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S05.E06: Erica's Story

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On 7/23/2017 at 10:35 PM, auntjess said:

Do you get streaming rather than cable? 
Discovery Life is showing a lot of these in repeat, as well as TLC.
I really want to see a follow up.
She was another one who seemed not to know what she was allowed to eat.
I've decided that I dislike Erica and her sister.  Can you imagine family times in that household growing up?

(Taxi Driver voice) You talking to me?   I get cable, but I don't mind paying for some episodes.  I pay for a few shows because 1) I tend to 'watch' TV with my back to the TV while I work on the computer, and end up missing a lot of stuff and 2) I like having the shows to go back to on my schedule, not the network's. For example, I just realized the other day that when Erica has dinner with her brother and his family, the niece's head turns left and right when they talk, like she was watching a tennis match. It's kind of funny. 

Something I've noticed, when you watch these shows across a room, a lot of times the people don't look all that big. When you see them 18" away from you on a monitor, you realize how huge they are. Shockingly so. Yeah, I know I've been watching this show for years and should realize this, but unless someone has a huge hanging mass or green legs, I guess I've gotten used to their size. Probably not a good thing.

  • Love 1

I'm rewatching Erica, the first time was 6 months ago and I had forgotten how immature she is. 

How could she have been so angry because the airline "made" her purchase the whole row? Can you imagine the poor soul that had to sit next to her if they hadn't insisted she buy enough seats to accommodate her size? Then at the dinner at her brothers she was trying to blackmail him to give up his livelihood.

She has such a bad attitude. Yes she had a sad background story but unfortunately many women share the story but most haven't gained 400 + pounds and refused to grow up and become independant. Most don't create a situation and then expect someone to wave a magic wand and fix their life without them putting any effort in. She weighed 200 lbs at 12 years old and wasn't raped for years after that so I'm no5 convinced her trauma had that much to do with her weight gain. Just my wild guess but I bet her mother spoiled her rotten and showed obvious favor over her other children. That would account for the immaturity and other character flaws as well as her family's fed up attitude. Although, whatever childhood events contributed to her situation, she's old enough to make her own decisions, not expect her family to give up their lives for her comfort and figure out ways to take care of herself. I think her family members, Mollie and Jessie, went above and beyond by traveling to Texas when she had her surgery. I understand that at her weight she is more at risk but when I had life threatening surgery my family didn't fly across the country to spend the day in a waiting room and I didn't want or expect them to, they have lives.  and I have a fairly functional family. She's so childlike. I'm guessing as a child her mother did everything for her, if her dad was as bad as she said,  her mother may have tried to make up for his harshness by coddling her.  In the final scene when she said "oh look, a python" she sounded like a 4 year old and she hasn't been a shut in since 4 years old. Being isolated would not account for her childishness. With tears in her eyes Erica tells us that Jessie is the only one who takes care of her. She doesn't understand that adults don't require care.

  • Love 8

That's what I thought Auntjess. But even if the surgery was necessary to loosing weight, I worked for a short time in a Phoenix hospital that had an excellent bariatric clinic that frequently did gastric bypass on people 600 lbs plus. That would have been an 8 hour drive for Erica. And I have trouble believing that between Southern Cali and the Bay Area there isn't a doctor to help these people in CA. Erica most likely could have found treatment within 100 miles. Does Dr Now treat the people on the show for free or are they paid for their appearance on the show? I adore Dr Now but he's not the only surgeon in the US who performs surgery on the morbidly obese. Most of the patients on the show are so self absorbed that they don't consider what sacrifices their families are making. They may say how they appreciate it but there's no emotion behind it, no true understanding. I certainly couldn't take 6 months off work, move a few states away and care for a loved one no matter how much I wanted to.

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There has been discussion of what TLC pays, but I think it's scattered throughout the discussions.
I believe I've read that they get a couple of thousand to relocate, and TLC covers what insurance doesn't, on the surgery.
On the other hand, I can't imagine any insurance paying for a month in the hospital to monitor eating, as some get.
I watched Christina first, so am just starting Erica, and she's just done her shower scene, after eating what appeared to be an assortment of sweet rolls, donuts, and other breakfast goodies.
Just came out to get my ice cream!

