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S07.E08: Boys, Blades And Bag Of Pills

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10 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Since Bravo has somebody reading these boards maybe we shouldn't discuss "faux pill-gate" and let RInna and her storyline fall into the gutter. Might get her off quicker. She has nothing going on in her life that is interesting, neither does Eden, nor Eileen. and Dorit is a one trick pony with her pet Boy George. We've seen Slap the Snatch how many times now? The only two with interesting lives outside of the scripted scenarios Bravo is forcing on us are LVP and Kyle.

Right now I don't give a shit that Kim is an addict, I don't care if LVP stabs, jabs, and eviscerates with her British wit.

Cut the dead weight and let snoozable housewives die.

It has become a three tier cast, LVP and Kyle because they do what they do so well.

Erika and Dorit because Kyle and LVP both like them and they provide enough back and forth between the two of them for some drama.

And in a league of their own and almost a parasitic existence of drafting off others' stories and lives are Rinna and Eileen, with Eden as their mascot.

LVP has been incredibly supportive of Kim, and shockingly Kim appreciates it.  I would like to see LVP jab Eden and Rinna a time or two. She did in this week's blog.  Planting the seed that Rinna may be the one urging Eden because of her dislike of Kim.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Blondie said:

OK  Hang on a minute.  I just watched the epi last night and something really stood out to me.  Erika said she really liked Kyle because "Kyle doesn't take herself seriously, loves to have fun and is fun to be around". 
Now, think back to all the scenes with Kyle and LVP.  They are 2 peas in a pod.  Her description could easily be about LVP.  Yet she has disliked LVP from the beginning (probably because of Yolanda) 
Erika not only has 2 personalities, she is also 2 faced.
Eden is weird.  just weird.  She is another emotional vampire.  She takes other people's shit and makes it about her.  She sucks the life out of everything.
Rinna and her pill bag?  Why does she need to carry sleeping pills?  Xannies and alcohol?  another no no.  If she takes all those supplements I guess she doesn't need to eat real food.  She's still an ass in my book.
Eileen,  is still acting.  She can go anytime.

Eileen has also influenced Erica's dislike of LVP.  

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Yes, when he called her a Type A personality.

Is Eileen referring to the death of Miguel Ferrer?  I guess he would have been Vince's cousin's, cousin in law?  I think she should be more specific. In all fairness to Eileen she has worked with Miguel.  I am exhausted by Eileen and her method of conveying losses.  Who, when age, and her relationship are really not too much to ask if she is going to bring it up.   

From Eden's blog:

My sister's death was so incredibly tough.  Fast forward ten years and now my dad, my rock passes away.  At that point I needed medication.  I was depressed and anxious, not able to get out of bed and walk to the shower without sobbing.  But not once did taking a pill make me want to drink.  Drinking was always my problem not pills.

I have never thought of benzodiazepines has having the side effect of making someone want to drink.  I always kind of considered them a substitute.  I would think any responsible prescribing physician would tell Eden not to consume alcohol while taking a benzo. 

Is Eden so unenlightened that she doesn't realize the reason people in programs consider taking drugs to relieve anxiety is pretty much the same as drinking to relieve anxiety?  I realize Eden only suffers from Alcoholism-lite, but nowhere in her comments has she ever described her drinking behavior.  I guess none of the cast really gives a rip or wants to hear her story.

No, taking a pill probably wouldn't make you want a drink, but if you took a pill and went to a party where alcohol was served?

"Oh, nothing to drink for me, I just had a Valium." Yeah, right.

If she never drank and pilled at the same time, She should shut the ever-loving fuck up about what people are doing to get high.

  • Love 6

Ericka's little vanity show just bothers me.  I know she (Tom) can afford it, and she does create jobs for professional sycophants, but I can't help but think what a selfish waste it all is.  I know everyone isn't Mother Teresa, but that money could seriously go toward helping others.  She could scale down the show and still have fun while finding a way to help others instead of constantly having her fragile ego stroked.  She must be a sad insecure person to need all of that attention and to sell herself for it.  She should ask LVP about charity because at least LVP does try to help raise funds and save animals.  

Hopefully, I'm wrong and she and Tom have so much money that they are doing the shows and being charitable, but I think if she were really invested in helping others she would see how silly all the primping really is. 

  • Love 11

Wow Eden is just so full of crap!   Her "truth" tends to encompass the ability to judge everyone else with little or no insight into the person.   Let me get this straight, she wasn't about to let the guy get away with Nicorette mints but if she's prescribed something it's ok for her to use to ease any sort of anxiety.    She is just a nutjob.   I'm sure she follows whatever - "self-help", or "new age" trend that comes up, and is very dismissive of anybody who doesn't agree with her newfound cure.  She needs to go.

Sick of Rinna - such fake emotions.

On the topic of Valium or Xanax.  Dr's are really careful these days about how many and how often these are prescribed.    Used to be if you had a neck ache or some other minor illness - they would pass them out like candy, not today.   So, when my dog developed a strange anxiety (he's afraid of the oven, stove and toaster oven - go figure.  Came out of the blue, no reason, but freaks out) the vet gave him a thorough exam, blood tests.  I didn't want to put him on prozac, so we settled on Valium.  I give it to him about half an hour before I start cooking.   Anyway, it works, so I got a refill.  OMG the vet gave me 100 valium!  Same exact drug as for human use.  I was picking up some eye drops for the dog, and didn't want have to go back in a month to get a valium refill - I still have about 30 - no problem another 100 pills!    I know Eden will just me and my dog, but if by any chance she should ever come to my house I'm hiding them.

  • Love 8
18 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Hated hearing Head Shammer of the 'Sham Squad' (Thankyou poster upthread for that title!) tell Erika that it was ok to be late for her performance because she travelled so far to be included in the show. So unprofessional and way too pissy/snippy for me.

Right!?!  I was like "uhhh you are not Mariah Carey!"

  • Love 6
On 1/24/2017 at 10:51 PM, breezy424 said:


Kyle looked bored as hell in Greece.  

