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Bachelor in Paradise in the Media

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Yeah... I can understand disregarding one person's advice about staying away from someone, even if that person has reason to know what they're talking about. It's one person; maybe circumstances have changed, or the "bad news" person has grown, or maybe the two people just don't get along. But when person after person is telling you the same thing, you really need to step back and take a really hard look at things. If she'd been in a relationship with this dude before anyone warned her and he showed her his true colours, I'd have nothing but sympathy. As it is... How many warnings and warning signs can you blatantly disregard and still expect sympathy?

This woman seriously needs to learn some personality assessment skills. And to listen to people she trusts on the subject until she does.

  • Love 3

For those who were wondering...Amanda is in Fiji with a whole bunch of other Bachelor alums. I don't know for certain but I don't think her girls are with her. Mother of the year, indeed. 

Just to clarify- not that taking a vacation would make Amanda a bad mom,  but when you look at everything together it's just one more mark against her it would appear. 

Edited by jerseygirl356
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Yikes.  I think they are both totally useless (and that Amanda is a horrible mother), but yeah, Josh seems legit scary and controlling to me.  I think what was the creepiest to me in those articles was how his so-called "personal assistant" kept referring to their "shared apartment" and "Josh and Amanda's home."  IIRC, they broke up last year! Josh has been living in Atlanta -- they don't "share an apartment" in California any more than Josh and Andi do.  Also, it is a major red flag to me how (previous to this incident) Josh kept giving interviews about how he and Amanda were "working it out," how the kids called him Daddy, etc.  And a few weeks earlier, he said this to US Weekly:


The Atlanta resident briefly moved into Stanton’s Irvine, California, home, and he said that where they would live was a point of contention for the couple. “When we were on Paradise, she told me that [moving to Atlanta] is what she wanted to do, right? But, you know, we got off, and it was a different story,” he told Us. “Staying in the East, that’s where my family is. That’s where I grew up and everything, so I was very excited that that was something she was open to doing, but you know, it turned out that wasn’t the case. … I want my parents to be around for my kids, so that's a tough thing. If I lived out here they wouldn't be here [in California], so that's definitely a big factor for me.”

 Again, I hardly think Amanda is mom of the year, but he is giving her shit in a national magazine for not moving across the country (with her two kids, who have a dad who seems fairly involved, near them in California) to live with him in Atlanta because "that's where [Josh's] family is" and he "want[s his] parents to be around for his [AS OF YET NON-EXISTENT] kids."???  Statements like this make me think that Josh is incredibly controlling and narcissistic and does not in any way see the value of compromise in a relationship.  

And then there was his tweet a few weeks ago praying for God to give him a classy wife like Melania Trump, and . . . yeah.

Finally, how in the world can Amanda freaking Stanton (who does not appear to have two functioning brain cells to rub together) be vacationing in Fiji and Josh Bonehead Murray (who so far as I can tell appears to have no job other than Advocare and Instagram shiller) have the financial wherewithal to be gifting Audis to ladies and employing a (press friendly) "personal assistant" to contact law enforcement when said lady does not comply with his terms and conditions for use of said Audi? I clearly chose the wrong profession.

Edited by TTTTorrance
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Josh is a raging psychopath in my opinion. His ego got bruised, his IG followers are fleeing and he heard Amanda's writing a book, so he'll do anything to tarnish Amanda's image. It's never gonna work obviously, he's just making himself look worse with every ridiculous magazine article. I think she mentioned the book writing while in Colombia, so what a shocker she was welcomed home by cops. Amanda may be an idiot, but Josh is just scum. Kelly Travis was on Reality Steve's podcast the other day and she had some things to say about Josh. She'd actually heard Josh was on Andi's season while it was filming, and on the stripping group date, when she was in the audience with Sharleen, she actually kind of warned Andi about him. I guess she'd heard some not so nice things and then on the date Josh was more concerned with the audience liking him more than any of the other guys than he was with Andi. Apparently Andi said she'd keep an eye on him, but he was already her favourite at that point, so what can you do. Seems he's very skilled at making a good first impression but his controlling ways will soon follow. I hope that man stays single for life.

