Nobodysfan
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13 minutes ago, Biggie B said:

This episode fell a little flat for me. Jo made me angry. She had no way of knowing how Kidney Mom might or might not feel about her horrible husband saving, in essence, both of their lives. For all we know, Mom might have said, "He's a piece of shit that I hate beyond all hate, but if his kidney can save my son, do it. It's the LEAST the asshole can do." Mom struck me as wanting to do ANYTHING for her son. Prior to the surgery, she sounded as if she might not even live to see her son's recovery and she was fine with that. So if saving her son's life meant using the horrible dad's kidney - so what? But no matter how Kidney Mom would've reacted, it's not up to Jo to predict. Jo was projecting her own experience onto Kidney Mom, and that's not appropriate. I'm not intending to minimize Jo's past situation - abuse is abuse and it is traumatic and she should feel whatever she feels - but she has to compartmentalize her own past and focus on saving TWO lives right here and now. I'm glad it worked out but Jo pissed me off.

Another thing that rankled me a bit was something Riggs brought up. When he and Maggie were watching the parents initially reuniting with their long-lost daughter, he expressed a bit of anger and bitterness towards the parents. He said that they buried an empty box and then went about their lives, drinking cappuccinos (or the like), and sailing along as if nothing happened. I disagree...the mother said that the daughter's disappearance took a toll on her marriage. She mentioned press conferences and searching through the forest. I highly doubt that the past 12 years were a joy ride for her or her now ex-husband. Yes, she perhaps made peace with her daughter's "death," because that's a survival mechanism. But I'm sure she hasn't been full of light and joy in the past 12 years. So hearing Riggs say that the parents should feel like shit now, and deserved to feel shitty, made me angry at him. He has NO idea what the parents' lives have been like since the daughter vanished! I'd warrant a guess that they've been quite miserable, even if they've managed to continue going about their lives - because what were they supposed to do, kill themselves? So whatever Riggs' personal issues were/are about mental illness or people vanishing or whatever - he shouldn't project those onto total strangers, just as Jo shouldn't project her feelings/issues about her abuse onto Kidney Mom.

Bailey and Meredith: I give Bailey credit for trying to talk through a difficult situation. I thought that scene was actually pretty well done, and the conversation sounded relatively realistic. At one point, Meredith said something to Bailey about how quickly she (Bailey) fell for Minnick's shtick, and Meredith's facial expression and tone of voice was very spot on - it rang true to me. I appreciate that a character on a soap opera actually spoke directly to another character with whom she's in conflict - no middleman, no misinterpretation. Bailey spoke in full sentences without interruption. Even if there was no resolution to the impasse, at least there is some clarity. Although there was no mention of Catherine's involvement, was there...

April and Jackson - whatever - he sounded like a cranky little shit. I expect better from him, he's usually fairly rational. Jeez, you are living under the same roof and are co-parenting a beloved child - get a grip, Jackson. Shallow note: again, April's hair is looking fab.

Arizona and Minnick (I can't even recall her first name!!): yuck. We knew it was coming, and here it is. I have no problem with Arizona having a new partner, but is this the best they could come up with? Not that it's anyone's business, but wow, their colleagues are going to have some interesting reactions to their budding romance.

Riggs...I took it as guilt he was expressing for himself having moved on when his fiance was missing. He understood the parents feeling such guilt and shock for presuming her to be dead and going through the grieving process and moving on. It was Maggie who seemed to have animosity to the parents when they weren't overjoyed to see their daughter alive. Which, honestly, I have to agree with Maggie. If that were my kid, I'd run to her and grab her up in my arms and not want to let go.

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I know I will get a lot of hate but what the hell is going on with this show???

The writing is atrocious right now. 

First, I have been slow to watch this season because I was pissed going in that the cliffhanger from the previous season was put on the back burner for a one off episode.  You don't leave your audience hanging then give them some crap first episode full of stuff no one cares about.  As far as tv ploys go, this one is the cheapest in the arsenal.

Then...I was not happy with the last episode that featured all of these minor characters that they haven't developed and no one cares about the main characters were where??? Missing.

Then this episode...I will just dive right in...