She looked so bored.  Like she was thinking, why did I come here?  


On 1/25/2017 at 2:37 AM, This2getsold said:


Know people from country clubs who knew Kyle's mother and her antics. They describe a whole different person than who Kyle describes. I remember hearing ruthless, classless drunk, who would bill her drinks to other people at the club.  


How about how Kyle's mom got Kyle's dad to marry her??  He was married with kids, and big Kathy decided she wanted him.  He had money, of course.  So, BK waited for his wife to get drunk, pushed her into a car, slammed the car door on her ankle and then pretended that the drunk wife beat HER up!  She continued to gaslight the husband and his family into thinking the wife was following her and attacking her... apparently she was able to get herself pregnant with Kyle, then she forced the husband to get a quicky divorce.  

The woman is a known psycho alcoholic.  I really wonder how Kyle will portray her, as she seems to think she walked on water.


On 1/25/2017 at 8:34 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I find all the hugging and kissing every time these women see each other or say good bye to be exhausting.

Why do they insist on showing EVERY SINGLE GREETING, and every single double kiss?  It is so boring.


18 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I must be the only person here who absolutely can not stand Camille.  I haven't forgotten her first season where she was a narcissistic asshole.   I think she's a snobby bitch who has learned to hide her true self when she's on camera.  

I am with you!  And I think the REAL Camille is the first season Camille.


17 hours ago, queenjen said:

His bankruptcy is not finalised and is being pursued into the US. It's a big deal in England apparently, where the word 'bankrupted former' is used any time he is referred to. 

Ooooh I want more dirt on PK!

I did laugh when Boy George was pretending to read the card from Lisa, and he said, "Dear PK, you ruined my life!  Well that's not very nice!"  He seemed giggly, maybe a little drunk.  It was funny.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

She looked so bored.  Like she was thinking, why did I come here?  


How about how Kyle's mom got Kyle's dad to marry her??  He was married with kids, and big Kathy decided she wanted him.  He had money, of course.  So, BK waited for his wife to get drunk, pushed her into a car, slammed the car door on her ankle and then pretended that the drunk wife beat HER up!  She continued to gaslight the husband and his family into thinking the wife was following her and attacking her... apparently she was able to get herself pregnant with Kyle, then she forced the husband to get a quicky divorce.  

The woman is a known psycho alcoholic.  I really wonder how Kyle will portray her, as she seems to think she walked on water.


Why do they insist on showing EVERY SINGLE GREETING, and every single double kiss?  It is so boring.


I am with you!  And I think the REAL Camille is the first season Camille.


Ooooh I want more dirt on PK!

I did laugh when Boy George was pretending to read the card from Lisa, and he said, "Dear PK, you ruined my life!  Well that's not very nice!"  He seemed giggly, maybe a little drunk.  It was funny.

Heather this is just factually incorrect.  Kim and Kyles parents were married before Kim was born.  So I think you have your story screwed up.  Kim is five years older than Kyle.  If there are idiots out there trying to peddle such crap without fact checking then I think the wiser path would be to listen to Kyle's version.  The one who lived with the woman.

  • Love 6

Kyle has always been pretty leveled headed on social media and managed her accounts well-they are informative, fair amount of self promotion for her endeavors and her extended family, and she has enough personal stuff to make them worth a glance.

So this week she and Eden had a couple of little exchanges;

Eden:  Kyle is so open about her mom #interesting. . . I asked and got #shutdown #TRUTH

Kyle: maybe because I had JUST met u and was asked in front of the cameras.

Another exchange with a viewer:

Viewer:  Rinna & Eden are making, talking & judging Kim's disease their storylines & you just watch and say nothing?

Kyle:  I have no idea what they are saying when they shoot until I see the episode #rhobh

So I was a little surprised when Kyle went deep with her blog this week.  I really don't think she knew the depths of the Rinna/Eden conversation.  Kyle doesn't blog very often using this  

as an excuse.  This week I truly feel like she is getting pretty worked up about what went down. A sample:

The accusations that came out in this episode were shockingly irresponsible.  My sister has worked hard to get where she is and to have people say things that both Eden and Lisa Rinna have been saying is unconscionable.  My sister has children that will hear about these things. "Close to death"? "One drink and she will be gone"?. . . . There was absolutely NOTHING to give them the impression at Game Night.

Rinna isn't blogging and has decided to do kind of her own little promotional tour.  I do think Eden has surpassed any leeway Kyle has been capable of giving in the past and Rinna is right at the edge.  Don't know how far Kyle will take it but I am curious if Rinna weighs in on Kim in future episodes or if Kyle confronts her during the season not knowing the severity and genesis of the Kim mostly sober conversation.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Normades said:

Ericka's little vanity show just bothers me.  I know she (Tom) can afford it, and she does create jobs for professional sycophants, but I can't help but think what a selfish waste it all is.  I know everyone isn't Mother Teresa, but that money could seriously go toward helping others.  She could scale down the show and still have fun while finding a way to help others instead of constantly having her fragile ego stroked.  She must be a sad insecure person to need all of that attention and to sell herself for it.  She should ask LVP about charity because at least LVP does try to help raise funds and save animals.  

Hopefully, I'm wrong and she and Tom have so much money that they are doing the shows and being charitable, but I think if she were really invested in helping others she would see how silly all the primping really is. 

Maybe the grand show is all a distraction - perhaps Erika's crew of gays is really Tom's crew of gays. Maybe the business deal Tom and Erika hatched was really quite inventive!

  • Love 3

LR and Eden are chowder heads.

Eden has never mixed pills with booze, LR puts her Xanax in smoothies and THAT makes them experts in drug usage/abuse?

LR thinks that crushing up a pill in a smoothie ISN'T abuse?

How does it compare to snorting, smoking or mainlining a valium?

Isn't a smoothie a nicer transport system to catch a buzz?


I don't see a pill head spending 350 dollars on a Cuisinart to get high?

But, I don't see LR sticking a needle into her arm, either.