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4 hours ago, TTTTorrance said:

I clearly chose the wrong profession.

Yup, should have gone into professional famewhoring, lol. If it's any consolation, they can really only do this for so long because not only is there always a new season and new crop of former contestants to shill but eventually, no one cares that much about them. The former contestants who are doing really well for themselves are the ones who may still do some shilling but have kept a regular job. 

4 hours ago, TTTTorrance said:

Again, I hardly think Amanda is mom of the year, but he is giving her shit in a national magazine for not moving across the country (with her two kids, who have a dad who seems fairly involved, near them in California) to live with him in Atlanta because "that's where [Josh's] family is" and he "want[s his] parents to be around for his [AS OF YET NON-EXISTENT] kids."???  Statements like this make me think that Josh is incredibly controlling and narcissistic and does not in any way see the value of compromise in a relationship.  

Yeah, basically. And yeah, it's hard to feel too sorry for Amanda when Josh showed his nuttiness even while they were still on Paradise. Remember when she had the audacity to go off and sleep and not inform him of this? I loved Nick's multiple ITM comments of, "who gets mad at someone for going to sleep?" But no, she ignored all that to go play happy family to up her shilling game. 

And yeah I heard about Kelly's interview with RS. I didn't listen because I refuse to ever give RS hits or god forbid listen to him and to be honest, I never cared much for Kelly either. She's always been to me the epitome of the mean girl who thinks she's so funny and snarky and cool. To be honest, their whole clique - Kelly, Andi and Nikki seemed that way, which is why I never understood how Sharleen was friends with them.

All that said, she is legitimately very close to Andi and was the one who also lived in Atlanta with Josh and Andi so I am sure she was privy to a lot of the shit that went down between them. I cannot help it, the petty side of me will always gloat at how accurately I called it while watching Andi's season. I always found Josh shady and oily salesman.

Some harped on Nick's being the salesman and insisted he was the one not being genuine, when I believed it then and still do today that Nick absolutely fell in love with Andi because Nick, unlike Josh, isn't turned off or offended by women with strong personalities. I've said I don't know if I think Nick and Andi would have lasted either if she'd chosen him but I can't imagine it would have ended as messily as her and Josh did. 

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According to her Twitter feed, Amanda was vacationing in South America without her children, then returned home to the Josh situation.  The whole scenario sounds ridiculous.  While he's no prize in this case, there has to be other things going on that she's not admitting to.  

People as addicted to the drama as these 2 seem to be are just reaping what they've sown. 

I'm just looking forward to seeing who's going to bring the MAX drama to paradise this season!

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Well the gloves are truly off now between Amanda, Lauren, the twins and Josh + his mom/"assistant"/whoever. It all kicked off in the comments of this IG post when Emily said she'd kill them all and Josh joined in saying he's surprised her friend (AKA Amanda) hasn't hired her to do it yet. Then Lauren and Haley joined in and someone came to defend Josh with fake accounts, probably his crazy mom. Emily told her to stop sucking her son's you-know-what. It then spread to Twitter as well and Josh replied to someone basically denying calling the cops on Amanda, but he's since deleted that tweet. Amanda replied to to it already though: https://twitter.com/amandastantonnn/status/848239760246063105 and https://twitter.com/amandastantonnn/status/848239989863309313

I'm basically Jen right now.

Haley with the killer:

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I don't see Amanda or Josh doing it again, though I'll bet the ABC folks would LOVE it.  And the twins have their own show already, so why bother sending them back?  

I'm betting on weird, Canadian Daniel going back for a 2nd round.  He was actually pretty amusing.  I'll bet Grant would be up for it again, so he could get yet another tattoo to commemorate another hookup that crashes & burns.  

I wish cupcake would take a vacay from his dental practice & do a spin on the island.  Maybe he's gotten over his Kaitlyn trauma & is ready to reemerge!  And of course, I would like to see Luke, especially in a more relaxed atmosphere.