First how does suspending an actual board member that owns part of your hospital work...I am little surprised that this wasn't explained and that Meredith didn't just go straight to the board for a vote.

Miranda who used to be my favorite characters has become the worst.  Not because she's the boss but because she is the worst boss I have even seen.  Every ounce of her directness has turned into slimy decisions and a reluctance to just be straight with her staff.

I know a lot of people hate Minnick but my main issue with her is the way Miranda handled it...at the point where she was like I work alone I would have gone with someone else.  There are plenty of people who do the same thing that would be more willing to work as a team and take suggestions.

I hate April but what is this loyalty crap everyone is talking about...this is work, she got an opportunity and she took it.  Normally she sucks but seriously...

Catherine-can she be gone now?  Seriously there is nothing likeable about her.

Riggs, Meredith, Maggie...UM why is this back and why did it take so long for it to be back...we are supposed to believe that Meredith that works there and sees Riggs daily and ????  First I don't like Meredith and Riggs together.  He has WAY more chemistry with Maggie.  But I want this plot to GO AWAY

Alex is back and he's on a case with Jo...how completely not contrived....this is another I don't care about.  No offense to Alex or Jo but this relationship is dead on delivery.  I have never bought these two together...I don't know if the chemistry with the actors or the writing or what...Can we please see Jo being fun in another dynamic and I don't know where Alex needs to be...but maybe working on his issues alone.

All the other minor people-either develop these losers or get rid of them.  I don't want to see them chewing scenery each episode taking up precious screen time when no one cares about them

Edited by dmc
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1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

Bailey and Meredith: I give Bailey credit for trying to talk through a difficult situation. I thought that scene was actually pretty well done, and the conversation sounded relatively realistic. At one point, Meredith said something to Bailey about how quickly she (Bailey) fell for Minnick's shtick, and Meredith's facial expression and tone of voice was very spot on - it rang true to me. I appreciate that a character on a soap opera actually spoke directly to another character with whom she's in conflict - no middleman, no misinterpretation. Bailey spoke in full sentences without interruption. Even if there was no resolution to the impasse, at least there is some clarity. Although there was no mention of Catherine's involvement, was there...

ITA that it was nice to see two people who are having a huge disagreement sit down and have a conversation where they each listened to each other, responded to what the other person said, didn't interrupt/talk over each other, etc.

There was no mention of Catherine's involvement but to me it was obvious when Bailey started to respond to Meredith by saying that she didn't want it to be this way and then she got this look on her face before she started lying by omission by deliberately not mentioning Catherine's role in this.

1 hour ago, Biggie B said:

Another thing that rankled me a bit was something Riggs brought up. When he and Maggie were watching the parents initially reuniting with their long-lost daughter, he expressed a bit of anger and bitterness towards the parents. He said that they buried an empty box and then went about their lives, drinking cappuccinos (or the like), and sailing along as if nothing happened. I disagree...the mother said that the daughter's disappearance took a toll on her marriage. She mentioned press conferences and searching through the forest. I highly doubt that the past 12 years were a joy ride for her or her now ex-husband. Yes, she perhaps made peace with her daughter's "death," because that's a survival mechanism. But I'm sure she hasn't been full of light and joy in the past 12 years. So hearing Riggs say that the parents should feel like shit now, and deserved to feel shitty, made me angry at him. He has NO idea what the parents' lives have been like since the daughter vanished! I'd warrant a guess that they've been quite miserable, even if they've managed to continue going about their lives - because what were they supposed to do, kill themselves? So whatever Riggs' personal issues were/are about mental illness or people vanishing or whatever - he shouldn't project those onto total strangers, just as Jo shouldn't project her feelings/issues about her abuse onto Kidney Mom.

I agree with this too. It was obvious from everything the mother said from the moment she met the doctors that she hadn't just given up on her daughter and gone on with her life skipping around tossing daisies in the air. Just because this poor mother didn't kill herself in despair doesn't mean that she gave up or was living a happy life. And so what if they had a funeral? They were just trying to find some closure. Their daughter was missing for twelve years. If having a ceremony was what it took so they could keep living, who is Riggs to judge them for that? People cope in different ways. And realistically, how often does someone disappear for that long only to be found?