People who snort coke look down at crackheads and crackheads laugh at the people who shoot up cocaine, The people with the needles in their arms think the people who can afford to snort THEIR high are snobs.

You have the people who pop a pill, others that crush them up - other people smoke or shoot them up.......IF you can drink you Xanax smoothie from a Lalique glass, isn't that better than smoking a valium out of a pipe made from a old Pepsi can?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

How about how Kyle's mom got Kyle's dad to marry her??  He was married with kids, and big Kathy decided she wanted him.  He had money, of course.  So, BK waited for his wife to get drunk, pushed her into a car, slammed the car door on her ankle and then pretended that the drunk wife beat HER up!  She continued to gaslight the husband and his family into thinking the wife was following her and attacking her... apparently she was able to get herself pregnant with Kyle, then she forced the husband to get a quicky divorce.  

The woman is a known psycho alcoholic.  I really wonder how Kyle will portray her, as she seems to think she walked on water.

It was interesting that Kyle told Erika she was having memories, good and bad, about her past while working on the show about her family ~ I wanted to hear more. I've always thought that Kyle has yet to really face her mother's psychological condition and the toll it took on the three sisters. And I think she still struggles with her mother's rules about how to deal with Kim. Hopefully, working on the new show will be good for Kyle and help her put some things to rest.

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I must be the only person here who absolutely can not stand Camille.  I haven't forgotten her first season where she was a narcissistic asshole.   I think she's a snobby bitch who has learned to hide her true self when she's on camera.   I'll never forget her sitting in the hot tub with her friends talking about how she had helped everyone there and then compared herself to Jesus.  I'm an atheist and that pissed me off. 

As far as I'm concerned that snob can stay far, far away. 



  • Love 1
46 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Maybe the grand show is all a distraction - perhaps Erika's crew of gays is really Tom's crew of gays. Maybe the business deal Tom and Erika hatched was really quite inventive!

OOOOOOOHHHHH!!  I never thought of that angle.  That is a very interesting theory.  Tom and Erika don't seem to have any chemistry at all.  He had more chemistry with LVP in a few short minutes than with Erika over two seasons!!  

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Normades said:

OOOOOOOHHHHH!!  I never thought of that angle.  That is a very interesting theory.  Tom and Erika don't seem to have any chemistry at all.  He had more chemistry with LVP in a few short minutes than with Erika over two seasons!!  

Yeah, Erika kisses Tom's head as if he were her old grandpa, and he doesn't seem hot for her either.

  • Love 5
22 minutes ago, nexxie said:

It was interesting that Kyle told Erika she was having memories, good and bad, about her past while working on the show about her family ~ I wanted to hear more. I've always thought that Kyle has yet to really face her mother's psychological condition and the toll it took on the three sisters. And I think she still struggles with her mother's rules about how to deal with Kim. Hopefully, working on the new show will be good for Kyle and help her put some things to rest.

Oh please can we not turn this show into more people complaining about their parents?  We had Rinna whining about how her dad shushed her (a very wise and astute man in my opinion) so she sends threatening texts to Kim. This season she is talking about how she was a Daddy's girl. I think Kyle has done the opposite of her mother's wishes in how to deal with Kim.  She pretty much smoked Big Kathy's request for not publicly discussing Kim's alcoholism when she outed Kim in the limo.  Kyle seems to have pretty good grasp when you hear her say people either loved or hated her mom.  I don't know that the sisters suffered some deep psychological damage because of their upbringing.  Kim likens her drinking to post marital troubles and the murder of a fiancé. Not liking someone for the person they are doesn't necessarily mean they had a bad parent.  

Kyle's dramedy isn't a documentary -they don't even have three sisters just two.  I believe the show is more about a single mom's friendship with two contemporaries set in the seventies  Has Kyle said she struggles with her mother or her upbringing?  I think it was just very different and she seems to celebrate the differences. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, nexxie said:

It was interesting that Kyle told Erika she was having memories, good and bad, about her past while working on the show about her family ~ I wanted to hear more. I've always thought that Kyle has yet to really face her mother's psychological condition and the toll it took on the three sisters. And I think she still struggles with her mother's rules about how to deal with Kim. Hopefully, working on the new show will be good for Kyle and help her put some things to rest.

I agree. I love the way Kyle has very slowly handed us details about her young life with her mother. The talk in the limo a couple of seasons ago with Brandi was one of my favorites. She gave up more information regarding what the rules were than she ever has. I think this is what makes Kyle very relatable to many of us. No way her life was always easy growing up, but she is a glass half full kind of gal. She doesn't sit around and moan and complain about the uglier stuff. She clearly loved her mom very much, and she seems to have always honored the things about her that were special, and focuses less on the stuff that wasn't. It seems like she loved her mother for what she was to her, and doesn't get bogged down in what she might have represented to others. I think that many people can understand this. I would still love to hear more stories. When she said people either loved her mother or hated her she was giving us quite a glimpse and saying honestly that she was far from perfect. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 15
2 hours ago, Normades said:

Ericka's little vanity show just bothers me.  I know she (Tom) can afford it, and she does create jobs for professional sycophants, but I can't help but think what a selfish waste it all is.  I know everyone isn't Mother Teresa, but that money could seriously go toward helping others.  She could scale down the show and still have fun while finding a way to help others instead of constantly having her fragile ego stroked.  She must be a sad insecure person to need all of that attention and to sell herself for it.  She should ask LVP about charity because at least LVP does try to help raise funds and save animals.  

Hopefully, I'm wrong and she and Tom have so much money that they are doing the shows and being charitable, but I think if she were really invested in helping others she would see how silly all the primping really is. 