  • Love 3
On 2/22/2017 at 2:07 PM, steff13 said:

I'm re-watching Erica.  Her sister and her BIL as just awful.  I get that they are probably tired of dealing with her, and they need to draw boundaries, but you can do that without being so nasty, I think. 

I’m just now watching as well.  Molly and her husband are assholes!  How must they talk to Erica when the cameras aren’t rolling.  I hate them so much!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

 How must they talk to Erica when the cameras aren’t rolling.  I hate them so much!

And yet they do take her down there.  
I don't understand this family, at all.  (And I think Molly's husband took his cues from Molly, and suspect he wouldn't want to be caught between them.)
At the end, when they visit that animal place, it seemed so forced.
I wonder what it was like for them growing up.  And I'd love to hear how Molly is with people other than Erica.
Diana's episode is up again fairly soon, and I link them together in my mind, as both had nieces, and both seemed to have more money than the average 600 pounder.
Diana's niece's husband was something in IT apparently, and could telecommute.
Diana presumed on their kindness.

I've wanted to say something about Erica's family for a while...when I see the way they react to Erica, what I see mirrors the way I act towards my father. I'm in my forties now and my father TERRORIZED me growing up, and now that I am an adult he is still abusive emotionally. He doesn't act like that 100% of the time, especially in public, but after a LIFETIME of dealing with his shit I just have a knee-jerk reaction every time I have to share a space with him. And then he gets upset at me when he's not being an asshole at that very minute but I still snap at him. Plus strangers might see us in public and see me snapping at my elderly father and assume I am just a bitch. But its conditioning, EVERY time we communicated while I was growing up it was abusive, EVERY time. You just develop a shell when dealing with certain people after a while, it doesn't matter how they are acting at THAT moment, something becomes ingrained in you and your behavior changes, its like you develop a certain behavior when around that person to protect yourself. And that's what I suspect is happening with Erica and her family, especially her siblings. That its from a LIFETIME of exhasperating behavior on Erica's fault, a lifetime of the whole WORLD having to revolve around their sister, of seeing what they want fall to the wayside as everyone HAS to do this or that for ERICA.

I don't know if that makes sense to anyone. But every time I see that episode I think of how I change, as a person, every time I have to be around my dad. I'm not like that normally I swear, I just...change.

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, NeitherSparky said:

I don't know if that makes sense to anyone. But every time I see that episode I think of how I change, as a person, every time I have to be around my dad. I'm not like that normally I swear, I just...change.

Dr. Phil sometimes says, "We teach people how to treat us."  It sounds like your dad has "taught" you to protect yourself.  No blame about your actions from me.  Unfortunately, we share the "protect yourself from an abusive parent" experience.

The first time I saw this episode, my first thought was, "She has been an emotional drain on these people for a long time.  No wonder they're not jumping through hoops to meet her latest demand."

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2 hours ago, umgoblue said:

Watching for the first time.  Not sure if it was mentioned, but when she asked her brother-in-law if he loved her, he didn't miss a beat and told her to get her ass in the chair!  Wow.  Ruthless. Recorded for posterity.

In her follow-up show, they said her sister declined to appear because she'd been made to look badly in this episode.  
While I see why she was frustrated with Erica, she made herself look bad.

  • Love 4

The Erica episode is rerunning tonight, 11/11 on Discovery Life 7-9 p.m. Central time.   

What made me choose the family's side over Erica was when the nutritionist came to her apartment, cleared out the fridge and freezer, and Erica's voice over said she would just reorder the food.   She may have had a lot of protein in the chest freezer, but I noticed a lot of no-no items in her fridge/freezer when the sister looked.    That told me everything I needed to know about her commitment at that time, and then when she told her brother she needed them to live with and take care of her in Houston for a minimum of six months, and park the boat that supported the family, I was on the family's side.        In my book, supporting a family comes first, not everyone moving to Houston with a sister who has probably claimed to want to lose weight over and over, and has done nothing to help herself.     

