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S05.E19: Little Monsters

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The only thing I remember from this episode is David telling Steve basically that Ariel gave him an STD and was like "It's your body." and Steve was like "Yes, it is." That's really all I remember. Oh and Clare sounding disappointed when she knew there was history between Ariel and David. I'm surprised that she knew that David cheated on Donna but didn't know it was with Ariel or the details about it. 

Too bad we don't get to see Jonesy until later when Valerie dates David.

Also shut up Kelly and Dylan. 

Well, I also had a shirt like Kelly's. Turqoise.
Dylan is really a douchebag in this episode (what else is new). He asked Val to do him a favour, to come straight to Mexico and do something potentially dangerous while he himself did nothing but messing up the whole plan. And then he acts as if she's a ho for wanting to get paid. And on top of that, he badmouths her to Cindy and Jim - when what she did was help him getting his money (and his stupid sister) back.

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I remember being annoyed at Val asking for money afterwards.  Now that I think of it though, considering what Dylan asked her to do, he should have given her something.  But then again, why does Val want to help someone out who is often disdainful of her?

I do remember that full body shot of Val though.  Yep, even better than I remembered it.

I really, really, really want to know who in the writers room ever thought all the Brandon-is-a-politico stories (and related ones, like WILL HE ENDORSE PROF CULTY?) would be something that the audience for this show would give one thin crap about. Whhyyyyyy the need to make anyone "important"? gaaaaah. And the TONE from Brandon and the BABY MEWLING from Kelly. Ehmagahhd. Thank god for Val -- she's the only one not taking herself seriously.

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9 hours ago, MCMLXXVII said:

This show has partly inspired me to 90s fashion Pinterest, and yes those satin shirts are totally Tom Ford's iconic Gucci collection of that year.

Yes! What Madonna was wearing at the VMA's in 94? 95? when Courtney Love threw a compact at her and crashed her interview with Kurt Loder! God I miss the 90's.

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15 hours ago, benteen said:

I remember being annoyed at Val asking for money afterwards.  Now that I think of it though, considering what Dylan asked her to do, he should have given her something.  But then again, why does Val want to help someone out who is often disdainful of her?

I think Val was even more spot-on with Jonesy - there was a woman (red pumps lady) who was supposed to do the job and get a cut of the money.  Since Val did the job (and more by sticking around and risking her life to save Erica), why shouldn't she be entitled to that cut?

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The show did go on for another five years.  Checking out 90210 on Wikipedia, the average number of viewers fell from 21.7 million to 14.7 million from Season 4 to Season 5.  They were the 41st highest rated show in Season 4 and the 46th in Season 5.  The rating share would drop the next season but total viewers seemed to stay mostly the same (with some small declines) over the next few years.  The steady decline for this show seems to have happened after they got out of college.  After a year of that, the ratings fell off big.

The highest rated episodes of the show were the season two and three finales (Jackie's wedding and graduation) as well as the season five premiere which introduced Val.  They all pulled in 14.1 million viewers.

Edited by benteen
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It always kills me how we're supposed to pretend that Andrea is a SOPHOMORE in college in these scenes.  Yes, as a sophomore in college in the 90s, I typically wore suits to meet up at a coffee shop!  Hello Grandma Zuckerman!  Why oh why is wardrobe always so mean to poor Gabrielle?!  They weren't even trying!

And we are in the height of Kelly baby talk......ack!!

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I'm not sure what I'm more mad about-- Dylan being such a dick or Kelly being such a dork.  I think the scales fall slightly towards Dylan.  This jerk BEGS Val to come at the last minute.  There was no way to negotiate anything.  In fact, it shows a lot of her character to drop everything and come, even after he made mean scone references to her.

As for Kelly, why does she say that Brandon doesn't get it? He put his pro-Finley thoughts in the paper.  A better argument from Finley would be to site Brandon's connection with the establishment and the Chancellor.

"It's my bread and butter, feed me"- that needed a trigger warning. I nearly swerved off the roads. 

I had siding with Ray, but Donna asking him to stop the negotiations is ridiculous.  Ariel may not be the best person, but the actual betrayal came from David.  And I have to give him a slight MVP nod for reminding David that he was the one that broke Donna's heart.  (is it me or does the Gang go out of their way to show Ray that they only mildly tolerate him and he will never be part of The Gang?)

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I think Val was even more spot-on with Jonesy - there was a woman (red pumps lady) who was supposed to do the job and get a cut of the money.  

Yes! I think it's so rude that no one thinks she deserves to be paid.  She came at no notice without a negotiated contract as a FAVOR, based on a trusting relationship with Dylan.