I agree about Erika.  I am conflicted, because I actually like Erica.  I like to watch her talk to the camera in those candid video shots.  I find her beauty amusing and really admire her looks.  However, watching all that goes into her performance just cracks me up.  I know that we as mature women retain the right to do anything we desire, including being sexy, but, it's just a little sad.  It reminds me of a true story.  I was out with a group of friends for a bachelorette party with a group of ladies of varied ages.  One of my friends was dancing (using all of her best moves) on the bar along side her younger sister, as she observed a handsome young man staring at her. Thrilled with this attention, she is so flattered when he meets her as she hops off the bar.  He sweetly helps her and says in an enthusiastic way, "YOU STILL GOT IT BABY."  Her heart was broken and so was her pride.  Poor thing. That's how I see Erika.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Blondie said:


OK  Hang on a minute.  I just watched the epi last night and something really stood out to me.  Erika said she really liked Kyle because "Kyle doesn't take herself seriously, loves to have fun and is fun to be around". 
Now, think back to all the scenes with Kyle and LVP.  They are 2 peas in a pod.  Her description could easily be about LVP.  Yet she has disliked LVP from the beginning (probably because of Yolanda) 


I don't think that Ericka dislikes LVP. I think editing and some bloggers have tried to paint that there is an issue or dislike between them, but nothing they showed actually supports that stance. Ericka has said multiple times in interviews that she and LVP are still getting to know each other. And candid footage on BRAVO's site shows them actually enjoying each others company.

I do think that Ericka is two faced though. I think that her "sniper from the side" comment was her being a good little soldier for Yolanda, but look at how LVP (someone people often accuse of holding grudges), brushed that off when Kathryn told her about it. She didn't let that one comment get in the way of getting to know Ericka, and even told the other women to stop joking about being a spider when she saw Ericka was getting upset about it. I think Ericka was mainly upset about Kathryn sharing that comment because she was actually getting to know LVP outside of Yolanda and worried that Kathryn had derailed that. But, it doesn't seem as though there is any dislike or animosity between the two women especially now that Yolanda is gone. 

  • Love 2

I think he could out hustle Rinna with both of his chubby little hands tied behind his back in getting a deal done. 

Given everything that is being alluded to about the man lately, I don't see that as any sort of compliment at all.


Pelé is undisputedly the greatest soccer player of all time

The greatest football player of all time. Fixed that for you.


She must be a sad insecure person to need all of that attention and to sell herself for it

Or she is someone who wanted to be a pop star and is now able to achieve that dream, in her own way.


Hopefully, I'm wrong and she and Tom have so much money that they are doing the shows and being charitable, but I think if she were really invested in helping others she would see how silly all the primping really is. 

They have and do give money to charity.

  • Love 6
40 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I agree. I love the way Kyle has very slowly handed us details about her young life with her mother. The talk in the limo a couple of seasons ago with Brandi was one of my favorites. She gave up more information regarding what the rules were than she ever has. I think this is what makes Kyle very relatable to many of us. No way her life was always easy growing up, but she is a glass half full kind of gal. She doesn't sit around and moan and complain about the uglier stuff. She clearly loved her mom very much, and she seems to have always honored the things about her that were special, and focuses less on the stuff that wasn't. It seems like she loved her mother for what she was to her, and doesn't get bogged down in what she might have represented to others. I think that many people can understand this. I would still love to hear more stories. When she said people either loved her mother or hated her she was giving us quite a glimpse and saying honestly that she was far from perfect. 

I agree back ~ Kyle has really done well for herself and her family, and tries to keep it light. She also told Erika that her mother could be scary. I'll bet she could! That may be the reason Kyle still walks a bit on eggshells when it comes to Kim, the family golden goose. Looking forward to her new show!

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh please can we not turn this show into more people complaining about their parents?  We had Rinna whining about how her dad shushed her (a very wise and astute man in my opinion) so she sends threatening texts to Kim. This season she is talking about how she was a Daddy's girl. I think Kyle has done the opposite of her mother's wishes in how to deal with Kim.  She pretty much smoked Big Kathy's request for not publicly discussing Kim's alcoholism when she outed Kim in the limo.  Kyle seems to have pretty good grasp when you hear her say people either loved or hated her mom.  I don't know that the sisters suffered some deep psychological damage because of their upbringing.  Kim likens her drinking to post marital troubles and the murder of a fiancé. Not liking someone for the person they are doesn't necessarily mean they had a bad parent.  

Kyle's dramedy isn't a documentary -they don't even have three sisters just two.  I believe the show is more about a single mom's friendship with two contemporaries set in the seventies  Has Kyle said she struggles with her mother or her upbringing?  I think it was just very different and she seems to celebrate the differences. 

Understanding the original function of certain family dynamics isn't about blame - just makes it easier to let go of habits/behaviors/traditions that no longer serve. Big Kathy assigned roles to her kids, figuratively and literally (actually for pay). Good for Kyle if she has decided to choose her own roles and responses.

  • Love 6

I can already see that Eden might have some issues, but, so far, I still agree with her about the dysfunction in the Richards family.  I hope that I misunderstood Eden when she said that she takes drugs, but doesn't drink.  Was that right?  My understanding is that if you are a recovering addict, you don't drink and if you are a recovering alcoholic, you don't do drugs.  No matter which your drug of habit is, you don't partake of the other.  That's my understanding of it.  ANYWAY, I have been SHOCKED and DISMAYED of how little Kyle or Kim know about addiction and sobriety.  With all the years of major substance abuse that Kim was in and her sister Kyle seemed to learn nothing about addiction nor enabling.  She's never said or did anything that seemed to indicate otherwise.  

And though I'm a long time Lisa V fan, she's obviously very ignorant on the matter too.  Have they never heard of a dry alcoholic?  Here's a link. It sounds a lot like Kim.


Kim seems to get rehabbed a lot, but she never follows up and does any work in order to sustain her sobriety.  Eden was trying to point that out. 

And may I add that a huge thing about Kyle enabling Kim involves the DOG situation.  No one, including Kyle will stand up to Kim about that dog.  They enable her bizarre and dangerous behavior regarding that dog and refuse to discuss it.  That was the last straw for me and their selfish and dangerous conduct, so if there is anyone willing to stand up to those two, I'll support them.  So Eden, bring it on. 