Erica is also the one who had her stomach stapled years ago, and still gained a lot after that.    In spite of all of her wailing about no one cares about her, and she doesn't get any help, she actually had a lot of help from the relatives with taking her to doctor visits, helping her move, the sister Molly flew to Houston with her,  went to set up her apartment and help with the move, so she wasn't abandoned the way she said she was.     And flying with 15 bags probably costs a lot too, and I'm assuming two or three seats needed too?    And having a tantrum about the bed at the hotel not being exactly the way she wanted was childish.    When she announced she was having surgery, and was thinking about backing out, the sister and niece both flew in to help her after the surgery, so her dramatic rants about being neglected and abandoned were total garbage.     

I hope in the time since this was filmed that Erica has realized that she is responsible for what happens to her, and keeps trying to help herself.     

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 11/11/2018 at 7:48 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I hope in the time since this was filmed that Erica has realized that she is responsible for what happens to her, and keeps trying to help herself.     

Oh but now she has JIMMY who she reconnected with over the internet and is now living with!!

I definitely sided with the family because there is only so much crap you can put up with and I am sure she was going to lose weight hundreds of times.  How were they to know it would be any different this time, and uprooting your entire life and losing your income is not something to be taken as lightly as Erica did.  

She did make substantial progress though and seemed genuinely happy in her follow up.

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On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:35 AM, Hockeymom said:

I'm sure her mother was very nice. And I suppose she loved her as well as she was able. This entire family dynamic seems off. I can't get over the mother not telling the father that his daughter was raped. That says a lot. About both of them.

That is abuse. People are accountable for what they say. Words can cause damage, and clearly his did.

Why do people get a pass because they came from a different generation? He didn't come from the 1800's. She's only 44, so he's what, 65? 65 and living in the same world we all are. Yes, she had a weight problem as a child. Child, not adult. Children are under the custody and control of their parents. When children have a problem, they need guidance. They need help figuring things out. Someone older and hopefully wiser needs to step in. If your kid is failing math, do you call them stupid, or do you figure out why? Maybe they need glasses, maybe a better view of the board, maybe some tutoring, maybe any number of things. The point is, grown adults don't resort to name calling. They man-up and deal with whatever uncomfortable situation their kid is in. You can look at her for five minutes and see she needs mental help. Instead of ridiculing her, he should have gotten her some therapy. Yes, it existed waaay back in the 90's.

And perhaps if he wasn't so busy being hostile, her father might have noticed his little girl was raped. How do you not see that? And then to blame her for being a non-functioning adult is the height of hypocrisy. He failed as a father and she is paying the price.

Nah. It's not "abuse" to be told something you don't want to hear. The truth is the truth, after all. And, given how manipulative we have seen that Erica can be, I would have to hear this "abuse" in its context. People are so thin-skinned anymore. To say something unpopular is "abuse". To disagree is to "hate". Throttling back on the hyperbole would do all of us a world of good.

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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 3:49 PM, lenny said:

Toward the beginning I was wondering if her emotional development stopped when she was raped but that was sixteen and her maturity level seems more like a very young child. All that pouting and the poor, poor me voice reminds me more of my kids when they were 4 or 5 and they didn't get their way. Therapy and lots of it will do more for her than any surgery will. Granted her family is unlikeable but then Erica is too. She created her problem and now wants someone to wave a magic wand and fix her with no effort on her part. She was actually angry when she returned home after the first trip to Houston to find her niece had taken food out of the house. 

Yes! She wants a magical, no-effort fix and her chocolate fudge cake too.

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On ‎7‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 2:27 PM, ThereButFor said:

We've seen people who get the surgery still fail because they don't make the right choices.  It is a tool and that is all it is, Erica already failed after her first surgery when she was young.  Therapy is another tool that can help some people to make better choices because they find outlets other than eating to deal with their emotions.  I am struggling with that too, and of course it IS hard and you have to make those tough choices over and over again.  One reason I watch this show is to motivate myself to change before I get anywhere near that size, and I had an aunt who was probably 300's to 400's so I know it could happen to me.  Life is much emptier at first without comfort food but it IS possible to make that choice.

