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"The View": Week Of 1/30/2017

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Monday: Trayvon Martin's Parents Sybrina & Tracy Martin (authors, "Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin – A Parents' Story"); "View Your Deal" Oprah Edition with Adam Glassman.

Tuesday: Keke Palmer (actress and author, "I Don't Belong to You"). 

Wednesday: Michael Eric Dyson (author, "Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America"); Johnny Galecki ("The Big Bang Theory" and "Rings").

Thursday: Dr. Phil McGraw ("Dr. Phil").

Friday:  Jason Biggs guest co-hosts on Guy Day Friday; Robert De Niro ("The Comedian"); "The Chew"'s Carla Hall with Super Bowl snacks. (Oh no at the guest co-host)

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2 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I thought Trayvon's parents were divorced!!??  I guess people can "get over anything" if there's money (a book) involved.  Just sayin'.

"Divorced" doesn't have to mean "enemies", tho, Medicine Crow.  I'm divorced, but my "former" and I are still close friends, who successfully co-parented our boys as they were growing up.  In fact, we still dine or travel together on occasion, and we still each "has the other's back".  It made life so much easier this way, and our sons didn't have to choose which parent to invite/not invite to events.  (LOL - no book or money involved either.  Didn't even take a settlement!)

So, good for the Martins!

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29 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Maybe you need to write a book, Tunia!  That's wonderful!

It would probably be a very boring book, Haleth.  Isn't it controversy that "sells"?  LOL

It is kind of funny, however, when we're in a large new gathering that includes our sons and daughters-in-law.  Often one of the gals will say  "Yeah, and can you believe they're divorced?"  There's always a response of "You are???"

Edited by Tunia
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I honestly never really notice these things but maybe it's the print of the dress. Jediblahblah's boobs look, um, out there today. She was the one that said how flat she was so I remember looking at that time lol. Now, they are much bigger. I am like Whoopi and don't wear a bra and yes, I need one, but I know there are bras that make mountains out of molehills. Maybe that's the reason. I honestly don't believe I just typed this post :)

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16 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Shut up, Jed. 

Joy is so over her and was pushing  back against her lies again.  They are mischaracterizing what Obama did in 2011, with respect to, the countries that are now on Trump's ban list.   I wish that Joy was armed with facts against Jed.  The situation with the Middle East is so complicated and Jed says that they hate the West because we are a Democracy. It is much more than that.  She was just spewing Foxnews talking point and I am sick of it.   

Edited by Apprentice79
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13 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Not sure why Keke is not welcome, but I don't follow her.

I just remember that brief moment where she co-hosted and was unbearable (and bratty). Maybe she'll be better as a guest than a co-host.

Jedi keeps on lowering the bar. I can’t believe we had to listen someone argue for a violation of one of the country's core principles; when her and Joy got into it at the end over ISIS recruitment, I wish Joy had pointed out that we don’t stand for freedom if we’re outlawing an entire religion from entering the country. It’s been disturbing to watch how flat-out evil the Republicans and conservative commentators have become since Trump entered the scene.

And the awkwardness of them discussing anti-Semitic, racist Breitbart “news” while a writer for Breitbart sits at the table continues.

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1 hour ago, honeydo7 said:

And by the way, I'm  tired of hearing them (JB included) continue to blame this on President Obama!  This one is entirely on 
Trump & his Racist, Anti-Semitic, White Supremacist Advisors.

They own all of this.  No more thanks Obama, no more but but Hillary.  NO!!!!!!  This is Trump and his minions (although I think he is actually the minion and they are pulling the strings but I digress) and the fallout falls on them.  And I swear to fucking god if the Republicans don't pay dearly for this in 2018 I will be so pissed.

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I was si upset Saturday night  my husband had to talk me off the ledge. Then in Sunday I accidentally donated to ACLU twice. But I'm not too upset about the duplicate, Lord knows they will need it. The View ladies discussion did nothing to make me feel better. Sometimes they just muddy the water.

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2 hours ago, honeydo7 said:

 JB insists she's not a Republican, but listening to her today defending Trump's "Muslim Ban," forcing elderly, ill, handicapped refugees, infants & children held in detention at  airports all over this country, sounds like she agrees with  these hate-spewing Republican members of Congress/Trump/Bannon/Conway.

I think she's on The View for an audition/stepping stone to the Trump administration* or FOX News (on air personality). Keep sucking up, Jedidiah.

*Hey, Omarosa got a gig!

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2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

I think she's on The View for an audition/stepping stone to the Trump administration* or FOX News (on air personality). Keep sucking up, Jedidiah.

*Hey, Omarosa got a gig!

Hey, if that doesn't work out there's always the Celebrity Apprentice. 

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Wow, what shit show that was today!  And Joy's throw away comment about the terrible tragedy in Quebec pissed me off, but I know she didn't intend it that way.  Likewise, when she and Sara were trying explain why it was ridiculous that Jews were not referenced in relation to the Holocaust, they sounded quite idiotic.  

When panelists whose views I actually agree with are too stupid to state their views, there's not much hope left.

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Hey, if that doesn't work out there's always the Celebrity Apprentice. 

I worry that The Donald takes anyone's appearance on the NEW show as an affront to him.

Jedi actually tried to feed us that old KellyAnne, Spicer, and even CNN's Kayleigh McEnany tripe...NOT to pay attention to his words, but learn to understand his meaning.