I want to know who will stand up to Kim when she's babysitting her grandchild and she wants Kingsley to hang around and love the baby.  There is no doubt that she would think it was appropriate.  I pray that her adult kids will not allow this to happen, because Kim and Kyle don't have the wits to figure it out. 




Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can already see that Eden might have some issues, but, so far, I still agree with her about the dysfunction in the Richards family.  I hope that I misunderstood Eden when she said that she takes drugs, but doesn't drink.  Was that right?  My understanding is that if you are a recovering addict, you don't drink and if you are a recovering alcoholic, you don't do drugs.  No matter which your drug of habit is, you don't partake of the other.  That's my understanding of it.  ANYWAY, I have been SHOCKED and DISMAYED of how little Kyle or Kim know about addiction and sobriety.  With all the years of major substance abuse that Kim was in and her sister Kyle seemed to learn nothing about addiction nor enabling.  She's never said or did anything that seemed to indicate otherwise.  

And though I'm a long time Lisa V fan, she's obviously very ignorant on the matter too.  Have they never heard of a dry alcoholic?  Here's a link. It sounds a lot like Kim.


Kim seems to get rehabbed a lot, but she never follows up and does any work in order to sustain her sobriety.  Eden was trying to point that out. 

And may I add that a huge thing about Kyle enabling Kim involves the DOG situation.  No one, including Kyle will stand up to Kim about that dog.  They enable her bizarre and dangerous behavior regarding that dog and refuse to discuss it.  That was the last straw for me and their selfish and dangerous conduct, so if there is anyone willing to stand up to those two, I'll support them.  So Eden, bring it on. 

I want to know who will stand up to Kim when she's babysitting her grandchild and she wants Kingsley to hang around and love the baby.  There is no doubt that she would think it was appropriate.  I pray that her adult kids will not allow this to happen, because Kim and Kyle don't have the wits to figure it out. 




Eden doesn't know either Kim or Kyle and she is not an addiction expert/counselor. If Eden were really concerned about Kim, she would have talked directly to her, not taken the word of someone that hates her and doesn't have her, Kim's, best interest at heart (Rinna). As far as I am concerned, Eden has based her entire opinion about Kim/Kyle on Rinna's word alone and nothing more.  

As for the dog, what can Kyle do, really? She doesn't know where that dog is located, Kim keeps moving him under different names so no one knows where he is. That is on Kim and has nothing to do with Kyle. Blame Kim, not Kyle.

  • Love 9

I think Kyle loved her mother very much, and has managed, since her mother's death, to set aside some of the weird, scary and manipulative behavior.  She has moments when  relating stories of growing up is hard for her.  I think this is a family that was told to keep a whole lot of secrets.   Seems more like she is trying to remember the mother she wanted her mother to be, not the mother she was.   It makes things easier for her.  

  • Love 15
19 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Understanding the original function of certain family dynamics isn't about blame - just makes it easier to let go of habits/behaviors/traditions that no longer serve. Big Kathy assigned roles to her kids, figuratively and literally (actually for pay). Good for Kyle if she has decided to choose her own roles and responses.


21 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I can already see that Eden might have some issues, but, so far, I still agree with her about the dysfunction in the Richards family.  I hope that I misunderstood Eden when she said that she takes drugs, but doesn't drink.  Was that right?  My understanding is that if you are a recovering addict, you don't drink and if you are a recovering alcoholic, you don't do drugs.  No matter which your drug of habit is, you don't partake of the other.  That's my understanding of it.  ANYWAY, I have been SHOCKED and DISMAYED of how little Kyle or Kim know about addiction and sobriety.  With all the years of major substance abuse that Kim was in and her sister Kyle seemed to learn nothing about addiction nor enabling.  She's never said or did anything that seemed to indicate otherwise.  

And though I'm a long time Lisa V fan, she's obviously very ignorant on the matter too.  Have they never heard of a dry alcoholic?  Here's a link. It sounds a lot like Kim.


Kim seems to get rehabbed a lot, but she never follows up and does any work in order to sustain her sobriety.  Eden was trying to point that out. 

And may I add that a huge thing about Kyle enabling Kim involves the DOG situation.  No one, including Kyle will stand up to Kim about that dog.  They enable her bizarre and dangerous behavior regarding that dog and refuse to discuss it.  That was the last straw for me and their selfish and dangerous conduct, so if there is anyone willing to stand up to those two, I'll support them.  So Eden, bring it on. 

I want to know who will stand up to Kim when she's babysitting her grandchild and she wants Kingsley to hang around and love the baby.  There is no doubt that she would think it was appropriate.  I pray that her adult kids will not allow this to happen, because Kim and Kyle don't have the wits to figure it out. 




The dysfunction in the Richards family is really none of Eden's concern.

None of us have any concept of what the Richards sisters have intellectualized about sobriety and enabling-other than Kyle and her friends staunchly defend Kyle in baseless accusations about Kyle being an enabler. Kyle has attended family nights at Kim's rehab so she is not totally ignorant to her sister's condition.  LVP does not have to be an expert in the field of addiction to give a layman's response as to what she has seen between the two sisters over several years.  Kyle stopped supporting Kim financially, she did not support Kim's behavior when she was using or not using.  What more can she do?  Perhaps you are confusing enabling, support and controlling. 

Since Eden has zero awareness of what Kim puts into her sobriety maybe she should STFU. 

Kyle was out of state when the dog attack occurred.  Common sense and legal advice dictates that both Kim and Kyle stay mum on the dog situation.  How stupid would it be of Kyle to make public the discussions between she and Kim post dog bite?  Their refusal to publicly discuss the situation is quite frankly none of our business.  If Kim's daughter permits Kim to bring Kingsley around her child-that is on her not Kyle.  I think Kyle definitely knows boundaries when it comes to the dog.

  • Love 12
44 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Eden doesn't know either Kim or Kyle and she is not an addiction expert/counselor. If Eden were really concerned about Kim, she would have talked directly to her, not taken the word of someone that hates her and doesn't have her, Kim's, best interest at heart (Rinna). As far as I am concerned, Eden has based her entire opinion about Kim/Kyle on Rinna's word alone and nothing more.  