Erica is so whiny at the start, I can't imagine being her siblings and getting all the demands for the high levels of support she feels they should be giving.  The family weren't always nice to her but I'm not sure I could find the will to pander to her self-absorption either.  I love Dr. Now's telling her that she is making poor choices and not taking any of her protests that it isn't her fault.  He is right that she wasn't ready for the hard work making better choices, what does she do when she gets home but start ordering by phone to keep eating crap that the family wouldn't bring her.  The look on her face when the nutritionist took out the food to the trash, she nearly looked like she wanted to go to the trash and get it back.  "I can just order more and there is nothing she can do to stop me".  Then there are gems like "I don't eat vegetables".  "Everybody else gets to eat the way they want".  "It's all over television".  "It's a lot harder than I thought it would be".  "There is nothing I can do but wait for death because no one will help me".  Dr. Now was right when he said she had absolutely no sense of personal responsibility.

Her attitude takes a long time to improve, but it was nice to see her make progress by the end.

Her whining made me crazy until I started silently adding the phrase "any more" to her protestations of "Nobody will help me". I think that put it in context. I have two sisters who are perpetual victims. I am just as burned out and disgusted with dealing with them as her family is, having to deal with years and years of Erica.

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I’m watching this episode this morning. 

“Everyone gets to eat the way they want.” Really? News to me. 

Yes, she had a crappy thing happen. I don’t want to minimize that. 

But she let herself become a crappy person, such as the, “I’ll just order more food” rather than changing how she ate. 

Trying to guilt the brother while she wasn’t following the diet really wasn’t fair. She wasn’t making any progress, which she should have known from the way and what she was eating. Asking him to give up his livelihood while she’s not changing was just wrong. Just like it’s not his fault if she didn’t live out the year if she won’t make any changes. 

(Still need to see rest of episode.)

  • Love 4

Oh, Lord. This episode came on last night after the Skeevy Lee spotlight update episode (gag me), and I watched part of it. I remember Erica. What an Eeyore-ish person. She was irritating AF. A perpetual dependent on her family, always needing to be bailed out. 

I remember her whining about "being stuck in the hospital' - because, FFS, Dr. Now discovered on her office visit, that she had a life-threatening infection that needed treatment STAT. Yeah, Erica, poor you. As I posted at the time this episode aired, so sorry you were all stuck in the hospital having your LIFE SAVED, instead of being at home ordering delivery of comfort food by the truckload. Which - and this is a clue - might have something to do with your super morbid obesity. Just saying.

On this watching, I saw more of Erica's sister, and I can see why there was some hate for the sister in the discussion of the episode when it aired. Yes, she was snarky. But she also DID THINGS to help Erica, like making at least two trips to Houston that we saw on the show. And Lord knows what else she's done over the years for Erica. I've had some experience with a relative who was always needing needing needing help, bailouts, you name it - over and over and over. It's exhausting and difficult, and burns you out, and you're torn between not wanting to enable bad behavior and not wanting this person to die or end up on the street homeless. So yeah, I'm not slamming the sister here.

Edited by Jeeves
nouns and adjectives. they are different things.
  • Love 11
On 2/10/2019 at 3:04 PM, B in Lee said:

Nah. It's not "abuse" to be told something you don't want to hear. The truth is the truth, after all. And, given how manipulative we have seen that Erica can be, I would have to hear this "abuse" in its context. People are so thin-skinned anymore. To say something unpopular is "abuse". To disagree is to "hate". Throttling back on the hyperbole would do all of us a world of good.