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I have zero sympathy for Amanda. Josh is an ass but she should have known it already. There were already so many red flags on BIP. She still chose to bring him into her home with her young kids to play house and shill products. And up till a few weeks ago, she was still posing for paparazzi with him and acting all lovey-dovey just to famewhore.

And if Josh had given her the car, she should have returned it as soon as they broke up. I think it is the responsibility of the "borrower" to take the initiative to ensure something is returned and not wait for the lender to chase for the payment or return. Not having the sense of urgency to settle the issue is all on Amanda.

I would laugh even more if Amanda and Andi came together and suddenly become besties to bitch about their ex. Lol. All they have in common is what a bad taste they have in men. Everything that comes out of Josh's mouth sounds so inauthentic I'm just surprised there are women buying that.

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I'm no fan of Amanda's and think she's an idiot, but I do feel sorry for her like I would for any victim of abuse. Josh is total psychopath and obviously good at manipulating people, since even Andi, the then-attorney, fell for his BS and stayed engaged to him for even longer than Amanda. Amanda should've known better, but at least she's not a manipulative abusive a-hole like Josh. I think his statement to this article says it all. Lies, lies and more lies. Yes, they were obviously still seeing each to other to some extent until mid-March and Amanda never denied that. I totally believe her side and commend her for speaking up for herself despite all the intimidation. Josh actually has the nerve to say he hasn't said anything about her to the press or on SM, even though he was posting nasty comments about her literally yesterday. But he deleted them so I guess it never happened? And just three weeks ago he was still talking to the media about them trying to work things out but how it's hard because he wants to live in Atlanta and Amanda won't move her kids on the opposite side of the country (which she probably couldn't even legally do). And a few days ago he had his "personal assistant" spread lies about her, but I suppose we're meant to believe it has nothing to do with him? He wants us to believe he's totally moved on and Amanda and her friends are just obsessing over him for no reason? He honestly infuriates me, people like him and his mom are the absolute worst! You can't believe a word they say, because they will say anything to maintain their fake facade. Those empty threats are like the cherry on top. If he didn't sue Andi for her "fictional novel", he has zero case with Amanda. I hope she'll just laugh them off as she should. 

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Of course she's writing a book. 

As much as an ass Josh is, I have to agree with his statement. He isn't talking, it's all her and her people.



I almost broke up with him while the show was airing and I was going to do After Paradise and be like, 'We broke up,'" she said.


But instead she did photo shoots with the family on the beach and moved him into her house with her kids? She's really selfish and doesn't care about putting her kids first at all or she's just really stupid. I feel no sympathy for her, just her kids.

Edited by Artsda
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He is talking though. It's been all him for months now. He's talked about them rekindling things to the media several times while she's said nothing. The first time she spoke up was after that article about Josh calling the cops and his so called assistant accusing her of bodyshaming and whatnot, which he no doubt had a hand in. She spoke up to defend herself. Then Josh started things again yesterday by replying to Emily's comment in a random IG post saying he's surprised Amanda hasn't hired Emily to kill him yet. There was more that he quickly deleted and his crazy mom was going after Lauren hard with several fake accounts both on that same IG post as well as one on Lauren's IG saying her engagement with Ben is fake and they'll break up soon. He is the instigator of all this drama and then he pretends to be above it, because that's what manipulative assholes do. I've dealt with someone like him before and it's honestly shocking how people can act like that. We have two women and their friends describing him as abusive and controlling now and he's shown it plenty of times on TV as well, so I'm honestly bothered by people still giving him any benefit of the doubt. It's verging on victim blaming for me.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, MsPH said:

He is talking though. It's been all him for months now. He's talked about them rekindling things to the media several times while she's said nothing

Yet just a few weeks ago she's posing for paparazzi photos and selling "exclusives" to ET.  Amanda says a ton with her actions. There's no way these photos weren't posed.



and his crazy mom was going after Lauren hard with several fake accounts both

Did they prove that? Did she post from the fake account, saying "Hi, I'm Josh's mom?" A lot of times a rebuttal to someone defending the other party is to accuse that person of being that person.