As for the dog, what can Kyle do, really? She doesn't know where that dog is located, Kim keeps moving him under different names so no one knows where he is. That is on Kim and has nothing to do with Kyle. Blame Kim, not Kyle.

Kim has demonstrated herself in media, on the tv show, and in a very public way.  She appeared on Dr. Phil, she's been arrested multiple times, etc. I don't think her condition is secret, even though she and Kyle may wish it so.

Kyle stood by and refused to report it when Kingsley bit her own daugther Alexis several years ago.  She zipped up and refused to report it because he daughter asked her not to.  Granted, her daughter did want to be the cause of the dog being confiscated, but, it was a safety matter and of course, Kyle folded because of Kim's feelings.  Then, there is the lawsuit where Kim is sued, in addition to Kyle and Mauricio, but, of course, they are defending Kim's actions, paying for her defense and generally protecting her more.  They are responsible too, imo. They allow Kim to live on their property and they know how she is with the dog. She lies and will keep the dog no matter what.   We'll see what the court finds.  I hope Kyle and Mauricio get hit with a big figure, but, of course, it'll settle.  Dangerous dogs with prior bites are strict liability. 


The Richards girls intellectualizing?  WHAT? lol  I won't touch that one. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Kim has demonstrated herself in media, on the tv show, and in a very public way.  She appeared on Dr. Phil, she's been arrested multiple times, etc. I don't think her condition is secret, even though she and Kyle may wish it so.

Kyle stood by and refused to report it when Kingsley bit her own daugther Alexis several years ago.  She zipped up and refused to report it because he daughter asked her not to.  Granted, her daughter did want to be the cause of the dog being confiscated, but, it was a safety matter and of course, Kyle folded because of Kim's feelings.  Then, there is the lawsuit where Kim is sued, in addition to Kyle and Mauricio, but, of course, they are defending Kim's actions, paying for her defense and generally protecting her more.  They are responsible too, imo. They allow Kim to live on their property and they know how she is with the dog. She lies and will keep the dog no matter what.   We'll see what the court finds.  I hope Kyle and Mauricio get hit with a big figure, but, of course, it'll settle.  Dangerous dogs with prior bites are strict liability. 


Kim stated at the last Reunion that the program she is in eschews talking it about it publicly in the media.  Tradition Eleven from Alcoholics Anonymous:  "Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films."  Kim said the public route didn't work for her.  Let her have it.

Alexia presented herself at the ER and they have the reporting responsibility.  You have no idea of what happened.  A person who is bitten by a dog, reports, the animal owner presents certification of vaccinations.  Kyle's insurance company is paying for the defense of Kyle-not Kim and Mauricio is not been named.  Kim does not live on their property she has an apartment in Westwood.  Kyle will most likely be required to pay but shouldn't the amount be determined because of the seriousness of the plaintiff's injuries not because you want to see Kyle suffer?  Does the amount of the reward dictate what place in Kyle's life Kim has? 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 12

I'll see if I can find a copy of the actual complaint. This article says that Kim brought the dog to Kyle's house., when the lady was attacked.  And I doubt that Kyle's house is in her name only. 


Here's where  I read about no report being filed.


Unless a victim or member of their family contacts the ACS then no action will be taken. If a report is made an assessment will take place to decide if the animal is under control in Kim's care.


But, I agree that it should be the hospital's duty to report an attack, but, they have a duty to protect the client's confidentiality. so, maybe, they don't have the right to reveal if the patient doesn't consent.     

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2833273/Kyle-Richards-unsure-pitbull-savagely-attacked-daughter-removed-Kim-s-home.html#ixzz4WuimY800 
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The problem with Kim is that I don't believe anything she says.  If she's what she claims, time will tell. I wish her well, but think she's one of the biggest liars I've ever seen.  One good thing for her is that they figured a way to make her relevant again on the show.  So, she can make some money this season.  Only,  don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.  I have Kim's number.  I hope I'm wrong.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Kim has demonstrated herself in media, on the tv show, and in a very public way.  She appeared on Dr. Phil, she's been arrested multiple times, etc. I don't think her condition is secret, even though she and Kyle may wish it so.

Kyle stood by and refused to report it when Kingsley bit her own daugther Alexis several years ago.  She zipped up and refused to report it because he daughter asked her not to.  Granted, her daughter did want to be the cause of the dog being confiscated, but, it was a safety matter and of course, Kyle folded because of Kim's feelings.  Then, there is the lawsuit where Kim is sued, in addition to Kyle and Mauricio, but, of course, they are defending Kim's actions, paying for her defense and generally protecting her more.  They are responsible too, imo. They allow Kim to live on their property and they know how she is with the dog. She lies and will keep the dog no matter what.   We'll see what the court finds.  I hope Kyle and Mauricio get hit with a big figure, but, of course, it'll settle.  Dangerous dogs with prior bites are strict liability. 


The Richards girls intellectualizing?  WHAT? lol  I won't touch that one. 

Watching a DP show or the HW show doesn't mean that Eden knows Kim and the DP show was filmed before her last 2 rehab rounds. So once again, Eden/Rinna have no idea what Kim's sobriety state is and for 2 people that admit to popping very addictive pills, they should not be throwing stones at anyone else's glass house. And I don't think Kyle pretends that Kim doesn't have addiction problems at all and never has. What she, Kyle, has done in recent years is to allow Kim the right to speak about it or not as it is Kim's problem, not hers.

The reunion directly after Alexia was bitten, Kim all but says that she was forced to give up Kingsley by Kyle/Mauricio, which is why she was so mad/furious at Kyle that reunion. I don't think Kyle had any idea that Kim really didn't give him up but only hid him from her and from the authorities. Again, that is on Kim, not Kyle. Also, Kim does not live with Kyle or in any property Kyle/Mauricio owns, she has her own place. Kyle is being sued, not Mauricio, because she is the home owner and has deep pockets, unlike Kim's nonexistent coin purse. Again, Kim lies about the dog to everyone, not Kyle and Kyle has no control over Kim's lies.