17 hours ago, pagooey said:

Bright fuchsia satin blouse here. Paired, always, with silver-grey VELVET JEANS, because I was Playing With Texture.

I didn't have the shirt- but I had SATIN jeans.  And I rocked those like no body's business with this fake Asian-print stop.  I bought the jeans from Limited Express and the top from The Warehouse (I think... or maybe Judy's).  It was before the days of Forever 21.


22 hours ago, Nanna said:

 he badmouths her to Cindy and Jim - when what she did was help him getting his money (and his stupid sister) back.

This is the worst! Dylan is a total man-whore, yet he talks such crap about Val.  I really wish they just had Val ditch the gang and have fun in college, run the PPAD, and have run ins with the mob or something.  She is so amazing and everyone makes her feel like a loser next to Kelly (eating disorder, burned in fire, cult, drugs). 

  • Love 4
  7 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I think Val was even more spot-on with Jonesy - there was a woman (red pumps lady) who was supposed to do the job and get a cut of the money.  

Yes! I think it's so rude that no one thinks she deserves to be paid.  She came at no notice without a negotiated contract as a FAVOR, based on a trusting relationship with Dylan.


  19 hours ago, pagooey said:

Bright fuchsia satin blouse here. Paired, always, with silver-grey VELVET JEANS, because I was Playing With Texture.

I didn't have the shirt- but I had SATIN jeans.  And I rocked those like no body's business with this fake Asian-print stop.  I bought the jeans from Limited Express and the top from The Warehouse (I think... or maybe Judy's).  It was before the days of Forever 21.


  On 12/12/2016 at 0:13 PM, Nanna said:

 he badmouths her to Cindy and Jim - when what she did was help him getting his money (and his stupid sister) back.

This is the worst! Dylan is a total man-whore, yet he talks such crap about Val.  I really wish they just had Val ditch the gang and have fun in college, run the PPAD, and have run ins with the mob or something.  She is so amazing and everyone makes her feel like a loser next to Kelly (eating disorder, burned in fire, cult, drugs). 

I had a satin-y fuchsia shirt but it was not a buttoned one, more like a tight t-shirt which I wore with my black velvet overalls. This was my first year of college so 96-97, so like 2 years behind the show? Mine was all from Old Navy, which at the time was new and exciting and only free standing and not in malls :)

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, benteen said:

Was it just a sign of the times with Brandon and politics?  You had Bill Clinton on MTV when he campaigned in 92 so maybe they thought "the kids" would be interested in Brandon the politician.  God, were they wrong.

JFK Jr.'s George magazine had its first issue in September 1995, and he and Carolyn Bessette were a huge deal as a young trendy possible future political couple, but also very much part of the entertainment and fashion worlds.


I had a stretch satin t-shirt in some sort of rave-friendly screen-saver looking colorful pattern, and then a thrifted 70s polyester patterned shirt for going out, and a black vest/shirt that laced up the front, with a little panel so you could  choose your level of skin showing. My best friend had the Chinese shirt, like a cheongsam, but just to the waist? Claire has worn one on the show. And then the ubiquitous black boot-legged stretch pants worn with the small-platform boots.

I remember at least w me and my aunts who were still young (15 yrs older than me) that around the previous season and this one the deadly boring storylines and lack of fun or heart had us watching Melrose Place for our prime time soapy goodness. This Brandon shit on going on is Snoresville. The only characters who did anything fun or remotely kiddish or college-y were Brenda who got shit on then left. Steve who was back burned and just comic relief. And Val who was slutshamed from the get go. She's great but again this makes no sense. Her body is insane, she's smart, witty, likes to party, has a pretty face and hair...and lives in LA and goes to a huge university. No way in hell would this woman give af about fitting in w the bitchy uptight girls in the gang or wasting time on the whiny bitchmade questionably attractive men. Dylan is a total piece of shit for how he treats her. I do agree with Tara that she realistically isn't entitled to that much dough...however that dumbass has thrown away money on less and more dubious causes so good on her for asking. Like the quote in the Dark Knight ...if your good at something never do it for free. 

"Minogue" - sometimes the best AWT lines are not episode specific and David related I wish there was a general thread since I can't pin down the epi (binge listener at work problems). But during the Nikki one there was a musical cue that he said sounded like it was from a 90s episode of Ninja Turtles w the mutant villains walk in and he described them with such precision ?And another podcast when he was talking about Brandon's fucking patronizing familiar terms...like calling someone chief or boss in this pat almost sarcastic tone...and it reminded him of when he was a kid working at a gas station and older types talked to him that way. That was so damn true. I hear jackasses do it all the time and it's condescending & flesh renderingly stupid. With Brandon there's writers and directors,  why did they give him that dialogue and not nip that tone in the bud? Why did Donna's hair be allowed? 