I legit don’t know how so many people DONT see how abusive it is to make fun of your own child for being overweight? She wasn’t a grown women she was a kid who damn sure wasn’t bringing in her own food to the house. So her parents were ultimately responsible for her weight. Even her brother and sister agree there were not healthy eating habits taught in the house. Considering the size of her younger sister, I don’t know why Erica got the brunt of the abuse from her father in that regard. Also, he did fuck all to help her lose weight as a child. For all his teasing we never heard about him enrolling her in sports or even taking away some of the foods in the house. What good is it telling a child, who is ultimately not responsible for the food in their home, that they need to lose weight without offering any help??? And why are so many people agreeing with this fucked up mindset? What she does as an adult is all her own fault but as a kid what the hell? My dad did the same thing this guy did and I ended up 16 with an eating disorder. So yeah I lost weight, but also like three teeth and clumps of my own hair. Children aren’t mini adults and you don’t apparoch situations the same as you would a grown ass person who can make their own choices about everything. That was abuse and I don’t care how many people try to label it as the “truth” it wasn’t even a little bit appropriate.

Edited by Hauntedpinkgoat
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Yes, she was interesting, but her follow up show was even more interesting.   She had a stomach stapling as a teen, ate through that.  Then Dr. Now did a gastric sleeve, she ate through that, and her stomach was stretched out to regular size.    Then he did the only option left, a gastric bypass, and by the end of the episode, she ate through that too. 

 I think both episodes with Erica were filmed right after the first episode ended, Jimmy was around during the first WATN (that they didn't show yesterday), and by the second WATN (that they showed last night) Jimmy was long gone.   

At the end of the episode, after Jimmy dumped her (that happened between the first episode, and the beginning of the WATN, it was a very short dating experience, but she's not giving up on him), she was moving back to California where her family lives, and shipped her car back by carrier, and my guess was she didn't fit behind the wheel any longer.  After the third surgery she has issues again, and Dr. Now can't find an MRI machine big enough to examine her.     I think she gained even more weight before moving back to California.     The ending said she was moving in with her sister until she could find a place, but I bet she didn't stay long at the sister's either.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • LOL 2
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30 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Yes, she was interesting, but her follow up show was even more interesting.   She had a stomach stapling as a teen, ate through that.  Then Dr. Now did a gastric sleeve, she ate through that, and her stomach was stretched out to regular size.    Then he did the only option left, a gastric bypass, and by the end of the episode, she ate through that too.  At the end of the episode, after Jimmy dumped her (that was a very short dating experience, but she's not giving up on him), she was moving back to California where her family lives, and shipped her car back by carrier, and my guess was she didn't fit behind the wheel any longer.    Then she has issues again, and Dr. Now can find an MRI machine big enough to examine her.     I think she gained even more weight before moving back to California.     The ending said she was moving in with her sister until she could find a place, but I bet she didn't stay long at the sister's either.  

She should be the poster child for “Surgery Is Not A Magic Fix”.  

  • Love 8
On 6/6/2019 at 8:42 AM, Jeeves said:

Oh, Lord. This episode came on last night after the Skeevy Lee spotlight update episode (gag me), and I watched part of it. I remember Erica. What an Eeyore-ish person. She was irritating AF. A perpetual dependent on her family, always needing to be bailed out. 

I remember her whining about "being stuck in the hospital' - because, FFS, Dr. Now discovered on her office visit, that she had a life-threatening infection that needed treatment STAT. Yeah, Erica, poor you. As I posted at the time this episode aired, so sorry you were all stuck in the hospital having your LIFE SAVED, instead of being at home ordering delivery of comfort food by the truckload. Which - and this is a clue - might have something to do with your super morbid obesity. Just saying.

On this watching, I saw more of Erica's sister, and I can see why there was some hate for the sister in the discussion of the episode when it aired. Yes, she was snarky. But she also DID THINGS to help Erica, like making at least two trips to Houston that we saw on the show. And Lord knows what else she's done over the years for Erica. I've had some experience with a relative who was always needing needing needing help, bailouts, you name it - over and over and over. It's exhausting and difficult, and burns you out, and you're torn between not wanting to enable bad behavior and not wanting this person to die or end up on the street homeless. So yeah, I'm not slamming the sister here.

It is strange to respond to a post from over a year ago.....  After the initial showing,  Erica's sister reminded me to practice a more pleasing resting bitch face for the occasions when it is best not to show how I really feel.  It was particularly useful when dealing with my mother in a public setting.  Another life lesson learned from watching 600lbers.😁

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It's going to take a lot of wine to put up with her whining. 