Amanda's far from the innocent abuse victim, who was just being a poor single mom cooking her kids dinner when the cops came after her for a car she intended to return. The story Amanda tries to paint is hilarious and so fake of the person we've seen since BIP.

Edited by Artsda
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Lauren not so subtly accused Josh of calling the paps that night to take those pics, so I don't think Amanda was in on it. YMMV of course, but I'll believe Amanda any day and twice on Sundays over Josh. She still didn't speak to the media after they were released, it was Josh giving a long interview playing coy (and shading Nick and Andi as usual).

Josh's mom didn't say she was Josh's mom, but didn't deny it either and sounded just like her (and had 0 posts and followers and followings on all three accounts she made on the spot). She's done it before to JJ and other people who've dissed Josh on Twitter, so it's how she operates. Oh and she was saying Lauren isn't a good Christian for drinking with her fiancé's exes, so it was either her of Josh. That woman is the biggest "cyber-bully" there is, she's shamed people on her public Facebook page before and made her nutty followers go after them. She constantly finds and replies to negative comments about Josh on Twitter even ones that aren't directed at either of them. It may seem crazy for a 60-something woman to be acting that way, but I guess it explains how Josh turned out the way he did.

Amanda may not be mom of the year, but she seems like a sweet, if dim, person to me. She doesn't deserve to be lied about by this narcissist and his minions and she certainly doesn't deserve to be threatened into silence. I do feel bad for her, because people who haven't been paying attention to what's really been going on will believe his lies and he'll get away with his insane BS once again. I want that creeper buried, and by buried I mean I want him to crawl back into the hole he crawled out of so I never have to see his fake smile and misogynistic behaviour anywhere again.

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Reality steve tweeted out today that the stuff he is hearing about what is going on is unbelievable and he'll have more tomorrow.  And will try to make sense of it all.  

Sounds like Josh and Mama Murray are seriously desperate to get Josh's "good name" back and aren't even trying to hide the crazy.    So pathetic and I hope Amanda is able to survive what's happening.   Maybe she should have taken up with ole Evan!   

I think Steve might be referring to good ol' country boy Luke, who's apparently been playing women left and right both before and after he lost the Bachelor gig. Here are two of his "victims". He should date Josh, since it sounds like they have a lot in common. I really hope we won't be seeing him in Paradise unless they run a truck over him (figuratively speaking).

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On 4/3/2017 at 9:34 AM, MsPH said:

We have two women and their friends describing him as abusive and controlling now and he's shown it plenty of times on TV as well, so I'm honestly bothered by people still giving him any benefit of the doubt. It's verging on victim blaming for me.

I have no doubt Josh is a crazy manipulative asshole. Like, I don't give him any benefit of doubt. But it's not like Amanda is just a victim in this scenario. After hearing and also knowing first hand how he could be, she still chose to play along with the happy family image after BIP, when now she is admitting that they almost my broke up. She is just as fake and fame hungry as Josh is. And she let her daughters spend so much time with that crazy man. That's what bothers me. Is she going to delete all those happy family professionally taken pics on her Instagram now?

And I don't believe for a second Amanda didn't know those pap pics were taken. Especially the way she posed, with the bending of one knee like she was in some old Hollywood movie. Lol. They both were in on it.

Edited by waving feather
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23 minutes ago, waving feather said:


And I don't believe for a second Amanda didn't know those pap pics were taken. Especially the way she posed, with the bending of one knee like she was in some old Hollywood movie. Lol. They both were in on it.

Exactly. There's no way in the world Amanda posed like that and didn't know the paparazzi were there. She was in on it, but now she and her group want to act like she's innocent mom of the year. 

I believe everything about Josh. However, it doesn't make Amanda the innocent wallflower. Since back in BIP when everyone in the world warned her about him. From the second Nick said what Andi wrote about himself was true, why would Amanda think that the entire Josh part of the book was fiction? She instead put on a fake family show for her career, moving Josh into her house and not thinking at all what everyone/Andi said could be true. 