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8 hours ago, dr pepper said:

So, did the indian psychiatrist sneak into the hospital? He's obviously not pretty enough to work there.

IDK, he was rather attractive in Season 1 without the beard.  But it is psych, not surgery, and we all know that any department which isn't surgery on GA is automatically deficient.


But I had a hard time with so many people acting like Riggs was a genius for finding her name using the serial number on her old pacemaker. They've been doing that on Bones almost every week for years (it's amazing how many people who have artificial limbs, breast implants, pacemakers, and other medical devices with traceable serial numbers are allegedly killed near Washington, DC!).

Hell, that was a major plot point on a third season episode of Law & Order way back in 1992.



First how does suspending an actual board member that owns part of your hospital work...I am little surprised that this wasn't explained and that Meredith didn't just go straight to the board for a vote.

Actually there was some discussion of it in the first scene.  Alex brought it up, and Meredith said something about checking the bylaws (or something to that effect) and it was legit.  She commented about that being how bored she was.

Edited by proserpina65
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13 hours ago, Deanie87 said:

I thought that in this instance she wasn't making it about herself at all, she was making it about the mother, who was also her patient.  She understood exactly what would go through the mother's mind and how that kidney may end up tainted somehow, regardless of how much it saved her son's life.  And how much power it would give that father over her and her son.  I thought that the way that they framed all of that was subtle (for Grey's) and that it was clear that unless you had been through what she and the mother had been through,  you wouldn't get it.  She also was more against them doing it without the mother's permission and because she thought that there were other options that, in the end, would be the best outcome for both of her patients.  When she realized that the father was the only hope, that was that, and then her solution was that the kidney was to be given anonymously so that it would save the kid's life AND not be something that wouldn't be traumatizing for the mother going forward.  I know that Jo can absolutely do nothing right for a lot of people and just can't win no matter what she does, but honestly I really think that she did the right thing here for BOTH of her patients.

I completely agree with this. I thought Camilla was fantastic, and this episode was a great one for Jo. People are going to hate, even if it's a morally grey area, or if she's done nothing wrong, but I don't care anymore as long as she's finally being written well. I really felt for her here, I thought the writer of this episode did a fantastic job of conveying her position and her struggles without relapsing into monologue territory. She absolutely understood the mothers position and advocated for her based on what they knew of her feelings before the surgery. She Was trying to ascertain the patients best interests and as you said, when there was no other option, she came up with a solution. This was a great ep In terms of building some understanding for her through action and expression, not just a speech. I really hope it continues. Also, I really adored the fact that Alex had visible concern for her the whole episode and let her know in his way he understood her but at the same time giving her space. And as much as I would have loved for Jolex to have that comfort scene outside, I really loved the fact that it was Hunt. That scene was a pleasant surprise and really moving.. and I like that Jo is starting to have other people there for her. I also think that this is leading to the husband returning, and Jo is starting to connect with more people so that his entrance impacts more than just her and Alex. 

As for the rest of the episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Arizona is a fave of mine and I realised in her scenes with minnick she is actually making her tolerable to me ? Capshaw is so funny and I loved the 'I am wise' exchange.. I still don't like minnick but I have a feeling I'll end up dealing with her because of Arizona. Also I didn't mind her at all in this episode actually because her excitement and encouragement of the residents came across as a lot more natural and genuine. We'll see if that continues though.


jackson EUGH what the hell is his problem. I was leaning towards aprils side last episode, but in this episode especially I thought she did a great job, and he is acting like an entitled petulant brat, I'm getting so sick of him . That japril the sequel or whatever it is I will most definitely be skipping, could not stomach another hour of them. I like April well enough and am usually indifferent to Jackson but together just..not a fan.

actually enjoyed Merediths scenes, baileys 'I don't take milk' was delivered flawlessly lol. Glad she's getting over herself and coming back, I'm more than ready for her to have a different storyline now. And looks like they're finally remembering that Meredith/Maggie and Riggs were a cliffhanger LAST YEAR and coming back to it next episode. Sigh, this show and it's continuity, or lack therof gives me a headache. 