  • Love 7
On 1/24/2017 at 9:44 PM, izabella said:

I believe Yo also kept her pills in baggies.  And put together baggies of pills for her children, too.


I guess one of those days-of-the-week plastic pill containers is for us non famous people?  Baggies make you look like you are the neighborhood supplier.  Maybe that is part of LisaR's hustle?  I haven't watched the whole thing.  My DVR ended at the start of the party.  

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'll see if I can find a copy of the actual complaint. This article says that Kim brought the dog to Kyle's house., when the lady was attacked.  And I doubt that Kyle's house is in her name only. 


Here's where  I read about no report being filed.


But, I agree that it should be the hospital's duty to report an attack, but, they have a duty to protect the client's confidentiality. so, maybe, they don't have the right to reveal if the patient doesn't consent.     

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2833273/Kyle-Richards-unsure-pitbull-savagely-attacked-daughter-removed-Kim-s-home.html#ixzz4WuimY800 
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The problem with Kim is that I don't believe anything she says.  If she's what she claims, time will tell. I wish her well, but think she's one of the biggest liars I've ever seen.  One good thing for her is that they figured a way to make her relevant again on the show.  So, she can make some money this season.  Only,  don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.  I have Kim's number.  I hope I'm wrong.  

I think most of us agree that Kim is a big time liar but that doesn't mean Kyle is the same just because they are sisters.

As that article stated, Kim brought that dog to Kyle's house but they forgot to add that Kyle was out of state at the time of the attack. Kyle had no knowledge the dog was in her home IMO.

Kyle's "no comment" means that she isn't going to say publicly that she gave Kim an ultimatum about the dog, which I believe she did. As I stated, Kim alluded to the fact that Kingsley was no longer living with her at the reunion directly after Alexia's attack, which is why Kim was so mad at Kyle.

Again, I agree, Kim is a known liar, especially when it comes to that dog, but that is on Kim, not Kyle.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7
On 1/25/2017 at 3:45 PM, CrinkleCutCat said:

Hated hearing Head Shammer of the 'Sham Squad' (Thankyou poster upthread for that title!) tell Erika that it was ok to be late for her performance because she travelled so far to be included in the show. So unprofessional and way too pissy/snippy for me.

Let me tell you venues and the people in charge of concerts HATE it when the talent is late.  Also, since she wasn't on a tour in that area of the world that show hired her as a one off so they either paid her a ton or she does it just for the publicity.  Guessing just publicity.  But I have to give her credit for pursuing a dream that is costly and usually started by a very young person.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Teddybear said:

When Eden joined the cast, I was mildly intrigued by her so I Googled her and apparently she dated Jesse McCartney, 20-something year old, wanna-be boy band singer (pics of them together all over internet).  I don't know if she's still dating 20-years olds, but damn if someone didn't have some nerve eating a cheeseburger in front of her!!

And she looks different to me in every scene.  Heavy makeup vs. no makeup makes her look like an entirely different person.  

What got me was her admission that she blew Mack Miller.  I have met Mack Miller.  He was a very short (as in shorter than my height of 5'5), horribly bad skin, and was so stoned it was difficult to talk to him.  He was nice so I will give him that.  I am not against the herb however, moderation.  She is too old to do the groupie thing on such a young person.

Edited by Natalie68
  • Love 1

I think Kyle is getting stronger and stronger about dealing with Kim. It was probably great for her own health to break the family taboo about speaking of Kim's addiction in that wild limo scene. Still, following that moment, Kyle often responded with anxiety/fear when somebody spoke the truth about Kim - a conditioned response that overtook her. imo this is how Kyle "enabled" Kim from time to time, giving her bullying sister the old, anxious let's-not-go-there response that Kim relied on. Kudos to Kyle for speaking the truth and standing strong  for herself and her family!

  • Love 3
On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 7:05 AM, mwell345 said:

I liked Kyle and Erika in Greece.  Liked when Kyle commented on the "prayer".  I thought she was a good sport, attending the rehearsals, posing for the pictures, etc.  I also liked the roller blading segment, and that they called Erika to wish her luck. Rare episode when Eileen doesn't get on my last nerve (but I think that place is now shared by Dorit and Eden).

And of course I liked Boy George.

But Eden and Dorit can both take seats.  Dorit couldn't wait to tell LVP about Rinna's pills (clearly the blind item someone referenced previously is Rinna) but I thought LVP handled it well - either something's there or it's not. You could  tell Dorit was just telling Lisa to be gossipy and that she hoped LVP took the info and ran with it. LVP is too savvy for that and Boy George walked away.  (Maybe he can't stand Dorit either).

As for Eden - really - Shut Up and stop stalking the Richards sisters with your ridiculous "insights" and "concern".   And the talking heads about Kim can stop too.  If I were Kim, right about now I'd be livid.  (I would have been livid last week  when Lisa Rinna and Eden had the convo in the store for starters).

As for Kim, (and I am not a fan), I thought she  looked good, and conducted herself well even in light of Eden's stupidity.  The old Kim would have immediately gotten defensive.  I  also liked that she greeted Rinna nicely.

Dorit's husband apparently studied Jim Marchese and Richard Wakile - grab any camera time you can and keep  thinking the viewers want to see you.  Trust me, they don't.

That's the two names I was searching for to describe PK.......Jim Marchese and Richard Wakile.  All three of them make me shudder.   Thanks for the reminder.......

  • Love 5

Okay, now I am totally bummed out. Not only did I NOT think that PK was a year younger than me- NO WAY, NEVER- but I've decided to agree with you all and not believe it. He should admit his age as he now is only fueling conversation about how bad looking he is.

More Kim- really? No. She is icky and needs to go have a nice life in the private sector.