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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Since back in BIP when everyone in the world warned her about him.

Exactly.  She knew he was abusive, she was warned he was abusive, but she continued to subject herself and her girls to abusive behavior.  There is no "victim blaming," it's calling someone out for making stupid choices when she knew better.

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RS is up with his new blog;  said the Amanda/Josh situation will be addressed by him tomorrow on his podcast.   And that both sides have reached out to him and want their story told to the masses.   that ought to be good.

The Luke harem story he told was kinda interesting but I found it more funny than anything.   Sorry we missed out on him being the Bachelor if he had told multiple girls pre show they were his FINAL ONE!   A Neal Lane ring for you and a Neal Lane ring for you and a Neal Lane ring for YOU!

And Fleiss minions, if you are monitoring this thread, I as a long time watcher insist that Luke, Jubilee, Danielle L and Lauren Hussey all be cast on BiP and be there from day one.   None of this bringing in one girl at a time.  I want to see him confronted by all these girlfriends from day 1.

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On 05/04/2017 at 1:11 AM, Artsda said:

Exactly. There's no way in the world Amanda posed like that and didn't know the paparazzi were there. She was in on it, but now she and her group want to act like she's innocent mom of the year. 

I believe everything about Josh. However, it doesn't make Amanda the innocent wallflower. Since back in BIP when everyone in the world warned her about him. From the second Nick said what Andi wrote about himself was true, why would Amanda think that the entire Josh part of the book was fiction? She instead put on a fake family show for her career, moving Josh into her house and not thinking at all what everyone/Andi said could be true. 

Well to be fair, Amanda never read the book and everyone was being kind of vague about what was said exactly. Yes, she should've read it, but I'm sure Josh convinced her that it was just petty breakup drama and a one-sided account and it would be disrespectful to him to read it. He is very manipulative as we've seen time and time again. I'm not saying Amanda isn't an idiot, but that's exactly why she's easy pickings for a manipulative person. It's easy for us to say Josh is full shit and she should've seen it coming, but when you're a not-so-bright single mom of two little kids, who's been told by her ex that she'll never find anyone else, and a dreamy (according to some) man tells you everything you want to hear, it might not be so easy to just walk away. She chose to believe the best because he was acting like her dream come true in the beginning and he claimed to love her kids. I wish she'd dumped him before the finale, but I think she really did want it to work out. How many women stay in abusive relationships even for years, despite everyone is telling them to get out? Is Amanda automatically an accomplice rather than a victim because she was getting something out of the mess, as in fame and money? I don't know. Letting him move in and use the kids for attention and letting him repeatedly disrespect their dad was wrong of her definitely, but I'm sure those were also the conditions of him moving to LA in the first place. She's made a lot of mistakes, but I don't see her as a malicious person, so I can't put her on the same level as Josh, not even close. I'm sure Josh has been spinning all kinds of BS to RS to make it seem that way though.

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Josh never hid who he was from Amanda. He blew up at her for going to sleep without asking his permission when they'd only been "together" for a few days. He blew up at everyone who warned Amanda about him. Amanda decided that all of that was acceptable as long as the relationship gets her mainstream and social media exposure. No sympathy for her whatsoever.

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So Luke decided to call out RS on twitter yesterday about what RS had to say on his site about how Luke was having his own season of Bachelor last summer/fall and it didn't go well at all for Luke.    One person to defend Luke:  Josh

Lauren Hussey seems to be the main driver of the bus coming for Luke, along with Luke Rodgers now girlfriend, Adrielle.  Too bad Adrielle won't be on paradise but hopefully both Luke and Lauren will be.  

So now RS is going to devote his entire podcast today to the Luke Harem plus the Josh/Amanda mess.   I usually listen to music when I do my after work walk but I might download the podcast and listen to what ole Stevie has to say as it should be good.