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10 hours ago, CurlyATX said:

It's quite telling that we have almost as many posts on the satin shirt as the actual episode.  Oh, Contempo!  Anyone remember 5-7-9?

Of course I remember 5-7-9! It's where I bought red jeans with the ankle zippers and double v-neck sweaters in middle school using the money I earned in my babysitting empire. 

  • Love 4

Know I'm late to the party - what a week! but I had satin shirts (or polyester "satin adjacent" shirts) ...in beige (or what I liked to call "champagne") and I think "berry" - remember when "berry" was a thing? And later I had a not-quite cropped short sleeve "satin" shirt.  

And, sadly, we saw the scrawny little "pony" tail more than once in the 90s. Remember Gwyneth Paltrow in "A Perfect Murder"? She wore one and I was always confused by it. Oh, the 90s ...

This episode reminded me of how godawful blatantly sexist this show was. So David cheats on HIS girlfriend and ARIEL is the asshole slut? Val literally saves the day and SHE's a greedy asshole slut while Dylan is some kind of hero? Val asks to be paid for the job she did in Mexico and she still owes Jonesy for some undetermined job at some undetermined date? And no, guys, I find Wings Hauser gross and completely unattractive. I'm not saying the other guys (*cough* Ray *cough*) are any better, but, c'mon.

 And what was with Dylan and the old man robe? And Andrea and her "executive teen mom" outfit at the coffee shop? Jesus, these are the oldest looking 19/20 year olds in the world and wardrobe didn't help.

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20 hours ago, CurlyATX said:

It's quite telling that we have almost as many posts on the satin shirt as the actual episode.  Oh, Contempo!  Anyone remember 5-7-9?

Hee - 5-7-9 always reminds me of Mean Girls (though I think they called it 1-3-5 in the movie). "Sorry, we don't carry anything above a 5 here. You could try Sears."

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On 12/13/2016 at 11:47 AM, queenbee9b said:

Mine was all from Old Navy, which at the time was new and exciting and only free standing and not in malls :)

They also had great commercials starring 1970s sitcom stars like Morgan Fairchild, and the couple who played George and Louise Jefferson.

The jingle: "Old Navy, Old Navy...Old Navy performance fleece!  Old Navy, Old Navy...performance! fleece!!!"

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I bought a few things at contempo but it was such low quality it always shrunk or the seams frawed. (Their new version forever 21 is also dreck but I wonder if they send the worst of their lot to my area since no one from there goes ? like it is worse than old navy! I feel sorry for the teens but they get more as allowance than my salary)  I did like delias a lot. I was "alternative" and bought a lot of shit at The Alley and Ragstock and thrifts on the North Shore and Gold Coast. My mom had stuff from her era and my aunt had/has an antique business so I wore like a pristine black eyelet dress from the 30s, mad men Joan shift dresses, poodle skirts, kooky colored cords; with flannels, izod sweaters, Lavern & Shirley cardigans that had clips or pins, the satin blouses everyone above said they had I had in silver and ice blue but got at spiegel and bloomies and rocked Levi's. I was loved band shirts too which wasn't on any of the shows but wearing a nin, Nirvana, nofx, hole shirt etc was duhsville. 

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36 minutes ago, sinnerforhire said:

Am I the only one who thinks Brandon only wrote the editorial to get in Kelly's pants and not because he thought well of Finley? I know he claims he didn't do it for Kelly, but I think he intended for her to read it and be so grateful that she would "thank" him by falling on his dick.

Or maybe I'm just cynical.

I think you're right.  After all, he didn't know Finley first-hand.  And his interaction with him was volatile. I think it wasn't as much about getting Kelly to bone him, but to get back in her "good graces" (which will lead to boning, of course).  I think even clueless Brandon could see that he and Kelly were growing apart emotionally too.  After all, Dylan just had to stick up for Kelly a little bit and not act like Finley was nuts and Kelly was "drawn to him".  (ewww)

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Not episode related, but what annoyed me about kelly's "I choose me" spiel was that it was as if she was annoyed by both men loving her and making her choose as if Brandon had done anything wrong. Meanwhile, Brandon and kelly were in a relationship when dylan just felt like swooping in and declaring kelly his soulmate. Kelly was all of a sudden conflicted about their relationship and blamed brandon for putting pressure on her. What??!! and then he decided to get back together with her a couple seasons later after she dropped him like a hot potato.. Kelly by far was the most ungrateful, narcissistic character on the show.

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