And LVP seems to be a victim of rapid aging syndrome. I've only seen this in soap operas until now. Maybe it's the not age appropriate long hair and '80's make up but she just seems as if she was hit with the aging stick this season. And she's not very old. I don't know. Maybe hanging out with the morons on VPR is speeding up the process. I don't know. 

In other bad news, NO to Miguel Ferrer. I didn't know until I read it here. I was too busy crying over MTM yesterday and missed that tragedy. I loved him. He was so ugly hot, I found him really attractive. And he could actually act. He's my second favorite member of the the Clooney Clan.

Good thing I have all the WKRP's on DVD with the original music. I think I'll go watch some to cheer me up. Thanks for that!

Edited by Roxy
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Giselle said:

Since Bravo has somebody reading these boards maybe we shouldn't discuss "faux pill-gate" and let RInna and her storyline fall into the gutter. Might get her off quicker. She has nothing going on in her life that is interesting, neither does Eden, nor Eileen. and Dorit is a one trick pony with her pet Boy George. We've seen Slap the Snatch how many times now? The only two with interesting lives outside of the scripted scenarios Bravo is forcing on us are LVP and Kyle.

Right now I don't give a shit that Kim is an addict, I don't care if LVP stabs, jabs, and eviscerates with her British wit.

Cut the dead weight and let snoozable housewives die.


Sad but this board is more interesting than the damn show. Wake me when it's over.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

I think they did.  Anytime children become the breadwinners and KNOW the family's lifestyle is dependent on them, there has to be damage.  They can't be kids.

Kim's father was always gainfully employed.  He was transferred to LA before Kyle was born and he bought the $60,000.00 home the girls were raised in.  Kim's role on Nanny and the Professor, was only after the child actress who played Dodie on  My Three Sons fell through. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0528184/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm The father was an executive of a large department store franchise and transferred to LA.    So breadwinner is not really accurate.  Kim's doesn't resent her days as a child star and her mother had to give up working another job to be on set with Kim.  So it is kind  of a big bag of bullshit Kim supported the family.  Parents bear the burden as well.  It is like every gymnast/ice skater in the Olympics (US) the parents make some sacrifices.  It was like Kim saying she always wanted to go to school and ride a school bus.  Kim and Kyle remarked on Kim wearing hair curlers as something their mom did when she picked them up from school.  Kim has kind of hazy memories.  In the first episode Kyle rematrks that KIm took her childhood earnings moved out of the house and bought a Porsche.  Within a year Kim met up with Monty and they bought matching Ferraris.

I think it I an easy out to say I was a childhood star.

  • Love 7

PK looks like a boiled ham. A 60 year-old boiled ham.

And Dorit, oh, Dorit. All this rhapsodizing about being a mother--baby spit up, poopy diapers and all. Tell us again, just exactly how many nannies have you got for your 2 children? 5? 10? I forget. You never see your kids, don't interact with them.

Poor Jagger goes to speech therapy with a minder because you're oh, so busy doing...what is it exactly that you do, again? The only time we ever see the littler one (Phoenix? Thunderbird? Bluebird?), she's fully-dressed and in the arms of one of the nannies. It's as if you bought your children off the shelf to serve as accessories. They certainly don't seem to know you're their mother. Do you know you're their mother. I kinda doubt it.

And all this drivel about your most excellent party-giving and hostessing mad skillz. Listen, chica. Anyone can hire a caterer and a party planner. Beverly Hills is crawling with them. Paying someone to throw a party in your own (rented) home does not an excellent hostess make. It makes you the hirer of a party-planner.

Dear Merciful Heavens, she annoys the daylights out of me.

  • Love 11

Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy chameleon,

Please just go, please just go,

Watching would be easy if you would leave my screen,

Never to be seen, never to be seen.


Don't wanna hear your grandma tales every day,

And your feud with Rinna is sad and passe,

I wish you well with your addiction,

'Cuz when you drink, you get things wrong,

And when doing blow, you're high forever,

It's gone on too long, gone on too long.


Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy chameleon,

Please just go, please just go,

Watching would be easy if you would leave my screen,

Never to be seen, never to be seen.


Ev'ry day sucks for Kyle.

She's your sister (and your rival).


You're a gal with a few convictions,

You're a gal on a reality show, 

But your life's become a boring depiction,

It's time to go, it's time to go.

  • Love 9
52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kim's father was always gainfully employed.  He was transferred to LA before Kyle was born and he bought the $60,000.00 home the girls were raised in.  Kim's role on Nanny and the Professor, was only after the child actress who played Dodie on  My Three Sons fell through. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0528184/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm The father was an executive of a large department store franchise and transferred to LA.    So breadwinner is not really accurate.  Kim's doesn't resent her days as a child star and her mother had to give up working another job to be on set with Kim.  So it is kind  of a big bag of bullshit Kim supported the family.  Parents bear the burden as well.  It is like every gymnast/ice skater in the Olympics (US) the parents make some sacrifices.  It was like Kim saying she always wanted to go to school and ride a school bus.  Kim and Kyle remarked on Kim wearing hair curlers as something their mom did when she picked them up from school.  Kim has kind of hazy memories.  In the first episode Kyle rematrks that KIm took her childhood earnings moved out of the house and bought a Porsche.  Within a year Kim met up with Monty and they bought matching Ferraris.

I think it I an easy out to say I was a childhood star.

I have read HoH numerous times and even that author (who was no fan of Big Kathy's) never claimed Kim was the bread winner of the family. LOL As you pointed out, Kim's/Kyle's father made a good living and when their parents divorced, he still supported the family.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

Wow Eden is just so full of crap!   Her "truth" tends to encompass the ability to judge everyone else with little or no insight into the person.   Let me get this straight, she wasn't about to let the guy get away with Nicorette mints but if she's prescribed something it's ok for her to use to ease any sort of anxiety.    She is just a nutjob.   I'm sure she follows whatever - "self-help", or "new age" trend that comes up, and is very dismissive of anybody who doesn't agree with her newfound cure.  She needs to go.

In other words - the perfect replacement for Yolanda :)

  • Love 2

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