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Whoopi introducing a topic, Jedi countering it, Joy countering her, Whoopi takes takes over and says Listen, Joy interrupts her again and brings up a similar subject that sometimes completely disrupts the flow of the convo.....

This is leaving little room for Sunny (who goes by her head) and Sarah (who goes by her heart) with no time to  And lately they are the ones I want to hear most from.

Edited by geekburger
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I didn't watch any of the shows last week and this past weekend they were piled up on my DVR. I deleted all of them without watching because I didn't want to have to listen to Jed and her getting everyone else going with her ass kissing when it comes to Dumph and co. It's starting to feel like when I quit watching for the most part the last two years Bitsy was on. I don't even feel compelled to watch to see Joy and to be able to snark on the show.

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JediWhatAboutObama was on another level of embarrassment in trying to defend this Muslim ban. On a side note, they need to get rid of the announcements of the topics that are supposed to talked about because they rarely even happen.

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Sunny is on fire today.  I think she knows a little more about the duties of Justice Dept personnel and who they are responsible to than Jed. 

Edited by Haleth
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If Jed continues like this, I might have to stop watching the show.  Wow! I feel like Fox News has invaded the show.  I wanted hear more from Sunny today, but, she and Whoopie  monopolized the show.  

Edited by Apprentice79
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After spending the morning speaking to legislative aides working at offices of  "Christian-Values "Republican members of the House of Representatives, all of whom were unable to adequately defend that congress person's support of the section of that executive order, forcing HS employees to handcuff Muslim children detained at US airports, or  Sean Spicer's  hateful tweet: "To assume that just b/c of someone's age or gender they don't pose a threat would be wrong." hearing them  sputter, stammer, then quickly end our conversation.   Ms. Bila's whole-hearted endorsement of with this illegitimate president's  most Un-American order....most likely insisting those horrific photos showing Muslim children wearing handcuffs were faked/ photo shopped & voicing no objections to Spicer's hateful statement ........ it's time we let ABC know either she goes or we go!

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WTF was Jedi wearing today? DVR rebelled again (it obviously has better taste than I do) so I missed the first 1/2 hr.  I want that woman gone...pronto.  I get enough of Trump ass-licking on clips of his minions on my talking heads.  Mr. Songbird won't even watch anymore Sunday mornings with me.  He can't take it but I watch for the absurdity of it all.  Talked to my 44 yr old son last night and he's a avid reader (we trade books back and forth) but had never read 1984.  I read it in high school and played Julia in our play in drama class.  So all this 'double speak' is way too chilling.

.....'alternative facts' indeed.....

Read the book, folks.   It's happening.

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On another note, Jed might want to rethink her public proclamations that she's "FOUND THE ONE!!"   I don't see any sparkle on her left hand as yet, and nothing jinxes a romance faster than holding "the one's" feet to the fire.  Superficially, from what I saw of him when they panned to him in the audience recently, I wouldn't have matched them up anyway...not my type, for sure!

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36 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

FUCK! The one day I don't record!

You can find it on YouTube if you look. :)

I might watch today on my DVR to see Sunny since it seems she did well speaking her mind today.

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17 minutes ago, dr. gailey said:

Jedi likes to argue for the sake of doing it. Seriously how the fuck does she know what a lawyer with decades on the job knows cause her friend said it.

I think I hate her more than Elisabeth now.

I know I do.  She has a mean spirit; Elizabeth was wrong but not like this.

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Jedi-blahblah's mess of a dress matched the words and thoughts coming out of her mouth.  It is so clear that Whoopi actually hates Jed.

I watched a lot of the coverage last night and heard several lawyers debate whether the Acting AG did the correct thing or not.  What the nitwits at the View didn't offer, is that there is precedent, called I think the Saturday Night Massacre, where Nixon fired his AG, because his AG was not willing to follow orders that he thought were unlawful.  I am only relating what I remember, I didn't google it.  So the point is really if the AG thinks it is unlawful or unconstitutional, she could either have resigned, or done what did, and get fired.  Either way, my understanding is she is not obliged to enact something which she believes could be against the constitution or the law.  But Jed was saying she should.

Whoopi was trying to make a good point, but they were all screaming by this point, and that is that President and his fascist cohorts did not consult with the AG, or the Dept of Homeland Security, etc.  They also didn't bother checking with administration staff who could have highlighted that this ban as written would be blocking people they didn't intend to block.  Just putting aside how ridiculous the ban is, the issue is that the way this was implemented was with no planning or forethought and people on the frontlines who had to execute the plan had no information.

But Whoopi's point was that the AG couldn't say this ban is lawful cause she got it just it was being implemented, which is not the way things are done.

There was one lawyer, Dershowitz, who agrees with Jed, that she didn't have the right to do what she did, but most others agreed with Sunny.

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3 minutes ago, bannana said:

There was one lawyer, Dershowitz, who agrees with Jed, that she didn't have the right to do what she did, but most others agreed with Sunny.

Well Dershowitz was part of OJ Simpson's dream team so there you go.

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2 hours ago, debbie311 said:

I know I do.  She has a mean spirit; Elizabeth was wrong but not like this.

I agree, and this is why I always considered Jedi worse than Elisabeth. There was no surprise a dumb twit like Elisabeth would follow party line to hell and back. Jedi is and always was more suspect. Her arguing for racial profiling months ago was just a foretelling of the past two days, when she'd fight to the death to defend a ban of an entire religion. She is not stupid like Elisabeth, and doesn't even get that slim excuse. She knows exactly what she's doing.

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