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7 hours ago, CindyBee said:

One person to defend Luke:  Josh

Why is this so hilarious?  

I remember way back during Andi's season and the "Andrew said something racist" controversy, there were more than a few people who took Josh's Twitter comments (something about microphones not picking it up) as evidence that it didn't happen.  Interesting how the pendulum swings. 

I wasn't planning to watch BiP this season, but maybe I'll read the forums.  This Luke Pell mess has me curious if it will be addressed. That said, I don't feel sorry in the least for these women he supposedly hoodwinked.  I assume they're young, as neither is coming across as that bright.  I'd be too embarrassed to tell anyone outside of my friends, but clearly that's not an issue for them.  Jubilee's tweet about Luke having his own Bachelor season off screen had me rolling! 

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A little off the topic of Josh and Amanda but Corinne has said that she'll most likely do Bachelor in Paradise. Then she proceeded to talk about the new relationship she's in, how great he is and how things are going really well and they really get each other. If she shows up on BIP, I'm not sure I'll trust Corinne trying to promote herself as single. The fact that she's saying it's more likely that she'll participate in a dating show when she already has someone she's interested and dating right now....that's just promoting her thirst for fame. She doesn't do herself any favours to combat the perception of her being an idiot.

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19 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

A little off the topic of Josh and Amanda but Corinne has said that she'll most likely do Bachelor in Paradise. Then she proceeded to talk about the new relationship she's in, how great he is and how things are going really well and they really get each other. If she shows up on BIP, I'm not sure I'll trust Corinne trying to promote herself as single. The fact that she's saying it's more likely that she'll participate in a dating show when she already has someone she's interested and dating right now....that's just promoting her thirst for fame. She doesn't do herself any favours to combat the perception of her being an idiot.

Maybe it's going full-circle idiot to coming around as being brilliant, lol. Cut out the middle man accusations of Being There for the Wrong Reasons by announcing yourself upfront as Being There for the Wrong Reasons. Whatcha gonna do? I already said I'm Here for the Wrong Reasons. Boom! [mic drop]

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42 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Maybe it's going full-circle idiot to coming around as being brilliant, lol. Cut out the middle man accusations of Being There for the Wrong Reasons by announcing yourself upfront as Being There for the Wrong Reasons. Whatcha gonna do? I already said I'm Here for the Wrong Reasons. Boom! [mic drop]

That's my theory. She's basically making it clear she's going there for her check and more camera time and nothing else. Kudos to her I guess. 

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10 hours ago, waving feather said:

And it's not like all the other contestants are really there to find true love either, so just own it like Corinne.

Totally. That is why I love this show!  It is all for fun.  And love matches do happen in spite of it all.  Love it.  Carly/Evan, Tanner/?.  My memory sucks.  Love can happen anywhere but that is not why I watch. 

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Y'all! I live in RI and just had my first Jared sighting. I was at Federal Tap House and saw him out of the corner of my eye--he was serving food. Confirmed his identity via this oldie in the ProJo.http://www.providencejournal.com/article/20160524/ENTERTAINMENTLIFE/160529756

We tried to make eye contact with him to get a photo, but he made eye contact with no one..except himself. Kept checking himself out in all the mirrors about the restaurant.  Had a very good laugh over that!  He had beautiful pecs, FYI.

1 hour ago, leighdear said:

So do we assume that Jared the Waiter is saving all his Bachelorette & BIP related money for retirement, and he's just slinging hash for fun?  That article is almost a year old, so maybe he's just over the whole thing and wants a normal life......

His job description was "restaurant manager" when he first appeared on the Bachelorette. Since he's not a full-time fame whore and doesn't have as many social media shilling opportunities as his female counterparts, it seems plausible that he would keep working in the restaurant business.

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Reality Steve had a series of tweets today about the craziness of Rachel's rejects and others hooking up with potential Paradise "partners" over the  past couple of weeks.  Said its worse than past seasons.

So it looks like its going to be really messy as everyone goes all in for that Neal Lane bling and to get those instagram followers.  And I for one, can't wait. 

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