It's so embarrassing that people are watching her being carted through the airport. 

My trainer tormented me today (in a good way) so while I'm in the mood for hanging out with my snarkfriends, I'm not feeling especially sympathetic towards this particular poundticipant.


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Watching the rerun of this makes me dislike Erica even more.   She ate her way threw a stomach stapling, and after corrective surgery, she kept eating then too.   She never wants to stop, she wants the magic surgery, that will keep her thin, but still allow her to eat everything she wants.  

I hate that she thought her brother would park his boat for a year to go to Houston with her.   I wonder how she thought his family would pay their bills, and if she expected just him, or the entire family to move?   

The disgusting way Erica acted about the nutritionist coming over, and taking her junk food away told me everything about her.   When she says she's just going to call in a grocery order, then that says exactly who she is.  

This original episode was from season 5, then the Erica WATN from season 6 episode 18, and then the WATN is the Benji/David/Erica that's next, Season 8 episode 17.    Just keep watching TLC, and their other channels, and I'm sure the Season 6 will rerun one of these days.         

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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11 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Watching the rerun of this makes me dislike Erica even more.   She ate her way threw a stomach stapling, and after corrective surgery, she kept eating then too.   She never wants to stop, she wants the magic surgery, that will keep her thin, but still allow her to eat everything she wants.  

Unfortunately for Erica, the magic surgery isn't really magic. She loves food more than life. Or rather, she loves shoveling crap into her gaping maw more than she loves life. I honestly don't think these people enjoy what they eat. They just shovel and shovel until there's no more room. 

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So she claims she's going to follow Dr. Now's plan, lose a lot, get the surgery, and really follow his program.    Then she demands two sacks of food, and a big drink.   I don't know what fast food place that was blurred out, I do get a kick out of figuring out what place they went to.   

I'm shocked Erica lost 18 lbs, after having that huge meal the night before.  6 months to get below 600 lbs is not making Dr. Now happy.   


She sort of didn't move, she kept the apartment in California, in case she dropped out of the program.   


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Erica is such a whiner.      Dr. Now sends a nutritionist, and Erica's immediate thought is she can replace everything by ordering a delivery.      I hate that people were so mean to her sister Molly (I think Molly) and the brother, but they've been through this whining, and failing with Erica for their whole lives.   Erica asking her brother and his family to dump the boat business that supports his family, and everyone move to Houston to support her is ridiculous.    Erica never realized that Dr. Now can treat her, but she has to do it on her own.    My view is Erica is always going to wait for someone to save her, and that simply can't happen.    

This was the first update show with Erica, the second was with Benji & David, and Erica.     This is the only show that poor Jimmy, who probably had to enter witness protection to escape her, was featured on, before he ran away.     I think they were only in a real life relationship for a few months.     However, he's still featured on her FB page.    Poor man. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 8/5/2020 at 8:41 PM, ams1001 said:

I don't drink wine and I decided I couldn't take her whining anymore. The last couple days were crap and I just can't.

And apparently next week is Stephen and Justin and well, just no.

I will check the thread for snark, though.

The Assantis and Schenee, are one I've never watched a second time.  
On the other hand "unhygenic" (the Uverse or TLC description ) of Jeanne, I'm in every time.

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I thought everyone in this episode was horrible except maybe the therapist.  Molly seems to have the same personality as their father.  Every word out of her mouth was nasty and sarcastic.  Erica was trying to say thankyou to Molly and Molly just kept saying "show us, show us that you're grateful."  I think it's impossible for Molly to graciously accept any words of apology from Erica.

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I have a lot of sympathy for Molly.   Erica has been claiming to want to lose weight for many years, ate through the first surgery, and then wasn't trying to lose with Dr. Now's program until she was almost booted out of the program.    When Erica demanded the brother close his boat business, and move the whole family to Houston to support her, without income, it was horrible to even ask that.   Erica is an emotional vampire, and she makes everything about her.  


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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