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For the most part, I like Daisy's version a *lot* better than the real one:

9 hours ago, Daisy said:

Daisy's "Grey Episode."

Scene One: Bailey + Meredith.
Bailey: Meredith, can I come in. Seriously. We truly need to talk. Please?
Meredith: Gosh. I don't know. Ellie is napping and I have a load of laundry.
Bailey: it's about everything. Including why I suspended you. Please?
Meredith. Fine. 
Bailey. "meredith... look we go way back"
Meredith: really..
Bailey. "No really. Please. let me finish. We go way back. I helped train you, I brought you back to life... seriously. You named your son after me... i always thought we were close. So when you just supported Richard - and I know what he means to you because of your mother and everything... I guess i just saw red, and I reacted. I had no right to suspend you without giving you a chance to explain why you don't like Minnick."
Meredith. "thank you. Now... seriously.. why did you do that to Richard"
Bailey: "At first I thought it was just Catherine... but I realised... no. I wanted to make the hospital better. I was tired of all the drop out residents - mostly because you all are crappy teachers... no sorry.. but I mean, I taught you, I raised you and you all barely raised your own. and I just... I did not want that to go down on me. So I got Minnick. I mean what would have Richard Webber do?"
Meredith. "Not done it behind your back, I'd like to think. that's what most of us are upset about, Miranda."
Bailey (sigh) "I know. look. I can't promise to get rid of Minnick, I know i rushed things, but I need you at the hospital. We will do what's right for the hospital, Webber, but most important the residents. Now please, don't make me beg."

<<and. scene.>>
that's how that should have gone.

I did like the part (in the real episode) where Meredith *agreed* that Richard himself would have wanted to hire someone like Minnick if it meant better training for their doctors --but still completely disagreed with Bailey's choosing to shove Richard, aside because Minnick demanded Richard's job. 

Richard accepted Minnick rather quickly --until he found out that Minnick had actually stolen his job. Richard had really listened to her ideas, and he saw the merit in them. He also saw the potential risk to patients if they weren't properly implemented. [And last episode, with that little boy's death, proved how right Richard was to be concerned about that!] But Minnick was/is a power-hungry bitch. She refused to work together with Richard, and demanded his job or else she would have walked away. Bailey had a choice to make in that moment, and she chose wrong. She should have told Minnick, "Bye, it was nice meeting you..." After all, Richard had already embraced most of Minnick's ideas and changes. Those changes were already being implemented, and the residents would still have gotten to do more surgeries. 

But that little boy would probably still be alive.

I am still 100% in agreement with the attendings who think Bailey was wrong, and that April is a suck-up to accept Chief of Surgery. (True, some of the attendings' behavior has been unprofessional, even childish. But, c'mon- any regular viewer *knows* that Grey's doctors are often unprofessional, and sometimes they're very childish.) 


14 hours ago, BaseOps said:

I got a good laugh at Meredith saying that she had nothing to do / is so bored... YOU HAVE THREE CHILDREN! But they don't seem to be there in the morning, during the day, or at night. I don't really care, I'm used to it. It's like a running gag at this point, but this seemed like an easy episode to just have her maybe holding one of her babies during the scene with Richard, rather than folding more clothes?

I know, right?!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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2 hours ago, Nobodysfan said:

So Meredith suddenly gets Nathan because she didn´t know where Derek was for 1 day and she is suddenly an expert on how Nathan feels. Ouch! This show should try harder. Based on this and the promo allusions they are picking up "Merthan" where they left off how many episodes ago - about 9?? 

But stranger things have happened on Greys. 

Not a fan of "Merthan" or whatever it is they are called.

But most certainly this was the preparation for Meghan´s comeback.

I mean, they've used the Meredith lost Derek and Riggs lost Meghan angle before. It makes sense. Maggie was just surprised by it, I think. Anyway, I'm glad they're getting back to it. I believe the only reason it was dropped was because the middle episodes had a lot of workarounds given the pregnancies of Ellen, Camilla, and Caterina. I like the Meredith / Riggs dynamic. I hope they really pursue it through the last bit of the season. 

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